コード例 #1
    def __init__(self,
        """Initializes a BudgetDetector object

            entity_name: A string by which the detected budget would be replaced with on calling detect_entity()

        # assigning values to superclass attributes
        self._supported_languages = [ENGLISH_LANG]
        super(BudgetDetector, self).__init__(source_language_script,

        self.min_digit = 2
        self.max_digit = 5
        self.entity_name = entity_name

        self.text = ''
        self.tagged_text = ''
        self.processed_text = ''
        self.budget = []
        self.original_budget_text = []
        self.unit_present_list = ['k', 'l', 'm', 'c', 'h', 'th']
        regx_for_units = [(r'([\d,.]+)\s*k', 1000), (r'([\d,.]+)\s*h', 1000),
                          (r'([\d,.]+)\s*th', 1000),
                          (r'([\d,.]+)\s*l', 100000),
                          (r'([\d,.]+)\s*lacs?', 100000),
                          (r'([\d,.]+)\s*lakh?', 100000),
                          (r'([\d,.]+)\s*lakhs?', 100000),
                          (r'([\d,.]+)\s*m', 1000000),
                          (r'([\d,.]+)\s*million', 1000000),
                          (r'([\d,.]+)\s*mill?', 1000000),
                          (r'([\d,.]+)\s*c', 10000000),
                          (r'([\d,.]+)\s*cro?', 10000000),
                          (r'([\d,.]+)\s*crore?', 10000000),
                          (r'([\d,.]+)\s*crores?', 10000000)]
        self.regex_object = RegexReplace(regx_for_units)
        self.tag = '__' + self.entity_name + '__'
        self.text_detection_object = TextDetector(entity_name=entity_name)
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self, entity_name):
        """Initializes a BudgetDetector object

            entity_name: A string by which the detected budget would be replaced with on calling detect_entity()

        self.min_digit = 2
        self.max_digit = 5
        self.entity_name = entity_name

        self.text = ''
        self.tagged_text = ''
        self.processed_text = ''
        self.budget = []
        self.original_budget_text = []

        regex_for_thousand = [(r'(\d+)k', r'\g<1>000')]
        self.regex_object = RegexReplace(regex_for_thousand)
        self.tag = '__' + self.entity_name + '__'
        self.text_detection_object = TextDetector(entity_name=ES_BUDGET_LIST)
コード例 #3
def combine_output_of_detection_logic_and_tag(entity_data, text):
    """NER is often used to tag the chat so it can be used in disambiguation process. Also, many times one entity may
    overlap with another.
    For example: "I want to order from Delhi Dhaba" and we want to detect two entities i.e. restaurant and city.
    So, first we will run individual detection logic of restaurant and city and from this we are able to derive two
    entity values i.e. Delhi Dhaba (restaurant) and Delhi (city) but we see that entity city is irrelevant in above
    case because message is about ordering from restaurant. So it necessary to process the output which is obtained by
    running individual detection logic and keep the relevant entities.

        text: a message on which detection logic needs to run. For example "i want to order form  delhi dhaba"
        entity_data: dictionary containing key as entity_name and value as a output from entities detection logic.
        For example:
                        "detection": "chat",
                        "original_text": "delhi dhaba",
                        "entity_value":"Delhi Dhaba"
                        "detection": "chat",
                        "original_text": "delhi",
                        "entity_value":"New Delhi"

        will be list of dictionary
            'entity_data':  PROCESSED_ENTITY_DICTIONARY,
            'tag': TAGGED_TEXT


        entity_data will be processed dictionary of entities containg valid entity value and will remove the ambiguity
        tagged_text will be the tagged_data
        For example:
                                "detection": "chat",
                                "original_text": "delhi dhaba",
                                "entity_value":"Delhi Dhaba"
                                "detection": "chat",
                                "original_text": "delhi",
                                "entity_value":"New Delhi"
            "tagged_text": "i want to order from __restaurant__"

    regex = RegexReplace([(r'[\'\/]', r''), (r'\s+', r' ')])
    text = regex.text_substitute(text)
    final_entity_data = defaultdict(list)
    tagged_text = text.lower()
    processed_text = text.lower()
    tag_preprocess_dict = defaultdict(list)
    for entity, entity_list in iteritems(entity_data):
        if entity_list:
            for entity_identified in entity_list:
                if entity_identified[ORIGINAL_TEXT] and \
                        entity_identified[DETECTION_METHOD] in [FROM_MESSAGE, FROM_MODEL_VERIFIED,
                            [entity_identified, entity])
                        [entity_identified, entity])
            final_entity_data[entity] = None

    original_text_list = tag_preprocess_dict.keys()
    original_text_list = sort_original_text(original_text_list)
    for original_text in original_text_list:
        tag = ''
        if original_text in processed_text:
            processed_text = processed_text.replace(original_text, '')
            for entity_dict, entity in tag_preprocess_dict[original_text]:
                tag += '_' + entity
                if final_entity_data[entity]:
                    final_entity_data[entity] = [entity_dict]
            if tag != '':
                tag = '_' + tag + '__'
            tagged_text = tagged_text.replace(original_text, tag)
            for entity_dict, entity in tag_preprocess_dict[original_text]:
                if not final_entity_data[entity]:
                    final_entity_data[entity] = None

    if tag_preprocess_dict.get('NA'):
        for entity_dict, entity in tag_preprocess_dict['NA']:
            if final_entity_data[entity]:
                final_entity_data[entity] = [entity_dict]

    return {'entity_data': final_entity_data, 'tag': tagged_text}
コード例 #4
import os
from lib.nlp.etc import store_data_in_list
from lib.nlp.lemmatizer import Lemmatizer, WORDNET_LEMMATIZER
from lib.nlp.ngram import Ngram
from lib.nlp.stemmer import Stemmer, PORTER_STEMMER
from lib.nlp.tokenizer import Tokenizer, PRELOADED_NLTK_TOKENIZER, LUCENE_STANDARD_TOKENIZER
from lib.nlp.regexreplace import RegexReplace
from chatbot_ner.settings import BASE_DIR

stemmer = Stemmer(PORTER_STEMMER)
lemmatizer = Lemmatizer(WORDNET_LEMMATIZER)
nltk_tokenizer = Tokenizer(PRELOADED_NLTK_TOKENIZER)
lucene_tokenizer = Tokenizer(LUCENE_STANDARD_TOKENIZER)

# Currently we support only elasticsearch as datastore engine, so it safe to use lucene tokenizer as default
# This could change in future
TOKENIZER = lucene_tokenizer

# Creating list of stop words
stop_word_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'lib', 'nlp', 'data', 'stop_words.csv')  # file containing words to remove
stop_words = store_data_in_list(stop_word_path)

ngram_object = Ngram()

punctuation_removal_list = [(r'[^\w\'\/]', r' '), (r'\'', r'')]
regx_punctuation_removal = RegexReplace(punctuation_removal_list)

コード例 #5
class BudgetDetector(object):
    """Detects budget from the text  and tags them.

    Detects the budget from the text and replaces them by entity_name.
    This detection logic first checks for budget using regular expressions and also uses TextDetector class to extract
    data in textual format (i.e. Hundred, Thousand, etc).

    This detector captures  additional attributes like max_budget, min_budget whether the budget is
    normal_budget (detected through regex) or text_budget (detected through text detection)

    For Example:

        budget_detection = BudgetDetector('budget')
        message = "shirts between 2000 to 3000"
        budget_list, original_text = budget_detection.detect_entity(message)
        tagged_text = budget_detection.tagged_text
        print budget_list, ' -- ', original_text
        print 'Tagged text: ', tagged_text

         >> [{'max_budget': 3000, 'type': 'normal_budget', 'min_budget': 2000}]  --  ['2000 to 3000']
            Tagged text:  shirts between __budget__

        budget_detection = BudgetDetector('budget')
        message = "tshirts less than 2k"
        budget_list, original_text = budget_detection.detect_entity(message)
        tagged_text = budget_detection.tagged_text
        print budget_list, ' -- ', original_text
        print 'Tagged text: ', tagged_text

         >> [{'max_budget': 2000, 'type': 'normal_budget', 'min_budget': 0}]  --  ['less than 2k']
            Tagged text:  tshirts __budget__

        budget_detection = BudgetDetector('budget')
        message = "tshirts greater than 2k"
        budget_list, original_text = budget_detection.detect_entity(message)
        tagged_text = budget_detection.tagged_text
        print budget_list, ' -- ', original_text
        print 'Tagged text: ', tagged_text

         >> [{'max_budget': 0, 'type': 'normal_budget', 'min_budget': 2000}]  --  ['greater than 2k']
            Tagged text:  tshirts __budget__

        budget_detection = BudgetDetector('budget')
        message = "jeans of Rs. 1000"
        budget_list, original_text = budget_detection.detect_entity(message)
        tagged_text = budget_detection.tagged_text
        print budget_list, ' -- ', original_text
        print 'Tagged text: ', tagged_text

         >> [{'max_budget': 1000, 'type': 'normal_budget', 'min_budget': 0}]  --  ['rs. 1000']
            Tagged text:  ' jeans of __budget__ '

        min_digit: minimum digit that a budget can take by default it is set to 2. So, the NER will detect number as
        budget if its greater then 9
        max_digit: maximum digit that buget can take by default it is set to 5. So, the NER will detect number
        as budget if its less than 99999
        text: string to extract entities from
        entity_name: string by which the detected size would be replaced with on calling detect_entity()
        tagged_text: string with size replaced with tag defined by entity name
        processed_text: string with sizes detected removed
        budget: list of budgets detected
        original_budget_text: list to store substrings of the text detected as budget
        tag: entity_name prepended and appended with '__'
        regex_object: regex object that is used to substitute k with 000 i.e. if text contains 2k then
        it will be substituted as 2000
        text_detection_object: text detection object to detect text in Textual format
        text and tagged_text will have a extra space prepended and appended after calling detect_entity(text)

    def __init__(self, entity_name):
        """Initializes a BudgetDetector object

            entity_name: A string by which the detected budget would be replaced with on calling detect_entity()

        self.min_digit = 2
        self.max_digit = 5
        self.entity_name = entity_name

        self.text = ''
        self.tagged_text = ''
        self.processed_text = ''
        self.budget = []
        self.original_budget_text = []

        regex_for_thousand = [(r'(\d+)k', r'\g<1>000')]
        self.regex_object = RegexReplace(regex_for_thousand)
        self.tag = '__' + self.entity_name + '__'
        self.text_detection_object = TextDetector(entity_name=ES_BUDGET_LIST)

    def detect_entity(self, text):
        """Detects budget in the text string

            text: string to extract entities from

            A tuple of two lists with first list containing the detected budgets and second list containing their
            corresponding substrings in the original message.

            For example:

                ([{'max_budget': 1000, 'type': 'normal_budget', 'min_budget': 0}], ['rs. 1000'])

            Additionally this function assigns these lists to self.budget and self.original_budget_text attributes

        self.text = ' ' + text + ' '
        self.processed_text = self.text.lower()
        self.tagged_text = self.text
        budget_data = self._detect_budget()
        self.budget = budget_data[0]
        self.original_budget_text = budget_data[1]
        return budget_data

    def _detect_budget(self):
        """Detects budget in the self.text

            A tuple of two lists with first list containing the detected budgets and second list containing their
            corresponding substrings in the original message.

            For example:
                input: "shirts between 2000 to 3000"
                output: ([{'max_budget': 3000, 'type': 'normal_budget', 'min_budget': 2000}], ['2000 to 3000'])


        budget_list = []
        original_list = []
        budget_list, original_list = self._detect_min_max_budget(
            budget_list, original_list)
        budget_list, original_list = self._detect_min_budget(
            budget_list, original_list)
        budget_list, original_list = self._detect_max_budget(
            budget_list, original_list)
        budget_list, original_list = self._detect_any_budget(
            budget_list, original_list)
        budget_list, original_list = self._detect_text_budget(
            budget_list, original_list)

        return budget_list, original_list

    def _detect_min_budget(self, budget_list=None, original_list=None):
        """Detects minimum budget from text using regex
        This is a function which will be called when we want to detect the budget using regex from the text

            A tuple of two lists with first list containing the detected budget and second list containing their
            corresponding substrings in the original message.

            For example:
                input: "tshirts greater than 2k"
                output: ([{'max_budget': 0, 'type': 'normal_budget', 'min_budget': 2000}], ['greater than 2k'])


        if budget_list is None:
            budget_list = []
        if original_list is None:
            original_list = []
        patterns = re.findall(
            r'(\s(above|more? than|more?|greater than|greater|abv|abov|more? den|\>\s*\=?)\s+'
            r'(rs.|rs|rupees|rupee)*\s*(\d{' + str(self.min_digit) + ',' +
            str(self.max_digit) + '}|\d{1,' +
            str(self.max_digit - 3) + '}\s*k)\s*(rs.|rs|rupees|rupee|\.)?\s)',
        for pattern in patterns:
            original = pattern[0].strip()
            budget = {
                'min_budget': 0,
                'max_budget': 0,
                'type': BUDGET_TYPE_NORMAL

            if 'k' in pattern[3]:
                budget['min_budget'] = int(
                budget['min_budget'] = int(pattern[3])

        return budget_list, original_list

    def _detect_max_budget(self, budget_list=None, original_list=None):
        """Detects maximum budget from text using regex
        This is a function which will be called when we want to detect the budget using regex from the text

            A tuple of two lists with first list containing the detected budget and second list containing their
            corresponding substrings in the original message.

            For example:
                input: "tshirts less than 2k"
                output: ([{'max_budget': 2000, 'type': 'normal_budget', 'min_budget': }], ['less than 2k'])


        if budget_list is None:
            budget_list = []
        if original_list is None:
            original_list = []

        patterns = re.findall(
            r'(\s(max|upto|o?nly|around|below|less than|less|less den|\<\s*\=?)\s+(rs.|rs|rupees|rupee)?\s*(\d{'
            + str(self.min_digit) + ',' + str(self.max_digit) + '}|\d{1,' +
            str(self.max_digit - 3) + '}\s*k)\s*(rs.|rs|rupees|rupee|\.)?\s)',
        for pattern in patterns:
            original = pattern[0].strip()

            budget = {
                'min_budget': 0,
                'max_budget': 0,
                'type': BUDGET_TYPE_NORMAL

            if 'k' in pattern[3]:
                budget['max_budget'] = int(
                budget['max_budget'] = int(pattern[3])

        return budget_list, original_list

    def _detect_min_max_budget(self, budget_list=None, original_list=None):
        """Detects both minimum and maximum budget from text using regex
        This is a function which will be called when we want to detect the budget using regex from the text

            A tuple of two lists with first list containing the detected budget and second list containing their
            corresponding substrings in the original message.

            For example:
                input: shirts between 2000 to 3000
                output: ([{'max_budget': 3000, 'type': 'normal_budget', 'min_budget': 2000}], ['2000 to 3000'])

        if budget_list is None:
            budget_list = []
        if original_list is None:
            original_list = []

        patterns = re.findall(
            r'(\s((\d{1,' + str(self.max_digit - 3) + '}\s*k?)|(\d{' +
            str(self.min_digit) + ',' + str(self.max_digit) +
            '}))\s*(\-|to|and)\s*((\d{1,' + str(self.max_digit - 3) +
            '}\s*k?)|(\d{' + str(self.min_digit) + ',' + str(self.max_digit) +
            '}))\.?\s)', self.processed_text.lower())
        for pattern in patterns:
            original = None
            pattern = list(pattern)
            budget = {
                'min_budget': 0,
                'max_budget': 0,
                'type': BUDGET_TYPE_NORMAL

            flag_contains_k = False
            max_budget = 0
            if pattern[6]:
                flag_contains_k = True if 'k' in pattern[6] else False
                max_budget = int(self.regex_object.text_substitute(pattern[6]))
            elif pattern[7]:
                max_budget = int(pattern[7])
            min_budget = 0
            if pattern[2]:
                if flag_contains_k and 'k' not in pattern[2]:
                    pattern[2] = str(pattern[2]).strip() + 'k'
                min_budget = int(self.regex_object.text_substitute(pattern[2]))
            elif pattern[3]:
                min_budget = int(pattern[3])
            min_budget = min_budget if self.min_digit <= min_budget.__str__(
            ).__len__() <= self.max_digit else 0
            max_budget = max_budget if self.min_digit <= max_budget.__str__(
            ).__len__() <= self.max_digit else 0
            if min_budget != 0 and max_budget != 0 and min_budget <= max_budget:
                original = pattern[0].strip()
                budget['min_budget'] = min_budget
                budget['max_budget'] = max_budget

        return budget_list, original_list

    def _detect_any_budget(self, budget_list=None, original_list=None):
        """Detects a budget from text using regex
        This is a function which will be called when we want to detect the budget using regex from the text

            A tuple of two lists with first list containing the detected budget and second list containing their
            corresponding substrings in the original message.

            For example:
                input: shirts between 2000 to 3000
                output: ([{'max_budget': 3000, 'type': 'normal_budget', 'min_budget': 2000}], ['2000 to 3000'])


        if budget_list is None:
            budget_list = []
        if original_list is None:
            original_list = []

        patterns = re.findall(
            r'\s((rs.|rs|rupees|rupee)?\s?(\d{' + str(self.min_digit) + ',' +
            str(self.max_digit) + '}|\d{1,' +
            str(self.max_digit - 3) + '}\s*k)\s?(rs.|rs|rupees|rupee)?\.?)\s',
        for pattern in patterns:
            original = pattern[0].strip()
            budget = {
                'min_budget': 0,
                'max_budget': 0,
                'type': BUDGET_TYPE_NORMAL
            if 'k' in pattern[2]:
                budget['max_budget'] = int(
                budget['max_budget'] = int(pattern[2])
        return budget_list, original_list

    def _detect_text_budget(self, budget_list=None, original_list=None):
        """Detects budget  from text using text detection logic i.e.TextDetector
        This is a function which will be called when we want to detect the budget using text

            A tuple of two lists with first list containing the detected numbers and second list containing their
            corresponding substrings in the original message.

        if budget_list is None:
            budget_list = []
        if original_list is None:
            original_list = []

        budget_text_list, original_text_list = self.text_detection_object.detect_entity(
        self.tagged_text = self.text_detection_object.tagged_text
        self.processed_text = self.text_detection_object.processed_text
        count = 0
        while count < len(original_text_list):
            budget = {
                'min_budget': 0,
                'max_budget': 0,
                'type': BUDGET_TYPE_TEXT

            count += 1
        if original_text_list:
        return budget_list, original_list

    def _update_processed_text(self, original_budget_strings):
        Replaces detected budgets with self.tag generated from entity_name used to initialize the object with

        A final string with all budgets replaced will be stored in self.tagged_text attribute
        A string with all budgets removed will be stored in self.processed_text attribute

            original_budget_strings: list of substrings of original text to be replaced with self.tag
        for detected_text in original_budget_strings:
            if detected_text:
                self.tagged_text = self.tagged_text.replace(
                    detected_text, self.tag)
                self.processed_text = self.processed_text.replace(
                    detected_text, '')

    def min_max_digit(self, min_digit, max_digit):
        self.min_digit = min_digit
        self.max_digit = max_digit
コード例 #6
class BudgetDetector(BaseDetector):
    """Detects budget from the text  and tags them.

    Detects the budget from the text and replaces them by entity_name.
    This detection logic first checks for budget using regular expressions and also uses TextDetector class to extract
    data in textual format (i.e. Hundred, Thousand, etc).

    This detector captures  additional attributes like max_budget, min_budget whether the budget is
    normal_budget (detected through regex) or text_budget (detected through text detection)

    For Example:

        budget_detection = BudgetDetector('budget')
        message = "shirts between 2000 to 3000"
        budget_list, original_text = budget_detection.detect_entity(message)
        tagged_text = budget_detection.tagged_text
        print budget_list, ' -- ', original_text
        print 'Tagged text: ', tagged_text

         >> [{'max_budget': 3000, 'type': 'normal_budget', 'min_budget': 2000}]  --  ['2000 to 3000']
            Tagged text:  shirts between __budget__

        budget_detection = BudgetDetector('budget')
        message = "tshirts less than 2k"
        budget_list, original_text = budget_detection.detect_entity(message)
        tagged_text = budget_detection.tagged_text
        print budget_list, ' -- ', original_text
        print 'Tagged text: ', tagged_text

         >> [{'max_budget': 2000, 'type': 'normal_budget', 'min_budget': 0}]  --  ['less than 2k']
            Tagged text:  tshirts __budget__

        budget_detection = BudgetDetector('budget')
        message = "tshirts greater than 2k"
        budget_list, original_text = budget_detection.detect_entity(message)
        tagged_text = budget_detection.tagged_text
        print budget_list, ' -- ', original_text
        print 'Tagged text: ', tagged_text

         >> [{'max_budget': 0, 'type': 'normal_budget', 'min_budget': 2000}]  --  ['greater than 2k']
            Tagged text:  tshirts __budget__

        budget_detection = BudgetDetector('budget')
        message = "jeans of Rs. 1000"
        budget_list, original_text = budget_detection.detect_entity(message)
        tagged_text = budget_detection.tagged_text
        print budget_list, ' -- ', original_text
        print 'Tagged text: ', tagged_text

         >> [{'max_budget': 1000, 'type': 'normal_budget', 'min_budget': 0}]  --  ['rs. 1000']
            Tagged text:  ' jeans of __budget__ '

        min_digit: minimum digit that a budget can take by default it is set to 2. So, the NER will detect number as
        budget if its greater then 9
        max_digit: maximum digit that buget can take by default it is set to 5. So, the NER will detect number
        as budget if its less than 99999
        text: string to extract entities from
        entity_name: string by which the detected size would be replaced with on calling detect_entity()
        tagged_text: string with size replaced with tag defined by entity name
        processed_text: string with sizes detected removed
        budget: list of budgets detected
        original_budget_text: list to store substrings of the text detected as budget
        tag: entity_name prepended and appended with '__'
        regex_object: regex object that is used to substitute k with 000 i.e. if text contains 2k then
        it will be substituted as 2000
        text_detection_object: text detection object to detect text in Textual format
        text and tagged_text will have a extra space prepended and appended after calling detect_entity(text)

    def __init__(self,
        """Initializes a BudgetDetector object

            entity_name: A string by which the detected budget would be replaced with on calling detect_entity()

        # assigning values to superclass attributes
        self._supported_languages = [ENGLISH_LANG]
        super(BudgetDetector, self).__init__(source_language_script,

        self.min_digit = 2
        self.max_digit = 5
        self.entity_name = entity_name

        self.text = ''
        self.tagged_text = ''
        self.processed_text = ''
        self.budget = []
        self.original_budget_text = []
        self.unit_present_list = ['k', 'l', 'm', 'c', 'h', 'th']
        regx_for_units = [(r'([\d,.]+)\s*k', 1000), (r'([\d,.]+)\s*h', 1000),
                          (r'([\d,.]+)\s*th', 1000),
                          (r'([\d,.]+)\s*l', 100000),
                          (r'([\d,.]+)\s*lacs?', 100000),
                          (r'([\d,.]+)\s*lakh?', 100000),
                          (r'([\d,.]+)\s*lakhs?', 100000),
                          (r'([\d,.]+)\s*m', 1000000),
                          (r'([\d,.]+)\s*million', 1000000),
                          (r'([\d,.]+)\s*mill?', 1000000),
                          (r'([\d,.]+)\s*c', 10000000),
                          (r'([\d,.]+)\s*cro?', 10000000),
                          (r'([\d,.]+)\s*crore?', 10000000),
                          (r'([\d,.]+)\s*crores?', 10000000)]
        self.regex_object = RegexReplace(regx_for_units)
        self.tag = '__' + self.entity_name + '__'
        self.text_detection_object = TextDetector(entity_name=entity_name)

    def detect_entity(self, text):
        """Detects budget in the text string

            text: string to extract entities from

            A tuple of two lists with first list containing the detected budgets and second list containing their
            corresponding substrings in the original message.

            For example:

                ([{'max_budget': 1000, 'type': 'normal_budget', 'min_budget': 0}], ['rs. 1000'])

            Additionally this function assigns these lists to self.budget and self.original_budget_text attributes

        self.text = ' ' + text + ' '
        self.processed_text = self.text.lower()
        self.tagged_text = self.text
        budget_data = self._detect_budget()
        self.budget = budget_data[0]
        self.original_budget_text = budget_data[1]
        return budget_data

    def supported_languages(self):
        return self._supported_languages

    def _detect_budget(self):
        """Detects budget in the self.text

            A tuple of two lists with first list containing the detected budgets and second list containing their
            corresponding substrings in the original message.

            For example:
                input: "shirts between 2000 to 3000"
                output: ([{'max_budget': 3000, 'type': 'normal_budget', 'min_budget': 2000}], ['2000 to 3000'])


        budget_list = []
        original_list = []
        budget_list, original_list = self._detect_min_max_budget(
            budget_list, original_list)
        budget_list, original_list = self._detect_min_budget(
            budget_list, original_list)
        budget_list, original_list = self._detect_max_budget(
            budget_list, original_list)
        budget_list, original_list = self._detect_any_budget(
            budget_list, original_list)
        if not budget_list:
            budget_list, original_list = self._detect_text_budget(
                budget_list, original_list)

        return budget_list, original_list

    def _detect_min_budget(self, budget_list=None, original_list=None):
        """Detects minimum budget from text using regex
        This is a function which will be called when we want to detect the budget using regex from the text

            A tuple of two lists with first list containing the detected budget and second list containing their
            corresponding substrings in the original message.

            For example:
                input: "tshirts greater than 2k"
                output: ([{'max_budget': 0, 'type': 'normal_budget', 'min_budget': 2000}], ['greater than 2k'])


        if budget_list is None:
            budget_list = []
        if original_list is None:
            original_list = []
        patterns = re.findall(
            r'(\s(above|more? than|more?|greater than|greater|abv|abov|more? den|\>\s*\=?)\s+'
            r'(rs.|rs|rupees|rupee|\.)?\s)', self.processed_text.lower())
        for pattern in patterns:
            original = pattern[0].strip()
            budget = {
                'min_budget': 0,
                'max_budget': 0,
                'type': BUDGET_TYPE_NORMAL

            if any([unit in pattern[3] for unit in self.unit_present_list]):
                replace_comma = re.sub(',', '', pattern[3])
                amount = int(self.regex_object.unit_substitute(replace_comma))
                replace_comma = re.sub(',', '', pattern[3])
                amount = int(replace_comma)

            if self.min_digit <= len(str(amount)) <= self.max_digit:
                budget['min_budget'] = amount

        return budget_list, original_list

    def _detect_max_budget(self, budget_list=None, original_list=None):
        """Detects maximum budget from text using regex
        This is a function which will be called when we want to detect the budget using regex from the text

            A tuple of two lists with first list containing the detected budget and second list containing their
            corresponding substrings in the original message.

            For example:
                input: "tshirts less than 2k"
                output: ([{'max_budget': 2000, 'type': 'normal_budget', 'min_budget': }], ['less than 2k'])


        if budget_list is None:
            budget_list = []
        if original_list is None:
            original_list = []

        patterns = re.findall(
            r'(\s(max|upto|o?nly|around|below|less than|less|less den|\<\s*\=?)\s+(rs.|rs|rupees|rupee)'
        for pattern in patterns:
            original = pattern[0].strip()

            budget = {
                'min_budget': 0,
                'max_budget': 0,
                'type': BUDGET_TYPE_NORMAL

            if any([unit in pattern[3] for unit in self.unit_present_list]):
                comma_removed_unit_text = pattern[3].replace(',', '')
                amount = int(
                comma_removed_number = pattern[3].replace(',', '')
                amount = int(comma_removed_number)

            if self.min_digit <= len(str(amount)) <= self.max_digit:
                budget['max_budget'] = amount

        return budget_list, original_list

    def _detect_min_max_budget(self, budget_list=None, original_list=None):
        """Detects both minimum and maximum budget from text using regex
        This is a function which will be called when we want to detect the budget using regex from the text

            A tuple of two lists with first list containing the detected budget and second list containing their
            corresponding substrings in the original message.

            For example:
                input: shirts between 2000 to 3000
                output: ([{'max_budget': 3000, 'type': 'normal_budget', 'min_budget': 2000}], ['2000 to 3000'])

        if budget_list is None:
            budget_list = []
        if original_list is None:
            original_list = []

        patterns = re.findall(
        for pattern in patterns:
            original = None
            pattern = list(pattern)
            budget = {
                'min_budget': 0,
                'max_budget': 0,
                'type': BUDGET_TYPE_NORMAL

            flag_contains_k = False
            max_budget = 0
            min_budget = 0
            _min_budget = 0
            if pattern[6]:
                if any([unit in pattern[6]
                        for unit in self.unit_present_list]):
                    flag_contains_k = True
                    flag_contains_k = False
                comma_removed_unit_text = pattern[6].replace(',', '')
                max_budget = int(
            elif pattern[7]:
                comma_removed_number = pattern[7].replace(',', '')
                max_budget = int(comma_removed_number)
                min_budget = 0

            if pattern[2]:
                _comma_removed_unit_text = pattern[2].replace(',', '')
                _min_budget = int(
                if flag_contains_k:
                    for u in self.unit_present_list:
                        if u in pattern[6]:
                            pattern[2] = str(pattern[2]).strip() + u
                comma_removed_unit_text = pattern[2].replace(',', '')
                min_budget = int(
            elif pattern[3]:
                comma_removed_number = pattern[3].replace(',', '')
                min_budget = int(comma_removed_number)
            if min_budget > max_budget:
                min_budget = _min_budget
            min_budget = min_budget if self.min_digit <= len(
                str(min_budget)) <= self.max_digit else 0
            max_budget = max_budget if self.min_digit <= len(
                str(max_budget)) <= self.max_digit else 0
            if min_budget != 0 and max_budget != 0 and min_budget <= max_budget:
                original = pattern[0].strip()
                budget['min_budget'] = min_budget
                budget['max_budget'] = max_budget

        return budget_list, original_list

    def _detect_any_budget(self, budget_list=None, original_list=None):
        """Detects a budget from text using regex
        This is a function which will be called when we want to detect the budget using regex from the text

            A tuple of two lists with first list containing the detected budget and second list containing their
            corresponding substrings in the original message.

            For example:
                input: shirts between 2000 to 3000
                output: ([{'max_budget': 3000, 'type': 'normal_budget', 'min_budget': 2000}], ['2000 to 3000'])


        if budget_list is None:
            budget_list = []
        if original_list is None:
            original_list = []

        text = self.processed_text.lower().strip()

        units_patterns = [
            r'k|hazaa?r|haja?ar|thousand', r'l|lacs?|lakh?|lakhs?',
            r'm|million|mill?', r'cro?|cror?|crore?|crores?'
        units_order = [1e3, 1e5, 1e6, 1e7]
        full = re.compile(
            r'\s*(' + r'|'.join(units_patterns) +
        units_patterns = map(lambda s: '^' + s, units_patterns)
        units_patterns = map(re.compile, units_patterns)
        matches = full.findall(text)
        for match in matches:
            original = match[0].strip()
            budget = {
                'min_budget': 0,
                'max_budget': 0,
                'type': BUDGET_TYPE_NORMAL
            amount, unit = match[2], match[-2]
            if not amount:
            amount = amount.replace(',', '')
            _amount = amount.split('.')
            if len(_amount) > 1:
                amount = ''.join(_amount[:-1]) + '.' + _amount[-1]
            amount = float(amount)
            for i, pattern in enumerate(units_patterns):
                if pattern.findall(unit):
                    amount = int(amount * units_order[i])
            amount = int(amount)
            if self.min_digit <= len(str(amount)) <= self.max_digit:
                budget['max_budget'] = amount

        return budget_list, original_list

    def _detect_text_budget(self, budget_list=None, original_list=None):
        """Detects budget  from text using text detection logic i.e.TextDetector
        This is a function which will be called when we want to detect the budget using text

            A tuple of two lists with first list containing the detected numbers and second list containing their
            corresponding substrings in the original message.

        if budget_list is None:
            budget_list = []
        if original_list is None:
            original_list = []

        budget_text_list, original_text_list = self.text_detection_object.detect_entity(
        self.tagged_text = self.text_detection_object.tagged_text
        self.processed_text = self.text_detection_object.processed_text
        count = 0
        while count < len(original_text_list):
            budget = {
                'min_budget': 0,
                'max_budget': 0,
                'type': BUDGET_TYPE_TEXT

            count += 1

        return budget_list, original_list

    def _update_processed_text(self, original_budget_strings):
        Replaces detected budgets with self.tag generated from entity_name used to initialize the object with

        A final string with all budgets replaced will be stored in self.tagged_text attribute
        A string with all budgets removed will be stored in self.processed_text attribute

            original_budget_strings: list of substrings of original text to be replaced with self.tag
        for detected_text in original_budget_strings:
            if detected_text:
                self.tagged_text = self.tagged_text.replace(
                    detected_text, self.tag)
                self.processed_text = self.processed_text.replace(
                    detected_text, '')

    def set_min_max_digits(self, min_digit, max_digit):
        Update min max digit

            min_digit (int): min digit
            max_digit (int): max digit
        self.min_digit = min_digit
        self.max_digit = max_digit