コード例 #1
 def get_data(self):
     Load option-chain data: if you have it on file use that, 
     otherwise download it from the web
     print('from get_data', mylib.num_of_paths_to_simulate)
     self.statusBar().showMessage('Loading Option data.. (this might take a minute or two)')
     self.tick_str = self.le.text()
     # Check if you have it on file
     filenm = mylib.filename_from_ticker_sym(self.tick_str)
     self.spy_data = mylib.retrieve_option_chain_from_file(filenm)
     # Not on file? well, download it
     if self.spy_data.empty:
         self.statusBar().showMessage('Downloading Option data from the web.. (this might take a few minutes)')
         self.spy_data   = mylib.retrieve_option_chain(self.tick_str)
         if self.spy_data.empty:
             QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self, 'Message',
             'Error while downloading option data. \nPlease double-check the ticker symbol is correct', 
             buttons = QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok)
     # Go to the next step
コード例 #2
 def load_option_chain_file(self):
     Load option-chain data from file.
     This serves the case of not being able to download a fresh copy
     or the case of the US stock exchange being closed right now
     self.statusBar().showMessage('Loading Option Chain file')
     if not self.SimulPaths.empty:
     csv_filename = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Open csv file')
         self.spy_data = mylib.retrieve_option_chain_from_file(csv_filename)
     except pd.parser.CParserError:
         self.spy_data = pd.DataFrame()
         QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self, 'Impossible to load file',
         'Not able to load the selected file. \
         \nFile should be one automatically created from a previous run of this App\
         \n\n(It should look something like "2016-01-16_SPYoptionChain.csv")', buttons = QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok)
     # Go to next step