コード例 #1
 def __init__(self,
     VM class constructor
     #set attributes
     self.created = False
     self.name = name
     self.flavor_id = flavor_id
     self.log_path = log_path
     self.image_id = image_id
     self.public_addresses = []
     self.addresses = []
     self.id = -1
     self.IPv4 = IPv4
     if not exists(LOGS_DIR):
     self.logfile = "%s/%s.log" % (LOGS_DIR, self.name)
     self.log = get_logger('[%s]' % self.name, 'INFO', logfile=self.logfile)
     if create:
コード例 #2
ファイル: ClientsCluster.py プロジェクト: cmantas/tiramola_v3
 def __init__(self):
     super(Clients, self).__init__()
     self.cluster_name = "clients"
     self.node_type = "client"
     # the save file for saving/reloading the active cluster
     self.save_file = home+"files/saved_%s_cluster.json" % self.cluster_name
     # the logger for this file
     self.log = get_logger('CLIENTS', 'INFO', logfile=home+'files/logs/Coordinator.log')
コード例 #3
ファイル: ClientsCluster.py プロジェクト: klolos/tiramola_v3
 def __init__(self):
     super(Clients, self).__init__()
     self.cluster_name = "clients"
     self.node_type = "client"
     # the save file for saving/reloading the active cluster
     self.save_file = home + "files/saved_%s_cluster.json" % self.cluster_name
     # the logger for this file
     self.log = get_logger('CLIENTS',
                           logfile=home + 'files/logs/Coordinator.log')
コード例 #4
    def __init__(self, monitoring_address, monitoring_port=8649):

        self.ganglia_host = monitoring_address
        self.ganglia_port = monitoring_port

        ## Install logger

        self.my_logger = get_logger("MonitorVMs", "INFO", logfile=LOG_FILENAME)

        self.allmetrics = {}
        self.parser = GParser()
        # initialize parser object. in the refreshMetrics function call the .parse of the
        # parser to update the dictionary object.
コード例 #5
ファイル: Monitoring.py プロジェクト: cmantas/tiramola_v3
    def __init__(self, monitoring_address, monitoring_port=8649):

        self.ganglia_host = monitoring_address
        self.ganglia_port = monitoring_port

        ## Install logger

        self.my_logger = get_logger("MonitorVMs", "INFO", logfile=LOG_FILENAME)

        self.parser = GParser()
        # initialize parser object. in the refreshMetrics function call the .parse of the
        # parser to update the dictionary object.
コード例 #6
ファイル: VM.py プロジェクト: cmantas/tiramola_v3
def get_all_vms(check_active=False):
    Creates VM instances for all the VMs of the user available in the IaaS
    log = get_logger("VM [static]", 'INFO')
    log.debug("getting all VMs")
    vms = []
    vm_ids = iaas.get_all_vm_ids()
    for vm_id in vm_ids:
        vm = VM.vm_from_dict(iaas.get_vm_details(vm_id))
        if check_active and vm.get_cloud_status() != "ACTIVE":
    return vms
コード例 #7
def get_all_vms(check_active=False):
    Creates VM instances for all the VMs of the user available in the IaaS
    log = get_logger("VM [static]", 'INFO')
    log.debug("getting all VMs")
    vms = []
    vm_ids = iaas.get_all_vm_ids()
    for vm_id in vm_ids:
        vm = VM.vm_from_dict(iaas.get_vm_details(vm_id))
        if check_active and vm.get_cloud_status() != "ACTIVE":
    return vms
コード例 #8
ファイル: Predictor.py プロジェクト: klolos/tiramola_v3
    def __init__(self):
        # 10 mins later (12 ticks per minute)
        self.projection_time = pred_vars['projection_time']
        self.use_sampling = pred_vars['use_sampling']
        self.sampling = pred_vars['sampling']
        self.measurements_file = env_vars['measurements_file']
        self.predictions_file = pred_vars['predictions_file']
        # measurements of latest minutes will be used in regression
        self.latest = pred_vars['use_latest_meas']
        self.degree = pred_vars['regression_degree']
        # store the current minute
        self.curr_min = 0.0

        #Create logger
        LOG_FILENAME = 'files/logs/Coordinator.log'
        self.log = get_logger('Predictor', 'INFO', logfile=LOG_FILENAME)
コード例 #9
ファイル: VM.py プロジェクト: cmantas/tiramola_v3
 def __init__(self, name, flavor_id, image_id, create=False, wait=False, IPv4=False, log_path=LOGS_DIR):
     VM class constructor
     #set attributes
     self.created = False
     self.name = name
     self.flavor_id = flavor_id
     self.log_path = log_path
     self.image_id = image_id
     self.public_addresses = []
     self.addresses = []
     self.id = -1
     self.IPv4 = IPv4
     if not exists(LOGS_DIR):
     self.logfile = "%s/%s.log" % (LOGS_DIR, self.name)
     self.log = get_logger('[%s]' % self.name, 'INFO', logfile=self.logfile)
     if create:
コード例 #10
seeds = []              # the seed node(s) of the casssandra cluster !!! ONLY ONE IS SUPPORTED !!!
nodes = []              # the rest of the nodes of the Cassandra cluster
stash = []              # list of the Nodes that are available (active) but not used

# the name of the cluster is used as a prefix for the VM names
cluster_name = env_vars['active_cluster_name']

# the save file for saving/reloading the active cluster
save_file = "files/saved_%s_cluster.json" % cluster_name

# the flavor and image for the VMs used int the cluster
Node.flavor = env_vars["default_flavor"]
Node.image = env_vars["cassandra_base_image"]

log = get_logger('CASSANDRA', 'DEBUG', logfile='files/logs/Coordinator.log')

def create_cluster(worker_count=0):
    Creates a Cassandra Cluster with a single Seed Node and 'worker_count' other nodes
    :param worker_count: the number of the nodes to create-apart from the seednode
    global nodes, stash, seeds
    nodes = []
    seeds = []
    stash = []
    #create the seed node
    seeds.append(Node(cluster_name, node_type="seed", number=0, create=True, IPv4=True))
    #create the rest of the nodes
    for i in range(worker_count):
コード例 #11
ファイル: Coordinator.py プロジェクト: cmantas/tiramola_v3
__author__ = 'cmantas'
from time import sleep
import CassandraCluster as Servers
from ClientsCluster import my_Clients as Clients
from lib.persistance_module import env_vars, home
from Monitoring import MonitorVms
from new_decision_module import RLDecisionMaker as DM
from lib.tiramola_logging import get_logger
from time import time
from os import remove
from threading import Thread

#######  STATIC VARS  ###############
my_logger = get_logger('COORDINATOR', 'INFO', logfile=home+'files/logs/Coordinator.log')
my_logger.debug("--------- NEW RUN  -----------------")
#the (pending) decision at the present moment
decision = None
#get the endpoint for the monitoring system
monitor_clients = MonitorVms(Clients.get_monitoring_endpoint())
monitor_servers = MonitorVms(Servers.get_monitoring_endpoint())

error = None

#check if cluster exists
if Servers.exists():
    my_logger.info( "Cluster exists using it as is")
    #make sure no workload is running
    my_logger.error("Create the cluster first and then run the coordinator")
コード例 #12
class Cluster(object):
    # the logger for this file
    log = get_logger('CLUSTER', 'DEBUG', logfile=home+'files/logs/Coordinator.log')

    def __init__(self):
        self.all_nodes = []
        self.log = Cluster.log

        # the name of the cluster is used as a prefix for the VM names
        self.cluster_name = "cluster"

    def wait_proc(proc, node, timeout, log=None):
        Waits for a process to finish running for a given timeout and throws an exception if not finished
        :param proc:
        :param node:
        #check if it has not finished yet fail if so
        if proc.is_alive():
            if not log is None:
                log.error("Timeout occurred for process")
            raise Exception("Script timed out for "+node.name)
        elif not log is None: log.debug(node.name+" DONE")

    def run_script(script_content, nodes, serial=True, timeout=600, log=None):
        Runs a script to the specified VMs
        :param script_content:
        :param serial:
        :param timeout:
        :return: None
        if not log is None:
            log.info('Running a script to  %d nodes' % len(nodes))
        procs = []

        #start the procs that add the nodes
        for node in nodes:
            p = Process(target=node.run_command, args=(script_content,))
            if serial:
                # if adding in serial, wait each proc
                if not log is None:log.debug("waiting for node #"+node.name)
                Cluster.wait_proc(p, node, timeout)

        if not serial:
            #wait for all the procs to finish in parallel
            if not log is None:log.debug("Waiting for all the procs to finish")
            for i in range(len(nodes)):
                Cluster.wait_proc(procs[i], nodes[i], timeout)
            if not log is None: log.info("Finished running script")

    def run_to_all(self, script_content, serial=True, timeout=600):
        Runs a script to all the nodes in the cluster
        :param script_content:
        :param serial:
        :param timeout:
        self.run_script(script_content, self.all_nodes, serial, timeout, self.log)

    def wait_everybody(self):
        Waits for all the Nodes in the cluster to be SSH-able
        self.log.info('Waiting for SSH on all nodes')
        for i in self.all_nodes:

    def bootstrap_cluster(self):
        Runs the necessary boostrap commnands to each of the Seed Node and the other nodes
        for n in self.all_nodes:

    def kill_nodes(self):
        Runs the kill scripts for all the nodes in the cluster
        self.log.info("Killing nodes")
        for n in self.all_nodes:

    def update_hostfiles(self, servers):
        if not env_vars["update_hostfiles"]:
            self.log.info("Not updtading ycsb client host files")
        self.log.info("updating hostfiles")
        # generate ycsb-specific hosts file text
        host_text = ""

        if "cassandra_seednode" in servers.keys(): del servers["cassandra_seednode"]

        #generate the "hosts" text for YCSB
        for key, value in servers.iteritems(): host_text += value+"\n"
        host_text = host_text[:-1]  # remove trailing EOL

        #DEBUG keep just one host
        #host_text = servers["cassandra_node_01"]

        command = "echo '%s' > /opt/hosts;" % host_text
        self.run_script(command, self.all_nodes, serial=False)

    def get_hosts(self, string=False, private=False):
        Produces a mapping of hostname-->IP for the nodes in the cluster
        :param include_clients: if False (default) the clients are not included
        :param string: if True the output is a string able to be appended in /etc/hosts
        :return: a dict or a string of hostnames-->IPs
        hosts = dict()
        for i in self.all_nodes:
            if private:
                hosts[i.name] = i.get_private_addr()
                hosts[i.name] = i.get_public_addr()
        return hosts

    def node_count(self):
        return len(self.all_nodes)

    def exists(self):
        if len(self.all_nodes) == 0:
            return False
            return True

    def get_monitoring_endpoint(self):
        returns the IP of the node that has the monitoring data we want
        return self.all_nodes[0].get_public_addr()
コード例 #13
    def __init__(self, cluster):

        #Create logger
        LOG_FILENAME = 'files/logs/Coordinator.log'
        self.log = get_logger('RLDecisionMaker', 'INFO', logfile=LOG_FILENAME)
        self.log.info("Using 'gain' : " + env_vars['gain'] +
                      " with threshold of " +
                      str(env_vars["decision_threshold"] * 100) +
                      "% and interval: " + str(env_vars['decision_interval']))
            "Cluster Size from %d to %d nodes" %
            (env_vars['min_cluster_size'], env_vars['max_cluster_size']))

        self.debug = False
        if self.debug:
            self.currentState = 8
            self.currentState = cluster.node_count()
        self.cluster = cluster
        self.nextState = self.currentState
        self.waitForIt = env_vars['decision_interval'] / env_vars[
        self.pending_action = None
        self.decision = {"action": "PASS", "count": 0}

        # The policy for getting throughput and latency when computing the reward func.
        # average, centroid
        self.measurementsPolicy = 'centroid'
        self.prediction = env_vars['use_prediction']
        self.predictor = Predictor()

        # used only in simulation!!
        self.countdown = 0

        # A dictionary that will remember rewards and metrics in states previously visited
        self.memory = {}

        for i in range(env_vars["min_cluster_size"],
                       env_vars["max_cluster_size"] + 1):
            self.memory[str(i)] = {}
            #self.memory[str(i)]['V'] = None # placeholder for rewards and metrics
            self.memory[str(i)]['r'] = None
            self.memory[str(i)]['arrayMeas'] = None

        # Load any previous statics.
        self.measurementsFile = env_vars["measurements_file"]
        self.trainingFile = env_vars["training_file"]
        self.sumMetrics = {}
        # initialize measurements file
        meas = open(self.measurementsFile, 'a+')
        if os.stat(self.measurementsFile).st_size == 0:
            # The file is empty, set the headers for each column.

        # load training set
        meas = open(self.trainingFile, 'r+')
        if os.stat(self.trainingFile).st_size != 0:
            # Read the training set measurements saved in the file.
            meas.next()  # Skip the first line with the headers of the columns
            for line in meas:
                # Skip comments (used in training sets)
                if not line.startswith('###'):
                    m = line.split('\t\t')
コード例 #14
from lib.tiramola_logging import get_logger
from os import remove, mkdir, listdir
from shutil import move, copy
from time import strftime
from os.path import isdir, isfile, join, exists, basename
from random import random
from json import load, dumps, loads
from lib.persistance_module import env_vars, reload_env_vars, home
from time import sleep
from sys import exc_info
from ClientsCluster import my_Clients as ClientsCluster
import CassandraCluster
from VM import Timer

## global logger
log = get_logger("EXPERIMENT", 'INFO', logfile=home+'files/logs/Coordinator.log')
o_ev = {}
measurements_dir = "files/measurements"

def list_files(dir_path):
    lists all files (not dirs) in a given directory
    :param dir_path:
    return [f for f in listdir(dir_path) if isfile(join(dir_path, f))]

def wait_get_one(dir_path):
コード例 #15
seeds = [
]  # the seed node(s) of the casssandra cluster !!! ONLY ONE IS SUPPORTED !!!
nodes = []  # the rest of the nodes of the Cassandra cluster
stash = []  # list of the Nodes that are available (active) but not used

# the name of the cluster is used as a prefix for the VM names
cluster_name = env_vars['active_cluster_name']

# the save file for saving/reloading the active cluster
save_file = "files/saved_%s_cluster.json" % cluster_name

# the flavor and image for the VMs used int the cluster
Node.flavor = env_vars["default_flavor"]
Node.image = env_vars["cassandra_base_image"]

log = get_logger('CASSANDRA', 'DEBUG', logfile='files/logs/Coordinator.log')

def create_cluster(worker_count=0):
    Creates a Cassandra Cluster with a single Seed Node and 'worker_count' other nodes
    :param worker_count: the number of the nodes to create-apart from the seednode
    global nodes, stash, seeds
    nodes = []
    seeds = []
    stash = []
    #create the seed node
        Node(cluster_name, node_type="seed", number=0, create=True, IPv4=True))
    #create the rest of the nodes
コード例 #16
ファイル: cli.py プロジェクト: cmantas/tiramola_v3

def parse_args():
    chosen_function = raw_args[1]
    global args
    for arg in raw_args[2:]:
        i = arg.find("=")
        if i == -1:
            args[arg] = True
            key = arg[:i]
            value = arg[i+1:]
            args[key] = value
    return chosen_function

log = get_logger("CLI", 'INFO')

##############################  AVAILABLE ACTIONS  #######################################

def info():
        print """==============   USAGE   ==================
tiramola hosts
tiramola private_hosts
tiramola create_cluster nodes=2 clients=2
tiramola bootstrap_cluster used=8
tiramola load_data records=100000
tiramola run_sinusoid target=100 offset=80 period=60 #period time in minutes
tiramola add_nodes [count=2]
tiramola remove_nodes [count=2]
tiramola kill_workload
コード例 #17
    def __init__(self, cluster):

        #Create logger
        LOG_FILENAME = 'files/logs/Coordinator.log'
        self.log = get_logger('RLDecisionMaker', 'INFO', logfile=LOG_FILENAME)
        self.log.info("Using 'gain' : " + env_vars['gain'] +" with threshold of "+str( env_vars["decision_threshold"]*100) + "% and interval: " + str(env_vars['decision_interval']))
        self.log.info("Cluster Size from %d to %d nodes" % (env_vars['min_cluster_size'], env_vars['max_cluster_size']))

        self.debug = False
        if self.debug:
            self.currentState = 8
            self.currentState = cluster.node_count()
        self.cluster = cluster
        self.nextState = self.currentState
        self.waitForIt = env_vars['decision_interval'] / env_vars['metric_fetch_interval']
        self.pending_action = None
        self.decision = {"action": "PASS", "count": 0}

        # The policy for getting throughput and latency when computing the reward func.
        # average, centroid
        self.measurementsPolicy = 'centroid'
        self.prediction = env_vars['use_prediction']
        self.predictor = Predictor()

        # used only in simulation!!
        self.countdown = 0

        # A dictionary that will remember rewards and metrics in states previously visited
        self.memory = {}

        for i in range(env_vars["min_cluster_size"], env_vars["max_cluster_size"] + 1):
            self.memory[str(i)] = {}
            #self.memory[str(i)]['V'] = None # placeholder for rewards and metrics
            self.memory[str(i)]['r'] = None
            self.memory[str(i)]['arrayMeas'] = None

        # Load any previous statics.
        self.measurementsFile = env_vars["measurements_file"]
        self.trainingFile = env_vars["training_file"]
        self.sumMetrics = {}
        # initialize measurements file
        meas = open(self.measurementsFile, 'a+')
        if os.stat(self.measurementsFile).st_size == 0:
            # The file is empty, set the headers for each column.

        # load training set
        meas = open(self.trainingFile, 'r+')
        if os.stat(self.trainingFile).st_size != 0:
            # Read the training set measurements saved in the file.
            meas.next()  # Skip the first line with the headers of the columns
            for line in meas:
                # Skip comments (used in training sets)
                if not line.startswith('###'):
                    m = line.split('\t\t')
コード例 #18
ファイル: cli.py プロジェクト: klolos/tiramola_v3
def parse_args():
    chosen_function = raw_args[1]
    global args
    for arg in raw_args[2:]:
        i = arg.find("=")
        if i == -1:
            args[arg] = True
            key = arg[:i]
            value = arg[i + 1:]
            args[key] = value
    return chosen_function

log = get_logger("CLI", 'INFO')

##############################  AVAILABLE ACTIONS  #######################################

def info():
    print """==============   USAGE   ==================
tiramola hosts
tiramola private_hosts
tiramola create_cluster nodes=2 clients=2
tiramola bootstrap_cluster used=8
tiramola load_data records=100000
tiramola run_sinusoid target=100 offset=80 period=60 #period time in minutes
tiramola add_nodes [count=2]
tiramola remove_nodes [count=2]
tiramola kill_workload
コード例 #19
__author__ = 'cmantas'
from time import sleep
import CassandraCluster as Servers
from ClientsCluster import my_Clients as Clients
from lib.persistance_module import env_vars, home
from Monitoring import MonitorVms
from new_decision_module import RLDecisionMaker as DM
from lib.tiramola_logging import get_logger
from time import time
from os import remove
from threading import Thread

#######  STATIC VARS  ###############
my_logger = get_logger('COORDINATOR',
                       logfile=home + 'files/logs/Coordinator.log')
my_logger.debug("--------- NEW RUN  -----------------")
#the (pending) decision at the present moment
decision = None
running_process = None
#get the endpoint for the monitoring system
monitor_clients = MonitorVms(Clients.get_monitoring_endpoint())
monitor_servers = MonitorVms(Servers.get_monitoring_endpoint())

error = None

#check if cluster exists
if Servers.exists():
    my_logger.info("Cluster exists using it as is")
    #make sure no workload is running