コード例 #1
def main(save_file) : 
    ret = INI.init()
    for key, value in action() :
    ret.write(open(save_file, 'w'))
    logging.info("results saved to {}".format(save_file))
コード例 #2
 def config(cls, save_file, **config) :
     logging.info("results saved to {}".format(save_file))
     ret = INI.init()
     for key in sorted(config) :
         value = config.get(key,{})
     ret.write(open(save_file, 'w'))
コード例 #3
def main(file_list, ini_list, save_file):
    logging.info("loading results {}".format(ini_list))
    ret = INI.init()
    for key, value in action(file_list, ini_list):
        INI.write_section(ret, key, **value)
    ret.write(open(save_file, 'w'))
    logging.info("results saved to {}".format(save_file))
コード例 #4
 def background(cls, **config):
     save_file = EXTRACT.instance().background_file
     ret = INI.init()
     for key in sorted(config):
         value = config.get(key, [])
         INI.write_section(ret, key, **value)
     ret.write(open(save_file, 'w'))
     logging.info("results saved to {}".format(save_file))
コード例 #5
 def config(cls, data):
     save_file = EXTRACT.singleton().output_file
     ret = INI.init()
     for key in sorted(data):
         value = data[key]
         INI.write_section(ret, key, **value)
     ret.write(open(save_file, 'w'))
     logging.info('writing to file {}'.format(save_file))
コード例 #6
def main():

    env = globals().get('env', None)
    nasdaq = '{}/local/{}'.format(env.pwd_parent, NASDAQ.path)
    finder = NASDAQ.init(filename=nasdaq)

    stock_list = map(lambda stock: PROFILE.get(stock), finder())
    ini, empty_list = find(stock_list)
    stock_ini = '{pwd_parent}/local/yahoo_background.ini'.format(**vars(env))
    config = INI.init()
    temp = ini['Background']
    for key in sorted(temp.keys()):
        INI.write_section(config, key, **temp[key])
    config.write(open(stock_ini, 'w'))

    stock_ini = '{pwd_parent}/local/yahoo_background_sector.ini'.format(
    config = INI.init()
    temp = ini['SectorGroupBy']
    for key in sorted(temp.keys()):
        INI.write_section(config, key, **temp[key])
    config.write(open(stock_ini, 'w'))

    # At one time, industries contained different sectors, this is no longer the case

    stock_ini = '{pwd_parent}/local/yahoo_background_industry.ini'.format(
    config = INI.init()
    temp = ini['IndustryGroupBy']
    for key in sorted(temp.keys()):
        INI.write_section(config, key, **temp[key])
    config.write(open(stock_ini, 'w'))
    return empty_list
コード例 #7
 def config(cls, summary, portfolio):
     save_file = EXTRACT.instance().output_file
     ret = INI.init()
     INI.write_section(ret, "summary", **summary)
     for key in portfolio.keys():
         values = portfolio[key]
         if not isinstance(values, dict):
             values = values.to_dict()
         INI.write_section(ret, key, **values)
     ret.write(open(save_file, 'w'))
     logging.info('saving file {}'.format(save_file))
コード例 #8
 def portfolio(cls, save_file, **portfolio) :
     logging.info("saving results to file {}".format(save_file))
     ret = INI.init()
     name_list = sorted(portfolio.keys())
     value_list = map(lambda key : portfolio[key], name_list)
     for i, name in enumerate(name_list) :
         if not isinstance(value_list,list) :
            value_list = list(value_list)
     ret.write(open(save_file, 'w'))
     logging.info("results saved to file {}".format(save_file))
コード例 #9
def main(local_dir) :
    for name, section_list in action() :
        output_file = "{}/portfolio_{}.ini".format(local_dir, name)
        output_file = output_file.replace(" ", "_")
        ret = INI.init()
        name_list = sorted(section_list.keys())
        value_list = map(lambda key : section_list[key], name_list)
        for i, name in enumerate(name_list) :
            if not isinstance(value_list,list) :
               value_list = list(value_list)
        logging.info("saving results to file {}".format(output_file))
        ret.write(open(output_file, 'w'))
コード例 #10
 def draft(cls,data) :
     save_file = EXTRACT.instance().draft
     logging.info('Loading results : {}'.format(save_file))
     config = INI.init()
     for i, SECTION in enumerate(sorted(data)) :
         target = 'alias'
         if SECTION == target :
             alias = data.get(SECTION)
         value = data.get(SECTION)
         INI.write_section(config, SECTION, **value)
     for name in sorted(alias) :
     config.write(open(save_file, 'w'))
コード例 #11
def prep(*ini_list):
    ret = {}
    for path, section, key, weight in INI.loadList(*ini_list):
        if section not in ret:
            ret[section] = {}
        ret[section][key] = float(weight[0])
    return ret
コード例 #12
def prep(*ini_list):
    target_sector = 'target_sector'
    target_sector = globals().get(target_sector, '_')
    risk = {}
    sharpe = {}
    stock_list = {}
    for path, section, key, value in INI.loadList(*ini_list):
        if target_sector in key: pass
        else: continue
        if section not in risk:
            risk[section] = {}
            sharpe[section] = {}
        if key.endswith(target_sector):
            key = key.replace(section, '')
            key = key.replace(target_sector, '')
            stock_list[section] = value
            key = key.replace(section, '')
            key = key.replace(target_sector, '')
            if 'risk' in key:
                key = key.replace('risk_', '')
                key = key.replace('_', '')
                risk[section][key] = value[0]
            if 'sharpe' in key:
                key = key.replace('sharpe_', '')
                key = key.replace('_', '')
                sharpe[section][key] = value[0]
    for key in risk:
        yield key, stock_list[key], risk[key], sharpe[key]
コード例 #13
ファイル: newSharpe.py プロジェクト: ralex1975/stock-study
 def prep(*ini_list) :
     ini_list = filter(lambda x : "benchmark" in x , ini_list)
     print (ini_list)
     for path, section, key, stock_list in INI.loadList(*ini_list) :
         if section == 'Index' : pass
         else : continue
         yield key, stock_list
コード例 #14
ファイル: libNasdaq.py プロジェクト: ralex1975/stock-study
def filterByNasdaq(*ini_list):
    performers = {}
    stability = {}
    Sector = {}
    Industry = {}
    FundFamily = {}
    Category = {}

    ini_list = filter(lambda file: "nasdaq_quarterly.ini" in file, ini_list)
    for file_name, section, key, value in INI.loadList(*ini_list):
        if section == "Stability":
            config = stability
        elif section == "Performance":
            config = performers
        elif section == "Sector":
            config = Sector
        elif section == "Industry":
            config = Industry
        elif section == "Category":
            config = Category
        elif section == "FundFamily":
            config = FundFamily
        config[key] = value
    ret = performers.get('Q1234', [])
    stock_list = _combineNasdaq(Sector, Industry)
    fund_list = _combineNasdaq(Category, FundFamily)
    ret_stock = sorted(list(set(ret) & set(stock_list)))
    ret_fund = sorted(list(set(ret) & set(fund_list)))
    return stock_list, fund_list, ret_stock, ret_fund
コード例 #15
 def config(cls):
     ini_list = cls.instance().input_file
     logging.info('Reading input file {}'.format(ini_list))
     ret = {}
     for path, section, key, value_list in INI.loadList(*[ini_list]):
         if section not in ret:
             ret[section] = {}
         ret[section][key] = value_list
     return ret
コード例 #16
    def background(cls):
        load_file = cls.instance().background
        if not (cls._background_cache is None):
            logging.info('reading cache {}'.format(load_file))
            return cls._background_cache
        logging.info('reading file {}'.format(load_file))
        ret = {}
        for path, key, stock, value in INI.loadList(*load_file):
            if "File Creation Time" in stock:
            if stock not in ret:
                ret[stock] = {}
            if key in cls._floats_in_summary:
                value = float(value[0])
                value = ', '.join(value)
            ret[stock][key] = value

        load_file = cls.instance().sector
        logging.info('reading file {}'.format(load_file))
        for path, section, key, ticker_list in INI.loadList(*load_file):
            entity = 'stock'
            if 'fund' in path:
                key = '{} ({})'.format(section, key)
                entity = 'fund'
            for ticker in ticker_list:
                if ticker not in ret:
                    ret[ticker] = {}
                ret[ticker]['SECTOR'] = key
                ret[ticker]['ENTITY'] = entity

        ret = pd.DataFrame(ret).T
        ret['SECTOR'] = ret['SECTOR'].fillna("Unknown")
        ret['NAME'] = ret['NAME'].fillna("Unavailable")
        ret.fillna(0.0, inplace=True)
        for sector, category in TRANSFORM.by_sector(ret):
        ret = cls.filterBackground(ret)
        for sector, category in TRANSFORM.by_sector(ret):
        cls._background_cache = ret
        return ret
コード例 #17
 def readPortfolio(cls):
     portfolio = EXTRACT.instance().input_file
     logging.info('reading file {}'.format(portfolio))
     ret = {}
     for path, section, key, weight in INI.loadList(*[portfolio]):
         if section.startswith('dep_'):
         if section not in ret:
             ret[section] = {}
         ret[section][key] = float(weight[0])
     return ret
コード例 #18
def enrich(*ini_list):
    ret = {}
    ini_list = filter(lambda x: 'background' in x, ini_list)
    for path, section, key, stock_list in INI.loadList(*ini_list):
        if section == 'Sector': pass
        elif section == 'Industry': pass
        else: continue
        for stock in stock_list:
            if stock not in ret: ret[stock] = {}
            ret[stock][section] = key
    return ret
コード例 #19
 def read(cls):
     data = cls.singleton().input_file
     logging.info('reading file {}'.format([data]))
     ret = {}
     for path, section, stock_sector, stock_list in INI.loadList(*[data]):
         if section not in ret:
             ret[section] = {}
         ret[section][stock_sector] = stock_list
     target = 'MERGED'
     ret = ret.get(target, ret)
     stock_list = cls.flatten(ret.values())
     return ret, stock_list
コード例 #20
ファイル: devQuant.py プロジェクト: ralex1975/stock-study
def init(*ini_list):
    performers = {}
    stability = {}
    for file_name, name, key, value in INI.loadList(*ini_list):
        config = None
        if name == "Stability":
            config = stability
        if name == "Performance":
            config = performers
        config[key] = value
    ret = performers.get('Q1234', [])
    return ret
コード例 #21
def benchmark(*ini_list):
    ret = {}
    ini_list = filter(lambda x: 'benchmark' in x, ini_list)
    for path, section, key, stock_list in INI.loadList(*ini_list):
        if section not in ['MOTLEYFOOL', 'Index']: continue
        if section == 'MOTLEYFOOL':
            if 'NASDAQ' not in key: continue
            if 'FUND' not in key: continue
        if section == 'Index':
            if '500' not in key: continue
        ret[key] = stock_list
    return ret
コード例 #22
      def merge(cls) :
          config = EXTRACT.instance().draft
          logging.info('loading config files {}'.format(config))
          ret = DICT_HELPER.init()
          for path, section, key, stock in INI.loadList(*[config]) :
          omit_list = ['ACT Symbol', 'CQS Symbol', 'alias', 'unknown']
          for omit in omit_list :

          stock_list = ret.values()
          return ret.data, stock_list
コード例 #23
def prep(*ini_list):
    ret, overflow, default = prep_init()
    for path, section, key, value in INI.loadList(*ini_list):
        curr = lambdaFindSector(overflow, ret, section)
        curr[section][key] = float(value[0])
    default_keys = sorted(default)
    for key in sorted(ret):
        portfolio_list = ret[key]
        portfolio_keys = sorted(portfolio_list)
        _list = []
        for portfolio_name in portfolio_keys:
            portfolio = portfolio_list[portfolio_name]
            value = map(lambda x: portfolio[x], default_keys)
            _list.append(dict(zip(default_keys, value)))
        yield key, dict(zip(portfolio_keys, _list))
コード例 #24
 def read(cls):
     benchmark = EXTRACT.instance()._benchmark
     logging.info('reading file {}'.format(benchmark))
     ret = {}
     for path, section, key, stock_list in INI.loadList(*benchmark):
         #if section not in ['MOTLEYFOOL', 'Index'] : continue
         if section not in ['PERSONAL', 'Index']: continue
         if section == 'MOTLEYFOOL':
             if 'NASDAQ' not in key: continue
             if 'FUND' not in key: continue
         if section == 'Index':
             if '500' not in key: continue
         ret[key] = stock_list
     return ret
コード例 #25
 def _readSector(cls):
     load_file = EXTRACT.instance().category
     if not (cls._cache is None):
         logging.info('reading cache {}'.format(load_file))
         return cls._cache
     logging.info('reading file {}'.format(load_file))
     ret = {}
     for path, section, key, ticker_list in INI.loadList(*load_file):
         if 'fund' in path:
             key = '{} ({})'.format(section, key)
         for ticker in ticker_list:
             if ticker not in ret:
                 ret[ticker] = {}
             ret[ticker]['Sector'] = key
     cls._cache = ret
     return ret
コード例 #26
def _prep(*ini_list) :
    ret = {}
    target = "stocks"
    for path, section, key, value in INI.loadList(*ini_list) :
        key = key.replace(section+"_","")
        ret[key] = value
        if target not in key : 
        prefix = key.replace(target,"")
        ret = HELPER2.transform(prefix,ret)
        if HELPER2.sharpe_cap(ret) :
           ret = {}
        yield section, ret.get(target,[])
        ret = {}
コード例 #27
def prep(target, *ini_list) :
    Stock = {}
    Fund = {}
    ini_list = filter(lambda x : "sharpe_nasdaq" in x , ini_list)
    ini_list = filter(lambda x : "fact" not in x , ini_list)
    ini_list = filter(lambda x : target in x , ini_list)
    for path, section, key, stock_list in INI.loadList(*ini_list) :
        if section == 'Sector' : config = Stock
        elif section == 'Industry' : config = Stock
        elif section == 'Fund' : config = Fund
        else : continue
        config[key] = stock_list
    Stock = reduce(lambda a, b : a + b, Stock.values())
    Stock = list(set(Stock))
    Fund = reduce(lambda a, b : a + b, Fund.values())
    Fund = list(set(Fund))
    return sorted(Stock), sorted(Fund)
コード例 #28
def prep(target, *ini_list):
    Stock = {}
    Fund = {}
    ini_list = filter(lambda x: target in x, ini_list)
    for path, section, key, stock_list in INI.loadList(*ini_list):
        if section == 'Sector': config = Stock
        elif section == 'Industry': config = Stock
        elif section == 'Fund': config = Fund
        else: continue
        config[key] = stock_list
    stock_list = Stock.values()
    if len(stock_list) > 0:
        Stock = reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, stock_list)
        Stock = list(set(Stock))
    fund_list = Fund.values()
    if len(fund_list) > 0:
        Fund = reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, fund_list)
        Fund = list(set(Fund))
    return sorted(Stock), sorted(Fund)
コード例 #29
 def read(cls):
     load_file = EXTRACT.instance().category
     if not (cls._cache is None):
         return cls._cache
     logging.info('reading file {}'.format(load_file))
     ret = {}
     for path, section, key, ticker_list in INI.loadList(*load_file):
         entity = 'Stock'
         if 'fund' in path:
             key = '{} ({})'.format(section, key)
             entity = 'Fund'
         for ticker in ticker_list:
             if ticker not in ret:
                 ret[ticker] = {}
             ret[ticker]['SECTOR'] = key
             ret[ticker]['ENTITY'] = entity
     ret = pd.DataFrame(ret).T
     cls._cache = ret
     return ret
コード例 #30
ファイル: libNasdaq.py プロジェクト: ralex1975/stock-study
def getByNasdaq(*ini_list):
    Sector = {}
    Industry = {}
    FundFamily = {}
    Category = {}

    ini_list = filter(lambda file: "yahoo" in file, ini_list)
    ini_list = filter(lambda file: "background" in file, ini_list)
    for file_name, section, key, value in INI.loadList(*ini_list):
        if section == "Sector":
            config = Sector
        elif section == "Industry":
            config = Industry
        elif section == "Category":
            config = Category
        elif section == "FundFamily":
            config = FundFamily
        config[key] = value
    return Sector, Industry, Category, FundFamily