コード例 #1
def test_import_export(topology_st):
    BE_NAME = 'userRoot'
    EXCLUDE_SUFFIX = "ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com"
    LDIF_NAME = "test_import_export.ldif"
    LDIF_PATH = os.path.join(topology_st.standalone.ds_paths.ldif_dir,
    topology_st.logcap = LogCapture()
    args = FakeArgs()

    # Export the backend
    args.be_names = [BE_NAME]
    args.ldif = LDIF_NAME
    args.use_id2entry = None
    args.encrypted = None
    args.min_base64 = None
    args.no_dump_uniq_id = None
    args.replication = None
    args.not_folded = None
    args.no_seq_num = None
    args.include_suffixes = None
    args.exclude_suffixes = [EXCLUDE_SUFFIX]
    backend_export(topology_st.standalone, None, topology_st.logcap.log, args)

    # Verify export worked
    assert os.path.exists(LDIF_PATH)
    with open(LDIF_PATH, 'r') as ldif:
        for line in ldif:
            assert not line.endswith("%s\n" % EXCLUDE_SUFFIX)

    # Import the backend
    args.be_name = BE_NAME
    args.ldifs = [LDIF_NAME]
    args.chunks_size = None
    args.encrypted = None
    args.gen_uniq_id = None
    args.only_core = None
    args.include_suffixes = None
    args.exclude_suffixes = None
    backend_import(topology_st.standalone, None, topology_st.logcap.log, args)
コード例 #2
def test_import_warning(topology_st):
    """Import ldif file with skipped entries to generate a warning message

    :id: 66f9275b-11b4-4718-b401-18fa6011b362
    :setup: Standalone Instance
        1. Create LDIF file with skipped entries
        2. Import the LDIF file with backend import
        3. Check the topology logs
        4. Check errors log
        1. Success
        2. Success
        3. Result message should contain warning code
        4. Errors log should contain skipped entry message

    standalone = topology_st.standalone
    message = 'The import task has finished successfully, with warning code 8, check the logs for more detail'

    args = FakeArgs()
    args.be_name = 'userRoot'
    args.ldifs = [create_example_ldif(topology_st)]
    args.chunks_size = None
    args.encrypted = False
    args.gen_uniq_id = None
    args.only_core = False
    args.include_suffixes = 'dc=example,dc=com'
    args.exclude_suffixes = None

    log.info('Import the LDIF file')
    backend_import(standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, topology_st.logcap.log, args)

    log.info('Check logs for a warning message')
    assert topology_st.logcap.contains(message)
    assert standalone.ds_error_log.match(
        '.*Skipping entry "uid=demo,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" which has no parent.*'