コード例 #1
def query_perturbations(inputdir, outdir, nptb):

    imgpathlist = glob.glob(inputdir + "*")


    count = 0
    for imgpath in imgpathlist:
        img = cv2.imread(imgpath)
        parts = os.path.basename(imgpath).split("_", 1)
        basename, ext = parts[1].rsplit('.', 1)

        for k in range(nptb):
            outpath = "{0:s}{1:05d}_{2:s}_p{3:03d}.{4:s}".format(outdir, count, basename, k, ext)

            n = np.random.randint(1, 4, 1)[0]

            print(". {0:s} -> {1:s}".format(os.path.basename(imgpath), os.path.basename(outpath)))
            print("    |_ ", end="", flush=True)
            for pert in perturbations:
                print(" {0:s};".format(pert), end="", flush=True)
                img = perturbate(img, pert)

            print("", end="\n")
            cv2.imwrite(outpath, img)
            count += 1
コード例 #2
def search_index(retcfg):

    q_features = load_features(retcfg['path']['qfeature'])
    q_namelist = np.loadtxt(retcfg['path']['qlist'], dtype=dict(names=('qname', 'nfeat'), formats=('U100', np.int32)))

    assert q_features.shape[0] == np.sum(q_namelist['nfeat']), "Inconsistent number of features sum and size of" \
                                                               "query features array"

    norm = retcfg.get('feature', 'norm', fallback=None)

    db_features = load_features(retcfg['path']['dbfeature'])
    if norm:
        db_features = normalize(db_features, norm)

    fidx = cv2.flann_Index()
    ifile = get_index_path(retcfg['path']['outdir'], retcfg['DEFAULT']['expname'])
    fidx.load(db_features, ifile)

    outdir = retcfg['path']['outdir'] + "queryfiles/"

    search_type = retcfg['search']['search_type']
    knn = retcfg.getint('search', 'knn')
    rfactor = retcfg.getfloat('search', 'radius_factor')

    sidx = 0
    for qname, n in q_namelist:
        qfeat = q_features[sidx:sidx+n]

        if norm:
            qfeat = normalize(qfeat, norm)

        matchfpath = "{0:s}{1:s}.matches".format(outdir, qname)
        distfpath = "{0:s}{1:s}.dist".format(outdir, qname)

        votes, dists, _ = flann_search(qfeat, fidx, stype=search_type, k=knn, f=rfactor, flib="cv")

        print(qname, "-> ", sidx, ":", sidx+n)
        print(dists.shape, end="\n---\n")
        np.save(matchfpath + ".npy", votes)
        np.save(distfpath + ".npy", dists)
        sidx += n
コード例 #3
def extract_features(inputdir, prefix, detector, descriptor, limit):


    impathlist = glob.glob(inputdir + "*")

    feat_per_img = []

    det = get_detector(detector, n=limit)
    des = get_descriptor(descriptor, n=limit)

    previous = None

    for i in tqdm(range(len(impathlist)), ncols=100, desc="Image:", total=len(impathlist)):

        impath = impathlist[i]
        basename = os.path.basename(impath)

        img = cv2.imread(impath)
        kp = det.detect(img, None)
        _, features = des.compute(img, kp)

            features = features[:limit]
        except TypeError:
            # For corrupted images generate some random features
            features = previous

        feat_per_img.append((basename, features.shape[0]))

        outfeatfile = "{0:s}_{1:s}_batch{2:06d}.npy".format(prefix, descriptor, i)
        np.save(outfeatfile, features)

        previous = features.copy()

    idx_dtype = dict(names=('name', 'nfeat'), formats=('U100', np.int32))

    outidxfile = "{0:s}_idx.out".format(prefix)
    np.savetxt(outidxfile, np.array(feat_per_img, dtype=idx_dtype), fmt="%-50s %d")

コード例 #4
def create_index(retcfg):

    index_type = retcfg['index']['index_type']
    dist_type = retcfg['index']['dist_type']
    lib = retcfg['index']['lib']
    norm = retcfg.get('feature', 'norm', fallback=None)


    dbfeatures = load_features(retcfg['path']['dbfeature'])

    outpath = "{0:s}{1:s}_{2:s}_{3:s}.dat".format(retcfg['path']['outdir'], retcfg['DEFAULT']['expname'],
                                                  index_type, dist_type)

    if lib == "cv":
        fidx, params = create_flann_index(dbfeatures, index_type, dist_type, norm=norm)
        raise ValueError("Unsupported flann lib <{0:s}>".format(lib))


コード例 #5
def feature_selection_transform(dbfeatdir, dbindexpath, dbimdir, outdir,
                                sel_crit, limit, prefix):

    minv = 1
    topr = 20
    im_limit = int(np.ceil(0.25 * limit))

    dbfeatfpath = glob.glob(dbfeatdir + "*.bfv")[0]
    dbkeypfpath = glob.glob(dbfeatdir + "*.bkp")[0]
    dbidxfpath = glob.glob(dbfeatdir + "*.txt")[0]

    outfeatfpath = "{0:s}{1:s}.bfv".format(outdir, prefix)
    outkeypfpath = "{0:s}{1:s}.bkp".format(outdir, prefix)
    outidxfpath = "{0:s}{1:s}_indexing.txt".format(outdir, prefix)
    outrankdir = "{0:s}ranks/".format(outdir)

    selfeat = []
    selkeyp = []
    selidx = []

    if verbose: print "Reading DB features and keypoints: "
    dbfeatures = read_array_bin_file(dbfeatfpath)
    dbkeypoints = read_array_bin_file(dbkeypfpath)
    if verbose: print "  -> ", dbfeatfpath, " ", dbfeatures.shape
    if verbose: print "  -> ", dbkeypfpath, " ", dbkeypoints.shape, "\n"

    if verbose: print "Reading Indexing file: ",
    if verbose: print "  -> ", dbidxfpath, "\n"
    idxdt = dict(names=('name', 'nfeat', 'topidx'),
                 formats=('S100', 'i32', 'i32'))
    dbfeatindex = np.loadtxt(dbidxfpath, dtype=idxdt)
    nametable = dbfeatindex['name']
    indextable = create_index_table(dbfeatindex['nfeat'])

    if verbose: print "Loading FLANN index: ",
    if verbose: print "  -> ", dbindexpath, "\n"
    flann_index = load_pf_flann_index(dbfeatures, dbindexpath)

    if verbose: print " -- Starting feature selection --"
    for dbimname, nf, ti in dbfeatindex:
        ts_fs = time.time()
        dbimpath = glob.glob(dbimdir + dbimname)[0]
        rankfpath = outrankdir + "rank_" + os.path.splitext(
            dbimname)[0] + ".rk"
        dbim = cv2.imread(dbimpath)

        imindexes = np.arange(nametable.shape[0])

        if verbose:
            print "  -> Selecting features of: ", dbimname, " ({0:d}, {1:d}) from {2:d}".format(
                ti - nf, ti, dbfeatures.shape[0])
        if verbose: print "    --> Selection criteria: ", sel_crit
        if verbose: print "    --> Minimum votes: ", minv
        if verbose: print "    --> Rank positions: top ", topr
        qfeat, qkeyp = get_db_img_features(dbfeatures, dbkeypoints, nf, ti)

        votes, dists, tt = flann_search(qfeat,
        if verbose: print "    --> FLANN search time: {0:0.3f}s".format(tt)

        votescores, distscores, matchedfeat = count_scores(
            indextable, votes, dists)
        if verbose:
            print "    --> Total number of matched images: ", len(
                matchedfeat), "\n"

        aux = votescores != 0
        votescores = votescores[aux]
        distscores = distscores[aux]
        resnametable = nametable[aux]
        imindexes = imindexes[aux]

        normvotes, _ = normalize_scores(votescores, cvt_sim=False, min_val=0)
        normdists, _ = normalize_scores(distscores, cvt_sim=True, min_val=0)

        save_rank(rankfpath, resnametable, votescores, normvotes, distscores,

        mv = np.max(votescores)
        idx_choice = np.logical_and(votescores != mv, votescores >= minv)

        resnametable = resnametable[idx_choice]
        votescores = votescores[idx_choice]
        normdists = normdists[idx_choice]
        imindexes = imindexes[idx_choice]

        aux = zip(votescores, normdists)
        dt = dict(names=('votes', 'normd'), formats=('f32', 'f32'))
        scores = np.array(aux, dtype=dt)

        ridx = scores.argsort(order=('votes', 'normd'))
        ridx = ridx[::-1]

        selected_idx = []
        total_sel = 0
        for pos, i in enumerate(ridx[:topr]):

            imi = imindexes[i]
            if verbose:
                print "      > Ranked {0:d} (Img {3:d}): {1:s} = {2:f} votes".format(
                    pos, resnametable[i], votescores[i], imi)

            midx = np.array(matchedfeat[imi])
            #print midx

            qidx = midx[:, 0]
            tidx = midx[:, 1]

            if sel_crit == 'base':

                total_sel += qidx.shape[0]

                if verbose:
                    print "        `-> {0:d} features selected".format(

            if sel_crit == 'line':

                qm_keyp = qkeyp[qidx]
                tm_keyp = dbkeypoints[tidx]

                cons, ll, la = line_geom_consistency(qm_keyp[:, 0:2],
                                                     tm_keyp[:, 0:2],
                                                     dbim.shape[1], 1.0)

                print "Cons Line: ", cons

                cons_idx = qidx[cons]
                if verbose:
                    print "         * Consistent number: ", cons_idx.shape
                if cons_idx.shape[0] > 0:

                    # If te number of selected features is above the input limit, it applies the image limit. The image
                    # limit is ceil(0.25*input_limit). The features selected with the image limit are those with best
                    # response.
                    if cons_idx.shape[0] > im_limit:
                        qkeyp_sel = qkeyp[
                            cons_idx]  # Gets the selected keypoints
                        qkeyp_resp = qkeyp_sel[:, 4].reshape(
                            -1)  # Gets the response of the selected keypoints
                        resp_order = qkeyp_resp.argsort(
                        )  # Gets the index of the ordered responses
                        cons_idx = cons_idx[
                            resp_order]  # Gets the index of the consis. feat. of highest response
                        cons_idx = cons_idx[:
                                            im_limit]  # Gets only the #image_limit consistent features.

                    total_sel += cons_idx.shape[0]

                    if verbose:
                        print "        `-> {0:d} features selected".format(

                    if verbose: print "        `-> No features selected"

            if sel_crit == 'transform':

                qm_keyp = qkeyp[qidx]
                tm_keyp = dbkeypoints[tidx]

                _, cons = cv2.findFundamentalMat(
                    qm_keyp[:, 0:2].astype(np.float32),
                    tm_keyp[:, 0:2].astype(np.float32),

                cons = cons.reshape(-1).astype('bool')

                cons_idx = qidx[cons]
                if verbose:
                    print "         * Consistent number: ", cons_idx.shape
                if cons_idx.shape[0] > 0:

                    # If te number of selected features is above the input limit, it applies the image limit. The image
                    # limit is ceil(0.25*input_limit). The features selected with the image limit are those with best
                    # response.
                    if cons_idx.shape[0] > im_limit:
                        qkeyp_sel = qkeyp[
                            cons_idx]  # Gets the selected keypoints
                        qkeyp_resp = qkeyp_sel[:, 4].reshape(
                            -1)  # Gets the response of the selected keypoints
                        resp_order = qkeyp_resp.argsort(
                        )  # Gets the index of the ordered responses
                        cons_idx = cons_idx[
                            resp_order]  # Gets the index of the consis. feat. of highest response
                        cons_idx = cons_idx[:
                                            im_limit]  # Gets only the #image_limit consistent features.

                    total_sel += cons_idx.shape[0]

                    if verbose:
                        print "        `-> {0:d} features selected".format(

                    if verbose: print "        `-> No features selected"

            if limit != -1 and total_sel > limit:

        if selected_idx != []:
            selected_idx = np.unique(np.hstack(selected_idx))

            if verbose:
                print "    --> Selected features:  <{0:d}> from <{1:d}>".format(
                    selected_idx.shape[0], qfeat.shape[0])

            if len(selidx) == 0:
                    (dbimname, selected_idx.shape[0], selected_idx.shape[0]))
                prev_top = selidx[-1][2]
                selidx.append((dbimname, selected_idx.shape[0],
                               prev_top + selected_idx.shape[0]))


            print "    --> No features selected frm image"

        #print "    --> Drawing output images"
        #outimdir = "{0:s}{1:s}".format(outdrawdir, os.path.splitext(dbimname)[0])

        #draw_keypoints_img(dbim, outimdir + "/original_keypoints_" + dbimname, qkeyp)
        #draw_keypoints_img(dbim, outimdir + "/{0:s}_selected_keypoints_{1:s}".format(sel_crit, dbimname), qkeyp[selected_idx])

        te_fs = time.time()
        if verbose: print " - Done ({0:0.3f}s) - \n\n".format(te_fs - ts_fs)

    selected_db_features = np.vstack(selfeat)
    selected_db_keypoints = np.vstack(selkeyp)
    selected_feat_indexing = np.array(selidx, dtype=idxdt)

    if verbose: print "final feat shape: ", selected_db_features.shape
    if verbose: print "final keyp shape: ", selected_db_keypoints.shape
    if verbose: print "final indexing shape: ", selected_feat_indexing.shape

    write_array_bin_file(outfeatfpath, selected_db_features)
    write_array_bin_file(outkeypfpath, selected_db_keypoints)
    np.savetxt(outidxfpath, selected_feat_indexing, fmt="%-50s %d %d")
コード例 #6
def create_and_search_index(retcfg, jobs):

    batch_size = -1

    q_features = load_features(retcfg['path']['qfeature'])
    q_namelist = np.loadtxt(retcfg['path']['qlist'],
                            dtype=dict(names=('qname', 'nfeat'),
                                       formats=('U100', np.int32)))

    assert q_features.shape[0] == np.sum(q_namelist['nfeat']), "Inconsistent number of features sum and size of" \
                                                               "query features array"

    norm = retcfg.get('feature', 'norm', fallback=None)

    db_features = load_features(retcfg['path']['dbfeature'])

    if norm:
        db_features = normalize(db_features, norm)
        q_features = normalize(q_features, norm)

    outdir = retcfg['path']['outdir'] + "queryfiles/"

    index_type = retcfg['index']['index_type']
    dist_type = retcfg['index']['dist_type']

    knn = retcfg.getint('search', 'knn')

    print(" -- Creating <{0:s}> NN index".format(index_type))
    print("     -> KNN: {0:d}".format(knn))
    print("     -> Metric: {0:s}\n".format(dist_type))

    nnidx = nmslib.init(method=index_type, space=dist_type)
    del db_features
        'post': 2,
        'efConstruction': knn,
        'M': knn
    nnidx.setQueryTimeParams({'efSearch': knn})

    if batch_size == -1:
        batch_size = q_features.shape[0]

    n_batches = int(np.ceil(q_features.shape[0] / batch_size))

    c = 0
    for i in tqdm(range(n_batches), ncols=100, desc='Batch', total=n_batches):
        s = i * batch_size
        e = s + batch_size
        batch_q_features = q_features[s:e]

        neighbours = nnidx.knnQueryBatch(batch_q_features,

        for j in tqdm(range(len(neighbours)),

            indices, dists = neighbours[j]
            qname, _ = q_namelist[c]

            if dists.size != knn:
                raise ValueError("{0:d}:{1:d}:{2:s} -- all dists == 0".format(
                    c, j, qname))

            matchfpath = "{0:s}{1:s}.matches".format(outdir, qname)
            distfpath = "{0:s}{1:s}.dist".format(outdir, qname)

            np.save(matchfpath + ".npy", indices)
            np.save(distfpath + ".npy", dists)

            c += 1

    print("---", flush=True)
def create_and_search_db_local(retcfg, jobs):

    norm = retcfg.get('feature', 'norm', fallback=None)

    print(" -- loading DB features from: {0:s}".format(
    db_features = load_features(retcfg['path']['dbfeature'])
    db_namelist = np.loadtxt(retcfg['path']['dblist'],
                             dtype=dict(names=('qname', 'nfeat'),
                                        formats=('U100', np.int32)))
    ns = db_namelist.shape[0]
    idarray = np.arange(ns).astype(np.int32)

    invidx = invert_index(db_namelist)

    score = retcfg.get('rank', 'score_type', fallback='vote')

    if norm:
        db_features = normalize(db_features, norm)

    outdir = retcfg['path']['outdir']

    index_type = retcfg['index']['index_type']
    dist_type = retcfg['index']['dist_type']

    knn = retcfg.getint('search', 'knn_db', fallback=10)
    nmatches = retcfg.getint('rank', 'limit', fallback=100)

    print(" -- Creating <{0:s}> NN index".format(index_type))
    print("     -> KNN: {0:d}".format(knn))
    print("     -> Metric: {0:s}\n".format(dist_type))

    nnidx = nmslib.init(method=index_type, space=dist_type)
    nnidx.createIndex({'post': 2}, print_progress=True)
    nnidx.setQueryTimeParams({'efSearch': knn})

    indices = np.zeros((db_namelist.shape[0], nmatches), dtype=np.int32) - 1
    scores = np.zeros((db_namelist.shape[0], nmatches), dtype=np.float64) - 1

    s = 0

    for i in tqdm(range(10), ncols=100, desc='Sample #', total=10):

        name, nf = db_namelist[i]
        e = s + nf

        batch_q_features = db_features[s:e]
        neighbours = np.array(
            nnidx.knnQueryBatch(batch_q_features, k=knn, num_threads=jobs))
        neighbours = list(zip(*neighbours))


        indices_ = np.array(neighbours[0]).reshape(-1).astype(np.int32)
        dists_ = np.array(neighbours[1]).reshape(-1)

        matchscore = np.bincount(invidx[indices_], minlength=ns)
        distscores = np.bincount(
            invidx[indices_], weights=dists_, minlength=ns) / matchscore

        aux = np.logical_not(
            np.logical_or(np.isnan(distscores), np.isinf(distscores)))
        matchscore = matchscore[aux]
        distscores = distscores[aux]
        idarray_ = idarray[aux]

        if score == "vote":
            finalscore = matchscore
        elif score == "distance":
            finalscore = distscores
        elif score == "combine":
            # Norm L2 and convert to similarity
            distscores_n = normalize(distscores.reshape(1, -1)).reshape(-1)
            distscores_n = np.max(distscores_n) - distscores_n

            finalscore = matchscore + distscores_n

        order = np.argsort(finalscore)
        if score == "vote" or score == "combine":
            order = order[::-1]

        idarray_ = idarray_[order]
        finalscore = finalscore[order]

        indices[i, :idarray_.size] = idarray_
        scores[i, :idarray_.size] = finalscore

        s = e

    assert np.argwhere(indices == -1).size == 0, "Indices on positions {0:s} have not been updated " \
                                                 "correctly".format(np.argwhere(indices == -1).tostring())

    assert np.argwhere(scores == -1).size == 0, "Indices on positions {0:s} have not been updated " \
                                                 "correctly".format(np.argwhere(indices == -1).tostring())

    outfile = "{0:s}{1:s}_db_matches.npy".format(
        outdir, retcfg.get('DEFAULT', 'expname'))
    np.save(outfile, indices)

    outfile = "{0:s}{1:s}_db_scores.npy".format(
        outdir, retcfg.get('DEFAULT', 'expname'))
    np.save(outfile, scores)
コード例 #8
def create_and_search_db(retcfg, jobs):

    batch_size = -1

    norm = retcfg.get('feature', 'norm', fallback=None)

    print(" -- loading DB features from: {0:s}".format(
    db_features = load_features(retcfg['path']['dbfeature'])
    # We are creating an array of topk for the DB objects
    q_features = db_features

    if norm:
        db_features = normalize(db_features, norm)
        q_features = normalize(q_features, norm)

    outdir = retcfg['path']['outdir']

    index_type = retcfg['index']['index_type']
    dist_type = retcfg['index']['dist_type']

    knn = retcfg.getint('search', 'knn_db', fallback=300)
    M = retcfg.getint('index', 'M', fallback=100)
    efC = retcfg.getint('index', 'efC', fallback=100)

    print(" -- Creating <{0:s}> NN index".format(index_type))
    print("     -> KNN: {0:d}".format(knn))
    print("     -> Metric: {0:s}\n".format(dist_type))

    nnidx = nmslib.init(method=index_type, space=dist_type)
    del db_features
        'post': 2,
        'efConstruction': efC,
        'M': M
    nnidx.setQueryTimeParams({'efSearch': knn})

    if batch_size == -1:
        batch_size = q_features.shape[0]

    n_batches = int(np.ceil(q_features.shape[0] / batch_size))

    for i in tqdm(range(n_batches), ncols=100, desc='Batch #',
        s = i * batch_size
        e = s + batch_size
        batch_q_features = q_features[s:e]

        neighbours = nnidx.knnQueryBatch(batch_q_features,
        neighbours = list(zip(*neighbours))


    check_consistency(neighbours[0], knn)
    check_consistency(neighbours[1], knn)

    outfile = "{0:s}{1:s}_db_matches.npy".format(
        outdir, retcfg.get('DEFAULT', 'expname'))
    np.save(outfile, np.array(neighbours[0]))

    outfile = "{0:s}{1:s}_db_scores.npy".format(
        outdir, retcfg.get('DEFAULT', 'expname'))
    np.save(outfile, np.array(neighbours[1]))
コード例 #9
def create_and_search_index(retcfg, jobs):

    batch_size = -1

    q_features = load_features(retcfg['path']['qfeature'])
    q_namelist = np.loadtxt(retcfg['path']['qlist'],
                            dtype=dict(names=('qname', 'nfeat'),
                                       formats=('U100', np.int32)))

    assert q_features.shape[0] == np.sum(q_namelist['nfeat']), "Inconsistent number of features sum and size of" \
                                                               "query features array"

    norm = retcfg.get('feature', 'norm', fallback=None)

    db_features = load_features(retcfg['path']['dbfeature'])
    if norm:
        db_features = normalize(db_features, norm)
        q_features = normalize(q_features, norm)

    outdir = retcfg['path']['outdir'] + "queryfiles/"

    index_type = retcfg['index']['index_type']
    dist_type = retcfg['index']['dist_type']

    knn = retcfg.getint('search', 'knn')
    M = retcfg.getint('index', 'M', fallback=20)
    efC = retcfg.getint('index', 'efC', fallback=20)

    print(" -- Creating <{0:s}> NN index".format(index_type))
    print("     -> KNN: {0:d}".format(knn))
    print("     -> Metric: {0:s}\n".format(dist_type))

    nnidx = nmslib.init(method=index_type, space=dist_type)
    del db_features
    nnidx.createIndex({'post': 2}, print_progress=True)
    nnidx.setQueryTimeParams({'efSearch': knn})

    if batch_size == -1:
        batch_size = q_features.shape[0]

    n_batches = int(np.ceil(q_features.shape[0] / batch_size))

    for i in tqdm(range(n_batches), ncols=100, desc='Batch', total=n_batches):
        s = i * batch_size
        e = s + batch_size
        batch_q_features = q_features[s:e]

        neighbours = nnidx.knnQueryBatch(batch_q_features,
        neighbours = list(zip(*neighbours))

    indices = np.array(neighbours[0])
    distances = np.array(neighbours[1])

    s = 0
    for qname, n in q_namelist:

        qdists = distances[s:s + n]
        qidx = indices[s:s + n]

        matchfpath = "{0:s}{1:s}.matches".format(outdir, qname)
        distfpath = "{0:s}{1:s}.dist".format(outdir, qname)

        print(qname, "-> ", s, ":", s + n)
        print("   |_ dists: ", qdists.shape)
        print("   |_ indices: ", qidx.shape, end="\n---\n")
        np.save(matchfpath + ".npy", qidx)
        np.save(distfpath + ".npy", qdists)
        s += n

    print("---", flush=True)