def _download_database(self, chunk_size=8192): """ download the database if it is available """ info("discovered publicly available database for query {}".format( self.query)) flatten = lambda l: [str(item) for sublist in l for item in sublist] database_links = flatten(self.database_links) to_download = [] for db in database_links: try: to_download.append(db.split('"')[3]) except Exception: pass if not os.path.exists(self.downloads_directory): os.makedirs(self.downloads_directory) for link in to_download: local_filename = link.split("/")[-1] local_file_path = "{}/{}".format(self.downloads_directory, local_filename) if not os.path.exists(local_file_path): with requests.get(link, stream=True, proxies=self.proxies, headers=self.headers) as downloader: downloader.raise_for_status() with open(local_file_path, "wb") as path: for chunk in downloader.iter_content( chunk_size=chunk_size): if chunk: path.write(chunk) self.downloaded_databases.append(local_file_path) return self.downloaded_databases
def account_hooker(self): """ hookers accounting gonna hook """ try: req = requests.get(HIBP_URL.format(, headers=self.headers, proxies=self.proxies) if req.status_code == 429: wait_time = int(req.headers["Retry-After"]) human = warn("HIBP Rate Limit Exceeded, trying again in {}".format( human)) sleep(wait_time) info("here we go!") self.account_hooker() elif req.status_code == 403: error( "you have been blocked from HIBP, try again later or change your IP address" ) exit(1) else: self.content = req.json() if self.content is not None or self.content != "": return self._get_breach_names() except ValueError: # this means something went wrong return None
def account_hooker(self): """ hookers accounting gonna hook """ try: req = requests.get( HIBP_URL.format(, headers=self.headers, proxies=self.proxies ) if req.status_code == self.status_codes["throttled"]: wait_time = int(req.headers["Retry-After"]) # we'll keep this in case we need it later # human = warn( "you've reached HIBP's request limit, adding {}s to throttle time".format(wait_time) ) self.opt.throttleRequests += wait_time sleep(wait_time) info("here we go!") self.account_hooker() elif req.status_code == self.status_codes["blocked"]: if self.blocked != self.max_attempts: if self.retry: warn( "you have been blocked from HIBP, WhatBreach will try {} more time(s)".format( self.max_attempts - self.blocked ) ) sleep(10) BeenPwnedHook(, self.headers["hibp-api-key"], self.opt, headers=self.headers, proxies=self.proxies, blocked=self.blocked + 1 ).account_hooker() else: error( "you have been blocked from HIBP, skipping and continuing, pass the `--do-retry` flag to " "retry the requests on failure (max of 3 retries will be attempted)" ) else: error( "you have been blocked, {} attempts have failed, change your IP address and try again".format( self.max_attempts ) ) else: self.content = req.json() if self.content is not None or self.content != "": return self._get_breach_names() else: return None except ValueError: # this means something went wrong return None
def hooker(self): """ hookers gonna hook """ set_to_list_phone_numebrs = [] discovered_phone_numbers = set() other_discovered_emails = set() discovered_external_links = set() processed = json.loads(self.make_request()) domain_name = self.__get_domain_from_email() try: processed['errors'][0]['id'] processed = None except: pass if processed is not None: try: email_pattern_identification = "{}@{}".format( processed["data"]["pattern"], domain_name) except: email_pattern_identification = None for i, _ in enumerate(processed["data"]["emails"]): discovered_phone_numbers.add( processed["data"]["emails"][i]["phone_number"]) other_discovered_emails.add( str(processed["data"]["emails"][i]["value"])) for y, _ in enumerate( processed["data"]["emails"][i]["sources"]): discovered_external_links.add( str(processed["data"]["emails"][i]["sources"][y] ["uri"])) for item in discovered_phone_numbers: if item is not None: set_to_list_phone_numebrs.append(item) other_discovered_emails.add( info("discovered a total of {} email(s)".format( len(other_discovered_emails))) if self.verify: self.__verify_emails_alive(other_discovered_emails) file_path = process_discovered(set_to_list_phone_numebrs, discovered_external_links, other_discovered_emails, email_pattern_identification, domain_name, do_write=True) return file_path else: error( "error while processing domain: {} (have you exceeded your API limit?)" .format(domain_name)) return None
def hooker(self): """ temporary hookers gonna hook harder than normal hookers """ content = self._gather_database_urls() links = self._get_links(content) matched_databases = self._check_if_matched(links) if len(matched_databases) != 0: info( 'found a total of {} databases(s) that matched the query, dumping URL list' .format(len(matched_databases))) for db in matched_databases: print("\t~~> {}".format(db)) return []
def account_hooker(self): """ hookers accounting gonna hook """ try: req = requests.get( HIBP_URL.format(, headers={"User-Agent": grab_random_user_agent(RANDOM_USER_AGENT_PATH)}, proxies=self.proxies ) if req.status_code == self.status_codes["throttled"]: wait_time = int(req.headers["Retry-After"]) human = warn("HIBP Rate Limit Exceeded, trying again in {}".format(human)) sleep(wait_time) info("here we go!") self.account_hooker() elif req.status_code == self.status_codes["blocked"]: if self.blocked != self.max_attempts: if self.retry: warn( "you have been blocked from HIBP, WhatBreach will try {} more time(s)".format( self.max_attempts - self.blocked ) ) sleep(10) BeenPwnedHook(, headers=self.headers, proxies=self.proxies, blocked=self.blocked + 1 ).account_hooker() else: error( "you have been blocked from HIBP, skipping and continuing, pass the `--do-retry` flag to " "retry the requests on failure (max of 3 retries will be attempted)" ) else: error( "you have been blocked, {} attempts have failed, change your IP address and try again".format( self.max_attempts ) ) else: self.content = req.json() if self.content is not None or self.content != "": return self._get_breach_names() else: return None except ValueError: # this means something went wrong return None
def threaded_response_helper(self): info("queuing everything") for target in self.targets: self.queue.put("{}{}".format(self.url, target)) info("starting directory bruteforcing with {} thread(s)".format( self.threads)) try: for _ in range(self.threads): t = threading.Thread(target=self.threader) t.daemon = True t.start() self.queue.join() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): self.queue.all_tasks_done() return self.good_response_retval
def __verify_emails_alive(self, email_list): """ verify if the email address is deliverable or not """ for email in email_list: info("verifying that {} is alive".format(email)) try: req = requests.get( HUNTER_IO_VERIFY_URL.format(email=email, api_key=self.api_key), proxies=self.proxies, headers=self.headers ) results = json.loads(req.text)["data"]["result"] info("result of verification: {}".format(str(results))) except: error("error verifying email: {}".format(email))
def _parse_results(self, content): results = [] for item in content["details"]["profiles"]: results.append(str(item)) if len(results) != 0: if not os.path.exists(JSON_DATA_DUMPS): os.makedirs(JSON_DATA_DUMPS) file_path = "{}/{}_emailrep.json".format(JSON_DATA_DUMPS,"@")[0]) if not os.path.exists(file_path): with open(file_path, 'a+') as data: json.dump(content, data, sort_keys=True, indent=4) info( "all data dumped to file for future processing: {}".format( file_path)) return results
def get_string_log_level(ip, spec, strict): blacklists = int(spec.split("/")[0].split(" ")[-1]) total_lists = spec.split("/")[-1] output_string = "{} is blacklisted on {} out of {} lists".format( ip, blacklists, total_lists) if strict == 1: fatal(output_string) if blacklists != 0 else info(output_string) return 1 if blacklists <= strict: info(output_string) return 2 elif strict <= blacklists <= 4: error(output_string) return 0 else: fatal(output_string) return 1
def main(): opt = WhatWafParser().cmd_parser() if not len(sys.argv) > 1: error("you failed to provide an option, redirecting to help menu") time.sleep(2) cmd = "python --help" exit(0) if opt.encodePayload: spacer = "-" * 30 info("encoding '{}' using '{}'".format(opt.encodePayload[0], opt.encodePayload[1])) encoded = encode(opt.encodePayload[0], opt.encodePayload[1]) print("{}\n{}\n{}".format(spacer, encoded, spacer)) exit(0) if opt.updateWhatWaf: info("update in progress") cmd = shlex.split("git pull origin master") exit(0) if not opt.hideBanner: print(BANNER) proxy, agent = configure_request_headers(random_agent=opt.useRandomAgent, agent=opt.usePersonalAgent, proxy=opt.runBehindProxy, tor=opt.runBehindTor) if opt.providedPayloads is not None: payload_list = [ p.strip() if p[0] == " " else p for p in str(opt.providedPayloads).split(",") ] info("using provided payloads") elif opt.payloadList is not None: payload_list = [ p.strip("\n") for p in open(opt.payloadList).readlines() ] info("using provided payload file '{}'".format(opt.payloadList)) else: payload_list = WAF_REQUEST_DETECTION_PAYLOADS info("using default payloads") try: if opt.runSingleWebsite: info("running single web application '{}'".format( opt.runSingleWebsite)) detection_main(opt.runSingleWebsite, payload_list, agent=agent, proxy=proxy, verbose=opt.runInVerbose) elif opt.runMultipleWebsites: info("reading from '{}'".format(opt.runMultipleWebsites)) with open(opt.runMultipleWebsites) as urls: for i, url in enumerate(urls, start=1): url = url.strip() info("currently running on site #{} ('{}')".format(i, url)) detection_main(url, payload_list, agent=agent, proxy=proxy, verbose=opt.runInVerbose) print("\n\b") time.sleep(0.5) except KeyboardInterrupt: fatal("user aborted scanning")
def main(): try: opt = Parser().optparse() print(BANNER) res = Parser().check_opts(opt) if res is not None: to_search = res else: to_search = [] do_not_search = [] if len(to_search) == 0: if opt.singleEmail is None and opt.emailFile is None: warn("you have not provided an email to scan, redirecting to the help menu")["python", "", "--help"]) exit(1) api_tokens = grab_api_tokens() if opt.searchHunterIo and opt.singleEmail is not None: info("starting search on using {}".format(opt.singleEmail)) file_results = HunterIoHook( opt.singleEmail, api_tokens[""], verify_emails=opt.verifyEmailsThroughHunterIo ).hooker() with open(file_results) as data: emails = json.loads(["discovered_emails"] for email in emails: to_search.append(email) elif opt.searchHunterIo and opt.emailFile is not None: if not test_file(opt.emailFile): error("unable to open filename, does it exist?") exit(1) api_tokens = grab_api_tokens() with open(opt.emailFile) as data: for email in data.readlines(): email = email.strip() file_results = HunterIoHook( email, api_tokens[""], verify_emails=opt.verifyEmailsThroughHunterIo ).hooker() with open(file_results) as results: discovered_emails = json.loads(["discovered_emails"] for discovered in discovered_emails: to_search.append(discovered) elif opt.singleEmail is not None: info("starting search on single email address: {}".format(opt.singleEmail)) to_search = [opt.singleEmail] elif opt.emailFile is not None: if not test_file(opt.emailFile): error("unable to open filename, does it exist?") exit(1) with open(opt.emailFile) as emails: info("parsing email file: {}".format(opt.emailFile)) to_search = emails.readlines() info("starting search on a total of {} email(s)".format(len(to_search))) for email in to_search: email = email.strip() if opt.checkTenMinuteEmail: if check_ten_minute_email(email, TEN_MINUTE_EMAIL_EXTENSION_LIST): warn("email: {} appears to be a ten minute email".format(email)) answer = prompt("would you like to process the email[y/N]") if answer.startswith("n"): do_not_search.append(email) if opt.checkEmailAccounts: info("searching for possible profiles related to {}".format(email)) searcher = EmailRepHook(email) results = searcher.hooker() if results is not None and len(results) != 0: info( "found a total of {} possible profiles associated with {} on the following domains:".format( len(results), email ) ) for domain in results: print("\t-> {}".format(domain.title())) else: warn("no possible profiles discovered for email: {}".format(email)) if email not in do_not_search: if opt.throttleRequests != 0: time.sleep(opt.throttleRequests) info("searching breached accounts on HIBP related to: {}".format(email)) account_dumps = BeenPwnedHook(email, retry=opt.retryOnFail).account_hooker() info("searching for paste dumps on HIBP related to: {}".format(email)) if opt.searchPastebin: paste_dumps = BeenPwnedHook(email, retry=opt.retryOnFail).paste_hooker() else: warn("suppressing discovered pastes") paste_dumps = [] if opt.searchWeLeakInfo: info("searching for breaches related to: {}".format(email)) searcher = WeLeakInfoHook(email, api_tokens[""]) tmp = set() results = searcher.hooker() if results is not None: if account_dumps is not None: original_length = len(account_dumps) else: original_length = 0 if account_dumps is not None: for item in account_dumps: tmp.add(item) if results is not None: for item in results: tmp.add(item) if len(tmp) != 0: account_dumps = list(tmp) new_length = len(account_dumps) amount_discovered = new_length - original_length if amount_discovered != 0: info( "discovered a total of {} more breaches from".format( new_length - original_length ) ) else: warn("did not discover any breaches") else: warn("did not discover any new databases from") else: warn("unable to search is your API key correct?") if account_dumps is not None and paste_dumps is not None: info( "found a total of {} database breach(es) and a total of {} paste(s) pertaining to: {}".format( len(account_dumps), len(paste_dumps), email ) ) if opt.searchDehashed: if len(account_dumps) > 20: warn( "large amount of database breaches, obtaining links from " "dehashed (this may take a minute)" ) found_databases = DehashedHook(account_dumps).hooker() else: warn("suppressing discovered databases") found_databases = {} for i, dump in enumerate(paste_dumps, start=1): found_databases["Paste#{}".format(i)] = str(dump) display_found_databases(found_databases, download_pastes=opt.downloadPastes) if opt.downloadDatabase: for item in found_databases.keys(): if "Paste" not in item: info("searching for downloadable databases using query: {}".format(item.lower())) downloaded = DatabasesTodayHook( str(item), downloads_directory=opt.saveDirectory ).hooker() if len(downloaded) != 0: info( "downloaded a total of {} database(s) pertaining to query: {}".format( len(downloaded), item ) ) display_found_databases( downloaded, is_downloaded=True, download_pastes=opt.downloadPastes ) else: warn( "no databases appeared to be present and downloadable related to query: {}".format( str(item) ) ) elif account_dumps is not None and paste_dumps is None: info("found a total of {} database breach(es) pertaining to: {}".format(len(account_dumps), email)) if opt.searchDehashed: if len(account_dumps) > 20: warn( "large amount of database breaches, obtaining links from " "dehashed (this may take a minute)" ) found_databases = DehashedHook(account_dumps).hooker() else: warn("suppressing discovered databases") found_databases = {} if len(found_databases) != 0: display_found_databases(found_databases, download_pastes=opt.downloadPastes) if opt.downloadDatabase: for item in found_databases.keys(): if "Paste" not in item: info("searching for downloadable databases using query: {}".format(item.lower())) downloaded = DatabasesTodayHook( str(item), downloads_directory=opt.saveDirectory ).hooker() if len(downloaded) != 0: info( "downloaded a total of {} database(s) pertaining to query: {}".format( len(downloaded), item ) ) display_found_databases( downloaded, is_downloaded=True, download_pastes=opt.downloadPastes ) else: warn( "no databases appeared to be present and downloadable related to query: {}".format( str(item) ) ) else: warn("no output to show, most likely due to output suppression or dehashed") elif account_dumps is None and paste_dumps is not None: # this should never happen error("no database dumps found nor any pastes found for: {}".format(email)) else: error("email {} was not found in any breach".format(email)) if opt.staySalty: # i know that you think that you know shit # all the shade that's coming at me I wonder who throws it # you can't see the vision boy, you must be outta focus # that's a real hot program homie, I wonder who wrote it? oh shit # (lyrics ripped from iSpy by Kyle, all I do is steal bruh) warn("all this code was stolen with <3 by Eku") except KeyboardInterrupt: error("user quit the session")
def main(): opt = WhatWafParser().cmd_parser() if not len(sys.argv) > 1: error("you failed to provide an option, redirecting to help menu") time.sleep(2) cmd = "python --help" exit(0) if opt.encodePayload: spacer = "-" * 30 payload, load_path = opt.encodePayload info("encoding '{}' using '{}'".format(payload, load_path)) try: encoded = encode(payload, load_path) success("encoded successfully:") print("{}\n{}\n{}".format(spacer, encoded, spacer)) except (AttributeError, ImportError): fatal("invalid load path given, check the load path and try again") exit(0) if opt.encodePayloadList: spacer = "-" * 30 try: file_path, load_path = opt.encodePayloadList info( "encoding payloads from given file '{}' using given tamper '{}'" .format(file_path, load_path)) with open(file_path) as payloads: encoded = [ encode(p.strip(), load_path) for p in payloads.readlines() ] if opt.saveEncodedPayloads is not None: with open(opt.saveEncodedPayloads, "a+") as save: for item in encoded: save.write(item + "\n") success("saved encoded payloads to file '{}' successfully". format(opt.saveEncodedPayloads)) else: success("payloads encoded successfully:") print(spacer) for i, item in enumerate(encoded, start=1): print("#{} {}".format(i, item)) print(spacer) except IOError: fatal( "provided file '{}' appears to not exist, check the path and try again" .format(file_path)) except (AttributeError, ImportError): fatal("invalid load path given, check the load path and try again") exit(0) if opt.updateWhatWaf: info("update in progress") cmd = shlex.split("git pull origin master") exit(0) if not opt.hideBanner: print(BANNER) proxy, agent = configure_request_headers(random_agent=opt.useRandomAgent, agent=opt.usePersonalAgent, proxy=opt.runBehindProxy, tor=opt.runBehindTor) if opt.providedPayloads is not None: payload_list = [ p.strip() if p[0] == " " else p for p in str(opt.providedPayloads).split(",") ] info("using provided payloads") elif opt.payloadList is not None: payload_list = [ p.strip("\n") for p in open(opt.payloadList).readlines() ] info("using provided payload file '{}'".format(opt.payloadList)) else: payload_list = WAF_REQUEST_DETECTION_PAYLOADS info("using default payloads") try: if opt.runSingleWebsite: url_to_use = auto_assign(opt.runSingleWebsite, ssl=opt.forceSSL) info("running single web application '{}'".format(url_to_use)) detection_main(url_to_use, payload_list, agent=agent, proxy=proxy, verbose=opt.runInVerbose) elif opt.runMultipleWebsites: info("reading from '{}'".format(opt.runMultipleWebsites)) with open(opt.runMultipleWebsites) as urls: for i, url in enumerate(urls, start=1): url = auto_assign(url, ssl=opt.forceSSL) info("currently running on site #{} ('{}')".format(i, url)) detection_main(url, payload_list, agent=agent, proxy=proxy, verbose=opt.runInVerbose) print("\n\b") time.sleep(0.5) except KeyboardInterrupt: fatal("user aborted scanning")
def main(): opt = WhatWafParser().cmd_parser() if not len(sys.argv) > 1: error("you failed to provide an option, redirecting to help menu") time.sleep(2) cmd = "python --help" exit(0) if opt.encodePayload: spacer = "-" * 30 payload, load_path = opt.encodePayload info("encoding '{}' using '{}'".format(payload, load_path)) try: encoded = encode(payload, load_path) success("encoded successfully:") print("{}\n{}\n{}".format(spacer, encoded, spacer)) except (AttributeError, ImportError): fatal("invalid load path given, check the load path and try again") exit(0) if opt.encodePayloadList: spacer = "-" * 30 try: file_path, load_path = opt.encodePayloadList info( "encoding payloads from given file '{}' using given tamper '{}'" .format(file_path, load_path)) with open(file_path) as payloads: encoded = [ encode(p.strip(), load_path) for p in payloads.readlines() ] if opt.saveEncodedPayloads is not None: with open(opt.saveEncodedPayloads, "a+") as save: for item in encoded: save.write(item + "\n") success("saved encoded payloads to file '{}' successfully". format(opt.saveEncodedPayloads)) else: success("payloads encoded successfully:") print(spacer) for i, item in enumerate(encoded, start=1): print("#{} {}".format(i, item)) print(spacer) except IOError: fatal( "provided file '{}' appears to not exist, check the path and try again" .format(file_path)) except (AttributeError, ImportError): fatal("invalid load path given, check the load path and try again") exit(0) if opt.updateWhatWaf: info("update in progress") cmd = shlex.split("git pull origin master") exit(0) if not opt.hideBanner: print(BANNER) if opt.skipBypassChecks and opt.amountOfTampersToDisplay is not None: warn( "you've chosen to skip bypass checks and chosen an amount of tamper to display, tampers will be skipped", minor=True) # there is an extra dependency that you need in order # for requests to run behind socks proxies, we'll just # do a little check to make sure you have it installed if opt.runBehindTor or opt.runBehindProxy is not None and "socks" in opt.runBehindProxy: try: import socks except ImportError: # if you don't we will go ahead and exit the system with an error message error( "to run behind socks proxies (like Tor) you need to install pysocks `pip install pysocks`, " "otherwise use a different proxy protocol") sys.exit(1) proxy, agent = configure_request_headers(random_agent=opt.useRandomAgent, agent=opt.usePersonalAgent, proxy=opt.runBehindProxy, tor=opt.runBehindTor) if opt.providedPayloads is not None: payload_list = [ p.strip() if p[0] == " " else p for p in str(opt.providedPayloads).split(",") ] info("using provided payloads") elif opt.payloadList is not None: payload_list = [ p.strip("\n") for p in open(opt.payloadList).readlines() ] info("using provided payload file '{}'".format(opt.payloadList)) else: payload_list = WAF_REQUEST_DETECTION_PAYLOADS info("using default payloads") try: if opt.runSingleWebsite: url_to_use = auto_assign(opt.runSingleWebsite, ssl=opt.forceSSL) info("running single web application '{}'".format(url_to_use)) detection_main(url_to_use, payload_list, agent=agent, proxy=proxy, verbose=opt.runInVerbose, skip_bypass_check=opt.skipBypassChecks, verification_number=opt.verifyNumber, formatted=opt.sendToJSON, tamper_int=opt.amountOfTampersToDisplay) elif opt.runMultipleWebsites: info("reading from '{}'".format(opt.runMultipleWebsites)) with open(opt.runMultipleWebsites) as urls: for i, url in enumerate(urls, start=1): url = auto_assign(url.strip(), ssl=opt.forceSSL) info("currently running on site #{} ('{}')".format(i, url)) detection_main(url, payload_list, agent=agent, proxy=proxy, verbose=opt.runInVerbose, skip_bypass_check=opt.skipBypassChecks, verification_number=opt.verifyNumber, formatted=opt.sendToJSON, tamper_int=opt.amountOfTampersToDisplay) print("\n\b") time.sleep(0.5) except KeyboardInterrupt: fatal("user aborted scanning") except Exception as e: fatal( "WhatWaf has caught an unhandled exception with the error message: '{}'. " "You can create an issue here: '{}'".format(str(e), ISSUES_LINK))
def main(): print(BANNER) placement_marker = False try: opts = OptParser.opts() retval = [] if opts.urlToUse is None: error("must provide a URL to test") exit(1) else: url_validation = heuristics(opts.urlToUse) if not url_validation["validated"]: error( "the provided URL could not be validated as a URL, check the URL and try again. a valid URL " "looks something like this: ''" ) exit(1) else: if url_validation["query"] == "nogo": warning( "heuristic testing has detected that the provided URL lacks a GET parameter " "this may interfere with testing results") try: if url_validation["marker"] == "yes": info("marker for attack placement found, prioritizing") placement_marker = True if url_validation["multi_marker"]: warning( "multiple markers are not supported, only the first one will be used" ) except: pass if opts.extraHeaders is not None: info("using extra headers") headers = opts.extraHeaders else: headers = HEADERS if opts.amountToFind is not None: amount_of_payloads = opts.amountToFind else: amount_of_payloads = 25 if opts.verificationAmount is not None: verification_amount = opts.verificationAmount else: verification_amount = 5 if opts.providedPayloads is not None: info("using provided payloads") payloads = [] for payload in opts.providedPayloads: payloads.append(payload) elif opts.payloadFile is not None: info("using payloads from a file") payloads = [] with open(opts.payloadFile) as f: for payload in f.readlines(): payloads.append(payload.strip()) else: info("using default payloads") payloads = PAYLOADS if len(payloads) < 5: error("must provide at least 5 payloads") exit(1) if opts.testTime is not None: test_time = opts.testTime else: test_time = 10 info("generating payloads") generator = PayloadGeneration(payloads, amount_of_payloads) info("running payloads through tampering procedures") tampers = generator.create_tampers() info("payloads tampered successfully") payloads = generator.obfuscate_tampers(tampers) if opts.genPolyglot: info("generating polyglot script") polyglot = generate_polyglot() info("script generated: {}".format(polyglot)) info("running payloads") times_ran = 0 for payload in payloads: if opts.genPolyglot and times_ran != 1: warning("running polyglot first") times_ran += 1 payload = polyglot if opts.runVerbose: debug("running payload '{}{}{}'".format( opts.usePrefix, payload, opts.useSuffix)) requester = Requester(opts.urlToUse, payload, headers=headers, proxy=opts.proxyToUse, throttle=opts.throttleTime) soup = requester.make_request(marker=placement_marker, prefix=opts.usePrefix, suffix=opts.useSuffix) retval.append(soup) info("running checks") working_payloads = Requester.check_for_script( retval, verification_amount=verification_amount, test_time=test_time) if opts.useSuffix != "" or opts.usePrefix != "": working_payloads = [ opts.usePrefix + p + opts.useSuffix for p in working_payloads ] if len(working_payloads) == 0: warning("no working payloads found for requested site") info("checking if scripts are being sanitized") requester = Requester(opts.urlToUse, None, headers=headers, proxy=opts.proxyToUse, throttle=opts.throttleTime) results = requester.check_for_sanitize() if results: warning( "it seems that the scripts are being sanitized properly") elif results is None: warning("hit an error in request, possible WAF?") else: info( "it appears that the scripts are not being sanitized, try manually?" ) exit(1) else: info("working payloads:") prettify(working_payloads) info("found a total of {} working payloads".format( len(working_payloads))) except Exception as e: import sys import traceback error( "something bad happened, failed with error: {}, traceback:".format( str(e))) print("Traceback (most recent call):\n {}".format("".join( traceback.format_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])).strip())) except KeyboardInterrupt: error("user quit")
def main(): try: opt = Parser().optparse() print(BANNER) res = Parser().check_opts(opt) if res is not None: to_search = res else: to_search = [] do_not_search = [] if len(to_search) == 0: if opt.singleEmail is None and opt.emailFile is None: warn( "you have not provided an email to scan, redirecting to the help menu" )["python", "", "--help"]) exit(1) if opt.singleEmail is not None: info("starting search on single email address: {}".format( opt.singleEmail)) to_search = [opt.singleEmail] elif opt.emailFile is not None: try: open(opt.emailFile).close() except IOError: error("unable to open file, does it exist?") exit(1) with open(opt.emailFile) as emails: info("parsing email file: {}".format(opt.emailFile)) to_search = emails.readlines() info("starting search on a total of {} email(s)".format( len(to_search))) for email in to_search: email = email.strip() if opt.checkTenMinuteEmail: if check_ten_minute_email(email, TEN_MINUTE_EMAIL_EXTENSION_LIST): warn("email: {} appears to be a ten minute email".format( email)) answer = prompt("would you like to process the email[y/N]") if answer.startswith("n"): do_not_search.append(email) if email not in do_not_search: info("searching breached accounts on HIBP related to: {}". format(email)) account_dumps = BeenPwnedHook(email).account_hooker() info("searching for paste dumps on HIBP related to: {}".format( email)) if opt.searchPastebin: paste_dumps = BeenPwnedHook(email).paste_hooker() else: warn("suppressing discovered pastes") paste_dumps = [] if account_dumps is not None and paste_dumps is not None: info( "found a total of {} database breach(es) and a total of {} paste(s) pertaining to: {}" .format(len(account_dumps), len(paste_dumps), email)) if opt.searchDehashed: found_databases = DehashedHook(account_dumps).hooker() else: warn("suppressing discovered databases") found_databases = {} for i, dump in enumerate(paste_dumps, start=1): found_databases["Paste#{}".format(i)] = str(dump) display_found_databases(found_databases) if opt.downloadDatabase: for item in found_databases.keys(): if "Paste" not in item: info( "searching for downloadable databases using query: {}" .format(item.lower())) downloaded = DatabasesTodayHook( str(item), downloads_directory=opt.saveDirectory ).hooker() if len(downloaded) != 0: info( "downloaded a total of {} database(s) pertaining to query: {}" .format(len(downloaded), item)) display_found_databases(downloaded, is_downloaded=True) else: warn( "no databases appeared to be preset and downloadable related to query: {}" .format(str(item))) elif account_dumps is not None and paste_dumps is None: info( "found a total of {} database breach(es) pertaining to: {}" .format(len(account_dumps), email)) if opt.searchDehashed: found_databases = DehashedHook(account_dumps).hooker() else: warn("suppressing discovered databases") found_databases = {} if len(found_databases) != 0: display_found_databases(found_databases) if opt.downloadDatabase: for item in found_databases.keys(): if "Paste" not in item: info( "searching for downloadable databases using query: {}" .format(item.lower())) downloaded = DatabasesTodayHook( str(item), downloads_directory=opt.saveDirectory ).hooker() if len(downloaded) != 0: info( "downloaded a total of {} database(s) pertaining to query: {}" .format(len(downloaded), item)) display_found_databases( downloaded, is_downloaded=True) else: warn( "no databases appeared to be preset and downloadable related to query: {}" .format(str(item))) else: warn( "no output to show, most likely due to output suppression" ) elif account_dumps is None and paste_dumps is not None: # this should never happen error( "no database dumps found nor any pastes found for: {}". format(email)) else: error("email {} was not found in any breach".format(email)) if opt.staySalty: # i know that you think that you know shit # all the shade that's coming at me I wonder who throws it # you can't see the vision boy, you must be outta focus # that's a real hot program homie, I wonder who wrote it? oh shit # (lyrics ripped from iSpy by Kyle, all I do is steal bruh) warn("all this code was stolen with <3 by Eku") except KeyboardInterrupt: error("user quit the session")
def main(): opt = WhatWafParser().cmd_parser() if not len(sys.argv) > 1: error("you failed to provide an option, redirecting to help menu") time.sleep(2) cmd = "python --help" exit(0) # if you feel that you have to many folders or files in the whatwaf home folder # we'll give you an option to clean it free of charge if opt.cleanHomeFolder: import shutil try: warn( "cleaning the home folder: {home}, if you have installed with, " "this will erase the executable script along with everything inside " "of the {home} directory (fingerprints, scripts, copies of whatwaf, etc) " "if you are sure you want to do this press ENTER now. If you changed " "your mind press CNTRL-C now".format(home=HOME)) # you have three seconds to change your mind raw_input("") info("attempting to clean home folder") shutil.rmtree(HOME) info("home folder removed") except KeyboardInterrupt: fatal("cleaning aborted") except OSError: fatal("no home folder detected, already cleaned?") exit(0) if opt.encodePayload: spacer = "-" * 30 payload, load_path = opt.encodePayload info("encoding '{}' using '{}'".format(payload, load_path)) try: encoded = encode(payload, load_path) success("encoded successfully:") print("{}\n{}\n{}".format(spacer, encoded, spacer)) except (AttributeError, ImportError): fatal("invalid load path given, check the load path and try again") exit(0) if opt.encodePayloadList: spacer = "-" * 30 try: file_path, load_path = opt.encodePayloadList info( "encoding payloads from given file '{}' using given tamper '{}'" .format(file_path, load_path)) with open(file_path) as payloads: encoded = [ encode(p.strip(), load_path) for p in payloads.readlines() ] if opt.saveEncodedPayloads is not None: with open(opt.saveEncodedPayloads, "a+") as save: for item in encoded: save.write(item + "\n") success("saved encoded payloads to file '{}' successfully". format(opt.saveEncodedPayloads)) else: success("payloads encoded successfully:") print(spacer) for i, item in enumerate(encoded, start=1): print("#{} {}".format(i, item)) print(spacer) except IOError: fatal( "provided file '{}' appears to not exist, check the path and try again" .format(file_path)) except (AttributeError, ImportError): fatal("invalid load path given, check the load path and try again") exit(0) if opt.updateWhatWaf: info("update in progress") cmd = shlex.split("git pull origin master") exit(0) if not opt.hideBanner: print(BANNER) check_version() format_opts = [opt.sendToYAML, opt.sendToCSV, opt.sendToJSON] if opt.formatOutput: amount_used = 0 for item in format_opts: if item is True: amount_used += 1 if amount_used > 1: warn( "multiple file formats have been detected, there is a high probability that this will cause " "issues while saving file information. please use only one format at a time" ) elif amount_used == 0: warn( "output will not be saved to a file as no file format was provided. to save output to file " "pass one of the file format flags (IE `-J` for JSON format)", minor=True) elif any(format_opts) and not opt.formatOutput: warn( "you've chosen to send the output to a file, but have not formatted the output, no file will be saved " "do so by passing the format flag (IE `-F -J` for JSON format)") if opt.skipBypassChecks and opt.amountOfTampersToDisplay is not None: warn( "you've chosen to skip bypass checks and chosen an amount of tamper to display, tampers will be skipped", minor=True) # there is an extra dependency that you need in order # for requests to run behind socks proxies, we'll just # do a little check to make sure you have it installed if opt.runBehindTor or opt.runBehindProxy is not None and "socks" in opt.runBehindProxy: try: import socks except ImportError: # if you don't we will go ahead and exit the system with an error message error( "to run behind socks proxies (like Tor) you need to install pysocks `pip install pysocks`, " "otherwise use a different proxy protocol") sys.exit(1) proxy, agent = configure_request_headers(random_agent=opt.useRandomAgent, agent=opt.usePersonalAgent, proxy=opt.runBehindProxy, tor=opt.runBehindTor) if opt.checkTorConnection: import re info("checking Tor connection") check_url = "" check_regex = re.compile("This browser is configured to use Tor.", re.I) _, _, content, _ = get_page(check_url, proxy=proxy, agent=agent) if is not None: success("it appears that Tor is working properly") else: warn("it appears Tor is not configured properly") if opt.providedPayloads is not None: payload_list = [ p.strip() if p[0] == " " else p for p in str(opt.providedPayloads).split(",") ] info("using provided payloads") elif opt.payloadList is not None: try: open(opt.payloadList).close() except Exception: fatal( "provided file '{}' does not exists, check the path and try again" .format(opt.payloadList)) exit(1) payload_list = [ p.strip("\n") for p in open(opt.payloadList).readlines() ] info("using provided payload file '{}'".format(opt.payloadList)) else: payload_list = WAF_REQUEST_DETECTION_PAYLOADS info("using default payloads") if opt.saveFingerprints: warn( "fingerprinting is enabled, all fingerprints (WAF related or not) will be saved for further analysis " "if the fingerprint already exists it will be skipped", minor=True) if opt.trafficFile is not None: info("saving HTTP traffic to '{}'".format(opt.trafficFile)) if opt.sleepTimeThrottle != 0: info("sleep throttle has been set to {}s".format( opt.sleepTimeThrottle)) try: if opt.postRequest: request_type = "POST" else: request_type = "GET" request_count = 0 if opt.runSingleWebsite: url_to_use = auto_assign(opt.runSingleWebsite, ssl=opt.forceSSL) info("running single web application '{}'".format(url_to_use)) requests = detection_main(url_to_use, payload_list, agent=agent, proxy=proxy, verbose=opt.runInVerbose, skip_bypass_check=opt.skipBypassChecks, verification_number=opt.verifyNumber, formatted=opt.formatOutput, tamper_int=opt.amountOfTampersToDisplay, use_json=opt.sendToJSON, use_yaml=opt.sendToYAML, use_csv=opt.sendToCSV, fingerprint_waf=opt.saveFingerprints, provided_headers=opt.extraHeaders, traffic_file=opt.trafficFile, throttle=opt.sleepTimeThrottle, req_timeout=opt.requestTimeout, post_data=opt.postRequestData, request_type=request_type, check_server=opt.determineWebServer, threaded=opt.threaded) request_count = request_count + requests if requests is not None else request_count elif opt.runMultipleWebsites: info("reading from '{}'".format(opt.runMultipleWebsites)) try: open(opt.runMultipleWebsites) except IOError: fatal("file: '{}' did not open, does it exist?".format( opt.runMultipleWebsites)) exit(-1) with open(opt.runMultipleWebsites) as urls: for i, url in enumerate(urls, start=1): url = auto_assign(url.strip(), ssl=opt.forceSSL) info("currently running on site #{} ('{}')".format(i, url)) requests = detection_main( url, payload_list, agent=agent, proxy=proxy, verbose=opt.runInVerbose, skip_bypass_check=opt.skipBypassChecks, verification_number=opt.verifyNumber, formatted=opt.formatOutput, tamper_int=opt.amountOfTampersToDisplay, use_json=opt.sendToJSON, use_yaml=opt.sendToYAML, use_csv=opt.sendToCSV, fingerprint_waf=opt.saveFingerprints, provided_headers=opt.extraHeaders, traffic_file=opt.trafficFile, throttle=opt.sleepTimeThrottle, req_timeout=opt.requestTimeout, post_data=opt.postRequestData, request_type=request_type, check_server=opt.determineWebServer, threaded=opt.threaded) request_count = request_count + requests if requests is not None else request_count print("\n\b") time.sleep(0.5) elif opt.burpRequestFile: request_data = parse_burp_request(opt.burpRequestFile) info("URL parsed from request file: '{}'".format( request_data["base_url"])) requests = detection_main( request_data["base_url"], payload_list, verbose=opt.runInVerbose, skip_bypass_check=opt.skipBypassChecks, verification_number=opt.verifyNumber, formatted=opt.formatOutput, tamper_int=opt.amountOfTampersToDisplay, use_json=opt.sendToJSON, use_yaml=opt.sendToYAML, use_csv=opt.sendToCSV, fingerprint_waf=opt.saveFingerprints, provided_headers=request_data["request_headers"], traffic_file=opt.trafficFile, throttle=opt.sleepTimeThrottle, req_timeout=opt.requestTimeout, post_data=request_data["post_data"], request_type=request_data["request_method"], check_server=opt.determineWebServer, threaded=opt.threaded) request_count = request_count + requests if requests is not None else request_count elif opt.googlerFile is not None: urls = parse_googler_file(opt.googlerFile) if urls is not None: info("parsed a total of {} URLS from Googler JSON file".format( len(urls))) for i, url in enumerate(urls, start=1): info("currently running on '{}' (site #{})".format(url, i)) requests = detection_main( url, payload_list, agent=agent, proxy=proxy, verbose=opt.runInVerbose, skip_bypass_check=opt.skipBypassChecks, verification_number=opt.verifyNumber, formatted=opt.formatOutput, tamper_int=opt.amountOfTampersToDisplay, use_json=opt.sendToJSON, use_yaml=opt.sendToYAML, use_csv=opt.sendToCSV, fingerprint_waf=opt.saveFingerprints, provided_headers=opt.extraHeaders, traffic_file=opt.trafficFile, throttle=opt.sleepTimeThrottle, req_timeout=opt.requestTimeout, post_data=opt.postRequestData, request_type=request_type, check_server=opt.determineWebServer, threaded=opt.threaded) request_count = request_count + requests if requests is not None else request_count print("\n\b") time.sleep(0.5) else: fatal("file failed to load, does it exist?") if request_count != 0: info("total requests sent: {}".format(request_count)) else: warn("request counter failed to count correctly, deactivating", minor=True) except KeyboardInterrupt: fatal("user aborted scanning") except InvalidURLProvided: fatal( "the provided URL is unable to be validated, check the URL and try again (you may need to unquote the " "HTML entities)") except Exception as e: import traceback sep = "-" * 30 fatal( "WhatWaf has caught an unhandled exception with the error message: '{}'. " "You can create an issue here: '{}'".format(str(e), ISSUES_LINK)) warn("you will need the following information to create an issue:") print("{}\nTraceback:\n```\n{}```\nCMD line: `{}`\nVersion: `{}`\n{}". format(sep, "".join(traceback.format_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])), hide_sensitive(sys.argv, "-u"), VERSION, sep))
def main(): opt = WhatWafParser().cmd_parser() if not len(sys.argv) > 1: error("you failed to provide an option, redirecting to help menu") time.sleep(2) cmd = "python --help" exit(0) # if you feel that you have to many folders or files in the whatwaf home folder # we'll give you an option to clean it free of charge if opt.cleanHomeFolder: import shutil try: warn( "cleaning home folder, all information will be deleted, if you changed your mind press CNTRL-C now" ) # you have three seconds to change your mind time.sleep(3) info("attempting to clean home folder") shutil.rmtree(HOME) info("home folder removed") except KeyboardInterrupt: fatal("cleaning aborted") except OSError: fatal("no home folder detected, already cleaned?") exit(0) if opt.encodePayload: spacer = "-" * 30 payload, load_path = opt.encodePayload info("encoding '{}' using '{}'".format(payload, load_path)) try: encoded = encode(payload, load_path) success("encoded successfully:") print("{}\n{}\n{}".format(spacer, encoded, spacer)) except (AttributeError, ImportError): fatal("invalid load path given, check the load path and try again") exit(0) if opt.encodePayloadList: spacer = "-" * 30 try: file_path, load_path = opt.encodePayloadList info( "encoding payloads from given file '{}' using given tamper '{}'" .format(file_path, load_path)) with open(file_path) as payloads: encoded = [ encode(p.strip(), load_path) for p in payloads.readlines() ] if opt.saveEncodedPayloads is not None: with open(opt.saveEncodedPayloads, "a+") as save: for item in encoded: save.write(item + "\n") success("saved encoded payloads to file '{}' successfully". format(opt.saveEncodedPayloads)) else: success("payloads encoded successfully:") print(spacer) for i, item in enumerate(encoded, start=1): print("#{} {}".format(i, item)) print(spacer) except IOError: fatal( "provided file '{}' appears to not exist, check the path and try again" .format(file_path)) except (AttributeError, ImportError): fatal("invalid load path given, check the load path and try again") exit(0) if opt.updateWhatWaf: info("update in progress") cmd = shlex.split("git pull origin master") exit(0) if not opt.hideBanner: print(BANNER) format_opts = [opt.sendToYAML, opt.sendToCSV, opt.sendToJSON] if opt.formatOutput: amount_used = 0 for item in format_opts: if item is True: amount_used += 1 if amount_used > 1: warn( "multiple file formats have been detected, there is a high probability that this will cause " "issues while saving file information. please use only one format at a time" ) elif amount_used == 0: warn( "output will not be saved to a file as no file format was provided. to save output to file " "pass one of the file format flags (IE `-J` for JSON format)", minor=True) elif any(format_opts) and not opt.formatOutput: warn( "you've chosen to send the output to a file, but have not formatted the output, no file will be saved " "do so by passing the format flag (IE `-F -J` for JSON format)") if opt.skipBypassChecks and opt.amountOfTampersToDisplay is not None: warn( "you've chosen to skip bypass checks and chosen an amount of tamper to display, tampers will be skipped", minor=True) # there is an extra dependency that you need in order # for requests to run behind socks proxies, we'll just # do a little check to make sure you have it installed if opt.runBehindTor or opt.runBehindProxy is not None and "socks" in opt.runBehindProxy: try: import socks except ImportError: # if you don't we will go ahead and exit the system with an error message error( "to run behind socks proxies (like Tor) you need to install pysocks `pip install pysocks`, " "otherwise use a different proxy protocol") sys.exit(1) proxy, agent = configure_request_headers(random_agent=opt.useRandomAgent, agent=opt.usePersonalAgent, proxy=opt.runBehindProxy, tor=opt.runBehindTor) if opt.checkTorConnection: import re info("checking Tor connection") check_url = "" check_regex = re.compile("This browser is configured to use Tor.", re.I) _, content, _ = get_page(check_url, proxy=proxy, agent=agent) if is not None: success("it appears that Tor is working properly") else: warn("it appears Tor is not configured properly") if opt.providedPayloads is not None: payload_list = [ p.strip() if p[0] == " " else p for p in str(opt.providedPayloads).split(",") ] info("using provided payloads") elif opt.payloadList is not None: payload_list = [ p.strip("\n") for p in open(opt.payloadList).readlines() ] info("using provided payload file '{}'".format(opt.payloadList)) else: payload_list = WAF_REQUEST_DETECTION_PAYLOADS info("using default payloads") if opt.saveFingerprints: warn( "fingerprinting is enabled, all fingerprints (WAF related or not) will be saved for further analysis", minor=True) try: if opt.runSingleWebsite: url_to_use = auto_assign(opt.runSingleWebsite, ssl=opt.forceSSL) info("running single web application '{}'".format(url_to_use)) detection_main(url_to_use, payload_list, agent=agent, proxy=proxy, verbose=opt.runInVerbose, skip_bypass_check=opt.skipBypassChecks, verification_number=opt.verifyNumber, formatted=opt.formatOutput, tamper_int=opt.amountOfTampersToDisplay, use_json=opt.sendToJSON, use_yaml=opt.sendToYAML, use_csv=opt.sendToCSV, fingerprint_waf=opt.saveFingerprints) elif opt.runMultipleWebsites: info("reading from '{}'".format(opt.runMultipleWebsites)) with open(opt.runMultipleWebsites) as urls: for i, url in enumerate(urls, start=1): url = auto_assign(url.strip(), ssl=opt.forceSSL) info("currently running on site #{} ('{}')".format(i, url)) detection_main(url, payload_list, agent=agent, proxy=proxy, verbose=opt.runInVerbose, skip_bypass_check=opt.skipBypassChecks, verification_number=opt.verifyNumber, formatted=opt.formatOutput, tamper_int=opt.amountOfTampersToDisplay, use_json=opt.sendToJSON, use_yaml=opt.sendToYAML, use_csv=opt.sendToCSV, fingerprint_waf=opt.saveFingerprints) print("\n\b") time.sleep(0.5) except KeyboardInterrupt: fatal("user aborted scanning")
def main(): try: cursor = initialize() full_program_start_time = time.time() print(BANNER) opts = WhatDirParser().optparse() if opts.viewDbCache: cache = fetch_stored_data(cursor) display_database(cache) exit(1) if opts.urlToUse is not None: if opts.wordListToUse is not None: try: if opts.runVerbose: debug("checking file") open(opts.wordListToUse) except: error("wordlist did not open, does it exist?") exit(1) if opts.runVerbose: debug( "file appears to exist, continuing and testing URL: {}" .format(opts.urlToUse)) test, usable_url = heuristics(opts.urlToUse) if not test: fatal( "heuristics have determined that the URL provided is not a valid URL, validate and try again, " "does it have 'http(s)://' in it?") exit(1) if opts.runVerbose: debug("URL passed heuristic vailidation, continuing") info("processing your file") process_start_time = time.time() if opts.runVerbose: debug("file processing start time: {}".format( process_start_time)) target_data = process_file(opts.wordListToUse) process_stop_time = time.time() if opts.runVerbose: debug( "file process end time: {}".format(process_stop_time)) info( "file processed in {}(s), total of {} unique string(s) to be used" .format(round(process_stop_time - process_start_time), len(target_data))) if opts.runVerbose: debug("configuring headers and proxies") proxy, headers = create_request_headers( proxy=opts.requestProxy, headers=opts.extraHeaders, user_agent=opts.userAgentRandomize) if opts.runVerbose: debug( "proxy configuration: {}, header configuration: {}, starting attacks" .format(proxy, headers)) results = RequestMaker( usable_url, target_data, threads=opts.amountOfThreads, quiet=opts.runInQuiet, proxy=proxy, headers=headers, save_all=opts.saveAllAttempts, verbose=opts.runVerbose, timeout=opts.setTimeout).threaded_response_helper() info("a total of {} possible result(s) found".format( len(results))) if len(results) != 0: was_inserted = insert_website_info(cursor, usable_url, results) if was_inserted: info("results saved to database") if opts.outputFile: if len(results) != 0: info("saving connections to file") file_path = save_successful_connection( results, usable_url) info("connections saved to CSV file under {}".format( file_path)) else: warn("no results found, skipping file creation", minor=True) else: warn("must provide a wordlist using the `-w/--words` flag") exit(1) else: warn("must provide a target URL using the `-u/--url` flag") exit(1) full_program_end_time = time.time() info("{} took {}(s) to complete with a total of {} requests".format( __name__.split(".")[0], round(full_program_end_time - full_program_start_time), len(target_data))) except KeyboardInterrupt: fatal("user quit")
def main(): opt = WhatWafParser().cmd_parser() if not len(sys.argv) > 1: error("you failed to provide an option, redirecting to help menu") time.sleep(2) cmd = "python --help" exit(0) # if you feel that you have to many folders or files in the whatwaf home folder # we'll give you an option to clean it free of charge if opt.cleanHomeFolder: import shutil try: warn( "cleaning the home folder: {home}, if you have installed with, " "this will erase the executable script along with everything inside " "of the {home} directory (fingerprints, scripts, copies of whatwaf, etc) " "if you are sure you want to do this press ENTER now. If you changed " "your mind press CNTRL-C now".format(home=HOME)) # you have three seconds to change your mind raw_input("") info("attempting to clean home folder") shutil.rmtree(HOME) info("home folder removed") except KeyboardInterrupt: fatal("cleaning aborted") except OSError: fatal("no home folder detected, already cleaned?") exit(0) cursor = initialize() if opt.exportEncodedToFile is not None: payloads = fetch_data(cursor) if len(payloads) != 0: exported_payloads_path = export_payloads(payloads, opt.exportEncodedToFile) info("payloads exported to: {}".format(exported_payloads_path)) else: warn( "there appears to be no payloads stored in the database, to create payloads use the following options:" ) proc = subprocess.check_output(["python", "", "--help"]) parsed_help = parse_help_menu(str(proc), "encoding options:", "output options:") print(parsed_help) exit(1) if opt.viewAllCache: cached_payloads = fetch_data(cursor) cached_urls = fetch_data(cursor, is_payload=False) display_cached(cached_urls, cached_payloads) exit(0) if opt.viewCachedPayloads: payloads = fetch_data(cursor) if len(payloads) != 0: display_cached(None, payloads) else: warn( "there appears to be no payloads stored in the database, to create payloads use the following options:" ) proc = subprocess.check_output(["python", "", "--help"]) parsed_help = parse_help_menu(proc, "encoding options:", "output options:") print(parsed_help) exit(0) if opt.viewUrlCache: cached_urls = fetch_data(cursor, is_payload=False) display_cached(cached_urls, None) exit(0) if opt.encodePayload is not None: spacer = "-" * 30 payload = opt.encodePayload[0] load_path = opt.encodePayload[1:] for load in load_path: try: payload = encode(payload, load) except (AttributeError, ImportError): warn( "invalid load path given: '{}', skipping it and continuing" .format(load)) success("encoded successfully:") print("{}\n{}\n{}".format(spacer, payload, spacer)) insert_payload(payload, cursor) info("payload has been cached for future use") exit(0) if opt.encodePayloadList is not None: spacer = "-" * 30 try: file_path, load_path = opt.encodePayloadList info( "encoding payloads from given file '{}' using given tamper '{}'" .format(file_path, load_path)) with open(file_path) as payloads: encoded = [ encode(p.strip(), load_path) for p in payloads.readlines() ] if opt.saveEncodedPayloads is not None: with open(opt.saveEncodedPayloads, "a+") as save: for item in encoded: save.write(item + "\n") success("saved encoded payloads to file '{}' successfully". format(opt.saveEncodedPayloads)) else: success("payloads encoded successfully:") print(spacer) for i, item in enumerate(encoded, start=1): insert_payload(item, cursor) print("#{} {}".format(i, item)) print(spacer) info("payloads have been cached for future use") except IOError: fatal( "provided file '{}' appears to not exist, check the path and try again" .format(file_path)) except (AttributeError, ImportError): fatal("invalid load path given, check the load path and try again") exit(0) if opt.updateWhatWaf: info("update in progress") cmd = shlex.split("git pull origin master") exit(0) if not opt.hideBanner: print(BANNER) if opt.listEncodingTechniques: info("gathering available tamper script load paths") tamper_list = get_encoding_list(TAMPERS_DIRECTORY, is_tampers=True, is_wafs=False) for tamper in sorted(tamper_list): print(tamper) exit(0) if opt.viewPossibleWafs: import importlib info("gathering a list of possible detectable wafs") wafs_list = get_encoding_list(PLUGINS_DIRECTORY, is_tampers=False, is_wafs=True) for i, waf in enumerate(sorted(wafs_list), start=1): try: imported = importlib.import_module(waf) print("{}".format(imported.__product__)) except ImportError: pass exit(0) # gotta find a better way to check for updates so ima hotfix it #info("checking for updates") #check_version() format_opts = [opt.sendToYAML, opt.sendToCSV, opt.sendToJSON] if opt.formatOutput: amount_used = 0 for item in format_opts: if item is True: amount_used += 1 if amount_used > 1: warn( "multiple file formats have been detected, there is a high probability that this will cause " "issues while saving file information. please use only one format at a time" ) elif amount_used == 0: warn( "output will not be saved to a file as no file format was provided. to save output to file " "pass one of the file format flags (IE `-J` for JSON format)", minor=True) elif any(format_opts) and not opt.formatOutput: warn( "you've chosen to send the output to a file, but have not formatted the output, no file will be saved " "do so by passing the format flag (IE `-F -J` for JSON format)") if opt.skipBypassChecks and opt.amountOfTampersToDisplay is not None: warn( "you've chosen to skip bypass checks and chosen an amount of tamper to display, tampers will be skipped", minor=True) # there is an extra dependency that you need in order # for requests to run behind socks proxies, we'll just # do a little check to make sure you have it installed if opt.runBehindTor or opt.runBehindProxy is not None and "socks" in opt.runBehindProxy: try: import socks except ImportError: # if you don't we will go ahead and exit the system with an error message error( "to run behind socks proxies (like Tor) you need to install pysocks `pip install pysocks`, " "otherwise use a different proxy protocol") sys.exit(1) proxy, agent = configure_request_headers(random_agent=opt.useRandomAgent, agent=opt.usePersonalAgent, proxy=opt.runBehindProxy, tor=opt.runBehindTor, tor_port=opt.configTorPort) if opt.checkTorConnection: import re info("checking Tor connection") check_url = "" check_regex = re.compile("This browser is configured to use Tor.", re.I) _, _, content, _ = get_page(check_url, proxy=proxy, agent=agent) if is not None: success("it appears that Tor is working properly") else: warn("it appears Tor is not configured properly") if opt.providedPayloads is not None: payload_list = [ p.strip() if p[0] == " " else p for p in str(opt.providedPayloads).split(",") ] info("using provided payloads") elif opt.payloadList is not None: try: open(opt.payloadList).close() except Exception: fatal( "provided file '{}' does not exists, check the path and try again" .format(opt.payloadList)) exit(1) payload_list = [ p.strip("\n") for p in open(opt.payloadList).readlines() ] info("using provided payload file '{}'".format(opt.payloadList)) else: payload_list = WAF_REQUEST_DETECTION_PAYLOADS info("using default payloads") if opt.saveFingerprints: warn( "fingerprinting is enabled, all fingerprints (WAF related or not) will be saved for further analysis " "if the fingerprint already exists it will be skipped", minor=True) if opt.trafficFile is not None: info("saving HTTP traffic to '{}'".format(opt.trafficFile)) if opt.sleepTimeThrottle != 0: info("sleep throttle has been set to {}s".format( opt.sleepTimeThrottle)) try: if opt.postRequest: request_type = "POST" else: request_type = "GET" request_count = 0 if opt.runSingleWebsite: url_to_use = auto_assign(opt.runSingleWebsite, ssl=opt.forceSSL) if opt.checkCachedUrls: checked_results = check_url_against_cached(url_to_use, cursor) if checked_results is not None: print( RESULTS_TEMPLATE.format("-" * 20, str(checked_results[1]), str(checked_results[2]), str(checked_results[3]), str(checked_results[4]), "-" * 20)) exit(0) if opt.testTargetConnection: info( "testing connection to target URL before starting attack {}" .format( "\033[1m\033[33m(Tor is initialized which may increase latency)" if opt.runBehindTor else "")) results = test_target_connection(url_to_use, proxy=proxy, agent=agent, headers=opt.extraHeaders) if results == "nogo": fatal( "connection to target URL failed multiple times, check connection and try again" ) exit(1) elif results == "acceptable": warn( "there appears to be some latency on the connection, this may interfere with results", minor=False) else: success("connection succeeded, continuing") info("running single web application '{}'".format(url_to_use)) requests = detection_main( url_to_use, payload_list, cursor, agent=agent, proxy=proxy, verbose=opt.runInVerbose, skip_bypass_check=opt.skipBypassChecks, verification_number=opt.verifyNumber, formatted=opt.formatOutput, tamper_int=opt.amountOfTampersToDisplay, use_json=opt.sendToJSON, use_yaml=opt.sendToYAML, use_csv=opt.sendToCSV, fingerprint_waf=opt.saveFingerprints, provided_headers=opt.extraHeaders, traffic_file=opt.trafficFile, throttle=opt.sleepTimeThrottle, req_timeout=opt.requestTimeout, post_data=opt.postRequestData, request_type=request_type, check_server=opt.determineWebServer, threaded=opt.threaded, force_file_creation=opt.forceFileCreation, save_copy_of_file=opt.outputDirectory) elif any(o is not None for o in [opt.runMultipleWebsites, opt.burpRequestFile]): info("reading from '{}'".format(opt.runMultipleWebsites or opt.burpRequestFile)) try: open(opt.runMultipleWebsites or opt.burpRequestFile) except IOError: fatal("file: '{}' did not open, does it exist?".format( opt.runMultipleWebsites)) exit(-1) if opt.runMultipleWebsites is not None: site_runners = [] with open(opt.runMultipleWebsites) as urls: for url in urls: possible_url = auto_assign(url.strip(), ssl=opt.forceSSL) if opt.checkCachedUrls: url_is_cached = check_url_against_cached( possible_url, cursor) if url_is_cached is not None: print( RESULTS_TEMPLATE.format( "-" * 20, str(url_is_cached[1]), str(url_is_cached[2]), str(url_is_cached[3]), str(url_is_cached[4]), "-" * 20)) else: site_runners.append(possible_url) else: site_runners.append(possible_url) elif opt.burpRequestFile is not None: site_runners = parse_burp_request(opt.burpRequestFile) else: site_runners = [] if len(site_runners) == 0: fatal("no targets parsed from file, exiting") exit(1) else: info("parsed a total of {} target(s) from file".format( len(site_runners))) for i, url in enumerate(site_runners, start=1): if opt.testTargetConnection: info( "testing connection to target URL before starting attack" ) results = test_target_connection(url, proxy=proxy, agent=agent, headers=opt.extraHeaders) if results == "nogo": fatal( "connection to target URL failed multiple times, check connection and try again, skipping" ) continue elif results == "acceptable": warn( "there appears to be some latency on the connection, this may interfere with results", minor=False) else: success("connection succeeded, continuing") info("currently running on site #{} ('{}')".format(i, url)) detection_main(url, payload_list, cursor, agent=agent, proxy=proxy, verbose=opt.runInVerbose, skip_bypass_check=opt.skipBypassChecks, verification_number=opt.verifyNumber, formatted=opt.formatOutput, tamper_int=opt.amountOfTampersToDisplay, use_json=opt.sendToJSON, use_yaml=opt.sendToYAML, use_csv=opt.sendToCSV, fingerprint_waf=opt.saveFingerprints, provided_headers=opt.extraHeaders, traffic_file=opt.trafficFile, throttle=opt.sleepTimeThrottle, req_timeout=opt.requestTimeout, post_data=opt.postRequestData, request_type=request_type, check_server=opt.determineWebServer, threaded=opt.threaded, force_file_creation=opt.forceFileCreation, save_copy_of_file=opt.outputDirectory) print("\n\b") time.sleep(0.5) elif opt.googlerFile is not None: urls = parse_googler_file(opt.googlerFile) if urls is not None: info("parsed a total of {} URLS from Googler JSON file".format( len(urls))) for i, url in enumerate(urls, start=1): do_url_run = True if opt.checkCachedUrls: url_is_cached = check_url_against_cached(url, cursor) if url_is_cached is not None: print( RESULTS_TEMPLATE.format( "-" * 20, str(url_is_cached[1]), str(url_is_cached[2]), str(url_is_cached[3]), str(url_is_cached[4]), "-" * 20)) do_url_run = False if do_url_run: if opt.testTargetConnection: info( "testing connection to target URL before starting attack" ) results = test_target_connection( url, proxy=proxy, agent=agent, headers=opt.extraHeaders) if results == "nogo": fatal( "connection to target URL failed multiple times, check connection and try again" ) continue elif results == "acceptable": warn( "there appears to be some latency on the connection, this may interfere with " "results", minor=False) else: success("connection succeeded, continuing") info("currently running on '{}' (site #{})".format( url, i)) requests = detection_main( url, payload_list, cursor, agent=agent, proxy=proxy, verbose=opt.runInVerbose, skip_bypass_check=opt.skipBypassChecks, verification_number=opt.verifyNumber, formatted=opt.formatOutput, tamper_int=opt.amountOfTampersToDisplay, use_json=opt.sendToJSON, use_yaml=opt.sendToYAML, use_csv=opt.sendToCSV, fingerprint_waf=opt.saveFingerprints, provided_headers=opt.extraHeaders, traffic_file=opt.trafficFile, throttle=opt.sleepTimeThrottle, req_timeout=opt.requestTimeout, post_data=opt.postRequestData, request_type=request_type, check_server=opt.determineWebServer, threaded=opt.threaded, force_file_creation=opt.forceFileCreation, save_copy_of_file=opt.outputDirectory) request_count = request_count + requests if requests is not None else request_count print("\n\b") time.sleep(0.5) else: fatal("file failed to load, does it exist?") except KeyboardInterrupt: fatal("user aborted scanning") except InvalidURLProvided: fatal( "the provided URL is unable to be validated, check the URL and try again (you may need to unquote the " "HTML entities)") except Exception as e: import traceback sep = "-" * 30 fatal( "WhatWaf has caught an unhandled exception with the error message: '{}'." .format(str(e))) exception_data = "Traceback (most recent call):\n{}{}".format( "".join(traceback.format_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])), str(e)) error("\n{}\n{}\n{}".format(sep, exception_data, sep)) request_issue_creation(exception_data)
def main(): opts = Parser().optparse() config = initialize() cursor = init_sql() Parser().check_args(opts, cursor) ip_addresses_to_check = set() info("sorting by unique IP addresses") if opts.singleIp is not None: for item in opts.singleIp.split(","): if check_real_ip(item.strip()): ip_addresses_to_check.add(item) if opts.ipAddressList is not None: with open(opts.ipAddressList) as data: for line in data.readlines(): line = line.strip() if check_real_ip(line): ip_addresses_to_check.add(line) if len(ip_addresses_to_check) == 0: error( "there aren't any IP addresses to check, did you pass valid IP addresses?" ) exit(1) ip_addresses_to_check = list(ip_addresses_to_check) total_ip_addresses = len(ip_addresses_to_check) total_credits_left = int( round( IpVoidApiConnection( config["api_key"], None, TOKEN_VALID_CHECK_URL).make_request()["credits_remained"])) info( "testing if you have enough credits to run a total of {} unique IP address(es)" .format(total_ip_addresses)) amount_to_be_run = test_if_enough_credits(total_ip_addresses, total_credits_left) if opts.hideResults is not None: to_hide = configure_hide_list(opts.hideResults.split(",")) else: to_hide = None output_results = {"results": []} for i, ip in enumerate(ip_addresses_to_check, start=1): try: res = IpVoidApiConnection(config["api_key"], ip, IP_REP_REQUEST_URL, to_exclude=to_hide).make_request() detection_percentage = res["data"]["report"]["blacklists"][ "detection_rate"] total_engines = res["data"]["report"]["blacklists"][ "engines_count"] decimal_percent = float("." + detection_percentage.split("%")[0]) detection_rate = total_engines * decimal_percent output_results["results"].append( (ip, detection_rate, total_engines, detection_percentage)) except KeyError: warn("IP address {} caused an issue, skipping".format(ip)) i -= 1 if i == amount_to_be_run: break build_output(output_results["results"], cursor, is_json=opts.jsonOutput, is_csv=opts.csvOutput, is_yaml=opts.yamlOutput) credits_left = IpVoidApiConnection( config["api_key"], None, TOKEN_VALID_CHECK_URL).make_request()["credits_remained"] warn("you have a total of {} credits left".format(credits_left))