def user_auth(username, password): ''' #判断用户名和密码是否匹配 :param username: 用户名 :param password: 密码 :return: True 匹配成功 False 匹配失败 ''' if not username or not password: print(Prompt.display('用户名或者密码不能为空!', 'red')) return False user = MyPickle(settings.file_name['user']) read_user = user.load() for i in read_user: if username == i['username'] and password == i['password']: result = {'msg': True, 'role': i['role']} return result else: return {'msg': False, 'role': None}
class Client(object): def __init__(self, info): = info self.ip = '' self.port = 9090 self.rxb = 1024 self.user_files = MyPickle(settings.file_name['user']) = Mysocket() self.operate_lst = [ ('查看所有用户', self.show_user), ('查看我的好友', self.show_my_user), ('添加我的好友', self.add_my_user), ('删除我的好友', self.delete_my_user), ('退出', self.q), ] self.main() def main(self): print( Prompt.display('您好: {} 欢迎使用聊天系统!\n'.format(['username']), 'purple_red')) def menu(self): while True: self.interlacing_color(self.operate_lst) # 隔行换色 num = input('输入您要做的操作序号:').strip() if num.isdigit(): # 判断数字 num = int(num) # 转换数字类型 if num in range(1, len(self.operate_lst) + 1): # 判断输入的序号范围 # print(operate_lst[num - 1][0]) self.operate_lst[num - 1][1]() else: print('序号不存在,请重新输入!') else: print('操作序号必须为数字!') def run_chat(self, friends, friends_color): # 发起聊天 while True: inp = input('请输入发送内容,或者输入b返回: ').strip() if not inp: print(Prompt.display('发送内容不能为空!', 'red')) continue elif inp.upper() == 'B': pro_mes = Prompt.display('是否关闭当前会话 Y/N ? ', 'red') confirm = input(pro_mes).strip() if confirm.upper() == 'Y': break elif confirm.upper() == 'N': continue else: print(Prompt.display('输入内容有误,请输入Y/N', 'red')) continue'{}:{}:{}:{}:{}'.format(['username'],['color'], friends, friends_color, inp)), (self.ip, self.port)) # 发送数据给服务器 print(Prompt.display('正在等待对方回复...', 'green')) msg, addr = # 接收信息 name, color, mesg = msg.split(':') # 姓名,颜色,消息 print(''.center(36, '=')) print(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) print(Prompt.display('❀{} : {}'.format(name, mesg), color)) # 关闭连接 def user_info(self): # 获取当前用户详细信息 for i in self.user_files.load(): # 读取用户文件 if i['username'] ==['username']: return i def user_all(self): # 所有用户列表,排除自己 user_list = [] for i in self.user_files.load(): if i['username'] ==['username']: # 如果当前登录用户等于自己,不追加到列表中 pass else: user_list.append(i) return user_list def show_user(self): print('当前用户列表如下:'.center(30, '=')) self.interlacing_color(self.user_all()) print(''.center(36, '=')) def show_my_user(self): # 查看我的好友 if self.user_info()['friends'] == []: print(Prompt.display('当前好友暂无!请添加好友', 'red')) else: friends_list = self.user_info()['friends'] print('好友列表如下:'.center(31, '=')) self.interlacing_color(friends_list) print(''.center(36, '=')) while True: pro_mes = Prompt.display('是否发起聊天 Y/N(返回) ? ', 'green') confirm = input(pro_mes).strip() if confirm.upper() == 'Y': self.interlacing_color(friends_list) choice = input('请输入好友编号,或输入b返回: ').strip() if choice.upper() == 'B': # break if choice.isdigit(): choice = int(choice) if choice in range(1, len(friends_list) + 1): friends = friends_list[choice - 1] # 好友 color = self.friends_color(friends) # 好友颜色 self.run_chat(friends, color) # 发起会话 else: print(Prompt.display('好友编号不存在,请重新输入!', 'red')) continue else: print(Prompt.display('请输入数字!', 'red')) continue elif confirm.upper() == 'N': break else: print(Prompt.display('输入错误,请重新输入!', 'red')) continue def friends_color(self, friends): # 获取好友颜色 if not friends: return '好友名字不能为空!' for i in self.user_files.load(): if i['username'] == friends: return i['color'] return 'white' # 找不到就显示白色 def write_file(self, user_list): # 写入文件 if not user_list: return '用户列表不能为空!' with open(settings.file_name['user'], encoding='utf-8', mode='w') as f: # 清空用户文件 pass # 重新写入文件 for i in user_list: try: self.user_files.dump(i) except Exception as e: print(e) return False def add(self, friends): # 添加动作 if not friends: return '好友名字不能为空!' if friends in self.user_info()['friends']: print(Prompt.display('好友已添加,请勿重复!', 'red')) return False user_list = [] # 所有用户列表 for i in self.user_files.load(): if i['username'] ==['username']: # 如果是当前用户 i['friends'].append(friends) # 追加到好友列表中 user_list.append(i) ret = self.write_file(user_list) # 写入文件 if ret is False: return False else: return True def add_my_user(self): # 添加好友 friends = self.choose_friends() # 选择所有用户 ret = self.add(friends[0]) # 添加指定的用户 if ret is False: print(Prompt.display('添加好友失败!', 'red')) else: print(Prompt.display('添加好友成功!', 'green')) def delete_my_user(self): # 删除好友 friends_list = self.user_info()['friends'] # 获取当前用户好友列表 print('好友列表如下:'.center(31, '=')) self.interlacing_color(friends_list) # 显示列表 print(''.center(36, '=')) while True: choice = input('请输入好友编号,或输入b返回: ').strip() if choice.upper() == 'B': # break if choice.isdigit(): choice = int(choice) if choice in range(1, len(friends_list) + 1): friends = friends_list[choice - 1] # 选择的好友 pro_mes = Prompt.display('您真的要删除吗? Y/N ', 'red') confirm = input(pro_mes).strip() if confirm.upper() == 'Y': ret = self.delete(friends) # 执行删除动作 if ret is False: print(Prompt.display('删除好友失败!', 'red')) else: print(Prompt.display('删除好友成功!', 'green')) break else: print(Prompt.display('请输入数字!', 'red')) def delete(self, friends): # 删除动作 if not friends: return '好友名字不能为空!' user_list = [] # 所有用户列表 for i in self.user_files.load(): if i['username'] ==['username']: # 如果是当前用户 i['friends'].remove(friends) # 删除好友 user_list.append(i) ret = self.write_file(user_list) # 写入文件 if ret is False: return False else: return True def q(self): # 退出 exit() def choose_friends(self): # 选择好友,进行相应的操作 self.show_user() # 显示所有用户 while True: choice = input('请输入用户编号,或输入b返回: ').strip() if choice.upper() == 'B': break if choice.isdigit(): choice = int(choice) if choice in range(1, len(self.user_all()) + 1): friends = self.user_all()[choice - 1] return friends['username'], friends['color'] else: print(Prompt.display('请输入数字!', 'red')) def interlacing_color(self, custom_list): # 列表隔行换色 diff = 0 # 差值 if len(custom_list) > len(Prompt.colour_dic): # 当菜单列表长度大于颜色列表长度时 diff = len(custom_list) - len(Prompt.colour_list) # 菜单列表长度-颜色列表长度 colour_list = list(Prompt.colour_dic) new_list = colour_list # 新的颜色列表 if diff >= 0: # 当菜单列表长度大于等于颜色列表长度时 for i in range(diff + 1): new_list.append(colour_list[i]) # 添加颜色,使颜色列表等于菜单列表长度 count = -1 # 颜色列表索引值,默认为-1 for key, item in enumerate(custom_list, 1): # 获取每个角色类的operate_lst静态属性,显示的序列号从1开始 count += 1 # 索引加1 if type(item) == str: ret = Prompt.random_color('{}.\t{}'.format(key, item)) # 随机显示颜色 print(ret) else: length = len(item) if length == 2: ret = Prompt.display('{}.\t{}'.format(key, item[0]), new_list[count]) # 按照列表顺序显示颜色 print(ret) elif length == 5: ret = Prompt.display('{}.\t{}'.format( key, item['username']), item['color']) # 按照列表顺序显示颜色 print(ret)
class Server(object): # action_list = [ # ('登录', 'login'), # ('创建目录', 'create_directory'), # ('退出', 'q'), # ] def __init__(self): self.ip = settings.server['ip'] self.port = settings.server['port'] self.max = settings.server['rxb'] # 最大接收1024字节 self.user_files = MyPickle(settings.file_name['user']) self.base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd()) self.action_list = [ ('login', self.login), ('create_directory', self.create_directory), #('q', self.q), ] def main(self): sk = socket.socket() # 创建套接字 sk.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) # 允许端口复用 sk.bind((self.ip, self.port)) # 把地址绑定到套接字 sk.listen() # 监听连接 while True: conn, addr = sk.accept() # 等待接受客户端连接 msg = conn.recv(self.max).decode('utf-8') # 接收的信息解码 print('收到一条消息:%s' % msg) if msg.upper() == 'Q': # 判断接收的信息是否为q conn.close() # 关闭客户端套接字 #sk.close() # 关闭服务器套接字,不再接收请求 break # 退出while循环 handle, info = msg.split('!') # 操作类型,数据 ret = self.action(handle, info) conn.send(str(ret).encode('utf-8')) # 布尔值需要转化为str sk.close() @staticmethod def second_encrypt(username, password): if not username or not password: return '用户名和密码不能为空!' salt = settings.secret_key['second'] # 第二层密码盐 m = hashlib.md5((username + salt).encode('utf-8')) # 双层密码盐(用户名和密码盐组合) m.update(password.encode('utf-8')) return m.hexdigest() def action(self, handle, info): # 动作判断 if not handle: return '操作名不能为空' for i in self.action_list: if i[0] == handle: #print(i[1]) #print(info) return i[1](info) # 执行对应的动作 else: return False def login(self, info): if not info: return '用户名信息不能为空' username, password = info.split(':') # 获取第一次加密密码 second = self.second_encrypt(username, password) # 第二层加密 for i in self.user_files.load(): if i['username'] == username and i['password'] == second: return True return False def create_directory(self, name): # 创建目录,路径是以home为基准 new_dir = self.base_dir + r'\home\{}'.format(name) #print(new_dir) try: if os.path.exists(new_dir): return False else: os.mkdir(new_dir) return True except Exception as e: print(e) return False