コード例 #1
    def draw_rectangle_list(self, dc, rectangles, wx_colours):
        """Draw a list of rectangles all at once.

        @param dc: a wx.DC that will be used for drawing.
        @type dc: wx.DC
        @param coords: a list containing (lat, lon, lat, lon) sequences representing top left and bottom right corner of each rectangle.
        @param wx_colours: a list of at least as many colours as there are rectangles.
        @type wx_colours: iterable containing wx colours, e. g. wx.RED
        @param filled: if this is True, all rectangles will be drawn with an (not completely opaque) filling.
        rects = []
        pens = []
        brushes = []
        for colour, line in enumerate(rectangles):
            x_left, y_top = calc.latlon_to_xy(line[0], line[1], self.zoom, self)
            x_right, y_bottom = calc.latlon_to_xy(line[2], line[3], self.zoom, self)
            width = abs(x_right - x_left)
            height = abs(y_bottom - y_top)
            rects.append([x_left - self.rel_pos_x, y_top - self.rel_pos_y, width, height])
            pen = wx.Pen(wx_colours[colour], RECTANGLE_LINE_WIDTH)
            if RECTANGLE_FILL:
                colour = pen.GetColour().Get(True)[:-1] + (RECTANGLE_FILL_ALPHA,) # take colour from pen, but replace alpha value
                brush = wx.Brush(colour)
                brush = wx.Brush(wx_colours[colour], wx.TRANSPARENT)
        dc.DrawRectangleList(rects, pens, brushes)
コード例 #2
    def draw_point(self, dc, lat, lon, wx_colour):
        """Draw a single point.

        @param dc: a wx.DC that will be used for drawing.
        @type dc: wx.DC
        @param lat: latitude of the point to be drawn on the map
        @param lon: longitude of the point to be drawn on the map
        @param wx_colour: the colour of the point
        @type wx_colour: wx colour, e. g. wx.RED

        x, y = calc.latlon_to_xy(lat, lon, self.zoom, self)
        dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx_colour, 2))
        dc.DrawRectangle(x - POINT_SIZE / 2 + 1 - self.rel_pos_x,
                         y - POINT_SIZE / 2 + 1 - self.rel_pos_y,
                         POINT_SIZE, POINT_SIZE)
コード例 #3
    def draw_point_list(self, dc, coords, wx_colours):
        """Draw a list of points all at once.

        @param dc: a wx.DC that will be used for drawing.
        @type dc: wx.DC
        @param coords: a list containing (lat, lon) tuples.
        @param wx_colours: a list of at least as many colours as there are coord-pairs.
        @type wx_colours: iterable containing wx colours, e. g. wx.RED
        draw_list = []
        pen_list = []
        for colour, coord in enumerate(coords):
            #self.draw_point(dc, coord[0], coord[1], wx_colours[colour])
            x, y = calc.latlon_to_xy(coord[0], coord[1], self.zoom, self)
            draw_list.append([x - POINT_SIZE / 2 + 1 - self.rel_pos_x,
                              y - POINT_SIZE / 2 + 1 - self.rel_pos_y,
                              POINT_SIZE, POINT_SIZE])
            pen_list.append(wx.Pen(wx_colours[colour], 2))
        dc.DrawRectangleList(draw_list, pen_list)