コード例 #1
    def __update_smart_tracing(self, t, i):
        Updates smart tracing policy for individual `i` at time `t`.
        Iterates over possible contacts `j`

        if not self.dynamic_tracing:
            def valid_j():
                '''Generate individuals j where `i` was present
                up to `self.test_smart_delta` hours before t '''
                for j in range(self.n_people):
                    if not self.state['dead'][j]:
                        if self.mob.will_be_in_contact(indiv_i=j, indiv_j=i, site=None, t=t-self.test_smart_delta):
                            yield j

            valid_contacts = valid_j()
            infectors_contacts = self.mob.find_contacts_of_indiv(indiv=i, tmin=t - self.test_smart_delta)
            valid_contacts = set()

            for contact in infectors_contacts:
                if not self.state['dead'][contact.indiv_i]:
                    if contact not in self.mob.contacts[contact.indiv_i][i]:

        contacts = PriorityQueue()
        for j in valid_contacts:
            # check compliance
            is_j_compliant = self.measure_list.is_compliant(
                ComplianceForAllMeasure, t=t-self.test_smart_delta, j=j)
            # if j is not compliant, skip
            if not is_j_compliant:

            valid_contact, s = self.__compute_empirical_survival_probability(t, i, j)
            if valid_contact:
                self.empirical_survival_probability[j] = s
                if self.smart_tracing == 'basic':
                    contacts.push(j, priority=t)
                elif self.smart_tracing == 'advanced':
                    contacts.push(j, priority=self.empirical_survival_probability[j])
                    raise ValueError('Invalid smart tracing policy.')
        # quarantine nodes for a 'self.test_smart_duration'
        max_contacts = len(contacts)
        for j in range(min(self.test_smart_num_contacts, max_contacts)):
            contact = contacts.pop()
            if self.test_smart_action == 'isolate':
                self.measure_list.start_containment(SocialDistancingForSmartTracing, t=t, j=contact)
            if self.test_smart_action == 'test':
                self.__apply_for_testing(t, contact)
コード例 #2
    def __init_run(self):
        Initialize the run of the epidemic

        self.queue = PriorityQueue()
        self.testing_queue = PriorityQueue()

        State and queue codes (transition event into this state)

        'susc': susceptible
        'expo': exposed
        'ipre': infectious pre-symptomatic
        'isym': infectious symptomatic
        'iasy': infectious asymptomatic
        'posi': tested positive
        'nega': tested negative
        'resi': resistant
        'dead': dead
        'hosp': hospitalized

        'test': event of i getting a test (transitions to posi if not susc)
        'execute_tests': generic event indicating that testing queue should be processed

        self.legal_states = ['susc', 'expo', 'ipre', 'isym', 'iasy', 'posi', 'nega', 'resi', 'dead', 'hosp']
        self.legal_preceeding_state = {
            'expo' : ['susc',],
            'ipre' : ['expo',],
            'isym' : ['ipre',],
            'iasy' : ['expo',],
            'posi' : ['isym', 'ipre', 'iasy', 'expo'],
            'nega' : ['susc', 'resi'],
            'resi' : ['isym', 'iasy'],
            'dead' : ['isym',],
            'hosp' : ['isym',],

        self.state = {
            'susc': np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='bool'),
            'expo': np.zeros(self.n_people, dtype='bool'),
            'ipre': np.zeros(self.n_people, dtype='bool'),
            'isym': np.zeros(self.n_people, dtype='bool'),
            'iasy': np.zeros(self.n_people, dtype='bool'),
            'posi': np.zeros(self.n_people, dtype='bool'),
            'nega': np.zeros(self.n_people, dtype='bool'),
            'resi': np.zeros(self.n_people, dtype='bool'),
            'dead': np.zeros(self.n_people, dtype='bool'),
            'hosp': np.zeros(self.n_people, dtype='bool'),

        self.state_started_at = {
            'susc': - np.inf * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float'),
            'expo': np.inf * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float'),
            'ipre': np.inf * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float'),
            'isym': np.inf * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float'),
            'iasy': np.inf * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float'),
            'posi': np.inf * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float'),
            'nega': np.inf * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float'),
            'resi': np.inf * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float'),
            'dead': np.inf * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float'),
            'hosp': np.inf * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float'),
        self.state_ended_at = {
            'susc': np.inf * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float'),
            'expo': np.inf * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float'),
            'ipre': np.inf * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float'),
            'isym': np.inf * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float'),
            'iasy': np.inf * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float'),
            'posi': np.inf * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float'),
            'nega': np.inf * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float'),
            'resi': np.inf * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float'),
            'dead': np.inf * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float'),
            'hosp': np.inf * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float'),
        self.outcome_of_test = np.zeros(self.n_people, dtype='bool')

        # infector of i
        self.parent = -1 * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='int')

        # no. people i infected (given i was in a certain state)
        self.children_count_iasy = np.zeros(self.n_people, dtype='int')
        self.children_count_ipre = np.zeros(self.n_people, dtype='int')
        self.children_count_isym = np.zeros(self.n_people, dtype='int')
        # smart tracing
        self.empirical_survival_probability = np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float')
コード例 #3
class DiseaseModel(object):
    Simulate continuous-time SEIR epidemics with exponentially distributed inter-event times.
    All units in the simulator are in hours for numerical stability, though disease parameters are
    assumed to be in units of days as usual in epidemiology

    def __init__(self, mob, distributions, dynamic_tracing=False):
        Init simulation object with parameters

            object of class MobilitySimulator providing mobility data

        dynamic_tracing: bool
            If true contacts are computed on-the-fly during launch_epidemic
            instead of using the previously filled contact array


        # cache settings
        self.mob = mob
        self.d = distributions
        self.dynamic_tracing = dynamic_tracing

        # parse distributions object
        self.lambda_0 = self.d.lambda_0
        self.gamma = self.d.gamma
        self.fatality_rates_by_age = self.d.fatality_rates_by_age
        self.p_hospital_by_age = self.d.p_hospital_by_age
        self.delta = self.d.delta

        # parse mobility object
        self.n_people = mob.num_people
        self.n_sites = mob.num_sites
        self.max_time = mob.max_time
        # special state variables from mob object 
        self.people_age = mob.people_age
        self.num_age_groups = mob.num_age_groups
        self.site_type = mob.site_type
        self.site_dict = mob.site_dict
        self.num_site_types = mob.num_site_types
        self.people_household = mob.people_household
        self.households = mob.households
        assert(self.num_age_groups == self.fatality_rates_by_age.shape[0])
        assert(self.num_age_groups == self.p_hospital_by_age.shape[0])

        # print
        self.last_print = time.time()
        self._PRINT_INTERVAL = 0.1
        self._PRINT_MSG = (
            't: {t:.2f} '
            '| '
            '{maxt:.2f} hrs '
            '({maxd:.0f} d)'

    def __print(self, t, force=False):
        if ((time.time() - self.last_print > self._PRINT_INTERVAL) or force) and self.verbose:
            print('\r', self._PRINT_MSG.format(t=t, maxt=self.max_time, maxd=self.max_time / 24),
                  sep='', end='', flush=True)
            self.last_print = time.time()

    def __init_run(self):
        Initialize the run of the epidemic

        self.queue = PriorityQueue()
        self.testing_queue = PriorityQueue()

        State and queue codes (transition event into this state)

        'susc': susceptible
        'expo': exposed
        'ipre': infectious pre-symptomatic
        'isym': infectious symptomatic
        'iasy': infectious asymptomatic
        'posi': tested positive
        'nega': tested negative
        'resi': resistant
        'dead': dead
        'hosp': hospitalized

        'test': event of i getting a test (transitions to posi if not susc)
        'execute_tests': generic event indicating that testing queue should be processed

        self.legal_states = ['susc', 'expo', 'ipre', 'isym', 'iasy', 'posi', 'nega', 'resi', 'dead', 'hosp']
        self.legal_preceeding_state = {
            'expo' : ['susc',],
            'ipre' : ['expo',],
            'isym' : ['ipre',],
            'iasy' : ['expo',],
            'posi' : ['isym', 'ipre', 'iasy', 'expo'],
            'nega' : ['susc', 'resi'],
            'resi' : ['isym', 'iasy'],
            'dead' : ['isym',],
            'hosp' : ['isym',],

        self.state = {
            'susc': np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='bool'),
            'expo': np.zeros(self.n_people, dtype='bool'),
            'ipre': np.zeros(self.n_people, dtype='bool'),
            'isym': np.zeros(self.n_people, dtype='bool'),
            'iasy': np.zeros(self.n_people, dtype='bool'),
            'posi': np.zeros(self.n_people, dtype='bool'),
            'nega': np.zeros(self.n_people, dtype='bool'),
            'resi': np.zeros(self.n_people, dtype='bool'),
            'dead': np.zeros(self.n_people, dtype='bool'),
            'hosp': np.zeros(self.n_people, dtype='bool'),

        self.state_started_at = {
            'susc': - np.inf * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float'),
            'expo': np.inf * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float'),
            'ipre': np.inf * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float'),
            'isym': np.inf * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float'),
            'iasy': np.inf * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float'),
            'posi': np.inf * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float'),
            'nega': np.inf * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float'),
            'resi': np.inf * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float'),
            'dead': np.inf * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float'),
            'hosp': np.inf * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float'),
        self.state_ended_at = {
            'susc': np.inf * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float'),
            'expo': np.inf * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float'),
            'ipre': np.inf * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float'),
            'isym': np.inf * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float'),
            'iasy': np.inf * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float'),
            'posi': np.inf * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float'),
            'nega': np.inf * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float'),
            'resi': np.inf * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float'),
            'dead': np.inf * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float'),
            'hosp': np.inf * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float'),
        self.outcome_of_test = np.zeros(self.n_people, dtype='bool')

        # infector of i
        self.parent = -1 * np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='int')

        # no. people i infected (given i was in a certain state)
        self.children_count_iasy = np.zeros(self.n_people, dtype='int')
        self.children_count_ipre = np.zeros(self.n_people, dtype='int')
        self.children_count_isym = np.zeros(self.n_people, dtype='int')
        # smart tracing
        self.empirical_survival_probability = np.ones(self.n_people, dtype='float')

    def initialize_states_for_seeds(self):
        Sets state variables according to invariants as given by `self.initial_seeds`

        NOTE: by the seeding heuristic using the reproductive rate
        we assume that exposures already took place
        assert(isinstance(self.initial_seeds, dict))
        for state, seeds_ in self.initial_seeds.items():
            for i in seeds_:
                assert(self.was_initial_seed[i] == False)
                self.was_initial_seed[i] = True
                # inital exposed
                if state == 'expo':
                    self.__process_exposure_event(0.0, i, None)

                # initial presymptomatic
                elif state == 'ipre':
                    self.state['susc'][i] = False
                    self.state['expo'][i] = True

                    self.state_ended_at['susc'][i] = -1.0
                    self.state_started_at['expo'][i] = -1.0

                    self.bernoulli_is_iasy[i] = 0
                    self.__process_presymptomatic_event(0.0, i)

                # initial asymptomatic
                elif state == 'iasy':

                    self.state['susc'][i] = False
                    self.state['expo'][i] = True

                    self.state_ended_at['susc'][i] = -1.0
                    self.state_started_at['expo'][i] = -1.0

                    self.bernoulli_is_iasy[i] = 1
                    self.__process_asymptomatic_event(0.0, i, add_exposures=False)

                # initial symptomatic
                elif state == 'isym' or state == 'isym_notposi':

                    self.state['susc'][i] = False
                    self.state['ipre'][i] = True

                    self.state_ended_at['susc'][i] = -1.0
                    self.state_started_at['expo'][i] = -1.0
                    self.state_ended_at['expo'][i] = -1.0
                    self.state_started_at['ipre'][i] = -1.0

                    self.bernoulli_is_iasy[i] = 0
                    self.__process_symptomatic_event(0.0, i)

                # initial symptomatic and positive
                elif state == 'isym_posi':

                    self.state['susc'][i] = False
                    self.state['ipre'][i] = True
                    self.state['posi'][i] = True

                    self.state_ended_at['susc'][i] = -1.0
                    self.state_started_at['expo'][i] = -1.0
                    self.state_ended_at['expo'][i] = -1.0
                    self.state_started_at['ipre'][i] = -1.0
                    self.state_started_at['posi'][i] = -1.0

                    self.bernoulli_is_iasy[i] = 0
                    self.__process_symptomatic_event(0.0, i, apply_for_test=False)

                # initial resistant and positive
                elif state == 'resi_posi':

                    self.state['susc'][i] = False
                    self.state['isym'][i] = True
                    self.state['posi'][i] = True

                    self.state_ended_at['susc'][i] = -1.0
                    self.state_started_at['expo'][i] = -1.0
                    self.state_ended_at['expo'][i] = -1.0
                    self.state_started_at['ipre'][i] = -1.0
                    self.state_ended_at['ipre'][i] = -1.0
                    self.state_started_at['isym'][i] = -1.0
                    self.state_started_at['posi'][i] = -1.0

                    self.bernoulli_is_iasy[i] = 0
                    self.__process_resistant_event(0.0, i)

                # initial resistant and positive
                elif state == 'resi_notposi':

                    self.state['susc'][i] = False
                    self.state['isym'][i] = True

                    self.state_ended_at['susc'][i] = -1.0
                    self.state_started_at['expo'][i] = -1.0
                    self.state_ended_at['expo'][i] = -1.0
                    self.state_started_at['ipre'][i] = -1.0
                    self.state_ended_at['ipre'][i] = -1.0
                    self.state_started_at['isym'][i] = -1.0

                    self.bernoulli_is_iasy[i] = 0
                    self.__process_resistant_event(0.0, i)

                    raise ValueError('Invalid initial seed state.')

    def launch_epidemic(self, params, initial_counts, testing_params, measure_list, verbose=True):
        Run the epidemic, starting from initial event list.
        Events are treated in order in a priority queue. An event in the queue is a tuple
        the form
            `(time, event_type, node, infector_node, location)`

        self.verbose = verbose

        # optimized params
        self.betas = params['betas']
        self.mu = self.d.mu
        self.alpha = self.d.alpha
        # household param
        if 'beta_household' in params:
            self.beta_household = params['beta_household']
            self.beta_household = 0.0

        # testing settings
        self.testing_frequency  = testing_params['testing_frequency']
        self.test_targets       = testing_params['test_targets']
        self.test_queue_policy  = testing_params['test_queue_policy']
        self.test_reporting_lag = testing_params['test_reporting_lag']        
        self.tests_per_batch    = testing_params['tests_per_batch']
        self.testing_t_window   = testing_params['testing_t_window']
        self.t_pos_tests = []
        self.test_fpr = testing_params['test_fpr']
        self.test_fnr = testing_params['test_fnr']
        # smart tracing
        self.smart_tracing       = testing_params['smart_tracing']
        self.test_smart_action   = testing_params['test_smart_action']
        self.test_smart_delta    = testing_params['test_smart_delta']
        self.test_smart_num_contacts   = testing_params['test_smart_num_contacts']
        self.test_smart_duration = testing_params['test_smart_duration']
        # Set list of measures
        if not isinstance(measure_list, MeasureList):
            raise ValueError("`measure_list` must be a `MeasureList` object")
        self.measure_list = measure_list

        # Sample bernoulli outcome for all SocialDistancingForAllMeasure





        # init state variables with seeds
        self.was_initial_seed = np.zeros(self.n_people, dtype='bool')

        total_seeds = sum(v for v in initial_counts.values())
        initial_people = np.random.choice(self.n_people, size=total_seeds, replace=False)
        ptr = 0
        self.initial_seeds = dict()
        for k, v in initial_counts.items():
            self.initial_seeds[k] = initial_people[ptr:ptr + v].tolist()
            ptr += v          

        ### sample all iid events ahead of time in batch
        batch_size = (self.n_people, )
        self.delta_expo_to_ipre = self.d.sample_expo_ipre(size=batch_size)
        self.delta_ipre_to_isym = self.d.sample_ipre_isym(size=batch_size)
        self.delta_isym_to_resi = self.d.sample_isym_resi(size=batch_size)
        self.delta_isym_to_dead = self.d.sample_isym_dead(size=batch_size)
        self.delta_expo_to_iasy = self.d.sample_expo_iasy(size=batch_size)
        self.delta_iasy_to_resi = self.d.sample_iasy_resi(size=batch_size)
        self.delta_isym_to_hosp = self.d.sample_isym_hosp(size=batch_size)

        self.bernoulli_is_iasy = np.random.binomial(1, self.alpha, size=batch_size)
        self.bernoulli_is_fatal = self.d.sample_is_fatal(self.people_age, size=batch_size)
        self.bernoulli_is_hospi = self.d.sample_is_hospitalized(self.people_age, size=batch_size)

        # initial seed

        # not initially seeded
        if self.lambda_0 > 0.0:
            delta_susc_to_expo = self.d.sample_susc_baseexpo(size=self.n_people)
            for i in range(self.n_people):
                if not self.was_initial_seed[i]:
                    # sample non-contact exposure events
                        (delta_susc_to_expo[i], 'expo', i, None, None),

        # initialize test processing events: add 'update_test' event to queue for `testing_frequency` hour
        for h in range(1, math.floor(self.max_time / self.testing_frequency)):
            ht = h * self.testing_frequency
            self.queue.push((ht, 'execute_tests', None, None, None), priority=ht)

        t = 0.0
        while self.queue:

            # get next event to process
            t, event, i, infector, k = self.queue.pop()

            # check if testing processing
            if event == 'execute_tests':

            # check termination
            if t > self.max_time:
                t = self.max_time
                self.__print(t, force=True)
                if self.verbose:
                    print(f'\n[Reached max time: {int(self.max_time)}h ({int(self.max_time // 24)}d)]')
            if np.sum((1 - self.state['susc']) * (self.state['resi'] + self.state['dead'])) == self.n_people:
                if self.verbose:
                    print('\n[Simulation ended]')

            # process event
            if event == 'expo':
                i_susceptible = ((not self.state['expo'][i])
                                    and (self.state['susc'][i]))

                # base rate exposure
                if (infector is None) and i_susceptible:
                    self.__process_exposure_event(t, i, None)

                # household exposure
                if (infector is not None) and i_susceptible and k == -1:
                    # 1) check whether infector recovered or dead
                    infector_recovered = \
                        (self.state['resi'][infector] or 

                    # 2) check whether infector got hospitalized
                    infector_hospitalized = self.state['hosp'][infector]

                    # 3) check whether infector or i are not at home
                    infector_away_from_home = False
                    i_away_from_home = False

                    infector_visits = self.mob.mob_traces[infector].find((t, t))
                    i_visits = self.mob.mob_traces[i].find((t, t))

                    for interv in infector_visits:
                        infector_away_from_home = \
                            ((interv.t_to > t) and # infector actually at a site, not just matching "environmental contact"
                             (not self.is_person_home_from_visit_due_to_measure(
                             t=t, i=infector, visit_id=interv.id)))
                        if infector_away_from_home:

                    for interv in i_visits:
                        i_away_from_home = i_away_from_home or \
                            ((interv.t_to > t) and # i actually at a site, not just matching "environmental contact"
                             (not self.is_person_home_from_visit_due_to_measure(
                             t=t, i=i, visit_id=interv.id)))

                    away_from_home = (infector_away_from_home or i_away_from_home)
                    # 4) check whether infector is isolated from household members
                    infector_isolated = self.measure_list.is_contained(
                        SocialDistancingForPositiveMeasureHousehold, t=t,
                        j=infector, state_posi=self.state['posi'], state_resi=self.state['resi'], state_dead=self.state['dead'])             

                    # if none of 1), 2), 3), 4) are true, the event is valid
                    if  (not infector_recovered) and \
                        (not infector_hospitalized) and \
                        (not away_from_home) and \
                        (not infector_isolated):

                        self.__process_exposure_event(t, i, infector)

                    # if 2) or 3) were true, a household infection could happen at a later point, hence sample a new event
                    if (infector_hospitalized or away_from_home):

                        mu_infector = self.mu if self.state['iasy'][infector] else 1.0
                            t=t, infector=infector, j=i, base_rate=mu_infector) 

                # contact exposure
                if (infector is not None) and i_susceptible and k >= 0:
                    is_in_contact, contact = self.mob.is_in_contact(indiv_i=i, indiv_j=infector, site=k, t=t)
                    assert(is_in_contact and (k is not None))
                    i_visit_id, infector_visit_id = contact.id_tup

                    # 1) check whether infector recovered or dead
                    infector_recovered = \
                        (self.state['resi'][infector] or 

                    # 2) check whether infector stayed at home due to measures
                    #    or got hospitalized
                    infector_contained = self.is_person_home_from_visit_due_to_measure(
                        t=t, i=infector, visit_id=infector_visit_id) \
                        or self.state['hosp'][infector]
                    # 3) check whether susceptible stayed at home due to measures
                    i_contained = self.is_person_home_from_visit_due_to_measure(
                        t=t, i=i, visit_id=i_visit_id)  

                    # 4) check whether infectiousness got reduced due to site specific 
                    #    measures and as a consequence this event didn't occur
                    rejection_prob = self.reject_exposure_due_to_measure(t=t, k=k)
                    site_avoided_infection =  (np.random.uniform() < rejection_prob)

                    # if none of 1), 2), 3), 4) are true, the event is valid
                    if  (not infector_recovered) and \
                        (not infector_contained) and \
                        (not i_contained) and \
                        (not site_avoided_infection):

                        self.__process_exposure_event(t, i, infector)

                    # if any of 2), 3), 4) were true, an infection could happen 
                    # at a later point, hence sample a new event 
                    if (infector_contained or i_contained or site_avoided_infection):

                        mu_infector = self.mu if self.state['iasy'][infector] else 1.0
                            t=t, infector=infector, j=i, base_rate=mu_infector)                    

            elif event == 'ipre':
                self.__process_presymptomatic_event(t, i)

            elif event == 'iasy':
                self.__process_asymptomatic_event(t, i)

            elif event == 'isym':
                self.__process_symptomatic_event(t, i)

            elif event == 'resi':
                self.__process_resistant_event(t, i)

            elif event == 'test':
                self.__process_testing_event(t, i)

            elif event == 'dead':
                self.__process_fatal_event(t, i)

            elif event == 'hosp':
                # cannot get hospitalization if not ill anymore 
                valid_hospitalization = \
                    ((not self.state['resi'][i]) and 
                        (not self.state['dead'][i]))

                if valid_hospitalization:
                    self.__process_hosp_event(t, i)
                # this should only happen for invalid exposure events
                assert(event == 'expo')

            # print
            self.__print(t, force=True)

        # free memory
        del self.queue

    def __process_exposure_event(self, t, i, parent):
        Mark person `i` as exposed at time `t`
        Push asymptomatic or presymptomatic queue event

        # track flags
        self.state['susc'][i] = False
        self.state['expo'][i] = True
        self.state_ended_at['susc'][i] = t
        self.state_started_at['expo'][i] = t
        if parent is not None:
            self.parent[i] = parent
            if self.state['iasy'][parent]:
                self.children_count_iasy[parent] += 1
            elif self.state['ipre'][parent]:
                self.children_count_ipre[parent] += 1
            elif self.state['isym'][parent]:
                self.children_count_isym[parent] += 1
                assert False, 'only infectous parents can expose person i'

        # decide whether asymptomatic or (pre-)symptomatic
        if self.bernoulli_is_iasy[i]:
                (t + self.delta_expo_to_iasy[i], 'iasy', i, None, None),
                priority=t + self.delta_expo_to_iasy[i])
                (t + self.delta_expo_to_ipre[i], 'ipre', i, None, None),
                priority=t + self.delta_expo_to_ipre[i])

    def __process_presymptomatic_event(self, t, i):
        Mark person `i` as presymptomatic at time `t`
        Push symptomatic queue event

        # track flags
        self.state['ipre'][i] = True
        self.state['expo'][i] = False
        self.state_ended_at['expo'][i] = t
        self.state_started_at['ipre'][i] = t

        # resistant event
            (t + self.delta_ipre_to_isym[i], 'isym', i, None, None),
            priority=t + self.delta_ipre_to_isym[i])

        # contact exposure of others
        self.__push_contact_exposure_events(t, i, 1.0)
        # household exposures
        if self.households is not None and self.beta_household > 0:
            self.__push_household_exposure_events(t, i, 1.0)

    def __process_symptomatic_event(self, t, i, apply_for_test=True):
        Mark person `i` as symptomatic at time `t`
        Push resistant queue event

        # track flags
        self.state['isym'][i] = True
        self.state['ipre'][i] = False
        self.state_ended_at['ipre'][i] = t
        self.state_started_at['isym'][i] = t

        # testing
        if self.test_targets == 'isym' and apply_for_test:
            self.__apply_for_testing(t, i)

        # hospitalized?
        if self.bernoulli_is_hospi[i]:
                (t + self.delta_isym_to_hosp[i], 'hosp', i, None, None),
                priority=t + self.delta_isym_to_hosp[i])

        # resistant event vs fatality event
        if self.bernoulli_is_fatal[i]:
                (t + self.delta_isym_to_dead[i], 'dead', i, None, None),
                priority=t + self.delta_isym_to_dead[i])
                (t + self.delta_isym_to_resi[i], 'resi', i, None, None),
                priority=t + self.delta_isym_to_resi[i])

    def __process_asymptomatic_event(self, t, i, add_exposures=True):
        Mark person `i` as asymptomatic at time `t`
        Push resistant queue event

        # track flags
        self.state['iasy'][i] = True
        self.state['expo'][i] = False
        self.state_ended_at['expo'][i] = t
        self.state_started_at['iasy'][i] = t

        # resistant event
            (t + self.delta_iasy_to_resi[i], 'resi', i, None, None),
            priority=t + self.delta_iasy_to_resi[i])

        if add_exposures:
            # contact exposure of others
            self.__push_contact_exposure_events(t, i, self.mu)
            # household exposures
            if self.households is not None and self.beta_household > 0:
                self.__push_household_exposure_events(t, i, self.mu)

    def __process_resistant_event(self, t, i):
        Mark person `i` as resistant at time `t`

        # track flags
        assert(self.state['iasy'][i] != self.state['isym'][i]) # XOR
        self.state['resi'][i] = True
        self.state_started_at['resi'][i] = t
        # infection type
        if self.state['iasy'][i]:
            self.state['iasy'][i] = False
            self.state_ended_at['iasy'][i] = t

        elif self.state['isym'][i]:
            self.state['isym'][i] = False
            self.state_ended_at['isym'][i] = t
            assert False, 'Resistant only possible after asymptomatic or symptomatic.'

        # hospitalization ends
        if self.state['hosp'][i]:
            self.state['hosp'][i] = False
            self.state_ended_at['hosp'][i] = t

    def __process_fatal_event(self, t, i):
        Mark person `i` as fatality at time `t`

        # track flags
        self.state['dead'][i] = True
        self.state_started_at['dead'][i] = t

        self.state['isym'][i] = False
        self.state_ended_at['isym'][i] = t

        # hospitalization ends
        if self.state['hosp'][i]:
            self.state['hosp'][i] = False
            self.state_ended_at['hosp'][i] = t
    def __process_hosp_event(self, t, i):
        Mark person `i` as hospitalized at time `t`

        # track flags
        self.state['hosp'][i] = True
        self.state_started_at['hosp'][i] = t

    def __kernel_term(self, a, b, T):
        \int_a^b exp(self.gamma * (u - T)) du
        =  exp(- self.gamma * T) (exp(self.gamma * b) - exp(self.gamma * a)) / self.gamma
        return (np.exp(self.gamma * (b - T)) - np.exp(self.gamma * (a - T))) / self.gamma

    def __push_contact_exposure_events(self, t, infector, base_rate):
        Pushes all exposure events that person `i` causes
        for other people via contacts, using `base_rate` as basic infectivity
        of person `i` (equivalent to `\mu` in model definition)

        if not self.dynamic_tracing:
            def valid_j():
                '''Generates indices j where `infector` is present
                at least `self.delta` hours before j '''
                for j in range(self.n_people):
                    if self.state['susc'][j]:
                        if self.mob.will_be_in_contact(indiv_i=j, indiv_j=infector, t=t, site=None):
                            yield j

            valid_contacts = valid_j()
            # compute all delta-contacts of `infector` with any other individual
            infectors_contacts = self.mob.find_contacts_of_indiv(indiv=infector, tmin=t)

            # iterate over contacts and store contact of with each individual `indiv_i` that is still susceptible 
            valid_contacts = set()
            for contact in infectors_contacts:
                if self.state['susc'][contact.indiv_i]:
                    if contact not in self.mob.contacts[contact.indiv_i][infector]:

        # generate potential exposure event for `j` from contact with `infector`
        for j in valid_contacts:
            self.__push_contact_exposure_infector_to_j(t=t, infector=infector, j=j, base_rate=base_rate)

    def __push_contact_exposure_infector_to_j(self, t, infector, j, base_rate):
        Pushes the next exposure event that person `infector` causes for person `j`
        using `base_rate` as basic infectivity of person `i` 
        (equivalent to `\mu` in model definition)
        tau = t
        sampled_event = False
        Z = self.__kernel_term(- self.delta, 0.0, 0.0)

        # sample next arrival from non-homogeneous point process
        while self.mob.will_be_in_contact(indiv_i=j, indiv_j=infector, t=tau, site=None) and not sampled_event:
            # check if j could get infected from infector at current `tau`
            # i.e. there is `delta`-contact from infector to j (i.e. non-zero intensity)
            has_infectious_contact, contact = self.mob.is_in_contact(indiv_i=j, indiv_j=infector, t=tau, site=None)

            # if yes: do nothing
            if has_infectious_contact:

            # if no:       
                # directly jump to next contact start of a `delta`-contact (memoryless property)
                next_contact = self.mob.next_contact(indiv_i=j, indiv_j=infector, t=tau, site=None)

                assert(next_contact is not None) # (while loop invariant)
                tau = next_contact.t_from

            # sample event with maximum possible rate (in hours)
            lambda_max = max(self.betas.values()) * base_rate * Z
            assert(lambda_max > 0.0) # this lamdba_max should never happen 
            tau += TO_HOURS * np.random.exponential(scale=1.0 / lambda_max)

            # thinning step: compute current lambda(tau) and do rejection sampling
            sampled_at_infectious_contact, sampled_at_contact = self.mob.is_in_contact(indiv_i=j, indiv_j=infector, t=tau, site=None)

            # 1) reject w.p. 1 if there is no more infectious contact at the new time (lambda(tau) = 0)
            if not sampled_at_infectious_contact:
            # 2) compute infectiousness integral in lambda(tau)
            # a. query times that infector was in [tau - delta, tau] at current site `site`
            site = sampled_at_contact.site
            infector_present = self.mob.list_intervals_in_window_individual_at_site(
                indiv=infector, site=site, t0=tau - self.delta, t1=tau)

            # b. compute contributions of infector being present in [tau - delta, tau]
            intersections = [(max(tau - self.delta, interv.left), min(tau, interv.right))
                for interv in infector_present]
            beta_k = self.betas[self.site_dict[self.site_type[site]]]
            p = (beta_k * base_rate * sum([self.__kernel_term(v[0], v[1], tau) for v in intersections])) \
                / lambda_max
            assert(p <= 1 + 1e-8 and p >= 0)

            # accept w.prob. lambda(t) / lambda_max
            u = np.random.uniform()
            if u <= p:
                    (tau, 'expo', j, infector, site), priority=tau)
                sampled_event = True

    def __push_household_exposure_events(self, t, infector, base_rate):
        Pushes all exposure events that person `i` causes
        in the household, using `base_rate` as basic infectivity
        of person `i` (equivalent to `\mu` in model definition)

        def valid_j():
            '''Generates indices j where `infector` is present
            at least `self.delta` hours before j '''
            for j in self.households[self.people_household[infector]]:
                if self.state['susc'][j]:
                    yield j

        # generate potential exposure event for `j` from contact with `infector`
        for j in valid_j():
            self.__push_household_exposure_infector_to_j(t=t, infector=infector, j=j, base_rate=base_rate)

    def __push_household_exposure_infector_to_j(self, t, infector, j, base_rate):
        Pushes the next exposure event that person `infector` causes for person `j`,
        who lives in the same household, using `base_rate` as basic infectivity of 
        person `i` (equivalent to `\mu` in model definition)
        tau = t
        sampled_event = False

        # FIXME: we ignore the kernel for households infections since households members
        # will overlap for long period of times at home
        # Z = self.__kernel_term(- self.delta, 0.0, 0.0)

        lambda_household = self.beta_household * base_rate

        while tau < self.max_time and not sampled_event:
            tau += TO_HOURS * np.random.exponential(scale=1.0 / lambda_household)

            # site = -1 means it is a household infection
            # at the expo time, it will be thinned if needed
                (tau, 'expo', j, infector, -1), priority=tau)

            sampled_event = True

    def reject_exposure_due_to_measure(self, t, k):
        Returns rejection probability of exposure event not occuring
        at location k at time k
        Searches through BetaMultiplierMeasures and retrieves beta multipliers
        Scaling beta is equivalent to scaling down the acceptance probability

        acceptance_prob = 1.0

        # BetaMultiplierMeasures
        beta_mult_measure = self.measure_list.find(BetaMultiplierMeasureBySite, t=t)
        acceptance_prob *= beta_mult_measure.beta_factor(k=k, t=t) if beta_mult_measure else 1.0

        beta_mult_measure = self.measure_list.find(BetaMultiplierMeasureByType, t=t)
        acceptance_prob *= beta_mult_measure.beta_factor(typ=self.site_dict[self.site_type[k]], t=t) \
            if beta_mult_measure else 1.0

        beta_mult_measure = self.measure_list.find(UpperBoundCasesBetaMultiplier, t=t)
        acceptance_prob *= beta_mult_measure.beta_factor(typ=self.site_dict[self.site_type[k]],
                                                         t_pos_tests=self.t_pos_tests) \
            if beta_mult_measure else 1.0

        # return rejection prob
        rejection_prob = 1.0 - acceptance_prob
        return rejection_prob
    def is_person_home_from_visit_due_to_measure(self, t, i, visit_id):
        Returns True/False of whether person i stayed at home from visit
        `visit_id` due to any measures

        is_home = (
                SocialDistancingForAllMeasure, t=t,
                j=i, j_visit_id=visit_id) or 
                SocialDistancingForPositiveMeasure, t=t,
                j=i, j_visit_id=visit_id, state_posi=self.state['posi'], state_resi=self.state['resi'], state_dead=self.state['dead']) or 
                SocialDistancingByAgeMeasure, t=t,
                age=self.people_age[i], j_visit_id=visit_id) or
                SocialDistancingForSmartTracing, t=t,
                j=i, j_visit_id=visit_id) or 
                SocialDistancingForKGroups, t=t,
                j=i) or
                UpperBoundCasesSocialDistancing, t=t,
                j=i, j_visit_id=visit_id, t_pos_tests=self.t_pos_tests)
        return is_home

    def __apply_for_testing(self, t, i, s=0.0):
        Checks whether person i of should be tested and if so adds test to the testing queue
        if t < self.testing_t_window[0] or t > self.testing_t_window[1]:

        # fifo: priority = current time
        if self.test_queue_policy == 'fifo':
            self.testing_queue.push(i, priority=t)
            raise ValueError('Unknown queue policy')

    def __update_testing_queue(self, t):
        Processes testing queue by popping the first `self.tests_per_batch` tests
        and adds `test` event to event queue for person i with time lag `self.test_reporting_lag`

        ctr = 0
        while (ctr < self.tests_per_batch) and (len(self.testing_queue) > 0):
            ctr += 1
            i = self.testing_queue.pop()
            self.queue.push((t + self.test_reporting_lag, 'test',
                                i, None, None), priority=t + self.test_reporting_lag)
            # update test result preemptively, to account for the state at the time of testing
            if self.state['expo'][i] or self.state['ipre'][i] or self.state['isym'][i] or self.state['iasy'][i]:
                is_fn = np.random.binomial(1, self.test_fnr)
                if is_fn:
                    self.outcome_of_test[i] = False
                    self.outcome_of_test[i] = True
                is_fp = np.random.binomial(1, self.test_fpr)
                if is_fp:
                    self.outcome_of_test[i] = True
                    self.outcome_of_test[i] = False

            if self.outcome_of_test[i]:

    def __process_testing_event(self, t, i):
        Test person `i` at time `t`
        # collect test result based on "blood sample" taken before via `outcome_of_test`
        # ... if positive
        if self.outcome_of_test[i]: 

            # record timing only if tested positive for the first time
            if not self.state['posi'][i]:
                self.state_started_at['posi'][i] = t

            # mark as positive
            self.state['posi'][i] = True

            # mark as not negative
            if self.state['nega'][i]:
                self.state['nega'][i] = False
                self.state_ended_at['nega'][i] = t

        # ... if negative
            # record timing only if tested negative for the first time
            if not self.state['nega'][i]:
                self.state_started_at['nega'][i] = t

            # mark as negative
            self.state['nega'][i] = True
            # mark as not positive
            if self.state['posi'][i]:
                self.state['posi'][i] = False
                self.state_ended_at['posi'][i] = t

        # smart tracing
        is_i_compliant = self.measure_list.is_compliant(
            ComplianceForAllMeasure, t=t-self.test_smart_delta, j=i)

        # if i is not compliant, skip
        if not is_i_compliant:
        if self.state['posi'][i] and (self.smart_tracing != None):
            self.__update_smart_tracing(t, i)
    def __update_smart_tracing(self, t, i):
        Updates smart tracing policy for individual `i` at time `t`.
        Iterates over possible contacts `j`

        if not self.dynamic_tracing:
            def valid_j():
                '''Generate individuals j where `i` was present
                up to `self.test_smart_delta` hours before t '''
                for j in range(self.n_people):
                    if not self.state['dead'][j]:
                        if self.mob.will_be_in_contact(indiv_i=j, indiv_j=i, site=None, t=t-self.test_smart_delta):
                            yield j

            valid_contacts = valid_j()
            infectors_contacts = self.mob.find_contacts_of_indiv(indiv=i, tmin=t - self.test_smart_delta)
            valid_contacts = set()

            for contact in infectors_contacts:
                if not self.state['dead'][contact.indiv_i]:
                    if contact not in self.mob.contacts[contact.indiv_i][i]:

        contacts = PriorityQueue()
        for j in valid_contacts:
            # check compliance
            is_j_compliant = self.measure_list.is_compliant(
                ComplianceForAllMeasure, t=t-self.test_smart_delta, j=j)
            # if j is not compliant, skip
            if not is_j_compliant:

            valid_contact, s = self.__compute_empirical_survival_probability(t, i, j)
            if valid_contact:
                self.empirical_survival_probability[j] = s
                if self.smart_tracing == 'basic':
                    contacts.push(j, priority=t)
                elif self.smart_tracing == 'advanced':
                    contacts.push(j, priority=self.empirical_survival_probability[j])
                    raise ValueError('Invalid smart tracing policy.')
        # quarantine nodes for a 'self.test_smart_duration'
        max_contacts = len(contacts)
        for j in range(min(self.test_smart_num_contacts, max_contacts)):
            contact = contacts.pop()
            if self.test_smart_action == 'isolate':
                self.measure_list.start_containment(SocialDistancingForSmartTracing, t=t, j=contact)
            if self.test_smart_action == 'test':
                self.__apply_for_testing(t, contact)
    # compute empirical survival probability of individual j due to node i at time t
    def __compute_empirical_survival_probability(self, t, i, j):
        s = 0
        valid_contact = False
        next_contact_obj = self.mob.next_contact(indiv_i=j, indiv_j=i, t=t - self.test_smart_delta, site=None)      
        while next_contact_obj is not None:

            start_next_contact = next_contact_obj.t_from
            end_next_contact = next_contact_obj.t_to

            # break if next contact is >= t
            if start_next_contact >= t:

            is_in_contact, contact = self.mob.is_in_contact(indiv_i=j, indiv_j=i, site=None, t=start_next_contact)
            j_visit_id, i_visit_id = contact.id_tup
            # Check SocialDistancing measures
            is_j_contained = self.is_person_home_from_visit_due_to_measure(t=start_next_contact, i=j, visit_id=j_visit_id)  
            is_i_contained = self.is_person_home_from_visit_due_to_measure(t=start_next_contact, i=i, visit_id=i_visit_id)
            # check hospitalization
            is_i_contained = is_i_contained or (
                self.state['hosp'][i] and self.state_started_at['hosp'][i] < start_next_contact)
            # BetaMultiplier measures
            site = contact.site
            beta_fact = 1.0

            beta_mult_measure = self.measure_list.find(BetaMultiplierMeasureBySite, t=start_next_contact)
            beta_fact *= beta_mult_measure.beta_factor(k=site, t=start_next_contact) if beta_mult_measure else 1.0
            beta_mult_measure = self.measure_list.find(BetaMultiplierMeasureByType, t=start_next_contact)
            beta_fact *= beta_mult_measure.beta_factor(typ=self.site_dict[self.site_type[site]], t=start_next_contact) \
                if beta_mult_measure else 1.0

            beta_mult_measure = self.measure_list.find(UpperBoundCasesBetaMultiplier, t=t)
            beta_fact *= beta_mult_measure.beta_factor(typ=self.site_dict[self.site_type[site]],
                                                       t_pos_tests=self.t_pos_tests) \
                if beta_mult_measure else 1.0

            # decide if i and j really had overlap
            if (not is_j_contained) and (not is_i_contained):
                if self.smart_tracing == 'basic':
                    valid_contact = True
                elif self.smart_tracing == 'advanced':
                    s += (min(end_next_contact, t) - start_next_contact) \
                         * self.betas[self.site_dict[self.site_type[site]]] * beta_fact
                    valid_contact = True
            # get next contact (if it exists)
            next_contact_obj = self.mob.next_contact(indiv_i=j, indiv_j=i, t=end_next_contact + self.delta, site=None)
        s = np.exp(-s)
        return valid_contact, s
コード例 #4
    def __update_smart_tracing(self, t, i):
        def valid_j():
            '''Generate j for sites `k` where `i` was present
            up to `self.test_smart_delta` hours before t '''
            for j in range(self.n_people):
                if self.state['susc'][j]:
                    if self.mob.will_be_in_contact(j,
                                                   t=t -
                        yield j

        contacts = PriorityQueue()

        for j in valid_j():
            # if j is not compliant, skip
            is_j_not_compliant = self.measure_list.is_contained(
                ComplianceForAllMeasure, t=t - self.test_smart_delta, j=j)

            if is_j_not_compliant:

            # skip if the contact j has been already tested positive
            if self.state['posi'][j]:

            valid_contact = False
            s = 0

            for k in range(self.n_sites):

                next_contact_obj = self.mob.next_contact(j,
                                                         t=t -

                # while there exist more contacts
                while next_contact_obj is not None:

                    next_contact = next_contact_obj.t_from
                    end_next_contact = next_contact_obj.t_to

                    # break if next contact is >= t
                    if next_contact >= t:

                    is_in_contact, contact = self.mob.is_in_contact(
                        j, i, k, next_contact)
                    assert (is_in_contact)
                    j_visit_id, i_visit_id = contact.id_tup

                    # Check SocialDistancing measures
                    is_j_contained = (
                        or self.measure_list.is_contained(
                        or self.measure_list.is_contained(
                        or self.measure_list.is_contained(
                        or self.measure_list.is_contained(
                            SocialDistancingForKGroups, t=next_contact, j=j))

                    is_i_contained = (
                        or self.measure_list.is_contained(
                        or self.measure_list.is_contained(
                        or self.measure_list.is_contained(
                            SocialDistancingForKGroups, t=next_contact, j=i))

                    # check hospitalization
                    is_i_contained = is_i_contained or (
                        and self.state_started_at['hosp'][i] < next_contact)

                    # BetaMultiplier measures
                    beta_fact = 1.0

                    beta_mult_measure = self.measure_list.find(
                        BetaMultiplierMeasure, t=next_contact)
                    beta_fact *= beta_mult_measure.beta_factor(
                        k=k, t=next_contact) if beta_mult_measure else 1.0

                    beta_mult_measure = self.measure_list.find(
                        BetaMultiplierMeasureByType, t=next_contact)
                    beta_fact *= beta_mult_measure.beta_factor(
                        t=next_contact) if beta_mult_measure else 1.0

                    if (not is_j_contained) and (not is_i_contained):
                        if self.smart_tracing == 'basic':
                            valid_contact = True
                        elif self.smart_tracing == 'advanced':
                            s += (min(end_next_contact, t) - next_contact
                                  ) * self.betas[self.site_type[k]] * beta_fact
                            valid_contact = True

                    # get next contact (if it exists)
                    next_contact_obj = self.mob.next_contact(
                        j, i, k, t=end_next_contact + self.delta)

            if valid_contact:
                self.empirical_survival_probability[j] = np.exp(-s)
                if self.smart_tracing == 'basic':

                    contacts.push(j, priority=t)
                elif self.smart_tracing == 'advanced':
                        j, priority=self.empirical_survival_probability[j])
                    raise ValueError('Invalid smart tracing policy.')

        # quarantine nodes for a 'self.test_smart_duration'
        max_contacts = len(contacts)
        for j in range(min(self.test_smart_num_contacts, max_contacts)):
            contact = contacts.pop()
            if self.test_smart_action == 'isolate':
                    SocialDistancingForSmartTracing, t=t, j=contact)
            if self.test_smart_action == 'test':
                self.__apply_for_testing(t, contact)