コード例 #1
 def __init__(self,url,username,token,plugins_list,options):
     """This class represents a method for performing all the jenkins configurations to run Isilon Jenkins
     @param url: the base jenkins url example. jenkins.com
     @param username: ldap username
     @param token: Jenkins user token provided with every user
     @param plugins_list: path to plugins.json 
     self.url          = url
     self.username     = username
     self.token        = token
     self.plugins_list = plugins_list
     self.console      = Console(self.url,self.username,self.token)
     self.src_jobs     = job_actions(self.url,self.username,self.token)
     self.options      = options
     except Exception as e:
         print e
コード例 #2
class Configure(object):
    """ This class represents configuration of a remote jenkins instance
    @note: requires Jenkins system with base install
    @note: requires security is disables
    def __init__(self,url,username,token,plugins_list,options):
        """This class represents a method for performing all the jenkins configurations to run Isilon Jenkins
        @param url: the base jenkins url example. jenkins.com
        @param username: ldap username
        @param token: Jenkins user token provided with every user
        @param plugins_list: path to plugins.json 
        self.url          = url
        self.username     = username
        self.token        = token
        self.plugins_list = plugins_list
        self.console      = Console(self.url,self.username,self.token)
        self.src_jobs     = job_actions(self.url,self.username,self.token)
        self.options      = options
        except Exception as e:
            print e
    def _set_configs(self):
        """ Send all needed json configs to jenkins host [src] configs/<config>.json [dest] /tmp/<config>.json
        @note: make sure script all use " not '
        print "\n[set_jsons]"
        cfg_dir = 'configs'
        configs = os.listdir(cfg_dir)
        for config in configs:
            output = self.console.send_json('%s/%s' % (cfg_dir,config))
            if output:
                print output
    def set_token(self,new_token):
        """ Set a new token if provided 
        @param new_token: String of Jenkins user token 
        self.token = new_token
    def _load_json(self,file,verbose=False):
        """ Loads all the plugins from the /configs/plugins.json
        with open(file) as data_file:    
            data = json.load(data_file)
            if verbose:
                for key, value in data.iteritems():
                    print '{:10} : {:10}'.format(key,value)
        return data
    def plugins_install(self,ignore_version=True):
        """ Installs all the plugins using Jenkins Restful commands
        @param ignore_version:not used in this function directly
        @note: Verify successful by going to:
        print "\n [plugins_install]"
        plugins        = self._load_json(self.plugins_list)
        plug_mgmt      =  Plugin(self.url,self.url,self.token)
        failed_plugins = {}
        updates        = []
        for name,version in plugins.iteritems():
            print "\n[%s %s]" % (name, version) 
            plug_mgmt.install(name, version)
        print "wait for plugin installation 2 min"
        for name,version in plugins.iteritems():
            if not self._plugin_exists(plug_mgmt, name, version):

        print "\nfailed plugins list:"
        if len(failed_plugins) <=0:
            print "None"
        for name,version in failed_plugins.iteritems():
            print "%s : %s"
        return failed_plugins
    def _plugin_exists(self,plug_mgmt,name,version,wait=300,ignore_version=True):
        """ Waits for all the plugins to load via jenkins restful calls
        @param plug_mgmt: plugin object in lib.jenkins_api
        @param      name: plugin short name from configs/plugins.json
        @param   version: plugin version
        @param      wait: int, number of seconds to wait for plugin to be available
        @param ignore_version: boolean, ignore version when checking for if the plugin exists
        cnt = 0
        hook = False
        while not hook:
            hook = plug_mgmt.exists(name,version,ignore_version=ignore_version)
            print "[%s %s] waiting %s | timeout %s" % (name,version,cnt,wait)
            print "Plugin status: %s" % hook
            if cnt > wait:
                return False
        return True
    def get_auth_token(self):
        """ get the authentication token for a specific user on jenkins
        output = self.console.send('groovy/get_auth_token.groovy').strip()
        print "#%s#" % output
        return output
    def get_users(self):
        """ Get a list of all active users from jenkins
        output = self.console.send('groovy/get_users.groovy')
        print output
    def get_groups(self):
        """ Get a list of all active groups on Jenkins
        output = self.console.send('groovy/get_groups.groovy')
        print output
    def set_email(self):
        """ Set the admin email address
        @note: Verify successful by going to:
        print "\n[set_email]"
        output = self.console.send('groovy/set_email.groovy')
        if output:
            print output
    def set_bugzilla(self):
        """ Set bugzilla configurations
        @note: Verify successful by going to:
        print "\n[set_bugzilla]"
        output = self.console.send('groovy/set_bugzilla.groovy')
        if output:
            print output
    def set_publish_over_ssh(self):
        """ setup all configurations for set_publish_over_ssh plugin
        @note: Verify successful by going to:
        print "\n[set_publish_over_ssh]"
        output = self.console.send('groovy/set_publish_over_ssh.groovy')
        print output
    def set_publish_over_ssh_add_hosts(self):
        """ adds a host to set_publish_over_ssh settings
        @note: Verify successful by going to:
        print "\n[set_publish_over_ssh_add_hosts]"
        output = self.console.send('groovy/set_publish_over_ssh_add_hosts.groovy')
        print output
    def set_master_executors(self):
        """ adds jenkins master executors
        @note: Verify successful by going to:
        print "\n[set_master_executors]"
        output = self.console.send('groovy/set_master_executors.groovy')
        if output:
            print output
    def set_views(self):
        """ Sets up all the jenkins views and tabs
        @note: Verify successful by going to:
        print "\n[set_views]"
        output = self.console.send('groovy/set_views.groovy')
        print output
    def set_ownership(self):
        """ Setups up the ownership plugin configurations
        @note: Verify successful by going to:
        print "\n[set_ownership]"
        output = self.console.send('groovy/set_ownership.groovy')
        print output
    def set_RoleBasedAuth(self):
        """ Setup all RoleBaseAuth plugin configurations 
        @note: Verify successful by going to:
        print "\n[set_RoleBasedAuth]"
        output = self.console.send('groovy/set_RoleBasedAuth.groovy')
        print output
    def set_RoleBasedAuthPopulate(self):
        """ Populates the authentication model
        @note: Verify successful by going to:
        print "\n[set_RoleBasedAuthPopulate]"
        output = self.console.send('groovy/set_RoleBasedAuthPopulate.groovy')
        print output

    def set_ldap(self):
        """ Setup all ldap configurations
        @note: Verify successful by going to:
        print "\n[set_ldap]"
        output = self.console.send('groovy/set_ldap.groovy')
        print output
    def set_global_credentials(self):
        """ Setup all the credentials user across jenkins
        @note: Verify successful by going to:
        print "\n[set_global_credentials]"
        output = self.console.send('groovy/set_global_credentials.groovy')
        print output

    def set_managedScripts(self):
        """ Setup all Managed scripts
        @note: Verify successful by going to:
        print "\n[set_managedScripts]"
        output = self.console.send('groovy/set_managedScripts.groovy')
        print output
    def set_markup_formatter(self):
        """ Setup when html text is submitted its run as html
        @note: Verify successful by going to:
        print "\n[set_markup_formatter.]"
        output = self.console.send('groovy/set_markup_formatter.groovy')
        print output
    def set_remote_executors(self):
        """ Setup all remote executors
        @note: Verify successful by going to:
        output = self.console.send('groovy/set_remote_executors.groovy')
        print output
    def sync_bootstrap(self):
        """ Creates a bootstrap job syncs it to jenkins instance
        @note: Verify successful by going to:
        print "\n[sync_bootstrap]"
        job_name   = "bootstrap"
        bootstrap_xml = ""
        with open('jobs/bootstrap/config.xml', 'r') as f:
            bootstrap_xml = f.read()
        if self.src_jobs.post(bootstrap_xml, job_name)==False:
            print "[updates] updating latest bootstrap job"
            self.src_jobs.post(bootstrap_xml, job_name)
    def run_bootstrap(self):
        """ run a bootstrap job remotely
        @param remote_action: supply an action
        print "\n[run_bootstrap]"
        rest = Restful(self.url)
        output = rest.send('POST', 'buildByToken/build?job=bootstrap&token=bootstrap',strict=False)
    def restart_jenkins(self):
        """ restart the jenkins instance for plugins and settings 
        print "\n[restart_jenkins]"
        system = System_jenkins(self.url,self.url,self.token)
    def remote_pass(self):
        """ pass nothing in to test _set_configs() 
    def tests(self):
        """ run tests
        tests = Functional(self.url,self.url,self.token)