コード例 #1
def load_lambdas_on_s3(session, domain, bucket):
    """Zip up spdb, bossutils, lambda and lambda_utils.  Upload to S3.

    Uses the lambda build server (an Amazon Linux AMI) to compile C code and
    prepare the virtualenv that's ultimately contained in the zip file placed
    in S3.

        session (Session): boto3.Session
        domain (string): The VPC's domain name such as integration.boss.
    tempname = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
    zipname = tempname.name + '.zip'
    print('Using temp zip file: ' + zipname)

    cwd = os.getcwd()
    os.chdir(const.repo_path("salt_stack", "salt", "spdb", "files"))
    zip.write_to_zip('spdb.git', zipname, False)

    os.chdir(const.repo_path("salt_stack", "salt", "boss-tools", "files", "boss-tools.git"))
    zip.write_to_zip('bossutils', zipname)
    zip.write_to_zip('lambda', zipname)
    zip.write_to_zip('lambdautils', zipname)

    with open(NDINGEST_SETTINGS_TEMPLATE, 'r') as tmpl:
        # Generate settings.ini file for ndingest.
        create_ndingest_settings(domain, tmpl)

    os.chdir(const.repo_path("salt_stack", "salt", "ndingest", "files"))
    zip.write_to_zip('ndingest.git', zipname)

    print("Copying local modules to lambda-build-server")

    #copy the zip file to lambda_build_server
    lambda_build_server = aws.get_lambda_server(session)
    lambda_build_server_key = aws.get_lambda_server_key(session)
    lambda_build_server_key = utils.keypair_to_file(lambda_build_server_key)
    ssh = SSHConnection(lambda_build_server_key, (lambda_build_server, 22, 'ec2-user'))
    target_file = "sitezips/{}.zip".format(domain)
    ret = ssh.scp(zipname, target_file, upload=True)
    print("scp return code: " + str(ret))


    # This section will run makedomainenv on lambda-build-server
    print("calling makedomainenv on lambda-build-server")
    cmd = 'source /etc/profile && source ~/.bash_profile && /home/ec2-user/makedomainenv {} {}'.format(domain, bucket)
コード例 #2
def load_lambdas_on_s3(session, domain, bucket):
    """Zip up spdb, bossutils, lambda and lambda_utils.  Upload to S3.

    Uses the lambda build server (an Amazon Linux AMI) to compile C code and
    prepare the virtualenv that's ultimately contained in the zip file placed
    in S3.

        session (Session): boto3.Session
        domain (string): The VPC's domain name such as integration.boss.
    tempname = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
    zipname = tempname.name + '.zip'
    print('Using temp zip file: ' + zipname)

    cwd = os.getcwd()
    os.chdir(const.repo_path("salt_stack", "salt", "spdb", "files"))
    zip.write_to_zip('spdb.git', zipname, False)

    os.chdir(const.repo_path("salt_stack", "salt", "boss-tools", "files", "boss-tools.git"))
    zip.write_to_zip('bossutils', zipname)
    zip.write_to_zip('lambda', zipname)
    zip.write_to_zip('lambdautils', zipname)

    with open(NDINGEST_SETTINGS_TEMPLATE, 'r') as tmpl:
        # Generate settings.ini file for ndingest.
        create_ndingest_settings(domain, tmpl)

    os.chdir(const.repo_path("salt_stack", "salt", "ndingest", "files"))
    zip.write_to_zip('ndingest.git', zipname)

    zip.write_to_zip('heaviside.git', zipname)

    # Let lambdas look up names by creating a bossnames module.
    zip.write_to_zip('names.py', zipname, arcname='bossnames/names.py')
    zip.write_to_zip('hosts.py', zipname, arcname='bossnames/hosts.py')
    zip.write_to_zip('bucket_object_tags.py', zipname, arcname='bossnames/bucket_object_tags.py')
    zip.write_to_zip('__init__.py', zipname, arcname='bossnames/__init__.py')

    print("Copying local modules to lambda-build-server")

    #copy the zip file to lambda_build_server
    lambda_build_server = aws.get_lambda_server(session)
    lambda_build_server_key = aws.get_lambda_server_key(session)
    lambda_build_server_key = utils.keypair_to_file(lambda_build_server_key)
    ssh = SSHConnection(lambda_build_server_key, (lambda_build_server, 22, 'ec2-user'))
    target_file = "sitezips/{}.zip".format(domain)
    ret = ssh.scp(zipname, target_file, upload=True)
    print("scp return code: " + str(ret))


    # This section will run makedomainenv on lambda-build-server
    print("calling makedomainenv on lambda-build-server")
    cmd = 'source /etc/profile && source ~/.bash_profile && /home/ec2-user/makedomainenv {} {}'.format(domain, bucket)
コード例 #3
def load_lambdas_on_s3(bosslet_config, lambda_name = None, lambda_dir = None):
    """Package up the lambda files and send them through the lambda build process
    where the lambda code zip is produced and uploaded to S3

    NOTE: This function is also used to build lambda layer code zips, the only requirement
          for a layer is that the files in the resulting zip should be in the correct
          subdirectory (`python/` for Python libraries) so that when a lambda uses the
          layer the libraries included in the layer can be correctly loaded

    NOTE: If lambda_name and lambda_dir are both None then lambda_dir is set to
          'multi_lambda' for backwards compatibility

        bosslet_config (BossConfiguration): Configuration object of the stack the
                                            lambda will be deployed into
        lambda_name (str): Name of the lambda, which will be mapped to the name of the
                           lambda directory that contains the lambda's code
        lambda_dir (str): Name of the directory in `cloud_formation/lambda/` that
                          contains the `lambda.yml` configuration file for the lambda

        BossManageError: If there was a problem with building the lambda code zip or
                         uploading it to the given S3 bucket
    # For backwards compatibility build the multi_lambda code zip
    if lambda_name is None and lambda_dir is None:
        lambda_dir = 'multi_lambda'

    # Map from lambda_name to lambda_dir if needed
    if lambda_dir is None:
            lambda_dir = lambda_dirs(bosslet_config)[lambda_name]
        except KeyError:
            console.error("Cannot build a lambda that doesn't use a code zip file")
            return None

    # To prevent rubuilding a lambda code zip multiple times during an individual execution memorize what has been built
    if lambda_dir in BUILT_ZIPS:
        console.debug('Lambda code {} has already be build recently, skipping...'.format(lambda_dir))

    lambda_dir = pathlib.Path(const.repo_path('cloud_formation', 'lambda', lambda_dir))
    lambda_config = lambda_dir / 'lambda.yml'
    with lambda_config.open() as fh:
        lambda_config = yaml.full_load(fh.read())

    if lambda_config.get('layers'):
        for layer in lambda_config['layers']:
            # Layer names should end with `layer`
            if not layer.endswith('layer'):
                console.warning("Layer '{}' doesn't conform to naming conventions".format(layer))

            load_lambdas_on_s3(bosslet_config, lambda_dir=layer)

    console.debug("Building {} lambda code zip".format(lambda_dir))

    domain = bosslet_config.INTERNAL_DOMAIN
    tempname = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
    zipname = pathlib.Path(tempname.name + '.zip')
    console.debug('Using temp zip file: {}'.format(zipname))

    cwd = os.getcwd()

    # Copy the lambda files into the zip
    for filename in lambda_dir.glob('*'):
        zip.write_to_zip(str(filename), zipname, arcname=filename.name)

    # Copy the other files that should be included
    if lambda_config.get('include'):
        for src in lambda_config['include']:
            dst = lambda_config['include'][src]
            src_path, src_file = src.rsplit('/', 1)


            # Generate dynamic configuration files, as needed
            if src_file == 'ndingest.git':
                with open(NDINGEST_SETTINGS_TEMPLATE, 'r') as tmpl:
                    # Generate settings.ini file for ndingest.
                    create_ndingest_settings(bosslet_config, tmpl)

            zip.write_to_zip(src_file, zipname, arcname=dst)

    # Currently any Docker CLI compatible container setup can be used (like podman)
    CONTAINER_CMD = '{EXECUTABLE} run --rm -it --env AWS_* --volume {HOST_DIR}:/var/task/ lambci/lambda:build-{RUNTIME} {CMD}'

    BUILD_CMD = 'python3 {PREFIX}/build_lambda.py {DOMAIN} {BUCKET}'
    BUILD_ARGS = {
        'DOMAIN': domain,
        'BUCKET': bosslet_config.LAMBDA_BUCKET,

    # DP NOTE: not sure if this should be in the bosslet_config, as it is more about the local dev
    #          environment instead of the stack's environment. Different maintainer may have different
    #          container commands installed.
    container_executable = os.environ.get('LAMBDA_BUILD_CONTAINER')
    lambda_build_server = bosslet_config.LAMBDA_SERVER
    if lambda_build_server is None:
        staging_target = pathlib.Path(const.repo_path('salt_stack', 'salt', 'lambda-dev', 'files', 'staging'))
        if not staging_target.exists():

        console.debug("Copying build zip to {}".format(staging_target))
        staging_zip = staging_target / (domain + '.zip')
        except OSError:
            # rename only works within the same filesystem
            # Using the shell version, as using copy +  chmod doesn't always work depending on the filesystem
            utils.run('mv {} {}'.format(zipname, staging_zip), shell=True)

        # Provide the AWS Region and Credentials (for S3 upload) via environmental variables
        env_extras = { 'AWS_REGION': bosslet_config.REGION,
                       'AWS_DEFAULT_REGION': bosslet_config.REGION }

        if container_executable is None:
            BUILD_ARGS['PREFIX'] = const.repo_path('salt_stack', 'salt', 'lambda-dev', 'files')
            CMD = BUILD_CMD.format(**BUILD_ARGS)

            if bosslet_config.PROFILE is not None:
                env_extras['AWS_PROFILE'] = bosslet_config.PROFILE

            console.info("calling build lambda on localhost")
            BUILD_ARGS['PREFIX'] = '/var/task'
            CMD = BUILD_CMD.format(**BUILD_ARGS)
            CMD = CONTAINER_CMD.format(EXECUTABLE = container_executable,
                                       HOST_DIR = const.repo_path('salt_stack', 'salt', 'lambda-dev', 'files'),
                                       RUNTIME = lambda_config['runtime'],
                                       CMD = CMD)

            if bosslet_config.PROFILE is not None:
                # Cannot set the profile as the container will not have the credentials file
                # So extract the underlying keys and provide those instead
                creds = bosslet_config.session.get_credentials()
                env_extras['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] = creds.access_key
                env_extras['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] = creds.secret_key

            console.info("calling build lambda in {}".format(container_executable))

            utils.run(CMD, env_extras=env_extras)
        except Exception as ex:
            raise BossManageError("Problem building {} lambda code zip: {}".format(lambda_dir, ex))

        BUILD_ARGS['PREFIX'] = '~'
        CMD = BUILD_CMD.format(**BUILD_ARGS)

        lambda_build_server_key = bosslet_config.LAMBDA_SERVER_KEY
        lambda_build_server_key = utils.keypair_to_file(lambda_build_server_key)
        ssh_target = SSHTarget(lambda_build_server_key, lambda_build_server, 22, 'ec2-user')
        bastions = [bosslet_config.outbound_bastion] if bosslet_config.outbound_bastion else []
        ssh = SSHConnection(ssh_target, bastions)

        console.debug("Copying build zip to lambda-build-server")
        target_file = '~/staging/{}.zip'.format(domain)
        ret = ssh.scp(zipname, target_file, upload=True)
        console.debug("scp return code: " + str(ret))


        console.info("calling build lambda on lambda-build-server")
        ret = ssh.cmd(CMD)
        if ret != 0:
            raise BossManageError("Problem building {} lambda code zip: Return code: {}".format(lambda_dir, ret))
コード例 #4
        ".", boss_position)[boss_position]
    bastion = aws.machine_lookup(session, bastion_host)
    if args.private_ip:
        private = args.internal
        private = aws.machine_lookup(session, args.internal, public_ip=False)

    ssh = SSHConnection(args.ssh_key, private, bastion)

    if args.command in ("ssh", ):
    elif args.command in ("scp", ):
        ret = ssh.scp(*args.arguments)
    elif args.command in ("ssh-cmd", ):
        ret = ssh.cmd(*args.arguments)
    elif args.command in ("ssh-tunnel", ):
    elif args.command in ("ssh-all", ):
        addrs = aws.machine_lookup_all(session, args.internal, public_ip=False)
        for addr in addrs:
            print("{} at {}".format(args.internal, addr))
            ssh = SSHConnection(args.ssh_key, addr, bastion)
    elif args.command in vault.COMMANDS:
        with vault_tunnel(args.ssh_key, bastion):
            vault.COMMANDS[args.command](Vault(args.internal, private),
コード例 #5
ファイル: ssh.py プロジェクト: reconstrue/boss-manage
    # the bastion server (being an AWS AMI) has a differnt username
    if args.user is None:
        user = "******" if args.hostname.startswith("bastion") else "ubuntu"
        user = args.user

    if args.bosslet_config.outbound_bastion:
        bastions = [args.bosslet_config.outbound_bastion]
        bastions = []

    ssh_key = keypair_to_file(
        args.key) if args.key else args.bosslet_config.ssh_key
    ssh_target = SSHTarget(ssh_key, args.ip, 22, user)
    ssh = SSHConnection(ssh_target, bastions)
    if args.cmd:
        ret = ssh.cmd(args.cmd)
    if args.scp:
        a, b = args.scp.split()
        t_a, a = a.split(":")
        t_b, b = b.split(":")
        scp_args = {
            t_a.lower() + '_file': a,
            t_b.lower() + '_file': b,
            'upload': t_a.lower() == "local"
        ret = ssh.scp(**scp_args)
        ret = ssh.shell()