コード例 #1
def test_usandsconf_dbgen_cos_indirect(topology_st, set_log_file_and_ldif):
    """Test ldifgen (formerly dbgen) tool to create a COS definition

        :id: ab4b799e-e801-432a-a61d-badad2628201
        :setup: Standalone instance
             1. Create DS instance
             2. Run ldifgen to generate ldif with indirect COS definition
             3. Import generated ldif to database
             4. Check it was properly imported
             1. Success
             2. Success
             3. Success
             4. Success

    LDAP_RESULT = 'adding new entry "cn=My_Postal_Def_indirect,ou=cos indirect definitions,dc=example,dc=com"'

    standalone = topology_st.standalone

    args = FakeArgs()
    args.type = 'indirect'
    args.NAME = 'My_Postal_Def_indirect'
    args.parent = 'ou=cos indirect definitions,dc=example,dc=com'
    args.create_parent = True
    args.cos_specifier = 'businessCategory'
    args.cos_attr = ['postalcode', 'telephonenumber']
    args.cos_template = None
    args.ldif_file = ldif_file

    content_list = [
        'Generating LDIF with the following options:',
        'NAME={}'.format(args.NAME), 'type={}'.format(args.type),
        'parent={}'.format(args.parent), 'create-parent={}'.format(
            args.create_parent), 'cos-specifier={}'.format(args.cos_specifier),
        'ldif-file={}'.format(args.ldif_file), 'Writing LDIF',
        'Successfully created LDIF file: {}'.format(args.ldif_file)

    log.info('Run ldifgen to create COS definition ldif')
    dbgen_create_cos_def(standalone, log, args)

    log.info('Check if file exists')
    assert os.path.exists(ldif_file)


    # Groups, COS, Roles and modification ldifs are designed to be used by ldapmodify, not ldif2db
    run_ldapmodify_from_file(standalone, ldif_file, LDAP_RESULT)

    log.info('Check that COS definition is imported')
    cos_def = CosIndirectDefinitions(standalone, args.parent)
    assert cos_def.exists(args.NAME)
    new_cos = cos_def.get(args.NAME)
    assert new_cos.present('cosIndirectSpecifier', args.cos_specifier)
    assert new_cos.present('cosAttribute', args.cos_attr[0])
    assert new_cos.present('cosAttribute', args.cos_attr[1])
コード例 #2
def test_indirect_template_scale(topology_st):
    """Test that cos templates can be added at a reasonable scale

    :id: 7cbcdf22-1f9c-4222-9e76-685fe374fc20
        1. Enable COS plugin
        2. Create the test user
        3. Add an indirect cos template
        4. Add a cos template
        5. Add the user to the cos template and assert it works.
        6. Add 25,000 templates to the database
        7. Search the user. It should not exceed THRESHOLD.
    :expected results:
        1. It is enabled.
        2. It is created.
        3. Is is created.
        4. It is created.
        5. It is valid.
        6. They are created.
        7. It is fast.

    cos_plugin = ClassOfServicePlugin(topology_st.standalone)


    # Now create, the indirect specifier, and a user to template onto.
    users = UserAccounts(topology_st.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)
    user = users.create(properties=TEST_USER_PROPERTIES)

    cos_inds = CosIndirectDefinitions(topology_st.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)
    cos_ind = cos_inds.create(properties={
        'cn' : 'cosIndirectDef',
        'cosIndirectSpecifier': 'seeAlso',
        'cosAttribute': [
            'ou merge-schemes',
            'description merge-schemes',
            'postalCode merge-schemes',

    ous = OrganisationalUnits(topology_st.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)
    ou_temp = ous.create(properties={'ou': 'templates'})
    cos_temps = OUCosTemplates(topology_st.standalone, ou_temp.dn)

    cos_temp_u = cos_temps.create(properties={
        'ou' : 'ou_temp_u',
        'description' : 'desc_temp_u',
        'postalCode': '0'
    # Edit the user to add the seeAlso ...
    user.set('seeAlso', cos_temp_u.dn)

    # Now create 25,0000 templates, they *don't* need to apply to the user though!
    for i in range(1, 25001):
        cos_temp_u = cos_temps.create(properties={
            'ou' : 'ou_temp_%s' % i,
            'description' : 'desc_temp_%s' % i,
            'postalCode': '%s' % i

        if i % 500 == 0:
            start_time = time.monotonic()
            u_search = users.get('testuser')
            attrs = u_search.get_attr_vals_utf8('postalCode')
            end_time = time.monotonic()
            diff_time = end_time - start_time
            assert diff_time < THRESHOLD

        if i == 10000:
            # Now add our user to this template also.
            user.add('seeAlso', cos_temp_u.dn)

            start_time = time.monotonic()
            attrs_after = u_search.get_attr_vals_utf8('postalCode')
            end_time = time.monotonic()
            diff_time = end_time - start_time
            assert(set(attrs) < set(attrs_after))
            assert diff_time < THRESHOLD
コード例 #3
 def get_cos_indirect_defs(self):
     return CosIndirectDefinitions(self._instance, self._dn).list()