class CLF4(Molecule): _FORCE_FIELD = None ai1 = AtomInfo("CH", "C", "CH", 0.42, 12.0107, 0.0, 1.0, ' ', "C24 ", "CLF", "A", 1) #ai1 = AtomInfo("CH", "C", "CH", 0.2659, 12.0107, 0.0, 1.0, ' ', "C24 ", "CLF", "A", 1) ai2 = AtomInfo("CL1", "CL", "CL", -0.14, 35.453, 0.0, 1.0, ' ', "CL1 ", "CLF", "A", 1) ai3 = AtomInfo("CL2", "CL", "CL", -0.14, 35.453, 0.0, 1.0, ' ', "CL2 ", "CLF", "A", 1) ai4 = AtomInfo("CL3", "CL", "CL", -0.14, 35.453, 0.0, 1.0, ' ', "CL3 ", "CLF", "A", 1) #ai4 = AtomInfo("CL3", "CL", "CL", 0.0396, 35.453, 0.0, 1.0, ' ', "CL3 ", "CLF", "A", 1) def __init__(self): Molecule.__init__(self, "CLF4") atr = AtomAttributes(CLF4.ai1, [0., 0., 0.]) self.add_atom(atr, []) atr = AtomAttributes(CLF4.ai2, [0.58099997, -1.07599998, -1.27499998]) self.add_atom(atr, [1]) atr = AtomAttributes(CLF4.ai3, [1.29900002, 0.29100001, 1.16199994]) self.add_atom(atr, [1]) atr = AtomAttributes(CLF4.ai4, [-0.509, 1.53499997, -0.71100003]) self.add_atom(atr, [1]) if CLF4._FORCE_FIELD == None: CLF4._FORCE_FIELD = ForceField(self, NANOCAD_FORCE_FIELDS + "/CLF4.prm") self.setForceField(CLF4._FORCE_FIELD) self.copyChargesToForceField()
class WATER(Molecule): _FORCE_FIELD = None otObj = AtomInfo("OT", "O", "OT", -0.834, 15.9994, 0.0, 1.0, ' ', "OT ", "WAT", "A", 1) htObj = AtomInfo("HT1", "H", "HT", 0.417, 1.00794, 0.0, 1.0, ' ', "HT ", "WAT", "A", 1) def __init__(self): Molecule.__init__(self, "WATER") # print NANOCAD_PDB_DIR + "/Solvents/WATER.pdb" , NANOCAD_PDB_DIR + "/Solvents/WATER.psf" #self.load(NANOCAD_PDB_DIR + "/Solvents/WATER.pdb" , NANOCAD_PDB_DIR + "/Solvents/WATER.psf") # build water molecule atr = AtomAttributes(WATER.otObj, [4.01300001, 0.83099997, -9.08300018]) #print "----------------------->", str(atr) self.add_atom(atr, []) atr = AtomAttributes(WATER.htObj, [4.94099998, 0.84399998, -8.83699989]) #print "----------------------->", str(atr) self.add_atom(atr, [1]) atr = AtomAttributes(WATER.htObj, [3.75, -0.068, -9.29300022]) #print "----------------------->", str(atr) self.add_atom(atr, [1]) if WATER._FORCE_FIELD == None: print("WATER generating FF") WATER._FORCE_FIELD = ForceField( self, NANOCAD_FORCE_FIELDS + "/WATER.prm") #print "WATER1", WATER._FORCE_FIELD._BONDS self.setForceField(WATER._FORCE_FIELD) #print "WATER2", self.getForceField()._BONDS self.copyChargesToForceField()
def __init__(self,n,m,length, element="C", bondLength=1.421, mass=12.011): Molecule.__init__(self, element + "_hP4(" + str(n) + "," + str(n) + ")") self.coords = [] self._n = n self._m = m self._length = length self._mass = mass self._bondLength = bondLength self._element = element self._ribbonWidth = 0. = AtomInfo("C", self._element, "C", 0., self._mass, 'HP4') self.generateZigZag() self.rotateSheet() #self.removeLoneAtoms() self.recalculateDimensions()
class Na(Molecule): _FORCE_FIELD = None ai = AtomInfo("NA", "NA", "NA", 1., 22.9898, 0.0, 1.0, ' ', "NA ", "NA", "A", 1) def __init__(self): Molecule.__init__(self, "Na") atr = AtomAttributes(, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) self.add_atom(atr, []) #print NANOCAD_PDB_DIR + "/Solvents/THF.pdb" , NANOCAD_PDB_DIR + "/Solvents/THF.psf" self.load(NANOCAD_PDB_DIR + "/Ions/Na.pdb", NANOCAD_PDB_DIR + "/Ions/Na.psf") if Na._FORCE_FIELD == None: Na._FORCE_FIELD = ForceField(self) Na._FORCE_FIELD.setNonBond("Na", -0.1153, NonBond._EPSILON) Na._FORCE_FIELD.setNonBond("Na", 2.275, NonBond._SIGMA) Na._FORCE_FIELD.setNonBond("Na", 1., NonBond._CHARGE) self.setForceField(Na._FORCE_FIELD) self.copyChargesToForceField()
class Element(Molecule): _FORCE_FIELD_PARAMETERS = { # reference "H": [-0.03, 1.3582], "B": [-.0100, 2.085], # (1) "HE": [-.0100, 2.495], # (1) "KR": [-.0100, 3.599], # (1) "RN": [-.0100, 4.009], # (1) "SE": [-.0430, 3.510], # (1) "AT": [-.3200, 3.884], # (1) "BR": [-.3200, 3.884], # (1) "XE": [-.0100, 3.849], # (1) "I": [-.8000, 3.635], # (1) "AL": [-.2500, 4.740], # (1) "AS": [-.0600, 3.564], # (1) "BA": [-.1600, 3.385], # (1) "BE": [-.0030, 1.960], # (1) "CA": [-.0600, 3.107], # (1) "CS": [-.0045, 5.183], # (1) "CU": [-.0600, 2.459], # (1) "FE": [-.0200, 2.610], # (1) "GE": [-.0450, 3.029], # (1) "K": [-.0100, 4.187], # (1) "LI": [-.0070, 2.202], # (1) "MG": [-.0450, 2.564], # (1) "MN": [-.7000, 2.851], # (1) "NI": [-.0500, 1.782], # (1) "PD": [-.0100, 2.388], # (1) "PT": [-.0100, 2.370], # (1) "RB": [-.0065, 4.741], # (1) "RH": [-.0250, 2.797], # (1) "RU": [-.0250, 2.940], # (1) "SI": [-.3100, 4.455], # (1) "SN": [-.0450, 3.385], # (1) "SR": [-.1719, 3.523], # (1) "YB": [-.0600, 3.127], # (1) "ZN": [-.2500, 1.942], # (1) "ZR": [-.0100, 3.617], # (1) "C": [-0.032, 2.0], "N": [-0.18, 1.79], "O": [-0.12, 1.7], "F": [-.1000, 2.029], # (1) "NA": [-0.1153, 2.275], "P": [-0.585, 2.15], "S": [-0.565, 2.05], "CL": [-0.3002, 1.735], "AR": [-.01, 3.35], "AU": [-0.53537, 3.2] } _ATTRIBUTES = { "H": AtomAttributes( AtomInfo("H", "H", "H", 0.417, 1.00794, 0.0, 1.0, ' ', "H", "ELT", "A", 1), [0., 0., 0.]), "O": AtomAttributes( AtomInfo("O", "O", "O", -0.834, 15.9994, 0.0, 1.0, ' ', "O", "ELT", "A", 1), [0., 0., 0.]), "C": AtomAttributes( AtomInfo("C", "C", "C", 0.147156, 12.0107, 1.0, 1.0, ' ', "C", "ELT", "A", 1), [0., 0., 0.]), "F": AtomAttributes( AtomInfo("F", "F", "F", -1, 18.9984032, 1.0, 1.0, ' ', "F", "ELT", "A", 1), [0., 0., 0.]), "N": AtomAttributes( AtomInfo("N", "N", "N", -0.341313, 14.0067, 1.0, 1.0, ' ', "N", "ELT", "A", 1), [0., 0., 0.]), "NA": AtomAttributes( AtomInfo("NA", "NA", "NA", 1.0, 22.98977, 1.0, 1.0, ' ', "NA", "ELT", "A", 1), [0., 0., 0.]), "P": AtomAttributes( AtomInfo("P", "P", "P", 0.39354, 30.9738, 1.0, 1.0, ' ', "P", "ELT", "A", 1), [0., 0., 0.]), "S": AtomAttributes( AtomInfo("S", "S", "S", 0.0, 32.065, 1.0, 1.0, ' ', "S", "ELT", "A", 1), [0., 0., 0.]), "CL": AtomAttributes( AtomInfo("CL", "CL", "CL", -0.14, 35.453, 0.0, 1.0, ' ', "CL", "ELT", "A", 1), [0., 0., 0.]), "AR": AtomAttributes( AtomInfo("AR", "AR", "AR", 0.0, 39.9500, 0.0, 1.0, ' ', "O", "ELT", "A", 1), [0., 0., 0.]), "AU": AtomAttributes( AtomInfo("AU", "AU", "AU", 0.0, 96.96657, 0.0, 1.0, ' ', "AU", "ELT", "A", 1), [0., 0., 0.]) } _ENAME_TO_SYMBOL = { "Argon": "AR", "Carbon": "C", "Chlorine": "CL", "Hydrogen": "H", "Fluorine": "F", "Gold": "AU", "Nitrogen": "N", "Oxygen": "O", "Phosphorous": "P", "Sodium": "NA", "Sulfur": "S" } def __init__(self, symbol): try: symbol = symbol.upper() nbParameters = Element._FORCE_FIELD_PARAMETERS[symbol] except: import logging logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) logger.error("Invalid element symbol \"" + str(symbol) + "\"") print("Invalid element symbol \"" + str(symbol) + "\"") return Molecule.__init__(self, symbol) self.add_node(1, attrs=[copy.deepcopy(Element._ATTRIBUTES[symbol])]) ff = ForceField(self) ff.setNonBond(symbol, nbParameters[NonBond._EPSILON], NonBond._EPSILON) ff.setNonBond(symbol, nbParameters[NonBond._SIGMA] / 2., NonBond._SIGMA) # VDw DISTANCE DIVIDED BY 2!!!!! self.setForceField(ff) #self.copyChargesToForceField() @staticmethod def nameToSymbol(ename): return Element._ENAME_TO_SYMBOL[ename]
def _processFirstFrame(self): """ Gets the first pybel Molecule and puts its Wolffia equivalent Mixture in self.currentMolecule. Returns the first frame. Raises whichever exception that pybel throws (probably StopIteration). """ mol = next(self.molIterator) chemicalGraphMixed = ChemicalGraph() etable = openbabel.OBElementTable() n = 0 for atom in mol.atoms: atomType = atom.OBAtom.GetResidue().GetAtomID(atom.OBAtom) symbol = etable.GetSymbol(atom.atomicnum) coords = list(atom.coords) name = etable.GetName(atom.atomicnum) residue = atom.OBAtom.GetResidue().GetName() psfType = atom.OBAtom.GetResidue().GetAtomID(atom.OBAtom).strip() #print "_processFirstFrame: '" + psfType + "'" charge = atom.partialcharge mass = atom.atomicmass if self.psf != None: psfType = self.psf.getType(n) charge = self.psf.getCharge(n) mass = self.psf.getMass(n) print("CoordinateFile _processFirstFrame charge ", charge) ai = AtomInfo(atomType, symbol, psfType, charge, mass, 1, 1, 1, name, residue) atr = AtomAttributes(ai, coords, []) chemicalGraphMixed.add_node(n + 1, attrs=[atr]) n += 1 # add edges print('_processFirstFrame add edges') if self.psf != None: for b in self.psf.bonds: try: # avoids adding an edge twice chemicalGraphMixed.add_edge(b) except AdditionError: pass if len(mol.atoms) != len(self.psf.atoms): raise MixtureError("Amount of atoms in " + self.fileName + " and psf File files are different (" + str(len(self.atoms)) + " vs " + str(len(self.psf.atoms)) + ").") else: for bond in openbabel.OBMolBondIter(mol.OBMol): chemicalGraphMixed.add_edge([bond.GetBeginAtom().GetIdx(), bond.GetEndAtom().GetIdx()]) molecules = list(chemicalGraphMixed.connectedComponents()) self.currentMolecule = Mixture() #print '_processFirstFrame Añadir'+ str(list(molecules)) + ' moléculas a mezcla: ', if len(molecules) == 1: self.currentMolecule.add(Molecule(self.mixtureName, molecule=molecules[0])) else: n = 0 for m in molecules: self.currentMolecule.add( Molecule(self.mixtureName + "(" + str(n) + ")", molecule=m), checkForInconsistentNames=False) n += 1 return self.currentMolecule
class DMF(Molecule): _FORCE_FIELD = None ai1 = AtomInfo("N1", "N", "N1", 0.509, 14.0067, 0.0, 1.0, ' ', "N1 ", "XXX", "A", 1) ai2 = AtomInfo("C1", "C", "C1", 0.509, 12.011, 0.0, 1.0, ' ', "C1 ", "XXX", "A", 1) ai3 = AtomInfo("O1", "O", "O1", -0.514, 15.9994, 0.0, 1.0, ' ', "O1 ", "XXX", "A", 1) ai4 = AtomInfo("C2", "C", "C2", 0.509, 12.011, 0.0, 1.0, ' ', "C2 ", "XXX", "A", 1) ai5 = AtomInfo("C3", "C", "C3", 0.509, 12.011, 0.0, 1.0, ' ', "C3 ", "XXX", "A", 1) ai6 = AtomInfo("H1", "H", "H1", 1.0, 1.0079, 0.0, 1.0, ' ', "H1 ", "XXX", "A", 1) ai7 = AtomInfo("H2", "H", "H2", 1.0, 1.0079, 0.0, 1.0, ' ', "H2 ", "XXX", "A", 1) ai8 = AtomInfo("H3", "H", "H3", 1.0, 1.0079, 0.0, 1.0, ' ', "H3 ", "XXX", "A", 1) ai9 = AtomInfo("H4", "H", "H4", 1.0, 1.0079, 0.0, 1.0, ' ', "H4 ", "XXX", "A", 1) ai10 = AtomInfo("H5", "H", "H5", 1.0, 1.0079, 0.0, 1.0, ' ', "H5 ", "XXX", "A", 1) ai11 = AtomInfo("H6", "H", "H6", 1.0, 1.0079, 0.0, 1.0, ' ', "H6 ", "XXX", "A", 1) ai12 = AtomInfo("H7", "H", "H7", 1.0, 1.0079, 0.0, 1.0, ' ', "H7 ", "XXX", "A", 1) def __init__(self): Molecule.__init__(self, "DMF") #print NANOCAD_PDB_DIR + "/Solvents/DMF.pdb" , NANOCAD_PDB_DIR + "/Solvents/DMF.psf" #self.load(NANOCAD_PDB_DIR + "/Solvents/DMF.pdb" , NANOCAD_PDB_DIR + "/Solvents/DMF.psf") atr = AtomAttributes(DMF.ai1, [0.045, -0.12800001, 0.038]) self.add_atom(atr, []) atr = AtomAttributes(DMF.ai2, [-0.38, 1.09099996, -0.31900001]) self.add_atom(atr, [1]) atr = AtomAttributes(DMF.ai3, [0.45500001, 2.171, -0.19499999]) self.add_atom(atr, [2]) atr = AtomAttributes(DMF.ai4, [1.38699996, -0.30599999, 0.55500001]) self.add_atom(atr, [1]) atr = AtomAttributes(DMF.ai5, [-0.838, -1.26999998, -0.094]) self.add_atom(atr, [1]) atr = AtomAttributes(DMF.ai6, [-1.38, 1.22399998, -0.70499998]) self.add_atom(atr, [2]) atr = AtomAttributes(DMF.ai7, [1.37600005, -0.192, 1.63900006]) self.add_atom(atr, [4]) atr = AtomAttributes(DMF.ai8, [2.04699993, 0.442, 0.117]) self.add_atom(atr, [4]) atr = AtomAttributes(DMF.ai9, [1.74600005, -1.30299997, 0.29800001]) self.add_atom(atr, [4]) atr = AtomAttributes(DMF.ai10, [-1.12800002, -1.38699996, -1.13800001]) self.add_atom(atr, [5]) atr = AtomAttributes(DMF.ai11, [-1.72899997, -1.11199999, 0.51499999]) self.add_atom(atr, [5]) atr = AtomAttributes(DMF.ai12, [-0.322, -2.16899991, 0.243]) self.add_atom(atr, [5]) if DMF._FORCE_FIELD == None: DMF._FORCE_FIELD = ForceField(self, NANOCAD_FORCE_FIELDS + "/DMF.prm") self.setForceField(DMF._FORCE_FIELD) self.copyChargesToForceField()
class THF(Molecule): _FORCE_FIELD = None atr1 = AtomInfo("C2", "C", "C2", -0.012, 14.0270, 0.0, 1.0, ' ', "CAA", "THF", "A", 1) atr2 = AtomInfo("HA", "H", "HA", 0.0, 1.0079, 0.0, 1.0, ' ', "HAA", "THF", "A", 1) atr3 = AtomInfo("HB", "H", "HB", 0.0, 1.0079, 0.0, 1.0, ' ', "HAB", "THF", "A", 1) atr4 = AtomInfo("C3", "C", "C3", 0.011, 14.0270, 0.0, 1.0, ' ', "CAE", "THF", "A", 1) atr5 = AtomInfo("HG", "H", "HG", 0.0, 1.0079, 0.0, 1.0, ' ', "HAG", "THF", "A", 1) atr6 = AtomInfo("HH", "H", "HH", 0.0, 1.0079, 0.0, 1.0, ' ', "HAH", "THF", "A", 1) atr7 = AtomInfo("C4", "C", "C4", 0.081, 14.0270, 0.0, 1.0, ' ', "CAD", "THF", "A", 1) atr8 = AtomInfo("HE", "H", "HE", 0.0, 1.0079, 0.0, 1.0, ' ', "HAE", "THF", "A", 1) atr9 = AtomInfo("HF", "H", "HF", 0.0, 1.0079, 0.0, 1.0, ' ', "HAF", "THF", "A", 1) atr10 = AtomInfo("O", "O", "O", -0.139, 15.9994, 0.0, 1.0, ' ', "OAC", "THF", "A", 1) atr11 = AtomInfo("C1", "C", "C1", 0.081, 14.0270, 0.0, 1.0, ' ', "CAB", "THF", "A", 1) atr12 = AtomInfo("HD", "H", "HD", 0.0, 1.0079, 0.0, 1.0, ' ', "HAD", "THF", "A", 1) atr13 = AtomInfo("HC", "H", "HC", 0.0, 1.0079, 0.0, 1.0, ' ', "HAC", "THF", "A", 1) def __init__(self): Molecule.__init__(self, "THF") #print NANOCAD_PDB_DIR + "/Solvents/THF.pdb" , NANOCAD_PDB_DIR + "/Solvents/THF.psf" #self.load(NANOCAD_PDB_DIR + "/Solvents/THF.pdb" , NANOCAD_PDB_DIR + "/Solvents/THF.psf") atr = AtomAttributes(THF.atr1, [0.180, 0.300, -2.690]) self.add_atom(atr, []) atr = AtomAttributes(THF.atr2, [1.084, 0.909, -2.675]) self.add_atom(atr, [1]) atr = AtomAttributes(THF.atr3, [-0.637, 0.671, -3.309]) self.add_atom(atr, [1]) atr = AtomAttributes(THF.atr4, [-0.350, 0.030, -1.310]) self.add_atom(atr, [1]) atr = AtomAttributes(THF.atr5, [-1.282, -0.535, -1.328]) self.add_atom(atr, [4]) atr = AtomAttributes(THF.atr6, [-0.371, 0.969, -0.757]) self.add_atom(atr, [4]) atr = AtomAttributes(THF.atr7, [0.820, -0.800, -0.800]) self.add_atom(atr, [4]) atr = AtomAttributes(THF.atr8, [0.539, -1.361, 0.091]) self.add_atom(atr, [7]) atr = AtomAttributes(THF.atr9, [1.667, -0.126, -0.669]) self.add_atom(atr, [7]) atr = AtomAttributes(THF.atr10, [1.110, -1.690, -1.900]) self.add_atom(atr, [7]) atr = AtomAttributes(THF.atr11, [0.460, -1.140, -3.080]) self.add_atom(atr, [1, 10]) atr = AtomAttributes(THF.atr12, [-0.501, -1.639, -3.207]) self.add_atom(atr, [11]) atr = AtomAttributes(THF.atr13, [1.120, -1.188, -3.946]) self.add_atom(atr, [11]) ''' self.addBond(1,2) self.addBond(1,3) self.addBond(1,4) self.addBond(1,11) self.addBond(4,5) self.addBond(4,6) self.addBond(4,7) self.addBond(7,8) self.addBond(7,9) self.addBond(7,10) self.addBond(10,11) self.addBond(11,12) self.addBond(11,13) ''' #self.add_angle() #self.add_angle() #self.add_angle() #self.add_angle() #self.add_dihedrals () #self.add_dihedrals () if THF._FORCE_FIELD == None: THF._FORCE_FIELD = ForceField(self, NANOCAD_FORCE_FIELDS + "/THF.prm") self.setForceField(THF._FORCE_FIELD) self.copyChargesToForceField()