コード例 #1
ファイル: respond.py プロジェクト: jlblatt/Hollowbot
def processSelftext(lid, body, author):
    for rule in _["rules"]:
        if "flags" in rule and "ignoreQuotedText" in rule["flags"]:
            body = re.sub(quotedRE, "", body)

        if "flags" not in rule or ("flags" in rule and "commentsOnly" not in rule["flags"]):
            if "user_function" in rule:
                    getattr(userfunctions, rule["user_function"])(lid, body, author)
                except Exception, e:
                    log.write('Error running user function "%s": %s' % (rule["user_function"], e), "error")
            elif "regex" in rule and "response" in rule and "re" in rule:
                match = rule["re"].search(body)
                if match:
                    respond("t3_%s" % lib.base36encode(lid), rule, match, author, body)
            elif "string" in rule and "response" in rule:
                if rule["string"] in body:
                    respond("t3_%s" % lib.base36encode(lid), rule, None, author, body)
コード例 #2
ファイル: hollowbot.py プロジェクト: jlblatt/Hollowbot
    locations.build(_['crawl_subreddits'], _['crawl_urls'])

# Crawls URLS from locations
if 'runall' in argv or 'links' in argv:
    cur.execute("select id, url from crawl_locations where last_crawled < date_sub(now(), interval %s second)", (_['find_links_after'],))
    for l in cur.fetchall():
        links.get("%s?limit=%d" % (l[1], _['links_per_page']))
        cur.execute("update crawl_locations set last_crawled = now() where id = %s", (l[0],))

# Crawl eligible links
if 'runall' in argv or 'comments' in argv:
    cur.execute("select id, permalink from t3 where last_crawled < date_sub(now(), interval %s second)", (_['recrawl_links_after'],))
    for l in cur.fetchall():
        for sort in _['comment_sort']:
            comments.get("http://www.reddit.com%s" % l[1], 't3_' + lib.base36encode(l[0]).lower(), '', "limit=%d&depth=%d&sort=%s" % (_['comment_limit_per_request'], _['comment_depth_per_request'], sort))
            cur.execute("update t3 set last_crawled = now() where id = %s", (l[0],))

#Login and respond to links/comments
if 'runall' in argv or 'respond' in argv:
    log.write("Checking for existing session...", "message")
    if not user.isLoggedIn: user.login()
    if user.isLoggedIn:
        log.write("Processing text and responding...", "message")
        #Process selftext
        cur.execute("select id, content, author from t3 where content is not null")