def fetch(list_ids): dhnio.Dprint(6, "identitypropagate.fetch identities for %d users" % len(list_ids)) dl = [] for url in list_ids: if url: if not identitycache.FromCache(url): dl.append(identitycache.scheduleForCaching(url)) return DeferredList(dl, consumeErrors=True)
def SendMessage(RemoteID, messagebody, PacketID=""): dhnio.Dprint(6, "message.SendMessage to: " + str(RemoteID)) # TODO ERROR HERE (return Defer) if not identitycache.scheduleForCaching(RemoteID): dhnio.Dprint(1, "message.SendMessage ERROR. Can't find identity: " + str(RemoteID)) return RemoteIdentity = identitycache.FromCache(RemoteID) if RemoteIdentity == "": dhnio.Dprint(1, "message.SendMessage ERROR. Can't retreive identity: " + str(RemoteID)) return Amessage = MessageClass(RemoteIdentity, messagebody) MyID = misc.getLocalID() if PacketID == "": PacketID = packetid.UniqueID() Payload = misc.ObjectToString(Amessage) dhnio.Dprint(6, "message.SendMessage about to send to " + RemoteID) result = dhnpacket.dhnpacket(commands.Message(), MyID, MyID, PacketID, Payload, RemoteID) transport_control.outboxAck(result)
def FetchSingle(idurl): dhnio.Dprint(6, "identitypropagate.fetch_single " + idurl) return identitycache.scheduleForCaching(idurl)