コード例 #1
def cheapest_insertion(matrix):
    tours = []
    matrix = __calculate_weighted_matrix(matrix)
    for i in range(len(matrix)):
        tours.append(__nearest_insertion_fixed_start(matrix, i))
    cheapest_route = min(tours, key=lambda k: calc_route_length(k, matrix))
    cheapest_route_costs = calc_route_length(cheapest_route, matrix)
    return cheapest_route, cheapest_route_costs
コード例 #2
def nearest_neighbour(matrix):
    """Returns a NN route (a list of indices: the first one is the start start index of the route, the last one is
    the last vistited point in the route
    all_routes = []
    # calculate the nearest neighbour for each start point
    for v in range(len(matrix)):
        all_routes.append(__nearest_neighbour_fixed_start(matrix, v))
    # return the best route of all:
    return min(all_routes, key=lambda route: calc_route_length(route, matrix))
コード例 #3
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: manuelperner/project_epl
def draw_route(route, axis, label, data):
    tsp_x = [data['points'][i][0] for i in route]
    tsp_y = [data['points'][i][1] for i in route]
    # also close the route:
    route_length = calc_route_length(route, data['matrix'])
    if label != 'Optimal Solution':
        error = (route_length / data['opt_length']) - 1
        error_str = ', Error = {:.2f}%'.format(error * 100)
        error_str = ''
    axis.plot(tsp_x, tsp_y, label=label)
    axis.set_title('{} (${}$={:.2f}{})'.format(label, 'Dist_{Total}',
                                               route_length, error_str))
コード例 #4
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: manuelperner/project_epl
def main(nodes, min_xy, max_xy):
    point_list = generate_points(nodes, min_xy, max_xy)
    matrix = calculate_distance_matrix(point_list)
    data = {
        'nn_route': heur.nearest_neighbour(matrix),
        'fcfs': heur.first_come_first_serve(matrix),
        'ni_route': heur.nearest_insertion(matrix),
        'ch_route': heur.cheapest_insertion(matrix),
        'mst_route': heur.mst_heuristic(matrix),
        'mult_route': heur.multi_fragment(matrix),
        'opt_solution': opt.solve_optimal(matrix, point_list),
        'matrix': matrix,
        'points': point_list
    data['opt_length'] = calc_route_length(data['opt_solution'], matrix)
コード例 #5
def __nearest_insertion_fixed_start(matrix, start_point):
    n = len(matrix)
    tour = [start_point]
    while len(tour) < n:
        all_nearest = []
        # find nearest:
        for tour_point in tour:
            possible_neighbours = [(i, val)
                                   for i, val in enumerate(matrix[tour_point])
                                   if i not in tour]
            nearest_to_point = min(possible_neighbours, key=lambda k: k[1])
        next_point = min(all_nearest, key=lambda i: i[1])
        # find best insert position:
        all_possible_tours = []
        for pos in range(len(tour)):
            possible_tour = tour[:pos + 1] + [next_point[0]] + tour[pos + 1:]
            length = calc_route_length(possible_tour, matrix)
            all_possible_tours.append([possible_tour, length])
        best_tour = min(all_possible_tours, key=lambda k: k[1])
        tour = best_tour[0]
    return tour
コード例 #6
def mst_heuristic_python(matrix):
    # get mst graph
    mst_graph = _kruskal(matrix)
    # create an eulerian graph by double all edges:
    graph = []
    for edge in mst_graph:
        reversed_edge = {
            'from': edge['to'],
            'to': edge['from'],
            'dist': edge['dist']
    # create tour
    path = __get_hierholzer_path(graph, 0)
    # remove doubled entries
    tours = [
        __mst_tour_from_hierholzer(path, start_point)
        for start_point in range(len(path))
    tours = [(calc_route_length(tour, matrix), tour) for tour in tours]
    return min(tours, key=lambda k: k[0])[1]
コード例 #7
def nearest_insertion(matrix):
    tours = []
    for i in range(len(matrix)):
        tours.append(__nearest_insertion_fixed_start(matrix, i))
    return min(tours, key=lambda k: calc_route_length(k, matrix))