コード例 #1
ファイル: E3StartStop.py プロジェクト: CoachCoen/ECL
def JoinProcessing(objHere):
    strEmailAddress = GetParameter(objHere, "EmailAddress")
    strEmailAddress = strEmailAddress.lower().replace(" ", "")
    if strEmailAddress and ValidEmailAddress(strEmailAddress):
        if not GetMemberForEmailAddress(objHere, strEmailAddress):
            objMember = RegisterNewMember(objHere, strEmailAddress)
            return objMember.Username
    return ""
コード例 #2
ファイル: MCIBooks.py プロジェクト: CoachCoen/ECL
def ShopAt(objHere):
    # http://www.MentorCoaches.com/ShopAt?BookId=....&ShopId=1
    strLink = "http://www.MentorCoaches.com/"
    strBookId = GetParameter(objHere.REQUEST, 'Id')
    strShopId = GetParameter(objHere.REQUEST, 'ShopId')
    if strShopId.isdigit():
        intShopId = int(strShopId)
        intShopId = 0
    if strBookId and intShopId:
        LogShopAt(objHere, strBookId, intShopId)
        strLink = GetShopLink(objHere, strBookId, intShopId)
    return strLink
コード例 #3
ファイル: E3EmailAddresses.py プロジェクト: CoachCoen/ECL
def ConfirmEmailAddress(objHere):
    strId = GetParameter(objHere.REQUEST, 'Id')
#    print "ConfirmEmailAddress, id = ", strId
    strId = strId.replace('"', '')
    if not strId:
        return "<p>No confirmation string specified. Confirmation failed. Please try again</p>"
    objEmailAddress = SearchOne(objHere, 'E3EmailAddress', 'ConfirmationString', strId)
    if not objEmailAddress:
        return "<p>Confirmation string incorrect. Confirmation failed. Please try again</p>"
    dtmConfirmationSent = objEmailAddress.GetConfirmationStringSent()
    strConfirmationMessage = """
<p>Email address %s confirmed</p>
<p>You can now use this email address to send and receive Euro Coach List messages</p>""" % objEmailAddress.EmailAddress
    return strConfirmationMessage
コード例 #4
ファイル: MCIBooks.py プロジェクト: CoachCoen/ECL
def ListForTextSearch(objRequest, objHere):
    strSearchFor = GetParameter(objHere.REQUEST, 'SearchFor')
    if not strSearchFor:
        return "No search criteria entered"

    lstWords = strSearchFor.split()
    dictBooks = {}

    for strWord in lstWords:
        for strLocation in ('Title', 'SubTitle', 'ISBN', 'Authors'):
            objBooks = SearchMany(objHere, 'MCIBook', strLocation, strWord)
            dictBooks = CountBooks(dictBooks, objBooks)

    strResult = GetBooklistFromDictionary(dictBooks, len(lstWords), "words", objHere)
    if not strResult:
        strResult = "No books found"
    return """<span class = "PageTitle2">All books for &quot;%s&quot;</span><br>%s""" % (strSearchFor, strResult)
コード例 #5
ファイル: E3Messages.py プロジェクト: CoachCoen/ECL
def GetWhen(objRequest):
    strMonth = GetParameter(objRequest, 'Month')
    strYear = GetParameter(objRequest, 'Year')
    strDate = GetParameter(objRequest, 'Date')

    if strMonth and strYear and strMonth.isdigit() and strYear.isdigit():
        intMonth = int(strMonth)
        intYear = int(strYear)
        if strDate:
            intDate = int(strDate)
            intDate = 0
        intMonth = 0
        intYear = 0
        intDate = 0
    return (intYear, intMonth, intDate)
コード例 #6
ファイル: E3StartStop.py プロジェクト: CoachCoen/ECL
def Unbounce(objMember):
    strEmailAddress = GetParameter(objMember.REQUEST, "SubmitButton")
    strEmailAddress = strEmailAddress.split()[1]
    SetMessage(objMember, '', '%s resumed' % strEmailAddress)
コード例 #7
ファイル: E3Membership.py プロジェクト: CoachCoen/ECL
def JoiningPage(objHere):
    # If doesn't have a form, or blank email address, assume they got to this page directly
    strStep = GetParameter(objHere, "JoinStep")
    if not strStep:
        strStep = "JoinNow"

    strEmailAddress = GetParameter(objHere, "EmailAddress")
    strEmailAddress = strEmailAddress.lower().replace(" ", "")
    strCallingURL = GetParameter(objHere, "CallingURL")
    if not strCallingURL:
        strCallingURL = objHere.REQUEST.HTTP_REFERER
        strCallingURL = RemoveAction(strCallingURL)

    if strStep == "JoinNow":
        if not strEmailAddress:
            return JoiningForm(objHere, strCallingURL, strEmailAddress)

        if strEmailAddress.lower().replace(" ", "") == "emailaddress":
            return JoiningForm(objHere, strCallingURL, strEmailAddress)

        if not ValidEmailAddress(strEmailAddress):
            return JoiningForm(objHere, strCallingURL, strEmailAddress, "Warning: Invalid email address entered. Please submit a correct email address")

        objMember = GetCurrentMember(objHere)
        if not objMember:
            objMember = GetMemberForEmailAddress(objHere, strEmailAddress)
            if objMember:
                objMember.SendPasswordReminder("someone just tried to register using your email address: %s" % strEmailAddress)
                strErrorMessage = "Warning: This email address is already registered. Please log in (using the form on the left hand side) instead of (re-)joining or enter the correct email address. A reminder of your log in details has been sent to %s" % strEmailAddress
                strErrorMessage = """An unknown error occurred. Please try again or <a href="/ContactDetails">contact the list owner</a>"""
            return JoiningForm(objHere, strCallingURL, strEmailAddress, strErrorMessage)

        # Note: Actual creating of new member happens in E3StartStop.JoinProcessing
        dictLoginDetails = LoadDataFromObject(objMember, ("Username", ))
        return WelcomeScreen(objMember, strCallingURL, dictLoginDetails)

    elif strStep == "UpdateLoginDetails":
        objMember = GetCurrentMember(objHere)
        lstFields = ("Username", "Password", "PasswordConfirmation")
        dictLoginDetails = GetDataFromForm(objHere, objHere.REQUEST.form, lstFields)
        dictErrors = ValidLoginDetails(objMember, dictLoginDetails)
        if dictErrors:
            return WelcomeScreen(objMember, strCallingURL, dictLoginDetails, dictErrors = dictErrors)

        SaveLoginDetails(objMember, dictLoginDetails)
        dictLoginDetails = LoadDataFromObject(objMember, ("Username", ))
        return WelcomeScreen(objMember, strCallingURL, dictLoginDetails, strLoginMessage = "Log in details updated")

    elif "SwitchTo" in strStep:
        objMember = GetCurrentMember(objHere)

        if strStep == "SwitchToDirectListDelivery":
            objMember.EmailFrequency_ECL = "Direct"

        elif strStep == "SwitchToDailyListDigest":
            objMember.EmailFrequency_ECL = "Daily"

        elif strStep == "SwitchToDirectAdvertDelivery":
            objMember.EmailFrequency_ECL_Advert = "Direct"

        elif strStep == "SwitchToDailyAdvertDigest":
            objMember.EmailFrequency_ECL_Advert = "Daily"

        dictLoginDetails = LoadDataFromObject(objMember, ("Username", ))
        return WelcomeScreen(objMember, strCallingURL, dictLoginDetails, strDeliveryMessage = "Email delivery updated")

    return "<p>This is the joining page</p>"