コード例 #1
def test_bgp_ipv6():
    global fatal_error
    global net

    # Skip if previous fatal error condition is raised
    if (fatal_error != ""):

    thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    print("\n\n** Verifying BGP IPv6")
    diffresult = {}
    for i in range(1, 2):
        success = 0
        for refTableFile in (glob.glob('%s/r%s/show_bgp_ipv6*.ref' %
                                       (thisDir, i))):
            if os.path.isfile(refTableFile):
                # Read expected result from file
                expected = open(refTableFile).read().rstrip()
                # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
                expected = ('\n'.join(expected.splitlines()) +

                # Actual output from router
                actual = net['r%s' % i].cmd(
                    'vtysh -c "show bgp ipv6" 2> /dev/null').rstrip()
                # Remove summary line (changed recently)
                actual = re.sub(r'Total number.*', '', actual)
                actual = re.sub(r'Displayed.*', '', actual)
                actual = actual.rstrip()
                # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
                actual = ('\n'.join(actual.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

                # Generate Diff
                diff = topotest.get_textdiff(actual,
                                             title1="actual SHOW BGP IPv6",
                                             title2="expected SHOW BGP IPv6")

                # Empty string if it matches, otherwise diff contains unified diff
                if diff:
                    diffresult[refTableFile] = diff
                    success = 1
                    print("template %s matched: r%s ok" % (refTableFile, i))

        if not success:
            resultstr = 'No template matched.\n'
            for f in diffresult.iterkeys():
                resultstr += (
                    'template %s: r%s failed SHOW BGP IPv6 check:\n%s\n' %
                    (f, i, diffresult[f]))
            raise AssertionError("SHOW BGP IPv6 failed for router r%s:\n%s" %
                                 (i, resultstr))

    # Make sure that all daemons are running
    for i in range(1, 2):
        fatal_error = net['r%s' % i].checkRouterRunning()
        assert fatal_error == "", fatal_error
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_ldp_topo1.py プロジェクト: boutier/topotests
def test_zebra_ipv4_routingTable():
    global fatal_error
    global net
    global cli_version

    # Skip if previous fatal error condition is raised
    if (fatal_error != ""):

    thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    # Verify OSPFv3 Routing Table
    print("\n\n** Verifying Zebra IPv4 Routing Table")
    failures = 0
    for i in range(1, 5):
        refTableFile = '%s/r%s/show_ipv4_route.ref%s' % (thisDir, i,
        if os.path.isfile(refTableFile):
            # Read expected result from file
            expected = open(refTableFile).read().rstrip()
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            expected = ('\n'.join(expected.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Actual output from router
            actual = net['r%s' % i].cmd(
                'vtysh -c "show ip route" 2> /dev/null | grep "^O"').rstrip()
            # Drop timers on end of line (older Quagga Versions)
            actual = re.sub(r", [0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]", "", actual)
            # Mask out label
            actual = re.sub(r" label [0-9]+", " label xxx", actual)
            # Add missing comma before label (for old version)
            actual = re.sub(r"([0-9]) label xxx", r"\1, label xxx", actual)

            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            actual = ('\n'.join(actual.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Generate Diff
            diff = topotest.get_textdiff(
                title1="actual IPv4 zebra routing table",
                title2="expected IPv4 zebra routing table")

            # Empty string if it matches, otherwise diff contains unified diff
            if diff:
                    'r%s failed IPv4 Zebra Routing Table Check:\n%s\n' %
                    (i, diff))
                failures += 1
                print("r%s ok" % i)

            assert failures == 0, "IPv4 Zebra Routing Table verification failed for router r%s:\n%s" % (
                i, diff)

    # Make sure that all daemons are running
    for i in range(1, 5):
        fatal_error = net['r%s' % i].checkRouterRunning()
        assert fatal_error == "", fatal_error
コード例 #3
def test_route_map():
    global fatal_error
    global net

    if (fatal_error != ""):

    thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    print("\n\n** Verifying some basic routemap forward references\n")
    failures = 0
    for i in range(1, 2):
        refroutemap = '%s/r%s/show_route_map.ref' % (thisDir, i)
        if os.path.isfile(refroutemap):
            expected = open(refroutemap).read().rstrip()
            expected = ('\n'.join(expected.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            actual = net['r%s' %i].cmd('vtysh -c "show route-map" 2> /dev/null').rstrip()
            actual = ('\n'.join(actual.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            diff = topotest.get_textdiff(actual, expected,
                                         title1="actual show route-map",
                                         title2="expected show route-map")

            if diff:
                sys.stderr.write('r%s failed show route-map command Check:\n%s\n' % (i, diff))
                failures += 1
                print("r%s ok" %i)

            assert failures == 0, "Show route-map command failed for router r%s:\n%s" % (i, diff)
コード例 #4
def test_mpls_interfaces():
    global fatal_error
    global net

    # Skip if previous fatal error condition is raised
    if (fatal_error != ""):

    # Skip if no LDP installed or old kernel
    if (net['r1'].daemon_available('ldpd') == False):
        pytest.skip("No MPLS or kernel < 4.5")

    thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    print("\n\n** Verifying MPLS Interfaces")
    failures = 0
    for i in range(1, 2):
        refTableFile = '%s/r%s/show_mpls_ldp_interface.ref' % (thisDir, i)
        if os.path.isfile(refTableFile):
            # Read expected result from file
            expected = open(refTableFile).read().rstrip()
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            expected = ('\n'.join(expected.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Actual output from router
            actual = net['r%s' % i].cmd(
                'vtysh -c "show mpls ldp interface" 2> /dev/null').rstrip()
            # Mask out Timer in Uptime
            actual = re.sub(r" [0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9] ",
                            " xx:xx:xx ", actual)
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            actual = ('\n'.join(actual.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Generate Diff
            diff = topotest.get_textdiff(
                title1="actual MPLS LDP interface status",
                title2="expected MPLS LDP interface status")

            # Empty string if it matches, otherwise diff contains unified diff
            if diff:
                    'r%s failed MPLS LDP Interface status Check:\n%s\n' %
                    (i, diff))
                failures += 1
                print("r%s ok" % i)

            if failures > 0:
                fatal_error = "MPLS LDP Interface status failed"

            assert failures == 0, "MPLS LDP Interface status failed for router r%s:\n%s" % (
                i, diff)

    # Make sure that all daemons are running
    for i in range(1, 2):
        fatal_error = net['r%s' % i].checkRouterRunning()
        assert fatal_error == "", fatal_error
コード例 #5
def test_mpls_ldp_neighbor():
    global fatal_error
    global net
    global cli_version

    # Skip if previous fatal error condition is raised
    if (fatal_error != ""):

    thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    # Verify OSPFv3 Routing Table
    print("\n\n** Verifying MPLS LDP neighbor")
    failures = 0
    for i in range(1, 5):
        refTableFile = '%s/r%s/show_mpls_ldp_neighbor.ref%s' % (thisDir, i, cli_version)
        if os.path.isfile(refTableFile):
            # Read expected result from file
            expected = open(refTableFile).read().rstrip()
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            expected = ('\n'.join(expected.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Actual output from router
            actual = net['r%s' % i].cmd('vtysh -c "show mpls ldp neighbor" 2> /dev/null').rstrip()

            # Mask out changing parts in output
            if cli_version == "-1":
                # Mask out Timer in Uptime
                actual = re.sub(r"Up time: [0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]", "Up time: xx:xx:xx", actual)
                # Mask out Port numbers in TCP connection
                actual = re.sub(r"TCP connection: ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]):[0-9]+ - ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]):[0-9]+",
                    r"TCP connection: \1:xxx - \2:xxx", actual)
                # Current Version
                # Mask out Timer in Uptime
                actual = re.sub(r"(ipv4 [0-9\.]+ +OPERATIONAL [0-9\.]+ +)[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]", r"\1xx:xx:xx", actual)

            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            actual = ('\n'.join(actual.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Generate Diff
            diff = topotest.get_textdiff(actual, expected,
                title1="actual MPLS LDP neighbor output",
                title2="expected MPLS LDP neighbor output")

            # Empty string if it matches, otherwise diff contains unified diff
            if diff:
                sys.stderr.write('r%s failed MPLS LDP neighbor output Check:\n%s\n' % (i, diff))
                failures += 1
                print("r%s ok" % i)

            assert failures == 0, "MPLS LDP Interface neighbor output for router r%s:\n%s" % (i, diff)

    # Make sure that all daemons are running
    for i in range(1, 5):
        fatal_error = net['r%s' % i].checkRouterRunning()
        assert fatal_error == "", fatal_error
コード例 #6
def test_mpls_ldp_discovery():
    global fatal_error
    global net

    # Skip if previous fatal error condition is raised
    if fatal_error != "":

    thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    # Verify MPLS LDP discovery
    print("\n\n** Verifying MPLS LDP discovery")
    failures = 0
    for i in range(1, 5):
        refTableFile = "%s/r%s/show_mpls_ldp_discovery.ref" % (thisDir, i)
        if os.path.isfile(refTableFile):
            # Actual output from router
            actual = (net["r%s" % i].cmd(
                'vtysh -c "show mpls ldp discovery" 2> /dev/null').rstrip())

            # Read expected result from file
            expected = open(refTableFile).read().rstrip()
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            expected = ("\n".join(expected.splitlines()) + "\n").splitlines(1)

            # Actual output from router
            actual = (net["r%s" % i].cmd(
                'vtysh -c "show mpls ldp discovery" 2> /dev/null').rstrip())

            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            actual = ("\n".join(actual.splitlines()) + "\n").splitlines(1)

            # Generate Diff
            diff = topotest.get_textdiff(
                title1="actual MPLS LDP discovery output",
                title2="expected MPLS LDP discovery output",

            # Empty string if it matches, otherwise diff contains unified diff
            if diff:
                    "r%s failed MPLS LDP discovery output Check:\n%s\n" %
                    (i, diff))
                failures += 1
                print("r%s ok" % i)

            assert (
                failures == 0
            ), "MPLS LDP Interface discovery output for router r%s:\n%s" % (
                i, diff)

    # Make sure that all daemons are running
    for i in range(1, 5):
        fatal_error = net["r%s" % i].checkRouterRunning()
        assert fatal_error == "", fatal_error
コード例 #7
def test_ospfv2_interfaces():
    global fatal_error
    global net

    # Skip if previous fatal error condition is raised
    if (fatal_error != ""):

    thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    print("\n\n** Verifying OSPFv2 interfaces")
    failures = 0
    for i in range(1, 2):
        refTableFile = '%s/r%s/show_ip_ospf_interface.ref' % (thisDir, i)
        if os.path.isfile(refTableFile):
            # Read expected result from file
            expected = open(refTableFile).read().rstrip()
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            expected = ('\n'.join(expected.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Actual output from router
            actual = net['r%s' % i].cmd('vtysh -c "show ip ospf interface" 2> /dev/null').rstrip()
            # Mask out Bandwidth portion. They may change..
            actual = re.sub(r"BW [0-9]+ Mbit", "BW XX Mbit", actual)
	    actual = re.sub(r"ifindex [0-9]", "ifindex X", actual)

            # Drop time in next due 
            actual = re.sub(r"Hello due in [0-9\.]+s", "Hello due in XX.XXXs", actual)
            actual = re.sub(r"Hello due in [0-9\.]+ usecs", "Hello due in XX.XXXs", actual)
            # Fix 'MTU mismatch detection: enabled' vs 'MTU mismatch detection:enabled' - accept both
            actual = re.sub(r"MTU mismatch detection:([a-z]+.*)", r"MTU mismatch detection: \1", actual)
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            actual = ('\n'.join(actual.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Generate Diff
            diff = topotest.get_textdiff(actual, expected,
                title1="actual SHOW IP OSPF INTERFACE",
                title2="expected SHOW IP OSPF INTERFACE")

            # Empty string if it matches, otherwise diff contains unified diff
            if diff:
                sys.stderr.write('r%s failed SHOW IP OSPF INTERFACE check:\n%s\n' % (i, diff))
                failures += 1
                print("r%s ok" % i)

            # Ignoring the issue if told to ignore (ie not yet fixed)
            if (failures != 0):
                if (os.environ.get('bamboo_TOPOTESTS_ISSUE_348') == "IGNORE"):
                    sys.stderr.write('Known issue - IGNORING. See https://github.com/FRRouting/frr/issues/348\n')
                    pytest.skip('Known issue - IGNORING. See https://github.com/FRRouting/frr/issues/348')

            assert failures == 0, "SHOW IP OSPF INTERFACE failed for router r%s:\n%s" % (i, diff)

    # Make sure that all daemons are running
    for i in range(1, 2):
        fatal_error = net['r%s' % i].checkRouterRunning()
        assert fatal_error == "", fatal_error
コード例 #8
def test_isis_interfaces():
    global fatal_error
    global net

    # Skip if previous fatal error condition is raised
    if (fatal_error != ""):

    thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    print("\n\n** Verifying ISIS interfaces")
    failures = 0
    for i in range(1, 2):
        refTableFile = '%s/r%s/show_isis_interface_detail.ref' % (thisDir, i)
        if os.path.isfile(refTableFile):
            # Read expected result from file
            expected = open(refTableFile).read().rstrip()
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            expected = ('\n'.join(expected.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Actual output from router
            actual = net['r%s' % i].cmd(
                'vtysh -c "show isis interface detail" 2> /dev/null').rstrip()
            # Mask out Link-Local mac address portion. They are random...
            actual = re.sub(r"fe80::[0-9a-f:]+", "fe80::XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX",
            # Mask out SNPA mac address portion. They are random...
            actual = re.sub(r"SNPA: [0-9a-f\.]+", "SNPA: XXXX.XXXX.XXXX",
            # Mask out Circuit ID number
            actual = re.sub(r"Circuit Id: 0x[0-9]+", "Circuit Id: 0xXX",
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            actual = ('\n'.join(actual.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Generate Diff
            diff = topotest.get_textdiff(
                title1="actual SHOW ISIS INTERFACE DETAIL",
                title2="expected SHOW ISIS OSPF6 INTERFACE DETAIL")

            # Empty string if it matches, otherwise diff contains unified diff
            if diff:
                    'r%s failed SHOW ISIS INTERFACE DETAIL check:\n%s\n' %
                    (i, diff))
                failures += 1
                print("r%s ok" % i)

            assert failures == 0, "SHOW ISIS INTERFACE DETAIL failed for router r%s:\n%s" % (
                i, diff)

    # Make sure that all daemons are running
    for i in range(1, 2):
        fatal_error = net['r%s' % i].checkRouterRunning()
        assert fatal_error == "", fatal_error
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_ripng_topo1.py プロジェクト: xpcom-bsd/frr
def test_zebra_ipv6_routingTable():
    global fatal_error
    global net

    # Skip if previous fatal error condition is raised
    if fatal_error != "":

    thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    # Verify OSPFv3 Routing Table
    print("\n\n** Verifying Zebra IPv6 Routing Table")
    failures = 0
    for i in range(1, 4):
        refTableFile = "%s/r%s/show_ipv6_route.ref" % (thisDir, i)
        if os.path.isfile(refTableFile):
            # Read expected result from file
            expected = open(refTableFile).read().rstrip()
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            expected = ("\n".join(expected.splitlines()) + "\n").splitlines(1)

            # Actual output from router
            actual = (net["r%s" % i].cmd(
                'vtysh -c "show ipv6 route" 2> /dev/null | grep "^R"').rstrip(
            # Mask out Link-Local mac address portion. They are random...
            actual = re.sub(r" fe80::[0-9a-f:]+", " fe80::XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX",
            # Drop timers on end of line (older Quagga Versions)
            actual = re.sub(r", [0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]", "", actual)
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            actual = ("\n".join(actual.splitlines()) + "\n").splitlines(1)

            # Generate Diff
            diff = topotest.get_textdiff(
                title1="actual Zebra IPv6 routing table",
                title2="expected Zebra IPv6 routing table",

            # Empty string if it matches, otherwise diff contains unified diff
            if diff:
                    "r%s failed Zebra IPv6 Routing Table Check:\n%s\n" %
                    (i, diff))
                failures += 1
                print("r%s ok" % i)

            assert failures == 0, (
                "Zebra IPv6 Routing Table verification failed for router r%s:\n%s"
                % (i, diff))

    # Make sure that all daemons are running
    for i in range(1, 4):
        fatal_error = net["r%s" % i].checkRouterRunning()
        assert fatal_error == "", fatal_error
コード例 #10
def test_ospfv2_interfaces():
    global fatal_error
    global net

    # Skip if previous fatal error condition is raised
    if (fatal_error != ""):

    thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    print("\n\n** Verifying OSPFv2 interfaces")
    failures = 0
    for i in range(1, 2):
        refTableFile = '%s/r%s/show_ip_ospf_interface.ref' % (thisDir, i)
        if os.path.isfile(refTableFile):
            # Read expected result from file
            expected = open(refTableFile).read().rstrip()
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            expected = ('\n'.join(expected.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Actual output from router
            actual = net['r%s' % i].cmd('vtysh -c "show ip ospf interface" 2> /dev/null').rstrip()
            # Mask out Bandwidth portion. They may change..
            actual = re.sub(r"BW [0-9]+ Mbit", "BW XX Mbit", actual)
	    actual = re.sub(r"ifindex [0-9]", "ifindex X", actual)

            # Drop time in next due 
            actual = re.sub(r"Hello due in [0-9\.]+s", "Hello due in XX.XXXs", actual)
            # Fix 'MTU mismatch detection: enabled' vs 'MTU mismatch detection:enabled' - accept both
            actual = re.sub(r"MTU mismatch detection:([a-z]+.*)", r"MTU mismatch detection: \1", actual)
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            actual = ('\n'.join(actual.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Generate Diff
            diff = topotest.get_textdiff(actual, expected,
                title1="actual SHOW IP OSPF INTERFACE",
                title2="expected SHOW IP OSPF INTERFACE")

            # Empty string if it matches, otherwise diff contains unified diff
            if diff:
                sys.stderr.write('r%s failed SHOW IP OSPF INTERFACE check:\n%s\n' % (i, diff))
                failures += 1
                print("r%s ok" % i)

            # Ignoring the issue if told to ignore (ie not yet fixed)
            if (failures != 0):
                if (os.environ.get('bamboo_TOPOTESTS_ISSUE_348') == "IGNORE"):
                    sys.stderr.write('Known issue - IGNORING. See https://github.com/FRRouting/frr/issues/348\n')
                    pytest.skip('Known issue - IGNORING. See https://github.com/FRRouting/frr/issues/348')

            assert failures == 0, "SHOW IP OSPF INTERFACE failed for router r%s:\n%s" % (i, diff)

    # Make sure that all daemons are running
    for i in range(1, 2):
        fatal_error = net['r%s' % i].checkRouterRunning()
        assert fatal_error == "", fatal_error
コード例 #11
def test_bgp_ipv4():
    global fatal_error
    global net

    # Skip if previous fatal error condition is raised
    if (fatal_error != ""):

    thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    print("\n\n** Verifying BGP IPv4")
    diffresult = {}
    for i in range(1, 2):
	success = 0
	for refTableFile in (glob.glob(
		'%s/r%s/show_bgp_ipv4*.ref' % (thisDir, i))):
	    if os.path.isfile(refTableFile):
		# Read expected result from file
		expected = open(refTableFile).read().rstrip()
		# Fix newlines (make them all the same)
		expected = ('\n'.join(expected.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

		# Actual output from router
		actual = net['r%s' % i].cmd('vtysh -c "show bgp ipv4" 2> /dev/null').rstrip()
		# Remove summary line (changed recently)
		actual = re.sub(r'Total number.*', '', actual)
		actual = re.sub(r'Displayed.*', '', actual)
		actual = actual.rstrip()
		# Fix newlines (make them all the same)
		actual = ('\n'.join(actual.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

		# Generate Diff
		diff = topotest.get_textdiff(actual, expected,
		    title1="actual SHOW BGP IPv4",
		    title2="expected SHOW BGP IPv4")

		# Empty string if it matches, otherwise diff contains unified diff
		if diff:
		    diffresult[refTableFile] = diff
		    success = 1
		    print("template %s matched: r%s ok" % (refTableFile, i))

	if not success:
	    resultstr = 'No template matched.\n'
	    for f in diffresult.iterkeys():
		resultstr += (
		    'template %s: r%s failed SHOW BGP IPv4 check:\n%s\n'
		    % (f, i, diffresult[f]))
	    raise AssertionError(
		"SHOW BGP IPv4 failed for router r%s:\n%s" % (i, resultstr))

    # Make sure that all daemons are running
    for i in range(1, 2):
        fatal_error = net['r%s' % i].checkRouterRunning()
        assert fatal_error == "", fatal_error
コード例 #12
def test_ripng_routes():
    global fatal_error
    global net

    # Skip if previous fatal error condition is raised
    if (fatal_error != ""):

    thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    # Verify RIPng Status
    print("\n\n** Verifying RIPng routes")
    failures = 0
    for i in range(1, 4):
        refTableFile = '%s/r%s/show_ipv6_ripng.ref' % (thisDir, i)
        if os.path.isfile(refTableFile):
            # Read expected result from file
            expected = open(refTableFile).read().rstrip()
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            expected = ('\n'.join(expected.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Actual output from router
            actual = net['r%s' % i].cmd(
                'vtysh -c "show ipv6 ripng" 2> /dev/null').rstrip()
            # Drop Time
            actual = re.sub(r" [0-9][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]", " XX:XX", actual)
            # Mask out Link-Local mac address portion. They are random...
            actual = re.sub(r" fe80::[0-9a-f: ]+",
                            " fe80::XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX   ", actual)
            # Remove trailing spaces on all lines
            actual = '\n'.join([line.rstrip() for line in actual.splitlines()])

            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            actual = ('\n'.join(actual.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Generate Diff
            diff = topotest.get_textdiff(actual,
                                         title1="actual SHOW IPv6 RIPng",
                                         title2="expected SHOW IPv6 RIPng")

            # Empty string if it matches, otherwise diff contains unified diff
            if diff:
                sys.stderr.write('r%s failed SHOW IPv6 RIPng check:\n%s\n' %
                                 (i, diff))
                failures += 1
                print("r%s ok" % i)

            assert failures == 0, "SHOW IPv6 RIPng failed for router r%s:\n%s" % (
                i, diff)

    # Make sure that all daemons are running
    for i in range(1, 4):
        fatal_error = net['r%s' % i].checkRouterRunning()
        assert fatal_error == "", fatal_error
コード例 #13
 def check_sharp_map_correct_runs():
     actual = r1.vtysh_cmd("show route-map sharp")
     actual = ("\n".join(actual.splitlines()) + "\n").rstrip()
     return topotest.get_textdiff(
         title1="Actual Route-map output",
         title2="Expected Route-map output",
コード例 #14
def test_bgp_routingTable():
    global fatal_error
    global net

    # Skip if previous fatal error condition is raised
    if (fatal_error != ""):

    thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    print("\n\n** Verifying BGP Routing Tables")
    failures = 0
    for i in range(1, 2):
        for view in range(1, 4):
            refTableFile = '%s/r%s/show_ip_bgp_view_%s.ref' % (thisDir, i, view)
            if os.path.isfile(refTableFile):
                # Read expected result from file
                expected = open(refTableFile).read().rstrip()
                # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
                expected = ('\n'.join(expected.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

                # Actual output from router
                actual = net['r%s' % i].cmd('vtysh -c "show ip bgp view %s" 2> /dev/null' % view).rstrip()
                # Fix inconsitent spaces between 0.99.24 and newer versions of Quagga...
                actual = re.sub('0             0', '0              0', actual)
                actual = re.sub(r'([0-9])         32768', r'\1          32768', actual)
                # Remove summary line (changed recently)
                actual = re.sub(r'Total number.*', '', actual)
                actual = re.sub(r'Displayed.*', '', actual)
                actual = actual.rstrip()
                # Fix table version (ignore it)
                actual = re.sub(r'(BGP table version is )[0-9]+', r'\1XXX', actual)

                # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
                actual = ('\n'.join(actual.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Generate Diff
            diff = topotest.get_textdiff(actual, expected,
                title1="actual BGP routing table",
                title2="expected BGP routing table")

            if diff:
                sys.stderr.write('r%s failed Routing Table Check for view %s:\n%s\n' 
                                 % (i, view, diff))
                failures += 1
                print("r%s ok" % i)

            assert failures == 0, "Routing Table verification failed for router r%s, view %s:\n%s" % (i, view, diff)

    # Make sure that all daemons are running
    for i in range(1, 2):
        fatal_error = net['r%s' % i].checkRouterRunning()
        assert fatal_error == "", fatal_error
コード例 #15
ファイル: test_rip_topo1.py プロジェクト: xpcom-bsd/frr
def test_rip_status():
    global fatal_error
    global net

    # Skip if previous fatal error condition is raised
    if fatal_error != "":

    thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    # Verify RIP Status
    print("\n\n** Verifing RIP status")
    failures = 0
    for i in range(1, 4):
        refTableFile = "%s/r%s/rip_status.ref" % (thisDir, i)
        if os.path.isfile(refTableFile):
            # Read expected result from file
            expected = open(refTableFile).read().rstrip()
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            expected = ("\n".join(expected.splitlines()) + "\n").splitlines(1)

            # Actual output from router
            actual = (net["r%s" % i].cmd(
                'vtysh -c "show ip rip status" 2> /dev/null').rstrip())
            # Drop time in next due
            actual = re.sub(r"in [0-9]+ seconds", "in XX seconds", actual)
            # Drop time in last update
            actual = re.sub(r" [0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]", " XX:XX:XX",
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            actual = ("\n".join(actual.splitlines()) + "\n").splitlines(1)

            # Generate Diff
            diff = topotest.get_textdiff(
                title1="actual IP RIP status",
                title2="expected IP RIP status",

            # Empty string if it matches, otherwise diff contains unified diff
            if diff:
                sys.stderr.write("r%s failed IP RIP status check:\n%s\n" %
                                 (i, diff))
                failures += 1
                print("r%s ok" % i)

            assert failures == 0, "IP RIP status failed for router r%s:\n%s" % (
                i, diff)

    # Make sure that all daemons are still running
    for i in range(1, 4):
        fatal_error = net["r%s" % i].checkRouterRunning()
        assert fatal_error == "", fatal_error
コード例 #16
def test_mpls_interfaces():
    global fatal_error
    global net

    # Skip if previous fatal error condition is raised
    if (fatal_error != ""):

    # Skip if no LDP installed or old kernel
    if (net['r1'].daemon_available('ldpd') == False):
        pytest.skip("No MPLS or kernel < 4.5")

    thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    print("\n\n** Verifying MPLS Interfaces")
    failures = 0
    for i in range(1, 2):
        refTableFile = '%s/r%s/show_mpls_ldp_interface.ref' % (thisDir, i)
        if os.path.isfile(refTableFile):
            # Read expected result from file
            expected = open(refTableFile).read().rstrip()
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            expected = ('\n'.join(expected.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Actual output from router
            actual = net['r%s' % i].cmd('vtysh -c "show mpls ldp interface" 2> /dev/null').rstrip()
            # Mask out Timer in Uptime
            actual = re.sub(r" [0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9] ", " xx:xx:xx ", actual)
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            actual = ('\n'.join(actual.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Generate Diff
            diff = topotest.get_textdiff(actual, expected,
                title1="actual MPLS LDP interface status",
                title2="expected MPLS LDP interface status")

            # Empty string if it matches, otherwise diff contains unified diff
            if diff:
                sys.stderr.write('r%s failed MPLS LDP Interface status Check:\n%s\n' % (i, diff))
                failures += 1
                print("r%s ok" % i)

            if failures>0:
                fatal_error = "MPLS LDP Interface status failed"

            assert failures == 0, "MPLS LDP Interface status failed for router r%s:\n%s" % (i, diff)

    # Make sure that all daemons are running
    for i in range(1, 2):
        fatal_error = net['r%s' % i].checkRouterRunning()
        assert fatal_error == "", fatal_error
コード例 #17
def test_bgp_ipv6():
    global fatal_error
    global net

    # Skip if previous fatal error condition is raised
    if (fatal_error != ""):

    thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    print("\n\n** Verifying BGP IPv6")
    failures = 0
    for i in range(1, 2):
        refTableFile = '%s/r%s/show_bgp_ipv6.ref' % (thisDir, i)
        if os.path.isfile(refTableFile):
            # Read expected result from file
            expected = open(refTableFile).read().rstrip()
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            expected = ('\n'.join(expected.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Actual output from router
            actual = net['r%s' % i].cmd(
                'vtysh -c "show bgp ipv6" 2> /dev/null').rstrip()
            # Remove summary line (changed recently)
            actual = re.sub(r'Total number.*', '', actual)
            actual = re.sub(r'Displayed.*', '', actual)
            actual = actual.rstrip()
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            actual = ('\n'.join(actual.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Generate Diff
            diff = topotest.get_textdiff(actual,
                                         title1="actual SHOW BGP IPv6",
                                         title2="expected SHOW BGP IPv6")

            # Empty string if it matches, otherwise diff contains unified diff
            if diff:
                sys.stderr.write('r%s failed SHOW BGP IPv6 check:\n%s\n' %
                                 (i, diff))
                failures += 1
                print("r%s ok" % i)

            assert failures == 0, "SHOW BGP IPv6 failed for router r%s:\n%s" % (
                i, diff)

    # Make sure that all daemons are running
    for i in range(1, 2):
        fatal_error = net['r%s' % i].checkRouterRunning()
        assert fatal_error == "", fatal_error
コード例 #18
ファイル: test_ripng_topo1.py プロジェクト: ton31337/frr
def test_ripng_routes():
    global fatal_error
    global net

    # Skip if previous fatal error condition is raised
    if (fatal_error != ""):

    thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    # Verify RIPng Status
    print("\n\n** Verifying RIPng routes")
    failures = 0
    for i in range(1, 4):
        refTableFile = '%s/r%s/show_ipv6_ripng.ref' % (thisDir, i)
        if os.path.isfile(refTableFile):
            # Read expected result from file
            expected = open(refTableFile).read().rstrip()
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            expected = ('\n'.join(expected.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Actual output from router
            actual = net['r%s' % i].cmd('vtysh -c "show ipv6 ripng" 2> /dev/null').rstrip()
            # Drop Time
            actual = re.sub(r" [0-9][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]", " XX:XX", actual)
            # Mask out Link-Local mac address portion. They are random...
            actual = re.sub(r" fe80::[0-9a-f: ]+", " fe80::XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX   ", actual)
            # Remove trailing spaces on all lines
            actual = '\n'.join([line.rstrip() for line in actual.splitlines()])

            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            actual = ('\n'.join(actual.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Generate Diff
            diff = topotest.get_textdiff(actual, expected,
                title1="actual SHOW IPv6 RIPng",
                title2="expected SHOW IPv6 RIPng")

            # Empty string if it matches, otherwise diff contains unified diff
            if diff:
                sys.stderr.write('r%s failed SHOW IPv6 RIPng check:\n%s\n' % (i, diff))
                failures += 1
                print("r%s ok" % i)

            assert failures == 0, "SHOW IPv6 RIPng failed for router r%s:\n%s" % (i, diff)

    # Make sure that all daemons are running
    for i in range(1, 4):
        fatal_error = net['r%s' % i].checkRouterRunning()
        assert fatal_error == "", fatal_error
コード例 #19
def test_isis_interfaces():
    global fatal_error
    global net

    # Skip if previous fatal error condition is raised
    if (fatal_error != ""):

    thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    print("\n\n** Verifying ISIS interfaces")
    failures = 0
    for i in range(1, 2):
        refTableFile = '%s/r%s/show_isis_interface_detail.ref' % (thisDir, i)
        if os.path.isfile(refTableFile):
            # Read expected result from file
            expected = open(refTableFile).read().rstrip()
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            expected = ('\n'.join(expected.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Actual output from router
            actual = net['r%s' % i].cmd('vtysh -c "show isis interface detail" 2> /dev/null').rstrip()
            # Mask out Link-Local mac address portion. They are random...
            actual = re.sub(r"fe80::[0-9a-f:]+", "fe80::XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX", actual)
            # Mask out SNPA mac address portion. They are random...
            actual = re.sub(r"SNPA: [0-9a-f\.]+", "SNPA: XXXX.XXXX.XXXX", actual)
            # Mask out Circuit ID number
            actual = re.sub(r"Circuit Id: 0x[0-9]+", "Circuit Id: 0xXX", actual)
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            actual = ('\n'.join(actual.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Generate Diff
            diff = topotest.get_textdiff(actual, expected,
                title1="actual SHOW ISIS INTERFACE DETAIL",
                title2="expected SHOW ISIS OSPF6 INTERFACE DETAIL")

            # Empty string if it matches, otherwise diff contains unified diff
            if diff:
                sys.stderr.write('r%s failed SHOW ISIS INTERFACE DETAIL check:\n%s\n' % (i, diff))
                failures += 1
                print("r%s ok" % i)

            assert failures == 0, "SHOW ISIS INTERFACE DETAIL failed for router r%s:\n%s" % (i, diff)

    # Make sure that all daemons are running
    for i in range(1, 2):
        fatal_error = net['r%s' % i].checkRouterRunning()
        assert fatal_error == "", fatal_error
コード例 #20
ファイル: test_ldp_topo1.py プロジェクト: ton31337/frr
def test_mpls_ldp_discovery():
    global fatal_error
    global net
    global cli_version

    # Skip if previous fatal error condition is raised
    if (fatal_error != ""):

    thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    # Verify OSPFv3 Routing Table
    print("\n\n** Verifying MPLS LDP discovery")
    failures = 0
    for i in range(1, 5):
        refTableFile = '%s/r%s/show_mpls_ldp_discovery.ref%s' % (thisDir, i, cli_version)
        if os.path.isfile(refTableFile):
            # Actual output from router
            actual = net['r%s' % i].cmd('vtysh -c "show mpls ldp discovery" 2> /dev/null').rstrip()

            # Read expected result from file
            expected = open(refTableFile).read().rstrip()
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            expected = ('\n'.join(expected.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Actual output from router
            actual = net['r%s' % i].cmd('vtysh -c "show mpls ldp discovery" 2> /dev/null').rstrip()

            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            actual = ('\n'.join(actual.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Generate Diff
            diff = topotest.get_textdiff(actual, expected,
                title1="actual MPLS LDP discovery output",
                title2="expected MPLS LDP discovery output")

            # Empty string if it matches, otherwise diff contains unified diff
            if diff:
                sys.stderr.write('r%s failed MPLS LDP discovery output Check:\n%s\n' % (i, diff))
                failures += 1
                print("r%s ok" % i)

            assert failures == 0, "MPLS LDP Interface discovery output for router r%s:\n%s" % (i, diff)

    # Make sure that all daemons are running
    for i in range(1, 5):
        fatal_error = net['r%s' % i].checkRouterRunning()
        assert fatal_error == "", fatal_error
コード例 #21
ファイル: test_ospf6_topo1.py プロジェクト: ton31337/frr
def test_ospfv3_routingTable():
    global fatal_error
    global net

    # Skip if previous fatal error condition is raised
    if (fatal_error != ""):

    thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    # Verify OSPFv3 Routing Table
    print("\n\n** Verifying OSPFv3 Routing Table")
    failures = 0
    for i in range(1, 5):
        refTableFile = '%s/r%s/show_ipv6_route.ref' % (thisDir, i)
        if os.path.isfile(refTableFile):
            # Read expected result from file
            expected = open(refTableFile).read().rstrip()
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            expected = ('\n'.join(expected.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Actual output from router
            actual = net['r%s' % i].cmd('vtysh -c "show ipv6 route" 2> /dev/null | grep "^O"').rstrip()
            # Mask out Link-Local mac address portion. They are random...
            actual = re.sub(r" fe80::[0-9a-f:]+", " fe80::XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX", actual)
            # Drop timers on end of line (older Quagga Versions)
            actual = re.sub(r", [0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]", "", actual)
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            actual = ('\n'.join(actual.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Generate Diff
            diff = topotest.get_textdiff(actual, expected,
                title1="actual OSPFv3 IPv6 routing table",
                title2="expected OSPFv3 IPv6 routing table")

            # Empty string if it matches, otherwise diff contains unified diff
            if diff:
                sys.stderr.write('r%s failed OSPFv3 (IPv6) Routing Table Check:\n%s\n' % (i, diff))
                failures += 1
                print("r%s ok" % i)

            assert failures == 0, "OSPFv3 (IPv6) Routing Table verification failed for router r%s:\n%s" % (i, diff)

    # Make sure that all daemons are still running
    for i in range(1, 5):
        fatal_error = net['r%s' % i].checkRouterRunning()
        assert fatal_error == "", fatal_error
コード例 #22
ファイル: test_rip_topo1.py プロジェクト: ton31337/frr
def test_rip_status():
    global fatal_error
    global net

    # Skip if previous fatal error condition is raised
    if (fatal_error != ""):

    thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    # Verify RIP Status
    print("\n\n** Verifing RIP status")
    failures = 0
    for i in range(1, 4):
        refTableFile = '%s/r%s/rip_status.ref' % (thisDir, i)
        if os.path.isfile(refTableFile):
            # Read expected result from file
            expected = open(refTableFile).read().rstrip()
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            expected = ('\n'.join(expected.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Actual output from router
            actual = net['r%s' % i].cmd('vtysh -c "show ip rip status" 2> /dev/null').rstrip()
            # Drop time in next due 
            actual = re.sub(r"in [0-9]+ seconds", "in XX seconds", actual)
            # Drop time in last update
            actual = re.sub(r" [0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]", " XX:XX:XX", actual)
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            actual = ('\n'.join(actual.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Generate Diff
            diff = topotest.get_textdiff(actual, expected,
                title1="actual IP RIP status",
                title2="expected IP RIP status")

            # Empty string if it matches, otherwise diff contains unified diff
            if diff:
                sys.stderr.write('r%s failed IP RIP status check:\n%s\n' % (i, diff))
                failures += 1
                print("r%s ok" % i)

            assert failures == 0, "IP RIP status failed for router r%s:\n%s" % (i, diff)

    # Make sure that all daemons are still running
    for i in range(1, 4):
        fatal_error = net['r%s' % i].checkRouterRunning()
        assert fatal_error == "", fatal_error
コード例 #23
 def check_routes_installed():
     actual = r1.run("ip route show")
     actual = ("\n".join(actual.splitlines()) + "\n").rstrip()
     actual = re.sub(r" nhid [0-9][0-9]", "", actual)
     actual = re.sub(r" proto sharp", " proto XXXX", actual)
     actual = re.sub(r" proto static", " proto XXXX", actual)
     actual = re.sub(r" proto 194", " proto XXXX", actual)
     actual = re.sub(r" proto 196", " proto XXXX", actual)
     actual = re.sub(r" proto kernel", " proto XXXX", actual)
     actual = re.sub(r" proto 2", " proto XXXX", actual)
     # Some platforms have double spaces?  Why??????
     actual = re.sub(r"  proto XXXX  ", " proto XXXX ", actual)
     actual = re.sub(r"  metric", " metric", actual)
     actual = re.sub(r" link  ", " link ", actual)
     return topotest.get_textdiff(
         title1="Actual ip route show",
         title2="Expected ip route show",
コード例 #24
ファイル: test_ldp_topo1.py プロジェクト: ton31337/frr
def test_linux_mpls_routes():
    global fatal_error
    global net
    global cli_version

   # Skip if previous fatal error condition is raised
    if (fatal_error != ""):

    thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    # Verify OSPFv3 Routing Table
    print("\n\n** Verifying Linux Kernel MPLS routes")
    failures = 0
    for i in range(1, 5):
        refTableFile = '%s/r%s/ip_mpls_route.ref' % (thisDir, i)
        if os.path.isfile(refTableFile):
            # Read expected result from file
            expected = open(refTableFile).read().rstrip()
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            expected = ('\n'.join(expected.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Actual output from router
            actual = net['r%s' % i].cmd('ip -o -family mpls route 2> /dev/null').rstrip()

            # Mask out label and protocol
            actual = re.sub(r"[0-9][0-9] via inet ", "xx via inet ", actual)
            actual = re.sub(r"[0-9][0-9] +proto", "xx  proto", actual)
            actual = re.sub(r"[0-9][0-9] as to ", "xx as to ", actual)
            actual = re.sub(r"[ ]+proto \w+", "  proto xx", actual)

            # Sort nexthops
            nexthop_sorted = []
            for line in actual.splitlines():
                tokens = re.split(r'\\\t', line.strip())
                nexthop_sorted.append('{} {}'.format(
                    ' '.join([ token.strip() for token in sorted(tokens[1:]) ])

            # Sort lines and fixup differences between old and new iproute
            actual = '\n'.join(sorted(nexthop_sorted))
            actual = re.sub(r"nexthop via", "nexthopvia", actual)
            actual = re.sub(r" nexthop as to xx via inet ", " nexthopvia inet ", actual)
            actual = re.sub(r" weight 1", "", actual)
            actual = re.sub(r" [ ]+", " ", actual)

            # put \n back at line ends
            actual = ('\n'.join(actual.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Generate Diff
            diff = topotest.get_textdiff(actual, expected,
                title1="actual Linux Kernel MPLS route",
                title2="expected Linux Kernel MPLS route")

            # Empty string if it matches, otherwise diff contains unified diff
            if diff:
                sys.stderr.write('r%s failed Linux Kernel MPLS route output Check:\n%s\n' % (i, diff))
                failures += 1
                print("r%s ok" % i)

            assert failures == 0, "Linux Kernel MPLS route output for router r%s:\n%s" % (i, diff)

    # Make sure that all daemons are running
    for i in range(1, 5):
        fatal_error = net['r%s' % i].checkRouterRunning()
        assert fatal_error == "", fatal_error
コード例 #25
def test_linux_mpls_routes():
    global fatal_error
    global net

    # Skip if previous fatal error condition is raised
    if fatal_error != "":

    thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    # Verify Linux Kernel MPLS routes
    print("\n\n** Verifying Linux Kernel MPLS routes")
    failures = 0
    for i in range(1, 5):
        refTableFile = "%s/r%s/ip_mpls_route.ref" % (thisDir, i)
        if os.path.isfile(refTableFile):
            # Read expected result from file
            expected = open(refTableFile).read().rstrip()
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            expected = ("\n".join(expected.splitlines()) + "\n").splitlines(1)

            # Actual output from router
            actual = (
                net["r%s" %
                    i].cmd("ip -o -family mpls route 2> /dev/null").rstrip())

            # Mask out label and protocol
            actual = re.sub(r"[0-9][0-9] via inet ", "xx via inet ", actual)
            actual = re.sub(r"[0-9][0-9] +proto", "xx  proto", actual)
            actual = re.sub(r"[0-9][0-9] as to ", "xx as to ", actual)
            actual = re.sub(r"[ ]+proto \w+", "  proto xx", actual)

            # Sort nexthops
            nexthop_sorted = []
            for line in actual.splitlines():
                tokens = re.split(r"\\\t", line.strip())
                nexthop_sorted.append("{} {}".format(
                    " ".join([token.strip() for token in sorted(tokens[1:])]),

            # Sort lines and fixup differences between old and new iproute
            actual = "\n".join(sorted(nexthop_sorted))
            actual = re.sub(r"nexthop via", "nexthopvia", actual)
            actual = re.sub(r" nexthop as to xx via inet ",
                            " nexthopvia inet ", actual)
            actual = re.sub(r" weight 1", "", actual)
            actual = re.sub(r" [ ]+", " ", actual)

            # put \n back at line ends
            actual = ("\n".join(actual.splitlines()) + "\n").splitlines(1)

            # Generate Diff
            diff = topotest.get_textdiff(
                title1="actual Linux Kernel MPLS route",
                title2="expected Linux Kernel MPLS route",

            # Empty string if it matches, otherwise diff contains unified diff
            if diff:
                    "r%s failed Linux Kernel MPLS route output Check:\n%s\n" %
                    (i, diff))
                failures += 1
                print("r%s ok" % i)

            assert (
                failures == 0
            ), "Linux Kernel MPLS route output for router r%s:\n%s" % (i, diff)

    # Make sure that all daemons are running
    for i in range(1, 5):
        fatal_error = net["r%s" % i].checkRouterRunning()
        assert fatal_error == "", fatal_error
コード例 #26
def test_mpls_table():
    global fatal_error
    global net

    # Skip if previous fatal error condition is raised
    if fatal_error != "":

    thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    # Verify MPLS table
    print("\n\n** Verifying MPLS table")
    failures = 0

    for i in range(1, 5):
        refTableFile = "%s/r%s/show_mpls_table.ref" % (thisDir, i)
        if os.path.isfile(refTableFile):
            # Read expected result from file
            expected = open(refTableFile).read()
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            expected = ("\n".join(expected.splitlines()) + "\n").splitlines(1)

            # Actual output from router
            actual = net["r%s" %
                         i].cmd('vtysh -c "show mpls table" 2> /dev/null')

            # Fix inconsistent Label numbers at beginning of line
            actual = re.sub(r"(\s+)[0-9]+(\s+LDP)", r"\1XX\2", actual)
            # Fix inconsistent Label numbers at end of line
            actual = re.sub(
                r"(\s+[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\s+)[0-9][0-9]", r"\1XX",

            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            actual = ("\n".join(actual.splitlines()) + "\n").splitlines(1)

            # Sort lines which start with "      XX      LDP"
            pattern = r"^\s+[0-9X]+\s+LDP"
            swapped = True
            while swapped:
                swapped = False
                for j in range(1, len(actual)):
                    if re.search(pattern, actual[j]) and re.search(
                            pattern, actual[j - 1]):
                        if actual[j - 1] > actual[j]:
                            temp = actual[j - 1]
                            actual[j - 1] = actual[j]
                            actual[j] = temp
                            swapped = True

            # Generate Diff
            diff = topotest.get_textdiff(
                title1="actual MPLS table output",
                title2="expected MPLS table output",

            # Empty string if it matches, otherwise diff contains unified diff
            if diff:
                sys.stderr.write("r%s failed MPLS table output Check:\n%s\n" %
                                 (i, diff))
                failures += 1
                print("r%s ok" % i)

            assert failures == 0, "MPLS table output for router r%s:\n%s" % (
                i, diff)

    # Make sure that all daemons are running
    for i in range(1, 5):
        fatal_error = net["r%s" % i].checkRouterRunning()
        assert fatal_error == "", fatal_error
コード例 #27
def test_zebra_ipv4_routingTable():
    global fatal_error
    global net

    # Skip if previous fatal error condition is raised
    if fatal_error != "":

    thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    # Verify Zebra IPv4 Routing Table
    print("\n\n** Verifying Zebra IPv4 Routing Table")
    failures = 0
    for i in range(1, 5):
        refTableFile = "%s/r%s/show_ipv4_route.ref" % (thisDir, i)
        if os.path.isfile(refTableFile):
            # Read expected result from file
            expected = open(refTableFile).read().rstrip()

            # Actual output from router
            actual = (net["r%s" % i].cmd(
                'vtysh -c "show ip route" 2> /dev/null | grep "^O"').rstrip())
            # Drop timers on end of line (older Quagga Versions)
            actual = re.sub(r", [0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]", "", actual)

            # Mask out label - all LDP labels should be >= 10 (2-digit)
            #   leaving the implicit labels unmasked
            actual = re.sub(r" label [0-9][0-9]+", " label xxx", actual)
            #   and translating remaining implicit (single-digit) labels to label implicit-null
            actual = re.sub(r" label [0-9]+", " label implicit-null", actual)
            # Check if we have implicit labels - if not, then remove them from reference
            if not re.search(r" label implicit-null", actual):
                expected = re.sub(r", label implicit-null", "", expected)

            # now fix newlines of expected (make them all the same)
            expected = ("\n".join(expected.splitlines()) + "\n").splitlines(1)

            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            actual = ("\n".join(actual.splitlines()) + "\n").splitlines(1)

            # Generate Diff
            diff = topotest.get_textdiff(
                title1="actual IPv4 zebra routing table",
                title2="expected IPv4 zebra routing table",

            # Empty string if it matches, otherwise diff contains unified diff
            if diff:
                    "r%s failed IPv4 Zebra Routing Table Check:\n%s\n" %
                    (i, diff))
                failures += 1
                print("r%s ok" % i)

            assert failures == 0, (
                "IPv4 Zebra Routing Table verification failed for router r%s:\n%s"
                % (i, diff))

    # Make sure that all daemons are running
    for i in range(1, 5):
        fatal_error = net["r%s" % i].checkRouterRunning()
        assert fatal_error == "", fatal_error
コード例 #28
def test_mpls_ldp_binding():
    global fatal_error
    global net

    # Skip this test for now until proper sorting of the output
    # is implemented
    # pytest.skip("Skipping test_mpls_ldp_binding")

    # Skip if previous fatal error condition is raised
    if fatal_error != "":

    thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    # Verify MPLS LDP binding
    print("\n\n** Verifying MPLS LDP binding")
    failures = 0
    for i in range(1, 5):
        refTableFile = "%s/r%s/show_mpls_ldp_binding.ref" % (thisDir, i)
        if os.path.isfile(refTableFile):
            # Read expected result from file
            expected = open(refTableFile).read().rstrip()
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            expected = ("\n".join(expected.splitlines()) + "\n").splitlines(1)

            # Actual output from router
            actual = (net["r%s" % i].cmd(
                'vtysh -c "show mpls ldp binding" 2> /dev/null').rstrip())

            # Mask out changing parts in output
            # Mask out label
            actual = re.sub(r"(ipv4 [0-9\./]+ +[0-9\.]+ +)[0-9][0-9] (.*)",
                            r"\1xxx\2", actual)
            actual = re.sub(
                r"(ipv4 [0-9\./]+ +[0-9\.]+ +[a-z\-]+ +)[0-9][0-9] (.*)",

            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            actual = ("\n".join(actual.splitlines()) + "\n").splitlines(1)

            # Sort lines which start with "xx via inet "
            pattern = r"^\s+[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\s+"
            swapped = True
            while swapped:
                swapped = False
                for j in range(1, len(actual)):
                    if re.search(pattern, actual[j]) and re.search(
                            pattern, actual[j - 1]):
                        if actual[j - 1] > actual[j]:
                            temp = actual[j - 1]
                            actual[j - 1] = actual[j]
                            actual[j] = temp
                            swapped = True

            # Generate Diff
            diff = topotest.get_textdiff(
                title1="actual MPLS LDP binding output",
                title2="expected MPLS LDP binding output",

            # Empty string if it matches, otherwise diff contains unified diff
            if diff:
                    "r%s failed MPLS LDP binding output Check:\n%s\n" %
                    (i, diff))
                failures += 1
                print("r%s ok" % i)

            assert (
                failures == 0
            ), "MPLS LDP Interface binding output for router r%s:\n%s" % (i,

    # Make sure that all daemons are running
    for i in range(1, 5):
        fatal_error = net["r%s" % i].checkRouterRunning()
        assert fatal_error == "", fatal_error
コード例 #29
def test_bgp_routingTable():
    global fatal_error
    global net

    # Skip if previous fatal error condition is raised
    if (fatal_error != ""):

    thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    print("\n\n** Verifying BGP Routing Tables")
    diffresult = {}
    for i in range(1, 2):
        for view in range(1, 4):
            success = 0
            # This glob pattern should work as long as number of views < 10
            for refTableFile in (glob.glob(
                '%s/r%s/show_ip_bgp_view_%s*.ref' % (thisDir, i, view))):

                if os.path.isfile(refTableFile):
                    # Read expected result from file
                    expected = open(refTableFile).read().rstrip()
                    # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
                    expected = ('\n'.join(expected.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

                    # Actual output from router
                    actual = net['r%s' % i].cmd('vtysh -c "show ip bgp view %s" 2> /dev/null' % view).rstrip()
                    # Fix inconsitent spaces between 0.99.24 and newer versions of Quagga...
                    actual = re.sub('0             0', '0              0', actual)
                    actual = re.sub(r'([0-9])         32768', r'\1          32768', actual)
                    # Remove summary line (changed recently)
                    actual = re.sub(r'Total number.*', '', actual)
                    actual = re.sub(r'Displayed.*', '', actual)
                    actual = actual.rstrip()
                    # Fix table version (ignore it)
                    actual = re.sub(r'(BGP table version is )[0-9]+', r'\1XXX', actual)

                    # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
                    actual = ('\n'.join(actual.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

                # Generate Diff
                diff = topotest.get_textdiff(actual, expected,
                    title1="actual BGP routing table",
                    title2="expected BGP routing table")

                if diff:
                    diffresult[refTableFile] = diff
                    success = 1
                    print("template %s matched: r%s ok" % (refTableFile, i))

            if not success:
                resultstr = 'No template matched.\n'
                for f in diffresult.iterkeys():
                    resultstr += (
                        'template %s: r%s failed Routing Table Check for view %s:\n%s\n'
                        % (f, i, view, diffresult[f]))
                raise AssertionError(
                    "Routing Table verification failed for router r%s, view %s:\n%s" % (i, view, resultstr))

    # Make sure that all daemons are running
    for i in range(1, 2):
        fatal_error = net['r%s' % i].checkRouterRunning()
        assert fatal_error == "", fatal_error
コード例 #30
def test_linux_ipv6_kernel_routingTable():

    # Required linux kernel version for this suite to run.
    result = required_linux_kernel_version("4.15")
    if result is not True:
        pytest.skip("Kernel requirements are not met")

    # iproute2 needs to support VRFs for this suite to run.
    if not iproute2_is_vrf_capable():
        pytest.skip("Installed iproute2 version does not support VRFs")

    tgen = get_topogen()

    if tgen.routers_have_failure():
        pytest.skip("skipped because of router(s) failure")

    # Verify Linux Kernel Routing Table
    logger.info("Verifying Linux IPv6 Kernel Routing Table")

    failures = 0

    # Get a list of all current link-local addresses first as they change for
    # each run and we need to translate them
    linklocals = []
    for i in range(1, 5):
        linklocals += tgen.net["r{}".format(i)].get_ipv6_linklocal()

    # Now compare the routing tables (after substituting link-local addresses)

    for i in range(1, 5):
        # Actual output from router
        actual = tgen.gears["r{}".format(i)].run(
            "ip -6 route show vrf r{}-cust1".format(i)).rstrip()
        if "nhid" in actual:
            refTableFile = os.path.join(CWD,
            refTableFile = os.path.join(CWD, "r{}/ip_6_address.ref".format(i))

        if os.path.isfile(refTableFile):
            expected = open(refTableFile).read().rstrip()
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            expected = ("\n".join(expected.splitlines())).splitlines(1)

            # Mask out Link-Local mac addresses
            for ll in linklocals:
                actual = actual.replace(ll[1], "fe80::__(%s)__" % ll[0])
            # Mask out protocol name or number
            actual = re.sub(r"[ ]+proto [0-9a-z]+ +", "  proto XXXX ", actual)
            actual = re.sub(r"[ ]+nhid [0-9]+ +", " nhid XXXX ", actual)
            # Remove ff00::/8 routes (seen on some kernels - not from FRR)
            actual = re.sub(r"ff00::/8.*", "", actual)

            # Strip empty lines
            actual = actual.lstrip()
            actual = actual.rstrip()
            actual = re.sub(r"  +", " ", actual)

            filtered_lines = []
            for line in sorted(actual.splitlines()):
                if line.startswith("fe80::/64 ") or line.startswith(
                        "unreachable fe80::/64 "):
                if 'anycast' in line:
                if 'multicast' in line:
            actual = "\n".join(filtered_lines).splitlines(1)

            # Print Actual table
            # logger.info("Router r%s table" % i)
            # for line in actual:
            #     logger.info(line.rstrip())

            # Generate Diff
            diff = topotest.get_textdiff(
                title1="actual OSPFv3 IPv6 routing table",
                title2="expected OSPFv3 IPv6 routing table",

            # Empty string if it matches, otherwise diff contains unified diff
            if diff:
                    "r%s failed Linux IPv6 Kernel Routing Table Check:\n%s\n" %
                    (i, diff))
                failures += 1
                logger.info("r%s ok" % i)

            assert failures == 0, (
                "Linux Kernel IPv6 Routing Table verification failed for router r%s:\n%s"
                % (i, diff))
コード例 #31
ファイル: test_ldp_topo1.py プロジェクト: ton31337/frr
def test_zebra_ipv4_routingTable():
    global fatal_error
    global net
    global cli_version

    # Skip if previous fatal error condition is raised
    if (fatal_error != ""):

    thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    # Verify OSPFv3 Routing Table
    print("\n\n** Verifying Zebra IPv4 Routing Table")
    failures = 0
    for i in range(1, 5):
        refTableFile = '%s/r%s/show_ipv4_route.ref%s' % (thisDir, i, cli_version)
        if os.path.isfile(refTableFile):
            # Read expected result from file
            expected = open(refTableFile).read().rstrip()

            # Actual output from router
            actual = net['r%s' % i].cmd('vtysh -c "show ip route" 2> /dev/null | grep "^O"').rstrip()
            # Drop timers on end of line (older Quagga Versions)
            actual = re.sub(r", [0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]", "", actual)

            # Mask out label - all LDP labels should be >= 10 (2-digit)
            #   leaving the implicit labels unmasked
            actual = re.sub(r" label [0-9][0-9]+", " label xxx", actual)
            #   and translating remaining implicit (single-digit) labels to label implicit-null
            actual = re.sub(r" label [0-9]+", " label implicit-null", actual)
            # Check if we have implicit labels - if not, then remove them from reference
            if (not re.search(r" label implicit-null", actual)):
                expected = re.sub(r", label implicit-null", "", expected)

            # now fix newlines of expected (make them all the same)
            expected = ('\n'.join(expected.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Add missing comma before label (for old version)
            actual = re.sub(r"([0-9]) label ", r"\1, label ", actual)

            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            actual = ('\n'.join(actual.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Generate Diff
            diff = topotest.get_textdiff(actual, expected,
                title1="actual IPv4 zebra routing table",
                title2="expected IPv4 zebra routing table")

            # Empty string if it matches, otherwise diff contains unified diff
            if diff:
                sys.stderr.write('r%s failed IPv4 Zebra Routing Table Check:\n%s\n' % (i, diff))
                failures += 1
                print("r%s ok" % i)

            assert failures == 0, "IPv4 Zebra Routing Table verification failed for router r%s:\n%s" % (i, diff)

    # Make sure that all daemons are running
    for i in range(1, 5):
        fatal_error = net['r%s' % i].checkRouterRunning()
        assert fatal_error == "", fatal_error
コード例 #32
def test_linux_ipv6_kernel_routingTable():
    global fatal_error
    global net

    # Skip if previous fatal error condition is raised
    if (fatal_error != ""):

    thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    # Verify Linux Kernel Routing Table
    print("\n\n** Verifying Linux IPv6 Kernel Routing Table")
    failures = 0

    # Get a list of all current link-local addresses first as they change for
    # each run and we need to translate them
    linklocals = []
    for i in range(1, 5):
        linklocals += net['r%s' % i].get_ipv6_linklocal()

    # Now compare the routing tables (after substituting link-local addresses)
    for i in range(1, 5):
        refTableFile = '%s/r%s/ip_6_address.ref' % (thisDir, i)
        if os.path.isfile(refTableFile):

            expected = open(refTableFile).read().rstrip()
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            expected = ('\n'.join(expected.splitlines())).splitlines(1)

            # Actual output from router
            actual = net['r%s' % i].cmd('ip -6 route').rstrip()
            # Mask out Link-Local mac addresses
            for ll in linklocals:
                actual = actual.replace(ll[1], "fe80::__(%s)__" % ll[0])
            # Mask out protocol name or number
            actual = re.sub(r" proto [0-9a-z]+ ", " proto XXXX ", actual)
            # Remove ff00::/8 routes (seen on some kernels - not from FRR)
            actual = re.sub(r'ff00::/8.*', '', actual)

            # Strip empty lines
            actual = actual.lstrip()
            actual = actual.rstrip()

            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            actual = ('\n'.join(actual.splitlines())).splitlines(1)

            # Print Actual table
            # print("Router r%s table" % i)
            # for line in actual:
            #     print(line.rstrip())

            # Generate Diff
            diff = topotest.get_textdiff(
                title1="actual OSPFv3 IPv6 routing table",
                title2="expected OSPFv3 IPv6 routing table")

            # Empty string if it matches, otherwise diff contains unified diff
            if diff:
                    'r%s failed Linux IPv6 Kernel Routing Table Check:\n%s\n' %
                    (i, diff))
                failures += 1
                print("r%s ok" % i)

            assert failures == 0, "Linux Kernel IPv6 Routing Table verification failed for router r%s:\n%s" % (
                i, diff)
コード例 #33
def test_converge_protocols():
    global fatal_error
    global net

    # Skip if previous fatal error condition is raised
    if (fatal_error != ""):

    thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    print("\n\n** Waiting for protocols convergence")

    # Not really implemented yet - just sleep 60 secs for now

    # Make sure that all daemons are running
    failures = 0
    for i in range(1, 2):
        fatal_error = net['r%s' % i].checkRouterRunning()
        assert fatal_error == "", fatal_error

        print("Show that v4 routes are right\n");
        v4_routesFile = '%s/r%s/ipv4_routes.ref' % (thisDir, i)
        expected = open(v4_routesFile).read().rstrip()
        expected = ('\n'.join(expected.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

        actual = net['r%s' %i].cmd('vtysh -c "show ip route" | /usr/bin/tail -n +7 | sort 2> /dev/null').rstrip()
        # Drop time in last update
        actual = re.sub(r" [0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]", " XX:XX:XX", actual)
        actual = ('\n'.join(actual.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)
        diff = topotest.get_textdiff(actual, expected,
                                     title1="Actual IP Routing Table",
                                     title2="Expected IP RoutingTable")
        if diff:
            sys.stderr.write('r%s failed IP Routing table check:\n%s\n' % (i, diff))
            failures += 1
            print("r%s ok" %i)

        assert failures == 0, "IP Routing table failed for r%s\n%s" % (i, diff)

        failures = 0

        print("Show that v6 routes are right\n")
        v6_routesFile = '%s/r%s/ipv6_routes.ref' % (thisDir, i)
        expected = open(v6_routesFile).read().rstrip()
        expected = ('\n'.join(expected.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

        actual = net['r%s' %i].cmd('vtysh -c "show ipv6 route" | /usr/bin/tail -n +7 | sort 2> /dev/null').rstrip()
        # Drop time in last update
        actual = re.sub(r" [0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]", " XX:XX:XX", actual)
        actual = ('\n'.join(actual.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)
        diff = topotest.get_textdiff(actual, expected,
                                     title1="Actual IPv6 Routing Table",
                                     title2="Expected IPv6 RoutingTable")
        if diff:
            sys.stderr.write('r%s failed IPv6 Routing table check:\n%s\n' % (i, diff))
            failures += 1
            print("r%s ok" %i)

        assert failures == 0, "IPv6 Routing table failed for r%s\n%s" % (i, diff)
コード例 #34
ファイル: test_ospf6_topo1.py プロジェクト: ton31337/frr
def test_linux_ipv6_kernel_routingTable():
    global fatal_error
    global net

    # Skip if previous fatal error condition is raised
    if (fatal_error != ""):

    thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    # Verify Linux Kernel Routing Table
    print("\n\n** Verifying Linux IPv6 Kernel Routing Table")
    failures = 0

    # Get a list of all current link-local addresses first as they change for
    # each run and we need to translate them
    linklocals = []
    for i in range(1, 5):
        linklocals += net['r%s' % i].get_ipv6_linklocal()

    # Now compare the routing tables (after substituting link-local addresses)        
    for i in range(1, 5):
        refTableFile = '%s/r%s/ip_6_address.ref' % (thisDir, i)
        if os.path.isfile(refTableFile):

            expected = open(refTableFile).read().rstrip()
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            expected = ('\n'.join(expected.splitlines())).splitlines(1)

            # Actual output from router
            actual = net['r%s' % i].cmd('ip -6 route').rstrip()
            # Mask out Link-Local mac addresses
            for ll in linklocals:
                actual = actual.replace(ll[1], "fe80::__(%s)__" % ll[0])
            # Mask out protocol name or number
            actual = re.sub(r"[ ]+proto [0-9a-z]+ +", "  proto XXXX ", actual)
            # Remove ff00::/8 routes (seen on some kernels - not from FRR)
            actual = re.sub(r'ff00::/8.*', '', actual)

            # Strip empty lines
            actual = actual.lstrip()
            actual = actual.rstrip()
            actual = re.sub(r'  +', ' ', actual)

            filtered_lines = []
            for line in sorted(actual.splitlines()):
                if line.startswith('fe80::/64 ') \
                        or line.startswith('unreachable fe80::/64 '):
            actual = '\n'.join(filtered_lines).splitlines(1)

            # Print Actual table
            # print("Router r%s table" % i)
            # for line in actual:
            #     print(line.rstrip())

            # Generate Diff
            diff = topotest.get_textdiff(actual, expected,
                title1="actual OSPFv3 IPv6 routing table",
                title2="expected OSPFv3 IPv6 routing table")

            # Empty string if it matches, otherwise diff contains unified diff
            if diff:
                sys.stderr.write('r%s failed Linux IPv6 Kernel Routing Table Check:\n%s\n' % (i, diff))
                failures += 1
                print("r%s ok" % i)

            assert failures == 0, "Linux Kernel IPv6 Routing Table verification failed for router r%s:\n%s" % (i, diff)
コード例 #35
ファイル: test_ldp_topo1.py プロジェクト: ton31337/frr
def test_mpls_table():
    global fatal_error
    global net
    global cli_version

    # Skip if previous fatal error condition is raised
    if (fatal_error != ""):

    thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    # Verify OSPFv3 Routing Table
    print("\n\n** Verifying MPLS table")
    failures = 0

    version = cli_version
    if (version == ""):
        # check for new output without implicit-null
        output = net['r1'].cmd('vtysh -c "show mpls table" 2> /dev/null').rstrip()
        if 'LDP         3' in output:
            version = "-no-impl-null"

    for i in range(1, 5):
        refTableFile = '%s/r%s/show_mpls_table.ref%s' % (thisDir, i, version)
        if os.path.isfile(refTableFile):
            # Read expected result from file
            expected = open(refTableFile).read().rstrip()
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            expected = ('\n'.join(expected.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Actual output from router
            actual = net['r%s' % i].cmd('vtysh -c "show mpls table" 2> /dev/null').rstrip()
            # Fix inconsistent Label numbers at beginning of line
            actual = re.sub(r"(\s+)[0-9]+(\s+LDP)", r"\1XX\2", actual)
            # Fix inconsistent Label numbers at end of line
            actual = re.sub(r"(\s+[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\s+)[0-9][0-9]", r"\1XX", actual)

            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            actual = ('\n'.join(actual.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Sort lines which start with "      XX      LDP"
            pattern = r'^\s+[0-9X]+\s+LDP'
            swapped = True
            while swapped:
                swapped = False
                for j in range(1, len(actual)):
                    if re.search(pattern, actual[j]) and re.search(pattern, actual[j-1]):
                        if actual[j-1] > actual[j]:
                            temp = actual[j-1]
                            actual[j-1] = actual[j]
                            actual[j] = temp
                            swapped = True

            # Generate Diff
            diff = topotest.get_textdiff(actual, expected,
                title1="actual MPLS table output",
                title2="expected MPLS table output")

            # Empty string if it matches, otherwise diff contains unified diff
            if diff:
                sys.stderr.write('r%s failed MPLS table output Check:\n%s\n' % (i, diff))
                failures += 1
                print("r%s ok" % i)

            assert failures == 0, "MPLS table output for router r%s:\n%s" % (i, diff)

    # Make sure that all daemons are running
    for i in range(1, 5):
        fatal_error = net['r%s' % i].checkRouterRunning()
        assert fatal_error == "", fatal_error
コード例 #36
def test_converge_protocols():
    global fatal_error
    global net

    # Skip if previous fatal error condition is raised
    if (fatal_error != ""):

    thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    print("\n\n** Waiting for protocols convergence")

    # Not really implemented yet - just sleep 60 secs for now

    # Make sure that all daemons are running
    failures = 0
    for i in range(1, 2):
        fatal_error = net['r%s' % i].checkRouterRunning()
        assert fatal_error == "", fatal_error

        print("Show that v4 routes are right\n")
        v4_routesFile = '%s/r%s/ipv4_routes.ref' % (thisDir, i)
        expected = open(v4_routesFile).read().rstrip()
        expected = ('\n'.join(expected.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

        actual = net['r%s' % i].cmd(
            'vtysh -c "show ip route" | /usr/bin/tail -n +7 | env LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 sort 2> /dev/null'
        # Drop time in last update
        actual = re.sub(r" [0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]", " XX:XX:XX",
        actual = ('\n'.join(actual.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)
        diff = topotest.get_textdiff(actual,
                                     title1="Actual IP Routing Table",
                                     title2="Expected IP RoutingTable")
        if diff:
            sys.stderr.write('r%s failed IP Routing table check:\n%s\n' %
                             (i, diff))
            failures += 1
            print("r%s ok" % i)

        assert failures == 0, "IP Routing table failed for r%s\n%s" % (i, diff)

        failures = 0

        print("Show that v6 routes are right\n")
        v6_routesFile = '%s/r%s/ipv6_routes.ref' % (thisDir, i)
        expected = open(v6_routesFile).read().rstrip()
        expected = ('\n'.join(expected.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

        actual = net['r%s' % i].cmd(
            'vtysh -c "show ipv6 route" | /usr/bin/tail -n +7 | env LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 sort 2> /dev/null'
        # Drop time in last update
        actual = re.sub(r" [0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]", " XX:XX:XX",
        actual = ('\n'.join(actual.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)
        diff = topotest.get_textdiff(actual,
                                     title1="Actual IPv6 Routing Table",
                                     title2="Expected IPv6 RoutingTable")
        if diff:
            sys.stderr.write('r%s failed IPv6 Routing table check:\n%s\n' %
                             (i, diff))
            failures += 1
            print("r%s ok" % i)

        assert failures == 0, "IPv6 Routing table failed for r%s\n%s" % (i,
コード例 #37
ファイル: test_ospf6_topo1.py プロジェクト: srishrir/frr
def test_linux_ipv6_kernel_routingTable():

    tgen = get_topogen()

    if tgen.routers_have_failure():
        pytest.skip('skipped because of router(s) failure')

    # Verify Linux Kernel Routing Table
    logger.info("Verifying Linux IPv6 Kernel Routing Table")

    failures = 0

    # Get a list of all current link-local addresses first as they change for
    # each run and we need to translate them
    linklocals = []
    for i in range(1, 5):
        linklocals += tgen.net['r{}'.format(i)].get_ipv6_linklocal()

    # Now compare the routing tables (after substituting link-local addresses)

    for i in range(1, 5):
        # Actual output from router
        actual = tgen.gears['r{}'.format(i)].run('ip -6 route').rstrip()
        if "nhid" in actual:
            refTableFile = os.path.join(CWD, 'r{}/ip_6_address.nhg.ref'.format(i))
            refTableFile = os.path.join(CWD, 'r{}/ip_6_address.ref'.format(i))

        if os.path.isfile(refTableFile):
            expected = open(refTableFile).read().rstrip()
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            expected = ('\n'.join(expected.splitlines())).splitlines(1)

            # Mask out Link-Local mac addresses
            for ll in linklocals:
                actual = actual.replace(ll[1], "fe80::__(%s)__" % ll[0])
            # Mask out protocol name or number
            actual = re.sub(r"[ ]+proto [0-9a-z]+ +", "  proto XXXX ", actual)
            actual = re.sub(r"[ ]+nhid [0-9]+ +", " nhid XXXX ", actual)
            # Remove ff00::/8 routes (seen on some kernels - not from FRR)
            actual = re.sub(r'ff00::/8.*', '', actual)

            # Strip empty lines
            actual = actual.lstrip()
            actual = actual.rstrip()
            actual = re.sub(r'  +', ' ', actual)

            filtered_lines = []
            for line in sorted(actual.splitlines()):
                if line.startswith('fe80::/64 ') \
                        or line.startswith('unreachable fe80::/64 '):
            actual = '\n'.join(filtered_lines).splitlines(1)

            # Print Actual table
            # logger.info("Router r%s table" % i)
            # for line in actual:
            #     logger.info(line.rstrip())

            # Generate Diff
            diff = topotest.get_textdiff(actual, expected,
                title1="actual OSPFv3 IPv6 routing table",
                title2="expected OSPFv3 IPv6 routing table")

            # Empty string if it matches, otherwise diff contains unified diff
            if diff:
                sys.stderr.write('r%s failed Linux IPv6 Kernel Routing Table Check:\n%s\n' % (i, diff))
                failures += 1
                logger.info("r%s ok" % i)

            assert failures == 0, "Linux Kernel IPv6 Routing Table verification failed for router r%s:\n%s" % (i, diff)
コード例 #38
def test_bgp_ipv6_summary():
    global fatal_error
    global net

    # Skip if previous fatal error condition is raised
    if (fatal_error != ""):

    thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    print("\n\n** Verifying BGP IPv6 Summary")
    failures = 0
    for i in range(1, 2):
        refTableFile = '%s/r%s/show_bgp_ipv6_summary.ref' % (thisDir, i)
        if os.path.isfile(refTableFile):
            # Read expected result from file
            expected = open(refTableFile).read().rstrip()
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            expected = ('\n'.join(expected.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Actual output from router
            actual = net['r%s' % i].cmd(
                'vtysh -c "show bgp ipv6 summary" 2> /dev/null').rstrip()
            # Mask out "using XXiXX bytes" portion. They are random...
            actual = re.sub(r"using [0-9]+ bytes", "using XXXX bytes", actual)
            # Mask out "using XiXXX KiB" portion. They are random...
            actual = re.sub(r"using [0-9]+ KiB", "using XXXX KiB", actual)
            # Remove extra summaries which exist with newer versions
            # Remove summary lines (changed recently)
            actual = re.sub(r'Total number.*', '', actual)
            actual = re.sub(r'Displayed.*', '', actual)
            # Remove IPv4 Unicast Summary (Title only)
            actual = re.sub(r'IPv6 Unicast Summary:', '', actual)
            # Remove IPv4 Multicast Summary (all of it)
            actual = re.sub(r'IPv6 Multicast Summary:', '', actual)
            actual = re.sub(r'No IPv6 Multicast neighbor is configured', '',
            # Remove IPv4 VPN Summary (all of it)
            actual = re.sub(r'IPv6 VPN Summary:', '', actual)
            actual = re.sub(r'No IPv6 VPN neighbor is configured', '', actual)
            # Remove IPv4 Encap Summary (all of it)
            actual = re.sub(r'IPv6 Encap Summary:', '', actual)
            actual = re.sub(r'No IPv6 Encap neighbor is configured', '',
            # Remove Unknown Summary (all of it)
            actual = re.sub(r'Unknown Summary:', '', actual)
            actual = re.sub(r'No Unknown neighbor is configured', '', actual)

            # Remove Labeled Unicast Summary (all of it)
            actual = re.sub(r'IPv6 labeled-unicast Summary:', '', actual)
            actual = re.sub(r'No IPv6 labeled-unicast neighbor is configured',
                            '', actual)

            # Strip empty lines
            actual = actual.lstrip()
            actual = actual.rstrip()
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            actual = ('\n'.join(actual.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Generate Diff
            diff = topotest.get_textdiff(
                title1="actual SHOW BGP IPv6 SUMMARY",
                title2="expected SHOW BGP IPv6 SUMMARY")

            # Empty string if it matches, otherwise diff contains unified diff
            if diff:
                    'r%s failed SHOW BGP IPv6 SUMMARY check:\n%s\n' %
                    (i, diff))
                failures += 1
                print("r%s ok" % i)

            assert failures == 0, "SHOW BGP IPv6 SUMMARY failed for router r%s:\n%s" % (
                i, diff)

    # Make sure that all daemons are running
    for i in range(1, 2):
        fatal_error = net['r%s' % i].checkRouterRunning()
        assert fatal_error == "", fatal_error
コード例 #39
def test_bgp_ipv6_summary():
    global fatal_error
    global net

    # Skip if previous fatal error condition is raised
    if (fatal_error != ""):

    thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    print("\n\n** Verifying BGP IPv6 Summary")
    failures = 0
    for i in range(1, 2):
        refTableFile = '%s/r%s/show_bgp_ipv6_summary.ref' % (thisDir, i)
        if os.path.isfile(refTableFile):
            # Read expected result from file
            expected = open(refTableFile).read().rstrip()
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            expected = ('\n'.join(expected.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Actual output from router
            actual = net['r%s' % i].cmd('vtysh -c "show bgp ipv6 summary" 2> /dev/null').rstrip()
            # Mask out "using XXiXX bytes" portion. They are random...
            actual = re.sub(r"using [0-9]+ bytes", "using XXXX bytes", actual)
            # Mask out "using XiXXX KiB" portion. They are random...
            actual = re.sub(r"using [0-9]+ KiB", "using XXXX KiB", actual)
            # Remove extra summaries which exist with newer versions
            # Remove summary lines (changed recently)
            actual = re.sub(r'Total number.*', '', actual)
            actual = re.sub(r'Displayed.*', '', actual)
            # Remove IPv4 Unicast Summary (Title only)
            actual = re.sub(r'IPv6 Unicast Summary:', '', actual)
            # Remove IPv4 Multicast Summary (all of it)
            actual = re.sub(r'IPv6 Multicast Summary:', '', actual)
            actual = re.sub(r'No IPv6 Multicast neighbor is configured', '', actual)
            # Remove IPv4 VPN Summary (all of it)
            actual = re.sub(r'IPv6 VPN Summary:', '', actual)
            actual = re.sub(r'No IPv6 VPN neighbor is configured', '', actual)
            # Remove IPv4 Encap Summary (all of it)
            actual = re.sub(r'IPv6 Encap Summary:', '', actual)
            actual = re.sub(r'No IPv6 Encap neighbor is configured', '', actual)
            # Remove Unknown Summary (all of it)
            actual = re.sub(r'Unknown Summary:', '', actual)
            actual = re.sub(r'No Unknown neighbor is configured', '', actual)

            # Remove Labeled Unicast Summary (all of it)
            actual = re.sub(r'IPv6 labeled-unicast Summary:', '', actual)
            actual = re.sub(r'No IPv6 labeled-unicast neighbor is configured', '', actual)

            # Strip empty lines
            actual = actual.lstrip()
            actual = actual.rstrip()
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            actual = ('\n'.join(actual.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Generate Diff
            diff = topotest.get_textdiff(actual, expected,
                title1="actual SHOW BGP IPv6 SUMMARY",
                title2="expected SHOW BGP IPv6 SUMMARY")

            # Empty string if it matches, otherwise diff contains unified diff
            if diff:
                sys.stderr.write('r%s failed SHOW BGP IPv6 SUMMARY check:\n%s\n' % (i, diff))
                failures += 1
                print("r%s ok" % i)

            assert failures == 0, "SHOW BGP IPv6 SUMMARY failed for router r%s:\n%s" % (i, diff)

    # Make sure that all daemons are running
    for i in range(1, 2):
        fatal_error = net['r%s' % i].checkRouterRunning()
        assert fatal_error == "", fatal_error
コード例 #40
def test_linux_mpls_routes():
    global fatal_error
    global net
    global cli_version

   # Skip if previous fatal error condition is raised
    if (fatal_error != ""):

    thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    # Verify OSPFv3 Routing Table
    print("\n\n** Verifying Linux Kernel MPLS routes")
    failures = 0
    for i in range(1, 5):
        refTableFile = '%s/r%s/ip_mpls_route.ref%s' % (thisDir, i, cli_version)
        if os.path.isfile(refTableFile):
            # Read expected result from file
            expected = open(refTableFile).read().rstrip()
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            expected = ('\n'.join(expected.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Actual output from router
            actual = net['r%s' % i].cmd('ip -family mpls route 2> /dev/null').rstrip()
             # Mask out label
            actual = re.sub(r"[0-9][0-9] via inet ", "xx via inet ", actual)
            actual = re.sub(r"[0-9][0-9]  proto", "xx  proto", actual)
            actual = re.sub(r"[0-9][0-9] as to ", "xx as to ", actual)
            actual = re.sub(r"[ ]+proto \w+", "  proto xx", actual)
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            actual = ('\n'.join(actual.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Sort lines which start with "xx via inet "
            pattern = r'^xx via inet '
            swapped = True
            while swapped:
                swapped = False
                for j in range(1, len(actual)):
                    if re.search(pattern, actual[j]) and re.search(pattern, actual[j-1]):
                        if actual[j-1] > actual[j]:
                            temp = actual[j-1]
                            actual[j-1] = actual[j]
                            actual[j] = temp
                            swapped = True

            # Sort lines which start with "        nexthopvia"
            pattern = r'^\snexthopvia '
            swapped = True
            while swapped:
                swapped = False
                for j in range(1, len(actual)):
                    if re.search(pattern, actual[j]) and re.search(pattern, actual[j-1]):
                        if actual[j-1] > actual[j]:
                            temp = actual[j-1]
                            actual[j-1] = actual[j]
                            actual[j] = temp
                            swapped = True

            # Sort Sections of "xx  proto zebra" (with all the indented lines below)
            pattern = r'^xx via inet '
            # Join paragraphs first
            j = 0           
            temp = [actual[0].rstrip()]
            for k in range(1, len(actual)):
                if re.search(r'^\s', actual[k]):
                    # Continue line
                    temp[j] += '\n' + actual[k].rstrip()
                    j += 1
            # sort Array
            # Now write sort array back
            actual = []
            for k in range(0, len(temp)):
            # put \n back at line ends
            actual = ('\n'.join(actual) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Generate Diff
            diff = topotest.get_textdiff(actual, expected,
                title1="actual Linux Kernel MPLS route",
                title2="expected Linux Kernel MPLS route")

            # Empty string if it matches, otherwise diff contains unified diff
            if diff:
                sys.stderr.write('r%s failed Linux Kernel MPLS route output Check:\n%s\n' % (i, diff))
                failures += 1
                print("r%s ok" % i)

            assert failures == 0, "Linux Kernel MPLS route output for router r%s:\n%s" % (i, diff)

    # Make sure that all daemons are running
    for i in range(1, 5):
        fatal_error = net['r%s' % i].checkRouterRunning()
        assert fatal_error == "", fatal_error
コード例 #41
ファイル: test_ldp_topo1.py プロジェクト: ton31337/frr
def test_mpls_ldp_binding():
    global fatal_error
    global net
    global cli_version

    # Skip this test for now until proper sorting of the output
    # is implemented
    # pytest.skip("Skipping test_mpls_ldp_binding")

    # Skip if previous fatal error condition is raised
    if (fatal_error != ""):

    thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    # Verify OSPFv3 Routing Table
    print("\n\n** Verifying MPLS LDP binding")
    failures = 0
    for i in range(1, 5):
        refTableFile = '%s/r%s/show_mpls_ldp_binding.ref%s' % (thisDir, i, cli_version)
        if os.path.isfile(refTableFile):
            # Read expected result from file
            expected = open(refTableFile).read().rstrip()
            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            expected = ('\n'.join(expected.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Actual output from router
            actual = net['r%s' % i].cmd('vtysh -c "show mpls ldp binding" 2> /dev/null').rstrip()

            # Mask out changing parts in output
            if cli_version == "-1":
                # Mask out label
                actual = re.sub(r"label: [0-9]+", "label: xxx", actual)
                actual = re.sub(r"(\s+[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+[ ]+)[0-9]+", r"\1xxx", actual)
                # Current Version
                # Mask out label
                actual = re.sub(r"(ipv4 [0-9\./]+ +[0-9\.]+ +)[0-9][0-9] (.*)", r"\1xxx\2", actual)
                actual = re.sub(r"(ipv4 [0-9\./]+ +[0-9\.]+ +[a-z\-]+ +)[0-9][0-9] (.*)", r"\1xxx\2", actual)

            # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
            actual = ('\n'.join(actual.splitlines()) + '\n').splitlines(1)

            # Sort lines which start with "xx via inet "
            pattern = r'^\s+[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\s+'
            swapped = True
            while swapped:
                swapped = False
                for j in range(1, len(actual)):
                    if re.search(pattern, actual[j]) and re.search(pattern, actual[j-1]):
                        if actual[j-1] > actual[j]:
                            temp = actual[j-1]
                            actual[j-1] = actual[j]
                            actual[j] = temp
                            swapped = True

            # Generate Diff
            diff = topotest.get_textdiff(actual, expected,
                title1="actual MPLS LDP binding output",
                title2="expected MPLS LDP binding output")

            # Empty string if it matches, otherwise diff contains unified diff
            if diff:
                sys.stderr.write('r%s failed MPLS LDP binding output Check:\n%s\n' % (i, diff))
                failures += 1
                print("r%s ok" % i)

            assert failures == 0, "MPLS LDP Interface binding output for router r%s:\n%s" % (i, diff)

    # Make sure that all daemons are running
    for i in range(1, 5):
        fatal_error = net['r%s' % i].checkRouterRunning()
        assert fatal_error == "", fatal_error
コード例 #42
def test_bgp_routingTable():
    global fatal_error
    global net

    # Skip if previous fatal error condition is raised
    if fatal_error != "":

    thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    print("\n\n** Verifying BGP Routing Tables")
    diffresult = {}
    for i in range(1, 2):
        for view in range(1, 4):
            success = 0
            # This glob pattern should work as long as number of views < 10
            for refTableFile in glob.glob("%s/r%s/show_ip_bgp_view_%s*.ref" %
                                          (thisDir, i, view)):

                if os.path.isfile(refTableFile):
                    # Read expected result from file
                    expected = open(refTableFile).read().rstrip()
                    # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
                    expected = ("\n".join(expected.splitlines()) +

                    # Actual output from router
                    actual = (net["r%s" % i].cmd(
                        'vtysh -c "show ip bgp view %s" 2> /dev/null' %

                    # Fix inconsitent spaces between 0.99.24 and newer versions of Quagga...
                    actual = re.sub("0             0", "0              0",
                    actual = re.sub(r"([0-9])         32768",
                                    r"\1          32768", actual)
                    # Remove summary line (changed recently)
                    actual = re.sub(r"Total number.*", "", actual)
                    actual = re.sub(r"Displayed.*", "", actual)
                    actual = actual.rstrip()
                    # Fix table version (ignore it)
                    actual = re.sub(r"(BGP table version is )[0-9]+", r"\1XXX",

                    # Fix newlines (make them all the same)
                    actual = ("\n".join(actual.splitlines()) +

                # Generate Diff
                diff = topotest.get_textdiff(
                    title1="actual BGP routing table",
                    title2="expected BGP routing table",

                if diff:
                    diffresult[refTableFile] = diff
                    success = 1
                    print("template %s matched: r%s ok" % (refTableFile, i))

            if not success:
                resultstr = "No template matched.\n"
                for f in diffresult.iterkeys():
                    resultstr += (
                        "template %s: r%s failed Routing Table Check for view %s:\n%s\n"
                        % (f, i, view, diffresult[f]))
                raise AssertionError(
                    "Routing Table verification failed for router r%s, view %s:\n%s"
                    % (i, view, resultstr))

    # Make sure that all daemons are running
    for i in range(1, 2):
        fatal_error = net["r%s" % i].checkRouterRunning()
        assert fatal_error == "", fatal_error
コード例 #43
ファイル: test_zebra_rib.py プロジェクト: yurkovskyy/frr
def test_route_map_usage():
    "Test that FRR only reruns over routes associated with the routemap"
    logger.info("Test that FRR runs on selected re's on route-map changes")
    tgen = get_topogen()
    if tgen.routers_have_failure():
        pytest.skip("Skipped because of previous test failure")

    thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    r1 = tgen.gears["r1"]
    # set the delay timer to 1 to improve test coverage (HA)
    r1.vtysh_cmd("conf\nzebra route-map delay-timer 1")
    r1.vtysh_cmd("conf\nroute-map static permit 10\nset src")
    r1.vtysh_cmd("conf\naccess-list 5 seq 5 permit")
    r1.vtysh_cmd("conf\naccess-list 10 seq 5 permit")
        "conf\nroute-map sharp permit 10\nmatch ip address 10\nset src"
    r1.vtysh_cmd("conf\nroute-map sharp permit 20\nset src")
    r1.vtysh_cmd("conf\nip protocol static route-map static")
    r1.vtysh_cmd("conf\nip protocol sharp route-map sharp")
    r1.vtysh_cmd("conf\nip route")
    r1.vtysh_cmd("conf\nip route")
    r1.vtysh_cmd("sharp install route nexthop 500")

    static_rmapfile = "%s/r1/static_rmap.ref" % (thisDir)
    expected = open(static_rmapfile).read().rstrip()
    expected = ('\n'.join(expected.splitlines()) + '\n').rstrip()
    actual = r1.vtysh_cmd("show route-map static")
    actual = ('\n'.join(actual.splitlines()) + '\n').rstrip()
        "Does the show route-map static command run the correct number of times"

    diff = topotest.get_textdiff(actual,
                                 title1="Actual Route-map output",
                                 title2="Expected Route-map output")
    if diff:
        srun = r1.vtysh_cmd("show run")
        srun = ('\n'.join(srun.splitlines()) + '\n').rstrip()
        logger.info("Show run")
        assert 0, "r1 static route processing:\n"

    sharp_rmapfile = "%s/r1/sharp_rmap.ref" % (thisDir)
    expected = open(sharp_rmapfile).read().rstrip()
    expected = ('\n'.join(expected.splitlines()) + '\n').rstrip()
    actual = r1.vtysh_cmd("show route-map sharp")
    actual = ('\n'.join(actual.splitlines()) + '\n').rstrip()
        "Does the show route-map sharp command run the correct number of times"

    diff = topotest.get_textdiff(actual,
                                 title1="Actual Route-map output",
                                 title2="Expected Route-map output")
    if diff:
        srun = r1.vtysh_cmd("show run")
        srun = ('\n'.join(srun.splitlines()) + '\n').rstrip()
        logger.info("Show run:")
        assert 0, "r1 sharp route-map processing:\n"

        "Add a extension to the static route-map to see the static route go away"
    r1.vtysh_cmd("conf\nroute-map sharp deny 5\nmatch ip address 5")
    # we are only checking the kernel here as that this will give us the implied
    # testing of both the route-map and staticd withdrawing the route
    # let's spot check that the routes were installed correctly
    # in the kernel
    logger.info("Test that the routes installed are correct")
    sharp_ipfile = "%s/r1/iproute.ref" % (thisDir)
    expected = open(sharp_ipfile).read().rstrip()
    expected = ('\n'.join(expected.splitlines()) + '\n').rstrip()
    actual = r1.run("ip route show")
    actual = ('\n'.join(actual.splitlines()) + '\n').rstrip()
    actual = re.sub(r" nhid [0-9][0-9]", "", actual)
    actual = re.sub(r" proto sharp", " proto XXXX", actual)
    actual = re.sub(r" proto static", " proto XXXX", actual)
    actual = re.sub(r" proto 194", " proto XXXX", actual)
    actual = re.sub(r" proto 196", " proto XXXX", actual)
    actual = re.sub(r" proto kernel", " proto XXXX", actual)
    actual = re.sub(r" proto 2", " proto XXXX", actual)
    # Some platforms have double spaces?  Why??????
    actual = re.sub(r"  proto XXXX  ", " proto XXXX ", actual)
    actual = re.sub(r"  metric", " metric", actual)
    actual = re.sub(r" link  ", " link ", actual)
    diff = topotest.get_textdiff(actual,
                                 title1="Actual ip route show",
                                 title2="Expected ip route show")

    if diff:
        srun = r1.vtysh_cmd("show run")
        srun = ('\n'.join(srun.splitlines()) + '\n').rstrip()
        logger.info("Show run:")
        assert 0, "r1 ip route show is not correct:"