def do_session(self, option, intro=None): try: self.cmd_sub_arg_parse(option) if not netaddr: print(colors.RD + "[-] " + colors.NRM + "No target provided. Please try again") return else: targets = IP(netaddr) if not user and not password and not domain: print( colors.RD + "[-] " + colors.NRM + "Missing user information (i.e Domain, Username, Password). Please try again" ) else: pass r = Sessions(domain, user, password, jitter) r.sessions(targets) except IndexError: print(colors.RD + "[-] " + colors.NRM + "Invalid Option") print( colors.BLU + "[*] " + colors.NRM + "Scans target(s) enumerating who has or is currently logged into the target(s), using -u/--user. Can take a list or range of hosts, using -t/--target. To throttle the speed use the -j/--jitter and the number of seconds (default 1). Example session --user admin -t 192.168.1./24 -j 3." ) except KeyboardInterrupt: return return cmd.Cmd.cmdloop(self, intro)
def do_session(self, option, intro=None): try: self.cmd_sub_arg_parse(option) if not netaddr: print colors.RD + "[-] " + colors.NRM + "No target provided, Please try again" return else: targets = IP(netaddr) if not creds(user): print colors.RD + "[-] " + colors.NRM + "No user selected, Please try again" else: pass domain = creds(user)[0] username = creds(user)[1] password = creds(user)[2] r = Sessions(domain, username, password, jitter) r.sessions(targets) except IndexError: print colors.RD + "[-] " + colors.NRM + "Invalid Option" print colors.BLU + "[*] " + colors.NRM + "Scans target(s) enumerating who has or is currently logged into the target(s), using -u/--user. Can take a list or range of hosts, using -t/--target. To throttle the speed use the -j/--jitter and the number of seconds (default 1). Example session --user admin -t 192.168.1./24 -j 3." return cmd.Cmd.cmdloop(self, intro)