コード例 #1
    def test_sparql_grandparent(self):
        rdflib_graph = CreateGraph()

        # C:/Windows/temp\\survol_temp_file_12532.tmp'
        tmp_pathname = _create_temp_file()

        # Sparql does not accept backslashes.
        tmp_pathname = lib_util.standardized_file_path(tmp_pathname)

        sparql_query = """
            PREFIX survol: <%s>
            SELECT ?grandparent_name WHERE {
                ?url_grandparent a survol:CIM_Directory .
                ?url_directory a survol:CIM_Directory .
                ?url_datafile a survol:CIM_DataFile .
                ?url_grandparent survol:CIM_DirectoryContainsFile ?url_directory .
                ?url_directory survol:CIM_DirectoryContainsFile ?url_datafile .
                ?url_grandparent survol:Name ?grandparent_name .
                ?url_datafile survol:Name "%s" .
        """ % (survol_namespace, tmp_pathname)

        query_result = list(rdflib_graph.query(sparql_query))
        print("Result=", query_result)
        temp_dir_path_dir = lib_util.standardized_file_path(
        self.assertEqual(str(query_result[0][0]), temp_dir_path_dir)
コード例 #2
    def test_sparql_grandchildren_directories(self):
        rdflib_graph = CreateGraph()

        sparql_query = """
            PREFIX survol: <%s>
            SELECT ?subdirectory_name WHERE {
                ?url_grandparent a survol:CIM_Directory .
                ?url_directory a survol:CIM_Directory .
                ?url_subdirectory a survol:CIM_Directory .
                ?url_grandparent survol:CIM_DirectoryContainsFile ?url_directory .
                ?url_directory survol:CIM_DirectoryContainsFile ?url_subdirectory .
                ?url_grandparent survol:Name "%s" .
                ?url_subdirectory survol:Name ?subdirectory_name .
        """ % (survol_namespace, TempDirPath)

        query_result = list(rdflib_graph.query(sparql_query))

        expected_dirs = set()
        for root_dir, dir_lists, files_list in os.walk(TempDirPath):
            if lib_util.standardized_file_path(
                    os.path.dirname(root_dir)) == TempDirPath:
                for one_file_name in dir_lists:
                    sub_path_name = lib_util.standardized_file_path(
                        os.path.join(root_dir, one_file_name))

        actual_dirs = set(
            [str(one_path_url[0]) for one_path_url in query_result])
        print("actual_dirs=", actual_dirs)
        print("expected_dirs=", expected_dirs)
        self.assertEqual(actual_dirs, expected_dirs)
コード例 #3
    def test_from_python2(self):
        """This searches the content of a process memory which contains a SQL memory."""
        proc_open = _start_subprocess(sys.executable, sample_python_script)

        my_source_filenames = lib_client.SourceLocal(

        triple_filenames = my_source_filenames.get_triplestore()

        filenames_set = set()
        for one_instance in triple_filenames.get_instances():
            if type(one_instance).__name__ == 'CIM_DataFile':

        for one_filename in sorted(filenames_set):
            print("    ", one_filename)

            lib_util.standardized_file_path(windows_system32_cmd_exe) in
            lib_util.standardized_file_path(sys.executable) in filenames_set)

        # This filepath is calculated in the Python script
        file_name_with_slashes = os.path.join(
            "this_is_a_file_name_with_slashes.cpp").replace("\\", "/")
        self.assertTrue(file_name_with_slashes in filenames_set)

        tst_stdout, tst_stderr = proc_open.communicate()
        self.assertEqual(tst_stderr, None)
コード例 #4
def unique_temporary_path(prefix, extension):
    temp_file = "%s_%d_%d%s" % (prefix, CurrentPid, int(
        time.time()), extension)

    # This is done in two stages because the case of the file is OK, but not the directory.
    # This function does not change non existent files.
    temp_dir = lib_util.standardized_file_path(tempfile.gettempdir())
    temp_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, temp_file)
    temp_path = lib_util.standardized_file_path(temp_path)
    return temp_path
コード例 #5
def DisplayMappedProcesses(grph, file_name):
    """This displays all processes mapping a given filename.
    This simply iterates on processes, then on mapped files of each process.
    This is not very efficient but there is no other way."""
    grph.add((lib_common.nodeMachine, pc.property_hostname,

    # This is also a file mapped into memory.
    uri_mapped_file = lib_uris.gUriGen.FileUri(file_name)

    uri_mem_map = None

        statinfo = os.stat(file_name)
    except Exception as exc:
        grph.add((uri_mapped_file, lib_common.MakeProp("Error"),

    file_size = lib_util.AddSIUnit(statinfo.st_size, "B")
    grph.add((uri_mapped_file, pc.property_file_size,

    prop_memory_rss = lib_common.MakeProp("Resident Set Size")
    for proc in psutil.process_iter():
        pid = proc.pid

            all_maps = proc.memory_maps()
        except Exception as exc:
            # Probably psutil.AccessDenied

        for the_map in all_maps:
            # This, because all Windows paths are "standardized" by us.
            same_fil = lib_util.standardized_file_path(
                the_map.path) == lib_util.standardized_file_path(file_name)

            if same_fil:
                # Maybe this is the first mapping we have found.
                if uri_mem_map == None:
                    uri_mem_map = lib_uris.gUriGen.MemMapUri(file_name)
                        (uri_mapped_file, pc.property_mapped, uri_mem_map))
                node_process = lib_uris.gUriGen.PidUri(pid)

                # The property is reversed because of display.
                grph.add((uri_mem_map, pc.property_memmap, node_process))
                    (node_process, pc.property_pid, lib_util.NodeLiteral(pid)))

                # Displays the RSS only if different from the file size.
                if the_map.rss != statinfo.st_size:
                    grph.add((node_process, prop_memory_rss,
コード例 #6
def unique_temporary_path(prefix, extension):
    "It is a wrapper around temporary file creation, and ensures that the resulting filename
    can be used everywhere in Survol library.
    temp_file = "%s_%d_%d%s" % (prefix, CurrentPid, int(
        time.time()), extension)

    # This is done in two stages because the case of the file is OK, but not the directory.
    # This function does not change non existent files.
    temp_dir = lib_util.standardized_file_path(tempfile.gettempdir())
    temp_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, temp_file)
    temp_path = lib_util.standardized_file_path(temp_path)
    return temp_path
コード例 #7
    def test_sparql_subdirectory_2(self):
        """Tests that a second-level directory is detected. """
        rdflib_graph = CreateGraph()

        dir_path = os.path.join(TempDirPath,
                                "survol_temp_dir%s_1" % unique_string,
                                "survol_temp_dir%s_2" % unique_string)
        dir_path = lib_util.standardized_file_path(dir_path)

        sparql_query = """
            PREFIX survol: <%s>
            SELECT ?subdirectory_name WHERE {
                ?url_directory_0 a survol:CIM_Directory .
                ?url_directory_1 a survol:CIM_Directory .
                ?url_directory_2 a survol:CIM_Directory .
                ?url_directory_0 survol:CIM_DirectoryContainsFile ?url_directory_1 .
                ?url_directory_1 survol:CIM_DirectoryContainsFile ?url_directory_2 .
                ?url_directory_0 survol:Name "%s" .
                ?url_directory_2 survol:Name ?subdirectory_name .
        """ % (survol_namespace, TempDirPath)

        query_result = list(rdflib_graph.query(sparql_query))

        print("dir_path=", dir_path)

        actual_files = set(
            [str(one_path_url[0]) for one_path_url in query_result])
        print("actual_files=", actual_files)
        self.assertTrue(dir_path in actual_files)
コード例 #8
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: rchateauneu/survol
def DatabaseEnvParams(process_id):
    # This is imported here to avoid circular references.
    from sources_types import CIM_Process

    logging.debug("process_id=%s", str(process_id))
    # Get the list of files open by the process.
        proc_obj = CIM_Process.PsutilGetProcObj(int(process_id))
        fillist = proc_obj.open_files()
    except Exception as exc:
        lib_common.ErrorMessageHtml("Caught:" + str(exc) + ": process_id=" +

    list_args = []
    for fil_obj in fillist:
        fil_nam = fil_obj.path
        logging.debug("DatabaseEnvParams process_id=%s fil_nam=%s",
                      str(process_id), fil_nam)
        if IsSqliteDatabase(fil_nam):
            logging.debug("DatabaseEnvParams ADDING fil_nam=%s", fil_nam)
            fil_nam_clean = lib_util.standardized_file_path(fil_nam)
            fil_def = {"File": fil_nam_clean}

    logging.debug("DatabaseEnvParams len=%d", len(list_args))

    return "sqlite/query", list_args
コード例 #9
 def ClassUri(self, class_name, path=""):
     # The URL should never contain the chars "<" or ">".
     #class_name = lib_util.Base64Encode(class_name)
     path = lib_util.standardized_file_path(path)
     # return self.node_from_dict("class", {"Name": class_name, "File": lib_util.EncodeUri(path)})
     assert isinstance(class_name, str)
     return self.node_from_dict("class", {"Name": class_name, "File": path})
コード例 #10
def FillOnePackage(grph,node,good_pckg):
	# >>> dir(installed_packages[0])
	# ['PKG_INFO', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattr__', '__getattribute__',
	#  '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__',
	#  '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', '_dep_map', '_get_metadata', '_key', '_provider', '_relo
	# ad_version', '_version', '_warn_legacy_version', 'activate', 'as_requirement', 'check_version_conflict', 'clone', 'egg_name', 'extra
	# s', 'from_filename', 'from_location', 'get_entry_info', 'get_entry_map', 'has_version', 'hashcmp', 'insert_on', 'key', 'load_entry_p
	# oint', 'location', 'parsed_version', 'platform', 'precedence', 'project_name', 'py_version', 'requires', 'version']

	grph.add( (node, propPythonVersion, lib_common.NodeLiteral(good_pckg.version) ) )
	grph.add( (node, lib_common.MakeProp("Platform"), lib_common.NodeLiteral(good_pckg.platform) ) )
	grph.add( (node, lib_common.MakeProp("project_name"), lib_common.NodeLiteral(good_pckg.project_name) ) )

	# >>> pip.get_installed_distributions()[1].requires()
	# [Requirement.parse('distribute'), Requirement.parse('werkzeug'), Requirement.parse('mako')]
	# '_Requirement__hash', '__contains__','__doc__', '__eq__', '__hash__','__init__', '__module__', '__ne__',
	# '__repr__', '__str__', 'extras','hashCmp', 'key', 'marker_fn', 'parse','project_name', 'specifier', 'specs','unsafe_name'
	# strReq = "+".join( [ str(dir(req)) for req in good_pckg.requires() ])

	for subReq in good_pckg.requires():
		subNode = MakeUri( subReq.key )
		# [('>=', '4.0.0')]+[]+[('>=','4.0')]+[]
		aSpecs = subReq.specs
		if aSpecs:
			grph.add( (subNode, lib_common.MakeProp("Condition"), lib_common.NodeLiteral( str(aSpecs) ) ) )
		grph.add( (node, lib_common.MakeProp("requires"), subNode ) )

	grph.add( (node, lib_common.MakeProp("py_version"), lib_common.NodeLiteral(good_pckg.py_version) ) )
	grph.add( (node, lib_common.MakeProp("precedence"), lib_common.NodeLiteral(good_pckg.precedence) ) )
	grph.add( (node, lib_common.MakeProp("egg_name"), lib_common.NodeLiteral(good_pckg.egg_name()) ) )

	# This might return location="c:\python27\lib\site-packages"
	cleanLocaDir = lib_util.standardized_file_path(good_pckg.location)
	nodeLocation = lib_common.gUriGen.DirectoryUri(cleanLocaDir)
	grph.add( (node, lib_common.MakeProp("Location"),nodeLocation ) )
コード例 #11
    def test_sparql_executable_parent_process(self):
        """Executable of the parent process."""
        rdflib_graph = CreateGraph()

        print("CurrentParentPid=", CurrentParentPid)

        sparql_query = """
            PREFIX survol: <%s>
            SELECT ?executable_name
              ?url_proc survol:Handle %d .
              ?url_proc survol:ParentProcessId ?CurrentParentPid .
              ?url_proc rdf:type survol:CIM_Process .
              ?url_parent_proc survol:Handle ?CurrentParentPid .
              ?url_parent_proc survol:CIM_ProcessExecutable ?url_executable_file .
              ?url_parent_proc rdf:type survol:CIM_Process .
              ?url_executable_file rdf:type survol:CIM_DataFile .
              ?url_executable_file survol:Name ?executable_name .
        """ % (survol_namespace, CurrentPid)

        query_result = list(rdflib_graph.query(sparql_query))
        print("query_result=", query_result)

        actual_executable_name = [
            str(one_value[0]) for one_value in query_result
        print("actual_executable_name=", actual_executable_name)
        expected_executable_name = lib_util.standardized_file_path(
        print("expected_executable_name=", expected_executable_name)
        self.assertTrue(expected_executable_name == actual_executable_name)
コード例 #12
    def test_from_perl(self):
        """This searches the content of a process memory which contains a SQL memory."""
        proc_open = _start_subprocess(_perl_path, sample_perl_script)

        my_source_filenames = lib_client.SourceLocal(


        triple_filenames = my_source_filenames.get_triplestore()
        print("len(triple_filenames)=", len(triple_filenames))
        filenames_set = set()
        for one_instance in triple_filenames.get_instances():
            if type(one_instance).__name__ == 'CIM_DataFile':

        for one_filename in sorted(filenames_set):
            print("    ", one_filename)

        self.assertTrue(_perl_path in filenames_set)
            lib_util.standardized_file_path(windows_system32_cmd_exe) in

コード例 #13
def DatabaseEnvParams(processId):
    # This is imported here to avoid circular references.
    from sources_types import CIM_Process

    DEBUG("\nDatabaseEnvParams processId=%s", str(processId))
    # Get the list of files open by the process.
        proc_obj = CIM_Process.PsutilGetProcObj(int(processId))
        fillist = CIM_Process.PsutilProcOpenFiles(proc_obj)
    except Exception:
        exc = sys.exc_info()[1]
        lib_common.ErrorMessageHtml("Caught:" + str(exc) + ": processId=" +

    listArgs = []
    for filObj in fillist:
        filNam = filObj.path
        DEBUG("DatabaseEnvParams processId=%s filNam=%s", str(processId),
        if IsSqliteDatabase(filNam):
            DEBUG("DatabaseEnvParams ADDING filNam=%s", filNam)
            filNamClean = lib_util.standardized_file_path(filNam)
            filDef = {"File": filNamClean}

    DEBUG("DatabaseEnvParams len=%d\n", len(listArgs))

    return ("sqlite/query", listArgs)
コード例 #14
 def ClassUri(self, class_name, path=""):
     # The URL should never contain the chars "<" or ">".
     class_name = lib_util.Base64Encode(class_name)
     path = lib_util.standardized_file_path(path)
     return self.UriMakeFromDict("class", {
         "Name": class_name,
         "File": lib_util.EncodeUri(path)
コード例 #15
 def SymbolUri(self, symbol_name, path=""):
     # The URL should never contain the chars "<" or ">".
     # TODO: Move that to linker_symbol/__init__.py and see sources_types.sql.query.MakeUri
     # TODO: Alphabetical order !!!!
     path = lib_util.standardized_file_path(path)
     assert isinstance(symbol_name, str)
     return self.node_from_dict("linker_symbol", {
         "Name": symbol_name,
         "File": path
コード例 #16
 def SymbolUri(self, symbol_name, path=""):
     # The URL should never contain the chars "<" or ">".
     symbol_name = lib_util.Base64Encode(symbol_name)
     # TODO: Move that to linker_symbol/__init__.py and see sources_types.sql.query.MakeUri
     # TODO: Alphabetical order !!!!
     path = lib_util.standardized_file_path(path)
     return self.UriMakeFromDict("linker_symbol", {
         "Name": symbol_name,
         "File": lib_util.EncodeUri(path)
コード例 #17
def Main():
    cgiEnv = lib_common.ScriptEnvironment()

    grph = cgiEnv.GetGraph()

    net_share_cmd = ["net", "share"]

    net_share_pipe = lib_common.SubProcPOpen(net_share_cmd)

    net_share_last_output, net_share_err = net_share_pipe.communicate()

    # Converts to string for Python3.
    as_str = net_share_last_output.decode("utf-8")

    lines = as_str.split('\n')

    seen_hyphens = False

    for lin in lines:
        if re.match(".*-------.*", lin):
            seen_hyphens = True

        if re.match(".*The command completed successfully.*", lin):
        if not seen_hyphens:

        tst_share = re.match(r'^([A-Za-z0-9_$]+) +([^ ]+).*', lin)
        if not tst_share:

        shr_nam = tst_share.group(1)

        # Nasty formatting of "NET SHARE" command.
        if len(lin) >= 45:
            # There is a remark or a very long resource.
            if lin[44] == ' ':
                # Character just before remark is a space.
                shr_res = lin[13:44].rstrip()
                shr_res = lin[13:]
            shr_res = lin[13:]

        share_node = lib_uris.gUriGen.SmbShareUri(shr_nam)
        grph.add((lib_common.nodeMachine, pc.property_smbshare, share_node))

        # mount_node = lib_uris.gUriGen.FileUri( "//" + lib_util.currentHostname + "/" + shr_res )
        shr_res = shr_res.strip()
        shr_res = lib_util.standardized_file_path(shr_res)
        mount_node = lib_uris.gUriGen.DirectoryUri(shr_res)
        grph.add((share_node, pc.property_smbmount, mount_node))

コード例 #18
def Main():
    cgiEnv = lib_common.CgiEnv()
    pid = int(cgiEnv.GetId())

    # TODO: These are probably in win32com or a similar module.
    PROCESS_VM_READ = 0x0010

    grph = cgiEnv.GetGraph()

    node_process = lib_common.gUriGen.PidUri(pid)
    exec_node = CIM_Process.AddInfo(grph, node_process, [pid])

    #Get handle to the process based on PID
    hProcess = kernel.OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ,
                                  False, pid)
    if hProcess:
        ModuType = c_ulong * 512
        hModuleArr = ModuType()
        rawCntModules = c_ulong()
        psapi.EnumProcessModules(hProcess, byref(hModuleArr),
                                 sizeof(hModuleArr), byref(rawCntModules))
        nbModules = int(rawCntModules.value / sizeof(c_ulong()))
        if nbModules >= 512:
            raise Exception("Disaster overrun")

        modname = c_buffer(256)
        for idx in range(0, nbModules):
            retLen = psapi.GetModuleFileNameExA(hProcess, hModuleArr[idx],
                                                modname, sizeof(modname))
            if retLen == 0:
                # Maybe the string is empty.
            raw_filename_bytes = modname[:retLen]
            raw_filename_as_str = raw_filename_bytes.decode()
            filnam = lib_util.standardized_file_path(raw_filename_as_str)
            #if lib_util.is_py3:
            #	# Truncation because "b'C:/xxx/yyy.zzz'", on Python 3
            #	# Backslashes are duplicated.
            #	filnam = str(tab).replace('\\','/')[2:-1].replace("//","/")
            #	# Windows "\\" must be replaced by "/", so the URLs are the same for all tools.
            #	filnam = str(tab).replace('\\','/')
            # The same filename might appear several times.
            DEBUG("idx=%d retLen=%d filnam=%s", idx, retLen, filnam)

            libNode = lib_common.gUriGen.SharedLibUri(filnam)
            grph.add((node_process, pc.property_library_depends, libNode))


コード例 #19
 def DirectoryUri(self, path):
     # Normalize a pathname by collapsing redundant separators and up-level references
     # so that A//B, A/B/, A/./B and A/foo/../B all become A/B.
     # This string manipulation may change the meaning of a path that contains symbolic links.
     # On Windows, it converts forward slashes to backward slashes.
     path = os.path.normpath(path)
     # Backslashes are a real problem everywhere.
     # On top of that, escaping the backslash is not enough because strings are sometimes truncated for display.
     # Better have our own "canonical" notation for filenames, so replace them.
     # If needed, they can always be replaced by a normal slash.
     path = lib_util.standardized_file_path(path)
     return self.node_from_args("CIM_Directory", path)
コード例 #20
def Main():
    cgiEnv = lib_common.CgiEnv()
    filNam = cgiEnv.GetId()
    filNam = lib_util.standardized_file_path(filNam)

    DEBUG("filNam=%s", filNam)

    filNode = lib_common.gUriGen.DirectoryUri(filNam)

    grph = cgiEnv.GetGraph()

    info = CIM_DataFile.GetInfoStat(filNam)

    # st_mode: protection bits.
    # st_ino: inode number.

    # st_dev: device.
    CIM_DataFile.AddDevice(grph, filNode, info)

    CIM_DataFile.AddStatNode(grph, filNode, info)
    CIM_DataFile.AddMagic(grph, filNode, filNam)

    # st_nlink: number of hard links.

    CIM_DataFile.AffFileOwner(grph, filNode, filNam)

    # Displays the file and the parent directories/
    currFilNam = filNam
    currNode = filNode
    while True:
        dirPath = os.path.dirname(currFilNam)
        if dirPath == currFilNam:
        if dirPath == "":
        dirNode = lib_common.gUriGen.DirectoryUri(dirPath)
        grph.add((dirNode, pc.property_directory, currNode))
        DEBUG("dirPath=%s", dirPath)
        statPath = os.stat(dirPath)
        CIM_DataFile.AddStatNode(grph, dirNode, statPath)

        CIM_DataFile.AddFileProperties(grph, currNode, currFilNam)

        currFilNam = dirPath
        currNode = dirNode

    # If windows, print more information: DLL version etc...
    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/580924/python-windows-file-version-attribute

    # cgiEnv.OutCgiRdf()
コード例 #21
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: rchateauneu/survol
def AddInfo(grph, node, entity_ids_arr):
        This creates a couple of nodes about a file.
    file_name = entity_ids_arr[0]

    if not file_name: # Faster than comparing to an empty string.

    # Cleanup the filename. This function is called without knowledge of the specific case,
    # therefore the cleanup can only be done in code related to this entity type.
    file_name = lib_util.standardized_file_path(file_name)
    AddMagic(grph, node, file_name)
    AddStat(grph, node, file_name)
    AddHtml(grph, node, file_name)
    _add_parent_dir(grph, node, file_name)
コード例 #22
    def test_sparql_files_in_executable_process_dir(self):
        """Display the files in the directory of the current process'executable."""
        rdflib_graph = CreateGraph()

        sparql_query = """
            PREFIX survol: <%s>
            SELECT ?datafile_name
              ?url_proc survol:Handle %d .
              ?url_proc survol:CIM_ProcessExecutable ?url_executable_datafile .
              ?url_proc rdf:type survol:CIM_Process .
              ?url_executable_datafile rdf:type survol:CIM_DataFile .
              ?url_datafile rdf:type survol:CIM_DataFile .
              ?url_directory rdf:type survol:CIM_Directory .
              ?url_directory survol:CIM_DirectoryContainsFile ?url_datafile .
              ?url_directory survol:CIM_DirectoryContainsFile ?url_executable_datafile .
              ?url_datafile survol:Name ?datafile_name .
        """ % (survol_namespace, CurrentPid)

        query_result = list(rdflib_graph.query(sparql_query))

        files_names_result = {str(one_value[0]) for one_value in query_result}
        # print("files_names_result=", files_names_result)
        print("files_names_result len:", len(files_names_result))
        print("sys_executable_case=", sys_executable_case)
        self.assertTrue(sys_executable_case in files_names_result)

        # Compare with the list of the files the directory of the executable.
        path_names_set = set()
        for root_dir, dir_lists, files_list in os.walk(
            for one_file_name in files_list:
                sub_path_name = lib_util.standardized_file_path(
                    os.path.join(root_dir, one_file_name))
        # print("Expected list of files:", path_names_set)
        print("Expected list of files length:", len(path_names_set))
        print("Files differences A:",
        print("Files differences B:",
        self.assertEqual(path_names_set, files_names_result)
コード例 #23
    def test_sparql_children_files(self):
        rdflib_graph = CreateGraph()

        # C:/Windows/temp\\survol_temp_file_12532.tmp'
        tmp_pathname = lib_util.standardized_file_path(_create_temp_file())

        sparql_query = """
            PREFIX survol: <%s>
            SELECT ?datafile_name WHERE {
                ?url_directory a survol:CIM_Directory .
                ?url_datafile a survol:CIM_DataFile .
                ?url_directory survol:CIM_DirectoryContainsFile ?url_datafile .
                ?url_datafile survol:Name ?datafile_name .
                ?url_directory survol:Name "%s" .
        """ % (survol_namespace, TempDirPath)

        query_result = list(rdflib_graph.query(sparql_query))
        print("Result=", query_result)
            tmp_pathname in [str(node[0]) for node in query_result])
コード例 #24
def Main():
    cgiEnv = lib_common.ScriptEnvironment()
    pid = int(cgiEnv.GetId())

    # TODO: These are probably in win32com or a similar module.
    PROCESS_VM_READ = 0x0010

    grph = cgiEnv.GetGraph()

    node_process = lib_uris.gUriGen.PidUri(pid)
    exec_node = CIM_Process.AddInfo(grph, node_process, [pid])

    #Get handle to the process based on PID
    hProcess = kernel.OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ, False, pid)
    if hProcess:
        ModuType = c_ulong * 512
        hModuleArr = ModuType()
        raw_cnt_modules = c_ulong()
        psapi.EnumProcessModules(hProcess, byref(hModuleArr), sizeof(hModuleArr), byref(raw_cnt_modules))
        nb_modules = int(raw_cnt_modules.value/sizeof(c_ulong()))
        if nb_modules >= 512:
            raise Exception("Disaster overrun")

        modname = c_buffer(256)
        for idx in range(0, nb_modules):
            ret_len = psapi.GetModuleFileNameExA(hProcess, hModuleArr[idx], modname, sizeof(modname))
            if ret_len == 0:
                # Maybe the string is empty.
            raw_filename_bytes = modname[:ret_len]
            raw_filename_as_str = raw_filename_bytes.decode()
            filnam = lib_util.standardized_file_path(raw_filename_as_str)

            lib_node = lib_uris.gUriGen.SharedLibUri(filnam)
            grph.add((node_process, pc.property_library_depends, lib_node))


コード例 #25
    def test_sparql_subdirectory_down_up_4(self):
        rdflib_graph = CreateGraph()

        sparql_query = """
            PREFIX survol: <%s>
            SELECT ?directory_name WHERE {
                ?url_directory_0a a survol:CIM_Directory .
                ?url_directory_1a a survol:CIM_Directory .
                ?url_directory_2a a survol:CIM_Directory .
                ?url_directory_3a a survol:CIM_Directory .
                ?url_directory_4X a survol:CIM_Directory .
                ?url_directory_3b a survol:CIM_Directory .
                ?url_directory_2b a survol:CIM_Directory .
                ?url_directory_1b a survol:CIM_Directory .
                ?url_directory_0b a survol:CIM_Directory .
                ?url_directory_0a survol:CIM_DirectoryContainsFile ?url_directory_1a .
                ?url_directory_1a survol:CIM_DirectoryContainsFile ?url_directory_2a .
                ?url_directory_2a survol:CIM_DirectoryContainsFile ?url_directory_3a .
                ?url_directory_3a survol:CIM_DirectoryContainsFile ?url_directory_4X .
                ?url_directory_3b survol:CIM_DirectoryContainsFile ?url_directory_4X .
                ?url_directory_2b survol:CIM_DirectoryContainsFile ?url_directory_3b .
                ?url_directory_1b survol:CIM_DirectoryContainsFile ?url_directory_2b .
                ?url_directory_0b survol:CIM_DirectoryContainsFile ?url_directory_1b .
                ?url_directory_0a survol:Name "%s" .
                ?url_directory_0b survol:Name ?directory_name .
        """ % (survol_namespace, TempDirPath)

        query_result = list(rdflib_graph.query(sparql_query))

        actual_files = [
            for one_path_url in query_result
        print("actual_files=", actual_files)
        self.assertEqual(actual_files[0], TempDirPath)

        # All directories must be identical.
        unique_set = set(actual_files)
        self.assertEqual(len(unique_set), 1)
コード例 #26
ファイル: class_type_all.py プロジェクト: rchateauneu/survol
def _create_our_node(grph, root_node, entity_host, name_space, class_name,
    """This try to find a correct url for an entity type, without an entity id.
    At the moment, we just expect a file called "enumerate_<entity>.py" """
    enumerate_script = "enumerate_" + class_name + ".py"

    base_dir = lib_util.gblTopScripts + "/sources_types"

    # TODO: This is absurd !!! Why looping, because the filename is already known !?!?
    for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(base_dir):
        for filename in [f for f in filenames if f == enumerate_script]:

            short_dir = dirpath[len(lib_util.gblTopScripts):]
            full_script_nam = lib_util.standardized_file_path(
                os.path.join(short_dir, filename))
            logging.debug("full_script_nam=%s", full_script_nam)

            # TODO: Maybe remove the beginning of the file.
            local_class_url = lib_util.ScriptizeCimom(full_script_nam,
                                                      class_name, entity_host)

            local_class_node = lib_common.NodeUrl(local_class_url)
            grph.add((root_node, pc.property_directory, local_class_node))
コード例 #27
CurrentPid = os.getpid()
CurrentProcessPath = 'CIM_Process.Handle=%d' % CurrentPid
CurrentParentPid = psutil.Process().ppid()

# The agent urls point to the Survol adhoc CGI server: "http://myhost-hp:8000"
# The tests use different port numbers to avoid interferences between servers,
# if port numbers are not freed etc... Problems are easier to find.
RemoteGeneralTestServerPort = 8000
RemoteEventsTestServerPort = 8001
RemoteSparqlTestServerPort = 8002
RemoteGraphvizTestServerPort = 8003
RemoteHtmlTestServerPort = 8004

# Several Survol scripts return this executable among their results, so it can be tested.
CurrentExecutable = lib_util.standardized_file_path(sys.executable)

CurrentExecutablePath = 'CIM_DataFile.Name=%s' % CurrentExecutable

# This is called at the end of the execution of a Survol agent created here for tests.
# It displays the content of a log file created by this agent.
def __dump_server_content(log_filename):
    sys.stdout.write("Agent log file: %s\n" % log_filename)
        agent_stream = open(log_filename)
        for line_stream in agent_stream:
            sys.stdout.write(">>> %s" % line_stream)
        sys.stdout.write("Agent log file end\n")
    except Exception as exc:
コード例 #28
def Main():
    cgiEnv = lib_common.ScriptEnvironment()
        the_pid = int(cgiEnv.GetId())
    except Exception:
        lib_common.ErrorMessageHtml("Must provide a pid")

    # If cannot be the current pid, otherwise it will block.
    if the_pid == os.getpid():
        lib_common.ErrorMessageHtml("Cannot debug current process")

    if not lib_util.isPlatformWindows:
        lib_common.ErrorMessageHtml("This works only on Windows platforms")

    grph = cgiEnv.GetGraph()

    # Starts a second session
    cdb_fil = lib_util.TmpFile("CdbCommand", "cdb")
    cdb_fd = open(cdb_fil.Name, "w")
    cdb_fd.write("lm\n")  # List loaded modules
    cdb_fd.write("k\n")   # Display stack backtrace.
    cdb_fd.write("qd\n")  # Quit and detach.

    cdb_cmd = "cdb -p " + str(the_pid) + " -cf " + cdb_fil.Name

    proc_node = lib_uris.gUriGen.PidUri(the_pid)
    call_node_prev = None

    modules_map = {}

    logging.debug("Starting cdb_cmd=%s", cdb_cmd)
        cdb_pipe = lib_common.SubProcPOpen(cdb_cmd)
    except WindowsError as exc:
        lib_common.ErrorMessageHtml("cdb not available: Caught:%s" % str(exc))

    logging.debug("Started cdb_cmd=%s", cdb_cmd)

    cdb_output, cdb_err = cdb_pipe.communicate()

    # Without decode, "TypeError: Type str does not support the buffer API"
    cdb_str = cdb_output.decode("utf-8")

    call_depth = 0

    for dot_line in cdb_str.split('\n'):
        err_match = re.match(".*parameter is incorrect.*", dot_line)
        if err_match:

        # 76590000 766a0000   kernel32   (export symbols)       C:\Windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll
        match_lm = re.match(r"[0-9a-fA-F]+ [0-9a-fA-F]+ +([^ ]*) +\(export symbols\) +(.*)", dot_line )
        if match_lm:
            module_name = match_lm.group(1)
            dll_name_raw = match_lm.group(2).strip()
            dll_name = lib_util.standardized_file_path(dll_name_raw)
            logging.debug("module_name=%s dll_name=%s", module_name, dll_name)
            modules_map[module_name] = dll_name

        # 295cfb0c 00000000 ntdll!RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36
        # Another format, maybe because of a 64 bits machine.
        # 00000000`02edff90 00000000`00000000 ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
        match_k = re.match("[`0-9a-fA-F]+ [`0-9a-fA-F]+ ([^!]*)!([^+]*)", dot_line)
        if match_k:
            module_name = match_k.group(1)
                dll_name = modules_map[module_name]
            except KeyError:
                dll_name = module_name
            func_name = match_k.group(2).strip()
            logging.debug("module_name=%s dll_name=%s func_name=%s", module_name, dll_name, func_name)

            dll_name = CDB.TestIfKnownDll(dll_name)

            call_node_prev = survol_symbol.AddFunctionCall(grph, call_node_prev, proc_node, func_name, dll_name)
            grph.add((call_node_prev, lib_properties.MakeProp("Call_depth"), lib_util.NodeLiteral(call_depth)))
            call_depth += 1

        logging.debug("dot_line=%s", dot_line)

    logging.debug("Parsed cdb result")

    call_node_prev = survol_symbol.AddFunctionCall(grph, call_node_prev, proc_node, None, None)

    CIM_Process.AddInfo(grph, proc_node, [the_pid])

    # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/ff539058(v=vs.85).aspx
    # This section describes how to perform basic debugging tasks using
    # the Microsoft Console Debugger (CDB) and Microsoft NT Symbolic Debugger (NTSD).
    # CDB and NTSD are identical in every way, except that NTSD spawns
    # a new text window when it is started, whereas CDB inherits
    # the Command Prompt window from which it was invoked.
    # The instructions in this section are given for CDB,
    # but they work equally well for NTSD. For a discussion
    # of when to use CDB or NTSD, see Debugging Environments.

コード例 #29
ファイル: win_cdb_modules.py プロジェクト: rchateauneu/survol
def Main():
    cgiEnv = lib_common.ScriptEnvironment()
        the_pid = int(cgiEnv.GetId())
    except Exception:
        lib_common.ErrorMessageHtml("Must provide a pid")

    if not lib_util.isPlatformWindows:
        lib_common.ErrorMessageHtml("This works only on Windows platforms")

    # If cannot be the current pid, otherwise it will block.
    if the_pid == os.getpid():
        lib_common.ErrorMessageHtml("Cannot debug current process")

    grph = cgiEnv.GetGraph()

    # Starts a second session
    cdb_fil = lib_util.TmpFile("CdbCommand", "cdb")
    cdb_fd = open(cdb_fil.Name, "w")
    cdb_fd.write("lmv\n")  # List loaded modules, verbose mode.
    cdb_fd.write("qd\n")  # Quit and detach.

    cdb_cmd = "cdb -p " + str(the_pid) + " -cf " + cdb_fil.Name

    proc_node = lib_uris.gUriGen.PidUri(the_pid)

    logging.debug("Starting cdb_cmd=%s", cdb_cmd)
        cdb_pipe = lib_common.SubProcPOpen(cdb_cmd)
    except WindowsError as exc:
        lib_common.ErrorMessageHtml("cdb not available: Caught:%s" % str(exc))

    logging.debug("Started cdb_cmd=%s", cdb_cmd)

    cdb_output, cdb_err = cdb_pipe.communicate()

    # Without decode, "TypeError: Type str does not support the buffer API"
    cdb_str = cdb_output.decode("utf-8", "ignore")

    prop_loaded_module = lib_common.MakeProp("Loaded module")

    for dot_line in cdb_str.split('\n'):
        # moduleName=uDWM moduleStatus=deferred file_name=
        # dot_line=    Image path: C:\windows\system32\uDWM.dll
        # dot_line=    Image name: uDWM.dll
        # dot_line=    Timestamp:        Tue Jul 14 02:33:35 2009 (4A5BE06F)
        # dot_line=    CheckSum:         0005E9A4
        # dot_line=    ImageSize:        00057000
        # dot_line=    File version:     6.1.7600.16385
        # dot_line=    Product version:  6.1.7600.16385
        # dot_line=    File flags:       0 (Mask 3F)
        # dot_line=    File OS:          40004 NT Win32
        # dot_line=    File type:        2.0 Dll
        # dot_line=    File date:        00000000.00000000
        # dot_line=    Translations:     0409.04b0
        # dot_line=    CompanyName:      Microsoft Corporation
        # dot_line=    ProductName:      Microsoft Windows Operating System
        # dot_line=    InternalName:     udwm.dll
        # dot_line=    OriginalFilename: udwm.dll
        # dot_line=    ProductVersion:   6.1.7600.16385
        # dot_line=    FileVersion:      6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255)
        # dot_line=    FileDescription:  Microsoft Desktop Window Manager
        # dot_line=    LegalCopyright:    Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

        match_lin = re.match(" *Image path: *(.*)", dot_line)
        if match_lin:

            file_name = match_lin.group(1)
            file_name = CDB.TestIfKnownDll(file_name)
            file_name = file_name.strip()
            file_name = lib_util.standardized_file_path(file_name)
            file_node = lib_uris.gUriGen.FileUri(file_name)
            grph.add((proc_node, prop_loaded_module, file_node))

        match_lin = re.match(" *CompanyName: *(.*)", dot_line)
        if match_lin:
            company_name = match_lin.group(1)
            grph.add((file_node, lib_common.MakeProp("Company Name"),

        match_lin = re.match(" *File OS: *(.*)", dot_line)
        if match_lin:
            file_os = match_lin.group(1)
            grph.add((file_node, lib_common.MakeProp("File OS"),

        match_lin = re.match(" *FileDescription: *(.*)", dot_line)
        if match_lin:
            file_description = match_lin.group(1)
            grph.add((file_node, lib_common.MakeProp("Description"),

    logging.debug("Parsed cdb result")

    CIM_Process.AddInfo(grph, proc_node, [the_pid])

    cgiEnv.OutCgiRdf("LAYOUT_RECT", [prop_loaded_module])
コード例 #30
    cgiEnv = lib_common.ScriptEnvironment()
    process_id = cgiEnv.GetId()

    logging.debug("Snapshot process_id=%s" % process_id)

    # This just returns one triple.
    grph = cgiEnv.GetGraph()
    process_node = lib_uris.gUriGen.PidUri(process_id)
    grph.add((process_node, pc.property_pid, lib_util.NodeLiteral(process_id)))


# FIXME: Must finish this.
if dockit:
    dockit_dirname = lib_util.standardized_file_path(
    logging.debug("File=" + __file__ + " dockit_dirname=" + dockit_dirname)

def _atexit_handler_detach(process_id):
    """This is called when this CGI script leaves for any reason.
    Its purpose is to detach from the target process."""
    logging.info("_atexit_handler process_id=%d" % process_id)

def SendEvents():
    """This is called in a subprocess started by the Python module supervisor."""


    # FIXME: