コード例 #1
def split_multiatlas(atlas, output_prefix, pool=None):
    Take a multi-atlas with many ROIs and split it into binary masks for each ROI.

    output_prefix can be a container with integer index keys as in the atlas image
    and values the full output path.
    N = int(
        os.popen('MeasureMinMaxMean 3 %s' % atlas).read().split('[',
                                                                    ']', 1)[0])
    if pool is None:
        pool = BetterPool()
    cmds = []
    for idx in xrange(N):
        if isinstance(output_prefix, str):
            output = '%s-%s.nii.gz' % (output_prefix, idx)
                output = output_prefix[idx]
            except (IndexError, KeyError):
                print 'Skipping %d' % idx
        cmds.append('ThresholdImage 3 %s %s %d %d' % (atlas, output, idx, idx))
    pool.map(command, cmds)
コード例 #2
 def __init__(self, labels, pool=None):
     self.volume = {}
     self.overlap = {}
     if pool is None:
         pool = BetterPool()
     # TODO refactor using knowledge that it's a symmetric matrix of values
     # Determine pairwise overlap
     for label1 in labels:
         overlap_params = []
         for label2 in labels:
             overlap_params.append((label1, label2))
         datum = pool.map(overlap_c3d, overlap_params)
         vol1, vol2, over = zip(*datum)
         # This overwrites same value a lot, bit redundant
         self.volume = dict(zip(labels, vol2))
         self.overlap[label1] = dict(zip(labels, over))
コード例 #3
# Approximately Thomas's method, can debate about order of some elements, like VLP and MTT/VA
# ['2-AV', '4-VA', '5-VLa', '6-VLP', '7-VPL', '8-Pul', '9-LGN', '10-MGN', '11-CM', '12-MD-Pf', '13-Hb', '14-MTT']
# methods = {
#     'Thomas': ['8-Pul', '11-CM', '12-MD-Pf', '4-VA', '14-MTT', '2-AV', '13-Hb', '6-VLP', '5-VLa', '7-VPL', '9-LGN', '10-MGN'],
#     'Fixed_Metric': ['2-AV', '6-VLP', '4-VA', '5-VLa', '8-Pul', '7-VPL', '9-LGN', '10-MGN', '12-MD-Pf', '11-CM', '13-Hb', '14-MTT'],
# }
find_num = re.compile('[0-9]+')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) < 3:
        print '%s <method: Numerical, Metric> <output_atlas> labels ...' % sys.argv[

    pool = BetterPool()
    method = sys.argv[1]
    out = sys.argv[2]
    labels = sys.argv[3:]
    if method == 'Numerical':
        print 'Using the input order'
        method_labels = labels
    elif method == 'Metric':
        # Use overlap metric based comparison
        print 'Calculating overlap metric weighted by volume'
        compare = CompareOverlap(labels, pool)
        method_labels = sorted(labels, cmp=compare)
    label_numbers = dict()
    for i, label in enumerate(labels):
        label_num = find_num.search(os.path.basename(label))
        if label_num is None:
コード例 #4
    'number of parallel processes to use.  If unspecified, automatically set to number of CPUs.'
# parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='verbose mode')
# parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help='debug mode, interactive prompts')
# parser.add_argument('-R', '--right', action='store_true', help='segment right thalamus')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    args = parser.parse_args()
    pool = BetterPool(args.processes)
    method = args.method
    out = args.output_path
    labels = args.labels
    if method == 'Numerical':
        print 'Using the input order'
        method_labels = labels
    elif method == 'Metric':
        # Use overlap metric based comparison
        print 'Calculating overlap metric weighted by volume'
        compare = CompareOverlap(labels, pool)
        method_labels = sorted(labels, cmp=compare)
    label_numbers = dict()
    for i, label in enumerate(labels):
        label_num = find_num.search(os.path.basename(label))
        if label_num is None: