def run(self): while self.is_running: if self.num == 0: # emission data = str( raw_input("\n(chat) > ")) # sanitize function needed # will enter in conflict with ANANSI raw_input ? if data == "EXIT": self.is_running = False print "\n(chat) > BYE" else: data = shamirlib.send_message(data, SHAMIR_K, SHAMIR_N, SHAMIR_MLR, SHAMIR_GFIELD) for x in data: for y in x: self.craftbuffer.put(y) if self.num == 1: # reception if len( self.shamirbuffer ) == self.shamirsize: # if enough bits for a shamir message re = shamirlib.receive_element( map(str, self.shamirbuffer), SHAMIR_MLR, SHAMIR_N) # extract letter_ref, x and y from data self.shamir_rtable[re[0]][re[1]] = re[ 2] # assigning value y to point x for letter letter_ref if re[0] == self.shamir_lastref: # still the same letter if len( self.shamir_rtable[re[0]] ) > SHAMIR_K: # do we have enough to try to reconstruct the original data ? temp = shamirlib.reconstruction(rtable[re[0]]) tvalue = shamirlib.modulo_fractions( temp[0], temp[1], SHAMIR_GFIELD) if tvalue == self.shamir_endingchar: # this is the end, my only friend, the end msg = [ x for x in self.shamirmessage if x != self.shamir_endingchar ] # there should be no endingchar in shamirmessage, paranoid much ? if len(msg) > 0: print "\nMSG : " + shamirlib.post_receiving_routine( msg, SHAMIR_GFIELD, self.shamir_defaultval) # re-init (optimisation ?) self.shamirbuffer = [] self.shamir_rtable = { k: {} for k in range(SHAMIR_MLR) } self.shamir_lastref = 0 self.shamirmessage = [] self.shamir_tvalue = SHAMIR_GFIELD else: if tvalue != self.shamir_tvalue: self.shamir_tvalue = tvalue # think of a better correction algorithm using previous values/K in N combinations else: # oh my, we are looking at a new letter ! self.shamirmessage += [ self.shamir_tvalue ] # we add the reconstructed value to the message self.shamir_rtable[self.shamir_lastref] = {} self.shamir_tvalue = SHAMIR_GFIELD self.shamir_lastref = re[0] self.shamirbuffer = [ ] # empty the buffer after using the shamirsize bits else: # get bits from craftbuffer to shamirbuffer if not self.craftbuffer.empty(): self.shamirbuffer.append(self.craftbuffer.get()) return
def run(self): while self.is_running: if self.num == 0: # emission data = str(raw_input("\n(chat) > ")) # sanitize function needed # will enter in conflict with ANANSI raw_input ? if data == "EXIT": self.is_running = False print "\n(chat) > BYE" else: data = shamirlib.send_message(data, SHAMIR_K, SHAMIR_N, SHAMIR_MLR, SHAMIR_GFIELD) for x in data: for y in x: self.craftbuffer.put(y) if self.num == 1: # reception if len(self.shamirbuffer) == self.shamirsize: # if enough bits for a shamir message re = shamirlib.receive_element(map(str,self.shamirbuffer),SHAMIR_MLR,SHAMIR_N) # extract letter_ref, x and y from data self.shamir_rtable[re[0]][re[1]] = re[2] # assigning value y to point x for letter letter_ref if re[0] == self.shamir_lastref: # still the same letter if len(self.shamir_rtable[re[0]])>SHAMIR_K: # do we have enough to try to reconstruct the original data ? temp = shamirlib.reconstruction(rtable[re[0]]) tvalue = shamirlib.modulo_fractions(temp[0],temp[1],SHAMIR_GFIELD) if tvalue == self.shamir_endingchar: # this is the end, my only friend, the end msg = [x for x in self.shamirmessage if x != self.shamir_endingchar] # there should be no endingchar in shamirmessage, paranoid much ? if len(msg)>0: print "\nMSG : "+shamirlib.post_receiving_routine(msg,SHAMIR_GFIELD,self.shamir_defaultval) # re-init (optimisation ?) self.shamirbuffer = [] self.shamir_rtable = {k:{} for k in range(SHAMIR_MLR)} self.shamir_lastref = 0 self.shamirmessage = [] self.shamir_tvalue = SHAMIR_GFIELD else: if tvalue != self.shamir_tvalue: self.shamir_tvalue = tvalue # think of a better correction algorithm using previous values/K in N combinations else: # oh my, we are looking at a new letter ! self.shamirmessage += [self.shamir_tvalue] # we add the reconstructed value to the message self.shamir_rtable[self.shamir_lastref] = {} self.shamir_tvalue = SHAMIR_GFIELD self.shamir_lastref = re[0] self.shamirbuffer = [] # empty the buffer after using the shamirsize bits else: # get bits from craftbuffer to shamirbuffer if not self.craftbuffer.empty(): self.shamirbuffer.append(self.craftbuffer.get()) return
def run(self): while self.is_running: if self.num == 0: # emission filepath = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile( inspect.currentframe()))), "files", SRC_FILEPATH, self.filename) with open(filepath) as f: data = f.close() bdata = list() if SHAMIR_ON: bdata = shamirlib.send_message(data, SHAMIR_K, SHAMIR_N, SHAMIR_MAX_LETTER_REF, SHAMIR_GFIELD) else: bdata = [list(bin(ord(t))[2:].zfill(8)) for t in data] for x in data: for y in x: self.craftbuffer.put(y) if self.num == 1: # reception filepath = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile( inspect.currentframe()))), "files", DST_FILEPATH, self.filename) newdata = "" if SHAMIR_ON: if len( self.shamirbuffer ) == self.shamirsize: # if enough bits for a shamir message re = shamirlib.receive_element( map(str, self.shamirbuffer), SHAMIR_MLR, SHAMIR_N) # extract letter_ref, x and y from data self.shamir_rtable[re[0]][re[1]] = re[ 2] # assigning value y to point x for letter letter_ref if re[0] == self.shamir_lastref: # still the same letter if len( self.shamir_rtable[re[0]] ) > SHAMIR_K: # do we have enough to try to reconstruct the original data ? temp = shamirlib.reconstruction(rtable[re[0]]) tvalue = shamirlib.modulo_fractions( temp[0], temp[1], SHAMIR_GFIELD) if tvalue == self.shamir_endingchar: # this is the end, my only friend, the end msg = [ x for x in self.shamirmessage if x != self.shamir_endingchar ] # there should be no endingchar in shamirmessage, paranoid much ? if len(msg) > 0: newdata = shamirlib.post_receiving_routine( msg, SHAMIR_GFIELD, self.shamir_defaultval) # re-init (optimisation ?) self.shamirbuffer = [] self.shamir_rtable = { k: {} for k in range(SHAMIR_MLR) } self.shamir_lastref = 0 self.shamirmessage = [] self.shamir_tvalue = SHAMIR_GFIELD else: if tvalue != self.shamir_tvalue: self.shamir_tvalue = tvalue # think of a better correction algorithm using previous values/K in N combinations else: # oh my, we are looking at a new letter ! self.shamirmessage += [ self.shamir_tvalue ] # we add the reconstructed value to the message self.shamir_rtable[self.shamir_lastref] = {} self.shamir_tvalue = SHAMIR_GFIELD self.shamir_lastref = re[0] self.shamirbuffer = [ ] # empty the buffer after using the shamirsize bits else: # get bits from craftbuffer to shamirbuffer if not self.craftbuffer.empty(): self.shamirbuffer.append(self.craftbuffer.get()) else: while not self.craftbuffer.empty(): tdata = "" tdata += str(self.craftbuffer.get()) tdata = tdata + '0' * (8 - (len(newdata) % 8)) for k in range(len(tdata) / 8): newdata += chr(int(tdata[k * 8:(k + 1) * 8], 2)) with open(filepath, 'w') as f: f.write(newdata) f.close() return
def run(self): while self.is_running: if self.num == 0: # emission filepath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))),"files",SRC_FILEPATH,self.filename) with open(filepath) as f: data = f.close() bdata = list() if SHAMIR_ON: bdata = shamirlib.send_message(data,SHAMIR_K,SHAMIR_N,SHAMIR_MAX_LETTER_REF,SHAMIR_GFIELD) else: bdata = [list(bin(ord(t))[2:].zfill(8)) for t in data] for x in data: for y in x: self.craftbuffer.put(y) if self.num == 1: # reception filepath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))),"files",DST_FILEPATH,self.filename) newdata = "" if SHAMIR_ON: if len(self.shamirbuffer) == self.shamirsize: # if enough bits for a shamir message re = shamirlib.receive_element(map(str,self.shamirbuffer),SHAMIR_MLR,SHAMIR_N) # extract letter_ref, x and y from data self.shamir_rtable[re[0]][re[1]] = re[2] # assigning value y to point x for letter letter_ref if re[0] == self.shamir_lastref: # still the same letter if len(self.shamir_rtable[re[0]])>SHAMIR_K: # do we have enough to try to reconstruct the original data ? temp = shamirlib.reconstruction(rtable[re[0]]) tvalue = shamirlib.modulo_fractions(temp[0],temp[1],SHAMIR_GFIELD) if tvalue == self.shamir_endingchar: # this is the end, my only friend, the end msg = [x for x in self.shamirmessage if x != self.shamir_endingchar] # there should be no endingchar in shamirmessage, paranoid much ? if len(msg)>0: newdata = shamirlib.post_receiving_routine(msg,SHAMIR_GFIELD,self.shamir_defaultval) # re-init (optimisation ?) self.shamirbuffer = [] self.shamir_rtable = {k:{} for k in range(SHAMIR_MLR)} self.shamir_lastref = 0 self.shamirmessage = [] self.shamir_tvalue = SHAMIR_GFIELD else: if tvalue != self.shamir_tvalue: self.shamir_tvalue = tvalue # think of a better correction algorithm using previous values/K in N combinations else: # oh my, we are looking at a new letter ! self.shamirmessage += [self.shamir_tvalue] # we add the reconstructed value to the message self.shamir_rtable[self.shamir_lastref] = {} self.shamir_tvalue = SHAMIR_GFIELD self.shamir_lastref = re[0] self.shamirbuffer = [] # empty the buffer after using the shamirsize bits else: # get bits from craftbuffer to shamirbuffer if not self.craftbuffer.empty(): self.shamirbuffer.append(self.craftbuffer.get()) else: while not self.craftbuffer.empty(): tdata = "" tdata += str(self.craftbuffer.get()) tdata = tdata+'0'*(8-(len(newdata)%8)) for k in range(len(tdata)/8): newdata += chr(int(tdata[k*8:(k+1)*8],2)) with open(filepath,'w') as f: f.write(newdata) f.close() return