def __init__(self, calibrationTerminatedCb): self.__calibrationTerminatedCb = calibrationTerminatedCb self.__CurPointIndex = 0 self.__CPPCal = player.getTracker().startCalibration() self.__LastCenter = None self.__NumMessages = 0 self._mycursor = None mainNode = player.getElementByID("cal_coordcalibrator") = True mainNode.opacity = 1 mainNode.setEventHandler(avg.Event.CURSOR_DOWN, avg.Event.TOUCH, self.__onTouchDown) mainNode.setEventHandler(avg.Event.CURSOR_MOTION, avg.Event.TOUCH, self.__onTouchMove) mainNode.setEventHandler(avg.Event.CURSOR_UP, avg.Event.TOUCH, self.__onTouchUp) self.__crosshair = player.getElementByID("cal_crosshair") self.__feedback = player.getElementByID("cal_feedback") self.__feedback.opacity = 0 self.__addMessage("Starting calibration.") self.__moveMarker() g_KbManager.push() g_KbManager.bindKey('space', self.__nextPoint, 'sample next point') g_KbManager.bindKey('a', self.__abortCalibration, 'abort calibration')
def __nextPoint(self): if self.__LastCenter: self.__CPPCal.setCamPoint(self.__LastCenter) self.__addMessage(" Using: %(x).2f, %(y).2f" % {"x": self.__LastCenter[0], "y": self.__LastCenter[1]}) self._mycursor = None self.__LastCenter = None hasNextPoint = self.__CPPCal.nextPoint() if not hasNextPoint: # Note: may raise RuntimeError. A rollback doesn't appear to be possible, # which means crashing here is safer than handling the exception player.getTracker().endCalibration() self.__endCalibration(True) else: self.__CurPointIndex += 1 self.__moveMarker()
def __nextPoint(self): if self.__lastCenter: self.__cppCal.setCamPoint(self.__lastCenter) self.__addMessage("Using: %(x).2f, %(y).2f" % {"x": self.__lastCenter[0], "y": self.__lastCenter[1]}) self._myCursor = None self.__lastCenter = None hasNextPoint = self.__cppCal.nextPoint() if not hasNextPoint: # Note: may raise RuntimeError. A rollback doesn't appear to be possible, # which means crashing here is safer than handling the exception player.getTracker().endCalibration() self.__endCalibration(True) else: self.__curPointIndex += 1 self.__moveMarker()
def __init__(self, calibrationTerminatedCb): self.__calibrationTerminatedCb = calibrationTerminatedCb self.__CurPointIndex = 0 self.__CPPCal = player.getTracker().startCalibration() self.__LastCenter = None self.__NumMessages = 0 self._mycursor = None mainNode = player.getElementByID("cal_coordcalibrator") = True mainNode.opacity = 1 mainNode.setEventHandler(avg.Event.CURSOR_DOWN, avg.Event.TOUCH, self.__onTouchDown) mainNode.setEventHandler(avg.Event.CURSOR_MOTION, avg.Event.TOUCH, self.__onTouchMove) mainNode.setEventHandler(avg.Event.CURSOR_UP, avg.Event.TOUCH, self.__onTouchUp) self.__crosshair = player.getElementByID("cal_crosshair") self.__feedback = player.getElementByID("cal_feedback") self.__feedback.opacity = 0 self.__addMessage("Starting calibration.") self.__moveMarker() g_KbManager.push() g_KbManager.bindKey("space", self.__nextPoint, "sample next point") g_KbManager.bindKey("a", self.__abortCalibration, "abort calibration")
def __abortCalibration(self): player.getTracker().abortCalibration() self.__endCalibration(False)
def __init__(self, parentNode, CameraType = "FireFly", appStarter = None): super(Calibrator, self).__init__(parentNode) self.paramList = camera_setup(CameraType) self.parentNode=parentNode self.appStarter = appStarter self.mainNode = player.createNode( """ <div active="False" opacity="0"> <image width="1280" height="800" href="black.png"/> <image id="cal_distorted" x="0" y="0" width="1280" height="800" sensitive="false" opacity="1"/> <words id="cal_fps" x="30" y="30" color="00FF00" text=""/> <words id="cal_notification" x="390" y="390" width="500" fontsize="18" color="ff3333" alignment="center" /> <div id="cal_gui" x="30" y="540"> <image id="cal_shadow" x="0" y="13" width="500" height="150" href="black.png" opacity="0.6"/> <words x="2" y="13" text="camera" fontsize="16" color="00FF00"/> <image x="2" y="32" href="CamImgBorder.png"/> <image id="cal_camera" x="4" y="34" width="160" height="120"/> <words x="168" y="13" text="nohistory" fontsize="16" color="00FF00"/> <image x="168" y="32" href="CamImgBorder.png"/> <image id="cal_nohistory" x="170" y="34" width="160" height="120"/> <words x="334" y="13" text="histogram" fontsize="16" color="00FF00"/> <image x="334" y="32" href="CamImgBorder.png"/> <image id="cal_histogram" x="336" y="34" width="160" height="120"/> <div id="cal_params" y="170" opacity="0.9"> <image id="cal_shadow2" width="750" height="65" href="black.png" opacity="0.6"/> <div id="cal_paramdiv0" x="2"> <words text="camera" y="0" fontsize="10" color="00ff00" /> <words id="cal_param0" y="12" fontsize="10"/> <words id="cal_param1" y="24" fontsize="10"/> <words id="cal_param2" y="36" fontsize="10"/> <words id="cal_param3" y="48" fontsize="10"/> </div> <div id="cal_paramdiv1" x="80"> <words text="touch" y="0" fontsize="10" color="00ff00" /> <words id="cal_param4" y="12" fontsize="10"/> <words id="cal_param5" y="24" fontsize="10"/> <words id="cal_param6" y="36" fontsize="10"/> <words id="cal_param7" y="48" fontsize="10"/> </div> <div id="cal_paramdiv2" x="200"> <words id="cal_param8" y="0" fontsize="10"/> <words id="cal_param9" y="12" fontsize="10"/> <words id="cal_param10" y="24" fontsize="10"/> <words id="cal_param11" y="36" fontsize="10"/> <words id="cal_param12" y="48" fontsize="10"/> </div> <div id="cal_paramdiv3" x="350"> <words text="track" y="0" fontsize="10" color="00ff00" /> <words id="cal_param13" y="12" fontsize="10"/> <words id="cal_param14" y="24" fontsize="10"/> <words id="cal_param15" y="36" fontsize="10"/> <words id="cal_param16" y="48" fontsize="10"/> </div> <div id="cal_paramdiv4" x="500"> <words id="cal_param17" y="0" fontsize="10"/> <words text="distort" y="12" fontsize="10" color="00ff00"/> <words id="cal_param18" y="24" fontsize="10"/> <words id="cal_param19" y="36" fontsize="10"/> <words id="cal_param20" y="48" fontsize="10"/> </div> <div id="cal_paramdiv5" x="650"> <words id="cal_param21" y="0" fontsize="10"/> <words id="cal_param22" y="12" fontsize="10"/> <words id="cal_param23" y="24" fontsize="10"/> <words id="cal_param24" y="36" fontsize="10"/> <words id="cal_param25" y="48" fontsize="10"/> </div> </div> </div> <div id="cal_coordcalibrator" opacity="0" active="false"> <image x="0" y="0" width="1280" height="800" href="border.png"/> <div id="cal_messages" x="100" y="100"/> <image id="cal_crosshair" href="crosshair.png"/> <image id="cal_feedback" href="Feedback.png"/> </div> </div> """) self.mainNode.mediadir=mediadir parentNode.insertChild(self.mainNode, 0) self.coordCal = None self.tracker = player.getTracker() self.curParam = 0 self.saveIndex = 0 self.hideMainNodeTimeout = None = [] self.__guiOpacity = 1 self.__showBigCamImage = False self.__notificationTimer = None self.__onCalibrationSuccess = None
def __init__(self, parentNode, cameraType = "FireFly", appStarter=None): super(Calibrator, self).__init__(parentNode) self.paramList = camera_setup(cameraType) self.parentNode = parentNode self.appStarter = appStarter self.mainNode = player.createNode( """ <div active = "False" opacity = "0"> <image width = "1280" height = "800" href = "black.png"/> <image id = "cal_distorted" x = "0" y = "0" width = "1280" height = "800" sensitive = "false" opacity = "1"/> <words id = "cal_fps" x = "30" y = "30" color = "00FF00" text = ""/> <words id = "cal_notification" x = "390" y = "390" width = "500" fontsize = "18" color = "ff3333" alignment = "center" /> <div id = "cal_gui" x = "30" y = "540"> <image id = "cal_shadow" x = "0" y = "13" width = "500" height = "150" href = "black.png" opacity = "0.6"/> <words x = "2" y = "13" text = "camera" fontsize = "16" color = "00FF00"/> <image x = "2" y = "32" href = "CamImgBorder.png"/> <image id = "cal_camera" x = "4" y = "34" width = "160" height = "120"/> <words x = "168" y = "13" text = "nohistory" fontsize = "16" color = "00FF00"/> <image x = "168" y = "32" href = "CamImgBorder.png"/> <image id = "cal_nohistory" x = "170" y = "34" width = "160" height = "120"/> <words x = "334" y = "13" text = "histogram" fontsize = "16" color = "00FF00"/> <image x = "334" y = "32" href = "CamImgBorder.png"/> <image id = "cal_histogram" x = "336" y = "34" width = "160" height = "120"/> <div id = "cal_params" y = "170" opacity = "0.9"> <image id = "cal_shadow2" width = "750" height = "65" href = "black.png" opacity = "0.6"/> <div id = "cal_paramdiv0" x = "2"> <words text = "camera" y = "0" fontsize = "10" color = "00ff00" /> <words id = "cal_param0" y = "12" fontsize = "10"/> <words id = "cal_param1" y = "24" fontsize = "10"/> <words id = "cal_param2" y = "36" fontsize = "10"/> <words id = "cal_param3" y = "48" fontsize = "10"/> </div> <div id = "cal_paramdiv1" x = "80"> <words text = "touch" y = "0" fontsize = "10" color = "00ff00" /> <words id = "cal_param4" y = "12" fontsize = "10"/> <words id = "cal_param5" y = "24" fontsize = "10"/> <words id = "cal_param6" y = "36" fontsize = "10"/> <words id = "cal_param7" y = "48" fontsize = "10"/> </div> <div id = "cal_paramdiv2" x = "200"> <words id = "cal_param8" y = "0" fontsize = "10"/> <words id = "cal_param9" y = "12" fontsize = "10"/> <words id = "cal_param10" y = "24" fontsize = "10"/> <words id = "cal_param11" y = "36" fontsize = "10"/> <words id = "cal_param12" y = "48" fontsize = "10"/> </div> <div id = "cal_paramdiv3" x = "350"> <words text = "track" y = "0" fontsize = "10" color = "00ff00" /> <words id = "cal_param13" y = "12" fontsize = "10"/> <words id = "cal_param14" y = "24" fontsize = "10"/> <words id = "cal_param15" y = "36" fontsize = "10"/> <words id = "cal_param16" y = "48" fontsize = "10"/> </div> <div id = "cal_paramdiv4" x = "500"> <words id = "cal_param17" y = "0" fontsize = "10"/> <words text = "distort" y = "12" fontsize = "10" color = "00ff00"/> <words id = "cal_param18" y = "24" fontsize = "10"/> <words id = "cal_param19" y = "36" fontsize = "10"/> <words id = "cal_param20" y = "48" fontsize = "10"/> </div> <div id = "cal_paramdiv5" x = "650"> <words id = "cal_param21" y = "0" fontsize = "10"/> <words id = "cal_param22" y = "12" fontsize = "10"/> <words id = "cal_param23" y = "24" fontsize = "10"/> <words id = "cal_param24" y = "36" fontsize = "10"/> <words id = "cal_param25" y = "48" fontsize = "10"/> </div> </div> </div> <div id = "cal_coordcalibrator" opacity = "0" active = "false"> <image x = "0" y = "0" width = "1280" height = "800" href = "border.png"/> <div id = "cal_messages" x = "100" y = "100"/> <image id = "cal_crosshair" href = "crosshair.png"/> <image id = "cal_feedback" href = "Feedback.png"/> </div> </div> """) self.mainNode.mediadir = mediadir parentNode.insertChild(self.mainNode, 0) self.coordCal = None self.tracker = player.getTracker() self.curParam = 0 self.saveIndex = 0 self.hideMainNodeTimeout = None = [] self.__guiOpacity = 1 self.__showBigCamImage = False self.__notificationTimer = None self.__onCalibrationSuccess = None
class AVGMTAppStarter(AVGAppStarter): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.__touchVisOverlay = None super(AVGMTAppStarter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def setTouchVisualization(self, visClass): if not (self.__touchVisOverlay is None): self.__touchVisOverlay.unlink(True) del self.__touchVisOverlay self.__touchVisOverlay = None if not (visClass is None): rootNode = player.getRootNode() self.__touchVisOverlay = apphelpers.TouchVisualizationOverlay( isDebug=False, visClass=visClass, size=self._appNode.size, parent=rootNode) def toggleTrackerImage(self): if self.__showTrackerImage: self.hideTrackerImage() else: self.showTrackerImage() def showTrackerImage(self): if self.__showTrackerImage: return self.__showTrackerImage = True self.__updateTrackerImageInterval = \ player.subscribe(player.ON_FRAME, self.__updateTrackerImage) self.__trackerImageNode.opacity = 1 self.tracker.setDebugImages(False, True) def hideTrackerImage(self): if not self.__showTrackerImage: return self.__showTrackerImage = False if self.__updateTrackerImageInterval: player.clearInterval(self.__updateTrackerImageInterval) self.__updateTrackerImageInterval = None self.__trackerImageNode.opacity = 0 self.tracker.setDebugImages(False, False) def __updateTrackerImage(self): def transformPos((x, y)): if self.trackerFlipX: x = 1 - x if self.trackerFlipY: y = 1 - y return (x, y) fingerBitmap = self.tracker.getImage(avg.IMG_FINGERS) node = self.__trackerImageNode node.setBitmap(fingerBitmap) node.pos = self.tracker.getDisplayROIPos() node.size = self.tracker.getDisplayROISize() grid = node.getOrigVertexCoords() grid = [[transformPos(pos) for pos in line] for line in grid] node.setWarpedVertexCoords(grid) def _onStart(self): from camcalibrator import Calibrator # we must add the tracker first, calibrator depends on it try: player.enableMultitouch() except RuntimeError, err: avg.logger.warning(str(err)) self.tracker = player.getTracker() if self.tracker: if Calibrator: self.__calibratorNode = player.createNode( 'div', { 'opacity': 0, 'active': False, }) rootNode = player.getRootNode() rootNode.appendChild(self.__calibratorNode) self.__calibratorNode.size = rootNode.size self.__calibrator = Calibrator(self.__calibratorNode, appStarter=self) self.__calibrator.setOnCalibrationSuccess( self.__onCalibrationSuccess) self.__calibrator.init() else: self.__calibrator = None self.__showTrackerImage = False self.__updateTrackerImageInterval = None self.__trackerImageNode = player.createNode( 'image', {'sensitive': False}) player.getRootNode().appendChild(self.__trackerImageNode) self.__updateTrackerImageFixup() g_KbManager.bindKey('h', self.tracker.resetHistory, 'RESET tracker history') g_KbManager.bindKey('d', self.toggleTrackerImage, 'toggle tracker image') if self.__calibrator: g_KbManager.bindKey('c', self.__enterCalibrator, 'enter calibrator') AVGAppStarter._onStart(self)