コード例 #1
def metScaleSystematic(a, shiftdir, lepton):
    """ Apply the pfmet scale systematic as a MET filter.
    a : analysis object
    shiftdir : True (False) for upwards (downwards) shift
    lepton : 'Muon' or 'Electron'
    pfmet_jecunc = PSet(
        #the location of the JECUncertainty txt file
        jecuncfile = "GR_R_42_V19_AK5PF_Uncertainty.txt",
        jecuncfileresidual = "GR_R_42_V19_AK5PF_L2L3Residual.txt",
        #either Muon or Electron
        lepton = lepton,
        #the jet threshold to consider for the JEC Uncertainties
        pfjetthresh = 10.0,
        #the percentage/100 to shift the unclustered energy by
        unclusteredshift = 0.1,
        #whether or not to apply the shift upwards (True) or downwards (False)
        shiftup = shiftdir
    pfmetjecunc = wpol.pfMETJECUnc(pfmet_jecunc.ps())
    a.AddMETFilter("pfMET", pfmetjecunc)
    return pfmetjecunc
コード例 #2
if mode == "data39":
if met_syst:
    pfmet_jecunc = PSet(
        #the location of the JECUncertainty txt file
        jecuncfile = "/vols/cms01/as1604/SUSY-svn/WPol2/scripts/GR_R_38X_V15_AK5PF_Uncertainty.txt",
        #either Muon or Electron
        lepton = "Muon",
        #the jet threshold to consider for the JEC Uncertainties
        pfjetthresh = 10.0,
        #the percentage/100 to shift the unclustered energy by
        unclusteredshift = 0.05,
        #whether or not to apply the shift upwards (True) or downwards (False)
        shiftup = False
    pfmetjecunc = wpol.pfMETJECUnc(pfmet_jecunc.ps())
    sig.AddMETFilter("pfMET", pfmetjecunc)

mu_jet_dr = MuonJetDRFilter(0.1, Mus.ps())
sig.AddJetFilter("PreCC", mu_jet_dr)

if vertexReweight == "Yes":
    vertex_reweight = VertexReweighting(
        VertexWeights = [0.0, 0.169, 0.511, 1.276, 1.688, 1.564, 1.715, 1.135, 1.042, 0.476, 0.469, 0.385, 0.359, 0.37, 0.502, 0.489, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    sig.AddWeightFilter("Weight", vertex_reweight)

tree = Tree("Main")