コード例 #1
ファイル: daily_notes.py プロジェクト: sum12/python-rtmbot
import time
amount = {}
import time, re, getpass, os, csv

from lib import Plugin, cron
plgn = Plugin('daily_notes')
logger = plgn.logger

fieldnames = ['Date', 'Seperator', 'Todo', 'Type']

def receiving(data):
    return sending_back(retrieving())

def retrieving(*args):
    global fieldnames
    task_status = {'Pending': [], 'Done': []}
    with open('daily-task.csv', 'r') as f:
        final = ""
        r = csv.DictReader(f)
        for row in r:
            if args:
                f = fieldnames[args[1]]
                if args[0] in row[str(f)]:
                    temp = ' '.join(
                        [value for key, value in row.items() if key != 'Type'])
                    if row['Type'] == 'Pending':
コード例 #2
import os
import json
from datetime import datetime
from csv import DictReader, DictWriter

from lib import Plugin, cron
plgn = Plugin('share')
logger = plgn.logger

all = ['soumavo', 'bos', 'sumit']

def addToTable(table, p, n):
    sp = sorted(p.items(), key=lambda (x, y): y, reverse=True)
    sn = sorted(n.items(), key=lambda (x, y): y, reverse=True)

    for i in range(len(sn)):
        name, toGive = sn[i]
        if toGive:
            for j in range(len(sp)):
                (otherName, toReceive) = sp[j]
                if toReceive:
                    if toGive >= toReceive:
                        toGive -= toReceive
                        sp[j] = (otherName, 0)
                        sn[i] = (name, toGive)
                        table[name][otherName] = table[name].get(otherName,
                                                                 0) + toReceive
                        #print '%s gives %s  Rs. %d'%(name,otherName,toReceive)
                        sp[j] = (otherName, toReceive - toGive)
コード例 #3
ファイル: managerclient.py プロジェクト: sum12/python-rtmbot
import requests
from itertools import repeat

from lib import Plugin, cron
plgn = Plugin('managerclient')
logger = plgn.logger

@plgn.command('exe (?P<config>(\d+,)*\d+)')
def exercise(data, **details):
    """ Store exe related data """
    URL = plgn.managerurl + '/daily'
    r = requests.post(URL,
                          'type': 'exercise',
                          'data': details['config']
    if r.status_code == 201:
        return 'Ok'
        return 'Failed to inform the server, please try again'

def ping():
    for url in plgn.URLS:
        logger.info('pinging %s' % url)
        r = requests.get(url, verify=False)

コード例 #4
ファイル: wallet.py プロジェクト: sum12/python-rtmbot
import time
import re,getpass,os,time
amount = {}

from lib import Plugin, cron
plgn = Plugin('wallet')
logger = plgn.logger

def making_database():
	f = open("wallet.txt",'w')
	string  = "{'cash':0,'savings':0,'pay':{},'receive':{}}"
	logger.info("Database written")

def reading_database():
	global amount
	f = open("wallet.txt",'r')
	data = f.read()
	amount = eval(data)

def updating_database():
	global amount
コード例 #5
ファイル: dictionary.py プロジェクト: sum12/python-rtmbot
import time
import re, urbandict

from lib import Plugin
plgn = Plugin('dictionay')

@plgn.command('define (?P<what>[-a-zA-Z]+)')
def temp(data, what):
    final = ""
    d = urbandict.define(str(what))
    for item in d:
        final = final + item['def']
    return final

@plgn.command('use (?P<what>[-a-zA-Z]+)')
def temp(data, what):
    final = ""
    d = urbandict.define(str(what))
    for item in d:
        final = final + item['example']
    return final
コード例 #6
ファイル: youtube.py プロジェクト: sum12/python-rtmbot
import os,subprocess
import sys
import logging
from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler
import re,youtube_dl,getpass,os
from lib import Plugin, cron
plgn = Plugin('youtube')
logger = plgn.logger

ydl_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
if len(ydl_logger.handlers) < 1:
    ydl_handler = RotatingFileHandler('youtubedl.log', 'a', 2 * 1024 * 1024)
    ydl_handler.propagate = False
    ydl_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s'))

# downloaded_list is a global variable for storing the names of the videos which are downloaded
# by link_downloader. This is used for parsing video names form downloader_hook to the download
# function so that it can be returned to inform the user. This is just a temporary solution.
# In the long run, may be modifying the thread class to include a list would be a better option.
downloaded_list = []

def tell(data,what=None):
    string = """Follow the following commands :
            download (link) [a]
                This function lets you download a video or audio directly. 
                'a' is optional parameter for downloading the audio file.
                Returns a list of all links that are noted in download_queue.txt
コード例 #7
import time
import re

from lib import Plugin, cron
plgn = Plugin('repeat')
logger = plgn.logger
plgn.__doc__ = "Demo/Dummy plugin"

    'repeat (?P<what>[-a-zA-Z0-9 `,;!@#$%^&*()_=.{}:"\?\<\>/\[\'\]\\n]+)')
def repeat(data, what):
    return 'repeating ' + what

#@plgn.schedule(cron(second=range(0,60,5)), maximum = 2)
#def logr(*args, **kwargs):
#    plgn.myid =myid= getattr(plgn,'myid',0) + 1
#    logger.info('start myid is %s' % myid)
#    time.sleep(20)
#    logger.info('end myid is %s' % myid)
コード例 #8
import os
from itertools import repeat

from lib import Plugin, cron
plgn = Plugin('watch')
logger = plgn.logger
if os.name == 'posix':

    def pid_exists(pid):
        """Check whether pid exists in the current process table."""
        import errno
        if pid < 0:
            return False
            os.kill(pid, 0)
        except OSError as e:
            return e.errno == errno.EPERM
            return True

    def pid_exists(pid):
        import ctypes
        kernel32 = ctypes.windll.kernel32
        SYNCHRONIZE = 0x100000

        process = kernel32.OpenProcess(SYNCHRONIZE, 0, pid)
        if process != 0:
コード例 #9
ファイル: reimburse.py プロジェクト: sum12/python-rtmbot
import os
from datetime import datetime
import logging
from csv import DictWriter, DictReader
from lib import Plugin, cron
from collections import defaultdict

logger = logging.getLogger('bot.reimburse')
plgn = Plugin('reimburse')
plgn.__doc__ = "Use this plugin to store reimbursements. The details will be mailed to you by the end of month"

@plgn.command('reim (?P<amt>-?\d+) (?P<why>[A-Za-z0-9 !@#$%^&*()]+)')
def save(data, **details):
    save reimbursement details:
    usage: reim <amt> <why>
    with open(plgn.exp_filename, 'a') as f:
        wr = DictWriter(f, ['dt','by','amt', 'why','status'])
        dt = datetime.now()
        details['status'] = 1
        details['dt'] = dt
        details['by'] = data['user_object'].name if data.get('user_object') else data['user']
    sendMonthlyEmail(None, **details)
    return '{amt} was spent for {why}'.format(**details)
コード例 #10
ファイル: reimburse.py プロジェクト: sum12/python-rtmbot
import os
from datetime import datetime
from csv import DictWriter, DictReader
from lib import Plugin, cron
from collections import defaultdict

plgn = Plugin('reimburse')
logger = plgn.logger
plgn.__doc__ = "Use this plugin to store reimbursements. The details will be mailed to you by the end of month"

@plgn.command('reim (?P<amt>-?\d+) (?P<why>[A-Za-z0-9 !@#$%^&*()]+)')
def save(data, **details):
    save reimbursement details:
    usage: reim <amt> <why>
    with open(plgn.exp_filename, 'a') as f:
        wr = DictWriter(f, ['dt', 'by', 'amt', 'why', 'status'])
        dt = datetime.now()
        details['status'] = 1
        details['dt'] = dt
        details['by'] = data['user_object'].name if data.get(
            'user_object') else data['user']
    sendMonthlyEmail(None, **details)
    return '{amt} was spent for {why}'.format(**details)

def userwise():
コード例 #11
ファイル: todo.py プロジェクト: sum12/python-rtmbot
import os
import pickle
from lib import Plugin
plgn = Plugin('todo')
logger = plgn.logger

tasks = {}

FILE = "todo.data"
if os.path.isfile(FILE):
    tasks = pickle.load(open(FILE, 'rb'))

def todo(data, **args):
    global tasks
    channel = data["channel"]
    text = data["text"]
    #only accept tasks on DM channels
    if channel.startswith("D"):
        if channel not in tasks.keys():
            tasks[channel] = []
        #do command stuff
        if text.startswith("todo"):
            return 'added'
        if text == "tasks":
            output = ""
            counter = 1
            for task in tasks[channel]:
                output += "%i) %s\n" % (counter, task)
コード例 #12
ファイル: repeat.py プロジェクト: sum12/python-rtmbot
import time
import re

from lib import Plugin, cron
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger("bot.repeat")
plgn = Plugin("repeat")
plgn.__doc__ = "Demo/Dummy plugin"

@plgn.command("repeat (?P<what>[-a-zA-Z0-9 `,;!@#$%^&*()_=.{}:\"\?\<\>/\['\]\\n]+)")
def repeat(data, what):
    return "repeating " + what

# @plgn.schedule(cron(second=range(0,60,5)), maximum = 2)
# def logr(*args, **kwargs):
#    plgn.myid =myid= getattr(plgn,'myid',0) + 1
#    logger.info('start myid is %s' % myid)
#    time.sleep(20)
#    logger.info('end myid is %s' % myid)
コード例 #13
ファイル: link.py プロジェクト: sum12/python-rtmbot
import time, requests
import re, getpass, os, time, csv

a = []

from lib import Plugin, cron
plgn = Plugin('link')
logger = plgn.logger

    'Url (?P<what>[-a-zA-Z0-9 `,;!@#$%^&*()_=.{}:"\?\<\>/\[\'\]\\n]+)')
def experiment(data, what):
    if not os.access('data.csv', os.F_OK):
        data_write(' ', ' ', ' ')
    a = time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time()))
    x = what.split(" ")
    if len(x) > 1:
        description = " ".join(x[1:])
        what = x[0]
        description = " "

    temp = list(what)
    if '>' in temp:
    if '<' in temp:
    what = "".join(temp)
    #filter to check if the link exists and is valid
    if requests.get(what).status_code != 200:
コード例 #14
import requests
import time
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from lib import Plugin, cron

plgn = Plugin('actlogin')
logger = plgn.logger

password = username = URL = ''

@plgn.schedule(cron(hour=[5], minute=[0], second=[0]))
def relogin():
    logger.info('Now Logging out')
    logger.info('Logged Out successfully')
    logger.info('Logging in now')
    logger.info('Logged in successfully')

    #plgn.outputs.append(['random', 'Relogged in successfully'])

def login():
    resp = requests.get(URL)
    l = resp.content
    logger.debug("got content")
    bs = BeautifulSoup(l)
    f = bs.findAll('form')[1]
    logger.debug("found form")