pub_key, priv_key = generate_keys_from_p_q_e_n( args.p, args.q, args.e, args.n ) except ValueError: logger.error( "Looks like the values for generating key are not ok... (no invmod)" ) exit(1) if priv_key.is_conspicuous() == True: exit(-1) else: exit(0) # Run attacks found = False attackobj = RSAAttack(args) # Run tests if args.publickey is None and args.tests: tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() with open(, "wb") as tmpfd: tmpfd.write(RSA.construct((35, 3)).publickey().exportKey()) attackobj.attack_single_key(, attacks_list, test=True) # Attack multiple keys if len(args.publickey) > 1: found = attackobj.attack_multiple_keys(args.publickey, attacks_list) # Attack key for publickey in args.publickey: attackobj.implemented_attacks = []
print("dq: " + str(dq)) print("pinv: " + str(pinv)) print("qinv: " + str(qinv)) exit(0) if args.key is not None and args.isconspicuous: with open(args.key, "rb") as key_fp: key_data = key = RSA.importKey(key_data) pub_key, priv_key = generate_keys_from_p_q_e_n( key.p, key.q, key.e, key.n) if priv_key.is_conspicuous() == True: exit(-1) else: exit(0) # Run attacks found = False attackobj = RSAAttack(args) if len(args.publickey) > 1: found = attackobj.attack_multiple_keys(args.publickey, attacks_list) if not found: for publickey in args.publickey: attackobj.implemented_attacks = []"\n[*] Testing key %s." % publickey) attackobj.attack_single_key(publickey, attacks_list) attackobj.unciphered = []