コード例 #1
    def fit(self, tr_loader, val_loader, epochs, val_interval, loss,
            val_metrics, opt):
        """Trains the NN.

            `tr_loader`: DataLoader with the training set.
            `val_loader`: DataLoader with the validaiton set.
            `epochs`: Number of epochs to train the model. If 0, no train.
            `val_interval`: After how many epochs to perform validation.
            `loss`: Name of the loss function.
            `val_metrics`: Which metrics to measure at validation time.
            `opt`: Optimizer.
        t0 = time.time()
        e = 1
        # Expected classes of our dataset
        measure_classes = {0: "background", 1: "contra", 2: "R_hemisphere"}
        # Which classes will be reported during validation
        measure_classes_mean = np.array([1, 2])

        while e <= epochs:

            tr_loss = 0
            for (tr_i), (X, Y, info, W) in enumerate(tr_loader):
                X = [x.to(self.device) for x in X]
                Y = [y.to(self.device) for y in Y]
                W = [w.to(self.device) for w in W]

                output = self(X)
                pred = output[0]

                tr_loss_tmp = loss(output, Y, W)
                tr_loss += tr_loss_tmp

                # Optimization

            tr_loss /= len(tr_loader)

            if len(val_loader) != 0 and e % val_interval == 0:
                log("Validation", self.out_path)

                val_loss = 0
                # val_scores stores all needed metrics for assessing validation
                val_scores = np.zeros(
                    (len(val_metrics), len(val_loader), len(measure_classes)))
                Measure = Metric(val_metrics,

                with torch.no_grad():
                    for (val_i), (X, Y, info, W) in enumerate(val_loader):
                        X = [x.to(self.device) for x in X]
                        Y = [y.to(self.device) for y in Y]
                        W = [w.to(self.device) for w in W]

                        output = self(X)
                        val_loss_tmp = loss(output, Y, W)
                        val_loss += val_loss_tmp

                        y_true_cpu = Y[0].cpu().numpy()
                        y_pred_cpu = output[0].cpu().numpy()

                        # Record all needed metrics
                        # If batch_size > 1, Measure.all() returns an avg.
                        tmp_res = Measure.all(y_pred_cpu, y_true_cpu)
                        for i, m in enumerate(val_metrics):
                            val_scores[i, val_i] = tmp_res[m]

                # Validation loss
                val_loss /= len(val_loader)
                val_str = " Val Loss: {}".format(val_loss)

                # val_metrics shape: num_metrics x num_batches x num_classes
                for i, m in enumerate(val_metrics):
                    # tmp shape: num_classes (averaged over num_batches when val != -1)
                    tmp = np.array(Measure._getMean(val_scores[i]))

                    # Mean validation value in metric m (all interesting classes)
                    tmp_val = tmp[measure_classes_mean]
                    # Note: if tmp_val is NaN, it means that the classes I am
                    # interested in (check lib/data/whatever, measure_classes_mean)
                    # were not found in the validation set.
                    tmp_val = np.mean(tmp_val[tmp_val != -1])
                    val_str += ". Val " + m + ": " + str(tmp_val)

                val_str = ""

            eta = " ETA: " + datetime.fromtimestamp(
                time.time() + (epochs - e) *
                (time.time() - t0) / e).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
            log("Epoch: {}. Loss: {}.".format(e, tr_loss) + val_str + eta,

            # Save model after every epoch
                self.out_path + "model/MedicDeepLabv3Plus-model-" + str(e))
            if e > 1 and os.path.exists(self.out_path +
                                        "model/MedicDeepLabv3Plus-model-" +
                                        str(e - 1)):
                os.remove(self.out_path + "model/MedicDeepLabv3Plus-model-" +
                          str(e - 1))

            e += 1
コード例 #2
    def evaluate(self, test_loader, metrics, remove_islands, save_output=True):
        """Tests/Evaluates the NN.

            `test_loader`: DataLoader containing the test set. Batch_size = 1.
            `metrics`: Metrics to measure.
            `save_output`: (bool) whether to save the output segmentations.
            `remove_islands`: (bool) whether to apply post-processing.

        # Expected classes of our dataset
        measure_classes = {0: "background", 1: "contra", 2: "R_hemisphere"}

        results = {}
        Measure = Metric(metrics,

        # Pool to store pieces of output that will be put together
        # before evaluating the whole image.
        # This is useful when the entire image doesn't fit into mem.
        with torch.no_grad():
            for (test_i), (X, Y, info, W) in enumerate(test_loader):
                print("{}/{}".format(test_i + 1, len(test_loader)))
                X = [x.to(self.device) for x in X]
                Y = [y.to(self.device) for y in Y]
                W = [w.to(self.device) for w in W]
                id_ = info["id"][0]

                output = self(X)

                y_pred_cpu = output[0].cpu().numpy()
                y_true_cpu = Y[0].cpu().numpy()

                if remove_islands:
                    y_pred_cpu = removeSmallIslands(y_pred_cpu, thr=20)

                # Predictions (and GT) separate the two hemispheres
                # combineLabels will combine these such that it creates
                # brainmask and contra-hemisphere ROIs instead of
                # two different hemisphere ROIs.
                y_pred_cpu = combineLabels(y_pred_cpu)
                # If GT was provided it measures the performance
                if len(y_true_cpu.shape) > 1:
                    y_true_cpu = combineLabels(y_true_cpu)

                    results[id_] = Measure.all(y_pred_cpu, y_true_cpu)

                test_loader.dataset.save(y_pred_cpu[0], info,
                                         self.out_path + id_)

        # Gather results (multiprocessing)
        for k in results:
            results[k] = results[k].get()

        if len(results) > 0:
            with open(self.out_path + "stats.json", "w") as f:

        # If we are using multiprocessing we need to close the pool