def get_b0_orientation(surf_in, vol_in, write_output=False, path_output="", name_output=""): """ This function computes the angle between surface normals and B0-direction per vertex. Inputs: *surf_in: input of surface mesh. *vol_in: input of corresponding nifti volume. *write output: write out to disk (boolean). *path_output: path where to save output. *name_output: basename of output file. Outputs: *theta: angle in radians. created by Daniel Haenelt Date created: 31-07-2020 Last modified: 31-07-2020 """ import os import numpy as np import nibabel as nb from nibabel.affines import apply_affine from import read_geometry, write_morph_data from import get_filename from lib.surface.vox2ras import vox2ras from lib_gbb.normal import get_normal # make subfolders if write_output and not os.path.exists(path_output): os.makedirs(path_output) # get hemi from surface filename _, hemi, _ = get_filename(surf_in) # load surface vtx, fac = read_geometry(surf_in) # get transformation matrix _, r2v = vox2ras(vol_in) # ras-tkr -> voxel v2s = nb.load(vol_in).affine # voxel -> scanner-ras M = # apply affine transformation vtx = apply_affine(M, vtx) # get surface normals n = get_normal(vtx, fac) # get angle between b0 and surface normals in radians theta = np.arccos(, [0, 0, 1])) # write output if write_output: write_morph_data(os.path.join(path_output, hemi + "." + name_output), theta) return theta
def calculate_equidistant_epi(input_white, input_pial, input_vol, path_output, n_layers, pathLAYNII, r=[0.4,0.4,0.4], n_iter=2, debug=False): """ This function computes equidistant layers in volume space from input pial and white surfaces in freesurfer format using the laynii function LN_GROW_LAYERS. The input surfaces do not have to cover the whole brain. Number of vertices and indices do not have to correspond between surfaces. Inputs: *input_white: filename of white surface. *input_pial: filename of pial surface. *input_vol: filename of reference volume. *path_output: path where output is written. *n_layers: number of generated layers + 1. *pathLAYNII: path to laynii folder. *r: array of new voxel sizes for reference volume upsampling. *n_iter: number of surface upsampling iterations. *debug: write out some intermediate files (boolean). created by Daniel Haenelt Date created: 31-05-2020 Last modified: 24-07-2020 """ import os import sys import numpy as np import nibabel as nb from nibabel.affines import apply_affine from import read_geometry from skimage import measure from nighres.surface import probability_to_levelset from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_fill_holes from collections import Counter from lib.utils.upsample_volume import upsample_volume from lib.surface.vox2ras import vox2ras from lib.surface.upsample_surf_mesh import upsample_surf_mesh # make output folder if not os.path.exists(path_output): os.makedirs(path_output) # get hemi from filename hemi = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(input_white))[0] if not hemi == "lh" and not hemi == "rh": sys.exit("Could not identify hemi from filename!") # new filenames in output folder res_white = os.path.join(path_output,hemi+".white") res_pial = os.path.join(path_output,hemi+".pial") res_vol = os.path.join(path_output,"epi_upsampled.nii") # upsample reference volume and input surface upsample_volume(input_vol, res_vol, dxyz=r, rmode="Cu") upsample_surf_mesh(input_white, res_white, n_iter, "linear") upsample_surf_mesh(input_pial, res_pial, n_iter, "linear") # get affine ras2vox-tkr transformation to reference volume _, ras2vox_tkr = vox2ras(res_vol) # load surface vtx_white, _ = read_geometry(res_white) vtx_pial, _ = read_geometry(res_pial) # load volume vol = nb.load(res_vol) # apply ras2vox to coords vtx_white = np.round(apply_affine(ras2vox_tkr, vtx_white)).astype(int) vtx_pial = np.round(apply_affine(ras2vox_tkr, vtx_pial)).astype(int) # surfaces to lines in volume white_array = np.zeros(vol.header["dim"][1:4]) white_array[vtx_white[:,0],vtx_white[:,1],vtx_white[:,2]] = 1 white = nb.Nifti1Image(white_array, vol.affine, vol.header) pial_array = np.zeros(vol.header["dim"][1:4]) pial_array[vtx_pial[:,0],vtx_pial[:,1],vtx_pial[:,2]] = 1 pial = nb.Nifti1Image(pial_array, vol.affine, vol.header) """ make wm """ white_label_array = np.zeros_like(white_array) for i in range(np.shape(white_label_array)[2]): white_label_array[:,:,i] = binary_fill_holes(white_array[:,:,i]) white_label_array = white_label_array - white_array white_label_array = measure.label(white_label_array, connectivity=1) white_label_flatten = np.ndarray.flatten(white_label_array) white_label_flatten = white_label_flatten[white_label_flatten > 0] label_number = Counter(white_label_flatten).most_common(1)[0][0] white_label_array[white_label_array != label_number] = 0 white_label_array[white_label_array > 0] = 1 white_label = nb.Nifti1Image(white_label_array, vol.affine, vol.header) """ make csf """ pial_label_array = np.zeros_like(pial_array) for i in range(np.shape(pial_label_array)[2]): pial_label_array[:,:,i] = binary_fill_holes(pial_array[:,:,i]) pial_label_array = pial_label_array - pial_array pial_label_array = measure.label(pial_label_array, connectivity=1) pial_label_flatten = np.ndarray.flatten(pial_label_array) pial_label_flatten = pial_label_flatten[pial_label_flatten > 0] label_number = Counter(pial_label_flatten).most_common(1)[0][0] pial_label_array[pial_label_array != label_number] = 0 pial_label_array[pial_label_array > 0] = 1 pial_label_array = pial_label_array + pial_array # add csf line again pial_label = nb.Nifti1Image(pial_label_array, vol.affine, vol.header) """ make gm """ ribbon_label_array = pial_label_array - white_label_array ribbon_label_array[ribbon_label_array != 1] = 0 ribbon_label = nb.Nifti1Image(ribbon_label_array, vol.affine, vol.header) """ make rim """ rim_array = np.zeros_like(ribbon_label_array) rim_array[ribbon_label_array == 1] = 3 rim_array[pial_array == 1] = 1 rim_array[white_array == 1] = 2 output = nb.Nifti1Image(rim_array, vol.affine, vol.header), os.path.join(path_output,"rim.nii")) """ grow layers using laynii """ os.chdir(pathLAYNII) vinc = 40 os.system("./LN_GROW_LAYERS" + \ " -rim " + os.path.join(path_output,"rim.nii") + \ " -vinc " + str(vinc) + \ " -N " + str(n_layers) + \ " -threeD" + \ " -output " + os.path.join(path_output,"layers.nii")) """ tranform label to levelset """ binary_array = white_label_array + ribbon_label_array + pial_label_array binary_array[binary_array != 0] = 1 layer_array = nb.load(os.path.join(path_output,"layers.nii")).get_fdata() layer_array += 1 layer_array[layer_array == 1] = 0 layer_array[white_label_array == 1] = 1 # fill wm if debug: out_debug = nb.Nifti1Image(layer_array, vol.affine, vol.header), os.path.join(path_output,"layer_plus_white_debug.nii")) level_array = np.zeros(np.append(vol.header["dim"][1:4],n_layers + 1)) for i in range(n_layers+1): print("Probabilty to levelset for layer: "+str(i+1)) temp_layer_array = binary_array.copy() temp_layer_array[layer_array > i+1] = 0 temp_layer = nb.Nifti1Image(temp_layer_array, vol.affine, vol.header) # write control output if debug:, os.path.join(path_output,"layer_"+str(i)+"_debug.nii")) # transform binary image to levelset image res = probability_to_levelset(temp_layer) # sort levelset image into 4d array level_array[:,:,:,i] = res["result"].get_fdata() # levelset image vol.header["dim"][0] = 4 vol.header["dim"][4] = n_layers + 1 levelset = nb.Nifti1Image(level_array, vol.affine, vol.header) # write niftis, os.path.join(path_output,"wm_line.nii")), os.path.join(path_output,"csf_line.nii")),os.path.join(path_output,"wm_label.nii")),os.path.join(path_output,"csf_label.nii")), os.path.join(path_output,"gm_label.nii")), os.path.join(path_output,"boundaries.nii"))
def make_mesh(boundary_in, ref_in, file_out, nlayer, flip_faces=False, niter_smooth=2, niter_upsample=0, niter_inflate=15): """ This function generates a surface mesh from a levelset image. The surface mesh is smoothed and a curvature file is generated. Vertices are in the vertex ras coordinate system. Optionally, the mesh can be upsampled and an inflated version of the mesh can be written out. The hemisphere has to be indicated as prefix in the output file. If nlayer is set to -1, a 3D levelset image can be used as boundary input file. Inputs: *boundary_in: filename of 4D levelset image. *ref_in: filename of reference volume for getting the coordinate transformation. *file_out: filename of output surface. *nlayer: layer from the 4D boundary input at which the mesh is generated. *flip_faces: reverse normal direction of mesh. *niter_smooth: number of smoothing iterations. *niter_upsample: number of upsampling iterations (is performed if set > 0). *niter_inflate: number of inflating iterations (is performed if set > 0). created by Daniel Haenelt Date created: 18-12-2019 Last modified: 24-07-2020 """ import os import numpy as np import nibabel as nb from nibabel.affines import apply_affine from import write_geometry from nighres.surface import levelset_to_mesh from cortex.polyutils import Surface from lib.surface.vox2ras import vox2ras from lib.surface.smooth_surface import smooth_surface from lib.surface.upsample_surf_mesh import upsample_surf_mesh from lib.surface.get_curvature import get_curvature from lib.surface import inflate_surf_mesh # make output folder if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(file_out)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file_out)) # get levelset boundary from single layer boundary = nb.load(boundary_in) boundary.header["dim"][0] = 1 boundary_array = boundary.get_fdata() if nlayer != -1: boundary_array = boundary_array[:, :, :, nlayer] boundary = nb.Nifti1Image(boundary_array, boundary.affine, boundary.header) # make mesh surf = levelset_to_mesh(boundary, connectivity="18/6", level=0.0, inclusive=True) # get vertices and faces vtx = surf["result"]["points"] fac = surf["result"]["faces"] # get vox2ras transformation vox2ras_tkr, _ = vox2ras(ref_in) # apply vox2ras to vertices vtx = apply_affine(vox2ras_tkr, vtx) # flip faces if flip_faces: fac = np.flip(fac, axis=1) # write mesh write_geometry(file_out, vtx, fac) # smooth surface smooth_surface(file_out, file_out, niter_smooth) # upsample mesh (optionally) if niter_upsample != 0: upsample_surf_mesh(file_out, file_out, niter_upsample, "linear") # print number of vertices and average edge length print("number of vertices: " + str(len(vtx[:, 0]))) print("average edge length: " + str(Surface(vtx, fac).avg_edge_length)) # get curvature (looks for hemisphere prefix) get_curvature(file_out, os.path.dirname(file_out)) # inflate surface (optionally) if niter_inflate != 0: inflate_surf_mesh(file_out, file_out + "_inflated", niter_inflate)
def get_thickness(boundaries_in, ref_in, hemi, path_output, r=[0.4, 0.4, 0.4]): """ This function computes the cortical thickness as euclidean distances between vertex ras coordinates from outer levelset boundaries. Inputs: *boundaries_in: filename of 4D levelset image. *ref_in: filename of reference volume for coordinate transformation. *hemi: hemisphere. *path_output: path where output is written. *r: destination voxel size after upsampling (performed if not None). created by Daniel Haenelt Date created: 18-12-2019 Last modified: 24-07-2020 """ import os import shutil as sh import numpy as np import nibabel as nb from nibabel.affines import apply_affine from nighres.laminar import profile_sampling from lib.cmap.generate_coordinate_mapping import generate_coordinate_mapping from lib.utils.upsample_volume import upsample_volume from lib.surface.vox2ras import vox2ras # make output folder if not os.path.exists(path_output): os.makedirs(path_output) # upsample volume if not r == None: upsample_volume(ref_in, os.path.join(path_output, "ref.nii"), r, "Cu") else: sh.copyfile(ref_in, os.path.join(path_output, "ref.nii")) # make coordinate mapping cmap = generate_coordinate_mapping(boundaries_in, pad=0) cmap.header["dim"][0] = 1 # get voxel to vertex ras coordinate transformation vox2ras_tkr, _ = vox2ras(os.path.join(path_output, "ref.nii")) # apply transformation to cmap ras_array = apply_affine(vox2ras_tkr, cmap.get_fdata()) # split coordinates into single dimensions x_ras = nb.Nifti1Image(ras_array[:, :, :, 0], cmap.affine, cmap.header) y_ras = nb.Nifti1Image(ras_array[:, :, :, 1], cmap.affine, cmap.header) z_ras = nb.Nifti1Image(ras_array[:, :, :, 2], cmap.affine, cmap.header) # get profile sampling x_profile = profile_sampling(boundaries_in, x_ras) y_profile = profile_sampling(boundaries_in, y_ras) z_profile = profile_sampling(boundaries_in, z_ras) # compute euclidean distance between outer levelset boundaries x_array = x_profile["result"].get_fdata() y_array = y_profile["result"].get_fdata() z_array = z_profile["result"].get_fdata() x_diff_array = np.square(x_array[:, :, :, -1] - x_array[:, :, :, 0]) y_diff_array = np.square(y_array[:, :, :, -1] - y_array[:, :, :, 0]) z_diff_array = np.square(z_array[:, :, :, -1] - z_array[:, :, :, 0]) r = np.sqrt(x_diff_array + y_diff_array + z_diff_array) # set unrealistic values to zero r[r > 10] = 0 # hemi suffix if hemi == "lh": hemi_suffix = "_left" elif hemi == "rh": hemi_suffix = "_right" else: hemi_suffix = None # write nifti output = nb.Nifti1Image(r, cmap.affine, cmap.header), os.path.join(path_output, "thickness" + hemi_suffix + ".nii")) # remove temporary reference volume os.remove(os.path.join(path_output, "ref.nii"))
def calculate_equivolumetric_epi2(input_white, input_pial, input_vol, path_output, n_layers, r=[0.4, 0.4, 0.4], n_iter=2): """ This function computes equivolumetric layers in volume space from input pial and white surfaces in freesurfer format. The input surfaces do not have to cover the whole brain. Number of vertices and indices do not have to correspond between surfaces. Inputs: *input_white: filename of white surface. *input_pial: filename of pial surface. *input_vol: filename of reference volume. *path_output: path where output is written. *n_layers: number of generated layers + 1. *r: array of new voxel sizes for reference volume upsampling. *n_iter: number of surface upsampling iterations. created by Daniel Haenelt Date created: 17-12-2019 Last modified: 24-07-2020 """ import os import sys import numpy as np import nibabel as nb from nibabel.affines import apply_affine from import read_geometry from skimage import measure from nighres.surface import probability_to_levelset from nighres.laminar import volumetric_layering from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_fill_holes from collections import Counter from lib.utils.upsample_volume import upsample_volume from lib.surface.vox2ras import vox2ras from lib.surface.upsample_surf_mesh import upsample_surf_mesh # make output folder if not os.path.exists(path_output): os.makedirs(path_output) # get hemi from filename hemi = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(input_white))[0] if not hemi == "lh" and not hemi == "rh": sys.exit("Could not identify hemi from filename!") # new filenames in output folder res_white = os.path.join(path_output, hemi + ".white") res_pial = os.path.join(path_output, hemi + ".pial") res_vol = os.path.join(path_output, "epi_upsampled.nii") # upsample reference volume and input surface upsample_volume(input_vol, res_vol, dxyz=r, rmode="Cu") upsample_surf_mesh(input_white, res_white, n_iter, "linear") upsample_surf_mesh(input_pial, res_pial, n_iter, "linear") # get affine ras2vox-tkr transformation to reference volume _, ras2vox_tkr = vox2ras(res_vol) # load surface vtx_white, fac_white = read_geometry(res_white) vtx_pial, _ = read_geometry(res_pial) # load volume vol = nb.load(res_vol) # apply ras2vox to coords vtx_white = np.round(apply_affine(ras2vox_tkr, vtx_white)).astype(int) vtx_pial = np.round(apply_affine(ras2vox_tkr, vtx_pial)).astype(int) # surfaces to lines in volume white_array = np.zeros(vol.header["dim"][1:4]) white_array[vtx_white[:, 0], vtx_white[:, 1], vtx_white[:, 2]] = 1 white = nb.Nifti1Image(white_array, vol.affine, vol.header) pial_array = np.zeros(vol.header["dim"][1:4]) pial_array[vtx_pial[:, 0], vtx_pial[:, 1], vtx_pial[:, 2]] = 1 pial = nb.Nifti1Image(pial_array, vol.affine, vol.header) """ make wm """ white_label_array = np.zeros_like(white_array) for i in range(np.shape(white_label_array)[2]): white_label_array[:, :, i] = binary_fill_holes(white_array[:, :, i]) white_label_array = white_label_array - white_array white_label_array = measure.label(white_label_array, connectivity=1) white_label_flatten = np.ndarray.flatten(white_label_array) white_label_flatten = white_label_flatten[white_label_flatten > 0] label_number = Counter(white_label_flatten).most_common(1)[0][0] white_label_array[white_label_array != label_number] = 0 white_label_array[white_label_array > 0] = 1 white_label = nb.Nifti1Image(white_label_array, vol.affine, vol.header) """ make csf """ pial_label_array = np.zeros_like(pial_array) for i in range(np.shape(pial_label_array)[2]): pial_label_array[:, :, i] = binary_fill_holes(pial_array[:, :, i]) pial_label_array = pial_label_array - pial_array pial_label_array = measure.label(pial_label_array, connectivity=1) pial_label_flatten = np.ndarray.flatten(pial_label_array) pial_label_flatten = pial_label_flatten[pial_label_flatten > 0] label_number = Counter(pial_label_flatten).most_common(1)[0][0] pial_label_array[pial_label_array != label_number] = 0 pial_label_array[pial_label_array > 0] = 1 #pial_label_array = pial_label_array + pial_array # add csf line again (worsen layering) pial_label = nb.Nifti1Image(pial_label_array, vol.affine, vol.header) """ make gm """ ribbon_label_array = pial_label_array - white_label_array ribbon_label_array[ribbon_label_array != 1] = 0 ribbon_label = nb.Nifti1Image(ribbon_label_array, vol.affine, vol.header) """ layers """ csf_level = probability_to_levelset(pial_label) wm_level = probability_to_levelset(white_label) volumetric_layering(wm_level["result"], csf_level["result"], n_layers=n_layers, topology_lut_dir=None, save_data=True, overwrite=True, output_dir=path_output, file_name="epi") # write niftis, os.path.join(path_output, "wm_line.nii")), os.path.join(path_output, "csf_line.nii")), os.path.join(path_output, "wm_label.nii")), os.path.join(path_output, "csf_label.nii")), os.path.join(path_output, "gm_label.nii"))
def deform_surface(input_surf, input_orig, input_deform, input_target, hemi, path_output, input_mask=None, interp_method="nearest", smooth_iter=0, flip_faces=False, cleanup=True): """ This function deforms a surface mesh in freesurfer convention using a coordinate map containing voxel coordinates. The computation takes quite a while because in the case of removed vertices, i.e. if a mask is given as input, the remaining faces are reindexed. Inputs: *input_surf: surface mesh to be transformed. *input_orig: freesurfer orig.mgz. *input_deform: deformation (coordinate mapping). *input_target: target volume. *hemi: hemisphere. *path_output: path where to save output. *input_mask: mask volume. *interp_method: interpolation method (nearest or trilinear). *smooth_iter: number of smoothing iterations applied to final image (if set > 0). *flip_faces: reverse normal direction of mesh. *cleanup: remove intermediate files. created by Daniel Haenelt Date created: 06-02-2019 Last modified: 20-06-2020 """ import os import numpy as np import nibabel as nb import shutil as sh from import write_geometry, read_geometry from nibabel.affines import apply_affine from nipype.interfaces.freesurfer import SampleToSurface from nipype.interfaces.freesurfer import SmoothTessellation from import get_filename from import mgh2nii from lib.surface.vox2ras import vox2ras # set freesurfer path environment os.environ["SUBJECTS_DIR"] = path_output # freesurfer subject tmp = np.random.randint(0, 10, 5) tmp_string = ''.join(str(i) for i in tmp) sub = "tmp_" + tmp_string # make output folder if not os.path.exists(path_output): os.makedirs(path_output) # mimic freesurfer folder structure (with some additional folder for intermediate files) path_sub = os.path.join(path_output, sub) path_mri = os.path.join(path_sub, "mri") path_surf = os.path.join(path_sub, "surf") os.makedirs(path_sub) os.makedirs(path_mri) os.makedirs(path_surf) # get file extension of orig _, name_orig, ext_orig = get_filename(input_orig) # name of surface file name_surf = os.path.basename(input_surf) # copy orig, cmap and input surface to mimicked freesurfer folders sh.copyfile(input_surf, os.path.join(path_surf, hemi + ".source")) if ext_orig != ".mgz": mgh2nii(input_orig, path_mri, "mgz") os.rename(os.path.join(path_mri, name_orig + ".mgz"), os.path.join(path_mri, "orig.mgz")) else: sh.copyfile(input_orig, os.path.join(path_mri, "orig.mgz")) # read surface geometry vtx, fac = read_geometry(input_surf) # get affine vox2ras-tkr transformation to target volume vox2ras_tkr, _ = vox2ras(input_target) # divide coordinate mapping into its x, y and z components cmap_img = nb.load(input_deform) cmap_img.header["dim"][0] = 3 cmap_img.header["dim"][4] = 1 # apply vox2ras transformation to coordinate mappings cmap_array = cmap_img.get_fdata() cmap_array = apply_affine(vox2ras_tkr, cmap_array) components = ["x", "y", "z"] vtx_new = np.zeros([len(vtx), 3]) for i in range(len(components)): temp_array = cmap_array[:, :, :, i] temp_img = nb.Nifti1Image(temp_array, cmap_img.affine, cmap_img.header), os.path.join(path_mri, components[i] + "_deform.nii")) # mri_vol2surf sampler = SampleToSurface() sampler.inputs.subject_id = sub sampler.inputs.reg_header = True sampler.inputs.hemi = hemi sampler.inputs.source_file = os.path.join( path_mri, components[i] + "_deform.nii") sampler.inputs.surface = "source" sampler.inputs.sampling_method = "point" sampler.inputs.sampling_range = 0 sampler.inputs.sampling_units = "mm" sampler.inputs.interp_method = interp_method sampler.inputs.out_type = "mgh" sampler.inputs.out_file = os.path.join( path_surf, hemi + "." + components[i] + "_sampled.mgh") data_img = nb.load( os.path.join(path_surf, hemi + "." + components[i] + "_sampled.mgh")) vtx_new[:, i] = np.squeeze(data_img.get_fdata()) if input_mask: # mri_vol2surf (background) sampler = SampleToSurface() sampler.inputs.subject_id = sub sampler.inputs.reg_header = True sampler.inputs.hemi = hemi sampler.inputs.source_file = input_mask sampler.inputs.surface = "source" sampler.inputs.sampling_method = "point" sampler.inputs.sampling_range = 0 sampler.inputs.sampling_units = "mm" sampler.inputs.interp_method = "nearest" sampler.inputs.out_type = "mgh" sampler.inputs.out_file = os.path.join(path_surf, hemi + ".background.mgh") # get new indices background_list = nb.load( os.path.join(path_surf, hemi + ".background.mgh")).get_fdata() background_list = np.squeeze(background_list).astype(int) # only keep vertex indices within the slab ind_keep = np.arange(0, len(vtx[:, 0])) ind_keep[background_list == 0] = -1 ind_keep = ind_keep[ind_keep != -1] # get new vertices vtx_new = vtx_new[ind_keep, :] # get new faces fac_keep = np.zeros(len(fac[:, 0])) fac_keep += np.in1d(fac[:, 0], ind_keep) fac_keep += np.in1d(fac[:, 1], ind_keep) fac_keep += np.in1d(fac[:, 2], ind_keep) fac_temp = fac[fac_keep == 3, :] fac_new = fac[fac_keep == 3, :] # sort new faces c_step = 0 n_step = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100] for i in range(len(ind_keep)): temp = np.where(ind_keep[i] == fac_temp) fac_new[temp] = i # print status counter = np.floor(i / len(ind_keep) * 100).astype(int) if counter == n_step[c_step]: print("sort faces: " + str(counter) + " %") c_step += 1 # remove singularities (vertices without faces) fac_counter = 0 fac_old = fac_new.copy() n_singularity = np.zeros(len(vtx_new)) c_step = 0 for i in range(len(vtx_new)): row, col = np.where(fac_old == i) n_singularity[i] = len(row) if not n_singularity[i]: fac_temp = fac_new.copy() fac_temp[fac_temp >= fac_counter] = -1 fac_temp[fac_temp != -1] = 0 fac_new += fac_temp fac_counter -= 1 # update face counter fac_counter += 1 # print status counter = np.floor(i / len(vtx_new) * 100).astype(int) if counter == n_step[c_step]: print("clean vertices: " + str(counter) + " %") c_step += 1 # vertices and indices without singularities vtx_new = vtx_new[n_singularity != 0] ind_keep = ind_keep[n_singularity != 0] # save index mapping between original and transformed surface np.savetxt(os.path.join(path_output, name_surf + "_ind.txt"), ind_keep, fmt='%d') else: fac_new = fac # flip faces if flip_faces: fac_new = np.flip(fac_new, axis=1) # write new surface write_geometry(os.path.join(path_output, name_surf + "_def"), vtx_new, fac_new) # smooth surface if smooth_iter: smooth = SmoothTessellation() smooth.inputs.in_file = os.path.join(path_output, name_surf + "_def") smooth.inputs.out_file = os.path.join(path_output, name_surf + "_def_smooth") smooth.inputs.smoothing_iterations = smooth_iter smooth.inputs.disable_estimates = True # delete intermediate files if cleanup: sh.rmtree(path_sub, ignore_errors=True)
output_surf_vox = "boundaries_out_vox.mat" output_cmap = "cmap_rBBR.nii" lh_white = join(path_input, "lh.white") rh_white = join(path_input, "rh.white") lh_pial = join(path_input, "lh.pial") rh_pial = join(path_input, "rh.pial") ref_vol = join(path_input, "reference_volume.nii") in_surf_mat_ras = join(path_input, input_surf_ras) in_surf_mat_vox = join(path_input, input_surf_vox) out_surf_mat_ras = join(subjects_dir, output_surf_ras) out_surf_mat_vox = join(subjects_dir, output_surf_vox) input_cfg = join(path_input, "cfg.mat") # get affine vox2ras-tkr and ras2vox-tkr transformation to reference volume vox2ras_tkr, ras2vox_tkr = vox2ras(ref_vol) # surf2mat cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(join(pathLIB, "io")) os.system("matlab" + \ " -nodisplay -nodesktop -r " + \ "\"surf2mat(\'{0}\', \'{1}\', \'{2}\', \'{3}\', \'{4}\'); exit;\"". \ format(lh_white, rh_white, lh_pial, rh_pial, in_surf_mat_ras)) os.chdir(cwd) # ras2vox data = loadmat(in_surf_mat_ras) # apply ras2vox transformation to vertices for i in range(2):
def calculate_equivolumetric_epi(input_white, input_pial, input_vol, path_output, n_start, n_end, n_layers, r=[0.4, 0.4, 0.4], n_iter=2): """ This function computes equivolumetric layers in volume space from input pial and white surfaces in freesurfer format. The input surfaces do not have to cover the whole brain. Number of vertices and indices do not have to correspond between surfaces. Inputs: *input_white: filename of white surface. *input_pial: filename of pial surface. *input_vol: filename of reference volume. *path_output: path where output is written. *n_start: number of slices (axis=2) to discard at the beginning of the upsampled volume. *n_end: number of slices (axis=2) to discard at the end of the upsampled volume. *n_layers: number of generated layers + 1. *r: array of new voxel sizes for reference volume upsampling. *n_iter: number of surface upsampling iterations. created by Daniel Haenelt Date created: 17-12-2019 Last modified: 24-07-2020 """ import os import sys import numpy as np import nibabel as nb from nibabel.affines import apply_affine from import read_geometry from skimage import measure from nighres.surface import probability_to_levelset from nighres.laminar import volumetric_layering from lib.utils.upsample_volume import upsample_volume from lib.surface.vox2ras import vox2ras from lib.surface.upsample_surf_mesh import upsample_surf_mesh # make output folder if not os.path.exists(path_output): os.makedirs(path_output) # get hemi from filename hemi = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(input_white))[0] if not hemi == "lh" or hemi == "rh": sys.exit("Could not identify hemi from filename!") # new filenames in output folder res_white = os.path.join(path_output, hemi + ".white") res_pial = os.path.join(path_output, hemi + ".pial") res_vol = os.path.join(path_output, "epi_upsampled.nii") # upsample reference volume and input surface upsample_volume(input_vol, res_vol, dxyz=r, rmode="Cu") upsample_surf_mesh(input_white, res_white, n_iter, "linear") upsample_surf_mesh(input_pial, res_pial, n_iter, "linear") # get affine ras2vox-tkr transformation to reference volume _, ras2vox_tkr = vox2ras(res_vol) # load surface vtx_white, fac_white = read_geometry(res_white) vtx_pial, _ = read_geometry(res_pial) # load volume vol = nb.load(res_vol) # apply ras2vox to coords vtx_white = np.round(apply_affine(ras2vox_tkr, vtx_white)).astype(int) vtx_pial = np.round(apply_affine(ras2vox_tkr, vtx_pial)).astype(int) # surfaces to lines in volume white_array = np.zeros(vol.header["dim"][1:4]) white_array[vtx_white[:, 0], vtx_white[:, 1], vtx_white[:, 2]] = 1 white = nb.Nifti1Image(white_array, vol.affine, vol.header) pial_array = np.zeros(vol.header["dim"][1:4]) pial_array[vtx_pial[:, 0], vtx_pial[:, 1], vtx_pial[:, 2]] = 1 pial = nb.Nifti1Image(pial_array, vol.affine, vol.header) # lines to levelset white_level = probability_to_levelset(white) white_level_array = white_level["result"].get_fdata() pial_level = probability_to_levelset(pial) pial_level_array = pial_level["result"].get_fdata() """ make wm """ white_label_array = np.zeros_like(white_level_array) white_label_array[white_level_array > pial_level_array] = 1 white_label_array[white_label_array != 1] = 0 white_label_array -= 1 white_label_array = np.abs(white_label_array).astype(int) white_label_array = white_label_array - white_array white_label_array[white_label_array < 0] = 0 if n_start > 0: white_label_array[:, :, :n_start] = 0 if n_end > 0: white_label_array[:, :, -n_end:] = 0 white_label_array = measure.label(white_label_array, connectivity=1) white_label_array[white_label_array == 1] = 0 white_label_array[white_label_array > 0] = 1 white_label = nb.Nifti1Image(white_label_array, vol.affine, vol.header) """ make csf """ pial_label_array = np.zeros_like(pial_level_array) pial_label_array[pial_level_array < white_level_array] = 1 pial_label_array[pial_label_array != 1] = 0 pial_label_array = np.abs(pial_label_array).astype(int) pial_label_array = pial_label_array - pial_array pial_label_array[pial_label_array < 0] = 0 if n_start > 0: pial_label_array[:, :, :n_start] = 0 if n_end > 0: pial_label_array[:, :, -n_end:] = 0 pial_label_array = measure.label(pial_label_array, connectivity=1) pial_label_array[pial_label_array != 1] = 0 pial_label_array -= 1 pial_label_array = np.abs(pial_label_array) pial_label_array[pial_array == 1] = 0 if n_start > 0: pial_label_array[:, :, :n_start] = 0 if n_end > 0: pial_label_array[:, :, -n_end:] = 0 pial_label = nb.Nifti1Image(pial_label_array, vol.affine, vol.header) """ make gm """ ribbon_label_array = pial_label_array.copy() ribbon_label_array -= 1 ribbon_label_array = np.abs(ribbon_label_array) ribbon_label_array = ribbon_label_array + white_label_array ribbon_label_array -= 1 ribbon_label_array = np.abs(ribbon_label_array).astype(int) if n_start > 0: ribbon_label_array[:, :, :n_start] = 0 if n_end > 0: ribbon_label_array[:, :, -n_end:] = 0 ribbon_label = nb.Nifti1Image(ribbon_label_array, vol.affine, vol.header) """ layers """ #csf_level = probability_to_levelset(pial_label) #wm_level = probability_to_levelset(white_label) #volumetric_layering(wm_level["result"], # csf_level["result"], # n_layers=n_layers, # topology_lut_dir=None, # save_data=True, # overwrite=True, # output_dir=path_output, # file_name="epi") # write niftis, os.path.join(path_output, "wm_line.nii")), os.path.join(path_output, "csf_line.nii")), os.path.join(path_output, "wm_label.nii")), os.path.join(path_output, "csf_label.nii")), os.path.join(path_output, "gm_label.nii"))