コード例 #1
ファイル: application.py プロジェクト: syslock/ems
	def __init__( self, environ, start_response, path=None ):
		self.config = config
		self.query = Request( environ )
		self.response = Response( start_response, path=self.query.path )
		self.path = path
		self.name = "ems"
		if hasattr(config,"app_name"):
			self.name = config.app_name
		self.db_path = os.path.join( self.path, self.name+".db" )
		sid = None
		if self.name+".sid" in self.query.parms:
			sid = self.query.parms[self.name+".sid"]
		elif "sid" in self.query.parms:
			sid = self.query.parms["sid"]
		self.session = Session( self, sid=sid )
		self.logfile = None
		if hasattr(config,"logfile"):
			self.logfile = open( os.path.join(self.path, config.logfile), "a" )
		self.tracefile = None
		if hasattr(config,"tracefile"):
			self.tracefile = open( os.path.join(self.path, config.tracefile), "a" )
			def trace( message ):
				self.trace( message )
			self.db.set_trace_callback( trace )
			self.trace( self )
		self.access_cache = {}
		self.user = user.get_anonymous_user(self)
		if "user_id" in self.session.parms:
			self.user = user.User( self, user_id=int(self.session.parms["user_id"]) )
コード例 #2
ファイル: chess.py プロジェクト: syslock/ems
def run( ws_server ):
	result = {}
	if ws_server.app.user.can_read( ws_server.game_id ):
		c = ws_server.app.db.cursor()
		max_move_id = None if ws_server.board_history==[] else ws_server.board_history[-1]["move_id"]
		max_move_condition = "" if max_move_id==None else (" and id>%d" % (max_move_id))
		c.execute( """select id, game_id, player_id, mtime, figure, from_field, to_field from chess_games where game_id=? %s""" \
						% (max_move_condition), [ws_server.game_id] )
		for row in c:
			move_id, _game_id, player_id, mtime, figure, from_field, to_field = row
			ws_server.board_state[from_field] = None
			ws_server.board_state[to_field] = figure
			move = {
				"move_id" : move_id,
				"game_id" : ws_server.game_id,
				"player_id" : player_id,
				"mtime" : mtime,
				"figure" : figure,
				"from_field" : from_field,
				"to_field" : to_field
			ws_server.board_history.append( move )
		if not ws_server.max_move_sent_offset and not ws_server.board_history:
			c = ws_server.app.db.cursor()
			initial_board_setting = "♜♞♝♛♚♝♞♜" \
									+"♟♟♟♟♟♟♟♟" \
									+"        " \
									+"        " \
									+"        " \
									+"        " \
									+"♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♙" \
			initial_board_setting = "".join( reversed(initial_board_setting) )
			c.execute( """insert into chess_games (game_id, player_id, mtime, figure)
							[ws_server.game_id, user.get_anonymous_user(ws_server.app).id, time.time(), initial_board_setting] )
		result.update({ "succeeded" : True, "actions" : ws_server.board_history[ws_server.max_move_sent_offset:] })
		ws_server.max_move_sent_offset = len(ws_server.board_history)
	if ws_server.app.user.can_write( ws_server.game_id ):
		if ws_server.cmd_queue:
			action = ws_server.cmd_queue.pop(0)
			result["succeeded"] = True
			# TODO: Aktion validieren
			whites = "♔♕♖♗♘♙"
			blacks = "♚♛♜♝♞♟"
			get_color = lambda f: "white" if f in whites else "black" if f in blacks else None
			if get_color(action.figure)==None:
				result.update({ "succeeded" : False, "error" : { "message" : "Unknown figure code!" } })
			elif ws_server.board_history and get_color(ws_server.board_history[-1].figure)==get_color(action.figure):
				result.update({ "succeeded" : False, "error" : { "message" : "Wrong color!" } })
			elif ws_server.board_history and ws_server.board_history[-1].player_id==ws_server.app.user.id:
				result.update({ "succeeded" : False, "error" : { "message" : "Double action not permitted!" } })
				c = ws_server.app.db.cursor()
				c.execute( """insert into chess_games (game_id, player_id, mtime, figure, from_field, to_field)
								[ws_server.game_id, ws_server.app.user.id, time.time(), action["figure"], action["from_field"], action["to_field"]] )
	if result:
		ws_server.ws.send( json.dumps(result) )
コード例 #3
			def run( self ):
				def read_thread():
					while not self.quitting:
						data = self.ws.read(1000)
						if data:
							self.con.send( data )
							print( "%s disconnected." % (str(self.addr)) )
				t = threading.Thread( target=read_thread )
				sent_state = {}
				self.app.open_db() # App-DB für diesen Thread neu öffnen...
				if self.uri == "/player_state" :
					while not self.quitting:
						if self.app.user.can_write( self.app.user.id ):
							while self.cmd_queue:
								action = self.cmd_queue.pop(0)
								c = self.app.db.cursor()
								state = c.execute( """select object_id, x, y from player_positions where object_id=?""", [self.app.user.id] ).fetchone()
								if state:
									c.execute( """update player_positions set x=x+?, y=y+? where object_id=?""", [action[0], action[1], self.app.user.id] )
									c.execute( """insert into player_positions (object_id, x, y) values (?,?,?)""", [self.app.user.id, action[0], action[1]] )
						result = {}
						c = self.app.db.cursor()
						c.execute( """select p.object_id, p.x, p.y, u.nick from player_positions p inner join users u on p.object_id=u.object_id""" )
						for row in c:
							if self.app.user.can_read( row[0] ):
								state = {"id":row[0], "x":row[1], "y":row[2], "nick":row[3]}
								str_id = "id"+str(state["id"])
								if str_id not in sent_state or state!=sent_state[str_id]:
									sent_state[ str_id ] = result[ str_id ] = state
						if result:
							self.ws.send( str(result) )
						time.sleep( 0.2 )
				elif self.uri.starts_with( "/chessgame_state/" ):
					empty, channel, game_id = self.uri.split("/")
					game_id = int(game_id)
					board_state = {}
					board_history = []
					max_move_sent_offset = None
					while not self.quitting:
						result = {}
						if self.app.user.can_read( game_id ):
							c = self.app.db.cursor()
							max_move_id = None if board_history==[] else board_history[-1]["move_id"]
							max_move_condition = "" if max_move_id==None else (" and id>%d" % (max_move_id))
							c.execute( """select id, game_id, player_id, mtime, figure, from_field, to_field from chess_games where game_id=? %s""" \
											% (max_move_condition), [game_id] )
							for row in c:
								move_id, _game_id, player_id, mtime, figure, from_field, to_field = row
								board_state[from_field] = None
								board_state[to_field] = figure
								move = {
									"move_id" : move_id,
									"game_id" : game_id,
									"player_id" : player_id,
									"mtime" : mtime,
									"figure" : figure,
									"from_field" : from_field,
									"to_field" : to_field
								board_history.append( move )
							if not max_move_sent_offset and not board_history:
								c = self.app.db.cursor()
								initial_board_setting = "♜♞♝♛♚♝♞♜" \
													   +"♟♟♟♟♟♟♟♟" \
													   +"        " \
													   +"        " \
													   +"        " \
													   +"        " \
													   +"♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♙" \
								initial_board_setting = "".join( reversed(initial_board_setting) )
								c.execute( """insert into chess_games (game_id, player_id, mtime, figure)
												[game_id, user.get_anonymous_user(self.app).id, time.time(), initial_board_setting] )
							result.update({ "succeeded" : True, "actions" : board_history[max_move_sent_offset:] })
							max_move_sent_offset = len(board_history)
						if self.app.user.can_write( game_id ):
							if self.cmd_queue:
								action = self.cmd_queue.pop(0)
								result["succeeded"] = True
								# TODO: Aktion validieren
								whites = "♔♕♖♗♘♙"
								blacks = "♚♛♜♝♞♟"
								get_color = lambda f: "white" if f in whites else "black" if f in blacks else None
								if get_color(action.figure)==None:
									result.update({ "succeeded" : False, "error" : { "message" : "Unknown figure code!" } })
								elif board_history and get_color(board_history[-1].figure)==get_color(action.figure):
									result.update({ "succeeded" : False, "error" : { "message" : "Wrong color!" } })
								elif board_history and board_history[-1].player_id==self.app.user.id:
									result.update({ "succeeded" : False, "error" : { "message" : "Double action not permitted!" } })
									c = self.app.db.cursor()
									c.execute( """insert into chess_games (game_id, player_id, mtime, figure, from_field, to_field)
													[game_id, self.app.user.id, time.time(), action["figure"], action["from_field"], action["to_field"]] )
						if result:
							self.ws.send( json.dumps(result) )
						time.sleep( 1 )