def on_printSelected(self): items = self.model().items() rows = self.getSelectedRows() items = [(row, items[row]) for row in rows] temp = OrderedDict() for row, item in items: actionType = item[1]._actionType if not temp.has_key(actionType): temp[actionType] = [] temp[actionType].append( (row, forceDateTime(item[0].value('directionDate')))) data = OrderedDict() for actionType, actionData in temp.items(): data[] = { 'name':, 'actionData': actionData, 'templates': getPrintTemplates(actionType.context) } dlg = CActionTemplatePrintWidget() self.connect(dlg, QtCore.SIGNAL('printActionTemplateList'), self.on_printActionTemplateList) dlg.setItems( data, self._isDirty, forceBool( QtGui.qApp.preferences.appPrefs.get('groupPrintWithoutDialog', QtCore.QVariant()))) if dlg.model._items: dlg.exec_() else: dlg.printOnly()
def build(self, params): query = selectData(params) self.setQueryText(forceString(query.lastQuery())) doc = QtGui.QTextDocument() cursor = QtGui.QTextCursor(doc) cursor.setCharFormat(CReportBase.ReportTitle) org_id = QtGui.qApp.currentOrgId() org_info = getOrganisationInfo(org_id) cursor.insertBlock(CReportBase.AlignCenter) cursor.insertText(org_info.get('fullName')) cursor.insertBlock(CReportBase.AlignCenter) cursor.insertText(self.title()) cursor.insertBlock() self.dumpParams(cursor, params) cursor.insertBlock() tableColumns = [('20%', [u'Отделение'], CReportBase.AlignCenter)] valueDomain = QtGui.qApp.db.translate('ActionPropertyType', 'name', u'Cостояние пациента', 'valueDomain') state_list = CStrComboBox.parse(forceString(valueDomain))[0] state_list.insert(0, u'') for header in state_list: tableColumns.append(('12%', [header], CReportBase.AlignCenter)) tableColumns.append(('8%', [u'Всего'], CReportBase.AlignCenter)) table = createTable(cursor, tableColumns) struct = OrderedDict() while record = query.record() org_struct = forceString(record.value('org_struct')) org_struct = org_struct if org_struct else u'без уточнения' patient_state = forceString(record.value('patient_state')) d = struct.setdefault(org_struct, OrderedDict.fromkeys(state_list, 0)) d[patient_state] += 1 total_col = OrderedDict.fromkeys(state_list, 0) total_col['total'] = 0 for org_struct, d in struct.items(): i = table.addRow() table.setText(i, 0, org_struct) total_row = 0 for col, (state, num) in enumerate(d.items()): table.setText(i, col + 1, num) total_row += num total_col[state] += num table.setText(i, len(d) + 1, total_row) total_col['total'] += total_row i = table.addRow() table.setText(i, 0, u'Всего', CReportBase.TableTotal) for col, N in enumerate(total_col.values()): table.setText(i, col + 1, N, CReportBase.TableTotal) return doc
def build(self, params): query = selectData(params) self.setQueryText(forceString(query.lastQuery())) doc = QtGui.QTextDocument() cursor = QtGui.QTextCursor(doc) cursor.setCharFormat(CReportBase.ReportTitle) cursor.insertText(self.title()) cursor.insertBlock() self.dumpParams(cursor, params) cursor.insertBlock() tableColumns = [('28%', [u'Отделение', u''], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('5%', [u'Госпитализировано', u'Всего'], CReportBase.AlignRight), ('8%', [u'', u'Плановых'], CReportBase.AlignRight), ('8%', [u'', u'Экстренных'], CReportBase.AlignRight), ('10%', [u'', u'в т.ч. ОМС'], CReportBase.AlignRight), ('5%', [u'Не госпитализировано', u'Всего'], CReportBase.AlignRight), ('10%', [u'', u'Амбулатор.'], CReportBase.AlignRight), ('10%', [u'', u'Отказн.'], CReportBase.AlignRight), ('8%', [u'в т.ч. умерло', u''], CReportBase.AlignRight), ('8%', [u'Всего', u''], CReportBase.AlignRight)] table = createTable(cursor, tableColumns) table.mergeCells(0, 0, 2, 1) table.mergeCells(0, 1, 1, 4) table.mergeCells(0, 5, 1, 3) table.mergeCells(0, 8, 2, 1) table.mergeCells(0, 9, 2, 1) report = OrderedDict() while record = query.record() departmnt = forceString(record.value('departmnt')) depType = forceInt(record.value('depType')) evOrder = forceInt(record.value('evOrder')) rbFinance = forceString(record.value('rbFinance')) reasonDeny = forceString(record.value('reasonDeny')) actionResult = forceString(record.value('actionResult')) eventResult = forceString(record.value('eventResult')) """ алгоритм: если есть св-во "Причина отказа от госпитализации": # это ветка Не госпитализировано если OrgStructure.type == 4: -- это ветка Отказн -- иначе: -- это ветка Амбулатор -- иначе: # это ветка Госпитализировано если Event.order == 1: -- это ветка Плановых -- если Event.order == 2: -- это ветка Экстрен -- если Event.order in (1,2) AND rbFinance == 'ОМС': -- это ветка в т.ч. ОМС -- если actionResult == 'умер' or eventResult.find('умер') > -1 or eventResult.find('смерть') > -1: -- это ветка в т.ч. умерло -- """ repRow = report.setdefault(departmnt, { 'plan': 0, 'extren': 0, 'OMS': 0, 'amb': 0, 'deny': 0, 'died': 0 }) if reasonDeny: if depType == 4: repRow['deny'] += 1 else: repRow['amb'] += 1 else: if evOrder == 1: repRow['plan'] += 1 if evOrder == 2: repRow['extren'] += 1 if evOrder in (1, 2) and rbFinance.upper() == u'ОМС': repRow['OMS'] += 1 eventResult = eventResult.lower() if actionResult.lower() == u'умер' or eventResult.find( u'умер') > -1 or eventResult.find(u'смерть') > -1: repRow['died'] += 1 total = { 'plan': 0, 'extren': 0, 'OMS': 0, 'amb': 0, 'deny': 0, 'died': 0 } for department, depStat in report.items(): i = table.addRow() plan = depStat.get('plan') extren = depStat.get('extren') OMS = depStat.get('OMS') deny = depStat.get('deny') amb = depStat.get('amb') died = depStat.get('died') table.setText(i, 0, department if department else u'<без уточнения>') table.setText(i, 1, plan + extren) table.setText(i, 2, plan) table.setText(i, 3, extren) table.setText(i, 4, OMS) table.setText(i, 5, amb + deny) table.setText(i, 6, amb) table.setText(i, 7, deny) table.setText(i, 8, died) table.setText(i, 9, plan + extren + amb + deny) total['plan'] += plan total['extren'] += extren total['OMS'] += OMS total['deny'] += deny total['amb'] += amb total['died'] += died i = table.addRow() table.setText(i, 0, u'Итого:', CReportBase.TableTotal) table.setText(i, 1, total['plan'] + total['extren'], CReportBase.TableTotal) table.setText(i, 2, total['plan'], CReportBase.TableTotal) table.setText(i, 3, total['extren'], CReportBase.TableTotal) table.setText(i, 4, total['OMS'], CReportBase.TableTotal) table.setText(i, 5, total['amb'] + total['deny'], CReportBase.TableTotal) table.setText(i, 6, total['amb'], CReportBase.TableTotal) table.setText(i, 7, total['deny'], CReportBase.TableTotal) table.setText(i, 8, total['died'], CReportBase.TableTotal) table.setText( i, 9, total['plan'] + total['extren'] + total['amb'] + total['deny'], CReportBase.TableTotal) return doc
def build(self, params): doc = QtGui.QTextDocument() cursor = QtGui.QTextCursor(doc) cursor.setCharFormat(CReportBase.ReportTitle) cursor.insertText(self.title()) cursor.insertBlock() self.dumpParams(cursor, params) cursor.insertBlock() cursor.insertText("(2000)") cursor.insertBlock() tableColumns = [ ('24%', [u'Профиль коек', u'', u'', u''], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('3%', [u'№ строки', u'', u'', u''], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('7%', [u'Дневные стационары медицинских организаций, оказывающих медицинскую помощь ' u'в стационарных условиях', u'Число коек', u'для взрослых', u'на конец года'], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('6%', [u'', u'', u'', u'среднегодовых'], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('6%', [u'', u'', u'для детей', u'на конец года'], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('6%', [u'', u'', u'', u'среднегодовых'], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('9%', [u'', u'Выписано пациентов', u'', u'взрослых'], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('8%', [u'', u'', u'из них:', u'лиц старше трудоспособного возраста'], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('8%', [u'', u'', u'', u'детей 0-17 лет включительно'], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('9%', [u'', u'Проведено пациенто-дней', u'', u'взрослыми:'], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('8%', [u'', u'', u'из них:', u'лицами старше трудоспособного возраста'], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('6%', [u'', u'', u'', u'детьми 0-17 лет включительно'], CReportBase.AlignLeft) ] table = createTable(cursor, tableColumns) db = QtGui.qApp.db tblrbHospitalBedProfile = db.table('rbHospitalBedProfile') rbHospitalBedProfile = db.getRecordList(tblrbHospitalBedProfile, cols='*') profileBedId = getVal(params, 'profileBedId', None) # # bedProfile_dict collects the bed types we have. If none bed_type is chosen, then we have to take all the # bed_types in the db, else only the chosen beds # # else: we have the whole table 'rbhospitalbedprofile', and from the table we have to find the item with that # particular id and to put it in the list bedProfile_dict # # from decimal import Decimal bedProfile_dict = {} if profileBedId is None or not profileBedId: for i in range(0, len(rbHospitalBedProfile)): name = forceStringEx((rbHospitalBedProfile[i]).value('name')) row_code = forceStringEx((rbHospitalBedProfile[i]).value('row_code')) if row_code: bedProfile_dict.update({name : Decimal(row_code)}) else: for i in range(0, len(profileBedId)): rbProfileBed = db.getRecordEx(tblrbHospitalBedProfile, cols='name, row_code', where=tblrbHospitalBedProfile['id'].eq(profileBedId[i])) name = forceStringEx(rbProfileBed.value('name').toString()) row_code = forceStringEx(rbProfileBed.value('row_code').toString()) # print type(name), type(row_code) # Vidi dali da go pravish so Decimal(row_code), bidejki kako i da e unicode # ne mi teknuva dali nekade ke mi treba kako cifra, ili ke projde so Unicode, # ako sto brisi bedProfile_dict.update({name : Decimal(row_code)}) # # creates as much rows as there are bed_profiles # from library.vm_collections import OrderedDict from operator import itemgetter bedProfile_dict = OrderedDict(sorted(bedProfile_dict.items(), key=itemgetter(1))) self.createRowsCols(table, bedProfile_dict) orgStructureId = getVal(params, 'orgStructureId', None) tblOrgstructure = db.table('OrgStructure') Orgstructure = db.getRecordList(tblOrgstructure, cols='id, name, parent_id') lst_id = [] if orgStructureId is None: # # load everything from orgstructure, if no organisation is chosen # for rec in Orgstructure: lst_id.append(int(forceString(rec.value("id")))) else: # # list from the organisation_tree that should be included # lst_id.append(int(orgStructureId)) for id in lst_id: for rec in Orgstructure: if int(id) == int(forceString(rec.value("parent_id"))) and int( forceString(rec.value("id"))) not in lst_id: lst_id.append(int(forceString(rec.value("id")))) ageId = getVal(params, 'ageId', None) RegularBedId = getVal(params, 'RegularBedId', None) ii = 0 lst_age = [ "((YEAR(event.setDate) - YEAR(DATE(c.birthDate)) - (RIGHT(DATE(event.setDate), 5) < RIGHT(DATE(c.birthDate), 5))) >= 18)", "(((YEAR(event.setDate) - YEAR(DATE(c.birthDate)) - (RIGHT(DATE(event.setDate), 5) < RIGHT(DATE(c.birthDate), 5))) >= 60) AND = 1) " "OR (((YEAR(event.setDate) - YEAR(DATE(c.birthDate)) - (RIGHT(DATE(event.setDate), 5) < RIGHT(DATE(c.birthDate), 5))) >= 55) AND = 2)", "((YEAR(event.setDate) - YEAR(DATE(c.birthDate)) - (RIGHT(DATE(event.setDate), 5) < RIGHT(DATE(c.birthDate), 5))) < 18)" "AND ((YEAR(event.setDate) - YEAR(DATE(c.birthDate)) - (RIGHT(DATE(event.setDate), 5) < RIGHT(DATE(c.birthDate), 5))) >=0)"] lst_bedProfile = [ "(oh.isPermanent = 1 OR oh.isPermanent = 0)", "oh.isPermanent = 1", "oh.isPermanent = 0" ] bedProfile = lst_bedProfile[0] if RegularBedId == 0: bedProfile = lst_bedProfile[0] elif RegularBedId == 1: bedProfile = lst_bedProfile[1] else: bedProfile = lst_bedProfile[2] sumBeds_col3 = 0 sumBeds_col5 = 0 sumPac_col7 = 0 sumPac_col8 = 0 sumPac_col9 = 0 sumDays_col10 = 0 sumDays_col11 = 0 sumDays_col12 = 0 # # We are looping through beds with row_code given, checking in each orgstructure if they have that bed # summing the values for each bed # for bed_id in range(0, len(bedProfile_dict)): sum_koek_vzrolsye = 0 sum_koek_detey = 0 sum_col7 = 0 sum_col8 = 0 sum_col9 = 0 sum_col10 = 0 sum_col11 = 0 sum_col12 = 0 for org_id in range(0, len(lst_id)): # # summing the columns for each organisation # query = selectData(params, lst_id[org_id], bedProfile, (bedProfile_dict.values()[bed_id])) self.setQueryText(forceString(query.lastQuery())) # this does nothing? # # list of age range that is appending each time to the query # This is done in order to make the query smaller and simpler (changing the age range by looping in for cycle) # for j in range (0, len(lst_age)): queryPacDays = selectData_PacientDays(params, lst_age[j], bedProfile, lst_id[org_id], (bedProfile_dict.values()[bed_id])) self.setQueryText(forceString(queryPacDays.lastQuery())) # this does nothing? # # input: query that outputs the events (setDate, execDate and eventId). We calculate the days spend # in SDP for a pacient belonging in particular age range (lst_age) # while recordPacDays = queryPacDays.record() days = getEventLengthDays( forceDate(recordPacDays.value('e_set')), forceDate(recordPacDays.value('e_exec')), countRedDays=False, eventTypeId=forceString(recordPacDays.value('et_id')), isDayStationary= True) # # Depending on the index in lst_age we sum the days for a pacient in a particular age range # if j == 0: sum_col10 = sum_col10 + int(days) sumDays_col10 = sumDays_col10 + int(days) elif j == 1: sum_col11 = sum_col11 + int(days) sumDays_col11 = sumDays_col11 + int(days) else: sum_col12 = sum_col12 + int(days) sumDays_col12 = sumDays_col12 + int(days) while record = query.record() try: sum_koek_vzrolsye = sum_koek_vzrolsye + int(forceString(record.value('koek_vzroslye'))) except ValueError: pass try: sum_koek_detey = sum_koek_detey + int(forceString(record.value('koek_detey'))) except ValueError: pass try: sum_col7 = sum_col7 + int(forceString(record.value('col_7'))) except ValueError: pass try: sum_col8 = sum_col8 + int(forceString(record.value('col_8'))) except ValueError: pass try: sum_col9 = sum_col9 + int(forceString(record.value('col_9'))) except ValueError: pass # # Depending on the choice in the combobox we have to choose the which columns are going to be filled # if ageId == 0: table.setText(ii + 6, 2, sum_koek_vzrolsye) table.setText(ii + 6, 4, sum_koek_detey) sumBeds_col3 = sumBeds_col3 + sum_koek_vzrolsye sumBeds_col5 = sumBeds_col5 + sum_koek_detey table.setText(ii + 6, 6, sum_col7) table.setText(ii + 6, 7, sum_col8) table.setText(ii + 6, 8, sum_col9) sumPac_col7 = sumPac_col7 + sum_col7 sumPac_col8 = sumPac_col8 + sum_col8 sumPac_col9 = sumPac_col9 + sum_col9 table.setText(ii + 6, 9, sum_col10) table.setText(ii + 6, 10, sum_col11) table.setText(ii + 6, 11, sum_col12) elif ageId == 1: # detey table.setText(ii + 6, 4, sum_koek_detey) sumBeds_col5 = sumBeds_col5 + sum_koek_detey table.setText(ii + 6, 8, sum_col9) sumPac_col9 = sumPac_col9 + sum_col9 table.setText(ii + 6, 11, sum_col12) elif ageId == 2: # vzroslye table.setText(ii + 6, 2, sum_koek_vzrolsye) sumBeds_col3 = sumBeds_col3 + sum_koek_vzrolsye table.setText(ii + 6, 6, sum_col7) table.setText(ii + 6, 7, sum_col8) sumPac_col7 = sumPac_col7 + sum_col7 sumPac_col8 = sumPac_col8 + sum_col8 table.setText(ii + 6, 9, sum_col10) table.setText(ii + 6, 10, sum_col11) ii = ii + 1 if ageId == 0: table.setText(5, 2, sumBeds_col3) table.setText(5, 4, sumBeds_col5) table.setText(5, 6, sumPac_col7) table.setText(5, 7, sumPac_col8) table.setText(5, 8, sumPac_col9) table.setText(5, 9, sumDays_col10) table.setText(5, 10, sumDays_col11) table.setText(5, 11, sumDays_col12) elif ageId == 1: table.setText(5, 4, sumBeds_col5) table.setText(5, 8, sumPac_col9) table.setText(5, 11, sumDays_col12) else: table.setText(5, 2, sumBeds_col3) table.setText(5, 6, sumPac_col7) table.setText(5, 7, sumPac_col8) table.setText(5, 9, sumDays_col10) table.setText(5, 10, sumDays_col11) self.merge_cells(table) return doc
def build_R2(self, cursor, query): tableColumns = [('35%', [u'Источник информации'], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('10%', [u'Код пациента'], CReportBase.AlignRight), ('35%', [u'ФИО'], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('20%', [u'Примечание'], CReportBase.AlignLeft)] table = createTable(cursor, tableColumns) from library.vm_collections import OrderedDict virtTable = OrderedDict() #virtTable structure: #{ sourceID : { # 'sourceName' : sourceName, # 'cnt' : cnt, # 'clients' : [ # {'Id': id, 'FIO': lastName + firstName + patrName}, # {}, ... # ] # }, sourceID : {}, ... } total_cnt = 0 while record = query.record() sourceID = forceRef(record.value('sourceID')) sourceName = forceString(record.value('sourceName')) Id = forceString(record.value('id')) lastName = forceString(record.value('lastName')) firstName = forceString(record.value('firstName')) patrName = forceString(record.value('patrName')) total_cnt += 1 sourceName = sourceName if sourceID else u'<не указан источник информации>' sourceDict = virtTable.setdefault(sourceID, { 'sourceName': sourceName, 'cnt': 0, 'clients': [] }) sourceDict.get('clients').append({ 'Id': Id, 'FIO': formatName(lastName, firstName, patrName) }) cnt = sourceDict.get('cnt') cnt += 1 sourceDict['cnt'] = cnt charFormat = QtGui.QTextCharFormat() charFormat.setFontItalic(True) for sourceID, sourceDict in virtTable.items(): i = table.addRow() sourceName = sourceDict.get('sourceName') clients = sourceDict.get('clients') cl = clients.pop(0) table.setText(i, 0, sourceName) table.setText(i, 1, cl.get('Id')) table.setText(i, 2, cl.get('FIO')) for cl in clients: j = table.addRow() table.setText(j, 1, cl.get('Id')) table.setText(j, 2, cl.get('FIO')) cnt = sourceDict.get('cnt') rate = float(cnt) / float(total_cnt) * 100.0 table.mergeCells(i, 0, cnt, 1) i = table.addRow() table.setText(i, 0, u'Итого: ' + '%i (%.2f %%)' % (cnt, rate), charFormat) table.mergeCells(i, 0, 1, 4) i = table.addRow() charFormat.setFontWeight(QtGui.QFont.Bold) table.setText(i, 0, u'Итоговое итого: ' + str(total_cnt), charFormat) table.mergeCells(i, 0, 1, 4)