コード例 #1
def check_type(pipe_type):
    """Check the validity of the given data pipe type.

    @keyword pipe_type: The data pipe type to check.
    @type pipe_type:    str
    @raises RelaxError: If the data pipe type is invalid or the required Python modules are missing.

    # Test if pipe_type is valid.
    if not pipe_type in VALID_TYPES:
        raise RelaxError(
            "The data pipe type " + repr(pipe_type) +
            " is invalid and must be one of the strings in the list " +
            repr(VALID_TYPES) + ".")

    # Test that the C modules have been loaded.
    if pipe_type == 'relax_fit' and not C_module_exp_fn:
        raise RelaxError(
            "Relaxation curve fitting is not available.  Try compiling the C modules on your platform."

    # Test that the scipy is installed for the frame order analysis.
    if pipe_type == 'frame order' and not scipy_module:
        raise RelaxError(
            "The frame order analysis is not available.  Please install the scipy Python package."
コード例 #2
def return_interatom(spin_hash1=None, spin_hash2=None, pipe=None):
    """Return the list of interatomic data containers for the two spins.

    @keyword spin_hash1:    The unique spin hash for the first atom.
    @type spin_hash1:       str
    @keyword spin_hash2:    The unique spin hash for the second atom.
    @type spin_hash2:       str
    @keyword pipe:          The data pipe holding the container.  Defaults to the current data pipe.
    @type pipe:             str or None
    @return:                The matching interatomic data container, if it exists.
    @rtype:                 data.interatomic.InteratomContainer instance or None

    # Checks.
    if spin_hash1 == None:
        raise RelaxError("The first spin hash must be supplied.")
    if spin_hash2 == None:
        raise RelaxError("The second spin hash must be supplied.")

    # The data pipe.
    if pipe == None:
        pipe = pipes.cdp_name()

    # Get the data pipe.
    dp = pipes.get_pipe(pipe)

    # Return the matching container.
    for i in range(len(dp.interatomic)):
        if spin_hash1 != spin_hash2 and spin_hash1 in [dp.interatomic[i]._spin_hash1, dp.interatomic[i]._spin_hash2] and spin_hash2 in [dp.interatomic[i]._spin_hash1, dp.interatomic[i]._spin_hash2]:
            return dp.interatomic[i]

    # No matchs.
    return None
コード例 #3
def map(params=None,
    """Map the space corresponding to the spin identifier and create the OpenDX files.

    @keyword params:            The list of model parameters to map.
    @type params:               list of str
    @keyword map_type:          The type of map to create.  The available options are:
                                    - 'Iso3D', a 3D isosurface visualisation of the space.
    @type map_type:             str
    @keyword spin_id:           The spin identification string.
    @type spin_id:              str
    @keyword inc:               The resolution of the plot.  This is the number of increments per dimension.
    @type inc:                  int
    @keyword lower:             The lower bounds of the space to map.  If supplied, this should be a list of floats, its length equal to the number of parameters in the model.
    @type lower:                None or list of float
    @keyword upper:             The upper bounds of the space to map.  If supplied, this should be a list of floats, its length equal to the number of parameters in the model.
    @type upper:                None or list of float
    @keyword axis_incs:         The number of tick marks to display in the OpenDX plot in each dimension.
    @type axis_incs:            int
    @keyword file_prefix:       The file prefix for all the created files.
    @type file_prefix:          str
    @keyword dir:               The directory to place the files into.
    @type dir:                  str or None
    @keyword point:             If supplied, a red sphere will be placed at these coordinates.
    @type point:                None or list of float
    @keyword point_file:        The file prefix for the point output files.
    @type point_file:           str or None
    @keyword create_par_file:   Whether to create a file with parameters and associated chi2 value.
    @type create_par_file:      bool

    # Check the args.
    if inc <= 1:
        raise RelaxError("The increment value needs to be greater than 1.")
    if axis_incs <= 1:
        raise RelaxError(
            "The axis increment value needs to be greater than 1.")

    # Space type.
    if map_type.lower() == "iso3d":
        if len(params) != 3:
            raise RelaxError(
                "The 3D isosurface map requires a 3 parameter model.")

        # Create the map.
        Map(params, spin_id, inc, lower, upper, axis_incs, file_prefix, dir,
            point, point_file, chi_surface, create_par_file)
        raise RelaxError("The map type '" + map_type + "' is not supported.")
コード例 #4
ファイル: pipe_editor.py プロジェクト: tlinnet/relax
    def associate_auto(self, event):
        """Associate the selected data pipe with a new auto-analysis.

        @param event:   The wx event.
        @type event:    wx event

        # Initialise the GUI data store object if needed.
        if not hasattr(ds, 'relax_gui'):

        # The type and data pipe bundle.
        type = get_type(self.selected_pipe)
        bundle = get_bundle(self.selected_pipe)

        # Error checking.
        if self.selected_pipe == None:
            raise RelaxError("No data pipe has been selected - this is not possible.")
        if bundle == None:
            raise RelaxError("The selected data pipe is not associated with a data pipe bundle.")

        # The name.
        names = {
            'noe': 'Steady-state NOE',
            'r1': 'R1 relaxation',
            'r2': 'R2 relaxation',
            'mf': 'Model-free',
            'relax_disp': 'Relaxation dispersion'

        # Create a new analysis with the selected data pipe.
        self.gui.analysis.new_analysis(analysis_type=type, analysis_name=names[type], pipe_name=self.selected_pipe, pipe_bundle=bundle)
コード例 #5
ファイル: data.py プロジェクト: tlinnet/relax
def domain_moving():
    """Return the spin ID string corresponding to the moving domain.

    @return:    The spin ID string defining the moving domain.
    @rtype:     str

    # Check that the domain is defined.
    if not hasattr(cdp, 'domain'):
        raise RelaxError(
            "No domains have been defined.  Please use the domain user function."

    # Only support for 2 domains.
    if len(cdp.domain) > 2:
        raise RelaxError(
            "Only two domains are supported in the frame order analysis.")

    # Reference domain not set yet.
    if not hasattr(cdp, 'ref_domain'):
        raise RelaxError(
            "The reference non-moving domain has not been specified.")

    # Loop over the domains.
    for id in cdp.domain:
        # Reference domain.
        if id == cdp.ref_domain:

        # Return the ID.
        return cdp.domain[id]
コード例 #6
ファイル: spectrum.py プロジェクト: tlinnet/relax
def __errors_volume_no_repl(subset=None):
    """Calculate the errors for peak volumes when no spectra are replicated."""

    # Loop over the spins and set the error to the RMSD of the base plane noise.
    for spin, spin_id in spin_loop(return_id=True):
        # Skip deselected spins.
        if not spin.select:

        # Skip spins missing intensity data.
        if not hasattr(spin, 'peak_intensity'):

        # Test if the RMSD has been set.
        if not hasattr(spin, 'baseplane_rmsd'):
            raise RelaxError(
                "The RMSD of the base plane noise for spin '%s' has not been set."
                % spin_id)

        # Test that the total number of points have been set.
        if not hasattr(spin, 'N'):
            raise RelaxError(
                "The total number of points used in the volume integration has not been specified for spin '%s'."
                % spin_id)

        # Set the error to the RMSD multiplied by the square root of the total number of points.
        for key in spin.peak_intensity:
            spin.peak_intensity_err[key] = spin.baseplane_rmsd[key] * sqrt(
コード例 #7
    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        """Override the class __setattr__ method.

        @param name:    The name of the attribute to modify.
        @type name:     str
        @param value:   The new value of the attribute.
        @type value:    anything

        # Test if the attribute that is trying to be set is modifiable.
        if not name in self.__mod_attr__:
            raise RelaxError("The object '%s' is not a modifiable attribute." %

        # Check for duplicative modifications (to catch typo coding errors).
        if name in ['title', 'title_short', 'backend', 'gui_icon']:
            # No object set yet.
            if not hasattr(self, name):
                obj = None

            # Get the current object.
                obj = getattr(self, name)

            # Not None!
            if obj != None:
                raise RelaxError("The variable '%s' is already set to %s." %
                                 (name, repr(obj)))

        # Set the attribute normally.
        self.__dict__[name] = value
コード例 #8
ファイル: checks.py プロジェクト: tlinnet/relax
def check_exp_type(id=None):
    """Check if the experiment type have been set up for one or all IDs.

    @param id:          The experiment ID string.  If not set, then all spectrum IDs will be checked.
    @type id:           None or str
    @raises RelaxError: When the experiment type for the given ID is missing or, when not given, if the dispersion experiment type has not been set.

    # Test if the experiment type is set.
    if not hasattr(cdp, 'exp_type'):
        raise RelaxError("The relaxation dispersion experiment types have not been set for any spectra.")

    # Individual ID.
    if id != None:
        if id not in cdp.exp_type:
            raise RelaxError("The dispersion experiment type for the experiment ID '%s' has not been set." % id)

    # Check that at least one spectrum ID is set.
        found = False
        for id in cdp.spectrum_ids:
            if id in cdp.exp_type:
                found = True
        if not found:
            raise RelaxError("The relaxation dispersion experiment type has not been set any spectra.")
コード例 #9
    def add_uf(self, name):
        """Add the user function to the object.

        @param name:    The name of the user function.
        @type name:     str
        @return:        The user function data object.
        @rtype:         user_functions.objects.Uf_container instance

        # Check if the user function already exists.
        if name in self._uf_names:
            raise RelaxError("The user function %s has already been set up." %

        # First check if the user function class has been set up.
        if search('\.', name):
            # Split up the name.
            class_name, fn_name = name.split('.')

            # Check for the class name.
            if class_name not in self._class_names:
                raise RelaxError(
                    "The user function class '%s' has not been set up yet." %

        # Store the name and initialise a new object.
        self._uf[name] = Uf_container()

        # Alphabetically sort the names.

        # Return the object.
        return self._uf[name]
コード例 #10
ファイル: model_selection.py プロジェクト: tlinnet/relax
def aicc(chi2, k, n):
    """Small sample size corrected AIC.

    The formula is::

                           2k(k + 1)
        AICc = chi2 + 2k + ---------
                           n - k - 1

    @param chi2:    The minimised chi-squared value.
    @type chi2:     float
    @param k:       The number of parameters in the model.
    @type k:        int
    @param n:       The dimension of the relaxation data set.
    @type n:        int
    @return:        The AIC value.
    @rtype:         float

    if n > (k+1):
        return chi2 + 2.0*k + 2.0*k*(k + 1.0) / (n - k - 1.0)
    elif n == (k+1):
        raise RelaxError("The size of the dataset, n=%s, is too small for this model of size k=%s.  This situation causes a fatal division by zero as:\n    AICc = chi2 + 2k + 2k*(k + 1) / (n - k - 1).\n\nPlease use AIC model selection instead." % (n, k))
    elif n < (k+1):
        raise RelaxError("The size of the dataset, n=%s, is too small for this model of size k=%s.  This situation produces a negative, and hence nonsense, AICc score as:\n    AICc = chi2 + 2k + 2k*(k + 1) / (n - k - 1).\n\nPlease use AIC model selection instead." % (n, k))
コード例 #11
def fold_spherical_angles(theta,
                          theta_upper=2 * pi,
                          theta_window=2 * pi,
                          phi_upper=2 * pi,
                          phi_window=2 * pi):
    """Fold the spherical angles taking symmetry into account.

    The angles will be folded between::

        0 <= theta <= pi,
        0 <= phi <= 2*pi,

    @param theta:           The azimuthal angle.
    @type theta:            float
    @param phi:             The polar angle.
    @type phi:              float
    @param theta_lower:     The theta angle lower bound (defaults to 0).
    @type theta_lower:      float
    @param theta_upper:     The theta angle upper bound (defaults to 2*pi).
    @type theta_upper:      float
    @param theta_window:    The size of the theta angle window where symmetry exists (defaults to 2*pi).
    @type theta_window:     float
    @param phi_lower:       The phi angle lower bound (defaults to 0).
    @type phi_lower:        float
    @param phi_upper:       The phi angle upper bound (defaults to 2*pi).
    @type phi_upper:        float
    @param phi_window:      The size of the phi angle window where symmetry exists (defaults to 2*pi).
    @type phi_window:       float
    @return:                The folded angles, theta and phi.
    @rtype:                 float

    # Check the bounds and window.
    if theta_window - (theta_upper - theta_lower) > 1e-7:
        raise RelaxError(
            "The theta angle lower and upper bounds [%s, %s] do not match the window size of %s."
            % (theta_lower, theta_upper, theta_window))
    if phi_window - (phi_upper - phi_lower) > 1e-7:
        raise RelaxError(
            "The phi angle lower and upper bounds [%s, %s] do not match the window size of %s."
            % (phi_lower, phi_upper, phi_window))

    # First wrap the angles.
    theta = wrap_angles(theta, theta_lower, theta_upper, theta_window)
    phi = wrap_angles(phi, phi_lower, phi_upper, phi_window)

    # Then remove the symmetry to the lower half of phi.
    if phi >= phi_upper - phi_window / 2.0:
        theta = pi - theta
        phi = phi - pi

    # Wrap again if necessary.
    theta = wrap_angles(theta, theta_lower, theta_upper, theta_window)
    phi = wrap_angles(phi, phi_lower, phi_upper, phi_window)

    # Return the folded angles.
    return theta, phi
コード例 #12
ファイル: checks.py プロジェクト: tlinnet/relax
def check_parameters_func():
    """Check if the frame order parameters exist.

    @return:    The initialised RelaxError object if the model parameters have not been setup, or nothing.
    @rtype:     None or RelaxError instance

    # The model has not been set up.
    if not hasattr(cdp, 'params'):
        return RelaxError(
            "The frame order model has not been set up, no parameters have been defined."

    # The model has been set up.
        # Find missing parameters.
        missing = []
        for param in cdp.params:
            # Check that the parameters exists.
            if not hasattr(cdp, param):

            # Check that it has a value.
                obj = getattr(cdp, param)
                if obj == None:

        # Failure.
        if len(missing):
            return RelaxError(
                "The frame order parameters %s have not been set up." %
コード例 #13
def check_structure_func(pipe_name=None):
    """Test if structural data is present.

    @return:        The initialised RelaxError object or nothing.
    @rtype:         None or RelaxError instance

    # Defaults.
    if pipe_name == None:
        pipe_name = cdp_name()

    # Get the data pipe.
    dp = get_pipe(pipe_name)

    # Test if the structure exists.
    if not hasattr(dp, 'structure'):
        return RelaxError(
            "No structural data is present in the current data pipe.")

    # Check for models:
    if not dp.structure.num_models():
        return RelaxError(
            "The structural object in the current data pipe contains no models."

    # Check for molecules.
    if not dp.structure.num_molecules():
        return RelaxError(
            "The structural object in the current data pipe contains no molecules."
コード例 #14
ファイル: mol_res_spin.py プロジェクト: tlinnet/relax
    def add_item(self, res_name=None, res_num=None):
        """Append an empty ResidueContainer to the ResidueList."""

        # If no residue data exists, replace the empty first residue with this residue.
        if self.is_empty():
            self[0].num = res_num
            self[0].name = res_name

        # Otherwise append a new ResidueContainer.
            # Test if the residue number (or name if unnumbered) already exists.
            for i in range(len(self)):
                # Residue number has been supplied.
                if res_num != None:
                    if self[i].num == res_num:
                        raise RelaxError("The residue number '" +
                                         repr(res_num) +
                                         "' already exists in the sequence.")

                # No residue numbers.
                    if self[i].name == res_name:
                        raise RelaxError("The unnumbered residue name '" +
                                         repr(res_name) + "' already exists.")

            # Append a new ResidueContainer.
            self.append(ResidueContainer(res_name, res_num))
コード例 #15
ファイル: status.py プロジェクト: tlinnet/relax
    def register(self, key, method, method_name=None):
        """Register a method to be called when the state changes.

        @param key:             The key to identify the observer's method.
        @type key:              str
        @param method:          The observer's method to be called after a state change.
        @type method:           method
        @keyword method_name:   The optional method name used in debugging printouts.
        @type method_name:      str or None

        # Already exists.
        if key in self._keys:
            raise RelaxError("The observer '%s' already exists." % key)

        # Blank key.
        if key == None:
            raise RelaxError("The observer key must be supplied.")

        # Debugging.
        if self._status.debug:
            if method_name:
                sys.stdout.write("debug> Observer: '%s' registering the '%s' method %s().\n" % (self._name, key, method_name))
                sys.stdout.write("debug> Observer: '%s' registering '%s'.\n" % (self._name, key))

        # Add the method to the dictionary of callbacks.
        self._callback[key] = method

        # Add the method name.
        self._method_names[key] = method_name

        # Add the key to the ordered list.
コード例 #16
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: tlinnet/relax
    def return_error(self, data_id):
        """Return the RDC or PCS error structure.

        @param data_id:     The data set as yielded by the base_data_loop() generator method.
        @type data_id:      list of str
        @return:            The array of RDC or PCS error values.
        @rtype:             list of float

        # Initialise the MC data structure.
        mc_errors = []

        # The RDC data.
        if data_id[0] == 'rdc':
            # Unpack the set.
            data_type, spin_hash1, spin_hash2, align_id = data_id

            # Get the interatomic data container.
            interatom = return_interatom(spin_hash1=spin_hash1,

            # Do errors exist?
            if not hasattr(interatom, 'rdc_err'):
                raise RelaxError(
                    "The RDC errors are missing for interatomic data container between spins '%s' and '%s'."
                    % (spin_id1, spin_id2))

            # Handle missing data.
            if align_id not in interatom.rdc_err:

            # Append the data.

        # The PCS data.
        elif data_id[0] == 'pcs':
            # Unpack the set.
            data_type, spin_id, align_id = data_id

            # Get the spin container.
            spin = return_spin(spin_id=spin_id)

            # Do errors exist?
            if not hasattr(spin, 'pcs_err'):
                raise RelaxError("The PCS errors are missing for spin '%s'." %

            # Handle missing data.
            if align_id not in spin.pcs_err:

            # Append the data.

        # Return the errors.
        return mc_errors
コード例 #17
def cpmgfit_input(dir=None, binary='cpmgfit', spin_id=None, force=False):
    """Create the CPMGFit input files.

    @keyword dir:               The optional directory to place the files into.  If None, then the files will be placed into a directory named after the dispersion model.
    @type dir:                  str or None
    @keyword binary:            The name of the CPMGFit binary file.  This can include the path to the binary.
    @type binary:               str
    @keyword spin_id:           The spin ID string to restrict the file creation to.
    @type spin_id:              str
    @keyword force:             A flag which if True will cause all pre-existing files to be overwritten.
    @type force:                bool

    # Test if the current pipe exists.

    # Test if sequence data is loaded.
    if not exists_mol_res_spin_data():
        raise RelaxNoSequenceError

    # Test if the experiment type has been set.
    if not hasattr(cdp, 'exp_type'):
        raise RelaxError("The relaxation dispersion experiment type has not been specified.")

    # Test if the model has been set.
    if not hasattr(cdp, 'model_type'):
        raise RelaxError("The relaxation dispersion model has not been specified.")

    # Directory creation.
    if dir != None:
        mkdir_nofail(dir, verbosity=0)

    # The 'run.sh' script.
    batch = open_write_file('batch_run.sh', dir, force)
    batch.write("#! /bin/sh\n\n")

    # Generate the input files for each spin.
    for spin, spin_id in spin_loop(return_id=True, skip_desel=True):
        # Translate the model.
        function = translate_model(spin.model)

        # Create the input file.
        file_in = create_spin_input(function=function, spin=spin, spin_id=spin_id, dir=dir)

        # The output file name.
        file_out = spin_file_name(spin_id=spin_id, output=True)

        # Add the file to the batch script.
        batch.write("%s -grid -xmgr -f %s | tee %s\n" % (binary, file_in, file_out))

    # Close the batch script, then make it executable.
    if dir:
        chmod(dir + sep + 'batch_run.sh', S_IRWXU|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH)
        chmod('batch_run.sh', S_IRWXU|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH)
コード例 #18
ファイル: interpreter.py プロジェクト: tlinnet/relax
def exec_script(name, globals):
    """Execute the script."""

    # Execution lock.
    status.exec_lock.acquire('script UI', mode='script')

    # The module path.
    head, tail = path.split(name)
    script_path = path.join(getcwd(), head)

    # The module name.
    module, ext = path.splitext(tail)

    # Check if the script name is ok.
    if search('\.', module):
        raise RelaxError(
            "The relax script must not contain the '.' character (except before the extension '*.py')."
    if ext != '.py':
        raise RelaxError("The script must have the extension *.py.")

    # Read the contents of the script for finding old user function calls, prepending a newline character so that old user functions on the first line of a script can be handled.
    file = open(name)
    text = '\n'
    text += file.read()

    # Parse the code in the module for old user function calls.
    for old_uf in uf_translation_table:
        # Find an old call.
        if search('[ \\n]' + old_uf + '\(', text):
            raise RelaxError(
                "The user function '%s' has been renamed to '%s', please update your script."
                % (old_uf, uf_translation_table[old_uf]))

    # Execute the module.
        # Reverse the system path so that the script path is first.

        # Execute the script as a module.
        if dep_check.runpy_module:
            runpy.run_module(module, globals)

        # Allow scripts to run under Python <= 2.4.
            exec(compile(open(name).read(), name, 'exec'), globals)

        # Remove the script path.

        # Unlock execution if needed.
コード例 #19
ファイル: io.py プロジェクト: bopopescu/relax
def open_read_file(file_name=None, dir=None, verbosity=1):
    """Open the file 'file' and return all the data.

    @keyword file_name: The name of the file to extract the data from.
    @type file_name:    str
    @keyword dir:       The path where the file is located.  If None, then the current directory is assumed.
    @type dir:          str
    @keyword verbosity: The verbosity level.
    @type verbosity:    int
    @return:            The open file object.
    @rtype:             file object

    # A file descriptor object.
    if is_filetype(file_name):
        # Nothing to do here!
        return file_name

    # Invalid file name.
    if not file_name and not isinstance(file_name, str):
        raise RelaxError("The file name " + repr(file_name) + " " +
                         repr(type(file_name)) +
                         " is invalid and cannot be opened.")

    # File path.
    file_path = get_file_path(file_name, dir)

    # Test if the file exists and determine the compression type.
    compress_type, file_path = determine_compression(file_path)

    # Open the file for reading.
        # Print out.
        if verbosity:
            print("Opening the file " + repr(file_path) + " for reading.")

        # Uncompressed text.
        if compress_type == 0:
            file_obj = open(file_path, 'r')

        # Bzip2 compressed text.
        elif compress_type == 1:
            file_obj = bz2_open(file=file_path, mode='r')

        # Gzipped compressed text.
        elif compress_type == 2:
            file_obj = gz_open(file=file_path, mode='r')

    # Cannot open.
    except IOError:
        message = sys.exc_info()[1]
        raise RelaxError("Cannot open the file " + repr(file_path) + ".  " +
                         message.args[1] + ".")

    # Return the opened file.
    return file_obj
コード例 #20
ファイル: checks.py プロジェクト: tlinnet/relax
def check_spectrometer_frq():
    """Check if the spectrometer frequencies have been set up.

    @raises RelaxError: If the spectrometer frequencies have not been set.

    # Test if the experiment type is set.
    if not hasattr(cdp, 'spectrometer_frq'):
        raise RelaxError("The spectrometer frequencies have not been set for any spectra.")

    # Check each spectrum ID.
    for id in cdp.exp_type:
        if id not in cdp.spectrometer_frq:
            raise RelaxError("The spectrometer frequency has not been set for the '%s' spectrum." % id)
コード例 #21
def set_dist(spin_id1=None, spin_id2=None, ave_dist=None, unit='meter'):
    """Set up the magnetic dipole-dipole interaction.

    @keyword spin_id1:      The spin identifier string of the first spin of the pair.
    @type spin_id1:         str
    @keyword spin_id2:      The spin identifier string of the second spin of the pair.
    @type spin_id2:         str
    @keyword ave_dist:      The r^-3 averaged interatomic distance.
    @type ave_dist:         float
    @keyword unit:          The measurement unit.  This can be either 'meter' or 'Angstrom'.
    @type unit:             str

    # Check the units.
    if unit not in ['meter', 'Angstrom']:
        raise RelaxError("The measurement unit of '%s' must be one of 'meter' or 'Angstrom'." % unit)

    # Unit conversion.
    if unit == 'Angstrom':
        ave_dist = ave_dist * 1e-10

    # Generate the selection objects.
    sel_obj1 = Selection(spin_id1)
    sel_obj2 = Selection(spin_id2)

    # Loop over the interatomic containers.
    data = []
    for interatom in interatomic_loop():
        # Get the spin info.
        mol_name1, res_num1, res_name1, spin1 = return_spin(spin_hash=interatom._spin_hash1, full_info=True)
        mol_name2, res_num2, res_name2, spin2 = return_spin(spin_hash=interatom._spin_hash2, full_info=True)

        # No match, either way.
        if not (sel_obj1.contains_spin(spin_num=spin1.num, spin_name=spin1.name, res_num=res_num1, res_name=res_name1, mol=mol_name1) and sel_obj2.contains_spin(spin_num=spin2.num, spin_name=spin2.name, res_num=res_num2, res_name=res_name2, mol=mol_name2)) and not (sel_obj2.contains_spin(spin_num=spin1.num, spin_name=spin1.name, res_num=res_num1, res_name=res_name1, mol=mol_name1) and sel_obj1.contains_spin(spin_num=spin2.num, spin_name=spin2.name, res_num=res_num2, res_name=res_name2, mol=mol_name2)):

        # Store the averaged distance.
        interatom.r = ave_dist

        # Store the data for the printout.
        data.append([repr(interatom.spin_id1), repr(interatom.spin_id2), repr(ave_dist)])

    # No data, so fail!
    if not len(data):
        raise RelaxError("No data could be set.")

    # Print out.
    print("The following averaged distances have been set:\n")
    write_data(out=sys.stdout, headings=["Spin_ID_1", "Spin_ID_2", "Ave_distance(meters)"], data=data)
コード例 #22
def compare_objects(object_from, object_to, pipe_from, pipe_to):
    """Compare the contents of the two objects and raise RelaxErrors if they are not the same.

    @param object_from: The first object.
    @type object_from:  any object
    @param object_to:   The second object.
    @type object_to:    any object
    @param pipe_from:   The name of the data pipe containing the first object.
    @type pipe_from:    str
    @param pipe_to:     The name of the data pipe containing the second object.
    @type pipe_to:      str

    # Loop over the modifiable objects.
    for data_name in dir(object_from):
        # Skip special objects (starting with _, or in the original class and base class namespaces).
        if search(
                data_name) or data_name in object_from.__class__.__dict__ or (
                    hasattr(object_from.__class__, '__bases__')
                    and len(object_from.__class__.__bases__) and data_name
                    in object_from.__class__.__bases__[0].__dict__):

        # Skip some more special objects.
        if data_name in ['structural_data']:

        # Get the original object.
        data_from = None
        if hasattr(object_from, data_name):
            data_from = getattr(object_from, data_name)

        # Get the target object.
        if data_from and not hasattr(object_to, data_name):
            raise RelaxError("The structural object " + repr(data_name) +
                             " of the " + repr(pipe_from) +
                             " data pipe is not located in the " +
                             repr(pipe_to) + " data pipe.")
        elif data_from:
            data_to = getattr(object_to, data_name)

        # The data must match!
        if data_from != data_to:
            raise RelaxError("The object " + repr(data_name) +
                             " is not consistent between the pipes " +
                             repr(pipe_from) + " and " + repr(pipe_to) + ".")
コード例 #23
    def __call__(self, *uf_args, **uf_kargs):
        """Make the user function executable."""

        # Check the keyword args.
        for name in uf_kargs:
            # Unknown keyword.
            if name not in self._karg_names:
                raise RelaxError("User function %s - the keyword argument '%s' is unknown." % (self._name, name))

        # Convert the args to keyword args if needed.
        num_args = len(uf_args)
        new_args = []
        if num_args:
            for i in range(num_args):
                # Check if the keyword is already assigned.
                if self._kargs[i]['name'] in uf_kargs:
                    raise RelaxError("User function %s - the argument '%s' and the keyword argument '%s' cannot both be supplied." % (self._name, uf_args[i], self._kargs[i]['name']))

                # Add the arg as a keyword arg.
                uf_kargs[self._kargs[i]['name']] = uf_args[i]

        # Set the argument defaults.
        for i in range(self._karg_num):
            # The keyword.
            name = self._kargs[i]['name']

            # Set the default if the user has not supplied a value.
            if name not in uf_kargs:
                uf_kargs[name] = self._kargs[i]['default']

        # Function intro text.
        if status.uf_intro:
            # Convert the keys and values.
            keys = []
            values = []
            for i in range(self._karg_num):

            # The printout.
            print(self._intro_text(keys, values))

        # Check the argument values.
        for i in range(self._karg_num):
            arg = self._kargs[i]
            lib.arg_check.validate_arg(uf_kargs[self._kargs[i]['name']], arg['desc_short'], dim=arg['dim'], basic_types=arg['basic_types'], container_types=arg['container_types'], can_be_none=arg['can_be_none'], can_be_empty=arg['can_be_empty'], none_elements=arg['none_elements'])

        # Execute the functional code.
        self._backend(*new_args, **uf_kargs)
コード例 #24
ファイル: api_common.py プロジェクト: tlinnet/relax
    def _set_param_values_global(self,
        """Set the global parameter values in the top layer of the data pipe.

        @keyword param:     The parameter name list.
        @type param:        list of str
        @keyword value:     The parameter value list.
        @type value:        list
        @keyword index:     The index for parameters which are of the list-type.  This is unused.
        @type index:        None or int
        @keyword spin_id:   The spin identification string (unused).
        @type spin_id:      None
        @keyword error:     A flag which if True will allow the parameter errors to be set instead of the values.
        @type error:        bool
        @keyword force:     A flag which if True will cause current values to be overwritten.  If False, a RelaxError will raised if the parameter value is already set.
        @type force:        bool

        # Checks.
        lib.arg_check.is_str_list(param, 'parameter name')
        lib.arg_check.is_list(value, 'parameter value')

        # Loop over the parameters.
        for i in range(len(param)):
            # Is the parameter is valid?
            if not param[i]:
                raise RelaxError(
                    "The parameter '%s' is not valid for this data pipe type."
                    % param[i])

            # Error object.
            if error:
                param[i] += '_err'

            # Is the parameter already set.
            if not force and hasattr(
                    cdp, param[i]) and getattr(cdp, param[i]) != None:
                raise RelaxError(
                    "The parameter '%s' already exists, set the force flag to True to overwrite."
                    % param[i])

            # Set the parameter.
            setattr(cdp, param[i], value[i])
コード例 #25
ファイル: checks.py プロジェクト: tlinnet/relax
def check_mixed_curve_types():
    """Prevent both fixed time and exponential curves from being analysed simultaneously.

    @raises RelaxError: If mixed curve types are present.

    # No experiment types set.
    if not hasattr(cdp, 'exp_type') or not hasattr(cdp, 'spectrum_ids') or not hasattr(cdp, 'relax_times'):
        return False

    # Get the times.
    times = get_times()

    # Loop over all experiment types.
    var_flag = False
    fixed_flag = False
    for exp_type in times:
        if times[exp_type] == 1:
            fixed_flag = True
            var_flag = True

    # The check.
    if var_flag and fixed_flag:
        raise RelaxError("Fixed time and exponential curves cannot be analysed simultaneously.")
コード例 #26
def set_temperature(id=None, temp=None):
    """Set the experimental temperature.

    @keyword id:    The experiment ID string (allowing for multiple experiments per data pipe).
    @type id:       str
    @keyword temp:  The temperature in Kelvin.
    @type temp:     float

    # Test if the current data pipe exists.

    # Set up the dictionary data structure if it doesn't exist yet.
    if not hasattr(cdp, 'temperature'):
        cdp.temperature = {}

    # Convert to a float.
    temp = float(temp)

    # Test the temperature has not already been set.
    if id in cdp.temperature and cdp.temperature[id] != temp:
        raise RelaxError("The temperature for the experiment '%s' has already been set to %s K." % (id, cdp.temperature[id]))

    # Set the temperature.
    cdp.temperature[id] = temp
コード例 #27
    def open_gui(self):
        """Open a Molmol pipe."""

        # Test that the Molmol binary exists.

        # Python 2.3 and earlier.
        if Popen == None:
            raise RelaxError(
                "The subprocess module is not available in this version of Python."

        # Open Molmol as a pipe.
        self.molmol = Popen(['molmol', '-f', '-'], stdin=PIPE).stdin

        # Execute the command history.
        if len(self.command_history) > 0:
            self.exec_cmd(self.command_history, store_command=0)

        # Wait a little while for Molmol to initialise.

        # Test if the PDB file has been loaded.
        if hasattr(cdp, 'structure'):

        # Run InitAll to remove everything from Molmol.
            self.molmol.write("InitAll yes\n")
コード例 #28
ファイル: relax_disp.py プロジェクト: tlinnet/relax
    def check_vars(self):
        """Check that the user has set the variables correctly."""

        # Printout.
        section(file=sys.stdout, text="Variable checking", prespace=2)

        # The pipe name.
        if not has_pipe(self.pipe_name):
            raise RelaxNoPipeError(self.pipe_name)

        # Check the model selection.
        allowed = ['AIC', 'AICc', 'BIC']
        if self.modsel not in allowed:
            raise RelaxError(
                "The model selection technique '%s' is not in the allowed list of %s."
                % (self.modsel, allowed))

        # Some warning for the user if the pure numeric solution is selected.
        if self.numeric_only:
            # Loop over all models.
            for model in self.models:
                # Skip the models used for nesting.
                if model in MODEL_LIST_NEST:

                # Warnings for all other analytic models.
                if model in MODEL_LIST_ANALYTIC:
                            "The analytic model '%s' will be optimised but will not be used in any way in this numeric model only auto-analysis."
                            % model))

        # Printout.
        print("The dispersion auto-analysis variables are OK.")
コード例 #29
def show_apod_rmsd(file_name=None, dir=None, path_to_command='showApod'):
    """Extract showApod 'Noise Std Dev' for spectrum fourier transformed with NMRPipe.

    @keyword file:              The filename of the NMRPipe fourier transformed file.
    @type file:                 str
    @keyword dir:               The directory where the file is located.
    @type dir:                  str
    @keyword path_to_command:   If showApod not in PATH, then specify absolute path as: /path/to/showApod
    @type path_to_command:      str
    @return:                    The Noise Std Dev from line: 'REMARK Automated Noise Std Dev in Processed Data'
    @rtype:                     float

    # Call extract function.
    show_apod_lines = show_apod_extract(file_name=file_name, dir=dir, path_to_command=path_to_command)

    # Loop over the lines
    found = False
    for line in show_apod_lines:
        # Look for line with this remark.
        if line[:49] == 'REMARK Automated Noise Std Dev in Processed Data:':
            # The rest of the line is the rmsd.
            rmsd = float(line[49:].split()[0])
            return rmsd

    if not found:
        raise RelaxError("Could not find the line: 'REMARK Automated Noise Std Dev in Processed Data:', from the output of showApod.")
コード例 #30
def show_apod_extract(file_name=None, dir=None, path_to_command='showApod'):
    """Extract showApod information for spectrum fourier transformed with NMRPipe.

    @keyword file:              The filename of the NMRPipe fourier transformed file.
    @type file:                 str
    @keyword dir:               The directory where the file is located.
    @type dir:                  str
    @keyword path_to_command:   If showApod not in PATH, then specify absolute path as: /path/to/showApod
    @type path_to_command:      str
    @return:                    The output from showApod as list of lines.
    @rtype:                     list of lines

    # Get the file path.
    file_path = get_file_path(file_name=file_name, dir=dir)

    if not subprocess_module:
        raise RelaxError("Python module 'subprocess' not found, cannot call showApod.")

    # Call function.
    Temp = subprocess.Popen([path_to_command, file_path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

    # Communicate with program, and get outout and exitcode.
    (output, errput) = Temp.communicate()

    # Wait for finish and get return code.
    return_value = Temp.wait()

    # Python 3 support - convert byte arrays to text.
    if hasattr(output, 'decode'):
        output = output.decode()

    return output.splitlines()