def test_ioe_potentiometer(): _log = Logger("test-ioe-pot", Level.INFO) + 'to kill type Ctrl-C') # read YAML configuration _loader = ConfigLoader(Level.INFO) _config = _loader.configure('config.yaml') _pot = Potentiometer(_config, Level.INFO) _pot.set_output_limits(0.00, 0.150)'starting test...') _hz = 10 _rate = Rate(_hz, Level.ERROR) while True: # _value = self.get_value() # self.set_rgb(_value) # _scaled_value = self.scale_value() # as float _scaled_value = _pot.get_scaled_value(True) # _scaled_value = math.floor(self.scale_value()) # as integer + 'scaled value: {:9.6f}'.format(_scaled_value)) _rate.wait()
def main(): _level = Level.INFO _log = Logger('main', _level) _loader = ConfigLoader(_level) _config = _loader.configure('config.yaml') try: _motors = Motors(_config, None, Level.WARN) _pot = Potentiometer(_config, Level.WARN) _pot.set_output_limits(0.0, 127.0) # motor configuration: starboard, port or both? _orientation = Orientation.BOTH if _orientation == Orientation.BOTH or _orientation == Orientation.PORT: _port_motor = _motors.get_motor(Orientation.PORT) _port_pid = PIDController(_config, _port_motor, level=Level.WARN) _port_pid.enable() if _orientation == Orientation.BOTH or _orientation == Orientation.STBD: _stbd_motor = _motors.get_motor(Orientation.STBD) _stbd_pid = PIDController(_config, _stbd_motor, level=Level.WARN) _stbd_pid.enable() ROTATE = True _rotate = -1.0 if ROTATE else 1.0 # sys.exit(0) _stbd_velocity = 0.0 _port_velocity = 0.0 _step = 0.5 _min = 0.0 _max = 70.0 _rate = Rate(10) try: # for _value in numpy.arange(_min, _max, _step): while True: # update RGB LED # _pot.set_rgb(_pot.get_value()) _value = 127.0 - _pot.get_scaled_value(True) if _value > 125.0: _value = 127.0 _velocity = Gamepad.convert_range(_value) if _orientation == Orientation.BOTH or _orientation == Orientation.PORT: _port_pid.setpoint = _velocity * 100.0 _port_velocity = _port_pid.setpoint if _orientation == Orientation.BOTH or _orientation == Orientation.STBD: _stbd_pid.setpoint = _rotate * _velocity * 100.0 _stbd_velocity = _stbd_pid.setpoint + 'value: {:<5.2f}; set-point: {:5.2f}; velocity: '.format(_value, _velocity) \ + Fore.RED + ' port: {:5.2f}\t'.format(_port_velocity) + Fore.GREEN + ' stbd: {:5.2f}'.format(_stbd_velocity)) _rate.wait() + 'resting...') time.sleep(10.0) # for _value in numpy.arange(_min, _max, _step): while True: # update RGB LED # _pot.set_rgb(_pot.get_value()) _value = 127.0 - _pot.get_scaled_value(True) if _value > 125.0: _value = 127.0 _velocity = Gamepad.convert_range(_value) if _orientation == Orientation.BOTH or _orientation == Orientation.PORT: _port_pid.setpoint = _rotate * _velocity * 100.0 _port_velocity = _port_pid.setpoint if _orientation == Orientation.BOTH or _orientation == Orientation.STBD: _stbd_pid.setpoint = _velocity * 100.0 _stbd_velocity = _stbd_pid.setpoint + 'value: {:<5.2f}; set-point: {:5.2f}; velocity: '.format(_value, _velocity) \ + Fore.RED + ' port: {:5.2f}\t'.format(_port_velocity) + Fore.GREEN + ' stbd: {:5.2f}'.format(_stbd_velocity)) _rate.wait() + 'end of cruising.') except KeyboardInterrupt: + Style.BRIGHT + 'PID test complete.') finally: if _orientation == Orientation.BOTH or _orientation == Orientation.PORT: _port_pid.disable() if _orientation == Orientation.BOTH or _orientation == Orientation.STBD: _stbd_pid.disable() _motors.brake() except Exception as e: + Style.BRIGHT + 'error in PID controller: {}\n{}'.format(e, traceback.format_exc())) finally: + Style.BRIGHT + 'C. finally.')
def main(): _level = Level.INFO _log = Logger('main', _level) _loader = ConfigLoader(_level) _config = _loader.configure('config.yaml') _rot_min = 0 _rot_max = 100 _rot_step = 5 _rot_ctrl = RotaryControl(_config, _rot_min, _rot_max, _rot_step, Level.WARN) _pot_min = 0.0 _pot_max = 0.00030 _pot = Potentiometer(_config, Level.INFO) _pot.set_output_limits(_pot_min, _pot_max) try: _motors = Motors(_config, None, _level) # _port_motor = _motors.get_motor(Orientation.PORT) # _port_pid = PIDController(_config, _port_motor, level=Level.DEBUG) _stbd_motor = _motors.get_motor(Orientation.STBD) _stbd_pid = PIDController(_config, _stbd_motor, level=Level.DEBUG) # sys.exit(0) _max_velocity = 30.0 # _port_pid.enable() _stbd_pid.enable() try: + 'accelerating...') _read_value = _velocity = _read_value / 100.0 + 'value: {}'.format(_read_value)) _stbd_pid.setpoint = 10.0 # for _velocity in numpy.arange(0.0, _max_velocity, 0.3): # + '_velocity={:>5.2f}.'.format(_velocity)) # _stbd_pid.setpoint = _velocity # + 'STBD setpoint={:>5.2f}.'.format(_stbd_pid.setpoint)) # _port_pid.setpoint = _velocity # + 'PORT setpoint={:>5.2f}.'.format(_port_pid.setpoint)) # time.sleep(1.0) # .......................................... + 'cruising...') time.sleep(10.0) + 'end of cruising.') # + 'decelerating...') # for _velocity in numpy.arange(_max_velocity, 0.0, -0.25): # + '_velocity={:>5.2f}.'.format(_velocity)) # _port_pid.setpoint = _velocity # _stbd_pid.setpoint = _velocity # + 'STBD setpoint={:>5.2f}.'.format(_stbd_pid.setpoint)) # + 'PORT setpoint={:>5.2f}.'.format(_port_pid.setpoint)) # time.sleep(1.0) # + 'stopped...') _stbd_pid.setpoint = 0.0 time.sleep(3.0) + 'end of test.') except KeyboardInterrupt: + Style.BRIGHT + 'PID test complete.') finally: # _port_pid.disable() _stbd_pid.disable() _motors.brake() except Exception as e: + Style.BRIGHT + 'error in PID controller: {}'.format(e)) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) finally: + Style.BRIGHT + 'C. finally.')
def main(): global test_triggered, test_enabled # initial states test_triggered = False test_enabled = True _loader = ConfigLoader(_level) _config = _loader.configure('config.yaml') _pin_A = 12 _button_24 = Button(_pin_A, callback_method_A, Level.INFO) Style.BRIGHT + 'press button A (connected to pin {:d}) to toggle or initiate action.'. format(_pin_A)) _pin_B = 24 _button_24 = Button(_pin_B, callback_method_B, Level.INFO) + 'press button B connected to pin {:d}) to exit.'.format(_pin_B)) try: # ......................................... _motors = Motors(_config, None, Level.INFO) _pot = Potentiometer(_config, Level.WARN) _pot_min = 0.0000 _pot_max = 0.1500 _pot.set_output_limits(_pot_min, _pot_max) _limit = 90.0 # _min = -127 _stbd_setpoint = 0.0 _port_setpoint = 0.0 _scaled_value = 0.0 _value = 0.0 _port_pid = None _stbd_pid = None # rotary controller _min = 90 _max = 0 _step = 5 _rotary_ctrl = RotaryControl(_config, _min, _max, _step, Level.INFO) # configure motors/PID controllers _port_motor = _motors.get_motor(Orientation.PORT) _port_pid = PIDController(_config, _port_motor, level=Level.INFO) _port_pid.set_limit(_limit) if ORIENTATION == Orientation.BOTH or ORIENTATION == Orientation.PORT: _port_pid.enable() if ORIENTATION == Orientation.BOTH or ORIENTATION == Orientation.STBD: _stbd_motor = _motors.get_motor(Orientation.STBD) _stbd_pid = PIDController(_config, _stbd_motor, level=Level.INFO) _stbd_pid.set_limit(_limit) _stbd_pid.enable() # sys.exit(0) _fixed_value = 15.0 # fixed setpoint value DRY_RUN = False USE_POTENTIOMETER = False USE_ROTARY_ENCODER = False ANYTHING_ELSE = False try: while test_enabled: if test_triggered: + Style.BRIGHT + 'action A.') test_triggered = False # trigger once rotate_in_place(_rotary_ctrl, _port_pid, _stbd_pid) test_enabled = False # quit after action time.sleep(1.0) # and we now return to our regularly scheduled broadcast... _kp = _pot.get_scaled_value(True) = _kp + 'waiting for button A...;' + Style.BRIGHT + ' kp: {:8.5f}'.format( time.sleep(1.0) + 'end of test.') except KeyboardInterrupt: + Style.BRIGHT + 'Ctrl-C caught: closing...') finally: if ORIENTATION == Orientation.BOTH or ORIENTATION == Orientation.PORT: _port_pid.disable() if ORIENTATION == Orientation.BOTH or ORIENTATION == Orientation.STBD: _stbd_pid.disable() _motors.brake() if _rotary_ctrl:'resetting rotary encoder...') _rotary_ctrl.reset() time.sleep(1.0)'complete.') except Exception as e: + Style.BRIGHT + 'error in test: {}'.format(e, traceback.format_exc())) finally: + Style.BRIGHT + 'finally.')
def __init__(self, config, message_bus, message_factory, level): super().__init__() self._log = Logger("clock", level) if message_bus is None: raise ValueError('null message bus argument.') self._message_bus = message_bus if message_factory is None: raise ValueError('null message factory argument.') self._message_factory = message_factory if config is None: raise ValueError('null configuration argument.') _config = config['ros'].get('clock') self._loop_freq_hz = _config.get('loop_freq_hz') self._tock_modulo = _config.get('tock_modulo')'tock modulo: {:d}'.format(self._tock_modulo)) self._counter = itertools.count() self._rate = Rate(self._loop_freq_hz) # self._tick_type = type(Tick(None, Event.CLOCK_TICK, None)) # self._tock_type = type(Tock(None, Event.CLOCK_TOCK, None))'tick frequency: {:d}Hz'.format(self._loop_freq_hz))'tock frequency: {:d}Hz'.format( round(self._loop_freq_hz / self._tock_modulo))) self._enable_trim = _config.get('enable_trim')'enable clock trim.' if self. _enable_trim else 'disable clock trim.') self._pot = None if self._enable_trim: if SCALE_KP: _min_pot = 0.2 _max_pot = 0.6 _kp = 0.0 _ki = 0.0 _kd = 0.00001 elif SCALE_KI: _min_pot = 0.0 _max_pot = 0.01 _kp = 0.3333 _ki = 0.0 _kd = 0.00001 elif SCALE_KD: _min_pot = 0.0 _max_pot = 0.01 _kp = 0.3333 _ki = 0.0 _kd = 0.0 else: # use these constants for the PID with no potentiometer control _kp = 0.3333 _ki = 0.0 _kd = 0.00001 if (SCALE_KP or SCALE_KI or SCALE_KD): try: self._pot = Potentiometer(config, Level.WARN) except Exception: + 'using mock potentiometer.') self._pot = MockPotentiometer() self._pot.set_output_limits(_min_pot, _max_pot) else:'using fixed PID constants; no potentiometer.') # initial constants _setpoint = self._rate.get_period_ms() + 'initial PID setpoint: {:6.3f}'.format(_setpoint)) _min_output = None _max_output = None _sample_time = 0.05 self._pid = PID('clock', _kp, _ki, _kd, _min_output, _max_output, _setpoint, _sample_time, Level.WARN) + 'trim enabled.') else: self._pid = None + 'trim disabled.') # ......................... self._thread = None self._enabled = False self._closed = False self._last_time ='ready.')
def test_motors(): _log = Logger('test', Level.INFO) # read YAML configuration _loader = ConfigLoader(Level.INFO) filename = 'config.yaml' _config = _loader.configure(filename) # rotary controller _min = 0 _max = 50 _step = 5 _rotary_ctrl = RotaryControl(_config, _min, _max, _step, Level.WARN) _motor_configurer = MotorConfigurer(_config, Level.INFO) _motors = _motor_configurer.configure() _motors.enable()'starting motors...') _port_motor = _motors.get_motor(Orientation.PORT) _port_pid = PIDController(_config, _port_motor, level=Level.INFO) if ORIENTATION == Orientation.BOTH or ORIENTATION == Orientation.PORT: _port_motor.enable() _port_pid.enable() _stbd_motor = _motors.get_motor(Orientation.STBD) _stbd_pid = PIDController(_config, _stbd_motor, level=Level.INFO) _stbd_motor.enable() _stbd_pid.enable() _power = 0.0 _pot = Potentiometer(_config, Level.WARN) if POT_CONTROL: _pot_limit = 1.0 else: _pot_limit = 0.0 _pot.set_output_limits(0.0, _pot_limit) try: _rate = Rate(10) i = 0 # for i in range(7): while True: _rot_value = # _unscaled_value = _pot.get_value() # _pot.set_rgb(_unscaled_value) _scaled_value = _pot.get_scaled_value(True)'rotary : {:<5.2f};'.format(_rot_value) + ' pot: {:<5.2f}'.format(_scaled_value)) if POT_CONTROL: _power = _scaled_value # _power = i * 0.1 + 'set motor power: {:5.2f} (original: {:d});'.format( _power, i)) if ORIENTATION == Orientation.BOTH or ORIENTATION == Orientation.PORT: _port_motor.set_motor_power(-1.0 * _power) _stbd_motor.set_motor_power(_power)'[{:d}]\t'.format(i) \ + Fore.RED + 'power {:5.2f}/{:5.2f}; {:>4d} steps; setpoint: {:5.2f}; velocity: {:5.2f};\t'.format(\ _stbd_motor.get_current_power_level(), _power, _port_pid.steps, _port_pid.setpoint, _port_pid.velocity) \ + Fore.GREEN + 'power {:5.2f}/{:5.2f}; {:>4d} steps; setpoint: {:5.2f}; velocity: {:5.2f}'.format(\ _port_motor.get_current_power_level(), _power, _stbd_pid.steps, _stbd_pid.setpoint, _stbd_pid.velocity)) else: if ORIENTATION == Orientation.BOTH or ORIENTATION == Orientation.PORT: _port_pid.setpoint = _rot_value _stbd_pid.setpoint = _rot_value # + 'STBD value: {:5.2f} setpoint: {:5.2f}'.format(_scaled_value, _stbd_pid.setpoint) + Style.RESET_ALL)'[{:d}]\t'.format(i) \ + Fore.RED + 'motor power {:5.2f}; {:>4d} steps; setpoint: {:5.2f}; velocity: {:5.2f};\t'.format(\ _stbd_motor.get_current_power_level(), _port_pid.steps, _port_pid.setpoint, _port_pid.velocity) \ + Fore.GREEN + 'motor power {:5.2f}; {:>4d} steps; setpoint: {:5.2f}; velocity: {:5.2f}'.format(\ _port_motor.get_current_power_level(), _stbd_pid.steps, _stbd_pid.setpoint, _stbd_pid.velocity)) # if i > 2 and ( _port_motor.steps == 0 or _stbd_motor.steps == 0 ): # raise Exception('motors are not turning.') # time.sleep(1.0) # time.sleep(1.0) _rate.wait() # tests... if ORIENTATION == Orientation.BOTH or ORIENTATION == Orientation.PORT:'port motor: {:d} steps.'.format(_port_pid.steps)) # assert _port_motor.steps > 0'stbd motor: {:d} steps.'.format(_stbd_pid.steps)) # assert _stbd_motor.steps > 0 except Exception as e: _log.error('error: {}'.format(e)) finally: close_motors(_log, _port_motor, _stbd_motor) + 'complete.')
def main(): global action_A, action_B # initial states action_A = False action_B = True _loader = ConfigLoader(_level) _config = _loader.configure('config.yaml') _pin_A = 12 _button_12 = Button(_pin_A, callback_method_A, Level.INFO) Style.BRIGHT + 'press button A (connected to pin {:d}) to toggle or initiate action.'. format(_pin_A)) _pin_B = 24 _button_24 = Button(_pin_B, callback_method_B, Level.INFO) + 'press button B connected to pin {:d}) to exit.'.format(_pin_B)) try:'creating message factory...') _message_factory = MessageFactory(Level.INFO)'creating message bus...') _message_bus = MessageBus(Level.DEBUG)'creating clock...') _clock = Clock(_config, _message_bus, _message_factory, Level.WARN) _motor_configurer = MotorConfigurer(_config, _clock, Level.INFO) _motors = _motor_configurer.get_motors() _limit = 90.0 _stbd_setpoint = 0.0 _port_setpoint = 0.0 _scaled_value = 0.0 _value = 0.0 _port_pid_ctrl = None _stbd_pid_ctrl = None # rotary controller _min_rot = 0 _max_rot = 30 _step_rot = 1 _rotary_ctrl = RotaryControl(_config, _min_rot, _max_rot, _step_rot, Level.WARN) # configure motors/PID controllers if ORIENTATION == Orientation.BOTH or ORIENTATION == Orientation.PORT: _port_motor = _motors.get_motor(Orientation.PORT) _port_pid_ctrl = PIDController(_config, _clock, _port_motor, level=Level.INFO) _port_pid_ctrl.limit = _limit _port_pid_ctrl.enable() if ORIENTATION == Orientation.BOTH or ORIENTATION == Orientation.STBD: _stbd_motor = _motors.get_motor(Orientation.STBD) _stbd_pid_ctrl = PIDController(_config, _clock, _stbd_motor, level=Level.INFO) _stbd_pid_ctrl.limit = _limit _stbd_pid_ctrl.enable() _max_pot = 1.0 _min_pot = 0.0 _pot = Potentiometer(_config, Level.WARN) _pot.set_output_limits(_min_pot, _max_pot) _motors.enable() try: while action_B: if action_A: + Style.BRIGHT + 'action A.') action_A = False # trigger once _stbd_setpoint = 0.0 _port_setpoint = 0.0 while action_B: # set PID constant _scaled_value = _pot.get_scaled_value(True) # + 'PID TUNER kp: {:8.5f} ================ '.format(_scaled_value)) if ORIENTATION == Orientation.BOTH or ORIENTATION == Orientation.PORT: = _scaled_value = _scaled_value _value = # + Style.BRIGHT + 'rotary value: {:<5.2f}'.format(_value)) # if _value > -2.0 and _value < 2.0: # hysteresis? # _value = 0.0 if ORIENTATION == Orientation.BOTH or ORIENTATION == Orientation.PORT: _port_pid_ctrl.setpoint = ROTATE_VALUE * _value #* 100.0 _port_setpoint = _port_pid_ctrl.setpoint if ORIENTATION == Orientation.BOTH or ORIENTATION == Orientation.STBD: _stbd_pid_ctrl.setpoint = _value #* 100.0 _stbd_setpoint = _stbd_pid_ctrl.setpoint # + 'rotary value: {:<5.2f}; setpoint: '.format(_value) \ # + Fore.RED + ' {:5.2f};'.format(_port_setpoint) + Fore.GREEN + ' {:5.2f};'.format(_stbd_setpoint) \ # + Fore.WHITE + ' action_B: {}'.format(action_B)) # end of loop action_B = False # quit after action time.sleep(1.0) # and we now return to our regularly scheduled broadcast... else: pass + Style.BRIGHT + 'waiting on button A...') time.sleep(0.5) + 'end of test.') except KeyboardInterrupt: + Style.BRIGHT + 'Ctrl-C caught: closing...') finally: if ORIENTATION == Orientation.BOTH or ORIENTATION == Orientation.PORT: _port_pid_ctrl.disable() if ORIENTATION == Orientation.BOTH or ORIENTATION == Orientation.STBD: _stbd_pid_ctrl.disable() _motors.brake() if _rotary_ctrl:'resetting rotary encoder...') _rotary_ctrl.reset() time.sleep(1.0)'complete.') except Exception as e: + Style.BRIGHT + 'error in test: {}'.format(e, traceback.format_exc())) finally: + Style.BRIGHT + 'finally.')