コード例 #1
def correct_dot_masks(masks,
    mask_shape = masks.shape
    sig_shape = gain_map.shape
    masks = masks.reshape((-1, np.prod(sig_shape)))

    if excluded_pixels is not None:
        if is_sparse(masks):
            result = sparse.DOK(masks)
            result = masks.copy()
        desc = RepairDescriptor(sig_shape,
        for e, r, c in zip(desc.exclude_flat, desc.repair_flat,
            result[:, e] = 0
            rep = masks[:, e] / c
            # We have to loop because of sparse.pydata limitations
            for m in range(result.shape[0]):
                for rr in r[:c]:
                    result[m, rr] = result[m, rr] + rep[m]
        if is_sparse(result):
            result = sparse.COO(result)
        result = masks
    result = result * gain_map.flatten()
    return result.reshape(mask_shape)
コード例 #2
ファイル: masks.py プロジェクト: woozey/LiberTEM
    def _compute_masks(self):
        Call mask factories and combine to mask stack

        a list of masks with contents as they were created by the factories
        and converted uniformly to dense or sparse matrices depending on
        # Make sure all the masks are either sparse or dense
        # If the use_sparse property is set to Ture or False,
        # it takes precedence.
        # If it is None, use sparse only if all masks are sparse
        # and set the use_sparse property accordingly

        default_sparse = 'scipy.sparse'

        if callable(self.mask_factories):
            raw_masks = self.mask_factories()
            if not is_sparse(raw_masks):
                default_sparse = False
            mask_slices = [raw_masks]
            mask_slices = []
            for f in self.mask_factories:
                m = f()
                # Scipy.sparse is always 2D, so we have to convert here
                # before reshaping
                if scipy.sparse.issparse(m):
                    m = sparse.COO.from_scipy_sparse(m)
                # We reshape to be a stack of 1 so that we can unify code below
                m = m.reshape((1, ) + m.shape)
                if not is_sparse(m):
                    default_sparse = False

        if self._use_sparse is None:
            self._use_sparse = default_sparse

        if self.use_sparse:
            # Conversion to correct back-end will happen later
            # Use sparse.pydata because it implements the array interface
            # which makes mask handling easier
            masks = sparse.concatenate([to_sparse(m) for m in mask_slices])
            masks = np.concatenate([to_dense(m) for m in mask_slices])
        return masks
コード例 #3
ファイル: masks.py プロジェクト: woozey/LiberTEM
    def _get_masks_for_slice(slice_):
        stack_height = computed_masks.shape[0]
        m = slice_.get(computed_masks, sig_only=True)
        # We need the mask's signal dimension flattened
        m = m.reshape((stack_height, -1))
        if transpose:
            # We need the stack transposed in the next step
            m = m.T

        if is_sparse(m):
            if sparse_backend == 'sparse.pydata':
                # sparse.pydata.org is fastest for masks with few layers
                # and few entries
                return m.astype(dtype)
            elif 'scipy.sparse' in sparse_backend:
                # Just for calculation: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix is
                # the fastest for dot product of deep mask stack
                iis, jjs = m.coords
                values = m.data
                if sparse_backend == 'scipy.sparse.csc':
                    return scipy.sparse.csc_matrix((values, (iis, jjs)),
                    return scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((values, (iis, jjs)),
                raise ValueError(
                    "sparse_backend %s not implemented, can be 'scipy.sparse', "
                    "'scipy.sparse.csc' or 'sparse.pydata'" % sparse_backend)
            # We convert to the desired type.
            # This makes sure it is in row major, dense layout as well
            return m.astype(dtype)
コード例 #4
ファイル: masks.py プロジェクト: ozej8y/LiberTEM
    def _compute_masks(self):
        Call mask factories and convert to the dataset dtype

        a list of masks with contents as they were created by the factories
        and converted uniformly to dense or sparse matrices depending on
        # Make sure all the masks are either sparse or dense
        # If the use_sparse property is set to Ture or False,
        # it takes precedence.
        # If it is None, use sparse only if all masks are sparse
        # and set the use_sparse property accordingly

        if callable(self.mask_factories):
            raw_masks = self.mask_factories().astype(self.dtype)
            default_sparse = is_sparse(raw_masks)
            mask_slices = [raw_masks]
            mask_slices = []
            default_sparse = True
            for f in self.mask_factories:
                m = f().astype(self.dtype)
                # Scipy.sparse is always 2D, so we have to convert here
                # before reshaping
                if scipy.sparse.issparse(m):
                    m = sparse.COO.from_scipy_sparse(m)
                # We reshape to be a stack of 1 so that we can unify code below
                m = m.reshape((1, ) + m.shape)
                default_sparse = default_sparse and is_sparse(m)

        if self.use_sparse is None:
            self.use_sparse = default_sparse

        if self.use_sparse:
            masks = sparse.concatenate([to_sparse(m) for m in mask_slices])
            masks = np.concatenate([to_dense(m) for m in mask_slices])
        return masks
コード例 #5
def test_uses_sparse_mixed_default(lt_ctx):
    data = _mk_random(size=(16, 16, 16, 16), dtype="<u2")
    mask0 = sp.csr_matrix(_mk_random(size=(16, 16)))
    mask1 = _mk_random(size=(16, 16))

    dataset = MemoryDataSet(data=data,
                            tileshape=(4 * 4, 4, 4),
    analysis = lt_ctx.create_mask_analysis(
        dataset=dataset, factories=[lambda: mask0, lambda: mask1])

    assert not is_sparse(_mask_from_analysis(dataset, analysis))
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_detector.py プロジェクト: LiberTEM/LiberTEM
def test_mask_patch_sparse():
    for i in range(REPEATS):
        print(f"Loop number {i}")
        num_nav_dims = np.random.choice([1, 2, 3])
        num_sig_dims = np.random.choice([2, 3])

        nav_dims = tuple(np.random.randint(low=8, high=16, size=num_nav_dims))
        sig_dims = tuple(np.random.randint(low=8, high=16, size=num_sig_dims))

        # The mask-based correction is performed as float64 since it creates
        # numerical instabilities otherwise
        data = gradient_data(nav_dims, sig_dims).astype(np.float64)

        gain_map = (np.random.random(sig_dims) + 1).astype(np.float64)
        dark_image = np.random.random(sig_dims).astype(np.float64)

        exclude = exclude_pixels(sig_dims=sig_dims, num_excluded=3)

        damaged_data = data.copy()
        damaged_data /= gain_map
        damaged_data += dark_image
        damaged_data[(Ellipsis, *exclude)] = 1e24

        print("Nav dims: ", nav_dims)
        print("Sig dims:", sig_dims)
        print("Exclude: ", exclude)

        masks = sparse.DOK(sparse.zeros((20, ) + sig_dims, dtype=np.float64))
        indices = [
            np.random.randint(low=0, high=s, size=s // 2)
            for s in (20, ) + sig_dims
        for tup in zip(*indices):
            masks[tup] = 1
        masks = masks.to_coo()

        data_flat = data.reshape((np.prod(nav_dims), np.prod(sig_dims)))
        damaged_flat = damaged_data.reshape(
            (np.prod(nav_dims), np.prod(sig_dims)))

        correct_dot = sparse.dot(data_flat,
                                 masks.reshape((-1, np.prod(sig_dims))).T)
        corrected_masks = detector.correct_dot_masks(masks, gain_map, exclude)
        assert is_sparse(corrected_masks)

        reconstructed_dot =\
            sparse.dot(damaged_flat, corrected_masks.reshape((-1, np.prod(sig_dims))).T)\
            - sparse.dot(dark_image.flatten(), corrected_masks.reshape((-1, np.prod(sig_dims))).T)

コード例 #7
def test_uses_sparse_sparse_false(lt_ctx):
    data = _mk_random(size=(16, 16, 16, 16), dtype="<u2")
    mask0 = sparse.COO.from_numpy(_mk_random(size=(16, 16)))
    mask1 = sparse.COO.from_numpy(_mk_random(size=(16, 16)))

    dataset = MemoryDataSet(data=data, tileshape=(4 * 4, 4, 4), num_partitions=2)
    job = lt_ctx.create_mask_job(
        dataset=dataset, factories=[lambda: mask0, lambda: mask1], use_sparse=False
    tiles = job.dataset.get_partitions()
    tile = next(tiles)

    assert not is_sparse(job.masks.get(tile, job.masks.dtype))
コード例 #8
def test_uses_sparse_mixed_default(lt_ctx):
    data = _mk_random(size=(16, 16, 16, 16), dtype="<u2")
    mask0 = sp.csr_matrix(_mk_random(size=(16, 16)))
    mask1 = _mk_random(size=(16, 16))

    dataset = MemoryDataSet(data=data, tileshape=(4 * 4, 4, 4), num_partitions=2)
    job = lt_ctx.create_mask_job(
        dataset=dataset, factories=[lambda: mask0, lambda: mask1]
    tiles = job.dataset.get_partitions()
    tile = next(tiles)

    assert not is_sparse(job.masks.get(tile, job.masks.dtype))
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_detector.py プロジェクト: LiberTEM/LiberTEM
def test_mask_patch_overlapping():
    for i in range(REPEATS):
        print(f"Loop number {i}")
        num_nav_dims = np.random.choice([1, 2, 3])
        num_sig_dims = np.random.choice([2, 3])

        nav_dims = tuple(np.random.randint(low=8, high=16, size=num_nav_dims))
        sig_dims = tuple(np.random.randint(low=8, high=16, size=num_sig_dims))

        # The mask-based correction is performed as float64 since it creates
        # numerical instabilities otherwise
        # Constant data to reconstruct neighboring damaged pixels faithfully
        data = np.ones(nav_dims + sig_dims, dtype=np.float64)

        gain_map = (np.random.random(sig_dims) + 1).astype(np.float64)
        dark_image = np.random.random(sig_dims).astype(np.float64)

        # Neighboring excluded pixels
        exclude = np.ones((num_sig_dims, 3), dtype=np.int32)
        exclude[0, 1] += 1
        exclude[1, 2] += 1

        damaged_data = data.copy()
        damaged_data /= gain_map
        damaged_data += dark_image
        damaged_data[(Ellipsis, *exclude)] = 1e24

        print("Nav dims: ", nav_dims)
        print("Sig dims:", sig_dims)
        print("Exclude: ", exclude)

        masks = (np.random.random((2, ) + sig_dims) - 0.5).astype(np.float64)
        data_flat = data.reshape((np.prod(nav_dims), np.prod(sig_dims)))
        damaged_flat = damaged_data.reshape(
            (np.prod(nav_dims), np.prod(sig_dims)))

        correct_dot = np.dot(data_flat,
                             masks.reshape((-1, np.prod(sig_dims))).T)
        corrected_masks = detector.correct_dot_masks(masks, gain_map, exclude)

        assert not is_sparse(corrected_masks)

        reconstructed_dot =\
            np.dot(damaged_flat, corrected_masks.reshape((-1, np.prod(sig_dims))).T)\
            - np.dot(dark_image.flatten(), corrected_masks.reshape((-1, np.prod(sig_dims))).T)

コード例 #10
def test_uses_sparse_sparse_false(lt_ctx):
    data = _mk_random(size=(16, 16, 16, 16), dtype="<u2")
    mask0 = sparse.COO.from_numpy(_mk_random(size=(16, 16)))
    mask1 = sparse.COO.from_numpy(_mk_random(size=(16, 16)))

    dataset = MemoryDataSet(data=data,
                            tileshape=(4 * 4, 4, 4),
    analysis = lt_ctx.create_mask_analysis(
        factories=[lambda: mask0, lambda: mask1],

    assert not is_sparse(_mask_from_analysis(dataset, analysis))
コード例 #11
def correct_dot_masks(masks, gain_map, excluded_pixels=None):
    mask_shape = masks.shape
    sig_shape = gain_map.shape
    masks = masks.reshape((-1, np.prod(sig_shape)))

    if excluded_pixels is not None:
        if is_sparse(masks):
            result = sparse.DOK(masks)
            result = masks.copy()
        repairs = environments(excluded_pixels, sig_shape)
        for e, r in zip(*flatten_filter(excluded_pixels, repairs, sig_shape)):
            result[:, e] = 0
            rep = masks[:, e] / len(r)
            # We have to loop because of sparse.pydata limitations
            for m in range(result.shape[0]):
                for rr in r:
                    result[m, rr] = result[m, rr] + rep[m]
        if is_sparse(result):
            result = sparse.COO(result)
        result = masks
    result = result * gain_map.flatten()
    return result.reshape(mask_shape)
コード例 #12
def test_uses_sparse_true(lt_ctx):
    data = _mk_random(size=(16, 16, 16, 16), dtype="<u2")
    mask0 = _mk_random(size=(16, 16))
    mask1 = _mk_random(size=(16, 16))

    dataset = MemoryDataSet(data=data,
                            tileshape=(4 * 4, 4, 4),
    job = lt_ctx.create_mask_job(dataset=dataset,
                                 factories=[lambda: mask0, lambda: mask1],

    tiles = job.dataset.get_partitions()
    tile = next(tiles)

    assert is_sparse(job.masks[tile])
コード例 #13
ファイル: test_detector.py プロジェクト: LiberTEM/LiberTEM
def test_mask_correction():
    for i in range(REPEATS):
        print(f"Loop number {i}")
        num_nav_dims = np.random.choice([1, 2, 3])
        num_sig_dims = np.random.choice([2, 3])

        nav_dims = tuple(np.random.randint(low=8, high=16, size=num_nav_dims))
        sig_dims = tuple(np.random.randint(low=8, high=16, size=num_sig_dims))

        # The mask-based correction is performed as float64 since it creates
        # numerical instabilities otherwise
        data = gradient_data(nav_dims, sig_dims).astype(np.float64)

        gain_map = (np.random.random(sig_dims) + 1).astype(np.float64)
        dark_image = np.random.random(sig_dims).astype(np.float64)

        exclude = exclude_pixels(sig_dims=sig_dims, num_excluded=0)

        damaged_data = data.copy()
        damaged_data /= gain_map
        damaged_data += dark_image

        assert np.allclose((damaged_data - dark_image) * gain_map, data)

        print("Nav dims: ", nav_dims)
        print("Sig dims:", sig_dims)
        print("Exclude: ", exclude)

        masks = (np.random.random((2, ) + sig_dims) - 0.5).astype(np.float64)
        data_flat = data.reshape((np.prod(nav_dims), np.prod(sig_dims)))
        damaged_flat = damaged_data.reshape(
            (np.prod(nav_dims), np.prod(sig_dims)))

        correct_dot = np.dot(data_flat,
                             masks.reshape((-1, np.prod(sig_dims))).T)
        corrected_masks = detector.correct_dot_masks(masks, gain_map, exclude)

        assert not is_sparse(corrected_masks)

        reconstructed_dot =\
            np.dot(damaged_flat, corrected_masks.reshape((-1, np.prod(sig_dims))).T)\
            - np.dot(dark_image.flatten(), corrected_masks.reshape((-1, np.prod(sig_dims))).T)

コード例 #14
ファイル: container.py プロジェクト: ben777777/LiberTEM
 def _get_masks_for_slice(slice_):
     stack_height = computed_masks.shape[0]
     m = slice_.get(computed_masks, sig_only=True)
     # We need the mask's signal dimension flattened
     m = m.reshape((stack_height, -1))
     if transpose:
         # We need the stack transposed in the next step
         m = m.T
     if is_sparse(m):
         return _build_sparse(m, dtype, sparse_backend, backend)
         if backend == 'numpy':
             return m.astype(dtype)
         elif backend == 'cupy':
             # Avoid importing if possible
             import cupy
             return cupy.array(m.astype(dtype))
コード例 #15
ファイル: masks.py プロジェクト: matkraj/LiberTEM
 def _get_masks_for_slice(slice_):
     stack_height = computed_masks.shape[0]
     m = slice_.get(computed_masks, sig_only=True)
     # We need the mask's signal dimension flattened and the stack transposed in the next step
     # For that reason we flatten and transpose here so that we use the cache of this function.
     m = m.reshape((stack_height, -1)).T
     if is_sparse(m):
         iis, jjs = m.coords
         values = m.data
         # Just for calculation: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix is
         # the fastest for dot product
         return scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((values, (iis, jjs)),
         # We convert to the desired type.
         # This makes sure it is in row major, dense layout as well
         return m.astype(dtype)
コード例 #16
def test_sparse_dok_is_sparse():
    mask = sparse.DOK.from_numpy(_mk_random(size=(16, 16)))
    assert is_sparse(mask)
コード例 #17
def test_scipy_is_sparse():
    mask = sp.csr_matrix(_mk_random(size=(16, 16)))
    assert is_sparse(mask)
コード例 #18
def test_numpy_is_sparse():
    mask = _mk_random(size=(16, 16))
    assert not is_sparse(mask)