コード例 #1
ファイル: menu.py プロジェクト: leftees/Project-Interstellar
		def __init__(self, screenx, screeny):
			planet_sprite_part1 = pyganim.getImagesFromSpriteSheet(
								width=384, height=384)
			planet_sprite_part2 = pyganim.getImagesFromSpriteSheet(
								width=384, height=384)
			planet_sprite_part3 = pyganim.getImagesFromSpriteSheet(
								width=384, height=384)
			planet_sprite_part4 = pyganim.getImagesFromSpriteSheet(
								width=384, height=384)
			planet_sprite_part5 = pyganim.getImagesFromSpriteSheet(
								width=384, height=384)
			planet_sprite = (planet_sprite_part1 + planet_sprite_part2
					+ planet_sprite_part3 + planet_sprite_part4
					+ planet_sprite_part5)
			planet_sprite_and_attr = [(anim_file, 65) for anim_file in planet_sprite]
			planet = pyganim.PygAnimation(planet_sprite_and_attr)
			planet.scale((int(0.2 * screenx), int(0.2 * screenx)))
			planet_pos = pygame.Rect((0, 0), (384, 384))
			self.planet_pos = planet_pos.move(int(screenx * 0.7), int(screeny * 0.4))
			self.planet = planet
コード例 #2
ファイル: menu.py プロジェクト: kevgliss/Project-Interstellar
		def __init__(self, screenx, screeny):
			planet_sprite_part1 = pyganim.getImagesFromSpriteSheet(
								width=384, height=384)
			planet_sprite_part2 = pyganim.getImagesFromSpriteSheet(
								width=384, height=384)
			planet_sprite_part3 = pyganim.getImagesFromSpriteSheet(
								width=384, height=384)
			planet_sprite_part4 = pyganim.getImagesFromSpriteSheet(
								width=384, height=384)
			planet_sprite_part5 = pyganim.getImagesFromSpriteSheet(
								width=384, height=384)
			planet_sprite = (planet_sprite_part1 + planet_sprite_part2
					+ planet_sprite_part3 + planet_sprite_part4
					+ planet_sprite_part5)
			planet_sprite_and_attr = [(anim_file, 65) for anim_file in planet_sprite]
			planet = pyganim.PygAnimation(planet_sprite_and_attr)
			planet.scale((int(0.2 * screenx), int(0.2 * screenx)))
			planet_pos = pygame.Rect((0, 0), (384, 384))
			self.planet_pos = planet_pos.move(int(screenx * 0.7), int(screeny * 0.4))
			self.planet = planet
コード例 #3
 def explode(self):
     self.speedboost = 0
     explosion_img = pyganim.getImagesFromSpriteSheet(
         "./assets/sprites/explosions/ship_expl.png", width=256, height=256)
     explosion_attr = [(anim_file, 40) for anim_file in explosion_img]
     self.explosion_anim = pyganim.PygAnimation(explosion_attr, loop=False)
コード例 #4
	def explode(self):
		self.speedboost = 0
		explosion_img = pyganim.getImagesFromSpriteSheet(
				width=256, height=256)
		explosion_attr = [(anim_file, 40) for anim_file in explosion_img]
		self.explosion_anim = pyganim.PygAnimation(explosion_attr, loop=False)
コード例 #5
def init():

	global up  # player should move up
	global down  # player should move down
	global left  # player should move left
	global right  # player should move right
	global konstspeed  # some konstant for speed
	global clock  # clock object of pygame
	global stdfont  # global font defenition
	global typeface  # the typeface...
	global fullscreen  # determines current state if fullscreen or not
	global fullscreenold  # used to check if fullscreen has changes
	global screen  # the screen
	global screenx  # maximum x pixels
	global screeny  # maximum y pixels
	global aspect_ratio  # aspect ratio
	global screenx_current  # current x pixels
	global screeny_current  # current y pixels
	global fake_size  # the ratio of screenx_current and size of the background
	global bullets  # list of all bullets
	global dstars  # amount of stars
	global debugscreen  # determines wether to show debug info
	global debugmode  # Enables debugmode
	global isnear  # easteregg
	global background  # background image
	global field  # image for the inputfield
	global bullet_img  # image for the bullet
	global targeton_img  # surf for target whenlight turned on
	global targetoff_img  # surf for target when turned off
	global code  # used for custom user events
	global events  # events
	global music  # the music playlist object
	global color  # global color defenition
	global skip  # unsused (currently)
	global volume  # volume
	global musics  # the list of music titles assoziated wih the music files
	global saves  # all savegames
	global psycomode  # if psycomode is turned on
	global explosions  # list of surfs of explosions
	global explosions_disp  # list of showing explosions
	global run  # boolean for main loop
	global dtargets  # amount of targets
	global morevents  # custom event logger
	global infinitevents  # A event logger which retriggers as long as condition
	global musicend  # custom event number to show that music ended
	global border1  # A box to hold the status information about energy level
	global world  # a placeholder for the world class
	global objects_on_screen  # entitys currently blitted to screen
	global player  # abstract player class
	global localmap  # A dict of the local worlds
	global loading_time  # time until first blit
	global seed  # the environments seed

	# for this operation os.urandom is used
	seed_size = 16
	seed = random.randint(10 ** (seed_size - 1), (10 ** seed_size) - 1)

	# set up screen

	screenx = pygame.display.Info().current_w
	screeny = pygame.display.Info().current_h
	pygame.display.set_mode((1, 1))
	aspect_ratio = screenx / float(screeny)
	screenx_current = screenx
	screeny_current = screeny

	# create empty folders if needed
	if not os.path.exists("./assets/sprites/player/"):
	if not os.path.exists("./screenshots/"):

	# load images and convert them to the fatest blittable format
	background = pygame.image.load("./assets/sprites/Background2.tif").convert()
	field = pygame.image.load("./assets/sprites/inputbox1.tif").convert_alpha()
	bullet_img = pygame.image.load("./assets/sprites/Bullet.tif").convert_alpha()
	targeton_img = pygame.image.load("./assets/sprites/mine_on.tif"
	targetoff_img = pygame.image.load("./assets/sprites/mine_off.tif"
	border1 = pygame.image.load("./assets/sprites/bar1.tif").convert_alpha()

	# define some konstants or default values
	clock = pygame.time.Clock()
	typeface = "monospace"
	stdfont = pygame.font.SysFont(typeface, 15)

	version = " dev"
	up = False
	down = False
	left = False
	right = False
	konstspeed = 0.0025
	fullscreen = False
	debugscreen = False
	debugmode = True
	dstars = 500
	isnear = "False"
	code = ""
	events = []
	color = (255, 255, 10)
	skip = False
	volume = 0.5
	fullscreenold = False
	fake_size = 8 / 7.0
	psycomode = False
	run = True
	dtargets = 5
	morevents = []
	bullets = []
	infinitevents = {"fire1": False, "roundfire": False}
	musicend = USEREVENT + 100
	events = []
	loading_time = 0

	from .player import player as player
	player = player()

	pygame.display.set_caption("Project Interstellar " + version)

	# more complex default settings like creation of stars and targets and so on
	if debugmode:
		# Add custom handler here for when debugmode is activated
		volume = 0.0
		# fullscreen = False

	explosions_disp = []
	explosions = []
	for a in range(3):
		this_width = 128
		this_height = 128
		if a == 2:
			this_width = 96
			this_height = 96
		num = str(a + 9)
		if a == 0:
			num = "0" + num
		explosion_files = pyganim.getImagesFromSpriteSheet(
							"./assets/sprites/explosions/expl_" + num + ".png",
							width=this_width, height=this_height)
		explosion_attr = [(anim_file, 40) for anim_file in explosion_files]
		explosions.append(pyganim.PygAnimation(explosion_attr, loop=False))


	if fullscreen:
		screen = pygame.display.set_mode(
			(screenx_current, screeny_current),
			pygame.FULLSCREEN, 32)
	if not fullscreen:
		screenx_current = int(screenx_current / 2.0)
		screeny_current = int(screeny_current / 2.0)
		screen = pygame.display.set_mode((screenx_current, screeny_current),
		0, 32)

	from . import worlds
	localmap = {}
	for a in range(8):
		world = worlds.world(str(a + 1))
		world.generate(background, dstars, dtargets)
		localmap[str(a + 1)] = world
	world = localmap["1"]

	#scales images so they fill screen especially when not 16/9 ar
	if aspect_ratio > 16.0 / 9:
		ratio = screenx_current / float(background.get_size()[1])
					(screenx_current, int(screeny_current * ratio)))
	elif aspect_ratio < 16.0 / 9:
		ratio = screeny_current / float(background.get_size()[0])
					(int(screenx_current * ratio), screeny_current))
コード例 #6
def init():

	global up  # player should move up
	global down  # player should move down
	global left  # player should move left
	global right  # player should move right
	global konstspeed  # some konstant for speed
	global clock  # clock object of pygame
	global stdfont  # global font defenition
	global typeface  # the typeface...
	global fullscreen  # determines current state if fullscreen or not
	global fullscreenold  # used to check if fullscreen has changes
	global screen  # the screen
	global screenx  # maximum x pixels
	global screeny  # maximum y pixels
	global aspect_ratio  # aspect ratio
	global screenx_current  # current x pixels
	global screeny_current  # current y pixels
	global fake_size  # the ratio of screenx_current and size of the background
	global bullets  # list of all bullets
	global dstars  # amount of stars
	global debugscreen  # determines wether to show debug info
	global debugmode  # Enables debugmode
	global isnear  # easteregg
	global background  # background image
	global field  # image for the inputfield
	global bullet_img  # image for the bullet
	global targeton_img  # surf for target whenlight turned on
	global targetoff_img  # surf for target when turned off
	global code  # used for custom user events
	global events  # events
	global music  # the music playlist object
	global color  # global color defenition
	global skip  # unsused (currently)
	global volume  # volume
	global musics  # the list of music titles assoziated wih the music files
	global saves  # all savegames
	global psycomode  # if psycomode is turned on
	global explosions  # list of surfs of explosions
	global explosions_disp  # list of showing explosions
	global run  # boolean for main loop
	global dtargets  # amount of targets
	global morevents  # custom event logger
	global infinitevents  # A event logger which retriggers as long as condition
	global musicend  # custom event number to show that music ended
	global border1  # A box to hold the status information about energy level
	global world  # a placeholder for the world class
	global objects_on_screen  # entitys currently blitted to screen
	global player  # abstract player class
	global localmap  # A dict of the local worlds
	global loading_time  # time until first blit
	global seed  # the environments seed

	# for this operation os.urandom is used
	seed_size = 16
	seed = random.randint(10 ** (seed_size - 1), (10 ** seed_size) - 1)

	# set up screen

	screenx = pygame.display.Info().current_w
	screeny = pygame.display.Info().current_h
	pygame.display.set_mode((1, 1))
	aspect_ratio = screenx / float(screeny)
	screenx_current = screenx
	screeny_current = screeny

	# create empty folders if needed
	if not os.path.exists("./assets/sprites/player/"):
	if not os.path.exists("./screenshots/"):

	# load images and convert them to the fatest blittable format
	background = pygame.image.load("./assets/sprites/Background2.tif").convert()
	field = pygame.image.load("./assets/sprites/inputbox1.tif").convert_alpha()
	bullet_img = pygame.image.load("./assets/sprites/Bullet.tif").convert_alpha()
	targeton_img = pygame.image.load("./assets/sprites/mine_on.tif"
	targetoff_img = pygame.image.load("./assets/sprites/mine_off.tif"
	border1 = pygame.image.load("./assets/sprites/bar1.tif").convert_alpha()

	# define some konstants or default values
	clock = pygame.time.Clock()
	typeface = "monospace"
	stdfont = pygame.font.SysFont(typeface, 15)

	version = " dev"
	up = False
	down = False
	left = False
	right = False
	konstspeed = 0.0025
	fullscreen = False
	debugscreen = False
	debugmode = True
	dstars = 500
	isnear = "False"
	code = ""
	events = []
	color = (255, 255, 10)
	skip = False
	volume = 0.5
	fullscreenold = False
	fake_size = 8 / 7.0
	psycomode = False
	run = True
	dtargets = 5
	morevents = []
	bullets = []
	infinitevents = {"fire1": False, "roundfire": False}
	musicend = USEREVENT + 100
	events = []
	loading_time = 0

	from .player import player as player
	player = player()

	pygame.display.set_caption("Project Interstellar " + version)

	# more complex default settings like creation of stars and targets and so on
	if debugmode:
		# Add custom handler here for when debugmode is activated
		volume = 0.0
		# fullscreen = False

	explosions_disp = []
	explosions = []
	for a in range(3):
		this_width = 128
		this_height = 128
		if a == 2:
			this_width = 96
			this_height = 96
		num = str(a + 9)
		if a == 0:
			num = "0" + num
		explosion_files = pyganim.getImagesFromSpriteSheet(
							"./assets/sprites/explosions/expl_" + num + ".png",
							width=this_width, height=this_height)
		explosion_attr = [(anim_file, 40) for anim_file in explosion_files]
		explosions.append(pyganim.PygAnimation(explosion_attr, loop=False))


	if fullscreen:
		screen = pygame.display.set_mode(
			(screenx_current, screeny_current),
			pygame.FULLSCREEN, 32)
	if not fullscreen:
		screenx_current = int(screenx_current / 2.0)
		screeny_current = int(screeny_current / 2.0)
		screen = pygame.display.set_mode((screenx_current, screeny_current),
		0, 32)

	from . import worlds
	localmap = {}
	for a in range(8):
		world = worlds.world(str(a + 1))
		world.generate(background, dstars, dtargets)
		localmap[str(a + 1)] = world
	world = localmap["1"]

	#scales images so they fill screen especially when not 16/9 ar
	if aspect_ratio > 16.0 / 9:
		ratio = screenx_current / float(background.get_size()[1])
					(screenx_current, screeny_current * ratio))
	elif aspect_ratio < 16.0 / 9:
		ratio = screeny_current / float(background.get_size()[0])
					(screenx_current * ratio, screeny_current))