def setUpClass(self): """Prepare test env.""" # Init browser and open test site. self.browser = Browser() test_urls = { 'ehr_main': r'', 'ehr_amc': r'', 'ea_create': r'', 'ea_access': r'' } self.browser.open_sites(test_urls) # Init components. self.login = Login(self.browser.driver) self.patctrl = Patctrl(self.browser.driver) self.sidebar = Sidebar(self.browser.driver) self.amc = Amc(self.browser.driver) self.pat_eaccess = PatEAccess(self.browser.driver) # Make the pages ready. self.browser.switch_to_window('ehr_main') self.login.login('dst01', '123') self.browser.switch_to_window('ehr_amc') self.login.login('dst01', '123') self.sidebar.select_app('AMC') self.browser.switch_to_window('ea_create') self.pat_eaccess.login()
def setUpClass(self): self.browser = Browser() self.browser.open_site('ehr_main', r'') self.login = Login(self.browser.driver) self.patctrl = Patctrl(self.browser.driver) self.login.login()
class CaseAdmit(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(self): self.browser = Browser() self.browser.open_site('ehr_main', r'') self.login = Login(self.browser.driver) self.patctrl = Patctrl(self.browser.driver) self.login.login() @classmethod def tearDownClass(self): pass def setUp(self): pass def tearDown(self): pass def admitPatients(self): for i in range(1, 9): key = '184460' + str(i) pat = Patient({ "ssn": key, "last_name": key, "first_name": key, "billing": key, }) unit = "MSI" if i < 5 else "SDS" self.patctrl.admit(pat, unit) self.browser.driver.refresh()
def setUpClass(self): self.browser = Browser() self.browser.open_site( 'ehr_main', r'') self.login = Login(self.browser.driver) self.patctrl = Patctrl(self.browser.driver) self.sidebar = Sidebar(self.browser.driver) self.notes = Notes(self.browser.driver) self.login.login() self.note_type = 'CCI Surveillance Note III'
class BaseCase(TestCase): """16308 base case .""" def __init__(self): super(BaseCase, self).__init__() self.browser = Browser() self.add_components() self.prepare_pages() def add_components(self): self.amc = Amc(self.browser.driver) def prepare_pages(self): pass def get_test_pat(self, case_num, second_encounter=False): case_id = '16308' ssn = case_id + case_num first_name = case_num last_name = case_id billing = case_id + case_num middle_name = 'senond' if second_encounter else 'first' return Patient(ssn, last_name, first_name, billing, middle_name) def check_result(self, previous_result, expected_diff, actual_result): expected_result = {} for key in previous_result: values = [] for i in range(3): values.append(previous_result[key][i] + expected_diff[key][i]) values.append(round((values[2] / values[1]) * 100)) expected_result[key] = values return self.assertEqual(expected_result, actual_result) def get_result(self, measure, pat_type, amc_window, from_time=None, to_time=None, physician=None, group=None): # query self.browser.switch_to_window(amc_window) sleep(8) self.amc.query(from_time, to_time, physician, group) return self.amc.get_result(measure, pat_type)
class Case(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(self): self.browser = Browser() self.browser.open_site( 'ehr_main', r'') self.login = Login(self.browser.driver) self.patctrl = Patctrl(self.browser.driver) self.sidebar = Sidebar(self.browser.driver) self.notes = Notes(self.browser.driver) self.login.login() self.note_type = 'CCI Surveillance Note III' @classmethod def tearDownClass(self): pass def setUp(self): pass def tearDown(self): pass def test_case_11(self): test_pat = test_patients['pat1'] test_data = [{ 'label': 'Gender', 'value': 'M', 'type': 'dropdown', 'is_more_fields': False }, { 'label': 'Birth Of Date(mm/dd/yyyy)', 'value': '10/10/2017', 'type': 'text', 'is_more_fields': False }, { 'label': 'Height (inches)', 'value': '27', 'type': 'text', 'is_more_fields': False }, { 'label': 'Weight (pounds)', 'value': '17', 'type': 'text', 'is_more_fields': False }, { 'label': 'Zip Code', 'value': '02130', 'type': 'text', 'is_more_fields': False }, { 'label': 'County/Parish Code', 'value': '25025', 'type': 'text', 'is_more_fields': False }, { 'label': 'City', 'value': 'Jamaica Plain', 'type': 'text', 'is_more_fields': False }, { 'label': 'State', 'value': '25', 'type': 'text', 'is_more_fields': False }, { 'label': 'Country', 'value': 'USA', 'type': 'text', 'is_more_fields': False }, { 'label': 'Admit Date(mm/dd/yyyy)', 'value': '02/20/2010', 'type': 'text', 'is_more_fields': False }, { 'label': 'Admit Time(HHMM)', 'value': '0830', 'type': 'text', 'is_more_fields': False }, { 'label': 'Patient Class', 'value': 'O', 'type': 'text', 'is_more_fields': False }, { 'label': 'Chief Complaint', 'value': 'Find Patient', 'type': 'dropdown', 'is_more_fields': False }, { 'label': 'Race', 'value': ['White', 'Asian', 'Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander'], 'type': 'dropdown', 'is_more_fields': True }, { 'label': 'Ethnic', 'value': 'Not Hispanic or Latino', 'type': 'dropdown', 'is_more_fields': True }, { 'label': 'Status', 'value': 'Never smoker', 'type': 'dropdown', 'is_more_fields': True }, { 'label': 'Reason', 'value': 'Fever,cough,earache', 'type': 'dropdown', 'is_more_fields': True }, { 'label': 'Diagnosis', 'value': [ 'Influenza with other respiratory manifestations', 'Stenosis of external ear canal due to inflammation' ], 'type': 'dropdown', 'is_more_fields': True }] self.patctrl.admit(test_pat, unit='MSI') #self.patctrl.select_patient('dstest, 0412') self.patctrl.goto_overview() self.sidebar.select_app('NOTES') self.notes.add('CCI Surveillance Note III', test_data) def test_case_21(self): test_pat = test_patients['pat2'] test_data = [ { 'label': 'Patient Name', 'value': 'Unspecified', 'type': 'text', 'is_more_fields': False }, { 'label': 'Gender', 'value': 'F', 'type': 'dropdown', 'is_more_fields': False }, { 'label': 'Height (inches)', 'value': '65', 'type': 'text', 'is_more_fields': False }, { 'label': 'Weight (pounds)', 'value': '128', 'type': 'text', 'is_more_fields': False }, { 'label': 'Admit Date(mm/dd/yyyy)', 'value': '01/01/2017', 'type': 'text', 'is_more_fields': False }, { 'label': 'Admit Time(HHMM)', 'value': '1700', 'type': 'text', 'is_more_fields': False }, { 'label': 'Patient Class', 'value': 'E', 'type': 'text', 'is_more_fields': False }, { 'label': 'Race', 'value': 'White', 'type': 'dropdown', 'is_more_fields': True }, { 'label': 'Status', 'value': 'Unknown if ever smoked', 'type': 'dropdown', 'is_more_fields': True }, { 'label': 'Reason', 'value': 'Pedal cycle driver injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van in traffic accident, initial encounter', 'type': 'dropdown', 'is_more_fields': True }, ] if self.patctrl.search_patient(test_pat.full_name) == 0: self.patctrl.admit(test_pat, unit='ED') else: self.patctrl.select_patient(test_pat.full_name) self.patctrl.goto_overview() self.sidebar.select_app('NOTES') self.notes.add('CCI Surveillance Note III', test_data) def test_case_22(self): test_pat = test_patients['pat2'] test_data = { 'Patient Name': test_pat.full_name, 'Birth Of Date(mm/dd/yyyy)': '04/03/1983', 'Zip Code': '60601', 'City': 'Chicago', 'State': '17', 'Country': 'USA', 'Diagnosis': [ 'Type III occipital condyle fracture, initial encounter for closed fracture', 'Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter' ] } self.patctrl.select_patient(test_pat.ssn) self.patctrl.goto_overview() self.sidebar.select_app('NOTES') formated_data = format_data(test_data, templates[self.note_type]) self.notes.edit(self.note_type, formated_data) def test_case_23(self): test_pat = test_patients['pat2'] test_data = { 'Zip Code': '60601', 'City': 'Chicago', 'State': '17', 'Country': 'USA', 'Diagnosis': [ 'Type III occipital condyle fracture, initial encounter for closed fracture', 'Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter' ] } self.patctrl.select_patient(test_pat.full_name) self.patctrl.goto_overview() self.sidebar.select_app('NOTES') formated_data = format_data(test_data, templates[self.note_type]) self.notes.edit(self.note_type, formated_data) def test_case_31(self): test_pat = test_patients['pat3'] test_data = { 'Gender': 'M', 'Birth Of Date(mm/dd/yyyy)': '04/25/1948', 'Height (inches)': '65', 'Weight (pounds)': '170', 'Zip Code': '74852', 'County/Parish Code': '40125', 'City': 'Oklahoma City', 'State': 'Oklahoma', 'Country': 'USA', 'Admit Date(mm/dd/yyyy)': '02/01/2010', 'Admit Time(HHMM)': '0730', 'Patient Class': 'E', 'Chief Complaint': 'A headache, nausea, and dizziness', 'Race': ['White', 'American Indian or Alaska Native', 'Other race'], 'Ethnic': 'Not Hispanic or Latino', 'Status': 'Current Light tobacco smoker' } if self.patctrl.search_patient(test_pat.full_name) == 0: self.patctrl.admit(test_pat, unit='ED') else: self.patctrl.select_patient(test_pat.full_name) self.patctrl.goto_overview() self.sidebar.select_app('NOTES') formated_data = format_data(test_data, templates[self.note_type]) self.notes.add(self.note_type, formated_data) def test_case_32(self): test_pat = test_patients['pat3'] test_data = {'Diagnosis': 'Accidental exposure to carbon monoxide'} self.patctrl.select_patient(test_pat.full_name) self.patctrl.goto_overview() self.sidebar.select_app('NOTES') formated_data = format_data(test_data, templates[self.note_type]) self.notes.edit(self.note_type, formated_data) def test_case_33(self): test_pat = test_patients['pat3'] test_data = { 'Discharge Disposition': 'Admitted as an inpatient to this hospital' } self.patctrl.select_patient(test_pat.full_name) self.patctrl.goto_overview() self.sidebar.select_app('NOTES') formated_data = format_data(test_data, templates[self.note_type]) self.notes.edit(self.note_type, formated_data) def test_case_41(self): test_pat = test_patients['pat4'] test_data = { 'Gender': 'M', 'Birth Of Date(mm/dd/yyyy)': '04/25/1967', 'Height (inches)': '72', 'Weight (pounds)': '235', 'Zip Code': '43058', 'County/Parish Code': '39049', 'City': 'Columbus', 'State': 'Ohio', 'Country': 'USA', 'Admit Date(mm/dd/yyyy)': '08/17/2015', 'Admit Time(HHMM)': '0700', 'Patient Class': 'I', 'Race': 'White', 'Ethnic': 'Hispanic or Latino', 'Status': 'Current Light tobacco smoker', 'Reason': 'Atherosclerotic heart disease of native coronary artery with unstable angina pectoris', 'Diagnosis': 'Angina pectoris, unspecified' } if self.patctrl.search_patient(test_pat.full_name) == 0: self.patctrl.admit(test_pat, unit='MMI') else: self.patctrl.select_patient(test_pat.full_name) self.patctrl.goto_overview() self.sidebar.select_app('NOTES') formated_data = format_data(test_data, templates[self.note_type]) self.notes.add(self.note_type, formated_data) def test_case_42(self): test_pat = test_patients['pat4'] test_data = { 'Discharge Disposition': 'Discharged to home or self care (routine discharge)', 'Diagnosis': 'Cardiac arrhythmia, unspecified' } self.patctrl.select_patient(test_pat.full_name) self.patctrl.goto_overview() self.sidebar.select_app('NOTES') formated_data = format_data(test_data, templates[self.note_type]) self.notes.edit(self.note_type, formated_data)
def login(persist_cookie): cookie_file = './tmp/cookies.pkl' config = configparser.ConfigParser()'./crawler/app.cnf') account = config['shopee']['account'] password = config['shopee']['password'] browser = Browser() try: browser.go(Shopee.login_page_url) browser.load_cookie_from(cookie_file) # browser.send_by_css(Shopee.account_input_css_selector, account) browser.send_by_css(Shopee.password_input_css_selector, password) browser.click_by_xpath(Shopee.login_button_xpath) try: browser.wait_for( lambda driver: driver.find_element_by_css_selector( Shopee.verify_code_input_css_selector)) browser.send_by_css(Shopee.verify_code_input_css_selector, input('input verify code: ')) browser.click_by_xpath(Shopee.verify_button_xpath) except TE: pass browser.wait_for(lambda driver: driver.current_url == Shopee.home) if persist_cookie: browser.dump_cookie(cookie_file) return browser.get_cookies() finally: browser.quit()
def __init__(self): super(BaseCase, self).__init__() self.browser = Browser() self.add_components() self.prepare_pages()
class Case04(unittest.TestCase): """Test 16308 rt4 VDT.""" @classmethod def setUpClass(self): """Prepare test env.""" # Init browser and open test site. self.browser = Browser() test_urls = { 'ehr_main': r'', 'ehr_amc': r'', 'ea_create': r'', 'ea_access': r'' } self.browser.open_sites(test_urls) # Init components. self.login = Login(self.browser.driver) self.patctrl = Patctrl(self.browser.driver) self.sidebar = Sidebar(self.browser.driver) self.amc = Amc(self.browser.driver) self.pat_eaccess = PatEAccess(self.browser.driver) # Make the pages ready. self.browser.switch_to_window('ehr_main') self.login.login('dst01', '123') self.browser.switch_to_window('ehr_amc') self.login.login('dst01', '123') self.sidebar.select_app('AMC') self.browser.switch_to_window('ea_create') self.pat_eaccess.login() @classmethod def tearDownClass(self): # Close browser #self.browser.quit() pass def setUp(self): pass def tearDown(self): pass def test_case_in_0111(self): test_pat = get_test_pat('040111') self.prepare_data(test_pat, 'first', 'No', 'No') actual_result = self.get_result() expected_result = { 'VDT Measure A Stage 2 (Inpatient)': [1, 1, 0, 0], 'VDT Measure A Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [1, 1, 0, 0], 'VDT Measure B Stage 2 (Inpatient)': [1, 1, 0, 0], 'VDT Measure B Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [1, 1, 0, 0], 'VDT Measure C Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [1, 1, 0, 0] } self.assertEqual(expected_result, actual_result) def test_case_in_0112(self): test_pat = get_test_pat('040112') self.prepare_data(test_pat, 'first', 'No', 'No') actual_result = self.get_result() expected_result = { 'VDT Measure A Stage 2 (Inpatient)': [2, 2, 0, 0], 'VDT Measure A Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [2, 2, 0, 0], 'VDT Measure B Stage 2 (Inpatient)': [2, 2, 0, 0], 'VDT Measure B Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [2, 2, 0, 0], 'VDT Measure C Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [2, 2, 0, 0] } self.assertEqual(expected_result, actual_result) def test_case_in_0113(self): test_pat = get_test_pat('040113') self.prepare_data(test_pat, 'first', 'No', 'No') actual_result = self.get_result() expected_result = { 'VDT Measure A Stage 2 (Inpatient)': [3, 3, 0, 0], 'VDT Measure A Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [3, 3, 0, 0], 'VDT Measure B Stage 2 (Inpatient)': [3, 3, 0, 0], 'VDT Measure B Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [3, 3, 0, 0], 'VDT Measure C Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [3, 3, 0, 0] } self.assertEqual(expected_result, actual_result) def test_case_in_0114(self): test_pat = get_test_pat('040114') self.prepare_data(test_pat, 'first', 'Yes', 'No') actual_result = self.get_result() expected_result = { 'VDT Measure A Stage 2 (Inpatient)': [4, 4, 1, 25], 'VDT Measure A Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [4, 4, 1, 25], 'VDT Measure B Stage 2 (Inpatient)': [4, 4, 1, 25], 'VDT Measure B Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [4, 4, 1, 25], 'VDT Measure C Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [4, 4, 0, 0] } self.assertEqual(expected_result, actual_result) def test_case_in_0115(self): test_pat = get_test_pat('040115') self.prepare_data(test_pat, 'first', 'Yes', 'Yes') actual_result = self.get_result() expected_result = { 'VDT Measure A Stage 2 (Inpatient)': [5, 5, 2, 40], 'VDT Measure A Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [5, 5, 2, 40], 'VDT Measure B Stage 2 (Inpatient)': [5, 5, 2, 40], 'VDT Measure B Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [5, 5, 2, 40], 'VDT Measure C Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [5, 5, 1, 20] } self.assertEqual(expected_result, actual_result) def test_case_in_0121(self): test_pat = get_test_pat('040111', second='second') self.prepare_data(test_pat, 'second', 'Yes', 'No') actual_result = self.get_result() expected_result = { 'VDT Measure A Stage 2 (Inpatient)': [5, 5, 3, 60], 'VDT Measure A Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [5, 5, 3, 60], 'VDT Measure B Stage 2 (Inpatient)': [5, 5, 3, 60], 'VDT Measure B Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [5, 5, 3, 60], 'VDT Measure C Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [5, 5, 1, 20] } self.assertEqual(expected_result, actual_result) def test_case_in_0122(self): test_pat = get_test_pat('040112', second='second') self.prepare_data(test_pat, 'second', 'Yes', 'Yes') actual_result = self.get_result() expected_result = { 'VDT Measure A Stage 2 (Inpatient)': [5, 5, 4, 80], 'VDT Measure A Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [5, 5, 4, 80], 'VDT Measure B Stage 2 (Inpatient)': [5, 5, 4, 80], 'VDT Measure B Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [5, 5, 4, 80], 'VDT Measure C Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [5, 5, 2, 40] } self.assertEqual(expected_result, actual_result) def test_case_in_0123(self): test_pat = get_test_pat('040113', second='second') self.prepare_data(test_pat, 'second', 'No', 'Yes') actual_result = self.get_result() expected_result = { 'VDT Measure A Stage 2 (Inpatient)': [5, 5, 4, 80], 'VDT Measure A Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [5, 5, 5, 100], 'VDT Measure B Stage 2 (Inpatient)': [5, 5, 4, 80], 'VDT Measure B Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [5, 5, 4, 80], 'VDT Measure C Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [5, 5, 3, 60] } self.assertEqual(expected_result, actual_result) def test_case_in_0131(self): test_pat = get_test_pat('040131') self.prepare_data(test_pat, 'first', 'Yes', 'No') actual_result = self.get_result() expected_result = { 'VDT Measure A Stage 2 (Inpatient)': [6, 6, 5, 83], 'VDT Measure A Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [6, 6, 6, 100], 'VDT Measure B Stage 2 (Inpatient)': [6, 6, 5, 83], 'VDT Measure B Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [6, 6, 5, 83], 'VDT Measure C Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [6, 6, 3, 50] } self.assertEqual(expected_result, actual_result) def test_case_in_0132(self): test_pat = get_test_pat('040132') self.prepare_data(test_pat, 'first', 'Yes', 'Yes') actual_result = self.get_result() expected_result = { 'VDT Measure A Stage 2 (Inpatient)': [7, 7, 6, 86], 'VDT Measure A Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [7, 7, 7, 100], 'VDT Measure B Stage 2 (Inpatient)': [7, 7, 6, 86], 'VDT Measure B Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [7, 7, 6, 86], 'VDT Measure C Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [7, 7, 4, 57] } self.assertEqual(expected_result, actual_result) def test_case_in_0133(self): test_pat = get_test_pat('040133') self.prepare_data(test_pat, 'first', 'No', 'Yes') actual_result = self.get_result() expected_result = { 'VDT Measure A Stage 2 (Inpatient)': [8, 8, 6, 75], 'VDT Measure A Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [8, 8, 8, 100], 'VDT Measure B Stage 2 (Inpatient)': [8, 8, 6, 75], 'VDT Measure B Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [8, 8, 6, 75], 'VDT Measure C Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [8, 8, 5, 63] } self.assertEqual(expected_result, actual_result) def test_case_in_0141(self): test_pat = get_test_pat('040141') self.prepare_data(test_pat, 'first', 'No', 'No') actual_result = self.get_result() expected_result = { 'VDT Measure A Stage 2 (Inpatient)': [9, 9, 6, 67], 'VDT Measure A Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [9, 9, 8, 89], 'VDT Measure B Stage 2 (Inpatient)': [9, 9, 6, 67], 'VDT Measure B Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [9, 9, 6, 67], 'VDT Measure C Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [9, 9, 5, 56] } self.assertEqual(expected_result, actual_result) def test_case_in_0142(self): test_pat = get_test_pat('040142') self.prepare_data(test_pat, 'first', 'No', 'No') actual_result = self.get_result() expected_result = { 'VDT Measure A Stage 2 (Inpatient)': [10, 10, 6, 60], 'VDT Measure A Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [10, 10, 8, 80], 'VDT Measure B Stage 2 (Inpatient)': [10, 10, 6, 60], 'VDT Measure B Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [10, 10, 6, 60], 'VDT Measure C Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [10, 10, 5, 50] } self.assertEqual(expected_result, actual_result) def test_case_in_0143(self): test_pat = get_test_pat('040143') self.prepare_data(test_pat, 'first', 'No', 'No') actual_result = self.get_result() expected_result = { 'VDT Measure A Stage 2 (Inpatient)': [11, 11, 6, 55], 'VDT Measure A Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [11, 11, 8, 73], 'VDT Measure B Stage 2 (Inpatient)': [11, 11, 6, 55], 'VDT Measure B Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [11, 11, 6, 55], 'VDT Measure C Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [11, 11, 5, 45] } self.assertEqual(expected_result, actual_result) def test_case_in_0144(self): test_pat = get_test_pat('040144') self.prepare_data(test_pat, 'first', 'No', 'No') actual_result = self.get_result() expected_result = { 'VDT Measure A Stage 2 (Inpatient)': [12, 12, 6, 50], 'VDT Measure A Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [12, 12, 8, 67], 'VDT Measure B Stage 2 (Inpatient)': [12, 12, 6, 50], 'VDT Measure B Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [12, 12, 6, 50], 'VDT Measure C Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [12, 12, 5, 42] } self.assertEqual(expected_result, actual_result) def test_case_in_0151(self): test_pat = get_test_pat('040115', second='second') self.prepare_data(test_pat, 'second', 'Yes', 'No') actual_result = self.get_result() expected_result = { 'VDT Measure A Stage 2 (Inpatient)': [12, 12, 6, 50], 'VDT Measure A Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [12, 12, 8, 67], 'VDT Measure B Stage 2 (Inpatient)': [12, 12, 6, 50], 'VDT Measure B Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [12, 12, 6, 50], 'VDT Measure C Stage 3 (Inpatient)': [12, 12, 5, 42] } self.assertEqual(expected_result, actual_result) def admit_discharge(self, test_pat, unit='MCC'): # Admit and check-in patient self.browser.switch_to_window('ehr_main') self.patctrl.admit(test_pat, unit) sleep(60) self.patctrl.discharge() def transfer(self, test_pat, unit='M6S'): self.browser.switch_to_window('ehr_main') self.patctrl.select_patient(get_full_name(test_pat)) self.patctrl.transfer(unit=unit) def admit_checkin(self, test_pat): # Admit and check-in patient self.browser.switch_to_window('ehr_main') self.patctrl.admit(test_pat, 'MCC') self.patctrl.check_in() def create_account(self, test_pat): # Create account. self.browser.switch_to_window('ea_create') self.pat_eaccess.create_account(test_pat['ssn'], test_pat['ssn'], get_full_name(test_pat), '123') def e_access(self, test_pat): # Create account and do PatElectronicAccess self.browser.switch_to_window('ea_access') self.pat_eaccess.e_access(test_pat['ssn'], '123') self.browser.driver.back() def get_result(self): # Check result self.browser.switch_to_window('ehr_amc') sleep(8) self.amc.query() return self.amc.get_result('VDT Measure', 'Inpatient') def prepare_data(self, test_pat, encounter, create, access): if encounter == 'first': self.admit_discharge(test_pat) else: self.transfer(test_pat) if create == 'Yes': self.create_account(test_pat) self.e_access(test_pat) if access == 'Yes': ssh_execute('', '.dosu VDTByPatient ' + test_pat['ssn'] + ' 123')