コード例 #1
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: Yamila/solar_radiation_model
def process_temporal_data(lat, lon, root):
	times = [ datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(t)) for t in nc.getvar(root, 'data_time')[:] ]
	indexes = range(len(times))
	gamma = nc.clonevar(root,'data_time', 'gamma')
	tst_hour = nc.clonevar(root,'data', 'tst_hour')
	declination = nc.clonevar(root, 'gamma', 'declination')
	solarangle = nc.clonevar(root, 'data', 'solarangle')
	solarelevation = nc.clonevar(root, 'solarangle', 'solarelevation')
	excentricity = nc.clonevar(root, 'gamma', 'excentricity')
	slots = nc.getvar(root,'slots', 'u1', ('timing',))
	for i in indexes:
		show("\rTemporal data: preprocessing image %d / %d " % (i, len(indexes)-1))
		dt = times[i]
		# Calculate some geometry parameters
		# Parameters that need the datetime: gamma, tst_hour, slots, linketurbidity
		gamma[i] = geo.getdailyangle(geo.getjulianday(dt),geo.gettotaldays(dt))
		tst_hour[i,:] = geo.gettsthour(geo.getdecimalhour(dt), GREENWICH_LON, lon, geo.gettimeequation(gamma[i]))
		declination[i] = geo.getdeclination(gamma[i])
		slots[i] = geo.getslots(dt,IMAGE_PER_HOUR)
		omega = geo.gethourlyangle(tst_hour[i], lat/abs(lat))
		solarangle[i] = geo.getzenithangle(declination[i],lat,omega)
		solarelevation[i] = geo.getelevation(solarangle[i])
		excentricity[i] = geo.getexcentricity(gamma[i])
	say("Projecting Linke's turbidity index... ")
	say("Calculating the satellital zenith angle... ")
	satellitalzenithangle = geo.getsatellitalzenithangle(lat, lon, SAT_LON)
	v_satellitalzenithangle = nc.clonevar(root,'lat', 'satellitalzenithangle')
	v_satellitalzenithangle[:] = satellitalzenithangle
	v_satellitalzenithangle = None
コード例 #2
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: rolote/solar_radiation_model
def process_temporal_data(lat, lon, root):
	times = [ datetime.fromtimestamp(int(t)) for t in nc.getvar(root, 'time') ]
	indexes = range(len(times))
	for i in indexes:
		show("\rTemporal data: preprocessing image %d / %d " % (i, len(indexes)-1))
		dt = times[i]
		# Calculate some geometry parameters
		# Parameters that need the datetime: gamma, tst_hour, slots, linketurbidity
		gamma = geo.getdailyangle(geo.getjulianday(dt),geo.gettotaldays(dt))
		tst_hour = geo.gettsthour(geo.getdecimalhour(dt), GREENWICH_LON, lon, geo.gettimeequation(gamma))
		declination = geo.getdeclination(gamma)
		slots = geo.getslots(dt,IMAGE_PER_HOUR)
		omega = geo.gethourlyangle(tst_hour, lat/abs(lat))
		solarangle = geo.getzenithangle(declination,lat,omega)
		solarelevation = geo.getelevation(solarangle)
		excentricity = geo.getexcentricity(gamma)
	say("Projecting Linke's turbidity index... ")
	say("Calculating the satellital zenith angle... ")
	satellitalzenithangle = geo.getsatellitalzenithangle(lat, lon, SAT_LON)
	v_satellitalzenithangle = nc.getvar(root,'satellitalzenithangle', 'f4', ('northing','easting',),4)
	v_satellitalzenithangle[:] = satellitalzenithangle
コード例 #3
	def do_file(self, filename, data):
		print "Creating ", filename
		# create compact file and initialize basic settings
		root, is_new = nc.open(filename + self.extension) # The filename does not contain the extension
		if is_new:
			sample, n = nc.open(data[(data.keys())[0].completepath()])
			shape = sample.variables['data'].shape
			nc.getdim(root,'northing', shape[1])
			nc.getdim(root,'easting', shape[2])
			v_lat = nc.getvar(root,'lat', 'f4', ('northing','easting',), 4)
			v_lon = nc.getvar(root,'lon', 'f4', ('northing','easting',), 4)
			v_lon[:] = nc.getvar(sample, 'lon')[:]
			v_lat[:] = nc.getvar(sample, 'lat')[:]
		if isinstance(data,collections.Mapping):
			for d in data:
				self.do_var(root, d, data[d])
			self.create_var(root, 'data', data)
		# save the content inside the compact file
		if not root is None: nc.close(root)
		f = File(localname=localname, downloaded=True, begin_download=begin_time, end_download=datetime.now())
		return f
コード例 #4
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: Yamila/solar_radiation_model
def process_radiation(root):
	apparentalbedo = nc.getvar(root, "apparentalbedo")[:]
	groundalbedo = nc.getvar(root, "groundalbedo")[:]
	cloudalbedo = nc.getvar(root, "cloudalbedo")[:]
	say("Calculating the cloud index... ")
	cloudindex = geo.getcloudindex(apparentalbedo, groundalbedo, cloudalbedo)
	apparentalbedo = None
	groundalbedo = None
	cloudalbedo = None
	f_var = nc.clonevar(root, 'cloudalbedo', 'cloudinessindex')
	f_var[:] = cloudindex
	say("Calculating the clear sky... ")
	clearsky = geo.getclearsky(cloudindex)
	cloudindex = None
	f_var = nc.clonevar(root, 'cloudalbedo', 'clearskyindex')
	f_var[:] = clearsky
	say("Calculating the global radiation... ")
	clearskyglobalradiation = nc.getvar(root, 'gc')[:]
	globalradiation = clearsky * clearskyglobalradiation
	f_var = nc.clonevar(root, 'gc', 'globalradiation')
	say("Saving the global radiation... ")
	f_var[:] = globalradiation
	f_var = None
コード例 #5
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: Yamila/solar_radiation_model
def process_albedos(data, root):
	i0met = geti0met()
	excentricity = nc.getvar(root,'excentricity')[:]
	solarangle = nc.getvar(root,'solarangle')[:]
	atmosphericalbedo = nc.getvar(root,'atmosphericalbedo')[:]
	t_earth = nc.getvar(root,'t_earth')[:]
	t_sat = nc.getvar(root,'t_sat')[:]
	say("Calculating observed albedo, apparent albedo, effective albedo and cloud albedo... ")
	observedalbedo = geo.getalbedo(data, i0met , excentricity, solarangle)
	v_albedo = nc.clonevar(root, 'data', 'observedalbedo')
	v_albedo[:] = observedalbedo
	apparentalbedo = geo.getapparentalbedo(observedalbedo,atmosphericalbedo, t_earth, t_sat)
	v_albedo = nc.clonevar(root, 'data', 'apparentalbedo')
	v_albedo[:] = apparentalbedo
	effectivealbedo = geo.geteffectivealbedo(solarangle)
	v_albedo = nc.clonevar(root, 'data', 'effectivealbedo')
	v_albedo[:] = effectivealbedo
	cloudalbedo = geo.getcloudalbedo(effectivealbedo,atmosphericalbedo,t_earth,t_sat)
	v_albedo = nc.clonevar(root, 'data', 'cloudalbedo')
	v_albedo[:] = cloudalbedo
	v_albedo = None
コード例 #6
	def do_var(self, root, var_name, files):
		count = 0
		max_count = len(files[c])
		print "Compacting ", var_name
		shape = nc.getvar(root,'lat').shape
		begin_time = datetime.now()
		for f in files:
			# join the distributed content
			ch = f.channel()
			v_ch   = nc.getvar(root,var_name, 'f4', ('timing','northing','easting',), 4)
			v_ch_t = nc.getvar(root,var_name + 'time', 'f4', ('timing',))
				rootimg, n = nc.open(f.completepath())
				data = (nc.getvar(rootimg, 'data'))[:]
				# Force all the channels to the same shape
				data = matrix.adapt(data, shape)
				if v_ch.shape[1] == data.shape[1] and v_ch.shape[2] == data.shape[2]:
					index = v_ch.shape[0]
					v_ch[index,:] = data
					v_ch_t[index] = calendar.timegm(f.image_datetime().utctimetuple())
				print "\r","\t" + str(count/max_count * 100).zfill(2) + "%",
			except RuntimeError, e:
				print f.completepath()
コード例 #7
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: Yamila/solar_radiation_model
def calibrated_data(root):
	data = nc.getvar(root, 'data')[:]
	counts_shift = nc.getvar(root, 'counts_shift')[0]
	space_measurement = nc.getvar(root, 'space_measurement')[0]
	prelaunch = nc.getvar(root, 'prelaunch')[0]
	postlaunch = nc.getvar(root, 'postlaunch')[0]
	print prelaunch, "= 0.6118208", postlaunch, "= 1.181", counts_shift, space_measurement
	# INFO: Without the postlaunch coefficient the RMSE go to 15%
	return postlaunch * prelaunch * (np.float32(data) / counts_shift - space_measurement)
コード例 #8
	def latlon(self):
			root, n = nc.open(self.completepath())
			lat = nc.getvar(root,'lat')[:]
			lon = nc.getvar(root, 'lon')[:]
		except RuntimeError:
			lat, lon = None, None
		return lat, lon
コード例 #9
def cut_projected(root):
    lat = nc.getvar(root, "lat")
    lon = nc.getvar(root, "lon")
    time = nc.getvar(root, "time")
    months = list(set([(datetime.fromtimestamp(int(t))).month for t in time]))
    months_d = nc.getdim(root, "monthing")
    months_cut = nc.getvar(root, "months", "i2", ("monthing",))
    linke = nc.getvar(root, "linketurbidity", "f4", ("monthing", "northing", "easting"), 4)
    linke_x, linke_y = project_coordinates(lat[:], lon[:])
    months_cut[:] = np.array(list(months))
    for i in range(len(months)):
        linke[i] = cut_month(linke_x, linke_y, months[i])
    return linke[:], linke_x, linke_y
コード例 #10
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: rolote/solar_radiation_model
def process_atmospheric_irradiance(lat, lon, data, root):
	i0met = geti0met()
	dc = nc.getvar(root,'dc')[:]
	satellitalzenithangle = nc.getvar(root,'satellitalzenithangle')[:]
	excentricity = nc.getvar(root,'excentricity')[:]
	say("Calculating atmospheric irradiance... ")
	atmosphericradiance = geo.getatmosphericradiance(1367.0, i0met,dc, satellitalzenithangle)
	atmosphericalbedo = geo.getalbedo(atmosphericradiance, i0met, excentricity, satellitalzenithangle)
	satellitalelevation = geo.getelevation(satellitalzenithangle)
	v_atmosphericalbedo = nc.getvar(root, 'atmosphericalbedo', 'f4', ('timing','northing','easting',),4)
	v_atmosphericalbedo[:] = atmosphericalbedo
	v_satellitalelevation = nc.getvar(root, 'satellitalelevation', 'f4', ('northing','easting',),4)
	v_satellitalelevation[:] = satellitalelevation
コード例 #11
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: Yamila/solar_radiation_model
def process_atmospheric_irradiance(root):
	i0met = geti0met()
	dc = nc.getvar(root,'dc')[:]
	satellitalzenithangle = nc.getvar(root,'satellitalzenithangle')[:]
	excentricity = nc.getvar(root,'excentricity')[:]
	say("Calculating atmospheric irradiance... ")
	atmosphericradiance = geo.getatmosphericradiance(1367.0, i0met,dc, satellitalzenithangle)
	atmosphericalbedo = geo.getalbedo(atmosphericradiance, i0met, excentricity, satellitalzenithangle)
	satellitalelevation = geo.getelevation(satellitalzenithangle)
	v_atmosphericalbedo = nc.clonevar(root, 'data', 'atmosphericalbedo')
	v_atmosphericalbedo[:] = atmosphericalbedo
	v_satellitalelevation = nc.clonevar(root, 'lon', 'satellitalelevation')
	v_satellitalelevation[:] = satellitalelevation
	v_atmosphericalbedo, v_satellitalelevation = None, None
コード例 #12
def cut_projected(root):
	lat = nc.getvar(root, 'lat')
	lon = nc.getvar(root, 'lon')
	time = nc.getvar(root, 'data_time')
	months = list(set([ (datetime.fromtimestamp(int(t))).month for t in time ]))
	months_d = nc.getdim(root, 'monthing')
	months_cut = nc.getvar(root, 'months', 'i2', ('monthing',))
	dims = list(lat.dimensions)
	dims.insert(0, 'monthing')
	linke = nc.getvar(root, 'linketurbidity', 'f4', tuple(dims),4)
	linke_x, linke_y = project_coordinates(lat[:], lon[:])
	months_cut[:] = np.array(list(months))
	for i in range(len(months)):
		linke[i] = cut_month(linke_x, linke_y, months[i])
	return linke[:], linke_x, linke_y
コード例 #13
ファイル: dem.py プロジェクト: adrian-r/solar_radiation_model
def cut(lat,lon):
	import numpy as np
	root, is_new = nc.open(localpath+"/dem.nc")
	dem = nc.getvar(root, 'dem', 'i2', lat.dimensions)
	x, y = p.pixels_from_coordinates(lat[:], lon[:], dem.shape[0], dem.shape[1])
	# In the transformation the 'y' dimension is twisted because the map is inverted.
	result = p.transform_data(dem,x,dem.shape[0] - y)
	return result, x, y
コード例 #14
def get_month(month):
	if gdal_supported:
		ds = gdal.Open(localpath + "/tifs/"+str(month).zfill(2)+"_longlat_wgs84.tif")
		linke = ds.ReadAsArray()
		root, n = nc.open(destiny)
		data = nc.getvar(root, "linketurbidity")
		linke = data[month -1]
	# The linke turbidity is obtained when the image pixel value is divied by 20.
	return linke/20.
コード例 #15
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: Yamila/solar_radiation_model
def process_irradiance(root):
	excentricity = nc.getvar(root,'excentricity')[:]
	solarangle = nc.getvar(root,'solarangle')[:]
	solarelevation = nc.getvar(root,'solarelevation')[:]
	linketurbidity = nc.getvar(root,'linketurbidity')[0]
	terrain = nc.getvar(root,'dem')[:]
	say("Calculating beam, diffuse and global irradiance... ")
	# The average extraterrestrial irradiance is 1367.0 Watts/meter^2
	bc = geo.getbeamirradiance(1367.0,excentricity,solarangle,solarelevation,linketurbidity,terrain)
	dc = geo.getdiffuseirradiance(1367.0,excentricity,solarelevation,linketurbidity)
	gc = geo.getglobalirradiance(bc,dc)
	v_bc = nc.clonevar(root, 'data', 'bc')
	v_bc[:] = bc
	v_dc = nc.clonevar(root, 'data', 'dc')
	v_dc[:] = dc
	v_gc = nc.clonevar(root, 'data', 'gc')
	v_gc[:] = gc
	v_gc, v_dc, v_bc = None, None, None
コード例 #16
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: Yamila/solar_radiation_model
def process_ground_albedo(lat, data, root):
	slots = nc.getvar(root, "slots")[:]
	declination = nc.getvar(root, "declination")[:]
	#The day is divided in _slots_ to avoid the minutes diferences between days.
	# TODO: Related with the solar hour at the noon if the pictures are taken every 15 minutes (meteosat)
	say("Calculating the noon window... ")
	slot_window_in_hours = 4
	# On meteosat are 96 image per day
	image_per_hour = IMAGE_PER_HOUR
	image_per_day = 24 * image_per_hour
	# and 48 image to the noon
	noon_slot = image_per_day / 2
	half_window = image_per_hour * slot_window_in_hours/2
	min_slot = noon_slot - half_window
	max_slot = noon_slot + half_window
	# Create the condition used to work only with the data inside that window
	say("Filtering the data outside the calculated window... ")
	condition = ((slots >= min_slot) & (slots < max_slot)) # TODO: Meteosat: From 40 to 56 inclusive (the last one is not included)
	apparentalbedo = nc.getvar(root, "apparentalbedo")[:]
	m_apparentalbedo = np.ma.masked_array(apparentalbedo[condition], data[condition] <= (geti0met()/np.pi) * 0.03)
	# To do the nexts steps needs a lot of memory
	say("Calculating the ground reference albedo... ")
	# TODO: Should review the p5_apparentalbedo parameters and shapes
	p5_apparentalbedo = np.ma.masked_array(m_apparentalbedo, m_apparentalbedo < stats.scoreatpercentile(m_apparentalbedo, 5))
	groundreferencealbedo = geo.getsecondmin(p5_apparentalbedo)
	# Calculate the solar elevation using times, latitudes and omega
	say("Calculating solar elevation... ")
	r_alphanoon = geo.getsolarelevation(declination, lat, 0)
	r_alphanoon = r_alphanoon * 2./3.
	r_alphanoon[r_alphanoon > 40] = 40
	r_alphanoon[r_alphanoon < 15] = 15
	solarelevation = nc.getvar(root, "solarelevation")[:]
	say("Calculating the apparent albedo second minimum... ")
	groundminimumalbedo = geo.getsecondmin(np.ma.masked_array(apparentalbedo[condition], solarelevation[condition] < r_alphanoon[condition]))
	aux_2g0 = 2 * groundreferencealbedo
	aux_05g0 = 0.5 * groundreferencealbedo
	groundminimumalbedo[groundminimumalbedo > aux_2g0] = aux_2g0[groundminimumalbedo > aux_2g0]
	groundminimumalbedo[groundminimumalbedo < aux_05g0] = aux_05g0[groundminimumalbedo < aux_05g0]
	say("Synchronizing with the NetCDF4 file... ")
	f_groundalbedo = nc.clonevar(root, 'lat', 'groundalbedo')
	f_groundalbedo[:] = groundminimumalbedo
	f_groundalbedo = None
コード例 #17
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: Yamila/solar_radiation_model
def process_optical_fading(root):
	solarelevation = nc.getvar(root,'solarelevation')[:]
	terrain = nc.getvar(root,'dem')[:]
	satellitalelevation = nc.getvar(root, 'satellitalelevation')[:]
	linketurbidity = nc.getvar(root,'linketurbidity')[0]
	say("Calculating optical path and optical depth... ")
	# The maximum height of the non-transparent atmosphere is at 8434.5 mts
	solar_opticalpath = geo.getopticalpath(geo.getcorrectedelevation(solarelevation),terrain, 8434.5)
	solar_opticaldepth = geo.getopticaldepth(solar_opticalpath)
	satellital_opticalpath = geo.getopticalpath(geo.getcorrectedelevation(satellitalelevation),terrain, 8434.5)
	satellital_opticaldepth = geo.getopticaldepth(satellital_opticalpath)
	say("Calculating sun-earth and earth-satellite transmitances... ")
	t_earth = geo.gettransmitance(linketurbidity, solar_opticalpath, solar_opticaldepth, solarelevation)
	t_sat = geo.gettransmitance(linketurbidity, satellital_opticalpath, satellital_opticaldepth, satellitalelevation)
	v_earth = nc.clonevar(root, 'data', 't_earth')
	v_earth[:] = t_earth
	v_sat = nc.clonevar(root, 'satellitalelevation', 't_sat')
	v_sat[:] = t_sat
	v_earth, v_sat = None, None
コード例 #18
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: Yamila/solar_radiation_model
def process_validate(root):
	from libs.statistics import error
	estimated = nc.getvar(root, 'globalradiation')
	measured = nc.getvar(root, 'measurements')
	stations = [0]
	for s in stations:
		say("Station %i (%i slots)" % (s,  measured[:,s,0].size))
		show("mean (measured):\t", error.ghi_mean(measured, s))
		show("mean (estimated):\t", estimated[:,s,0].mean())
		ghi_ratio = error.ghi_ratio(measured, s)
		bias = error.bias(estimated, measured, s)
		show("BIAS:\t%.5f\t( %.5f %%)" % (bias, bias * ghi_ratio))
		rmse = error.rmse_es(estimated, measured, s)
		show("RMSE:\t%.5f\t( %.5f %%)" % (rmse, rmse * ghi_ratio))
		mae = error.mae(estimated, measured, s)
		show("MAE:\t%.5f\t( %.5f %%)" % (mae, mae * ghi_ratio))
		error.rmse(root, s)
コード例 #19
	def do(self, files):
		for c in files:
			for f in files[c]:
				if f.channel() == '01':
					root, is_new = nc.open(f.completepath())
					var = nc.getvar(root, 'data')
					data = np.zeros(var.shape)
					for i in range(var.shape[0]):
						data = var[i]
						data = self.calibrated_coefficient * ((data / self.counts_shift) - self.space_measurement)
						var[i] = data
		return files
コード例 #20
def rows2netcdf(rows, filename, index):
	root, is_new = nc.open(filename)
	if not is_new:
		measurements = nc.clonevar(root, 'globalradiation', 'measurements')
		slots = nc.getvar(root, 'slots')
		times = [ datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(t)) for t in nc.getvar(root, 'data_time')[:] ]
		instant_radiation = rows2slots(rows,2)
		earth_failures = 0
		i_e = 0
		i_m = 0
		while i_e < len(times) and i_m < len(instant_radiation):
			# When date estimated before date measured
			if times[i_e].date() < instant_radiation[i_m][1][0].date():
				i_e += 1
			# When date estimated after date measured
			elif times[i_e].date() > instant_radiation[i_m][1][0].date():
				i_m += 1
				if slots[i_e] < instant_radiation[i_m][0]:
					# TODO: This should be completed with a 0 error from the estimation.
					measurements[i_e, index,:] = np.array([0, 0])
					earth_failures += 1
					i_e += 1
				elif slots[i_e] > instant_radiation[i_m][0]:
					i_m += 1
					value = instant_radiation[i_m][1][1]
					#row_in_slot = instant_radiation[i_m][1][2]
					measurements[i_e, index,:] = np.array([value, value])
					i_e += 1
					i_m += 1
		while i_e < len(times):
			# TODO: This should be completed with a 0 error from the estimation.
			measurements[i_e, index,:] = np.array([0, 0])
			earth_failures += 1
			i_e += 1
		show("Detected %i of %i estimated times without earth measure.\n" % (earth_failures, len(slots)))
		error.rmse(root, index)
コード例 #21
ファイル: error.py プロジェクト: movermeyer/stations
def rmse(root, index):
    times = [
        datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(t)) for t in nc.getvar(root, 'time')[:]
    days = [t.date() for t in times]
    days_index = [d.day for d in set(days)]
    days_amount = len(days_index)
    nc.getdim(root, 'diarying', days_amount)
    measurements = nc.getvar(root, 'measurements')
    estimated = nc.getvar(root, 'globalradiation')
    error_diff = nc.getvar(root, 'errordiff', 'f4', (
    ), 4)
    error = nc.getvar(root, 'error', 'f4', (
    ), 4)
    diary_error = nc.getvar(root, 'diaryerror', 'f4', (
    ), 4)
    error_diff[:] = np.zeros(estimated.shape)
    error[:] = np.zeros(estimated.shape)
    diary_error[:] = np.zeros(
        (days_amount, estimated.shape[1], estimated.shape[2]))
    #the_max = measurements[:].max()
               index, :] = measurements[:, index, :] - estimated[:, index, :]
    error[:, index, :] = np.abs(error_diff[:, index, :])
    max_value_in_day = np.zeros([days_amount]) + 1
    for i in range(len(days)):
        d_i = days_index.index(days[i].day)
        max_value_in_day[d_i] = measurements[
            i, index, 0] if max_value_in_day[d_i] < measurements[
                i, index, 0] else max_value_in_day[d_i]
        diary_error[d_i, index, :] += np.array([error_diff[i, index, 0]**2, 1])
    count = diary_error[:, index, 1]
    count[count == 0] = 1
    diary_error[:, index, 0] = np.sqrt(diary_error[:, index, 0] / count)
    diary_error[:, index,
                1] = diary_error[:, index, 0] / max_value_in_day * 100
    show("\rDiary RMS error: %.2f" % (diary_error[:, index, 1]).mean())
    for i in range(len(days)):
        d_i = days_index.index(days[i].day)
        error[i, index, 1] = error[i, index, 1] / max_value_in_day[d_i] * 100
    result = np.sum(error[:, index, 1]**2)
    result = np.sqrt(result / error.shape[0])
    show("Half-hour RMS error: %.2f \n" % result)
    #diary_error[:, index,1] = diary_error[:, index,0]
コード例 #22
	def do_file(self, filename, stream):
		# create compact file and initialize basic settings
		begin_time = self.getdatetimenow()
		root, is_new = nc.open(filename)
		if is_new:
			sample, n = nc.open(stream.files.all()[0].file.completepath())
			shape = sample.variables['data'].shape
			nc.getdim(root,'northing', shape[1])
			nc.getdim(root,'easting', shape[2])
			v_lat = nc.getvar(root,'lat', 'f4', ('northing','easting',), 4)
			v_lon = nc.getvar(root,'lon', 'f4', ('northing','easting',), 4)
			v_lon[:] = nc.getvar(sample, 'lon')[:]
			v_lat[:] = nc.getvar(sample, 'lat')[:]
		self.do_var(root, 'data', stream)
		# save the content inside the compact file
		if not root is None: nc.close(root)
		f = File(localname=filename)
		return f
コード例 #23
	def do(self, stream):
		from libs.sat.goes import calibration
		resultant_stream = stream.clone()
		for fs in stream.files.all():
			f = fs.file
			if f.channel() == '01':
				sat = f.satellite()
				root, is_new = nc.open(f.completepath())
				var = nc.getvar(root, 'counts_shift', 'f4', ('coefficient',), 4)
				var[0] = calibration.counts_shift.coefficient(sat)
				var = nc.getvar(root, 'space_measurement', 'f4', ('coefficient',), 4)
				var[0] = calibration.space_measurement.coefficient(sat)
				var = nc.getvar(root, 'prelaunch', 'f4', ('coefficient',), 4)
				var[0] = calibration.prelaunch.coefficient(sat)[0]
				var = nc.getvar(root, 'postlaunch', 'f4', ('coefficient',), 4)
				dt = f.datetime()
				var[0] = calibration.postlaunch.coefficient(sat, dt.year, dt.month)
				#data = np.float32(self.calibrated_coefficient) * ((data / np.float32(self.counts_shift)) - np.float32(self.space_measurement))
		return resultant_stream
コード例 #24
	def do(self, stream):
		from libs.sat.goes import calibration
		resultant_stream = stream.clone()
		for ms in stream.materials.all():
			m = ms.material
			if hasattr(m, 'channel') and hasattr(m, 'satellite') and m.channel() == '01':
				sat = m.satellite()
				root = nc.open(m.completepath())[0]
				var = nc.getvar(root, 'counts_shift', 'f4', ('coefficient',), 4)
				var[0] = calibration.counts_shift.coefficient(sat)
				var = nc.getvar(root, 'space_measurement', 'f4', ('coefficient',), 4)
				var[0] = calibration.space_measurement.coefficient(sat)
				var = nc.getvar(root, 'prelaunch', 'f4', ('coefficient',), 4)
				var[0] = calibration.prelaunch.coefficient(sat)[0]
				var = nc.getvar(root, 'postlaunch', 'f4', ('coefficient',), 4)
				dt = m.datetime()
				var[0] = calibration.postlaunch.coefficient(sat, dt.year, dt.month)
				#data = np.float32(self.calibrated_coefficient) * ((data / np.float32(self.counts_shift)) - np.float32(self.space_measurement))
		return resultant_stream
コード例 #25
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: rolote/solar_radiation_model
def process_validate(year, month, times, root):
	tst_hour_step = 1/24.
	globalradiation = nc.getvar(root, 'globalradiation')
	clearskyradiation = nc.getvar(root, 'clearskyglobalradiation')
	timestamp = np.array([date2num(dt) for dt in times])
	tst_hour = nc.getvar(root, 'tst_hour')

	stations = pgs.getmeasuresinstations(year, month)
	for s in stations:
		l,c = dp.getpos(float(s['latitude']), float(s['longitude']))
		globalradiationinposition = globalradiation[:,l,c]
		tst_datehour = gettstdatetime(timestamp,tst_hour[:,l,c])
		estimated = []
		measured = []
		for m in s['measures']:
			cond = ((tst_datehour > m['timestamp'] - tst_hour_step) & (tst_datehour <= m['timestamp']))
			tst_filtered = tst_datehour[cond]
			if tst_filtered.size >= 4 and m['ghi'] > 0:
		measured = np.array(measured)
		estimated = np.array(estimated)
		diff = estimated - measured
		ghi_mean = measured.mean()
		ghi_ratio = 100 / ghi_mean
		show("Length:", measured.size)
		show("mean(GHI)", ghi_mean)
		show("mean(estimated)", estimated.mean())
		bias = diff.mean()
		show("BIAS:", bias, "(", bias * ghi_ratio, "%)")
		rmse = np.sqrt((diff**2).mean())
		show("RMSE:", rmse, "(", rmse * ghi_ratio, "%)")
		mae = np.absolute(diff).mean()
		show("MAE:", mae, "(", mae * ghi_ratio, "%)")
コード例 #26
	def do_var(self, root, var_name, stream):
		count = 0
		file_statuses = stream.sorted_files()
		shape = nc.getvar(root,'lat').shape
		for fs in file_statuses:
			# join the distributed content
			ch = fs.file.channel()
			v_ch   = nc.getvar(root,var_name, 'f4', ('timing','northing','easting',), 4)
			v_ch_t = nc.getvar(root,var_name + '_time', 'f4', ('timing',))
				rootimg, n = nc.open(fs.file.completepath())
				data = (nc.getvar(rootimg, 'data'))[:]
				# Force all the channels to the same shape
				if not (data.shape[1:3] == shape):
					print data.shape[1:3], shape
					data = matrix.adapt(data, shape)
				if v_ch.shape[1] == data.shape[1] and v_ch.shape[2] == data.shape[2]:
					index = v_ch.shape[0]
					v_ch[index,:] = data
					v_ch_t[index] = calendar.timegm(fs.file.datetime().utctimetuple())
			except RuntimeError, e:
				print fs.file.completepath()
コード例 #27
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: rolote/solar_radiation_model
def process_albedos(lat, lon, data, root):
	i0met = geti0met()
	excentricity = nc.getvar(root,'excentricity')[:]
	solarangle = nc.getvar(root,'solarangle')[:]
	atmosphericalbedo = nc.getvar(root,'atmosphericalbedo')[:]
	t_earth = nc.getvar(root,'t_earth')[:]
	t_sat = nc.getvar(root,'t_sat')[:]
	say("Calculating observed albedo, apparent albedo, effective albedo and cloud albedo... ")
	observedalbedo = geo.getalbedo(data, i0met , excentricity, solarangle)
	apparentalbedo = geo.getapparentalbedo(observedalbedo,atmosphericalbedo, t_earth, t_sat)
	effectivealbedo = geo.geteffectivealbedo(solarangle)
	cloudalbedo = geo.getcloudalbedo(effectivealbedo,atmosphericalbedo,t_earth,t_sat)
	v_observedalbedo = nc.getvar(root, 'observedalbedo', 'f4', ('timing','northing','easting',),4)
	v_observedalbedo[:] = observedalbedo
	v_apparentalbedo = nc.getvar(root, 'apparentalbedo', 'f4', ('timing','northing','easting',),4)
	v_apparentalbedo[:] = apparentalbedo
	v_effectivealbedo = nc.getvar(root, 'effectivealbedo', 'f4', ('timing','northing','easting',),4)
	v_effectivealbedo[:] = effectivealbedo
	v_cloudalbedo = nc.getvar(root, 'cloudalbedo', 'f4', ('timing','northing','easting',),4)
	v_cloudalbedo[:] = cloudalbedo
コード例 #28
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: rolote/solar_radiation_model
def save_temporal_data(root,index,gamma,tst_hour,declination,solarangle,solarelevation,excentricity,slots):
	v_gamma = nc.getvar(root,'gamma', 'f4', ('timing',),4)
	v_gamma[index] = gamma
	v_tst_hour = nc.getvar(root,'tst_hour', 'f4', ('timing','northing','easting',),4)
	v_tst_hour[index,:] = tst_hour
	v_declination = nc.getvar(root,'declination', 'f4', ('timing',),4)
	v_declination[index] = declination
	v_solarangle = nc.getvar(root, 'solarangle', 'f4', ('timing','northing','easting',),4)
	v_solarangle[index] = solarangle
	v_solarelevation = nc.getvar(root, 'solarelevation', 'f4', ('timing','northing','easting',),4)
	v_solarelevation[index] = solarelevation
	v_excentricity = nc.getvar(root, 'excentricity', 'f4', ('timing','northing','easting',),4)
	v_excentricity[index] = excentricity
	v_slots = nc.getvar(root,'slots', 'u1', ('timing',))
	v_slots[index] = slots
コード例 #29
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: rolote/solar_radiation_model
def process_radiation(lat, lon, data, root):
	apparentalbedo = nc.getvar(root, "apparentalbedo")[:]
	groundalbedo = nc.getvar(root, "groundalbedo")[:]
	cloudalbedo = nc.getvar(root, "cloudalbedo")[:]
	say("Calculating the cloud index... ")
	cloudindex = geo.getcloudindex(apparentalbedo, groundalbedo, cloudalbedo)
	f_cloudindex = nc.getvar(root, 'cloudinessindex', 'f4', ('timing','northing','easting',),4)
	f_cloudindex[:] = cloudindex
	say("Calculating the clear sky... ")
	clearsky = geo.getclearsky(cloudindex)
	f_clearsky = nc.getvar(root, 'clearskyindex', 'f4', ('timing','northing','easting',),4)
	f_clearsky[:] = clearsky
	say("Calculating the global radiation... ")
	clearskyglobalradiation = nc.getvar(root, 'gc')[:]
	globalradiation = clearsky * clearskyglobalradiation
	f_globalradiation = nc.getvar(root, 'globalradiation', 'f4', ('timing','northing','easting',),4)
	f_globalradiation[:] = globalradiation
コード例 #30
ファイル: dem.py プロジェクト: adrian-r/solar_radiation_model
def merge_tails():
	import glob
	import numpy as np
	#from scipy import misc
	say("Merging all the tails in one netCDF file...")
	root, is_new = nc.open(localpath+ "/dem.nc")
	n_d = nc.getdim(root,'northing', 180 * 120) # 180 degrees * 120 px/degree
	n_e = nc.getdim(root,'easting', 360 * 120) # 360 degrees * 120 px/degree
	data = nc.getvar(root, 'dem', 'i2', ('northing','easting',))
	files = glob.glob(localpath + "/all10/all10/*10g")
	tails = [[file_coordinates(f),f] for f in files]
	for t, f in tails:
		print t, f
		tmp = np.fromfile(f,np.int16)
		dynamic = tmp.shape[0]/10800
		tmp = tmp.reshape(dynamic,10800)
		data[t[0]:t[0]+dynamic,t[1]:t[1]+10800] = tmp
コード例 #31
def rows2netcdf(rows, filename, index):
	root, is_new = nc.open(filename)
	if not is_new:
		measurements = nc.getvar(root, 'measurements', 'f4', ('timing','northing','easting'), 4)
		slots = nc.getvar(root, 'slots')
		times = [ datetime.fromtimestamp(int(t)) for t in nc.getvar(root, 'time') ]
		instant_radiation = rows2slots(rows,2)
		i_e = 0
		i_m = 0
		while i_e < len(times) and i_m < len(instant_radiation):
			#print i_e,"/", len(times) -1, " | ", i_m, "/", len(instant_radiation) - 1
			# When date estimated before date measured
			if times[i_e].date() < instant_radiation[i_m][1][0].date():
				i_e += 1
			# When date estimated after date measured
			elif times[i_e].date() > instant_radiation[i_m][1][0].date():
				i_m += 1
				if slots[i_e] < instant_radiation[i_m][0]:
					measurements[i_e, index,:] = np.array([-1, -1])
					i_e += 1
				elif slots[i_e] > instant_radiation[i_m][0]:
					i_m += 1
					value = instant_radiation[i_m][1][1]
					row_in_slot = instant_radiation[i_m][1][2]
					measurements[i_e, index,:] = np.array([value, value])
					i_e += 1
					i_m += 1
	days = [ t.date() for t in times ]
	nc.getdim(root, 'diarying')
	diary_error = nc.getvar(root, 'diaryerror', 'f4', ('diarying', 'northing', 'easting'))
	estimated = nc.getvar(root, 'globalradiation')[:]
	error_diff = nc.getvar(root, 'errordiff', 'f4', ('timing','northing','easting'), 4)
	error = nc.getvar(root, 'error', 'f4', ('timing','northing','easting'), 4)
	error_diff[:, index, :] = measurements[:,index,:] - estimated[:,index,:]
	error[:, index, :] = np.sqrt((error_diff[:, index, :])**2)
	print error_diff.shape
	for	i in range(len(days)):
		d = days[i].day
		print index, i, d, error_diff[i,index], diary_error[d, index]
		diary_error[d, index,:] += error_diff[i,index,:]
	diary_error[:, index,:] = np.sqrt((diary_error[:, index,:])**2)
コード例 #32
ファイル: error.py プロジェクト: movermeyer/stations
def dailyerrors(root, stations):
    times = [
        datetime.fromtimestamp(int(t)) for t in nc.getvar(root, 'time')[:]
    days = [t.date() for t in times]
    days_index = [d.day for d in set(days)]
    days_amount = len(days_index)
    nc.getdim(root, 'diarying', days_amount)
    measurements = nc.getvar(root, 'measurements')
    estimated = nc.getvar(root, 'globalradiation')
    error_diff = root.getvar('errordiff', 'f4', (
    ), 4)
    RMS_daily_error = root.getvar('RMSdailyerror', 'f4', (
    ), 4)
    BIAS_daily_error = root.getvar('BIASdailyerror', 'f4', (
    ), 4)
    error_diff[:] = np.zeros(estimated.shape)
    RMS_daily_error[:] = np.zeros(
        (days_amount, estimated.shape[1], estimated.shape[2]))
    BIAS_daily_error[:] = np.zeros(
        (days_amount, estimated.shape[1], estimated.shape[2]))
    for s in stations:
        index = stations.index(s)
        show('Station: %s \n' % stations[index])
                   index, :] = measurements[:, index, :] - estimated[:,
                                                                     index, :]
        sum_value_in_day = np.zeros((days_amount))
        for i in range(len(days)):
            d_i = days_index.index(days[i].day)
            if not measurements[i, index, 0] == 0.0:
                sum_value_in_day[d_i] += measurements[i, index, 0]
                RMS_daily_error[d_i, index, :] += np.array(
                    [error_diff[i, index, 0]**2, 1])
                BIAS_daily_error[d_i, index, :] += error_diff[i, index, 0]
        count = RMS_daily_error[:, index, 1]
        count[count == 0] = 1
        RMS_daily_error[:, index, 0] = np.sqrt(
            RMS_daily_error[:, index, 0] / count) / sum_value_in_day * 100
        BIAS_daily_error[:, index, 0] = (BIAS_daily_error[:, index, 0] /
                                         count) / sum_value_in_day * 100
        RMS_daily_error[:, index, 1] = RMS_daily_error[:, index, 0]
        BIAS_daily_error[:, index, 1] = BIAS_daily_error[:, index, 0]
        print 'RMS :', RMS_daily_error[:, index, 0]
        print 'BIAS', BIAS_daily_error[:, index, 0]
        print 'sum value in day: ', sum_value_in_day[:]
        show("\rDiary RMS daily error: %.2f\n" %
             (RMS_daily_error[:, index, 0]).mean())
