def onFboss(self, event): nstart,nstop=mys.get_range() # follow halos backwards, get position list in mt/cen for most massive halo" "+str(nstart)+" "+str(nstop)) # fixes missing snapshots by linear interpolation # interpolate missing snapshots by assuming last halo position"")" "+str(nstart)+" "+str(nstop)) my.done()
def onFillAHF(self, event): nstart, nstop = mys.get_range() for nc in range(nstop - nstart + 1): nsnap = nc + nstart if (not mys.snap_exists(nsnap)): continue cmd = " " + str(nsnap) print(cmd) my.thread(cmd) exit my.done()
def onShowHalos(self, event): nstart,nstop = mys.get_range() nstart = nstop #! show only latest snapshot for nc in range(nstop-nstart+1): nsnap = nc + nstart if(not mys.snap_exists(nsnap)): continue cmd = " "+str(nsnap)+" && xview "+mys.d(nsnap)+"ov.dat.png" print(cmd) my.thread(cmd) exit
def onFillAHF(self, event): nstart,nstop=mys.get_range() for nc in range(nstop-nstart+1): nsnap = nc + nstart if(not mys.snap_exists(nsnap)): continue cmd = " " + str(nsnap) print(cmd) my.thread(cmd) exit my.done()
def onPlist(self, event): nstart, nstop = mys.get_range() for nc in range(nstop-nstart+1): nsnap = nc + nstart # for all halos: cmd = " "+str(nsnap) cmd += "&& "+str(nsnap) # if(not loop): # break my.done()
def onGenAOI(self, event): nstart,nstop=mys.get_range() for nc in range(nstop-nstart+1): nsnap = nc + nstart if(not mys.snap_exists(nsnap)): continue d = mys.d(nsnap) my.mkdir(d+"stars") my.mkdir(d+"dm") cmd = " "+str(nsnap)+" 2" # 1 at end: centers from AHF. 2: after shrinking sphere my.done()
def onMtree(self, event): nstart,nstop=mys.get_range() if(nstart==nstop): ns = str(nstart) cmd = " "+ns my.thread(cmd) else: for nc in range(nstop-nstart+1): cmd = " "+str(nstop-nc)+" "+str(nstop-1-nc) cmd+= "&& "+str(nstop-nc) my.thread(cmd) my.done()
def onShowHalos(self, event): nstart, nstop = mys.get_range() nstart = nstop #! show only latest snapshot for nc in range(nstop - nstart + 1): nsnap = nc + nstart if (not mys.snap_exists(nsnap)): continue cmd = " " + str(nsnap) + " && xview " + mys.d( nsnap) + "ov.dat.png" print(cmd) my.thread(cmd) exit
def onGenSpheres(self, event): nstart, nstop = mys.get_range() for nc in range(nstop - nstart + 1): nsnap = nc + nstart if (not mys.snap_exists(nsnap)): continue d = mys.d(nsnap) my.mkdir(d + "dm") if (not mys.is_dmonly()): my.mkdir(d + "stars") cmd = "cd " + d + " && " + str(nsnap) + " 1" my.done()
def onGenSpheres(self, event): nstart,nstop=mys.get_range() for nc in range(nstop-nstart+1): nsnap = nc + nstart if(not mys.snap_exists(nsnap)): continue d = mys.d(nsnap) my.mkdir(d+"dm") if(not mys.is_dmonly()): my.mkdir(d+"stars"); cmd = "cd "+d+" && "+str(nsnap)+" 1" my.done()
def onGenAOI(self, event): nstart, nstop = mys.get_range() for nc in range(nstop - nstart + 1): nsnap = nc + nstart if (not mys.snap_exists(nsnap)): continue d = mys.d(nsnap) my.mkdir(d + "stars") my.mkdir(d + "dm") cmd = " " + str( nsnap ) + " 2" # 1 at end: centers from AHF. 2: after shrinking sphere my.done()
def onRunR2G(self, event): nstart, nstop = mys.get_range() print('nstart, nstop = ', nstart, nstop) for nc in range(nstop - nstart + 1): nsnap = nc + nstart print('nsnap = ', nsnap) if (not mys.snap_exists(nsnap)): continue d = mys.d(nsnap) my.mkdir(d + "/r2g") if (mys.is_dmonly()): cmd = "mpirun -np 8 r2g -d " + d else: cmd = "mpirun -np 8 r2g -i " + d print(cmd) my.thread(cmd) self.SetBackgroundColour("darkgreen") my.done()
def onRunR2G(self, event): nstart,nstop=mys.get_range() print('nstart, nstop = ', nstart, nstop) for nc in range(nstop-nstart+1): nsnap = nc + nstart print('nsnap = ', nsnap) if(not mys.snap_exists(nsnap)): continue d = mys.d(nsnap) my.mkdir(d+"/r2g") if(mys.is_dmonly()): cmd = "mpirun -np 8 r2g -d "+d else: cmd = "mpirun -np 8 r2g -i "+d print(cmd) my.thread(cmd) self.SetBackgroundColour("darkgreen") my.done()
def onShrink(self, event): nstart,nstop=mys.get_range() # have xs,xs_star set in the end for nc in range(nstop-nstart+1): nsnap = nc + nstart if(not mys.snap_exists(nsnap)): continue print(mys.get_nhalo(nsnap)) for i in range(3):#range(mys.get_nhalo(nsnap)): if(not mys.exists_snap(nsnap)): print("snapshot "+str(nsnap)+" missing") continue cmd = " "+str(nsnap)+" "+str(i+1) if(not mys.is_dmonly()): cmd = " "+str(nsnap)+" "+str(i+1) # TODO: if empty xs (shrinking sphere algorithm did not succeed: use xc) my.done()
def onShrink(self, event): nstart, nstop = mys.get_range() # have xs,xs_star set in the end for nc in range(nstop - nstart + 1): nsnap = nc + nstart if (not mys.snap_exists(nsnap)): continue print(mys.get_nhalo(nsnap)) for i in range(3): #range(mys.get_nhalo(nsnap)): if (not mys.exists_snap(nsnap)): print("snapshot " + str(nsnap) + " missing") continue cmd = " " + str(nsnap) + " " + str(i + 1) if (not mys.is_dmonly()): cmd = " " + str(nsnap) + " " + str( i + 1) # TODO: if empty xs (shrinking sphere algorithm did not succeed: use xc) my.done()
def onRunAHF(self, event): nstart, nstop = mys.get_range() print('nstart, nstop: ', nstart, nstop) for nc in range(nstop - nstart + 1): nsnap = nc + nstart print('nsnap = ', nsnap) if (not mys.snap_exists(nsnap)): continue d = mys.d(nsnap) f = open(d + "AHFinput", "w") f.write("[AHF]\n\ \n\ # (stem of the) filename from which to read the data to be analysed\n\ ic_filename = r2g/r2g.\n\ \n\ # what type of input file (cf. src/libio/io_file.h)\n\ ic_filetype = 61\n\ \n\ # prefix for the output files\n\ outfile_prefix = testahf\n\ \n\ # number of grid cells for the domain grid (1D)\n\ LgridDomain = 4\n\ \n\ # number of grid cells for the domain grid (1D) (limits spatial resolution to BoxSize/LgridMax)\n\ LgridMax = 16777216\n\ \n\ # refinement criterion on domain grid (#particles/cell)\n\ NperDomCell = 5.0\n\ \n\ # refinement criterion on all higher resolution grids (#particles/cells)\n\ NperRefCell = 5.0\n\ \n\ # particles with velocity v > VescTune x Vesc are considered unbound\n\ VescTune = 1.5\n\ \n\ # minimum number of particles for a halo\n\ NminPerHalo = 100\n\ \n\ # normalisation for densities (1: RhoBack(z), 0:RhoCrit(z))\n\ RhoVir = 1\n\ \n\ # virial overdensity criterion (<0: let AHF calculate it); Rvir is defined via M(<Rvir)/Vol = Dvir * RhoVir\n\ Dvir = 200\n\ #-1\n\ \n\ # maximum radius (in Mpc/h) used when gathering initial set of particles for each halo (should be larger than the largest halo expected)\n\ MaxGatherRad = 0.2\n\ \n\ # the level on which to perform the domain decomposition (MPI only, 4=16^3, 5=32^3, 6=64^3, 7=128^3, 8=256^3, etc.)\n\ LevelDomainDecomp = 4\n\ \n\ # how many CPU's for reading (MPI only)\n\ NcpuReading = 16\n\ \n\ ############################### FILE SPECIFIC DEFINITIONS ###############################\n\ \n\ # NOTE: all these factors are supposed to transform your internal units to\n\ # [x] = Mpc/h\n\ # [v] = km/sec\n\ # [m] = Msun/h\n\ # [e] = (km/sec)^2\n\ \n\ [GADGET]\n\ GADGET_LUNIT = 0.001\n\ GADGET_MUNIT = 1.0E10\n") f.close() print("TODO: AHFinput written?") cmd = "cd " + d + " && AHF AHFinput" cmd += " && mv " + d + "*_halos " + d + "halos" cmd += " && mv " + d + "*_centres " + "centres" cmd += " && mv " + d + "*_particles " + d + "particles" cmd += " && mv " + d + "*_profiles " + d + "profiles" cmd += " && rm -f " + d + "halo" cmd += " && echo 'done'" print(cmd) my.thread(cmd) my.done()
def onRunAHF(self,event): nstart,nstop=mys.get_range() print('nstart, nstop: ',nstart, nstop) for nc in range(nstop-nstart+1): nsnap = nc + nstart print('nsnap = ', nsnap) if(not mys.snap_exists(nsnap)): continue d = mys.d(nsnap) f = open(d+"AHFinput","w") f.write("[AHF]\n\ \n\ # (stem of the) filename from which to read the data to be analysed\n\ ic_filename = r2g/r2g.\n\ \n\ # what type of input file (cf. src/libio/io_file.h)\n\ ic_filetype = 61\n\ \n\ # prefix for the output files\n\ outfile_prefix = testahf\n\ \n\ # number of grid cells for the domain grid (1D)\n\ LgridDomain = 4\n\ \n\ # number of grid cells for the domain grid (1D) (limits spatial resolution to BoxSize/LgridMax)\n\ LgridMax = 16777216\n\ \n\ # refinement criterion on domain grid (#particles/cell)\n\ NperDomCell = 5.0\n\ \n\ # refinement criterion on all higher resolution grids (#particles/cells)\n\ NperRefCell = 5.0\n\ \n\ # particles with velocity v > VescTune x Vesc are considered unbound\n\ VescTune = 1.5\n\ \n\ # minimum number of particles for a halo\n\ NminPerHalo = 100\n\ \n\ # normalisation for densities (1: RhoBack(z), 0:RhoCrit(z))\n\ RhoVir = 1\n\ \n\ # virial overdensity criterion (<0: let AHF calculate it); Rvir is defined via M(<Rvir)/Vol = Dvir * RhoVir\n\ Dvir = 200\n\ #-1\n\ \n\ # maximum radius (in Mpc/h) used when gathering initial set of particles for each halo (should be larger than the largest halo expected)\n\ MaxGatherRad = 0.2\n\ \n\ # the level on which to perform the domain decomposition (MPI only, 4=16^3, 5=32^3, 6=64^3, 7=128^3, 8=256^3, etc.)\n\ LevelDomainDecomp = 4\n\ \n\ # how many CPU's for reading (MPI only)\n\ NcpuReading = 16\n\ \n\ ############################### FILE SPECIFIC DEFINITIONS ###############################\n\ \n\ # NOTE: all these factors are supposed to transform your internal units to\n\ # [x] = Mpc/h\n\ # [v] = km/sec\n\ # [m] = Msun/h\n\ # [e] = (km/sec)^2\n\ \n\ [GADGET]\n\ GADGET_LUNIT = 0.001\n\ GADGET_MUNIT = 1.0E10\n") f.close() print("TODO: AHFinput written?") cmd = "cd "+d+" && AHF AHFinput" cmd += " && mv "+d+"*_halos "+d+"halos" cmd += " && mv "+d+"*_centres "+"centres" cmd += " && mv "+d+"*_particles "+d+"particles" cmd += " && mv "+d+"*_profiles "+d+"profiles" cmd += " && rm -f "+d+"halo" cmd += " && echo 'done'" print(cmd) my.thread(cmd) my.done()
def OnPlot(self, event): print("plot") f=1 # scaling of sphere wrt rvir vis = True; show = True; run = True; my.mkdir(mys.simdir()+"/ana") ddm = mys.simdir() + "/ana/dm/"; my.mkdir(ddm) dgas = mys.simdir() + "/ana/gas/"; my.mkdir(dgas) dstar= mys.simdir() + "/ana/stars/"; my.mkdir(dstar) dpd = mys.simdir() + "/phasediag/"; my.mkdir(dpd) nstart,nstop=mys.get_range() x,y,z,r,snap=mys.getxyzrsnap(nstop)#TODO: nstart,nstop xs,ys,zs,rs,snap=mys.getxyzrsnap_stars(nstart,nstop) #x,y,z,r,snap=mys.mt_xyzrsnap(nstart,nstop) #xs,ys,zs,rs,snap=mys.mt_xyzrsnap_stars(nstart,nstop) for i in range(nstop-nstart+1): nc = nstop-i if(not mys.snap_exists(nc)): continue stri=str(nc).zfill(5) print("nc = ",nc) print(x[i], xs[i]) print(y[i], ys[i]) print(z[i], zs[i]) print(r[i], rs[i]) d = mys.d(nc) # scale if self.fix: r[i]=0.002; rs[i]=0.002; sx = str(x[i]) sy = str(y[i]) sz = str(z[i]) sr = str(r[i]) ssx= str(sx[i]) ssy= str(ys[i]) ssz= str(sz[i]) ssr= str(rs[i]) lma = str(mys.get_lma()) bndry = " "+sx+" "+sy+" "+sz+" "+sr+" " bndryc =" -xc "+sx+" -yc "+sy+" -zc "+sz+" -rc "+sr+" " #calc all pix, dep. on which option was clicked if print("gas density") ofname = dgas+"gas_boxall_"+stri+".png" cmd1 = amr2map+" -typ 1 -lma "+lma+" -inp "+d+" -out "+dgas+"gas_boxall_"+stri cmd1 = cmd1 +".dat -dir z "+bndryc cmd2 = " -l --colormap=hot "+dgas+"gas_boxall_"+stri+".dat " cmd2 = cmd2+"-o "+ofname+" && xview "+ofname print(dgas+"gas_boxall_"+stri+".png") my.threadif(cmd1,cmd2,self.calc,vis,show,run) if print("gas pressure") if(mys.is_dmonly()): print("not available, dm only simulation!") exit cmd1 = amr2map + " -typ 5 -lma "+lma+" -inp "+d cmd1 = cmd1+" -out "+dgas+"p_"+stri+".dat "+"-dir z "+bndryc cmd2 = " -l --colormap=hot "+dgas+"p_"+stri+".dat " ofname = dgas+"p_"+stri+".png" cmd2 = cmd2+" -o "+ofname+" && xview "+ofname my.threadif(cmd1,cmd2,self.calc,vis,show,run) if print("gas temperature") cmd1 = amr2map+" -typ 18 -lma "+lma+" -inp "+d cmd1 = cmd1+" -out "+dgas+"temp_"+stri+".dat "+"-dir z "+bndryc cmd2 = " -l --colormap=hot "+dgas+"temp_"+stri+".dat " ofname = dgas+"temp_"+stri+".png" cmd2 = cmd2+" -o "+ofname+" && xview "+ofname my.threadif(cmd1,cmd2,self.calc,vis,show,run) if print("DM contours") # get DM particle positions for each halo cmd1 = "get_sphere_dm -inp "+d+bndryc+" > "+ddm+"dm_"+stri+".dat" cmd1+= "&& octreef "+ddm+"dm_"+stri+".dat > "+ddm+"rho_"+stri+".dat" cmd2 =" "+bndry+" "\ +ddm+"dm_"+stri+".dat "+ddm+"dm_part_"+stri+".png" ofname=ddm+"rho_"+stri+".dat "+ddm+"contour_"+stri+".png" cmd2+="; "+bndry+" "\ +ofname+" && xview "+ofname my.threadif(cmd1,cmd2,self.calc,vis,show,run) if print("metallicity") #cmd = " stars.part" #cmd = "get_sphere_stars -inp "+d\ #+" -xc "+sx+" -yc "+sy+" -zc "+sz+" -r "+sr+">ana/stars/stars_"+stri cmd1 = "metal2map -inp "+d+" -out "+dstar+"stars_"+stri+".dat " cmd1 = cmd1+"-nx 512 -ny 512 -dir z "+bndryc cmd2 = " -l --colormap=jet "+dstar+"stars_"+stri+".dat " ofname = dstar+"stars_"+stri+".png" cmd2 = cmd2+"-o "+ofname+" && xview "+ofname my.threadif(cmd1,cmd2,self.calc,vis,show,run) if print("phase diagram") fn = dpd+"temp_"+str(nc).zfill(5) cmd1 = "get_temp -inp "+d+" -out "+fn cmd1+= " -lma "+lma+" -typ 18" ofname=fn+".png" cmd2 = " "+fn+" "+ofname+" && xview "+ofname my.threadif(cmd1,cmd2,self.calc,vis,show,run) if print("rho_dm(r)") cmd1 = " "+str(nc)+" "+sx+" "+sy+" "+sz+" "+sr; ofname = ddm+"prof_"+stri+".png " cmd2 = " "+ddm+"prof_"+stri+".dat "\ +ddm+"rho_"+stri+".dat "\ +ofname+sx+" "+sy+" "+sz+" "+str(mys.get_z(nc))+"&& xview "+ofname my.threadif(cmd1,cmd2,self.calc,vis,show,run) if print("rho_gas(r)") cmd1 = " "+str(nc)+" "+sx+" "+sy+" "+sz+" "+sr+" "+lma; ofname = dgas+"prof_"+stri+".png " cmd2 = " "+dgas+"prof_"+stri+".dat "\ +dgas+"rho_"+stri+".dat "\ +ofname+sx+" "+sy+" "+sz+" && xview "+ofname my.threadif(cmd1,cmd2,self.calc,vis,show,run) if print("rho_star(r)") cmd1 = " "+str(nc)+" "+sx+" "+sy+" "+sz+" "+sr; ofname = dstar+"prof_"+stri+".png " cmd2 = " "+dstar+"prof_"+stri+".dat "\ +dstar+"rho_"+stri+".dat "\ +ofname+sx+" "+sy+" "+sz+" && xview "+ofname my.threadif(cmd1,cmd2,self.calc,vis,show,run) if print("SFR") cmd1 = "count_stars -inp "+d+bndryc+" >> "+dstar+"star_counts.dat" #cmd2 = " star_counts.dat 1 4" cmd2 = " "+dstar+"star_counts.dat 0 4" my.threadif(cmd1,cmd2,self.calc,vis,show,run) if(not self.loop): break my.done()
def OnPlot(self, event): print("plot") f = 1 # scaling of sphere wrt rvir vis = True show = True run = True my.mkdir(mys.simdir() + "/ana") ddm = mys.simdir() + "/ana/dm/" my.mkdir(ddm) dgas = mys.simdir() + "/ana/gas/" my.mkdir(dgas) dstar = mys.simdir() + "/ana/stars/" my.mkdir(dstar) dpd = mys.simdir() + "/phasediag/" my.mkdir(dpd) nstart, nstop = mys.get_range() x, y, z, r, snap = mys.getxyzrsnap(nstop) #TODO: nstart,nstop xs, ys, zs, rs, snap = mys.getxyzrsnap_stars(nstart, nstop) #x,y,z,r,snap=mys.mt_xyzrsnap(nstart,nstop) #xs,ys,zs,rs,snap=mys.mt_xyzrsnap_stars(nstart,nstop) for i in range(nstop - nstart + 1): nc = nstop - i if (not mys.snap_exists(nc)): continue stri = str(nc).zfill(5) print("nc = ", nc) print(x[i], xs[i]) print(y[i], ys[i]) print(z[i], zs[i]) print(r[i], rs[i]) d = mys.d(nc) # scale if self.fix: r[i] = 0.002 rs[i] = 0.002 sx = str(x[i]) sy = str(y[i]) sz = str(z[i]) sr = str(r[i]) ssx = str(sx[i]) ssy = str(ys[i]) ssz = str(sz[i]) ssr = str(rs[i]) lma = str(mys.get_lma()) bndry = " " + sx + " " + sy + " " + sz + " " + sr + " " bndryc = " -xc " + sx + " -yc " + sy + " -zc " + sz + " -rc " + sr + " " #calc all pix, dep. on which option was clicked if == 0: print("gas density") ofname = dgas + "gas_boxall_" + stri + ".png" cmd1 = amr2map + " -typ 1 -lma " + lma + " -inp " + d + " -out " + dgas + "gas_boxall_" + stri cmd1 = cmd1 + ".dat -dir z " + bndryc cmd2 = " -l --colormap=hot " + dgas + "gas_boxall_" + stri + ".dat " cmd2 = cmd2 + "-o " + ofname + " && xview " + ofname print(dgas + "gas_boxall_" + stri + ".png") my.threadif(cmd1, cmd2, self.calc, vis, show, run) if == 1: print("gas pressure") if (mys.is_dmonly()): print("not available, dm only simulation!") exit cmd1 = amr2map + " -typ 5 -lma " + lma + " -inp " + d cmd1 = cmd1 + " -out " + dgas + "p_" + stri + ".dat " + "-dir z " + bndryc cmd2 = " -l --colormap=hot " + dgas + "p_" + stri + ".dat " ofname = dgas + "p_" + stri + ".png" cmd2 = cmd2 + " -o " + ofname + " && xview " + ofname my.threadif(cmd1, cmd2, self.calc, vis, show, run) if == 2: print("gas temperature") cmd1 = amr2map + " -typ 18 -lma " + lma + " -inp " + d cmd1 = cmd1 + " -out " + dgas + "temp_" + stri + ".dat " + "-dir z " + bndryc cmd2 = " -l --colormap=hot " + dgas + "temp_" + stri + ".dat " ofname = dgas + "temp_" + stri + ".png" cmd2 = cmd2 + " -o " + ofname + " && xview " + ofname my.threadif(cmd1, cmd2, self.calc, vis, show, run) if == 3: print("DM contours") # get DM particle positions for each halo cmd1 = "get_sphere_dm -inp " + d + bndryc + " > " + ddm + "dm_" + stri + ".dat" cmd1 += "&& octreef " + ddm + "dm_" + stri + ".dat > " + ddm + "rho_" + stri + ".dat" cmd2 =" "+bndry+" "\ +ddm+"dm_"+stri+".dat "+ddm+"dm_part_"+stri+".png" ofname = ddm + "rho_" + stri + ".dat " + ddm + "contour_" + stri + ".png" cmd2+="; "+bndry+" "\ +ofname+" && xview "+ofname my.threadif(cmd1, cmd2, self.calc, vis, show, run) if == 4: print("metallicity") #cmd = " stars.part" #cmd = "get_sphere_stars -inp "+d\ #+" -xc "+sx+" -yc "+sy+" -zc "+sz+" -r "+sr+">ana/stars/stars_"+stri cmd1 = "metal2map -inp " + d + " -out " + dstar + "stars_" + stri + ".dat " cmd1 = cmd1 + "-nx 512 -ny 512 -dir z " + bndryc cmd2 = " -l --colormap=jet " + dstar + "stars_" + stri + ".dat " ofname = dstar + "stars_" + stri + ".png" cmd2 = cmd2 + "-o " + ofname + " && xview " + ofname my.threadif(cmd1, cmd2, self.calc, vis, show, run) if == 5: print("phase diagram") fn = dpd + "temp_" + str(nc).zfill(5) cmd1 = "get_temp -inp " + d + " -out " + fn cmd1 += " -lma " + lma + " -typ 18" ofname = fn + ".png" cmd2 = " " + fn + " " + ofname + " && xview " + ofname my.threadif(cmd1, cmd2, self.calc, vis, show, run) if == 6: print("rho_dm(r)") cmd1 = " " + str( nc) + " " + sx + " " + sy + " " + sz + " " + sr ofname = ddm + "prof_" + stri + ".png " cmd2 = " "+ddm+"prof_"+stri+".dat "\ +ddm+"rho_"+stri+".dat "\ +ofname+sx+" "+sy+" "+sz+" "+str(mys.get_z(nc))+"&& xview "+ofname my.threadif(cmd1, cmd2, self.calc, vis, show, run) if == 7: print("rho_gas(r)") cmd1 = " " + str( nc) + " " + sx + " " + sy + " " + sz + " " + sr + " " + lma ofname = dgas + "prof_" + stri + ".png " cmd2 = " "+dgas+"prof_"+stri+".dat "\ +dgas+"rho_"+stri+".dat "\ +ofname+sx+" "+sy+" "+sz+" && xview "+ofname my.threadif(cmd1, cmd2, self.calc, vis, show, run) if == 8: print("rho_star(r)") cmd1 = " " + str( nc) + " " + sx + " " + sy + " " + sz + " " + sr ofname = dstar + "prof_" + stri + ".png " cmd2 = " "+dstar+"prof_"+stri+".dat "\ +dstar+"rho_"+stri+".dat "\ +ofname+sx+" "+sy+" "+sz+" && xview "+ofname my.threadif(cmd1, cmd2, self.calc, vis, show, run) if == 9: print("SFR") cmd1 = "count_stars -inp " + d + bndryc + " >> " + dstar + "star_counts.dat" #cmd2 = " star_counts.dat 1 4" cmd2 = " " + dstar + "star_counts.dat 0 4" my.threadif(cmd1, cmd2, self.calc, vis, show, run) if (not self.loop): break my.done()