コード例 #1
def test_deny_read_search_and_compare_access_with_target_and_targetattr_set(
        topo, test_uer, aci_of_user):
    """Search Test 4 Deny read, search and compare access with target and targetattr set

    :id: 3f4a87e4-6e11-11e8-a09f-8c16451d917b
    :setup: Standalone Instance
        1. Add Entry
        2. Add ACI
        3. Bind with test USER_ANUJ
        4. Try search
        5. Delete Entry,test USER_ANUJ, ACI
        1. Operation should success
        2. Operation should success
        3. Operation should success
        4. Operation should Fail
        5. Operation should success
    ACI_TARGET = '(target = ldap:///{})(targetattr="*")'.format(
    ACI_ALLOW = '(version 3.0; acl "Name of the ACI"; deny absolute (all)'
    ACI_SUBJECT = 'userdn="ldap:///anyone";)'
    Domain(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).add("aci", ACI_BODY)
    conn = UserAccount(topo.standalone, USER_ANANDA).bind(PW_DM)
    # aci will block all for all usrs
    assert 0 == len(Accounts(conn, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).filter('(ou=Accounting)'))
    conn = UserAccount(topo.standalone, USER_ANUJ).bind(PW_DM)
    # aci will block all for all usrs
    assert 0 == len(Accounts(conn, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).filter('(ou=Accounting)'))
    # with root there is no aci blockage
    assert 1 == len(
        Accounts(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).filter('(ou=Accounting)'))
コード例 #2
def test_user_can_access_the_data_only_in_the_afternoon(topo, add_user, aci_of_user):
    User can access the data only in the afternoon as per the ACI.

    :id: 63eb5b1c-7ac5-11e8-bd46-8c16451d917b
    :customerscenario: True
    :setup: Standalone Server
        1. Add test entry
        2. Add ACI
        3. User should follow ACI role
        1. Entry should be added
        2. Operation should  succeed
        3. Operation should  succeed
    # Add ACI
           DEFAULT_SUFFIX).add("aci", f'(target = "ldap:///{TIMEOFDAY_OU_KEY}")'
                                      f'(targetattr="*")(version 3.0; aci "Timeofday aci"; '
                                      f'allow(all) userdn = "ldap:///{NIGHTWORKER_KEY}" '
                                      f'and timeofday > \'1200\' ;)')

    # create a new connection for the test
    conn = UserAccount(topo.standalone, NIGHTWORKER_KEY).bind(PW_DM)
    # Perform Operation
    org = OrganizationalUnit(conn, TIMEOFDAY_OU_KEY)
    if datetime.now().hour < 12:
        with pytest.raises(ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS):
            org.replace("seeAlso", "cn=1")
        org.replace("seeAlso", "cn=1")
コード例 #3
def test_dayofweek_keyword_today_can_access(topo, add_user, aci_of_user):
    User can access the data one day per week as per the ACI.

    :id: 7131dc88-7ac5-11e8-acc2-8c16451d917b
    :customerscenario: True
    :setup: Standalone Server
        1. Add test entry
        2. Add ACI
        3. User should follow ACI role
        1. Entry should be added
        2. Operation should  succeed
        3. Operation should  succeed
    today_1 = time.strftime("%c").split()[0]
    # Add ACI
           DEFAULT_SUFFIX).add("aci", f'(target = "ldap:///{DAYOFWEEK_OU_KEY}")'
                                      f'(targetattr="*")(version 3.0; aci "Dayofweek aci";  '
                                      f'allow(all) userdn = "ldap:///{TODAY_KEY}" '
                                      f'and dayofweek = \'{today_1}\' ;)')

    # Create a new connection for this test.
    conn = UserAccount(topo.standalone, TODAY_KEY).bind(PW_DM)
    # Perform Operation
    org = OrganizationalUnit(conn, DAYOFWEEK_OU_KEY)
    org.replace("seeAlso", "cn=1")
コード例 #4
def test_deny_search_access_to_userdn_with_ldap_url_matching_all_users(
        topo, test_uer, aci_of_user):
    """Search Test 25 Deny search access to userdn with LDAP URL matching all users

    :id: b37f72ae-6e12-11e8-9c98-8c16451d917b
    :setup: Standalone Instance
        1. Add Entry
        2. Add ACI
        3. Bind with test USER_ANUJ
        4. Try search
        5. Delete Entry,test USER_ANUJ, ACI
        1. Operation should success
        2. Operation should success
        3. Operation should success
        4. Operation should Fail
        5. Operation should success
    ACI_TARGET = "(target = ldap:///{})(targetattr=*)".format(DEFAULT_SUFFIX)
    ACI_ALLOW = '(version 3.0; acl "Name of the ACI"; deny (search)'
    ACI_SUBJECT = 'userdn = "ldap:///%s";)' % "{}??sub?(&(cn=*))".format(
    Domain(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).add("aci", ACI_BODY)
    conn = UserAccount(topo.standalone, USER_ANANDA).bind(PW_DM)
    # aci will  block all users LDAP URL matching all users
    assert 0 == len(Accounts(conn, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).filter('(cn=*)'))
    conn = UserAccount(topo.standalone, USER_ANUJ).bind(PW_DM)
    # aci will  block all users LDAP URL matching all users
    assert 0 == len(Accounts(conn, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).filter('(cn=*)'))
    # with root there is no aci blockage
    assert 2 == len(Accounts(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).filter('(cn=*)'))
コード例 #5
def test_ip_keyword_test_noip_cannot(topo, add_user, aci_of_user):
    User NoIP cannot assess the data as per the ACI.

    :id: 570bc7f6-7ac5-11e8-88c1-8c16451d917b
    :customerscenario: True
    :setup: Standalone Server
        1. Add test entry
        2. Add ACI
        3. User should follow ACI role
        1. Entry should be added
        2. Operation should  succeed
        3. Operation should  succeed
    # Add ACI
           DEFAULT_SUFFIX).add("aci", f'(target ="ldap:///{IP_OU_KEY}")'
                                      f'(targetattr="*")(version 3.0; aci "IP aci"; allow(all) '
                                      f'userdn = "ldap:///{FULLIP_KEY}" and ip = "*" ;)')

    # Create a new connection for this test.
    conn = UserAccount(topo.standalone, NOIP_KEY).bind(PW_DM)
    # Perform Operation
    org = OrganizationalUnit(conn, IP_OU_KEY)
    with pytest.raises(ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS):
        org.replace("seeAlso", "cn=1")
コード例 #6
def test_deny_all_access_with_userdn(topo, test_uer, aci_of_user):
    """Search Test 20 Deny all access with userdn

    :id: 75aada86-6e12-11e8-bd34-8c16451d917b
    :setup: Standalone Instance
        1. Add Entry
        2. Add ACI
        3. Bind with test USER_ANUJ
        4. Try search
        5. Delete Entry,test USER_ANUJ, ACI
        1. Operation should success
        2. Operation should success
        3. Operation should success
        4. Operation should Fail
        5. Operation should success
    ACI_TARGET = "(target = ldap:///{})(targetattr=*)".format(DEFAULT_SUFFIX)
    ACI_ALLOW = '(version 3.0; acl "Name of the ACI"; deny absolute (all)'
    ACI_SUBJECT = 'userdn="ldap:///{}";)'.format(USER_ANANDA)
    Domain(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).add("aci", ACI_BODY)
    conn = UserAccount(topo.standalone, USER_ANANDA).bind(PW_DM)
    # aci will block anything for USER_ANANDA , it not block other users
    assert 0 == len(Accounts(conn, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).filter('(cn=*)'))
    conn = UserAccount(topo.standalone, USER_ANUJ).bind(PW_DM)
    # aci will block anything for USER_ANANDA , it not block other users
    assert 2 == len(Accounts(conn, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).filter('(cn=*)'))
    # with root thers is no aci blockage
    assert 2 == len(Accounts(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).filter('(cn=*)'))
コード例 #7
def aci_with_attr_subtype(request, topology_m2):
    """Adds and deletes an ACI in the DEFAULT_SUFFIX"""

    TARGET_ATTR = 'protectedOperation'
    USER_ATTR = 'allowedToPerform'
    SUBTYPE = request.param
    suffix = Domain(topology_m2.ms["supplier1"], DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

    log.info("========Executing test with '%s' subtype========" % SUBTYPE)
    log.info("        Add a target attribute")
    add_attr(topology_m2, TARGET_ATTR)

    log.info("        Add a user attribute")
    add_attr(topology_m2, USER_ATTR)

    ACI_TARGET = '(targetattr=%s;%s)' % (TARGET_ATTR, SUBTYPE)
    ACI_ALLOW = '(version 3.0; acl "test aci for subtypes"; allow (read) '
    ACI_SUBJECT = 'userattr = "%s;%s#GROUPDN";)' % (USER_ATTR, SUBTYPE)

    log.info("Add an ACI with attribute subtype")
    suffix.add('aci', ACI_BODY)

    def fin():
        log.info("Finally, delete an ACI with the '%s' subtype" %
        suffix.remove('aci', ACI_BODY)


    return ACI_BODY
コード例 #8
def test_deny_group_member_all_rights_to_user(topo, aci_of_user, test_user):
        Try deleting user while no access

        :id: 0da68a4c-7840-11e8-98c2-8c16451d917b
        :setup: server
            1. Add test entry
            2. Take a count of users using DN_DM
            3. delete test user
            4. add aci
            5. test should fullfil the aci rules
            1. Entry should be added
            2. Operation should  succeed
            3. Operation should  succeed
            4. Operation should  succeed
            5. Operation should  succeed
    Domain(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).add("aci",'(targetattr="*")(version 3.0; acl "ACLGroup"; deny (all) groupdn = "ldap:///{}" ;)'.format(BIG_GLOBAL))
    conn = UserAccount(topo.standalone, "uid=Ted Morris, ou=Accounting, {}".format(DEFAULT_SUFFIX)).bind(PW_DM)
    # group BIG_GLOBAL will have no access
    user = UserAccount(conn, DEEPUSER3_GLOBAL)
    with pytest.raises(ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS):
コード例 #9
def test_deny_group_member_all_rights_to_group_members(topo, aci_of_user, test_user):
        Deny group member all rights

        :id: 2d4ff70c-7840-11e8-8472-8c16451d917b
        :setup: server
            1. Add test entry
            2. Take a count of users using DN_DM
            3. Add test user
            4. add aci
            5. test should fullfil the aci rules
            1. Entry should be added
            2. Operation should  succeed
            3. Operation should  succeed
            4. Operation should  succeed
            5. Operation should  succeed
    Domain(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).add("aci",'(targetattr="*")(version 3.0; acl "ACLGroup"; deny (all) groupdn = "ldap:///{}" ;)'.format(BIG_GLOBAL))
    UserAccounts(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, "ou=AclGroup").create_test_user()
    conn = UserAccount(topo.standalone, "uid=Ted Morris, ou=Accounting, {}".format(DEFAULT_SUFFIX)).bind(PW_DM)
    # group BIG_GLOBAL no access
    user = UserAccount(conn, 'uid=test_user_1000,ou=ACLGroup,dc=example,dc=com')
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
    UserAccount(topo.standalone, 'uid=test_user_1000,ou=ACLGroup,dc=example,dc=com').delete()
コード例 #10
def _create_schema(request, topo):
            ["( NAME 'testUserAccountControl' DESC 'Attribute Bitwise filteri-Multi-Valued'"
             "SYNTAX )",
             "( NAME 'testUserStatus' DESC 'State of User account active/disabled'"
             "SYNTAX )"])

        add('objectClasses', "( NAME 'testperson' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST "
                             "( sn $ cn $ testUserAccountControl $ "
                             "testUserStatus )MAY( userPassword $ telephoneNumber $ "
                             "seeAlso $ description ) X-ORIGIN 'BitWise' )")

    # Creating Backend
    backends = Backends(topo.standalone)
    backend = backends.create(properties={
        'nsslapd-suffix': SUFFIX,
        'cn': 'AnujRoot'

    # Creating suffix
    suffix = Domain(topo.standalone, SUFFIX).create(properties={'dc': 'anuj'})

    # Creating users
    users = UserAccounts(topo.standalone, suffix.dn, rdn=None)
    for user in [('btestuser1', ['514'], ['Disabled'], 100),
                 ('btestuser2', ['65536'], ['PasswordNeverExpired'], 101),
                 ('btestuser3', ['8388608'], ['PasswordExpired'], 102),
                 ('btestuser4', ['256'], ['TempDuplicateAccount'], 103),
                 ('btestuser5', ['16777216'], ['TrustedAuthDelegation'], 104),
                 ('btestuser6', ['528'], ['AccountLocked'], 105),
                 ('btestuser7', ['513'], ['AccountActive'], 106),
                 ('btestuser11', ['655236'], ['TestStatus1'], 107),
                 ('btestuser12', ['665522'], ['TestStatus2'], 108),
                 ('btestuser13', ['266552'], ['TestStatus3'], 109),
                 ('btestuser8', ['98536', '99512', '99528'],
                  ['AccountActive', 'PasswordExxpired', 'AccountLocked'], 110),
                 ('btestuser9', [
                 ], [
                 ], 111),
                 ('btestuser10', ['89536', '97546', '96579'],
                  ['TestVerify1', 'TestVerify2', 'TestVerify3'], 112)]:
        CreateUsers(users, user[0], user[1], user[2], user[3]).user_create()

    def fin():
        Deletes entries after the test.
        for user in users.list():


コード例 #11
def test_caching_changes(topo, aci_of_user, test_user):
        Add user and then test deny

        :id: 26ed2dc2-783f-11e8-b1a5-8c16451d917b
        :setup: server
            1. Add test entry
            2. Take a count of users using DN_DM
            3. Add test user
            4. add aci
            5. test should fullfil the aci rules
            1. Entry should be added
            2. Operation should  succeed
            3. Operation should  succeed
            4. Operation should  succeed
            5. Operation should  succeed
    Domain(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).add("aci",'(targetattr="roomnumber")(version 3.0; acl "ACLGroup"; deny ( read, search ) userdn = "ldap:///all" ;)')
    user = UserAccounts(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, "ou=AclGroup").create_test_user()
    user.set('roomnumber', '3445')
    conn = UserAccount(topo.standalone, DEEPUSER_GLOBAL).bind(PW_DM)
    # targetattr="roomnumber" will be denied access
    user = UserAccount(conn, 'uid=test_user_1000,ou=ACLGroup,dc=example,dc=com')
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        assert user.get_attr_val_utf8('roomNumber')
    UserAccount(topo.standalone, 'uid=test_user_1000,ou=ACLGroup,dc=example,dc=com').delete()
コード例 #12
def test_deny_all_access_with_target_set(topo, test_uer, aci_of_user):
    """Test that Deny all access with target set

    :id: 0550e680-6e0e-11e8-82f4-8c16451d917b
    :setup: Standalone Instance
        1. Add Entry
        2. Add ACI
        3. Bind with test USER_ANUJ
        4. Try search
        5. Delete Entry,test USER_ANUJ, ACI
        1. Operation should success
        2. Operation should success
        3. Operation should success
        4. Operation should Fail
        5. Operation should success
    ACI_TARGET = '(target = ldap:///{})(targetattr="*")'.format(USER_ANANDA)
    ACI_ALLOW = '(version 3.0; acl "Name of the ACI"; deny absolute (all)'
    ACI_SUBJECT = 'userdn="ldap:///anyone";)'
    Domain(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).add("aci", ACI_BODY)
    conn = UserAccount(topo.standalone, USER_ANANDA).bind(PW_DM)
    # aci will block all for all usrs
    assert 0 == len(Accounts(conn, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).filter('(cn=Ananda*)'))
    conn = UserAccount(topo.standalone, USER_ANUJ).bind(PW_DM)
    # aci will block all for all usrs
    assert 0 == len(Accounts(conn, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).filter('(cn=Ananda*)'))
    # with root there is no aci blockage
    assert 1 == len(
        Accounts(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).filter('(cn=Ananda*)'))
コード例 #13
def test_deny_all_access_with__target_set(topo, test_uer, aci_of_user,
    """Search Test 8 Deny all access with != target set

    :id: bc00aed0-6e11-11e8-be66-8c16451d917b
    :setup: Standalone Instance
        1. Add Entry
        2. Add ACI
        3. Bind with test USER_ANUJ
        4. Try search
        5. Delete Entry,test USER_ANUJ, ACI
        1. Operation should success
        2. Operation should success
        3. Operation should success
        4. Operation should Fail
        5. Operation should success
    Domain(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).add(
        "aci", '(target != "ldap:///{}")(targetattr = "*")'
        '(version 3.0; acl "{}"; deny absolute (all) (userdn = "ldap:///anyone") ;)'
        .format(USER_ANANDA, request.node.name))
    conn = UserAccount(topo.standalone, USER_ANANDA).bind(PW_DM)
    # aci will not block USER_ANANDA will block others
    assert 1 == len(Accounts(conn, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).filter('(cn=*)'))
    conn = UserAccount(topo.standalone, USER_ANUJ).bind(PW_DM)
    # aci will not block USER_ANANDA will block others
    assert 1 == len(Accounts(conn, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).filter('(cn=*)'))
    # with root there is no aci blockage
    assert 4 == len(Accounts(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).filter('(cn=*)'))
コード例 #14
def test_deny_all_access_to_userdnattr(topo, test_uer, aci_of_user):
    """Search Test 7 Deny all access to userdnattr"

    :id: ae482494-6e11-11e8-ae33-8c16451d917b
    :setup: Standalone Instance
        1. Add Entry
        2. Add ACI
        3. Bind with test USER_ANUJ
        4. Try search
        5. Delete Entry,test USER_ANUJ, ACI
        1. Operation should success
        2. Operation should success
        3. Operation should success
        4. Operation should Fail
        5. Operation should success
    UserAccount(topo.standalone, USER_ANUJ).add('manager', USER_ANANDA)
    ACI_TARGET = '(target = ldap:///{})(targetattr="*")'.format(DEFAULT_SUFFIX)
    ACI_ALLOW = '(version 3.0; acl "Name of the ACI"; deny absolute (all)'
    ACI_SUBJECT = 'userdnattr="manager";)'
    Domain(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).add("aci", ACI_BODY)
    conn = UserAccount(topo.standalone, USER_ANANDA).bind(PW_DM)
    # aci will block only 'userdnattr="manager"
    assert 0 == len(Accounts(conn, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).filter('(cn=Anuj Borah)'))
    conn = UserAccount(topo.standalone, USER_ANUJ).bind(PW_DM)
    # aci will block only 'userdnattr="manager"
    assert 1 == len(Accounts(conn, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).filter('(cn=Anuj Borah)'))
    # with root there is no aci blockage
    assert 1 == len(
        Accounts(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).filter('(cn=Anuj Borah)'))
    UserAccount(topo.standalone, USER_ANUJ).remove('manager', USER_ANANDA)
コード例 #15
def test_deny_all_access_with_targetfilter_using_equality_search(
        topo, test_uer, aci_of_user):
    """Search Test 14 Deny all access with targetfilter using equality search

    :id: 27255e04-6e12-11e8-8e35-8c16451d917b
    :setup: Standalone Instance
        1. Add Entry
        2. Add ACI
        3. Bind with test USER_ANUJ
        4. Try search
        5. Delete Entry,test USER_ANUJ, ACI
        1. Operation should success
        2. Operation should success
        3. Operation should success
        4. Operation should Fail
        5. Operation should success
    ACI_TARGET = '(targetfilter ="(uid=Anuj Borah)")(target = ldap:///{})(targetattr=*)'.format(
    ACI_ALLOW = '(version 3.0; acl "Name of the ACI"; deny absolute (all)'
    ACI_SUBJECT = 'userdn="ldap:///anyone";)'
    Domain(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).add("aci", ACI_BODY)
    conn = UserAccount(topo.standalone, USER_ANANDA).bind(PW_DM)
    # aci will block the search to cn=Jeff
    assert 0 == len(Accounts(conn, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).filter('(uid=Anuj Borah)'))
    conn = UserAccount(topo.standalone, USER_ANUJ).bind(PW_DM)
    # aci will block the search to cn=Jeff
    assert 0 == len(Accounts(conn, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).filter('(uid=Anuj Borah)'))
    # with root there is no blockage
    assert 1 == len(
        Accounts(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).filter('(uid=Anuj Borah)'))
コード例 #16
def test_deeply_nested_groups_aci_allow(topo, test_user, aci_of_user):
        Test deeply nested groups (3)
        This aci will allow search and modify

        :id: 8d338210-7840-11e8-8584-8c16451d917b
        :setup: server
            1. Add test entry
            2. Take a count of users using DN_DM
            3. Add test user
            4. add aci
            5. test should fullfil the aci rules
            1. Entry should be added
            2. Operation should  succeed
            3. Operation should  succeed
            4. Operation should  succeed
            5. Operation should  succeed
    Domain(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).add("aci", ['(targetattr="*")(version 3.0; acl "ACLGroup"; allow (all) groupdn = "ldap:///{}" ;)'.format(ALLGROUPS_GLOBAL), '(targetattr="*")(version 3.0; acl "ACLGroup"; allow (all) groupdn = "ldap:///{}" ;)'.format(GROUPE_GLOBAL)])
    conn = UserAccount(topo.standalone, DEEPUSER_GLOBAL).bind(PW_DM)
    # test deeply nested groups
    user = UserAccount(conn, DEEPGROUPSCRATCHENTRY_GLOBAL)
    user.add("sn", "Fred")
    user.remove("sn", "Fred")
コード例 #17
def test_deny_all_access_with_targetfilter_using_substring_search_two(
        topo, test_uer, aci_of_user):
    """Test that Search Test 17 Deny all access with targetfilter using != substring search

    :id: 55b12d98-6e12-11e8-8cf4-8c16451d917b
    :setup: Standalone Instance
        1. Add Entry
        2. Add ACI
        3. Bind with test USER_ANUJ
        4. Try search
        5. Delete Entry,test USER_ANUJ, ACI
        1. Operation should success
        2. Operation should success
        3. Operation should success
        4. Operation should Fail
        5. Operation should success
    ACI_TARGET = '(targetfilter !="(uid=Anu*)")(target = ldap:///{})(targetattr=*)'.format(
    ACI_ALLOW = '(version 3.0; acl "Name of the ACI"; deny absolute (all)'
    ACI_SUBJECT = 'userdn="ldap:///anyone";)'
    Domain(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).add("aci", ACI_BODY)
    conn = UserAccount(topo.standalone, USER_ANANDA).bind(PW_DM)
    # aci allow anything cn=j*, it will block others
    assert 1 == len(Accounts(conn, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).filter('(uid=*)'))
    conn = UserAccount(topo.standalone, USER_ANUJ).bind(PW_DM)
    # aci allow anything cn=j*, it will block others
    assert 1 == len(Accounts(conn, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).filter('(uid=*)'))
    # with root there is no blockage
    assert 2 == len(
        Accounts(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).filter('(uid=*)'))
コード例 #18
def test_deeply_nested_groups_aci_allow_two(topo, test_user, aci_of_user):
        This aci will not allow search or modify to a user too deep to be detected.

        :id: 8d3459c4-7840-11e8-8ed8-8c16451d917b
        :setup: server
            1. Add test entry
            2. Take a count of users using DN_DM
            3. Add test user
            4. add aci
            5. test should fullfil the aci rules
            1. Entry should be added
            2. Operation should  succeed
            3. Operation should  succeed
            4. Operation should  succeed
            5. Operation should  succeed
    Domain(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).add("aci",'(targetattr="*")(version 3.0; acl "ACLGroup"; allow (all) groupdn = "ldap:///{}" ;)'.format(ALLGROUPS_GLOBAL))
    conn = UserAccount(topo.standalone, DEEPUSER_GLOBAL).bind(PW_DM)
    # This aci should not allow search or modify to a user too deep to be detected.
    user = UserAccount(conn, DEEPGROUPSCRATCHENTRY_GLOBAL)
    with pytest.raises(ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS):
        user.add("sn", "Fred")
    assert user.get_attr_val_utf8('uid') == 'scratchEntry'
コード例 #19
def test_deny_all_access_with__target_set_on_non_leaf(topo, test_uer,
    """Search Test 11 Deny all access with != target set on non-leaf

    :id: f1c5d72a-6e11-11e8-aa9d-8c16451d917b
    :setup: Standalone Instance
        1. Add Entry
        2. Add ACI
        3. Bind with test USER_ANUJ
        4. Try search
        5. Delete Entry,test USER_ANUJ, ACI
        1. Operation should success
        2. Operation should success
        3. Operation should success
        4. Operation should Fail
        5. Operation should success
    ACI_TARGET = "(target != ldap:///{})(targetattr=*)".format(
    ACI_ALLOW = '(version 3.0; acl "Name of the ACI"; deny absolute (all)'
    ACI_SUBJECT = 'userdn="ldap:///anyone";)'
    Domain(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).add("aci", ACI_BODY)
    conn = UserAccount(topo.standalone, USER_ANANDA).bind(PW_DM)
    # After binding with USER_ANANDA , aci will limit the search to itself
    assert 1 == len(Accounts(conn, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).filter('(cn=*)'))
    conn = UserAccount(topo.standalone, USER_ANUJ).bind(PW_DM)
    # After binding with USER_ANUJ , aci will limit the search to itself
    assert 1 == len(Accounts(conn, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).filter('(cn=*)'))
    # After binding with root , the actual number of users will be given
    assert 2 == len(Accounts(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).filter('(cn=*)'))
コード例 #20
def test_undefined_in_group_eval_two(topo, test_user, aci_of_user):
        This aci will allow access

        :id: fcfbcce2-7840-11e8-ba77-8c16451d917b
        :setup: server
            1. Add test entry
            2. Take a count of users using DN_DM
            3. Add test user
            4. add aci
            5. test should fullfil the aci rules
            1. Entry should be added
            2. Operation should  succeed
            3. Operation should  succeed
            4. Operation should  succeed
            5. Operation should  succeed
    Domain(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).add("aci",'(targetattr="*")(version 3.0; aci "tester"; allow(all) groupdn = "ldap:///{}\ || ldap:///{}";)'.format(ALLGROUPS_GLOBAL, GROUPG_GLOBAL))
    conn = UserAccount(topo.standalone, DEEPUSER_GLOBAL).bind(PW_DM)
    user = UserAccount(conn, DEEPGROUPSCRATCHENTRY_GLOBAL)
    # This aci should  allow access
    user.add("sn", "Fred")
    assert UserAccount(conn, DEEPGROUPSCRATCHENTRY_GLOBAL).get_attr_val_utf8('uid') == 'scratchEntry'
    user.remove("sn", "Fred")
コード例 #21
def create_user(topology_st):
    """User for binding operation"""

    users = UserAccounts(topology_st.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)
            'cn': TEST_USER_NAME,
            'sn': TEST_USER_NAME,
            'userpassword': TEST_USER_PWD,
            'mail': '*****@*****.**' % TEST_USER_NAME,
            'uid': TEST_USER_NAME,
            'uidNumber': '1000',
            'gidNumber': '1000',
            'homeDirectory': '/home/test'

    # Add anonymous access aci
    ACI_TARGET = "(targetattr != \"userpassword || aci\")(target = \"ldap:///%s\")" % (
    ACI_ALLOW = "(version 3.0; acl \"Anonymous Read access\"; allow (read,search,compare)"
    ACI_SUBJECT = "(userdn=\"ldap:///anyone\");)"
    suffix = Domain(topology_st.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)
        suffix.add('aci', ANON_ACI)
    except ldap.TYPE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS:
コード例 #22
def test_undefined_in_group_eval_four(topo, test_user, aci_of_user):
        This aci will not allow access

        :id: 0b03d10e-7841-11e8-9341-8c16451d917b
        :setup: server
            1. Add test entry
            2. Take a count of users using DN_DM
            3. Add test user
            4. add aci
            5. test should fullfil the aci rules
            1. Entry should be added
            2. Operation should  succeed
            3. Operation should  succeed
            4. Operation should  succeed
            5. Operation should  succeed
    Domain(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).add("aci",'(targetattr="*")(version 3.0; aci "tester"; allow(all) groupdn != "ldap:///{}\ || ldap:///{}";)'.format(ALLGROUPS_GLOBAL, GROUPG_GLOBAL))
    conn = UserAccount(topo.standalone, DEEPUSER1_GLOBAL).bind(PW_DM)
    # test UNDEFINED in group
    user = UserAccount(conn, DEEPGROUPSCRATCHENTRY_GLOBAL)
    with pytest.raises(ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS):
        user.add("sn", "Fred")
    assert user.get_attr_val_utf8('uid') == 'scratchEntry'
コード例 #23
def test_deny_search_access_to_userdn_with_ldap_url(topo, test_uer,
    """Search Test 23 Deny search access to userdn with LDAP URL

    :id: 94f082d8-6e12-11e8-be72-8c16451d917b
    :setup: Standalone Instance
        1. Add Entry
        2. Add ACI
        3. Bind with test USER_ANUJ
        4. Try search
        5. Delete Entry,test USER_ANUJ, ACI
        1. Operation should success
        2. Operation should success
        3. Operation should success
        4. Operation should Fail
        5. Operation should success
    ACI_TARGET = "(target = ldap:///{})(targetattr=*)".format(DEFAULT_SUFFIX)
    ACI_ALLOW = '(version 3.0; acl "Name of the ACI"; deny (search)'
    ACI_SUBJECT = ('userdn="ldap:///%s";)' %
    Domain(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).add("aci", ACI_BODY)
    UserAccount(topo.standalone, USER_ANANDA).set('roomnumber', '3445')
    conn = UserAccount(topo.standalone, USER_ANANDA).bind(PW_DM)
    # aci will block all users having roomnumber=3445
    assert 0 == len(Accounts(conn, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).filter('(cn=*)'))
    conn = UserAccount(topo.standalone, USER_ANUJ).bind(PW_DM)
    # aci will block roomnumber=3445 for all users USER_ANUJ does not have roomnumber
    assert 2 == len(Accounts(conn, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).filter('(cn=*)'))
    # with root there is no aci blockage
    UserAccount(topo.standalone, USER_ANANDA).remove('roomnumber', '3445')
コード例 #24
def test_more_then_40_acl_will_crash_slapd(topo, clean, aci_of_user):
    bug 334451 : more then 40 acl will crash slapd
    superseded by Bug 772778 - acl cache overflown problem with > 200 acis
    :setup: Standalone Instance
        1. Add test entry
        2. Add ACI
        3. User should follow ACI role
        1. Entry should be added
        2. Operation should  succeed
        3. Operation should  succeed
    uas = UserAccounts(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, rdn='ou=Accounting')
    user = uas.create_test_user()

    aci_target = '(target ="ldap:///{}")(targetattr !="userPassword")'.format(CONTAINER_1_DELADD)
    # more_then_40_acl_will not crash_slapd
    for i in range(40):
        aci_allow = '(version 3.0;acl "ACI_{}";allow (read, search, compare)'.format(i)
        aci_subject = 'userdn="ldap:///anyone";)'
        aci_body = aci_target + aci_allow + aci_subject
        Domain(topo.standalone, CONTAINER_1_DELADD).add("aci", aci_body)
    conn = Anonymous(topo.standalone).bind()
    assert UserAccount(conn, user.dn).get_attr_val_utf8('uid') == 'test_user_1000'

    for i in uas.list():
コード例 #25
def test_user_can_access_the_data_at_any_time(topo, add_user, aci_of_user):
    User can access the data at any time as per the ACI.

    :id: 5b4da91a-7ac5-11e8-bbda-8c16451d917b
    :customerscenario: True
    :setup: Standalone Server
        1. Add test entry
        2. Add ACI
        3. User should follow ACI role
        1. Entry should be added
        2. Operation should  succeed
        3. Operation should  succeed
    # Add ACI
           DEFAULT_SUFFIX).add("aci", f'(target = "ldap:///{TIMEOFDAY_OU_KEY}")'
                                      f'(targetattr="*")(version 3.0; aci "Timeofday aci"; '
                                      f'allow(all) userdn ="ldap:///{FULLWORKER_KEY}" and '
                                      f'(timeofday >= "0000" and timeofday <= "2359") ;)')

    # Create a new connection for this test.
    conn = UserAccount(topo.standalone, FULLWORKER_KEY).bind(PW_DM)
    # Perform Operation
    org = OrganizationalUnit(conn, TIMEOFDAY_OU_KEY)
    org.replace("seeAlso", "cn=1")
コード例 #26
def test_accept_aci_in_addition_to_acl(topo, clean, aci_of_user):
    Misc Test 2 accept aci in addition to acl
    :setup: Standalone Instance
        1. Add test entry
        2. Add ACI
        3. User should follow ACI role
        1. Entry should be added
        2. Operation should  succeed
        3. Operation should  succeed
    uas = UserAccounts(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, rdn='ou=product development')
    user = uas.create_test_user()
    for i in [('mail', '*****@*****.**'), ('givenname', 'Anuj'), ('userPassword', PW_DM)]:
        user.set(i[0], i[1])

    aci_target = "(targetattr=givenname)"
    aci_allow = ('(version 3.0; acl "Name of the ACI"; deny (read, search, compare, write)')
    aci_subject = 'userdn="ldap:///anyone";)'
    Domain(topo.standalone, CONTAINER_1_DELADD).add("aci", aci_target + aci_allow + aci_subject)

    conn = Anonymous(topo.standalone).bind()
    # aci will block  targetattr=givenname to anyone
    user = UserAccount(conn, user.dn)
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        assert user.get_attr_val_utf8('givenname') == 'Anuj'
    # aci will allow  targetattr=uid to anyone
    assert user.get_attr_val_utf8('uid') == 'test_user_1000'

    for i in uas.list():
コード例 #27
def test_dayofweek_keyword_test_everyday_can_access(topo, add_user, aci_of_user):
    User can access the data EVERYDAY_KEY as per the ACI.

    :id: 6c5922ca-7ac5-11e8-8f01-8c16451d917b
    :customerscenario: True
    :setup: Standalone Server
        1. Add test entry
        2. Add ACI
        3. User should follow ACI role
        1. Entry should be added
        2. Operation should  succeed
        3. Operation should  succeed
    # Add ACI
           DEFAULT_SUFFIX).add("aci", f'(target = "ldap:///{DAYOFWEEK_OU_KEY}")'
                                      f'(targetattr="*")(version 3.0; aci "Dayofweek aci"; '
                                      f'allow(all) userdn = "ldap:///{EVERYDAY_KEY}" and '
                                      f'dayofweek = "Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat" ;)')

    # Create a new connection for this test.
    conn = UserAccount(topo.standalone, EVERYDAY_KEY).bind(PW_DM)
    # Perform Operation
    org = OrganizationalUnit(conn, DAYOFWEEK_OU_KEY)
    org.replace("seeAlso", "cn=1")
コード例 #28
def test_deny_all_access_with__target_set_on_wildcard_leaf(
        topo, test_uer, aci_of_user):
    """Search Test 13 Deny all access with != target set on wildcard leaf

    :id: 16c54d76-6e12-11e8-b5ba-8c16451d917b
    :setup: Standalone Instance
        1. Add Entry
        2. Add ACI
        3. Bind with test USER_ANUJ
        4. Try search
        5. Delete Entry,test USER_ANUJ, ACI
        1. Operation should success
        2. Operation should success
        3. Operation should success
        4. Operation should Fail
        5. Operation should success
    ACI_TARGET = "(target != ldap:///uid=Anuj*, ou=*,{})(targetattr=*)".format(
    ACI_ALLOW = '(version 3.0; acl "Name of the ACI"; deny absolute (all)'
    ACI_SUBJECT = 'userdn="ldap:///anyone";)'
    Domain(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).add("aci", ACI_BODY)
    conn = UserAccount(topo.standalone, USER_ANANDA).bind(PW_DM)
    # aci will limit the search to cn=Jeff it will block others
    assert 1 == len(Accounts(conn, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).filter('(cn=*)'))
    conn = UserAccount(topo.standalone, USER_ANUJ).bind(PW_DM)
    # aci will limit the search to cn=Jeff it will block others
    assert 1 == len(Accounts(conn, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).filter('(cn=*)'))
    # with root there is no aci blockage
    assert 2 == len(Accounts(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).filter('(cn=*)'))
コード例 #29
def test_user_cannot_access_the_data_at_all(topo, add_user, aci_of_user):
    User cannot access the data at all as per the ACI.

    :id: 75cdac5e-7ac5-11e8-968a-8c16451d917b
    :customerscenario: True
    :setup: Standalone Server
        1. Add test entry
        2. Add ACI
        3. User should follow ACI role
        1. Entry should be added
        2. Operation should  succeed
        3. Operation should  succeed
    # Add ACI
           DEFAULT_SUFFIX).add("aci", f'(target = "ldap:///{DAYOFWEEK_OU_KEY}")'
                                      f'(targetattr="*")(version 3.0; aci "Dayofweek aci";  '
                                      f'allow(all) userdn = "ldap:///{TODAY_KEY}" '
                                      f'and dayofweek = "$NEW_DATE" ;)')

    # Create a new connection for this test.
    conn = UserAccount(topo.standalone, NODAY_KEY).bind(PW_DM)
    # Perform Operation
    org = OrganizationalUnit(conn, DAYOFWEEK_OU_KEY)
    with pytest.raises(ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS):
        org.replace("seeAlso", "cn=1")
コード例 #30
def test_allow_delete_access_not_to_userdn(topo, _add_user, _aci_of_user):
    Test to  Allow delete access to != userdn
    :id: 00637f6e-68e3-11e8-92a3-8c16451d917b
    :setup: server
        1. Add test entry
        2. Add ACI that allows userdn  not to delete some userdn
        3. Delete  something using test USER_DELADD
        4. Remove ACI
        1. Entry should be added
        2. ACI should be added
        3. Operation should  not succeed
        4. Delete operation for ACI should succeed
    # set aci
    aci_target = f'(targetattr="*")'
    aci_allow = f'(version 3.0; acl "All rights for %s"; allow (delete) ' % USER_DELADD
    aci_subject = f'userdn!="ldap:///{USER_WITH_ACI_DELADD}";)'

           DEFAULT_SUFFIX).add("aci", (aci_target + aci_allow + aci_subject))

    # create connection with USER_WITH_ACI_DELADD
    conn = UserAccount(topo.standalone, USER_WITH_ACI_DELADD).bind(PW_DM)

    # Perform delete operation
    user = UserAccount(conn, USER_DELADD)
    with pytest.raises(ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS):