コード例 #1
ファイル: n50Plot.py プロジェクト: ngannguyen/referenceViz
def drawCompareN50Plot( options, xsamples, ysamples ):
    #Sort xsamples and ysamples in the order of the sampleNames:
    xsamples = sorted( xsamples, key=lambda s: s.attrib[ 'sampleName' ] )
    if len(xsamples) < 1 or len(ysamples) < 1:

    xrefname = xsamples[0].attrib[ 'referenceName' ]
    yrefname = ysamples[0].attrib[ 'referenceName' ]
    options.out = os.path.join( options.outdir, options.prefix + '_' + xrefname + '_' + yrefname )
    fig, pdf = libplot.initImage( 8.0, 8.0, options )
    axes = fig.add_axes( [0.12, 0.1, 0.85, 0.85] )

    lines, lineNames, maxval, minval = drawCompareN50data( axes, xsamples, ysamples, options )
    if len(lines) == 0:
        sys.stderr.write('Comparing N50 stats of %s and %s: All values are 0, no plot created\n' %(xrefname, yrefname) )

    title = "N50" #% ( libplot.properName(xrefname), libplot.properName(yrefname) )
    fontP = FontProperties()
    fontP.set_size( 'small' )
    box = axes.get_position()
    axes.set_position( [box.x0, box.y0, box.width*0.8, box.height*0.8] )
    legend = pyplot.legend( lines, lineNames, numpoints=1, prop=fontP, loc="best", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5) )
    legend._drawFrame = False

    libplot.setTicks( axes )
    span = maxval - minval
    axes.set_xlim( minval - span*0.1, maxval + span*0.1 )
    axes.set_ylim( minval - span*0.1, maxval + span*0.1 )
    libplot.writeImage( fig, pdf, options )
コード例 #2
def drawContiguityPlot( options, stats ):
    #options.out = os.path.join(options.outdir, "contiguity_" + stats.refname) #name of output file
    options.out = os.path.join(options.outdir, options.exp + "_" + stats.refname) #name of output file
    if options.includeCov:
        options.out = options.out + "_incCov"
        options.ycutoff = 0.7 #HACK
        options.ycutoff = 0.95 #HACK
    fig, pdf = libplot.initImage( 8.0, 10.0, options )
    axes = libplot.setAxes( fig )
    lines, sampleNames, ymin = drawData( axes, stats, options )
    drawLegend( axes, lines, sampleNames, options )
    if options.ycutoff:
        setAxisLimits( axes, options.ycutoff )
        setAxisLimits( axes, ymin*0.98 )
    libplot.setTicks( axes )

    libplot.writeImage( fig, pdf, options )
コード例 #3
def drawCompareData( axesList, xstats, ystats, options ):
    #Only draw the overlapped samples:
    #colors = libplot.getColors2( len(xstats) )
    colors = libplot.getColors1()
    #colorindex = -1
    #colorindex = 0
    colorindex = 1
    lines = []
    sampleNames = []
    p0axes = axesList[0] #plot 0 axes (see def 'setCompareAxes')
    aggData = [] #data points (buckets) of all samples
    minval = float('inf')

    for xsample in xstats:
        ysample = getSample( ystats, xsample.name )
        if ysample is None:
        xsample, ysample = intersect(xsample, ysample)
        #if len(xsample) != len(ysample): 
        #    xsample, ysample = intersect(xsample, ysample)
        #    sys.stderr.write( "Error: Two xml files do not have the same number of buckets for sample %s\n" % xsample.name )
            #sys.exit( 1 )
        data = [] #list of (x,y) tuples
        colorindex += 1
        for i in range( len( xsample ) ): #each bucket
            if xsample[i].mid != ysample[i].mid:
                sys.stderr.write( "Two xml files have different buckets\n " )
                sys.exit( 1 )
            if options.includeCov:
                data.append( (xsample[i].correctPerSample, ysample[i].correctPerSample) )
                data.append( (xsample[i].correctPerAligned, ysample[i].correctPerAligned) )

        x2data = [ point[0] for point in data ]
        y2data = [ point[1] for point in data ]
        l = p0axes.plot( x2data, y2data, color=colors[colorindex], marker='.', markersize=4.0, linestyle='none' )
        lines.append( l )
        sampleNames.append( xsample.name )
        aggData.extend( data )
        minval = min( [min(x2data), min(y2data)] )

    #Draw the y=x line
    x = [0, 1]
    y = [0, 1]
    p0axes.plot(x, y, color="#919191")

    fontP = FontProperties()
    libplot.editSpine( p0axes )
    p0axes.set_xlabel( libplot.properName(xstats.refname) )
    p0axes.set_ylabel( libplot.properName(ystats.refname) )
    libplot.setTicks( p0axes )
    for l in p0axes.xaxis.get_ticklabels():
    for l in p0axes.yaxis.get_ticklabels():

    legend = p0axes.legend( lines, [ libplot.properName(n) for n in sampleNames], 'lower right', numpoints = 1, prop=fontP, ncol = 2)
    legend._drawFrame = False
    #p0axes.set_xlim( -0.005, 1.005 )
    #p0axes.set_ylim( -0.005, 1.005 )
    ycutoff = minval
    if options.ycutoff:
        ycutoff = options.ycutoff
    p0axes.set_xlim( ycutoff - (1-ycutoff)*0.02, 1 + (1 - ycutoff)*0.01 )
    p0axes.set_ylim( ycutoff - (1-ycutoff)*0.02, 1 + (1 - ycutoff)*0.01 )
    #box = p0axes.get_position()
    #p0axes.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height * 0.8])
    #legend = pyplot.legend( lines, sampleNames, numpoints = 1, prop= fontP, loc="best", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.6))
    #DRAW AGGREGATE DATA (plot 1 and plot 2):
    nbins = 20
    p1axes = axesList[1]
    y1min, y1max = drawAggData( p1axes, aggData, 0, 0, 1, ycutoff, nbins )
    y1lim = max( abs(y1min), abs(y1max) )
    p1axes.set_ylim( -y1lim*1.1, y1lim*1.1 )
    p1axes.set_xlim( ycutoff - (1-ycutoff)*0.02, 1 + (1-ycutoff)*0.01 )
    #p1axes.set_ylim( y1min*1.1, y1max*1.1 )
    for loc, spine in p1axes.spines.iteritems():
        if loc == 'left':
            spine.set_position( ( 'outward', 10 ) )
        spine.set_color( 'none' )
    p1axes.axhline( 0, color = '#000000' )
    p1axes.xaxis.set_major_locator( NullLocator() )
    p1axes.xaxis.set_major_formatter( NullFormatter() )
    p1axes.yaxis.set_ticks([-y1lim, 0, y1lim])
    for l in p1axes.yaxis.get_ticklabels():

    p2axes = axesList[2]
    x2min, x2max = drawAggData( p2axes, aggData, 1, 0, 1, ycutoff, nbins )
    x2lim = max( abs(x2min), abs(x2max) )
    p2axes.set_xlim( -x2lim*1.1, x2lim*1.1 )
    p2axes.set_ylim( ycutoff - (1-ycutoff)*0.02, 1 + (1- ycutoff)*0.01 )
    #p2axes.set_xlim( x2min*1.1, x2max*1.1 )
    for loc, spine in p2axes.spines.iteritems():
        if loc == 'bottom':
            spine.set_position( ( 'outward', 10 ) )
        spine.set_color( 'none' )
    p2axes.axvline( 0, color = '#000000' )
    p2axes.yaxis.set_major_locator( NullLocator() )
    p2axes.yaxis.set_major_formatter( NullFormatter() )
    p2axes.xaxis.set_ticks([-x2lim, 0, x2lim])
    for l in p2axes.xaxis.get_ticklabels():
        l.set_rotation( 45 )