コード例 #1
def generate_route(trip):
    ''' Build a path using the Mapzen's Valhalla API. '''
    mode = trip['mode']
    points = trip['points']
    base = 'http://valhalla.mapzen.com/'
    key = tools.read_json('config/keys.json')['valhalla']
    request = json.dumps({
        'locations': points,
        # 'costing': mode,
        # For some reasons the biking costing is not close to reality
        'costing': 'pedestrian',
        'directions_options': {
            'units': 'kilometers'
    url = '{0}route?json={1}&api_key={2}'.format(base, request, key)
    # No whitespace allowed
    url = url.replace(' ', '')
    data = get_route(url)
    path = tools.load_json(data)
    return {
        'mode': mode,
        'polyline': path['trip']['legs'][0]['shape'],
        'maneuvers': path['trip']['legs'][0]['maneuvers'],
        'distance': path['trip']['legs'][0]['summary']['length']
コード例 #2
ファイル: geography.py プロジェクト: gitthinkoo/Website
def add_altitudes(stations, size=50):
    ''' Use the Google Maps Elevation API. '''
    base = 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/elevation/json?'
    key = tools.read_json('config/keys.json')['google-elevation']
    locationsList = ''
    packages = []
    counter = 1
    for station in stations:
        locationsList += '{lat},{lon}|'.format(lat=station['lat'],
        # The API only allows a certain amount of locations per request
        counter += 1
        if counter > size:
            locationsList += ';'
            counter = 1
    for locations in locationsList.split(';'):
        locations = locations[:-1]
        url = base + 'locations={0}&key={1}'.format(locations, key)
        request = tools.query_API(url)
        data = tools.load_json(request)
    # Melt the packages into one list
    altitudes = []
    for package in packages:
    # Tidy everything up for database insertion
    data = []
    for station in zip(stations, altitudes):
            'name': station[0]['name'],
            'lat': station[0]['lat'],
            'lon': station[0]['lon'],
            'alt': station[1]['elevation']
    return data
コード例 #3
ファイル: jcdecaux.py プロジェクト: gitthinkoo/Website
def stations(city):
    base = 'https://api.jcdecaux.com/vls/v1/'
    key = tools.read_json('config/keys.json')['jcdecaux']
    url = '{0}stations/?contract={1}&apiKey={2}'.format(base, city, key)
    data = tools.query_API(url)
    stations = tools.load_json(data)
    return normalize(stations)
コード例 #4
def add_altitudes(stations, size=50):
    ''' Use the Google Maps Elevation API. '''
    base = 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/elevation/json?'
    key = tools.read_json('config/keys.json')['google-elevation']
    locationsList = ''
    packages = []
    counter = 1
    for station in stations:
        locationsList += '{lat},{lon}|'.format(lat=station['lat'],
        # The API only allows a certain amount of locations per request
        counter += 1
        if counter > size:
            locationsList += ';'
            counter = 1
    for locations in locationsList.split(';'):
        locations = locations[:-1]
        url = base + 'locations={0}&key={1}'.format(locations, key)
        request = tools.query_API(url)
        data = tools.load_json(request)
    # Melt the packages into one list
    altitudes = []
    for package in packages:
    # Tidy everything up for database insertion
    data = []
    for station in zip(stations, altitudes):
            'name': station[0]['name'],
            'lat': station[0]['lat'],
            'lon': station[0]['lon'],
            'alt': station[1]['elevation']
    return data
コード例 #5
def stations(city):
    # The city parameter is necessary so that everything works
    base = 'http://data.keolis-rennes.com/json/?version=1.0&'
    key = tools.read_json('config/keys.json')['keolis']
    url = '{0}key={1}&cmd=getstation'.format(base, key)
    data = tools.query_API(url)
    stations = tools.load_json(data)
    return normalize(stations)
コード例 #6
ファイル: keolis.py プロジェクト: gitthinkoo/Website
def stations(city):
    # The city parameter is necessary so that everything works
    base = 'http://data.keolis-rennes.com/json/?version=1.0&'
    key = tools.read_json('config/keys.json')['keolis']
    url = '{0}key={1}&cmd=getstation'.format(base, key)
    data = tools.query_API(url)
    stations = tools.load_json(data)
    return normalize(stations)
コード例 #7
ファイル: geography.py プロジェクト: gitthinkoo/Website
def geocode(address):
    Return the latitude and longitude of an address
    thanks to the Nominatim API.
    base = 'http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search?' \
    text = tools.remove_special_characters(address)
    keywords = '+'.join(text.split())
    url = ''.join((base, keywords))
    data = tools.query_API(url)
    address = tools.load_json(data)[0]
    latitude = float(address['lat'])
    longitude = float(address['lon'])
    return (latitude, longitude)
コード例 #8
def geocode(address):
    Return the latitude and longitude of an address
    thanks to the Nominatim API.
    base = 'http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search?' \
    text = tools.remove_special_characters(address)
    keywords = '+'.join(text.split())
    url = ''.join((base, keywords))
    data = tools.query_API(url)
    address = tools.load_json(data)[0]
    latitude = float(address['lat'])
    longitude = float(address['lon'])
    return (latitude, longitude)
コード例 #9
def compute_distances(departure, stations, mode):
    ''' Using the Mapbox Distance API. '''
    # Interrogate the API to get the distance to each station
    base = 'https://api.mapbox.com/distances/v1/mapbox/'
    key = tools.read_json('config/keys.json')['mapbox-distance']
    coordinates = {
        'coordinates': [departure] + [station['p'] for station in stations]
    url = '{0}{1}?access_token={2}'.format(base, mode, key)
    data = tools.query_API(url)
    distances = tools.load_json(data)['rows'][0]['elements']
    candidates = []
    for station in zip(stations, distances):
        candidate = {}
        for information in station:
    return candidates
コード例 #10
ファイル: geography.py プロジェクト: gitthinkoo/Website
def compute_distances(departure, stations, mode):
    ''' Using the Mapbox Distance API. '''
    # Interrogate the API to get the distance to each station
    base = 'https://api.mapbox.com/distances/v1/mapbox/'
    key = tools.read_json('config/keys.json')['mapbox-distance']
    coordinates = {
        'coordinates': [
        ] + [station['p'] for station in stations]
    url = '{0}{1}?access_token={2}'.format(base, mode, key)
    data = tools.query_API(url)
    distances = tools.load_json(data)['rows'][0]['elements']
    candidates = []
    for station in zip(stations, distances):
        candidate = {}
        for information in station:
    return candidates
コード例 #11
ファイル: routing.py プロジェクト: gitthinkoo/Website
def generate_route(trip):
    ''' Build a path using the Mapzen's Valhalla API. '''
    mode = trip['mode']
    points = trip['points']
    base = 'http://valhalla.mapzen.com/'
    key = tools.read_json('config/keys.json')['valhalla']
    request = json.dumps({
        'locations': points,
        # 'costing': mode,
        # For some reasons the biking costing is not close to reality
        'costing': 'pedestrian',
        'directions_options': {
            'units': 'kilometers'
    url = '{0}route?json={1}&api_key={2}'.format(base, request, key)
    # No whitespace allowed
    url = url.replace(' ', '')
    data = get_route(url)
    path = tools.load_json(data)
    return {'mode': mode, 'polyline': path['trip']['legs'][0]['shape'],
            'maneuvers': path['trip']['legs'][0]['maneuvers'],
            'distance': path['trip']['legs'][0]['summary']['length']}
コード例 #12
def stations(city):
    # The city parameter is necessary so that everything works
    url = 'http://www.bikechattanooga.com/stations/json'
    data = tools.query_API(url)
    stations = tools.load_json(data)
    return normalize(stations)