コード例 #1
def adptrExtract_asDict(srcData, isUpdateNewDataOnly=True):
    sNAMEFUNC = 'adptrExtract_asDict()'
    sndMSG('Called...', 'INFO', sNAMEFUNC)
    if not srcData: return (None)  #srcData can not be empty

    ### Generally required for all Adpters
    from lib.utils.mngDateTime import getUTCTime

    ### Get Localy Data - Used to Remove duplicates
    data = getDB_local(srcData)
    srcDict = cnvt_csv2dict(srcData)

    localData = data
    from lib.utils.mngFiles import getFile_JSON2Dict
    newData = getFile_JSON2Dict('db_pattern.json')

    ### From srcDict  look for duplicated data
    for item in srcDict:
        sKey = srcDict[item]['phish_id']
        if localData['data'].has_key(sKey):
            #TODO: Check if hash is diffrent,
            #      if so, created updated STIX Doc
            #      Use smae GUID as original
            localData['data'][sKey] = {'src': srcDict[item]}
            localData['data'][sKey]['meta'] = {
                'md5': genHash_md5(srcDict[item])
            localData['data'][sKey]['meta'].update({'dateDL': getUTCTime()})
            newData['data'][sKey] = localData['data'][sKey]

    if isUpdateNewDataOnly == False:
        newData = localData

    if len(newData['data']):
        sTxt = "Found " + str(len(newData['data'])) + " new data elements"
        sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', sNAMEFUNC)
        sTxt = "Found no new data"
        sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', sNAMEFUNC)
        newData = {}

    setDB_local(localData, srcData)
    return (newData)
コード例 #2
def adptr_src2Dict(srcData, isUpdateNewDataOnly):
    sNAMEFUNC = 'adptr_src2Dict()'
    sTxt = "Called... "
    sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', sNAMEFUNC)

    ### Input Check
    if srcData == None:
        #TODO: Needs error msg: Missing srcData Object
        return (False)

    sName = srcData.fileName
    locDataFile = 'db_' + srcData.fileName.split('.')[0] + '.json'

    ### fetch from Source location for newest version
    #srcData.getSrcData();   #TODO: This function in the clsDataSource is not completed
    # so this getRmt_File is used until class is completed

    if not getRmt_File(srcData.srcCreds,
                       srcData.filePath + srcData.fileName) == True:
        # if no source data is found, this script will exit
        return (False)

    dstData = getFile_JSON2Dict(locDataFile)
    if not dstData:
        dstData = {}

    newData = {}

    ### Here the code become specific (unique) this data source
    ###     in time I hope to refactor out as much unique as possible

    trimFile_btwn(srcData.filePath + srcData.fileName,
                  '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>', '</rss>')

    srcDict = cnvt_XML2Dict(srcData.filePath + srcData.fileName)

    srcData.pkgTitle = srcDict['rss']['channel']['title']
    srcData.pkgDscrpt = srcDict['rss']['channel']['description']
    srcData.pkgLink = srcDict['rss']['channel']['link']

    for col in srcDict['rss']['channel']['item']:
        sKey = col['guid']

        sCol = col['title']
        sDateVF = sCol.split('(')[1]
        sDateVF = sDateVF[0:-1]
        dSrt = datetime.strptime(sDateVF, "%Y-%m-%d")
        sDateVF = dSrt.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")

        sCol = col['description']
        lstAttrib = sCol.split(',')
        sURI = lstAttrib[0][4:]

        dictAttrib = {
            "dateVF": cleanString(sDateVF),
            "URI": cleanString(sURI),
            "status": cleanString(lstAttrib[1].split(':')[1]),
            "version": cleanString(lstAttrib[2].split(':')[1]),
            "hash": cleanString(lstAttrib[3].split(':')[1]),
            "title": cleanString(col['title']),
            "link": cleanString(col['link']),
            "dscrpt": cleanString(col['description']),
            "fileName": "",
            "ipAddr": "",
            "domain": ""

        if len(sURI) > 0:
            tmpList = sURI.split("/")
            if len(tmpList) > 1:
                idx = len(tmpList) - 1
                dictAttrib.update({"fileName": cleanString(tmpList[idx])})
                if tmpList[2][0:1].isdigit():
                    dictAttrib.update({"ipAddr": cleanString(tmpList[2])})
                    dictAttrib.update({"domain": cleanString(tmpList[2])})

        if sKey in dstData:
            dstData[sKey]['cnt'] += 1
            dstData[sKey]['dateDL'] = getUTCTime()
            dstData[sKey]['status'] = dictAttrib['status']

            #TODO:Check If Exist Element's inactive status changed

            ### Add new Data to local Database
            dstData[sKey] = {'cnt': 1, 'dateDL': getUTCTime()}
            dstData[sKey]['attrib'] = dictAttrib

            ### Generate list of new data only for STIX output
            newData[sKey] = dstData[sKey]

    sndFile_Dict2JSON(dstData, locDataFile)

    if isUpdateNewDataOnly == False:
        newData = dstData

    if len(newData) > 0:
        sTxt = "Found " + str(len(newData)) + " new data elements"
        sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', sNAMEFUNC)

        sTxt = "Found no new data"
        sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', sNAMEFUNC)
        newData = False

    return (newData)
コード例 #3
def adptr_src2Dict(srcData, isUpdateNewDataOnly):
    sNAMEFUNC = 'adptr_src2Dict()'
    sTxt = "Called... "
    sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', sNAMEFUNC)

    ### Input Check
    if srcData == None:
        #TODO: Needs error msg: Missing srcData Object
        return (False)

    sName = srcData.fileName
    locDataFile = 'db_' + srcData.fileName.split('.')[0] + '.json'

    ### fetch from Source location for newest version
    #srcData.getSrcData();   #TODO: This function in the clsDataSource is not completed
    # so this getRmt_File is used until class is completed

    #print "------< Not Updating >------"

    if not getRmt_File(srcData.srcCreds,
                       srcData.filePath + srcData.fileName) == True:
        # if no source data is found, this script will exit
        return (False)

    dstData = getFile_JSON2Dict(locDataFile)
    if not dstData:
        dstData = {}

    newData = {}

    ### Here the code become specific (unique) this data source
    ###     in time I hope to refactor out as much unique as possible

    srcDict = cnvt_XML2Dict(srcData.filePath + srcData.fileName)

    srcData.pkgTitle = "Clean MX Phishing URL Block List "
    srcData.pkgDscrpt = ""
    srcData.pkgLink = "http://support.clean-mx.de/clean-mx/phishing.php"

    for item in srcDict['output']['entries']['entry']:
        sKey = item['id']

        if item['first'] == "0":
            item['first'] = None
            item['first'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(

        if item['last'] == "0":
            item['last'] = None
            item['last'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(

        dictAttrib = item

        lstNS = []
        for i in range(1, 5):
            if dictAttrib['ns' + str(i)]:
                lstNS.append(dictAttrib['ns' + str(i)])

        dictAttrib.update({"nsList": lstNS})

        if sKey in dstData:
            dstData[sKey]['cnt'] += 1
            dstData[sKey]['dateDL'] = getUTCTime()

            ### Add new Data to local Database
            dstData[sKey] = {'cnt': 1, 'dateDL': getUTCTime()}
            dstData[sKey]['attrib'] = dictAttrib

            ### Generate list of new data only for STIX output
            newData[sKey] = dstData[sKey]

    sndFile_Dict2JSON(dstData, locDataFile)
    if isUpdateNewDataOnly == False:
        newData = dstData

    if len(newData) > 0:
        sTxt = "Found " + str(len(newData)) + " new data elements"
        sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', sNAMEFUNC)

        sTxt = "Found no new data"
        sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', sNAMEFUNC)
        newData = False

    return (newData)
コード例 #4
def adptr_src2Dict(srcData, isUpdateNewDataOnly):
    sNAMEFUNC = 'adptr_src2Dict()'
    sTxt = "Called... "
    sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', sNAMEFUNC)

    ### Input Check
    if srcData == None:
        #TODO: Needs error msg: Missing srcData Object
        return (False)

    sName = srcData.fileName
    locDataFile = 'db_' + srcData.fileName.split('.')[0] + '.json'

    ### Parse Source File in to a Dictionary Object
    dstData = getFile_JSON2Dict(locDataFile)
    if not dstData:
        dstData = {}

    oDialect = clsCSVDialect()
    oDialect.delimiter = '\t'

    srcDict = cnvt_CSV2Dict(srcData.filePath + srcData.fileName,

    newData = {}
    for col in srcDict:
        # {0: u'', 1: u'20161231', 2: u'38zu.cn', 3: u'attackpage', 4: u'safebrowsing.google.com', 5: u'20140703', 6: u'20140302', 7: u'20130325', 8: u'20120426', 9: u'20110715', 10: u'relisted'}
        if len(srcDict[col]) < 6:
            sKey = srcDict[col][2]

        lstDateVF = []
        for idx in range(5, len(srcDict[col])):
            if len(srcDict[col][idx]) > 0 and isNumber(srcDict[col][idx][1]):
                sDateVF = srcDict[col][idx]
                    dSrt = datetime.strptime(sDateVF, "%Y%m%d")
                    sDateVF = dSrt.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")

        #nextvalidation	domain	type	original_reference-why_it_was_listed	dateverified
        dictAttrib = {
            "domain": cleanString(srcDict[col][2]),
            "type": cleanString(srcDict[col][3]),
            "ref": cleanString(srcDict[col][4]),
            "lstDateVF": lstDateVF

        if sKey in dstData:
            dstData[sKey]['cnt'] += 1
            dstData[sKey]['dateDL'] = getUTCTime()

            ### Add new Data to local Database
            dstData[sKey] = {'cnt': 1, 'dateDL': getUTCTime()}
            dstData[sKey]['attrib'] = dictAttrib

            ### Generate list of new data only for STIX output
            newData[sKey] = dstData[sKey]

    sndFile_Dict2JSON(dstData, locDataFile)
    if isUpdateNewDataOnly == False:
        newData = dstData

    if len(newData) > 0:
        sTxt = "Found " + str(len(newData)) + " new data elements"
        sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', sNAMEFUNC)

        sTxt = "Found no new data"
        sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', sNAMEFUNC)
        newData = False

    return (newData)
コード例 #5
def adptr_src2Dict(srcData, isUpdateNewDataOnly):
    sNAMEFUNC = 'adptr_src2Dict()'
    sTxt = "Called... "
    sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', sNAMEFUNC)

    ### Input Check
    if srcData == None:
        #TODO: Needs error msg: Missing srcData Object
        return (False)

    sName = srcData.fileName
    locDataFile = 'db_' + srcData.fileName.split('.')[0] + '.json'

    ### fetch from Source location for newest version
    #srcData.getSrcData();   #TODO: This function in the clsDataSource is not completed
    # so this getRmt_File is used until class is completed

    #print "------< No Remote Data >------"
    if not getRmt_File(srcData.srcCreds,
                       srcData.filePath + srcData.fileName) == True:
        # if no source data is found, this script will exit
        return (False)

    dstData = getFile_JSON2Dict(locDataFile)
    if not dstData:
        dstData = {}

    newData = {}

    ### Here the code become specific (unique) this data source
    ###     in time I hope to refactor out as much unique as possible
    oDialect = clsCSVDialect()
    oDialect.delimiter = '\t'
    #oDialect.header = True

    srcDict = cnvt_CSV2Dict(srcData.filePath + srcData.fileName,

    srcData.pkgTitle = "DShield.org Recommended Block List "
    srcData.pkgDscrpt = "This list summarizes the top 20 attacking class C (/24) subnets over the last three days. The number of 'attacks' indicates the number of targets reporting scans from this subnet."
    srcData.pkgLink = "http://feeds.dshield.org/block.txt"

    sDateVF = None
    s3daysAgo = None
        sDateVF = getFile_lineByValue(
            srcData.filePath + srcData.fileName,
        sDateVF = datetime.strptime(sDateVF, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %Z")
        s3daysAgo = sDateVF + timedelta(days=-3)
        if sDateVF:
            sDateVF = sDateVF.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
            s3daysAgo = s3daysAgo.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
            srcData.pkgDscrpt = srcData.pkgDscrpt.replace(
                'last three days.',
                ('last three days (' + s3daysAgo + " - " + sDateVF + ')'))

    for col in srcDict:
        if 'End' in srcDict[col]:
            sKey = srcDict[col]['Start'] + "##comma##" + srcDict[col]['End']

        dictAttrib = srcDict[col]
        if sDateVF:
            dictAttrib.update({"dateVF": str(sDateVF)})
        if s3daysAgo:
                {"dateRange": str(s3daysAgo) + " - " + str(sDateVF)})
        if 'noemail' in srcDict[col]['email']:
            dictAttrib.update({"email": None})

        if sKey in dstData:
            dstData[sKey]['cnt'] += 1
            dstData[sKey]['dateDL'] = getUTCTime()

            ### Add new Data to local Database
            dstData[sKey] = {'cnt': 1, 'dateDL': getUTCTime()}
            dstData[sKey]['attrib'] = dictAttrib

            ### Generate list of new data only for STIX output
            newData[sKey] = dstData[sKey]

    sndFile_Dict2JSON(dstData, locDataFile)
    if isUpdateNewDataOnly == False:
        newData = dstData

    if len(newData) > 0:
        sTxt = "Found " + str(len(newData)) + " new data elements"
        sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', sNAMEFUNC)

        sTxt = "Found no new data"
        sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', sNAMEFUNC)
        newData = False

    return (newData)
コード例 #6
def adptr_src2Dict(srcData, isUpdateNewDataOnly):
    sNAMEFUNC = 'adptr_src2Dict()'
    sTxt = "Called... "
    sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', sNAMEFUNC)

    ### Input Check
    if srcData == None:
        #TODO: Needs error msg: Missing srcData Object
        return (False)

    sName = srcData.fileName
    locDataFile = 'db_' + srcData.fileName.split('.')[0] + '.json'

    ### Parse Source File in to a Dictionary Object
    dstData = getFile_JSON2Dict(locDataFile)
    if not dstData:
        dstData = {}

    oDialect = clsCSVDialect()
    oDialect.delimiter = ','
    srcDict = cnvt_CSV2Dict(srcData.filePath + srcData.fileName,

    newData = {}
    #metaData =
    for col in srcDict:
        # {0: u'', 1: u'20161231', 2: u'38zu.cn', 3: u'attackpage', 4: u'safebrowsing.google.com', 5: u'20140703', 6: u'20140302', 7: u'20130325', 8: u'20120426', 9: u'20110715', 10: u'relisted'}
        if len(srcDict[col]) < 1:

        sKey = srcDict[col]['IP Address']
        dictAttrib = {}
        dictAttrib['Flags'] = {}
        dictAttrib['Ports'] = {}

        for item in srcDict[col]:
            if 'Flag' in item:
                if srcDict[col][item].isdigit():
                    dictAttrib['Flags'].update({item: int(srcDict[col][item])})
                    dictAttrib['Flagss'].update({item: None})
            elif 'Port' in item:
                if srcDict[col][item].isdigit():
                    dictAttrib['Ports'].update({item: int(srcDict[col][item])})
                    dictAttrib['Ports'].update({item: None})
            elif 'Uptime' in item:
                if srcDict[col][item].isdigit():
                    dictAttrib.update({item: int(srcDict[col][item])})
                    dictAttrib.update({item: None})
            elif 'Bandwidth' in item:
                if srcDict[col][item].isdigit():
                    dictAttrib.update({item: int(srcDict[col][item])})
                    dictAttrib.update({item: None})
                dictAttrib.update({item: srcDict[col][item]})

        if dictAttrib['Hostname'] == dictAttrib['IP Address']:
            dictAttrib['Hostname'] = None

        # tmpHash = hashlib.md5(str(dictAttrib)).hexdigest()

        if sKey in dstData:
            dstData[sKey]['meta']['cnt'] += 1
            dstData[sKey]['meta']['dateDL'] = getUTCTime()
            # if not tmpHash ==  dstData[sKey]['meta']['attribHash']:
            #     dstData[sKey]['meta']['hasChanged'] = True
            #     print '---< Found Change >--- ' + sKey
            #     dstData[sKey]['meta']['attribHash'] = tmpHash

            dstData[sKey] = {}
            dstData[sKey]['meta'] = {
                'cnt': 1,
                'dateDL': getUTCTime(),
                'IDs': {},
                'hasChanged': False,
                'attribHash': 0x0
            #dstData[sKey]['meta']['attribHash'] = tmpHash
            dstData[sKey]['attrib'] = dictAttrib

            ### Generate list of new data only for STIX output
            newData[sKey] = dstData[sKey]

    sndFile_Dict2JSON(dstData, locDataFile)
    if isUpdateNewDataOnly == False:
        newData = dstData

    if len(newData) > 0:
        sTxt = "Found " + str(len(newData)) + " new data elements"
        sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', sNAMEFUNC)

        sTxt = "Found no new data"
        sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', sNAMEFUNC)
        newData = False

    return (newData)
コード例 #7
def adptr_src2Dict(src_data, isUpdateNewDataOnly):
    namefunc = 'adptr_src2Dict()'
    stxt = "Called... "
    sndMSG(stxt, 'INFO', namefunc)

    ### Input Check
    if src_data is None:
        # TODO: Needs error msg: Missing srcData Object
        return False

    locDataFile = 'db_' + src_data.fileName.split('.')[0] + '.json'

    ### fetch from Source location for newest version
    # srcData.getSrcData();   #TODO: This function in the clsDataSource is not completed
    # so this getRmt_File is used until class is completed

    # print "------< NOT UPDATING >------"
    if not getRmt_File(src_data.srcCreds,
                       src_data.filePath + src_data.fileName) == True:
        # if no source data is found, this script will exit
        return False

    dstData = getFile_JSON2Dict(locDataFile)
    if not dstData:
        dstData = {}

    ### Here the code become specific (unique) this data source
    ###     in time I hope to refactor out as much unique as possible

    trimFile_btwn(src_data.filePath + src_data.fileName,
                  '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>', '</rss>')

    srcDict = cnvt_XML2Dict(src_data.filePath + src_data.fileName)

    ### DEBUG CODE ####


    src_data.pkgTitle = srcDict['rss']['channel']['title']
    src_data.pkgDscrpt = srcDict['rss']['channel']['description']
    src_data.pkgLink = srcDict['rss']['channel']['link']

    newData = {}
    for col in srcDict['rss']['channel']['item']:
        sKey = col['guid']

        sCol = col['title']
        sDateVF = sCol.split('(')[1]
        sDateVF = sDateVF[0:-1]
            dSrt = datetime.strptime(sDateVF, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
            sDateVF = dSrt.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
            sDateVF = None

        sDomain = None
        sIPAddr = cleanString(sCol.split('(')[0])
        if not isIPv4(sIPAddr):
            sDomain = sIPAddr
            sIPAddr = None

        sCol = col['description']
        lstAttrib = sCol.split(',')

        dictAttrib = {
            "dateVF": sDateVF,
            "title": cleanString(col['title']),
            "link": cleanString(col['link']),
            "dscrpt": cleanString(col['description']),
            "ipAddr": sIPAddr,
            "domain": sDomain,

        if sKey in dstData:
            dstData[sKey]['cnt'] += 1
            dstData[sKey]['dateDL'] = getUTCTime()

            # TODO:Check If Exist Element's inactive status changed

            ### Add new Data to local Database
            dstData[sKey] = {'cnt': 1, 'dateDL': getUTCTime()}
            dstData[sKey]['attrib'] = dictAttrib

            ### Generate list of new data only for STIX output
            newData[sKey] = dstData[sKey]

    sndFile_Dict2JSON(dstData, locDataFile)

    if not isUpdateNewDataOnly:
        newData = dstData

    if len(newData) > 0:
        stxt = "Found " + str(len(newData)) + " new data elements"
        sndMSG(stxt, 'INFO', namefunc)

        stxt = "Found no new data"
        sndMSG(stxt, 'INFO', namefunc)
        newData = False

    return newData
コード例 #8
def adptr_src2Dict(srcData, isUpdateNewDataOnly):
    sNAMEFUNC = 'adptr_src2Dict()'
    sTxt = "Called... "
    sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', sNAMEFUNC)

    ### Input Check
    if srcData == None:
        #TODO: Needs error msg: Missing srcData Object
        return (False)

    sName = srcData.fileName
    locDataFile = 'db_' + srcData.fileName.split('.')[0] + '.json'

    ### fetch from Source location for newest version
    #srcData.getSrcData();   #TODO: This function in the clsDataSource is not completed
    # so this getRmt_File is used until class is completed

    if not getRmt_File(srcData.srcCreds,
                       srcData.filePath + srcData.fileName) == True:
        # if no source data is found, this script will exit
        return (False)

    dstData = getFile_JSON2Dict(locDataFile)
    if not dstData:
        dstData = {}

    newData = {}

    ### Here the code become specific (unique) this data source
    ###     in time I hope to refactor out as much unique as possible

    ### Parse Source File in to a Dictionary Object
    dstData = getFile_JSON2Dict(locDataFile)
    if not dstData:
        dstData = {}

    newData = {}

    oDialect = clsCSVDialect()
    oDialect.delimiter = '\n'

    srcDict = cnvt_CSV2Dict(srcData.filePath + srcData.fileName,

    srcData.pkgTitle = "SNORT Rule by Emergingthreats | Block Botnet Command and Control"
    srcData.pkgDscrpt = "Emerging Threats Botnet Command and Control drop rules.  These are generated from the EXCELLENT work done by the Shadowserver team and the abuse.ch folks. All Volunteers, we're grateful for their dedication! http://www.shadowserver.org; https://spyeyetracker.abuse.ch; https://palevotracker.abuse.ch; https://zeustracker.abuse.ch. More information available at www.emergingthreats.net"
    srcData.pkgLink = "http://rules.emergingthreats.net/blockrules/emerging-botcc.portgrouped.rules"

    for col in srcDict:
        # {0: u'alert tcp $HOME_NET any -> 22 (msg:"ET CNC Shadowserver Reported CnC Server Port 22 Group 1"; flags:S; reference:url,doc.emergingthreats.net/bin/view/Main/BotCC; reference:url,www.shadowserver.org; threshold: type limit, track by_src, seconds 360, count 1; classtype:trojan-activity; flowbits:set,ET.Evil; flowbits:set,ET.BotccIP; sid:2405000; rev:3570;)'}

        sKey = srcDict[col][0]
        strTmp = sKey.split("(")

        tmpList = strTmp[0].split(" ")
        ipProt = None
        if tmpList[1]:
            ipProt = tmpList[1]

        ipList = None
        if tmpList[5]:
            if "[" in tmpList[5]:
                tmpList[5] = tmpList[5][1:-1]
            ipList = tmpList[5].split(",")

        ipPort = None
        if tmpList[6]:
            ipPort = tmpList[6]

        attrList = strTmp[1].split(";")[:-1]

        tmpDict = {}
        for i in range(len(attrList)):
            attrList[i] = cleanString(attrList[i])
            tmpKey = attrList[i].split(':')[0]
            tmpVal = attrList[i].split(':')[1]

            if tmpKey in tmpDict:
                tmpDict[tmpKey] += "|" + tmpVal
                tmpDict.update({tmpKey: tmpVal})

        dictAttrib = tmpDict
            'ipAddrList': ipList,
            'rule': sKey,
            'ipPort': ipPort,
            'ipProt': ipProt

        if sKey in dstData:
            dstData[sKey]['cnt'] += 1
            dstData[sKey]['dateDL'] = getUTCTime()

            ### Add new Data to local Database
            dstData[sKey] = {'cnt': 1, 'dateDL': getUTCTime()}
            dstData[sKey]['attrib'] = dictAttrib

            ### Generate list of new data only for STIX output
            newData[sKey] = dstData[sKey]

    sndFile_Dict2JSON(dstData, locDataFile)
    if isUpdateNewDataOnly == False:
        newData = dstData

    if len(newData) > 0:
        sTxt = "Found " + str(len(newData)) + " new data elements"
        sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', sNAMEFUNC)

        sTxt = "Found no new data"
        sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', sNAMEFUNC)
        newData = False

    return (newData)