コード例 #1
ファイル: Workspace.py プロジェクト: icco/webnotesquared
def CreateLoad():
  import cgi
  ret = Workspace()
  form = cgi.FieldStorage()
  # get the name, strip invalid quote characters
  ret.name = form.getfirst('name', '').replace("'", '')
  # make sure it's a valid request
  if not ret.name:
    return None

  # get the workspace data
  ret.db.execute("SELECT wsid, nextNoteNum,"
                 " DATE_FORMAT(time, '%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%i:%%s')"
                 " FROM " + Db.getTableName(ret.name, 'workspaces') +
                 " WHERE wsname=%s", ret.name)
  row = ret.db.fetchone()
  if row:
    ret.wsid, ret.nextNoteNum, ret.lasttime = row
    if form.has_key('time'):
      ret.lasttime = form['time'].value
    # load the notes
    table_name = Db.getTableName(ret.name, 'notes')
    sql = ("SELECT %s FROM %s"
           " WHERE wsid=%%s AND %s.time=%%s"
           % (','.join(Note.Note.DBKEYS), table_name, table_name))
    ret.db.execute(sql, [ret.wsid, ret.lasttime])
    for row in ret.db.fetchall():

  # this is a hack for now
  # TODO: add this to the notes array
  ret.newNoteText = (form.getfirst('nn', '')
                     .replace("\n", "\\n")
                     .replace("\r", "")
                     .replace("\l", ""))
  if ret.newNoteText:
    via = form.getfirst('via', '')
    ret.newNoteText += "<br />via <a href='%s'>%s</a>" % (via, via)
  return ret
コード例 #2
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: icco/webnotesquared
 def __del__(self):
   """Some cleanup code so the database doesn't get too icky"""
   db = Db.getDBH()
   cur = db.cursor()
   cur.execute('SELECT wsid FROM wn_workspaces where wsname=%s',
   wsid = cur.fetchone()[0]
   cur.execute('DELETE FROM wn_notes WHERE wsid=%s AND time > %s',
               [wsid, '20050530222438'])
コード例 #3
ファイル: Workspace.py プロジェクト: icco/webnotesquared
 def createUpdateWorkspace(self):
   """Create or update the workspaces table."""
   table_name = Db.getTableName(self.name, 'workspaces')
   self.db.execute("INSERT INTO " + table_name + "(wsname, nextNoteNum, time)"
                   " VALUES(%s, %s, %s)"
                   "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE nextNoteNum=%s, time=%s",
                   (self.name, self.nextNoteNum, self.lasttime,
                    self.nextNoteNum, self.lasttime))
   self.wsid = self.dbh.insert_id()
コード例 #4
ファイル: Workspace.py プロジェクト: icco/webnotesquared
 def __init__(self):
   self.name = ''
   self.notes = []
   self.nextNoteNum = 0
   self.lasttime = '' # string
   self.newNoteText = ''
   # create a db connection
   self.dbh = Db.getDBH()
   self.db = self.dbh.cursor()
コード例 #5
ファイル: Base.py プロジェクト: cash2one/pythonclass
def getDbInstance():

    db_conf = CONF_PATH + '/db.ini'
    confIns = loadConf(db_conf)

    db_args = {}
    db_args['host'] = confIns.get('db', 'host')
    db_args['db'] = confIns.get('db', 'db')
    db_args['user'] = confIns.get('db', 'user')
    db_args['passwd'] = confIns.get('db', 'passwd')
    db_args['charset'] = confIns.get('db', 'charset')

    return Db.Mysql(db_args)
コード例 #6
ファイル: getdates.py プロジェクト: icco/webnotesquared
def main():
  form = cgi.FieldStorage()
    offset = int(form.getfirst('offset', '0'))
  except ValueError:
    offset = 0
  ws = Workspace.Workspace()
  ws.name = form.getfirst('name', '')

  # make sure it's a valid request
  if not ws.name:
    message.PlainText('No name entered.')

  ws_table_name = Db.getTableName(ws.name, 'workspaces')
  note_table_name = Db.getTableName(ws.name, 'notes')
  ws.db.execute(("SELECT distinct"
                 " DATE_FORMAT(" + note_table_name + ".time, '%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%i:%%s') as T"
                 " FROM " + note_table_name +
                 " INNER JOIN " + ws_table_name + " USING(wsid)"
                 " WHERE wsname=%s ORDER BY T DESC"
                 " LIMIT %s, %s"), (ws.name, offset, NUM_DATES+1))

  loadTimes = [str(row[0]).strip() for row in ws.db.fetchall()]
コード例 #7
ファイル: UpdateData.py プロジェクト: hayashiXXXXX/FxPrice
def updateData(brokerName, list):
    sql = "insert into price values"
    const = Const.Const()
    for k in list.keys():
        pattern = r"[0-9\.]+"
        matchlist = re.findall(pattern, list[k])
        b = matchlist[0]
        a = matchlist[1]
        s = round((float(a) - float(b)) * 100000) / 100000
        sql = sql + "('" + brokerName + "','" + k + "'," + str(b) + "," + str(a) + "," + str(s) + ", current_timestamp),"
    sql = sql[0:-1] + ";"
    db = Db.Db()
    db.execute(const.POSTGRE_HOST, const.POSTGRE_PORT, const.POSTGRE_DB, const.POSTGRE_USER, const.POSTGRE_PW, "delete from price where broker='" + brokerName + "';")
    db.execute(const.POSTGRE_HOST, const.POSTGRE_PORT, const.POSTGRE_DB, const.POSTGRE_USER, const.POSTGRE_PW, sql)
コード例 #8
ファイル: getrecent.py プロジェクト: icco/webnotesquared
def main():
  form = cgi.FieldStorage()
  ws = Workspace.Workspace()
  ws.name = form.getfirst('name', '')

  # make sure it's a valid request
  if not ws.name:
    message.PlainText('No name entered.')

  table_name = Db.getTableName(ws.name, 'workspaces')
                " DATE_FORMAT(time, '%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%i:%%s') as T"
                " FROM " + table_name +
                " WHERE wsname=%s", ws.name)
  row = ws.db.fetchone()
  if row:
    row = ws.db.fetchone()
コード例 #9
ファイル: Workspace.py プロジェクト: icco/webnotesquared
  def commit(self):
    nowtime = datetime.datetime.now(TIMEZONE)
    # we save dates in the database localized to the current timezone
    self.lasttime = nowtime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    # save all the notes to wn_notes
    if len(self.notes) > 0:
      table_name = Db.getTableName(self.name, 'notes')
      sql = ('INSERT INTO %s(%s, time, wsid)'
             ' VALUES(%s, %%s, %%s)'
             % (table_name,
                ','.join(["%s" % k for k in Note.Note.DBKEYS]),
                ','.join(['%s'] * len(Note.Note.DBKEYS))))
      values = [n.getValues() + [self.lasttime, self.wsid] for n in self.notes]
      self.db.executemany(sql, values)

    return self.lasttime
コード例 #10
ファイル: install.py プロジェクト: icco/webnotesquared
your sysadmin to install it for you.</p>"""

def create():
  print "<p>Trying to create tables . . ."
    from lib import Db
    from etc import common
    assert common.TABLE_SHARDS > 0
    assert len(common.TABLE_PREFIX) != 0
  except Exception, e:
    print "failed to read db values from config:", e

    db = Db.getDBH()
    cur = db.cursor()
    shards = common.TABLE_SHARDS
    max_digits = len(str(shards))
    # create 'workspaces' and 'notes' table for each shard
    for num in xrange(shards):
      num = Db.getShardNum(num)

      table_name = "%s%s%s" % (common.TABLE_PREFIX, "workspaces", num)
      create_sql = CREATE_WORKSPACE % {'table_name': table_name}

      table_name = "%s%s%s" % (common.TABLE_PREFIX, "notes", num)
      create_sql = CREATE_NOTES % {'table_name': table_name}
  except Exception, e:
コード例 #11
ファイル: get_data.py プロジェクト: icco/webnotesquared

import MySQLdb
import csv
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '..')
from lib import Db

cur = Db.getDBH().cursor()
print 'db'
cur.execute('select wsid, count(nid), time from wn_notes'
            ' where wsid != 15'
            ' group by wsid, time order by wsid')

writer = csv.writer(open('usage.csv', 'w'))
print 'write'