def do_copy(index, results): try: # extract the command, get a handle to user's clipboard and copy the command command = json.loads(results)[index-1]['command'] user_system = system() user_system.copy(command) # notify the user print "%s Copied to Clipboard!\n\t%s" % (color.cyan('fu'), ) except: # catch invalid index print "%s: %s invalid index number!" % ( color.cyan('fu'),'Error') )
def do_open( index, results ): try : # Extract the command, get a handle of the user's os and launch the url in a browser url = json.loads(results)[index-1]['url'] user_system = system() # notify the user print "%s Opening %s" %(color.cyan('fu!'), color.yellow(url) ) except : # catch invalid index print "%s: %s invalid index number!" % ( color.cyan('fu'),'Error') )
def parse(): # Create an argument parser for use dealing with the various command line arguments descriptionStr = "%s is a command line iterface for the You can use fu to tap into the conventional CLI wisdom of the internet " %(color.cyan("fu")) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog = "fu", description = descriptionStr, add_help = True) parser.add_argument("-o","--open", dest ="open_index",action="store", default = 0 , type = int, help = "Opens specifed command number in default browser i.e fu -o 3") parser.add_argument("-c","--copy", dest ="copy_index", action = "store" , default = 0, type = int , help = "Copies specified comamnd number to clipboard i.e fu -c 3" ) parser.add_argument("-n","--number", action="store" ,dest = "display_count" , default = 3, type = int , help = " The number of search results to display, default is 3"); parser.add_argument("-a","--all",dest = "showAll", action = "store_true", default = False, help = "Display all the search results" ) parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose",dest = "verbose", action = "store_true", default = False, help = "Show vote counts and url") parser.add_argument("query_terms" , nargs=argparse.REMAINDER) args = parser.parse_args() # Check we have just a single number, if so, we void the search, and set the number to the copy index if len( args.query_terms) == 1 : try: num = int(args.query_terms[0]) args.copy_index = num except ValueError: pass return args
if args.copy_index > 0 : # Load the results from the dotfile and make open results_json = dfile.result() command = do_copy( args.copy_index , results_json ) dfile.save_copy(command) elif args.open_index > 0: # Load the files from the dotfile and make copy results_json = dfile.result() do_open(args.open_index , results_json ) else : # Otherwise we pass the arguments along to the api, and display them results_json = search( args.query_terms ,args.verbose, args.display_count , args.showAll ) # Save the results to dotfile dfile.save_result(results_json) # Save and close the dotfile if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) == 1 : print "%s: Incorrect usage, please include search terms. See 'fu --help' " % ( color.cyan("fu") ) else : main( )