def get_first_char_of_all_domains(conn=None): """Get first character of all domains.""" if not conn: _wrap = SQLWrap() conn = _wrap.conn admin = session.get('username') chars = [] try: if sql_lib_general.is_global_admin(admin=admin, conn=conn): qr = 'domain', what='SUBSTRING(domain FROM 1 FOR 1) AS first_char', group='first_char') else: qr = conn.query( """SELECT SUBSTRING(domain.domain FROM 1 FOR 1) AS first_char FROM domain LEFT JOIN domain_admins ON (domain.domain=domain_admins.domain) WHERE domain_admins.username=$admin GROUP BY first_char""", vars={'admin': admin}) if qr: chars = [i.first_char.upper() for i in qr] chars.sort() return (True, chars) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) return (False, repr(e))
def get_primary_and_alias_domains(conn, domain): """Query LDAP to get all available alias domain names of given domain. Return list of alias domain names. @conn -- ldap connection cursor @domain -- domain name """ if not utils.is_domain(domain): return [] try: _f = "(&(objectClass=mailDomain)(|(domainName=%s)(domainAliasName=%s)))" % ( domain, domain) qr = conn.search_s( settings.ldap_basedn, 1, # 1 == ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL _f, ['domainName', 'domainAliasName']) if qr: (_dn, _ldif) = qr[0] _all_domains = _ldif.get('domainName', []) + _ldif.get( 'domainAliasName', []) return list(set(_all_domains)) except Exception as e: # Log and return if LDAP error occurs logger.error('Error while querying alias domains of domain (%s): %s' % (domain, repr(e))) return []
def lambda_handler(event, _) -> object: try:'Received an event: ${event}') body = json.loads(event['body'])'Saving new definitions: {body}') user_id = body['userId'] word = body['word'] definitions = body['definitions'] table = dynamo_db.Table(os.environ['DYNAMODB_TABLE']) result = table.put_item( Item={ 'userId': user_id, 'word': word, 'definitions': definitions } )'Response from dynamo_db: ${result}') return create_response(200) except Exception as err: logger.error(err) return create_response(500, {'message': 'Unknown error occurred!'})
def __num_accounts_under_domain(domain, account_type, conn=None) -> int: num = 0 if not iredutils.is_domain(domain): return num if not conn: _wrap = SQLWrap() conn = _wrap.conn # mapping of account types and sql table names mapping = {'user': '******', 'alias': 'alias', 'maillist': 'maillists'} sql_table = mapping[account_type] try: qr =, vars={'domain': domain}, what='COUNT(domain) AS total', where='domain=$domain') if qr: num = qr[0].total except Exception as e: logger.error(e) return num
def __init__(self): # Initialize LDAP connection. self.conn = None uri = settings.iredmail_ldap_uri # Detect STARTTLS support. starttls = False if uri.startswith('ldaps://'): starttls = True # Rebuild uri, use ldap:// + STARTTLS (with normal port 389) # instead of ldaps:// (port 636) for secure connection. uri = uri.replace('ldaps://', 'ldap://') # Don't check CA cert ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, ldap.OPT_X_TLS_NEVER) self.conn = ldap.initialize(uri) # Set LDAP protocol version: LDAP v3. self.conn.set_option(ldap.OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, ldap.VERSION3) if starttls: self.conn.start_tls_s() try: # bind as vmailadmin self.conn.bind_s(settings.iredmail_ldap_bind_dn, settings.iredmail_ldap_bind_password) except Exception as e: logger.error('VMAILADMIN_INVALID_CREDENTIALS. Detail: %s' % repr(e))
def delete_ml(mail, archive=True): """Delete a mailing list account. If archive is True or 'yes', account is 'removed' by renaming its data directory. """ _ml_dir = __get_ml_dir(mail=mail) if os.path.exists(_ml_dir): if archive in [True, 'yes']: qr = __archive_ml(mail=mail) return qr else: try: shutil.rmtree(_ml_dir)"[{0}] {1}, removed without archiving.".format( web.ctx.ip, mail)) except Exception as e: logger.error( "[{0}] {1}, error while removing list from file system: {2}" .format(web.ctx.ip, mail, repr(e))) return (False, repr(e)) else:"[{0}] {1}, removed (no data on file system).".format( web.ctx.ip, mail)) return (True, )
def __init__(self, path): if os.path.isfile(path) == False: logger.error("File not exist - [%s]", path) exit(1) self.path = path
def push(self, msg): try: asynchat.async_chat.push(self, (msg + '\n').encode()) except Exception as e: logger.error( "Error while pushing message: msg={}, error={}".format( msg, repr(e)))
def proxyfunc(self, *args, **kw): try: client_ip = web.ctx.ip except: # No `ip` attr before starting http service. return None if not _is_allowed_client(client_ip): logger.error( '[{0}] Blocked request from disallowed client.'.format( client_ip)) return api_render((False, 'NOT_AUTHORIZED_API_CLIENT')) _auth_token = get_auth_token() if not _auth_token: return api_render((False, 'NO_API_AUTH_TOKEN')) else: logger.debug('[{0}] API AUTH TOKEN: {1:.8}...'.format( client_ip, _auth_token)) if _auth_token not in settings.api_auth_tokens: logger.error( '[{0}] Blocked request with invalid auth token: {1}.'.format( client_ip, _auth_token)) return api_render((False, 'INVALID_MLMMJADMIN_API_AUTH_TOKEN')) return func(self, *args, **kw)
def __update_text_param(mail, param, value, param_file=None, create_if_empty=False): if not param_file: param_file = __get_param_file(mail=mail, param=param) if value: try: if isinstance(value, int): value = str(value) else: value = value.strip() value = value.encode('utf-8') # Footer text/html must ends with an empty line, otherwise # the characters will be a mess. with open(param_file, 'w') as f: f.write(value + '\n') except Exception, e: logger.error( "[{0}] {1}, error while updating (normal) parameter: {2} -> {3}, {4}" .format(web.ctx.ip, mail, param, value, e)) return (False, repr(e))
def is_email_exists(mail, conn=None): # Return True if account is invalid or exist. mail = str(mail).lower() if not utils.is_email(mail): return True if not conn: _wrap = SQLWrap() conn = _wrap.conn try: # `forwardings` table has email addr of mail user account and alias account. qr ='forwardings', vars={'mail': mail}, what='address', where='address=$mail', limit=1) if qr: return True # Check `alias` for alias account which doesn't have any member. qr ='alias', vars={'mail': mail}, what='address', where='address=$mail', limit=1) if qr: return True return False except Exception as e: logger.error("SQL error: {0}".format(e)) return True
def get_id_of_external_addresses(conn, addresses): """Return list of `` of external addresses.""" ids = [] if not addresses: logger.debug("No addresses, return empty list of ids.") return ids # Get `` of external addresses, ordered by priority sql = """SELECT id, email FROM mailaddr WHERE email IN %s ORDER BY priority DESC""" % sqlquote(addresses) logger.debug("[SQL] Query external addresses: \n{}".format(sql)) try: qr = conn.execute(sql) qr_addresses = qr.fetchall() except Exception as e: logger.error( "Error while getting list of id of external addresses: {}, SQL: {}" .format(repr(e), sql)) return ids if qr_addresses: ids = [int( for r in qr_addresses] if not ids: # don't waste time if we don't even have senders stored in sql db. logger.debug("No record found in SQL database.") return [] else: logger.debug("Addresses (in `mailaddr`): {}".format(qr_addresses)) return ids
def is_local_domain(conn, domain, include_alias_domain=True, include_backupmx=True): if not utils.is_domain(domain): return False if utils.is_server_hostname(domain): return True try: _filter = '(&(objectClass=mailDomain)(accountStatus=active)' if include_alias_domain: _filter += '(|(domainName=%s)(domainAliasName=%s))' % (domain, domain) else: _filter += '(domainName=%s)' % domain if not include_backupmx: _filter += '(!(domainBackupMX=yes))' _filter += ')' qr = conn.search_s(settings.ldap_basedn, 1, # 1 == ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL _filter, ['dn']) if qr: return True except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT: return False except Exception as e: logger.error("<!> Error while querying local domain: {0}".format(repr(e))) return False
def get_db_conn(db_name): """Return SQL connection instance with connection pool support.""" if settings.backend == 'pgsql': dbn = 'postgres' else: dbn = 'mysql' if settings.SQL_DB_DRIVER: dbn += '+' + settings.SQL_DB_DRIVER try: uri = '%s://%s:%s@%s:%d/%s' % ( dbn, settings.__dict__[db_name + '_db_user'], settings.__dict__[db_name + '_db_password'], settings.__dict__[db_name + '_db_server'], int(settings.__dict__[db_name + '_db_port']), settings.__dict__[db_name + '_db_name'], ) if settings.backend == 'mysql': uri += '?charset=utf8' conn = create_engine(uri, pool_size=settings.SQL_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE, pool_recycle=settings.SQL_CONNECTION_POOL_RECYCLE, max_overflow=settings.SQL_CONNECTION_MAX_OVERFLOW) return conn except Exception as e: logger.error("Error while creating SQL connection: {}".format(repr(e))) return None
def __get_list_param_value(mail, param, is_email=False, param_file=None): if not param_file: param_file = __get_param_file(mail=mail, param=param) _values = [] if __has_param_file(param_file): try: with open(param_file, 'r') as f: _lines = f.readlines() _lines = [_line.strip() for _line in _lines] # remove line breaks _values = [_line for _line in _lines if _line] # remove empty values if is_email: _values = [str(i).lower() for i in _values] except IOError: # No such file. pass except Exception as e: logger.error( 'Error while getting (list) parameter value: {0} -> {1}'. format(param, e)) _values.sort() return _values
def get_alias_target_domain(alias_domain, conn, include_backupmx=True): """Query target domain of given alias domain name.""" alias_domain = str(alias_domain).lower() if not utils.is_domain(alias_domain): logger.debug("Given alias_domain {0} is not an valid domain name.".format(alias_domain)) return None try: _filter = '(&(objectClass=mailDomain)(accountStatus=active)' _filter += '(domainAliasName=%s)' % alias_domain if not include_backupmx: _filter += '(!(domainBackupMX=yes))' _filter += ')' logger.debug("[LDAP] query target domain of given alias domain: {0}\n" "[LDAP] query filter: {1}".format(alias_domain, _filter)) qr = conn.search_s(settings.ldap_basedn, 1, # 1 == ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL _filter, ['domainName']) logger.debug("result: {0}".format(repr(qr))) if qr: (_dn, _ldif) = qr[0] _domain = _ldif['domainName'][0] return _domain except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT: pass except Exception as e: logger.error("<!> Error while querying alias domain: {0}".format(repr(e))) return None
def lambda_handler(event, _) -> object: try:'Received an event: ${event}') query_params = event['queryStringParameters'] validate_query_params(query_params) user_id = query_params['userId'] word = query_params['word']'Deleting word: ${word} from user ${user_id} dictionary') table = dynamo_db.Table(os.environ['DYNAMODB_TABLE']) result = table.delete_item( Key={ 'userId': user_id, 'word': word, }, ReturnValues='ALL_OLD' )'Response from dynamo_db: ${result}') attributes = 'Attributes' if attributes not in result: return create_response(404)'Successfully deleted item: ${attributes}') return create_response(200) except ValueError: return create_response(400, {'message': 'Missing required parameters: userId, word'}) except Exception as err: logger.error(err) return create_response(500, {'message': 'Unknown error occurred!'})
def get_id_of_local_addresses(conn, addresses): """Return list of `` of local addresses.""" # Get `` of local addresses sql = """SELECT id, email FROM users WHERE email IN %s ORDER BY priority DESC""" % sqlquote(addresses) logger.debug("[SQL] Query local addresses: \n{}".format(sql)) ids = [] try: qr = conn.execute(sql) qr_addresses = qr.fetchall() if qr_addresses: ids = [int( for r in qr_addresses] logger.debug("Local addresses (in `amavisd.users`): {}".format( qr_addresses)) except Exception as e: logger.error("Error while executing SQL command: {}".format(repr(e))) if not ids: # don't waste time if we don't have any per-recipient wblist. logger.debug("No record found in SQL database.") return [] else: return ids
def push(self, msg): try: asynchat.async_chat.push(self, (msg + '\n').encode()) except Exception as e: logger.error( "Error while pushing message: error={0}, message={1}".format( repr(e), msg))
def add_maillist(mail, form, conn=None): """Add required SQL records to add a mailing list account.""" mail = str(mail).lower() (listname, domain) = mail.split('@', 1) if not utils.is_email(mail): return (False, 'INVALID_EMAIL') if not conn: _wrap = SQLWrap() conn = _wrap.conn if not is_domain_exists(domain=domain): return (False, 'NO_SUCH_DOMAIN') if is_email_exists(mail=mail): return (False, 'ALREADY_EXISTS') params = { 'active': 1, 'address': mail, 'domain': domain, 'name': form.get('name', ''), 'transport': '%s:%s/%s' % (settings.MTA_TRANSPORT_NAME, domain, listname), 'mlid': __get_new_mlid(conn=conn), 'maxmsgsize': form_utils.get_max_message_size(form), } if 'only_moderator_can_post' in form: params['accesspolicy'] = 'moderatorsonly' elif 'only_subscriber_can_post' in form: params['accesspolicy'] = 'membersonly' try: conn.insert('maillists', **params) params = { 'active': 1, 'address': mail, 'domain': domain, 'forwarding': mail, 'dest_domain': domain, } conn.insert('forwardings', **params) # Get moderators, store in SQL table `vmail.moderators` if 'moderators' in form: qr = __reset_moderators(mail=mail, form=form, conn=conn) if 'owner' in form: qr = __reset_owners(mail=mail, form=form, conn=conn) if not qr[0]: return qr'Created: {0}.'.format(mail)) return (True,) except Exception as e: logger.error('Error while creating {0}: {1}'.format(mail, e)) return (False, repr(e))
def is_maillist_exists(mail, conn=None): """Return True if mailing list account is invalid or exist.""" mail = str(mail).lower() if not utils.is_email(mail): return True if not conn: _wrap = SQLWrap() conn = _wrap.conn try: # Check `maillists` qr ='maillists', vars={'mail': mail}, what='address', where='address=$mail', limit=1) if qr: return True return False except Exception as e: logger.error("SQL error: {0}".format(e)) return True
def __update_list_param(mail, param, value, param_file=None, is_email=False): if not param_file: param_file = __get_param_file(mail=mail, param=param) if isinstance(value, (str, unicode)): _values = __convert_web_param_value_to_list(value=value, is_email=is_email) else: _values = value if _values: try: param_file = __get_param_file(mail=mail, param=param) if param == 'listaddress': # Remove primary address(es) _values = [v for v in _values if v != mail] # Prepend primary address (must be first one) _values = [mail] + _values with open(param_file, 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join(_values) + '\n')"[{0}] {1}, updated: {2} -> {3}".format( web.ctx.ip, mail, param, ', '.join(_values))) except Exception, e: logger.error( "[{0}] {1}, error while updating (list) parameter: {2} -> {3}, {4}" .format(web.ctx.ip, mail, param, value, e)) return (False, repr(e))
def __update_boolean_param(mail, param, value, param_file=None, touch_instead_of_create=False): """Create or remove parameter file for boolean type parameter. @touch_instead_of_create - touch parameter file instead of re-create it. """ if not param_file: param_file = __get_param_file(mail=mail, param=param) if value == 'yes': try: if touch_instead_of_create: open(param_file, 'a').close() else: open(param_file, 'w').close() # Avoid some conflicts if param == 'subonlypost': __remove_param_file(mail=mail, param='modonlypost') if param == 'modonlypost': __remove_param_file(mail=mail, param='subonlypost') # Create 'control/moderated' also _f = __get_param_file(mail=mail, param='moderated') open(_f, 'a').close() except Exception, e: logger.error( "[{0}] {1}, error while updating (boolean) parameter: {2} -> {3}, {4}" .format(web.ctx.ip, mail, param, value, e)) return (False, repr(e))
def remove_subscribers(mail, subscribers, conn=None): """Remove subscribers from mailing list.""" mail = str(mail).lower() if not utils.is_email(mail): return (False, 'INVALID_EMAIL') if not subscribers: return (False, 'NO_SUBSCRIBERS') if not isinstance(subscribers, (list, tuple, set)): return (False, 'NO_SUBSCRIBERS') if not conn: _wrap = SQLWrap() conn = _wrap.conn try: conn.delete('maillist_members', vars={'mail': mail, 'subscribers': subscribers}, where='address=$mail AND member IN $subscribers') return (True,) except Exception as e: logger.error("SQL error: {0}".format(e)) return (False, repr(e))
def __sendmail(conn, user, client_address, throttle_tracking_id, throttle_name, throttle_value, throttle_kind, throttle_info, throttle_value_unit=None): """Construct and send notification email.""" # conn: SQL connection cursor # user: user email address # client_address: client IP address # throttle_tracking_id: value of sql column `` # throttle_name: name of throttle settings: msg_size, max_quota, max_msgs # throttle_value: value throttle setting # throttle_kind: one of throttle kinds: inbound, outbound # throttle_info: detailed throttle setting # throttle_value_unit: unit of throttle setting. e.g 'bytes' for max_quota # and msg_size. if not throttle_value_unit: throttle_value_unit = '' try: _subject = 'Throttle quota exceeded: %s, %s=%d %s' % ( user, throttle_name, throttle_value, throttle_value_unit) _body = '- User: '******'\n' _body += '- Client IP address: ' + client_address + '\n' _body += '- Throttle type: ' + throttle_kind + '\n' _body += '- Throttle setting: ' + throttle_name + '\n' _body += '- Limit: %d %s\n' % (throttle_value, throttle_value_unit) _body += '- Detailed setting: ' + throttle_info + '\n' utils.sendmail(subject=_subject, mail_body=_body) 'Sent notification email to admin(s) to report quota exceed: user=%s, %s=%d.' % (user, throttle_name, throttle_value)) if throttle_tracking_id: _now = int(time.time()) # Update last_notify_time. _sql = """UPDATE throttle_tracking SET last_notify_time=%d WHERE id=%d; """ % (_now, throttle_tracking_id) try: conn.execute(_sql) logger.debug('Updated last notify time.') except Exception as e: logger.error( 'Error while updating last notify time of quota exceed: %s.' % (repr(e))) return (True, ) except Exception as e: logger.error('Error while sending notification email: %s' % repr(e)) return (False, repr(e))
def __add_subscribers_with_confirm(mail, subscribers, subscription='normal'): """ Add subscribers with confirm. @mail -- mail address of mailing list @subscribers -- a list/tuple/set of subscribers' mail addresses @subscription -- subscription version (normal, digest, nomail) """ _dir = __get_ml_dir(mail) # Get absolute path of command `mlmmj-sub` _cmd_mlmmj_sub = settings.CMD_MLMMJ_SUB if not _cmd_mlmmj_sub: if os.path.exists('/usr/bin/mlmmj-sub'): _cmd_mlmmj_sub = '/usr/bin/mlmmj-sub' elif os.path.exists('/usr/local/bin/mlmmj-sub'): _cmd_mlmmj_sub = '/usr/local/bin/mlmmj-sub' else: return (False, 'SUB_COMMAND_NOT_FOUND') # mlmmj-sub arguments # # -L: Full path to list directory # -a: Email address to subscribe # -C: Request mail confirmation # -d: Subscribe to `digest` version of the list # -n: Subscribe to nomail version of the list _cmd = [_cmd_mlmmj_sub, '-L', _dir, '-C'] if subscription == 'digest': _cmd.append('-d') elif subscription == 'nomail': _cmd.append('-n') # Directory used to store subscription confirm notifications _subconf_dir = os.path.join(_dir, 'subconf') _error = {} for addr in subscribers: try: # Remove confirm file generated before this request _old_conf_files = glob.glob( os.path.join(_subconf_dir, '????????????????-' + addr.replace('@', '='))) for _f in _old_conf_files: qr = __remove_file(path=_f) if not qr[0]: return qr # Send new confirm _new_cmd = _cmd[:] + ['-a', addr] subprocess.Popen(_new_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) logger.debug("[{0}] {1}, queued confirm mail for {2}.".format( web.ctx.ip, mail, addr)) except Exception, e: logger.error("[{0}] {1}, error while subscribing {2}: {3}".format( web.ctx.ip, mail, addr, e)) _error[addr] = repr(e)
def __init__(self): try: self.conn = self.connect() except AttributeError: # Reconnect if error raised: MySQL server has gone away. self.conn = self.connect() except Exception as e: logger.error(e)
def __init__(self): try: self.conn = self.__connect() except AttributeError: # should also catch `<db>.OperationalError` # Reconnect if error raised: MySQL server has gone away. self.conn = self.__connect() except Exception as e: logger.error("SQL error: {0}".format(e))
def __remove_file(path): if os.path.exists(path): try: os.remove(path) except Exception, e: logger.error( "[{0}] error while removing parameter file: {1}, {2}".format( web.ctx.ip, path, e)) return (False, repr(e))
def __init__(self): import MySQLdb try: self.conn = self.__connect() except (AttributeError, MySQLdb.OperationalError): # Reconnect if error raised: MySQL server has gone away. self.conn = self.__connect() except Exception, e: logger.error("SQL error: {0}".format(e))