def main(): args = parse_args() dry_run = args.dry_run usedpath = 'whitehout_lastused.txt' out('Checking For #WPGWhitehout....') limit = 1 try: config = read_json_config(args.configPath) t = Twitter(config['twitter']) except Exception as e: err(e) exit(1) phrases = [ 'I think you mean #WPGWhiteout', "Are you sure it's #WPGWhitehout and not #WPGWhiteout?", ('Looks like an "h" snuck its way in that hashtag. ' 'I think you mean #WPGWhiteout'), 'Let me just fix that up for you :) #WPGWhiteout not #WPGWhitehout', "What's a Hout? Did you mean #WPGWhiteout?", ("There's an H in Nashville but not one in Winnipeg, " "so don't use it in the hashtag. #WPGWhiteout"), '#WPGWhitehout is wrong. #WPGWhiteout is right', ('#WPGWhitehout supports the Houts, #WPGWhiteout supports the ' 'Jets. Notice the logo!') ] # Create Mutex Lock mutex = Lock() def check_for_whitehout(): time = get_fuzzed_time(5, 3) minutes, seconds = divmod(time, 60) hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60) out('random time: %sh%sm%ss' % (int(hours), int(minutes), int(seconds))) # Setup and start the threading x = Timer(time, check_for_whitehout) x.daemon = True x.start() mutex.acquire() try: try: wpgwhitehout = t.api.GetSearch(term='#WPGWhitehout', count=30, result_type='recent', lang='en') except Exception as e: err('[Main] Search Failure: %s' % e) wpgwhitehout = [] matches = [] for x in wpgwhitehout: text = x.AsDict()['text'] if (text.lower()[0:2] != 'rt' and x.user.screen_name != 'wpgwhitehout'): matches.append(x) used_id = -1 with open(usedpath, 'r') as f: # There should only be one line used_id = int( count = 0 for x in matches: text = x.AsDict()['text'] status_id = screen_name = x.user.AsDict()['screen_name'] try: print status_id print used_id if status_id <= used_id: continue out(text) response = '@%s %s' % (screen_name, random.choice(phrases)) out('Response: %s' % response) if not dry_run: t.api.PostUpdate(response, in_reply_to_status_id=status_id) # Write used id to file with open(usedpath, 'w') as f: f.write('%s' % status_id) except Exception, e: err('PostUpdate Exception: %s' % e) out('') count += 1 if count == limit: break finally: mutex.release() check_for_whitehout() try: while 1: sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt as e: out('Closing...') exit(0)
def main(): args = parse_args() out("Checking For Ochos....") limit = 1 try: config = read_json_config(args.configPath) t = Twitter(config['twitter']) except Exception as e: err(e) exit(1) try: eight = t.api.GetSearch(term='Eight', count=10, result_type='recent', lang='en') ocho = t.api.GetSearch(term='8', count=10, result_type='recent', lang='en') except Exception as e: err("[Main] Search Failure: %s" % e) eight = [] ocho = [] matches = [] for x in eight: text = x.AsDict()['text'] blacklist = [ 'zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'nine' ] if filter_search(text, 'eight', blacklist) is not None: matches.append(x) for x in ocho: text = x.AsDict()['text'] blacklist = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '9'] if filter_search(text, '8', blacklist) is not None: matches.append(x) count = 0 for x in matches: text = x.AsDict()['text'] status_id = user_id = x.user.AsDict()['id'] screen_name = x.user.AsDict()['screen_name'] out("That's Ocho!") out(text) try: t.api.PostUpdate("@%s That's Ocho!" % screen_name, in_reply_to_status_id=status_id) except Exception, e: err("PostUpdate Exception: %s" % e) out('') count += 1 if count == limit: exit(0)
def main(): args = parse_args() try: config = read_json_config(args.configPath) t = Twitter(config['twitter']) p = PSQL(config['psql']) s = config['settings'] except Exception as e: err(e) exit(1) # Set up debug global debug debug = args.debug # Contests Queue contests = [] # Create Mutex Lock mutex = Lock() def update_queue(): time = get_fuzzed_time(s['retweet']['base'], s['retweet']['fuzz']) minutes, seconds = divmod(time, 60) hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60) out("update_queue random time: %sh%sm%ss" % (int(hours), int(minutes), int(seconds))) # Setup and start the threading u = Timer(time, update_queue) u.daemon = True u.start() mutex.acquire() try: if len(contests) > 0: contest = contests[0] out("Contest: %s" % contest['text']) followed = check_for_follow_request(contest, t, p, s) favourited = check_for_favourite_request(contest, t, p, s) retweet_post(contest, t, p, s, followed, favourited) contests.pop(0) finally: mutex.release() def scan_for_contests(): time = get_fuzzed_time(s['search']['base'], s['search']['fuzz']) minutes, seconds = divmod(time, 60) hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60) out("scan_for_contests random time: %sh%sm%ss" % (int(hours), int(minutes), int(seconds))) # Setup and start the threading v = Timer(time, scan_for_contests) v.daemon = True v.start() mutex.acquire() try: out("Scanning For Contests...") last_twitter_id = p.get_last_twitter_id() try: #"RT to win" music OR sound OR speaker OR dj OR mixer OR gear' results = t.api.GetSearch(term='"RT to win"', since_id=last_twitter_id) for status in results: item = status.AsDict() if 'retweet_count' in item and item['retweet_count'] > 0: if item['id'] > last_twitter_id: p.set_last_twitter_id(item['id']) contests.append(item) except Exception as e: err("[scan_for_contests] Search Error: %s" % e) finally: mutex.release() def make_post(): time = get_fuzzed_time(s['post']['base'], s['post']['fuzz']) minutes, seconds = divmod(time, 60) hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60) out("make_post random time: %sh%sm%ss" % (int(hours), int(minutes), int(seconds))) # Setup and start the threading x = Timer(time, make_post) x.daemon = True x.start() mutex.acquire() try: out("Making random post...") text = None try: # Choose random user from list users = s['post']['users'] user = users[random.randrange(0, len(users))] results = t.api.GetUserTimeline(screen_name=user, count='200', exclude_replies=True, include_rts=True) # Pick a random status from this list status = results[random.randrange(0, len(results))] text = status.AsDict()['text'] out("Random status from %s: %s" % (user, text)) except Exception as e: err("[make_post] Search Error: %s" % e) try: if text is not None: if not debug: t.api.PostUpdate(status=text) except Exception as e: err("[make_post] Post Error: %s" % e) finally: mutex.release() scan_for_contests() update_queue() make_post() try: while 1: sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt as e: out("Closing...") exit(0)
def main(): args = parse_args() out("Checking For Ochos....") limit = 1 try: config = read_json_config(args.configPath) t = Twitter(config['twitter']) except Exception as e: err(e) exit (1) try: eight = t.api.GetSearch( term='Eight', count=10, result_type='recent', lang='en' ) ocho = t.api.GetSearch( term='8', count=10, result_type='recent', lang='en' ) except Exception as e: err("[Main] Search Failure: %s" % e) eight = [] ocho = [] matches = [] for x in eight: text = x.AsDict()['text'] blacklist = [ 'zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'nine' ] if filter_search(text, 'eight', blacklist) is not None: matches.append(x) for x in ocho: text = x.AsDict()['text'] blacklist = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '9'] if filter_search(text, '8', blacklist) is not None: matches.append(x) count = 0 for x in matches: text = x.AsDict()['text'] status_id = user_id = x.user.AsDict()['id'] screen_name = x.user.AsDict()['screen_name'] out("That's Ocho!") out(text) try: t.api.PostUpdate( "@%s That's Ocho!" % screen_name, in_reply_to_status_id=status_id ) except Exception, e: err("PostUpdate Exception: %s" % e) out('') count += 1 if count == limit: exit(0)
def main(): args = parse_args() try: config = read_json_config(args.configPath) t = Twitter(config['twitter']) p = PSQL(config['psql']) s = config['settings'] except Exception as e: err(e) exit(1) # Set up debug global debug debug = args.debug # Contests Queue contests = [] # Create Mutex Lock mutex = Lock() def update_queue(): time = get_fuzzed_time(s['retweet']['base'], s['retweet']['fuzz']) minutes, seconds = divmod(time, 60) hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60) out("update_queue random time: %sh%sm%ss" % ( int(hours), int(minutes), int(seconds) )) # Setup and start the threading u = Timer(time, update_queue) u.daemon = True u.start() mutex.acquire() try: if len(contests) > 0: contest = contests[0] out("Contest: %s" % contest['text']) followed = check_for_follow_request(contest, t, p, s) favourited = check_for_favourite_request(contest, t, p, s) retweet_post(contest, t, p, s, followed, favourited) contests.pop(0) finally: mutex.release() def scan_for_contests(): time = get_fuzzed_time(s['search']['base'], s['search']['fuzz']) minutes, seconds = divmod(time, 60) hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60) out("scan_for_contests random time: %sh%sm%ss" % ( int(hours), int(minutes), int(seconds) )) # Setup and start the threading v = Timer(time, scan_for_contests) v.daemon = True v.start() mutex.acquire() try: out("Scanning For Contests...") last_twitter_id = p.get_last_twitter_id() try: #"RT to win" music OR sound OR speaker OR dj OR mixer OR gear' results = t.api.GetSearch( term='"RT to win"', since_id=last_twitter_id ) for status in results: item = status.AsDict() if 'retweet_count' in item and item['retweet_count'] > 0: if item['id'] > last_twitter_id: p.set_last_twitter_id(item['id']) contests.append(item) except Exception as e: err("[scan_for_contests] Search Error: %s" % e) finally: mutex.release() def make_post(): time = get_fuzzed_time(s['post']['base'], s['post']['fuzz']) minutes, seconds = divmod(time, 60) hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60) out("make_post random time: %sh%sm%ss" % ( int(hours), int(minutes), int(seconds) )) # Setup and start the threading x = Timer(time, make_post) x.daemon = True x.start() mutex.acquire() try: out("Making random post...") text = None try: # Choose random user from list users= s['post']['users'] user = users[random.randrange(0, len(users))] results = t.api.GetUserTimeline( screen_name=user, count='200', exclude_replies=True, include_rts=True ) # Pick a random status from this list status = results[random.randrange(0, len(results))] text = status.AsDict()['text'] out("Random status from %s: %s" % (user, text)) except Exception as e: err("[make_post] Search Error: %s" % e) try: if text is not None: if not debug: t.api.PostUpdate( status=text ) except Exception as e: err("[make_post] Post Error: %s" % e) finally: mutex.release() scan_for_contests() update_queue() make_post() try: while 1: sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt as e: out("Closing...") exit(0)