コード例 #1
ファイル: day13.py プロジェクト: shoblin/Advent-of-Code-2019
def main():
    opcode_list = fa.read_input_values('day13_puzzle_input.txt')
    opcode_list = [int(thing) for thing in opcode_list]
    computer = Computer(opcode_list)

    blocks_num = 0

    game_ch = {0: ' ', 1: '|', 2: '#', 3: '-', 4: '0'}

    game_code = []
    while not computer.done:
        output = computer.calculate()
        if not computer.done:

    game_map = [['.' for _ in range(43)] for _ in range(23)]
    for idx in range(0, len(game_code), 3):
        if game_code[idx + 2] == 2: blocks_num += 1
        x, y, ch = game_code[idx], game_code[idx + 1], game_ch[game_code[idx +

        ##        print(idx, x,y,ch)
        game_map[y][x] = ch
    result = 0
    for row in game_map:
        result += row.count('#')

    print(result, blocks_num)
コード例 #2
def main():
    opcode_list = fa.read_input_values('day13_puzzle_input.txt')
    opcode_list = [int(thing) for thing in opcode_list]
    opcode_list[0] = 2
    computer = Computer(opcode_list)

    ball_x = 0
    paddle_x = 0
    joystick_input = 0
    scrole = 0

    game_ch = {0: ' ', 1: '|', 2: '#', 3: '-', 4: '0'}
    game_code = {}

    blocks_num = 0
    ball_draw = False
    paddle_draw = False

    while not computer.done:
        x = computer.calculate()
        y = computer.calculate()
        title = computer.calculate()
        if not (x == -1 and y == 0):
            if title != None:
                game_code[(x, y)] = game_ch[title]
        elif x == -1 and y == 0:
            scrole = title

        if title == 3:
            paddle_x = x
            paddle_draw = True
            if ball_draw == True:
                ball_draw = False
                paddle_draw = False
                joystick_position(ball_x, paddle_x, computer)

        elif title == 4:
            ball_x = x
            ball_draw = True
            if paddle_draw == True or paddle_x != 0:
                ball_draw = False
                paddle_draw = False
                joystick_position(ball_x, paddle_x, computer)

        elif title == 2:
            blocks_num += 1

##        if blocks_num == 0:
##            break

##        computer.done = False

    print('*' * 20)
    print('* Scrole:', f'{scrole:8}', '*')
    print('*' * 20)
コード例 #3
def main():
    current_position = 0
    opcode_list = fa.read_input_values('day5_puzzle_input.txt')
    opcode_list = [int(thing) for thing in opcode_list]

    computer = Computer(opcode_list)

    while not computer.done:
コード例 #4
ファイル: day11.py プロジェクト: shoblin/Advent-of-Code-2019
def main():
    opcode_list = fa.read_input_values('day11_puzzle_input.txt')
    opcode_list = [int(thing) for thing in opcode_list]

    painting = Robot_painter(opcode_list)
    print(f"Part 1: {len(painting.painted.keys())}")

    letter_painting = Robot_painter(opcode_list[:], 1)
    print(f"Part 1: {len(letter_painting.painted.keys())}")
コード例 #5
def main():
    opcode_list = fa.read_input_values('day9_puzzle_input.txt')
    opcode_list = opcode_list + [0] * 2000
    opcode_list = [int(thing) for thing in opcode_list]

    input_signal = 1
    amp1 = Computer(opcode_list[:])
    output_signal1 = amp1.calculate(input_signal)

    input_signal = 2
    amp2 = Computer(opcode_list[:])
    output_signal2 = amp2.calculate(input_signal)
コード例 #6
ファイル: day17.py プロジェクト: shoblin/Advent-of-Code-2019
def main():
    #Take optcode from file
    opcode_list = fa.read_input_values('day17_puzzle_input.txt')
    opcode_list = [int(thing) for thing in opcode_list]

    task_map_code = create_map(opcode_list)
    bot_x, bot_y = draw_map(task_map_code)

    result1 = calculate_result_part1(task_map_code)

    ### Print First Result ###
    print('Part1: ', result1)

    bot_path = calculate_path(task_map_code, bot_x, bot_y)
コード例 #7
ファイル: day3.py プロジェクト: shoblin/Advent-of-Code-2019
def main():
    template = "Part{} Answer: {}"

    list1 = fa.read_input_values('day3_puzzle_input.txt')
    list2 = fa.read_input_values('day3_puzzle_input.txt', 1)

    wire1 = build_wire(list1, {})
    wire2 = build_wire(list2, {})

    cross_wire = list(set(wire1.keys()) & set(wire2.keys()))

    result1 = manhattan_distance(cross_wire[0])
    for coord in cross_wire:
        result1 = min(result1, manhattan_distance(coord))

    print(template.format(1, result1))

    steps = wire1[cross_wire[0]] + wire2[cross_wire[0]]
    for coord in cross_wire:
        if steps > wire1[coord] + wire2[coord]:
            steps = wire1[coord] + wire2[coord]

    print(template.format(2, steps))
コード例 #8
ファイル: day7.py プロジェクト: shoblin/Advent-of-Code-2019
def main():
    opcode_list = fa.read_input_values('day7_puzzle_input.txt')
    opcode_list = [int(thing) for thing in opcode_list]

    ls = [x for x in range(5)]
    ls_full = [ls[:]]
    while next_step(ls):

    max_output_signal = 0
    for ls_permutation in ls_full:
        output_signal = 0
        for phase in ls_permutation:
            amp = Computer(opcode_list[:])
            output_signal = amp.calculate(output_signal)

        max_output_signal = max(max_output_signal, output_signal)

    print('Part1:', max_output_signal)

    ls = [x for x in range(5, 10)]
    ls_full = [ls[:]]
    while next_step(ls):

    max_output_signal = 0
    for ls_permutation in ls_full:
        output_signal = 0
        amps = [Computer(opcode_list) for _ in range(5)]
        for amp, phase_setting in zip(amps, ls_permutation):

        while amps[-1].done == False:
            for amp in amps:
                output_signal = amp.output

        max_output_signal = max(output_signal, max_output_signal)
    print(f"Part 2: {max_output_signal}")
コード例 #9
ファイル: day16.py プロジェクト: shoblin/Advent-of-Code-2019
def main():
    ##    task_test1 = '12345678'
    ##    task_test2 = list('03036732577212944063491565474664')

    task = fa.read_input_values('day16_puzzle_input.txt')

    t = fft(task[0], 100)
    result = ''.join(map(str, t))
    print('Part1:', result)

    task = task[0] * 10000
    offset = int(''.join([str(d) for d in task[:7]]))

    task_list = task[offset:]
    task_list = [int(x) for x in task_list]

    for iteration in range(100):
        restsum = sum(task_list)
        for i, n in enumerate(task_list):
            task_list[i] = abs(restsum) % 10
            restsum -= n
    result = ''.join(str(n) for n in task_list[:8])

    print('Part 2: ', result)