コード例 #1
def run(src):
    subdirs = get_files_to_process(src)
    # print(subdirs)
    for dir in subdirs:
        for file in dir["files"]:
            image = read_file(file)
            backdrop = detect_backdrop(image)
            crop = crop_left_of_blue_line_hsv(image,
            filename = file.split("/")[-1]
            write_file(crop, "/Users/creimers/Downloads", filename)
コード例 #2
def draw_black_box(target, old=False):
    outdir = get_target_dir(target["path"], "black-box", True)
    for file in target["files"]:
        image = read_file(file)
        backdrop = detect_backdrop(image)
        if backdrop == "white":
            image = trim_tape_edges(image)
        with_blue_line = crop_black_tape(image, backdrop, True)
        filename = file.split("/")[-1]
        outfile = os.path.join(outdir, filename)
        cv2.imwrite(outfile, with_blue_line)
コード例 #3
def draw_blue_line(target, old=False):
    outdir = get_target_dir(target["path"], "blue-line", True)
    for file in target["files"]:
        filename = file.split("/")[-1]
        outfile = os.path.join(outdir, filename)
            image = read_file(file)
            backdrop = detect_backdrop(image)
            if backdrop == "white":
                image = trim_tape_edges(image)
            with_blue_line = crop_black_tape(image, backdrop, False)
            with_blue_line = crop_left_of_blue_line_hsv(
                with_blue_line, backdrop, old, True)
            # outfile = os.path.join(outdir, filename)
            # print(outfile)
            cv2.imwrite(outfile, with_blue_line)
        except Exception as e:
            click.secho(file, fg="red")
コード例 #4
def create_mask_overlay(image, smoothen=0, old=False, no_black_tape=False):
    create binary mask and put if over the original image 
    inspiration: https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2016/03/07/transparent-overlays-with-opencv/

        image (list): the original image as np array, cropped left of the blue line
        smoothen (bool): smoothen edges, y/n
    backdrop = detect_backdrop(image)
    index_threshold, grey_threshold = get_threshold_values(backdrop, old)
    if backdrop == "white" and no_black_tape is False:
        image = trim_tape_edges(image)

    if no_black_tape is False:
        crop = crop_black_tape(image, backdrop)
    crop = crop_left_of_blue_line_hsv(crop, backdrop, old)
    # return crop

    overlay = crop.copy()
    output = crop.copy()

    # do this because the binary functions also do it
    white_row = np.zeros((12, overlay.shape[1]), dtype=np.uint8) + 1
    white_row = cv2.merge((white_row, white_row, white_row)) * 255

    overlay = np.vstack([white_row, overlay, white_row])
    output = np.vstack([white_row, output, white_row])

    binary_by_thresh = create_binary_mask_by_thresh(
        crop, backdrop, smoothen=smoothen, threshold=grey_threshold

    if backdrop == "white":

        binary_by_index = create_binary_mask_by_index(
            crop, threshold=index_threshold, smoothen=smoothen

        binary_combined = binary_by_index | binary_by_thresh
        contour = get_carrot_contour(binary_combined)
        contour = get_carrot_contour(binary_by_thresh)

    if backdrop == "white":
        overlay_color = (255, 0, 0)
        overlay_color = (0, 255, 0)
    alpha = 0.35

    cv2.drawContours(overlay, [contour], -1, overlay_color, -1)
    cv2.addWeighted(overlay, alpha, output, 1 - alpha, 0, output)

    c = contour
    extLeft = tuple(c[c[:, :, 0].argmin()][0])
    # we don't need the extreme right point
    #  extRight = tuple(c[c[:, :, 0].argmax()][0])
    extTop = tuple(c[c[:, :, 1].argmin()][0])
    extBot = tuple(c[c[:, :, 1].argmax()][0])

    # crop at max points
    x = min(extLeft[0], extTop[0], extBot[0])
    y1 = min(extLeft[1], extTop[1], extBot[1])
    y2 = max(extLeft[1], extTop[1], extBot[1])

    buffer = 25

    mask = output[y1 - buffer : y2 + buffer, x - buffer :]

    return mask
コード例 #5
def create_binary_mask(
    image, smoothen=0, minimize=True, old=False, no_black_tape=False
    create a binary mask of the carrot image

    backdrop = detect_backdrop(image)
    index_threshold, grey_threshold = get_threshold_values(backdrop, old)

    if backdrop == "white" and no_black_tape is False:
        crop = trim_tape_edges(image)
        crop = image

    if no_black_tape is False:
        crop = crop_black_tape(image, backdrop)
    crop = crop_left_of_blue_line_hsv(crop, backdrop, old)

    binary_by_thresh = create_binary_mask_by_thresh(
        crop, backdrop, threshold=grey_threshold, smoothen=smoothen

    if backdrop == "white":
        binary_by_index = create_binary_mask_by_index(
            crop, threshold=index_threshold, smoothen=smoothen
        binary_combined = binary_by_index | binary_by_thresh

        contour = reduce_to_contour(binary_combined, minimize=minimize)
        contour = reduce_to_contour(binary_by_thresh, minimize=minimize)

    # find gaps in first shoulder column and fill them
    trans = contour.T
    trans_reverse = trans[::-1]

    last_white = None
    for i, col in enumerate(trans_reverse):
        white_pixels = count_white_pixels(col)
        if white_pixels:
            last_white = i * -1

    if last_white is not None:
        for i in range(1, 8):
            column = contour[:, last_white - i].copy()
            column_filled = ndimage.binary_fill_holes(column).astype(int) * 255
            contour[:, last_white - i] = column_filled

        # ensure shoulder symmetry

        # as few magic numbers as possible
        columns_to_consider = 2
        length_difference = 0.9

        for i in range(columns_to_consider, 0, -1):
            column = contour[:, last_white - i].copy()
            prev_column = contour[:, last_white - i - 1].copy()
            white_pixels = count_white_pixels(column)
            white_pixels_prev = count_white_pixels(prev_column)

            if white_pixels <= white_pixels_prev * length_difference:

                # this column
                first_white_pixel_col = column.argmax()
                last_white_pixel_col = len(column) - 2 - column[::-1].argmax()

                # prev column
                first_white_pixel_prev_col = prev_column.argmax()
                last_white_pixel_prev_col = (
                    len(prev_column) - 2 - prev_column[::-1].argmax()

                # where's the gap?
                start = abs(first_white_pixel_col - first_white_pixel_prev_col)
                end = abs(last_white_pixel_col - last_white_pixel_prev_col)

                if start < end:
                    # start at start
                    pixel = white_pixels_prev - start * 2 - 2
                    column[first_white_pixel_col : first_white_pixel_col + pixel] = 255
                    contour[:, last_white - i] = column
                    # start at end
                    pixel = white_pixels_prev - end * 2 - 2
                    column[last_white_pixel_col - pixel : last_white_pixel_col] = 255
                    contour[:, last_white - i] = column

        contour = reduce_to_contour(contour, minimize=False)

    # find and eliminate "empty" bins at right edge of image
    shoulder_index = get_index_of_shoulder(contour.T)
    cropped = contour[:, :shoulder_index]

    return cropped