コード例 #1
 def __init__(self,
     assert isinstance(transport, BaseTransport)
     self.transport = transport
     self.event_handler = ThreadedEventHandler()
     self._watch_info = None
     self._watch_model = None
     self.log_protocol_level = log_protocol_level
     self.log_packet_level = log_packet_level
コード例 #2
 def __init__(self, transport, log_protocol_level=None, log_packet_level=None):
     assert isinstance(transport, BaseTransport)
     self.transport = transport
     self.event_handler = ThreadedEventHandler()
     self._watch_info = None
     self._watch_model = None
     self.log_protocol_level = log_protocol_level
     self.log_packet_level = log_packet_level
コード例 #3
class EventSourceMixin(object):
    A convenient mixin to save on repeatedly exposing generic event handler functionality.
    def __init__(self):
        self.__handler = ThreadedEventHandler()

    def register_handler(self, event, handler):
        Registers a handler to be triggered by an event

        :param event: The event to handle
        :param handler: The handler callable.
        :return: A handle that can be used to unregister the handler.
        return self.__handler.register_handler(event, handler)

    def unregister_handler(self, handle):
        Unregisters an event handler.

        :param handle: The handle returned from :meth:`register_handler`

    def wait_for_event(self, event, timeout=10):
        Block waiting for the given event. Returns the event params.

        :param event: The event to handle.
        :return: The event params.
        :param timeout: The maximum time to wait before raising :exc:`.TimeoutError`.
        return self.__handler.wait_for_event(event, timeout=timeout)

    def _broadcast_event(self, event, *args):
        return self.__handler.broadcast_event(event, *args)
コード例 #4
class EventSourceMixin(object):
    A convenient mixin to save on repeatedly exposing generic event handler functionality.
    def __init__(self):
        self.__handler = ThreadedEventHandler()

    def register_handler(self, event, handler):
        Registers a handler to be triggered by an event

        :param event: The event to handle
        :param handler: The handler callable.
        :return: A handle that can be used to unregister the handler.
        return self.__handler.register_handler(event, handler)

    def unregister_handler(self, handle):
        Unregisters an event handler.

        :param handle: The handle returned from :meth:`register_handler`

    def wait_for_event(self, event, timeout=10):
        Block waiting for the given event. Returns the event params.

        :param event: The event to handle.
        :return: The event params.
        :param timeout: The maximum time to wait before raising :exc:`.TimeoutError`.
        return self.__handler.wait_for_event(event, timeout=timeout)

    def _broadcast_event(self, event, *args):
        return self.__handler.broadcast_event(event, *args)
コード例 #5
class PebbleConnection(object):
    PebbleConnection represents the connection to a pebble; all interaction with a pebble goes through it.

    :param transport: The underlying transport layer to communicate with the Pebble.
    :type transport: BaseTransport
    :param log_packet_level: If not None, the log level at which to log decoded messages sent and received.
    :type log_packet_level: int
    :param log_protocol_level: int If not None, the log level at which to log raw messages sent and received.
    :type log_protocol_level: int
    def __init__(self, transport, log_protocol_level=None, log_packet_level=None):
        assert isinstance(transport, BaseTransport)
        self.transport = transport
        self.pending_bytes = b''
        self.event_handler = ThreadedEventHandler()
        self._watch_info = None
        self._watch_model = None
        self.log_protocol_level = log_protocol_level
        self.log_packet_level = log_packet_level

    def connect(self):
        Synchronously initialises a connection to the Pebble. Once it returns, a valid connection will be open.

    def connected(self):
        :return: ``True`` if currently connected to a Pebble; otherwise ``False``.
        return self.transport.connected

    def pump_reader(self):
        Synchronously reads one message from the watch, blocking until a message is available.
        All events caused by the message read will be processed before this method returns.

        .. note::
           You usually don't need to invoke this method manually; instead, see :meth:`run_sync` and :meth:`run_async`.
        origin, message = self.transport.read_packet()
        if isinstance(origin, MessageTargetWatch):
            self._broadcast_transport_message(origin, message)

    def run_sync(self):
        Runs the message loop until the Pebble disconnects. This method will block until the watch disconnects or
        a fatal error occurs.

        For alternatives that don't block forever, see :meth:`pump_reader` and :meth:`run_async`.
        while self.connected:
            except PacketDecodeError as e:
                logger.warning("Packet decode failed: %s", e)
            except ConnectionError:

    def run_async(self):
        Spawns a new thread that runs the message loop until the Pebble disconnects.
        ``run_async`` will call :meth:`fetch_watch_info` on your behalf, and block until it receives a response.
        thread = threading.Thread(target=self.run_sync)
        thread.daemon = True
        thread.name = "PebbleConnection"

    def _handle_watch_message(self, message):
        Processes a binary message received from the watch and broadcasts the relevant events.

        :param message: A raw message from the watch, without any transport framing.
        :type message: bytes
        if self.log_protocol_level is not None:
            logger.log(self.log_protocol_level, "<- %s", hexlify(message).decode())
        message = self.pending_bytes + message

        while len(message) >= 4:
                packet, length = PebblePacket.parse_message(message)
            except IncompleteMessage:
                self.pending_bytes = message
                # At this point we've failed to deconstruct the message via normal means, but we don't want to end
                # up permanently desynced (because we wiped a partial message), nor do we want to get stuck (because
                # we didn't wipe anything). We therefore parse the packet length manually and skip ahead that far.
                # If the expected length is 0, we wipe everything to ensure forward motion (but we are quite probably
                # screwed).
                expected_length, = struct.unpack('!H', message[:2])
                if expected_length == 0:
                    self.pending_bytes = b''
                    self.pending_bytes = message[expected_length + 4:]

            self.event_handler.broadcast_event("raw_inbound", message[:length])
            if self.log_packet_level is not None:
                logger.log(self.log_packet_level, "<- %s", packet)
            message = message[length:]
            self.event_handler.broadcast_event((_EventType.Watch, type(packet)), packet)
            if length == 0:
        self.pending_bytes = message

    def _broadcast_transport_message(self, origin, message):
        Broadcasts an event originating from a transport that does not represent a message from the Pebble.

        :param origin: The type of transport responsible for the message.
        :type origin: .MessageTarget
        :param message: The message from the transport
        self.event_handler.broadcast_event((_EventType.Transport, type(origin), type(message)), message)

    def register_transport_endpoint(self, origin, message_type, handler):
        Register a handler for a message received from a transport that does not indicate a message from the connected

        :param origin: The type of :class:`.MessageTarget` that triggers the message
        :param message_type: The class of the message that is expected.
        :param handler: A callback to be called when a message is received.
        :type handler: callable
        :return: A handle that can be passed to :meth:`unregister_endpoint` to remove the handler.
        return self.event_handler.register_handler((_EventType.Transport, origin, message_type), handler)

    def register_endpoint(self, endpoint, handler):
        Register a handler for a message received from the Pebble.

        :param endpoint: The type of :class:`.PebblePacket` that is being listened for.
        :type endpoint: .PacketType
        :param handler: A callback to be called when a message is received.
        :type handler: callable
        :return: A handle that can be passed to :meth:`unregister_endpoint` to remove the handler.
        return self.event_handler.register_handler((_EventType.Watch, endpoint), handler)

    def register_raw_outbound_handler(self, handler):
        Register a handler for all outgoing messages to be sent to the Pebble. Transport framing is not included.

        :param handler: A callback to be called when any message is received.
        :type handler: callable
        :return: A handle that can be passed to :meth:`unregister_endpoint` to remove the handler.
        return self.event_handler.register_handler("raw_outbound", handler)

    def register_raw_inbound_handler(self, handler):
        Register a handler for all outgoing messages received from the Pebble. Transport framing is not included.
        In most cases you should not need to use this; consider using :meth:`register_endpoint` instead.

        :param handler: A callback to be called when any message is received.
        :type handler: callable
        :return: A handle that can be passed to :meth:`unregister_endpoint` to remove the handler.
        return self.event_handler.register_handler("raw_inbound", handler)

    def unregister_endpoint(self, handle):
        Removes a handler registered by :meth:`register_transport_endpoint`, :meth:`register_endpoint`,
        :meth:`register_raw_outbound_handler` or :meth:`register_raw_inbound_handler`.

        :param handle: A handle returned by the register call to be undone.
        return self.event_handler.unregister_handler(handle)

    def read_from_endpoint(self, endpoint, timeout=10):
        Blocking read from an endpoint. Will block until a message is received, or it times out. Also see
        :meth:`get_endpoint_queue` if you are considering calling this in a loop.

        .. warning::
           Avoid calling this method from an endpoint callback; doing so is likely to lead to deadlock.

        .. note::
           If you're reading a response to a message you just sent, :meth:`send_and_read` might be more appropriate.

        :param endpoint: The endpoint to read from.
        :type endpoint: .PacketType
        :param timeout: The maximum time to wait before raising :exc:`.TimeoutError`.
        :return: The message read from the endpoint; of the same type as passed to ``endpoint``.
        return self.event_handler.wait_for_event((_EventType.Watch, endpoint), timeout=timeout)

    def get_endpoint_queue(self, endpoint):
        Returns a :class:`.BaseEventQueue` from which messages to the given ``endpoint`` can be read.

        This is useful if you need to make sure that you receive all messages to an endpoint, without risking
        dropping some due to time in between :meth:`read_from_endpoint` calls.

        :param endpoint: The endpoint to read from
        :type endpoint: .PacketType
        return self.event_handler.queue_events((_EventType.Watch, endpoint))

    def read_transport_message(self, origin, message_type, timeout=10):
        Blocking read of a transport message that does not indicate a message from the Pebble.
        Will block until a message is received, or it times out.

        .. warning::
           Avoid calling this method from an endpoint callback; doing so is likely to lead to deadlock.

        :param origin: The type of :class:`.MessageTarget` that triggers the message.
        :param message_type: The class of the message to read from the transport.
        :param timeout: The maximum time to wait before raising :exc:`.TimeoutError`.
        :return: The object read from the transport; of the same type as passed to ``message_type``.
        return self.event_handler.wait_for_event((_EventType.Transport, origin, message_type), timeout=timeout)

    def send_packet(self, packet):
        Sends a message to the Pebble.

        :param packet: The message to send.
        :type packet: .PebblePacket
        if self.log_packet_level:
            logger.log(self.log_packet_level, "-> %s", packet)
        serialised = packet.serialise_packet()
        self.event_handler.broadcast_event("raw_outbound", serialised)

    def send_and_read(self, packet, endpoint, timeout=10):
        Sends a packet, then returns the next response received from that endpoint. This method sets up a listener
        before it actually sends the message, avoiding a potential race.

        .. warning::
           Avoid calling this method from an endpoint callback; doing so is likely to lead to deadlock.

        :param packet: The message to send.
        :type packet: .PebblePacket
        :param endpoint: The endpoint to read from
        :type endpoint: .PacketType
        :param timeout: The maximum time to wait before raising :exc:`.TimeoutError`.
        :return: The message read from the endpoint; of the same type as passed to ``endpoint``.
        queue = self.get_endpoint_queue(endpoint)
            return queue.get(timeout=timeout)

    def send_raw(self, message):
        Sends a raw binary message to the Pebble. No processing will be applied, but any transport framing should be

        :param message: The message to send to the pebble.
        :type message: bytes
        if self.log_protocol_level:
            logger.log(self.log_protocol_level, "-> %s", hexlify(message).decode())

    def _register_internal_handlers(self):
        if self.transport.must_initialise:
            self.register_endpoint(PhoneAppVersion, self._app_version_response)

    def _app_version_response(self, packet):
        packet = PhoneAppVersion(message=AppVersionResponse(

    def fetch_watch_info(self):
        This method should be called before accessing :attr:`watch_info`, :attr:`firmware_version`
        or :attr:`watch_platform`. Blocks until it has fetched the required information.
        self._watch_info = self.send_and_read(WatchVersion(data=WatchVersionRequest()), WatchVersion).data

    def watch_info(self):
        Returns information on the connected Pebble, including its firmware version, language, capabilities, etc.

        .. note:
           This is a blocking call if :meth:`fetch_watch_info` has not yet been called, which could lead to deadlock
           if called in an endpoint callback.

        :rtype: .WatchVersionResponse
        if self._watch_info is None:
        return self._watch_info

    def firmware_version(self):
        Provides information on the connected Pebble, including its firmware version, language, capabilities, etc.

        .. note:
           This is a blocking call if :meth:`fetch_watch_info` has not yet been called, which could lead to deadlock
           if called in an endpoint callback.

        :rtype: .WatchVersionResponse
        version = self.watch_info.running.version_tag[1:]
        parts = version.split('-', 1)
        points = [int(x) for x in parts[0].split('.')]
        while len(points) < 3:
        if len(parts) == 2:
            suffix = parts[1]
            suffix = ''
        return FirmwareVersion(*(points + [suffix]))

    def watch_model(self):

        :return: The model of the watch.
        :rtype: ~libpebble2.protocol.system.Model
        if self._watch_model is None:
            info_bytes = self.send_and_read(WatchModel(data=ModelRequest()), WatchModel).data.data
            if len(info_bytes) == 4:
                self._watch_model, = struct.unpack('>I', info_bytes)
                self._watch_model = Model.Unknown
        return self._watch_model

    def watch_platform(self):
        A string naming the platform of the watch ('aplite', 'basalt', 'chalk', or 'unknown').

        .. note:
           This is a blocking call if :meth:`fetch_watch_info` has not yet been called, which could lead to deadlock
           if called in an endpoint callback.

        :rtype: str
        return PebbleHardware.hardware_platform(self.watch_info.running.hardware_platform)
コード例 #6
class PebbleConnection(object):
    PebbleConnection represents the connection to a pebble; all interaction with a pebble goes through it.

    :param transport: The underlying transport layer to communicate with the Pebble.
    :type transport: BaseTransport
    :param log_packet_level: If not None, the log level at which to log decoded messages sent and received.
    :type log_packet_level: int
    :param log_protocol_level: int If not None, the log level at which to log raw messages sent and received.
    :type log_protocol_level: int
    def __init__(self,
        assert isinstance(transport, BaseTransport)
        self.transport = transport
        self.event_handler = ThreadedEventHandler()
        self._watch_info = None
        self._watch_model = None
        self.log_protocol_level = log_protocol_level
        self.log_packet_level = log_packet_level

    def connect(self):
        Synchronously initialises a connection to the Pebble. Once it returns, a valid connection will be open.

    def connected(self):
        :return: ``True`` if currently connected to a Pebble; otherwise ``False``.
        return self.transport.connected

    def pump_reader(self):
        Synchronously reads one message from the watch, blocking until a message is available.
        All events caused by the message read will be processed before this method returns.

        .. note::
           You usually don't need to invoke this method manually; instead, see :meth:`run_sync` and :meth:`run_async`.
        origin, message = self.transport.read_packet()
        if isinstance(origin, MessageTargetWatch):
            self._broadcast_transport_message(origin, message)

    def run_sync(self):
        Runs the message loop until the Pebble disconnects. This method will block until the watch disconnects or
        a fatal error occurs.

        For alternatives that don't block forever, see :meth:`pump_reader` and :meth:`run_async`.
        while self.connected:
            except PacketDecodeError as e:
                logger.warning("Packet decode failed: %s", e)
            except ConnectionError:

    def run_async(self):
        Spawns a new thread that runs the message loop until the Pebble disconnects.
        ``run_async`` will call :meth:`fetch_watch_info` on your behalf, and block until it receives a response.
        thread = threading.Thread(target=self.run_sync)
        thread.daemon = True
        thread.name = "PebbleConnection"

    def _handle_watch_message(self, message):
        Processes a binary message received from the watch and broadcasts the relevant events.

        :param message: A raw message from the watch, without any transport framing.
        :type message: bytes
        while len(message) >= 4:
            if self.log_protocol_level is not None:
                logger.log(self.log_protocol_level, "<- %s",
            packet, length = PebblePacket.parse_message(message)
            self.event_handler.broadcast_event("raw_inbound", message[:length])
            if self.log_packet_level is not None:
                logger.log(self.log_packet_level, "<- %s", packet)
            message = message[length:]
                (_EventType.Watch, type(packet)), packet)
            if length == 0:

    def _broadcast_transport_message(self, origin, message):
        Broadcasts an event originating from a transport that does not represent a message from the Pebble.

        :param origin: The type of transport responsible for the message.
        :type origin: .MessageTarget
        :param message: The message from the transport
            (_EventType.Transport, type(origin), type(message)), message)

    def register_transport_endpoint(self, origin, message_type, handler):
        Register a handler for a message received from a transport that does not indicate a message from the connected

        :param origin: The type of :class:`.MessageTarget` that triggers the message
        :param message_type: The class of the message that is expected.
        :param handler: A callback to be called when a message is received.
        :type handler: callable
        :return: A handle that can be passed to :meth:`unregister_endpoint` to remove the handler.
        return self.event_handler.register_handler(
            (_EventType.Transport, origin, message_type), handler)

    def register_endpoint(self, endpoint, handler):
        Register a handler for a message received from the Pebble.

        :param endpoint: The type of :class:`.PebblePacket` that is being listened for.
        :type endpoint: .PacketType
        :param handler: A callback to be called when a message is received.
        :type handler: callable
        :return: A handle that can be passed to :meth:`unregister_endpoint` to remove the handler.
        return self.event_handler.register_handler(
            (_EventType.Watch, endpoint), handler)

    def register_raw_outbound_handler(self, handler):
        Register a handler for all outgoing messages to be sent to the Pebble. Transport framing is not included.

        :param handler: A callback to be called when any message is received.
        :type handler: callable
        :return: A handle that can be passed to :meth:`unregister_endpoint` to remove the handler.
        return self.event_handler.register_handler("raw_outbound", handler)

    def register_raw_inbound_handler(self, handler):
        Register a handler for all outgoing messages received from the Pebble. Transport framing is not included.
        In most cases you should not need to use this; consider using :meth:`register_endpoint` instead.

        :param handler: A callback to be called when any message is received.
        :type handler: callable
        :return: A handle that can be passed to :meth:`unregister_endpoint` to remove the handler.
        return self.event_handler.register_handler("raw_inbound", handler)

    def unregister_endpoint(self, handle):
        Removes a handler registered by :meth:`register_transport_endpoint`, :meth:`register_endpoint`,
        :meth:`register_raw_outbound_handler` or :meth:`register_raw_inbound_handler`.

        :param handle: A handle returned by the register call to be undone.
        return self.event_handler.unregister_handler(handle)

    def read_from_endpoint(self, endpoint, timeout=10):
        Blocking read from an endpoint. Will block until a message is received, or it times out. Also see
        :meth:`get_endpoint_queue` if you are considering calling this in a loop.

        .. warning::
           Avoid calling this method from an endpoint callback; doing so is likely to lead to deadlock.

        :param endpoint: The endpoint to read from.
        :type endpoint: .PacketType
        :param timeout: The maximum time to wait before raising :exc:`.TimeoutError`.
        :return: The message read from the endpoint; of the same type as passed to ``endpoint``.
        return self.event_handler.wait_for_event((_EventType.Watch, endpoint),

    def get_endpoint_queue(self, endpoint):
        Returns a :class:`.BaseEventQueue` from which messages to the given ``endpoint`` can be read.

        This is useful if you need to make sure that you receive all messages to an endpoint, without risking
        dropping some due to time in between :meth:`read_from_endpoint` calls.

        :param endpoint: The endpoint to read from
        :type endpoint: .PacketType
        return self.event_handler.queue_events((_EventType.Watch, endpoint))

    def read_transport_message(self, origin, message_type, timeout=10):
        Blocking read of a transport message that does not indicate a message from the Pebble.
        Will block until a message is received, or it times out.

        .. warning::
           Avoid calling this method from an endpoint callback; doing so is likely to lead to deadlock.

        :param origin: The type of :class:`.MessageTarget` that triggers the message.
        :param message_type: The class of the message to read from the transport.
        :param timeout: The maximum time to wait before raising :exc:`.TimeoutError`.
        :return: The object read from the transport; of the same type as passed to ``message_type``.
        return self.event_handler.wait_for_event(
            (_EventType.Transport, origin, message_type), timeout=timeout)

    def send_packet(self, packet):
        Sends a message to the Pebble.

        :param packet: The message to send.
        :type packet: .PebblePacket
        if self.log_packet_level:
            logger.log(self.log_packet_level, "-> %s", packet)
        serialised = packet.serialise_packet()
        self.event_handler.broadcast_event("raw_outbound", serialised)

    def send_raw(self, message):
        Sends a raw binary message to the Pebble. No processing will be applied, but any transport framing should be

        :param message: The message to send to the pebble.
        :type message: bytes
        if self.log_protocol_level:
            logger.log(self.log_protocol_level, "-> %s",

    def _register_internal_handlers(self):
        if self.transport.must_initialise:
            self.register_endpoint(PhoneAppVersion, self._app_version_response)

    def _app_version_response(self, packet):
        packet = PhoneAppVersion(

    def fetch_watch_info(self):
        This method should be called before accessing :attr:`watch_info`, :attr:`firmware_version`
        or :attr:`watch_platform`. Blocks until it has fetched the required information.
        self._watch_info = self.read_from_endpoint(WatchVersion).data

    def watch_info(self):
        Returns information on the connected Pebble, including its firmware version, language, capabilities, etc.

        .. note:
           This is a blocking call if :meth:`fetch_watch_info` has not yet been called, which could lead to deadlock
           if called in an endpoint callback.

        :rtype: .WatchVersionResponse
        if self._watch_info is None:
        return self._watch_info

    def firmware_version(self):
        Provides information on the connected Pebble, including its firmware version, language, capabilities, etc.

        .. note:
           This is a blocking call if :meth:`fetch_watch_info` has not yet been called, which could lead to deadlock
           if called in an endpoint callback.

        :rtype: .WatchVersionResponse
        version = self.watch_info.running.version_tag[1:]
        parts = version.split('-', 1)
        points = [int(x) for x in parts[0].split('.')]
        while len(points) < 3:
        if len(parts) == 2:
            suffix = parts[1]
            suffix = ''
        return FirmwareVersion(*(points + [suffix]))

    def watch_model(self):

        :return: The model of the watch.
        :rtype: ~libpebble2.protocol.system.Model
        if self._watch_model is None:
            info_bytes = self.read_from_endpoint(WatchModel).data.data
            if len(info_bytes) == 4:
                self._watch_model = struct.unpack('>I', info_bytes)
                self._watch_model = Model.Unknown
        return self._watch_model

    def watch_platform(self):
        A string naming the platform of the watch ('aplite', 'basalt', or 'unknown').

        .. note:
           This is a blocking call if :meth:`fetch_watch_info` has not yet been called, which could lead to deadlock
           if called in an endpoint callback.

        :rtype: str
        return PebbleHardware.hardware_platform(
コード例 #7
 def __init__(self):
     self.__handler = ThreadedEventHandler()
コード例 #8
 def __init__(self):
     self.__handler = ThreadedEventHandler()